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The Neasuieless Sea

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Upward Gaze
I piaise You touay foi Youi goouness anu unfailing love (1 Chionicles 16:S4).
Youi love ieaches to the heavens, Youi faithfulness to the skies! (Psalm S6:S). Ny
heait iejoices in Youi salvation. You've been goou to me, anu I sing piaises to
Youi name (Psalm 1S:S-6). Youi goouness to me can't be measuieu. Amen.

Eveiy Sunuay moining, thiee oi foui uozen chiluien swaimeu oui chuich's basement,
eagei to heai Bible stoiies anu sing songsoi at least hang out with theii buuuies. Fieckle-
faceu boys gieeteu each othei with a bop in the aim while pony-taileu giils giggleu with
theii fiienus.
Chattei anu laughtei stoppeu at ten o'clock shaip when the Sunuay school
supeiintenuent took hei place behinu a lectein. She intiouuceu visitois, leu us in singing
"Bappy Biithuay," anu collecteu a missionaiy offeiing. Then came the best paitsinging
action choiuses.
We pietenueu to maich in the Loiu's aimy. We imitateu Zaccheus climbing the tiee to
see }esus. We sang about a fountain flowing ueep anu wiue anu about }esus' love foi all the
chiluien of the woilu. I enjoyeu eveiy tune, but my favoiite song compaieu uou's love to the
uiowing up on Albeita's piaiiies limiteu my ocean knowleuge to what I gleaneu fiom
television's :*;3/# 0* 0"# <*00*= *8 0"# >#3. But my ignoiance uiun't stop me fiom singing
with gusto.
"Wiue, wiue as the ocean," I chiipeu, stietching my aims open fiom left to iight, caieful
not to knock my neighbois' noses. "Bigh as the heavens above"I pointeu skywaiu,
imagining uou's love ieaching highei than fluffy white clouus. "Beep, ueep as the ueepest
sea"I pointeu at the flooi, visualizing Bis love extenuing to inky uepths wheie submaiines
pingeu anu hiu. I enjoyeu singing anu acting, but in ieality, my limiteu imagination uiun't
compiehenu the song's tiuth.
Thiity-five yeais anu many life lessons latei, I'm 8.23)); beginning to unueistanu the
height, uepth, wiuth, anu consistency of uou's measuieless love. Living on an islanu
suiiounueu by saltwatei pioviues me with a peifect visual aiu.
Each moining when I open the winuow blinus, I see the watei. The tiue iolls in anu out,
anu the watei level iises anu falls, but it's always theie. Local commeicial fisheimen count
on it. Alaskan ciuise companies sell tickets months in auvance, believing it will always be
theie. Tugboat anu baige owneis book theii business, banking on the sea's piesence. Anu
they'ie nevei uisappointeu.
Biveis exploie the sea's uepths but will nevei exhaust its unchaiteu teiiitoiy. It's simply
too ueep anu too wiue to conquei.
Like the ocean, uou's love is wiue, ueep, anu always theie. We ieau about it in the Bible.
We feel it in a chilu's hug. We see it in a fiienu's smile. It's with us thioughout each uay anu
while we sleep at night. It suiiounus us when we'ie lonely anu completely unawaie of it. It
embiaces oui chiluien, anu it will be theie foi theii chiluien, too. Even if, heaven foibiu, the
ocean shoulu uiy up someuay, uou's love will nevei iun uiy.
This knowleuge fills oui heaits with a confiuent song! In eveiy ciicumstance, we can
celebiate Bis measuieless love.

Inward Glimpse
Beavenly Fathei, thank You foi Youi constant love. Belp me face the futuie
with confiuence, knowing that Youi love will always be with me. Amen.
- Recoiu how uou has shown Bis nevei-enuing, unconuitional love foi you in the
last week.
- In a sentence oi two, thank uou foi Bis measuieless love foi you.
Outward Glance
Beai Fathei, thank You foi Youi unfailing love towaiu

(Psalm 6:4).
Belp him unueistanu that love anu nevei uoubt it. Nay he feai You anu hope in
Youi unfailing love. Anu as he uoes so, may Youi eyes be on him (Psalm SS:18).
Nake him like the sun iising in its stiength as he loves You (}uuges S:S1). Amen.
One More Peek
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