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Evangelical Covenant

5405 Hart Lane NW Bemidji, MN 56601


Permit No. 17 Bemidji, MN 56601

Palm Sunday Celebration!

Our children - age 3 through 5th grade - helped us celebrate Palm Sunday on March 24. They livened up both church services with songs and bringing in palms. As always we were blessed by having them come and share their talents with us!

Celebrating Life @ The Covenant

A Report on What God is doing through the Ministries of The Covenant March 2013

For three years Torry Swedberg and I (Dennis Peterson) have taught Bible Buddies (Covenant Kids) starting with first graders. We both decided we enjoyed our group of kids so much at the end of the year that we asked if we could follow them into second grade and again this year as third graders. We have grown to love these kids and have built a strong relationship with them.

Take A Break Night

Kids cant wait and parents get a break!
Kids cant wait to be dropped off at Church on Take a Break Nights. With a big smiles on their faces parents provide good-bye hugs for their kids and then they are off to do whatever they want for 3 hours without their kids! Take a Break Night is a win, win for the entire family. Once a month, October - May, parents, grandparents or primary care givers are invited to drop the kids off at the church for the evening (6:00 - 9:00 p.m.). The kids are cared for, fed and have a great time. There is no cost for this event. Parents are encouraged to use the time for a date, shopping or just some down time. I heard one child say this about Take a Break Night, Take a Break Night is awesome, I get to play games in the gym with my friends, watch a favorite movie and eat pizza, my favorite food! Parent comments: Thanks for providing this for our family! This is one event our kids look forward to. Our kids cant wait for the next Take a Break Night. I really appreciate that this church is sensitive to the practical needs of our family. We do need a break from our kids and our kids need a break from us. Thanks for creating a safe and fun atmosphere for our children and an opportunity for us as parents to refill our tanks! Angie Walsh (Director of Take a Break Night) said this about her leadership experience, The kids are all so happy when they show up and parents say that the kids remind them all week that Friday is Take a Break night! They love playing in the gym or watching movies, but I think they really just like hanging out with their friends. Everyone has a great time that night - the kids, the parents and the wonderful group of volunteers I get to work with.

Talking privately, Torry and I decided this would be the year that we would talk with each of the kids about asking Jesus into their hearts. How? We began several weeks ago by asking the kids, What is the greatest decision you will ever make? The kids had lots of responses including who they would marry, etc. On Wednesday night February 6, we asked again, What is the biggest decision you will ever make? The next day my wife, Nancy, and I were watching our grandkids and my grandson, Ashton, who is in our Covenant Kids class asked me, Papa, what is the biggest decision we will ever make? I said, Ashton do you want to know now? He replied he did and I told him about how all people are sinners and that we must ask Jesus to forgive us and come into our lives. We must make the decision whether or not to ask Jesus to save us. Ashtons response was immediate Can I do it now? My heart jumped and I said, Absolutely! We prayed together and Ashton asked Jesus to come into his heart and with tears in his eyes, and mine too, he accepted Christ as his Savior. The Lord is good. Covenant Kids is a great opportunity to share the love of Christ with many, many kids. Just stop by the church on a Wednesday night and see for yourself, people are learning, growing, and coming to know Jesus. Keep the kids and the teachers in your prayers.

ACB Wild Game Night

In the month of March Adventurous Christian Brothers had a Wild Game Night. The length of the courtyard was lined with tables filled with an assortment of mystery dishes, though all foods were labeled. Some of the dishes that came maybe were labeled Wild Boar but tasted and looked like ham or one plate that had listed the Latin name and a long description but in the fine print stated it was Turkey. Behind all of this was a lot of laughs, great conversation and at the end of the evening a challenge by the ACB leadership. To this date 50 guys have committed to the Man Up challenge. Not Cowboy Up where our culture encourages men to do it on their own but 50 guys willing to man up with another guy for 20 conversations by next falls Mens Retreat. The goal - to strength our male spiritual friendships. Guys of all ages have either chosen to meet with another guy they have wanted to get to know but havent, or a set of guys who dont know each other and are game to meet 20 times. Woodie Cousins attended the Wild Game night and happened to be sitting at the table with Gene Dillon. They did not know each other but had a great time at the table and after hearing the challenge decided to start meeting. Here is what Woody has to say about their time. I've been attending ECC for nearly 10 years, but time and distance has been my justification for not getting involved in any personal relationships (Woody and his wife Kim live just outside of Thief River Falls). The Wild Game dinner was a turning point for me. I sat across from Gene Dillon and asked him if he would like to meet and talk about the Real Life Field Guide. He said yes and now we meet on Saturday mornings. I look forward to meeting Gene for breakfast. It is incredible how much we have in common; we are both career soldiers (even though he was in the wrong service). But what really sealed it for me was our agreement that our conversations stay between the two of us. I haven't had that sort of relationship with anyone for years. It's good to talk about concerns and get honest opinions from a brother, and sometime we actually look at the Field Guide. We are looking forward to summer when we can work our way through the guide while we catch a few walleyes. We are planning on inviting our wives soon and possibly doing some things together. God is good. Clayton "Woodie" Cousins It is not too late if you have been inspired by Woodie and Genes example and the another 50 guys wanting to champion building stronger male friendships in the church. ACB is committed to helping men develop friendships that form futures. Contact Pastor Dean at if you are wanting in on this or you would like to see the Field Guide.

Keeping Our Community Healthy!

Have you ever wondered why we always seem to have boxes sitting in the back entryway? Those boxes come from the Second Harvest North Central Food Bank and are distributed to seniors who qualify for a commodity supplemental food program called NAPS (Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors). Our church became a distribution site for the program 9 years ago and hundreds of people have benefited from receiving the boxes which contain nutritious food to supplement a healthy diet. We have over 130 people who receive the boxed every month. This is a very important outreach program and service to our community. Several people in our church have volunteered countless hours to keep this program going. What a blessing you have been to the people who rely on this program.

God is Doing Amazing Things at FUEL!!!

God is doing amazing things at FUEL, Wednesday nights here at the Covenant. With more than 150 students in three separate teaching groups, one-on-one ministry becomes of vital importance to their growth and relationships. This is done by our small group leaders- 30 men and women who have volunteered to be mentors and leaders following their group of kids from 6th grade through graduation, walking beside them, speaking good and Godly words into their lives. Laurie Komnik is one of our small group leaders with 9th grade girls. New to the position this year, she feels strongly about the impact an adult mentor can have in the life of a teen. She has thrown herself enthusiastically into the role, and the girls have responded wholeheartedly, texting and chatting at all hours. You will often see Laurie in church surrounded by her girls, having as much fun as they are. But it goes deeper than that, much deeper. When the girls have a crisis, Laurie is there to help them through. And when they have cause to celebrate, she is standing beside them. Two of her girls were baptized in February and Laurie was holding their towels, grinning from ear to ear. If you ask her, she will tell you that her girls are a gift from God to her and the smiles on the girls will tell you they agree. But she cautions people thinking about working with the youth, If you are considering jumping into this ministry, make sure it is what God has for you. It isnt just a Wednesday night thing, but its worth it. Mark Bessler and his group of 10th grade guys are a living testimony of Gods work. When Mark was first approached about being a small group leader he was concerned on whether or not he could really be committed and also if this was something that God was calling him to do. There has been visible growth within Mark's group of guys as well as in his own life. When the group first began the kids were hesitant to be real and let their guard down. God has worked in the lives of these kids in such a way that they are bringing others to join with them and also are at a place where they aren't afraid to share who they are and be real with the group. God has also shown up in answering the prayers of not only Mark but the students as well. Mark has grown personally by being a part of these kids lives because of their desire to know Christ and also have their friends know Christ. Different perspectives have also been a growing point for Mark. We all have experienced life differently and there is no absence of diversity in this 10th grade group. Anyone who is looking to partner with this ministry with their time will be challenged. But the time invested in the lives of students is priceless to them and God will certainly use you where you are if you allow him to. If youd like to join the Student Life Team, contact Pastor Jim at the church office by phone at (218)751-3699, or email him at

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