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Comprehension Aspect Cluster 1 M1 M2 I can make connections between stories and my own life.

. I can retell parts of familiar stories.

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 2 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 I can retell a story from beginning to end with some help. I can remember some of the pictures in a story book. I can think about what might happen next in a story. I can tell you what I think about a story. I can talk about information in factual texts.

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 3 M1 M2 M3 M4 I can begin to understand that some meaning is hidden in the text (inferred meaning). I can retell a story in the correct order (beginning, middle and end) by myself. I can remember lots of details from the pictures in a story book. I can use the pictures in factual texts to help me understand. Comprehension Aspect Cluster 4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 I can answer a question by thinking about the hidden meaning in the story (inferred meaning). I can talk about the main ideas in story books and factual texts. I can understand texts by making connections between the pictures and the words. I can talk about the things a character does in a story. I can find important facts in books and on the screen to help me understand a topic.

Hamilton Public School 2013

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 5 M1 M2 M3 I can answer questions about a character by expressing my opinion. I can find and discuss the hidden meaning in texts (inferred meaning). I can find information in factual texts by using the contents page or screen icons.

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 6 M1 M2 I can retell a story or film by talking about the setting, characters, complication and resolution. I understand that media texts can be looked at from different points of view. I understand that I can find information about one topic M3 from a variety of places (e.g. books, websites, posters, graphs etc.) M4 I can think about why a character behaves the way they do in a story.

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 7 M1 M2 M3 M4 I can talk about texts by thinking about my own experiences. I can discuss the point of view of a text. I can discuss how visual images work with words to help texts make sense. I can skim/scan texts to see if my predictions were right. I can skim/scan texts to answer questions.

Hamilton Public School 2013

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 8 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 I can think about prior knowledge and experience to make sense of text. I can justify my predictions about section of text I can understand a text by using organisation features such as headings and subheadings I can draw conclusions by using clues in the text I can identify more than one perspective or point of view when in a text I can explain the main idea in text I can retell using key events I can visualise in my head the ideas in a text

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 9 M1 M2 M3 M4 I can build understanding by discussing possible consequences and events during reading. I can tell the difference between inferred meaning and literal meaning. I can understand the meaning of a text by getting information from different parts of the text. I can understand that texts can present different perspectives. I can identify and interpret main ideas and important M5 information in a text. I can use main ideas and important information to retell a text. I can identify visual techniques in a text. M6 I can identify aural techniques in a text. I can identify written techniques in a text.
Hamilton Public School 2013

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 10 M1 I can interpret a text by inferring connections, causes and consequences while reading. I can interpret texts by discussing the differences M2 between literal and inferred meanings. I can respond to texts by discussing the differences between literal and inferred meanings. M3 M4 I can identify ways texts present different perspectives I can compare accuracy and credibility of a text by comparing texts on a similar topic. I can analyse texts by discussing the way language M5 features and structures shape meaning. I can respond to texts by discussing the way language features and structures shape meaning.

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 11 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 I can understand how inference is used in a text. I can reread text to find supporting evidence. I can respond to a different point of view in a text. I can look at how audience, purpose and context influence text. I can create a summary that demonstrates thorough understanding of different views and values in a text. I can identify grammatical techniques used in a text and explain their impact on the audience. I can understand how a topic can be presented in a range of texts.

Hamilton Public School 2013

Comprehension Aspect Cluster 12 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 I can justify hidden meaning using evidence. I can interpret text by creating a personal response in a variety of presentations. I can analyse a wide range of text and compare how ideas are presented. I can explain how different texts show different points of view. I can discuss multiple purposes within the one text. I can use different texts to summarise a topic. I can understand how language features of the text affect the reader. I can understand how visual images create meaning by comparing texts on the same topic.

Hamilton Public School 2013

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