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Heroes Base Stats HP: 6 AP:3 Skill:3 Magic: 3 Talents: 3 At each level (including first), ou !

a increase an t"o stats # $ (HP increases # % for ever &oint)' Gaining Levels (P: )*$+ %)*-+ 6)*$$+ $%)*$++ %))*%++ 3))*.$+ ,evel ) ,evel $ ,evel % ,evel 3 ,evel . ,evel -

/aces Hu!an: 0$ talent 1lf: 0$ skill 2"arf: 0% HP 3no!e: 0$ !agic Halfling: 0$ AP Talents Mediu! Ar!a!ents: 4ou !a use !ediu! "argear Heav Ar!a!ents: /e5uires Mediu! Ar!a!ents' 4ou !a use heav "argear 6uick Ste&: 4ou gain 0% AP each turn that !ust #e s&ent on !ove!ent' ,ight Ste&: /e5uires 6uick Ste&' 4ou treat ar!or as one categor lighter for deter!ining &ivoting costs S&ellcaster: 4ou learn t"o s&ells and gain t"o !ana' 17&anded ,ore: /e5uires S&ellcaster' 4ou learn t"o s&ells' This talent !a #e taken !ulti&le ti!es' Arcane /eserves: /e5uires S&ellcaster' 4ou gain t"o !ana' This talent !a #e taken !ulti&le ti!es' 8o!!and: ou !a convert u& to t"o of our AP into 8P' 3reater 8o!!and: /e5uires 8o!!and' 4ou !a convert an a!ount of our AP into 8P' Melee s&ecialist: 4ou gain 0% offense "hile attacking "ith !elee "ea&ons' Brutalit : /e5uires Melee S&ecialist' 4ou no" trigger #rutal on a 9 or higher' 8leave: /e5uires Brutalit ' :f ou successfull kill our target, #ut still have attacks left fro! #rutal triggers, ou !a !ake those e7tra attacks at an ti!e during our re!aining turn against another ene! ' Attacks not !ade # the end of the turn are lost' ;&&ortune strike: /e5uires Melee S&ecialist' 4ou !a , once &er turn "hile "ielding a reach "ea&on, !ake a free !elee attack against an ene! that atte!&ts to &ass through our attack range' Ske"er: /e5uires o&&ortune strike' <hen !aking a !elee attack against an ad=acent foe, "hen "ielding a reach "ea&on, ou !a choose to also attack an target directl #ehind the !ain target in the sa!e action' /anged s&ecialist: 4ou gain 0% offense "hile attacking "ith ranged "ea&ons' Sna& shot: /e5uires /anged s&ecialist' 4our first shot each turn "ith a #o" costs ) AP, #ut is !ade at *$ skill' 2eadl ai!: /e5uires Sna& shot' :f an of our #o" attacks are a + or higher, ou don>t have to roll against ar!or and ou inflict t"o "ounds' /eadied reload: /e5uires /anged s&ecialist' The first ti!e ou reload our cross#o" each turn, it costs ) AP' Penetrating shot: /e5uires /eadied /eload' :f our cross#o" attack hits, ou !a roll ar!or against #oth our initial target

and an targets in a straight line #ehind it, #ut each target gets 0$ ar!or for each target it has to travel through' 2efensive s&ecialist: 4ou gain 0% ar!or' Shield #lock: /e5uires 2efensive s&ecialist' <hen using a shield, ene!ies that are attacking our front in !elee or ranged co!#at treat their skill as one less' Shield cover: /e5uires Shield #lock' <hen "ielding a shield, ou treat flank attacks as if the "ere to our front, and rear attacks as if the "ere to our flank' Skilled Parr : /e5uires 2efensive S&ecialist' 4ou no" trigger &arr on a 9 or higher' /i&ose: /e5uires Skilled Parr ' <henever ou successfull &arr , ou !a !ake a free attack against the target' ?avored 1ne! : 8hoose a faction' <hen fighting units of that faction, ou ignore their racial s&ecial a#ilit ' Ma #e taken !ulti&le ti!es, each ti!e choosing a different faction' ?oe Hunter: /e5uires ?avored 1ne! ' 8hoose a faction ou have chosen as a favored ene! ' 4ou get 0$ skill, 0$ offense, and 0$ defense "hile fighting that faction' Alche!ist: ou get t"ice as !an &otions and #ottled fires than nor!al, and !a !i7 three &otions of the sa!e t &e to get a !ore &o"erful version that dou#les the #onus' Specializations: 1ach character !a choose a single s&eciali@ation at $st level, and reflects the characterAs &referred st le' Blade!aster: 0$ skill, 0$ AP, cannot "ield shields, ranged "ea&ons, or heav ar!or' Berserker: the "arrior gets *% ar!or, #ut !a reroll all failed attack rolls' :ron <arrior: The "arrior get *% to offense, #ut ene!ies !ust reroll successful attack rolls against hi!' Battle 2ancer: 0$ offense and defense for each s5uare !oved #e ond the first' Stone 3uardian: 0% offense and ar!or, *$ for each s5uare !oved' Skir!isher: /anged "ea&ons no" have a !a7 range of 6 s5uares, #ut ou !a !ake a free !ove "ith ever shot' Sni&er: :n an turn in "hich ou don>t !ove, ou !ake ranged attacks at our skill, rather than half our skill' S"ash#uckler: 0% ar!or against !elee attacks in our front so long as ou are "ielding onl a one handed !elee "ea&on and nothing in our other ar!' Additionall , ou !a dra" t"o cards "hen &arr ing and &ick the higher' Scout: <hen entering a roo!, ou !a dra" t"o roo! cards and &ick "hich one resolves' Additionall , ou count as guarding entrances u& to $) s5uares a"a ' Thief: 03 AP, *$ skill, !a &ick u& ite!s for free, and !a ignore an tra& cards' Master of ele!ents: 0$ to dra"s "hen casting 1le!ental s&ells' Master of life: 0$ to dra"s "hen casting ,ife s&ells' Master of death: 0$ to dra"s "hen casting 2eath s&ells' Master of realit : 0$ to dra"s "hen casting /ealit s&ells' Mana ?eed: 4ou !a s&end $ !ana to get 0$ to dra"s for one s&ell' This a#ilit cost no AP, and can #e used re&eatedl to cast devastating s&ells at a ver stee& cost' :ns&iring Presence: 4ou !a dra" a card each turn' 4ou generate 8P e5ual to the value on the card, #ut this a!ount is reduced # one for each "ound currentl on the co!!ander' ,ead # 17a!&le: 1ver "ound ou inflict adds $ 8P' 4ou cannot gain 8P this "a if our attack "as granted # a 8P' Parting 3ift: :f defeated, the co!!ander grants his allies a final $) 8P' Bnlike regular 8P, these carr over fro! turn to turn, and can #e used at an ti!e during the rest of the !ission' Battlefield Tactics' The 8o!!ander can s&end $ AP to grant all allies "ithin 6 s5uares 0$ skill until ne7t turn' This does not stack "ith itself' Ceteran: The co!!ander, u&on taking this class feature, can o&t to take u& to four in=uries' 1ach in=ur gives the co!!ander one instance of the favored ene! talent' Additionall , an all "ithin 6 s5uares also #enefits fro! the veteran>s favored ene! , "hether gained fro! this talent or ac5uired later in his career'

1ne!ies Beasts Ar! rule: /ake' 1ach successful "ound caused # a #east &uts a rake counter on the victi!' ;n the victi!>s ne7t turn, the !ust roll a dra" a card for each rake counter, and take a "ound on a $*.' At the end of each turn, re!ove $ rake counter Da!e Badger ?o7 <olf Boar H ena ,ion Tiger Bear 1le&hant 8ost $ % 3 . 6 9 E + HP $ 3 3 9 9 9 9 + + AP 3 . . . . . Skill 3 3 3 3 3 . . 2efense /ules 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 + 0% ;ffense 0. ;ffense 0. ;ffense 0. ;ffense 06 ;ffense 0E ;ffense

Bndead Ar! rule: The Bnd ing: <henever an undead suffers a "ound, dra" a card' ;n a 9 or higher, that "ound is ignored Da!e Fo!#ie Skeleton 3houl Decro!ancer <raith Banshee 2eath Gnight Ca!&ire ,ich 8ost $ % 3 . 6 9 E + HP 3 $ 3 % . . AP % 3 . 3 . 3 . 6 . Skill % . 3 3 . 3 6 3 2efense /ules 3 3 . 9 . E 9 6 Battlea7 Short#o" 1ach successful "ound reduces AP # $ Magic ., S&ellcaster 3reats"ord Magic -, S&ellcaster, 17&anded ,ore, Arcane /eserves 3reata7, !elee s&ecialist, Brutalit 3reats"ord, Heals $ "ound for each "ound inflicted Magic -, S&ellcaster, 17&anded ,ore, Arcane /eserves, Master of 2eath, 8o!!and, 3reater 8o!!and

2e!ons Ar! rule: :nfernal #lades' 1ach "ound inflicted # a de!on &laces a curse counter on the target' 1ach turn, each &la er "ith a curse token !ust dra" a card' ;n a $ or, that &la er loses $ AP' 8urse counters can onl #e re!oved # the &urif s&ell' Da!e :!& 1nv 2e!on Sloth 2e!on 3reed 2e!on 8ost $ % 3 . HP $ $ 3 3 AP . . % 6 Skill % % % 3 2efense /ules 3 3 3 ,ong#o" Magic ., S&ellcaster 3reata7

,ust 2e!on <rath 2e!on Pride 2e!on ,ord of Sin

9 E +

3 $3 3 +

. % . 6

. . 6 3 9

9 + +

Sni&er, ,ong#o" 3reata7 3reata7 Magic 6, S&ellcaster, 17&anded ,ore, Arcane /eserves, :ns&iring Presence 3reata7,

3lutton 2e!on 6

Bandits Ar! rule: Sli&&er foe: Heroes have *$ skills "hile attackingH ene!ies attacking #andits at range !ust reroll successful hits' Da!e ?oot&ad Thief 8utthroat Hedge Mage Mercenar Murderer Assassin /ogue <i@ard Bandit Ging Heart:) 2ia!ond:0$3 8lu#:0%6 S&ade: 03+ 8ost $ % 3 . 6 9 E + HP $ $ $ 3 3 9 AP 3 3 3 . . 9 9 Skill 3 . 3 % . 3 6 2efense /ules 3 3 3 9 9 Short#o" ,ongs"ord Magic 3, S&ellcaster, 1nchanced /eserves ,ongs"ord, Skilled Parr Battlea7, 6uick Ste& ,ongs"ord, 6uickste&, deals dou#le da!age "hen flanking, tri&le "hen rear attacking Magic 6, S&ellcaster, 17&anded ,ore, Master of 1le!ents 3reata7' :ns&iring Presence

$ % 3 . 6 9 E + $) $$ $% $3 $. $$6 $9 $E

$ % $'$ 3 %'$ $'$'$ . 3'$ %'% %'$'$ $'$'$'$ .'$ 3'% 3'$'$ %'%'$ %'$'$'$ $'$'$'$'$

%E %+ 3) 3$ 3% 33 3. 336 39 3E 3+ .) .$ .% .3 .. .-

%'$'$'$'$ 9 6'$ -'% -'$'$ .'3 .'%'$ .'$'$'$ 3'%'% 3'%'$'$ 3'$'$'$'$ %'%'%'$ %'%'$'$'$ E 9'$ 6'% 6'$'$ -'3

--6 -9 -E -+ 6) 6$ 6% 63 6. 666 69 6E 6+ 9) 9$ 9%

3'%'%'$ 3'%'$'$'$ %'%'%'% %'%'%'$'$ + E'$ 9'% 9'$'$ 6'3 6'%'$ 6'$'$'$ -'. -'3'$ -'%'% -'%'$'$ -'$'$'$'$ .'.'$ .'3'%

$+ %) %$ %% %3 %. %%6 %9

6 -'$ .'% .'$'$ 3'3 3'%'$ 3'$'$'$ %'%'% %'%'$'$

.6 .9 .E .+ -) -$ -% -3 -.

-'%'$ -'$'$'$ .'. .'3'$ .'%'% .'%'$'$ .'$'$'$'$ 3'3'% 3'3'$'$

93 9. 996 99 9E 9+ E) E$

.'3'$'$ .'%'%'$ .'%'$'$'$ 3'3'3 3'3'%'$ 3'3'$'$'$ 3'%'%'% 3'%'%'$'$ %'%'%'%'$

Magic S&ells cost $ AP to cast, cannot #e cast "ith 8P, have a range of 6, and do not re5uire line of sight' Additionall , s&ells that affect attri#utes (other than HP) donAt stackH ou instead &ick the highest of the t"o results' 1le!ental S&ells Hungr ?ire: 2eals $ "ound for each 60' <ildfire: ;ne s5uare for each 90 gains a fire counter' An !odel atte!&ting to enter a s5uare "ith a fire counter takes an auto!atic "ound' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' at the end of each turn, re!ove one fire counter fro! the field' :c Burst: /educes targetAs AP # $ for each .0' 8hilling ?ield: ;ne s5uare for each -0 gains an ice counter' An !odel that atte!&ts to s&end AP or 8P in an affected s5uare !ust s&end one e7tra AP or 8P for each action' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' at the end of each turn, re!ove one ice counter fro! the field' Might 3ust: Moves target u& to $ s&ace for each .0' 4ou can also use this !ove!ent to rotate targets, at $ s5uare &er +) degree turn' Beneficial <inds: ;ne s5uare for each .0 gains a "ind counter' Allied !odels that !ove through tiles "ith "ind counters onl s&end half as !uch AP !oving through the!, "hile ene!ies !ust s&end dou#le' Additionall , ranged "ea&ons get the sa!e #enefit (dou#le range for allies, half range for ene!ies)' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ "ind counter' 1arthen <all: 8reates a "all that occu&ies $ s5uare, "ith $ HP for each 9 or higher, and can #e attacked as if it "ere a door' Pitfall:;ne s5uare for each .0 gains a earth counter' Do !odel !a end its !ove on a s5uare "ith a earth counter' Models that do end u& on a tile "ith a earth counter on their s5uare (either #ecause it "as su!!oned #eneath the! or the "ere &ushed on to it) !ust s&end all availa#le AP to reach a safe s5uare or #e re!oved' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ earth counter' ,ife S&ells Bestial Cigor: 3rants 0$ AP and ;ffense for each -0' <ild 3ro"th: ;ne s5uare for each -0 gains a life counter' An !odel on a tile "ith a life counter cannot !ake !ove actions, #ut !a turn as nor!al' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ life counter' Mending Touch: Heals $ "ound for each 60' 8an #e used to heal do"ned allies, #ut then onl heals on a +0' <arded Steel: 3rants 0$ 2efense for each 30' :!#ue: Place a shield counter on the target for each .0' <henever the target "ould take a "ound, ignore that "ound and re!ove a shield counter instead' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ shield counter' S&ore :nfestation: :f the target has fe"er re!aining "ounds than ou dre" 9As or higher, the target i!!ediatel falls under our control' 8leanse: /e!ove $ counter of an t &e for each .0' This can also #e used to re!ove !utations, #ut !ust roll a 60' Ani!alistic Aid: Ma su!!on an ani!al "ith cost e5ual to the nu!#er of $)As dra"n' 2eath S&ells Affliction: 2eals $ "ound for each 90' :f at least % "ounds are inflicted, the s&ell I#ouncesJ to another target, #ut "ith % less !agic' Heart Sto&: :f the target has fe"er re!aining "ounds than ou dre" .As or higher, the target dies i!!ediatel ' <eaken: Target gets *$ A& and ;ffense for each -0' Poison: Put $ &oison counter on the target for each 60' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ &oison counter' Mias!a: ;ne s5uare for each 60 gains a death counter' An !odel that takes an action "hile in a s5uare "ith a death counter auto!aticall receives a &oison counter' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' At the end of each turn, re!ove $ death counter' ?ear: Put $ fear counter on the target for each -0' Models "ith fear counters !ust s&end at least $ AP &er fear counter atte!&ting to !ove further a"a fro! the ene! ' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ fear counter' ,ife 2rain: 2eals $ "ound for each 90, and heals $ HP for each "ound inflicted' Decro!anc : Ma su!!on an undead "ith cost e5ual to the nu!#er of $)As dra"n' /ealit S&ells Haste: 3rants 0$ AP and skill for each 60' Slo": Target gets *$ A& and skill for each 60' Pro#a#ilit 8ontrol: Bntil our ne7t turn, ou !a force an dice rolled "ithin range to #e rerolled, to a !a7i!u! of one reroll for each -0' Pre!onition: 3ain 0$ 8P for each 90' Ti!e 2istortion ?ield: ;ne s5uare for each 60 gains a ti!e counter' Allies in a s5uare "ith a ti!e counter can take t"o

actions for each AP, "hile ene!ies !ust s&end % AP for each action' All s5uares !ust #e ad=acent' At the end of each turn, re!ove $ death counter' Ti!e Stasis: Put a stasis counter on the target for each -0' Models "ith at least $ stasis counter cannot take an actions, #ut are i!!une to all other effects, including da!age' at the end of each turn, re!ove $ stasis counter' <or!hole: 8hoose a s5uare, and &ut $ "or!hole counter on that s5uare for each 30' An !odel that !oves onto a s5uare "ith a "or!hole can choose to instantl tele&ort to an other s5uare on the !a& that also has a "or!hole counter, re!oving one such counter fro! #oth s5uares' At the end of each turn, re!ove $ "or!hole counter' Touch of Ti!e: Target gets $ age counter for each E0' Targets "ith age counters get *$ ;ffense, AP, and skill for each age counter, and if at an ti!e the have as !an age counters as the have re!aining "ounds, the instantl die' /e!ove one age counter each turn'

Equipment: <ea&ons: Da!e 8ost <argear ,evel Mediu! Heav Mediu! Heav Mediu! Heav ,ight ,ight Mediu! Heav ,ight Mediu! 3reat <ea&on Short#o" ,ong#o" ,ight 8ross#o" Heav 8ross#o" /ules

,ongs"ord 3reats"ord Battlea7e 3reata7e S&ear Pike 8lu# Staff Short#o" ,ong#o" ,ight 8ross#o" Heav 8ross#o"

$) $) $) ) ) $) %) $3)

Parr 3reat <ea&on, Parr Brutal 3reat <ea&on, Brutal /each 3reat <ea&on, /each

Parr : ?or each successful hit against ou, roll a dice' ;n an E, that attack is negated' Brutal: ?or each attack that rolls an E, ou !a !ake an additional attack' These e7tra attacks can trigger additional attacks' /each: Ma attack fro! % s5uares a"a ' 3reat <ea&on: 3reat "ea&ons use u& #oth hands, #ut get 0$ attack' Short#o": *$ attack, range $% ,ong#o":0$ attack, range $6 ,ight cross#o": 0% attack, #ut !ust reload #et"een each shot for $ AP' /ange $% Heav cross#o": 0. attack, #ut !ust reload #et"een each shot for $ AP' /ange $6 Ar!or: T &e 8ost <argear ,evel Ar!or

8loth ,eather 8hain Hide Scale Half&late ?ull&late Shield Misc gear Da!e Healer>s kit Bottled ?ire

) $) $%) 3) -) -

Done ,ight ,ight Mediu! Mediu! Heav Heav Mediu!

% 3 . 6 9 E 0$

8ost $) $) $) $) $$%) %) $)

Potion of Health Potion of Mana Potion of S"iftness Potion of Might Potion of Skill Potion of Magic Stone of /ecall, lesser Stone of /ecall

Stone of /ecall, 3reater Scroll


Healers kit: 8an #e used $) ti!es for $ a& each' 1ach use re!oves one "ound fro! an ad=acent all ' 8annot #e used on self' Bottled ?ire: co!es in &acks of three' 1ach use fills a single roo! "ithin 6 s5uares "ith #urning e!#ers for one turn' All characters in said roo! take $ auto!atic "ound, and an additional "ound if the atte!&t to !ove through it' Potion of Health: co!es in &acks of three' 8an #e drunk for $AP, and heals % "ounds fro! the drinker' Potion of Mana: 8o!es in &acks of three' 8an #e drunk for $AP, restoring $ !ana to the drinker' Potion of S"iftness: co!es in &acks of three' 8an #e drunk for $AP, and gives the drinker 0$ AP for three turns' Potion of Might: co!es in &acks of three' 8an #e drunk for $AP, and gives the drinker 0% to attack for three turns' Potion of Skill: co!es in &acks of three' 8an #e drunk for $AP, and gives the drinker 0% skill for three turns Potion of Magic: 8o!es in &acks of three' 8an #e drunk for $AP, and gives the drinker 0% !agic for three turns' Stone of /ecall: Allo"s ou to i!!ediatel esca&e the dungeon' The lesser stone has a -)L chance of causing an in=ur "hen used, and the greater stone also allo"s ou to take ad=acent allies "ith ou' ;ne use' Scroll: Scrolls are !agical ite!s that can re&licate !agic' <hen &urchased, a s&ell !ust #e chosen, and so !ust a !agic level' The scroll cost - for ever % !agic levels, to a !a7 of %- at !agic level $)' The scroll can onl #e used once, and costs $ AP to use' 1nchant!ents Da!es S"iftness <arding Arcane /einforced /egenerating Cicious Parr ing 8ost %) %%%-) %) %1nchants Ar!or Ar!or Ar!or Ar!or Ar!or <ea&on <ea&on 1ffect 0$ AP 0$ 2efense 0$ Mana 0% HP 2ra" a card each turn' ;n a +0, ou heal $HP 0$ ;ffense 3rants &arr rule if not alread &ossessedH other"ise 0$ to &arr




3rants #rutal rule if not alread &ossessedH other"ise 0$ to #rutal 3rants reach rule if not alread &ossessedH other"ise 0$ reach 1ach successful attack causes % "ounds'




Sla ing



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