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Climate graph needed show monthly average temperatures, precipitation for the country or different regions.

. Does the country have two or more different climates zones? Seaside, vs. mountains etc. Any interesting weather or climatic occurrences Natural disasters related to water

Carrie Harris, Fall 2013 NREM 211 Water Resources, Professor Jarka Popovicova, Ball State University
Egypt is located on the North East corner of Africa. Its main source of water is The Nile River, and it borders the Mediterranean on the North, and The Red Sea on the East. This countries water supply suffers from many sources of point and non-point pollution. Egypt's gross domestic debts rose by almost 24% in the fiscal year 2012/13, reaching approximately $217.8 billion, according to the Central Bank of Egypt's (CBE). The public debt in Egypt is 88% of GDP. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, Egypt scored 64% out of 177 countries. The corruption level in Egypt is a 31 (on a 100 point scale), being relatively corrupt. In comparison, US is at a 73 corruption level, and 19 out of 177. Egypt is mainly a republic. In July 2013, the constitution of Egypt was suspended and the president, Morsi was expelled from office. The chief justice of Egypt has taken power during this time and has set a date for early presidential elections.

Water Sanitation
Access to Improved Sanitation (2008)

Water Usage
Freshwater Usage, Egypt (2010)


8% 6%


% of Population



Urban Rural

Domestic Use Industrial Use Agricultural Use




Climate & Weather

Average Temperature and Precipitation,Cairo Egypt




Water-related Diseases
0.6 0.5

30 25 20 Temperature (C) 15 10 5 0

Water Availability
Average Water Footprint Per Capita

Frequency of registered diseases

Precipitation (cm)

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Temperature (C) Rainfall (cm)

0.34 Tetanus

0.54 Measles

0.09 Meningitis Hebatitis Typhyod

The climate of Egypt varies dramatically. The climate ranges from Mediterranean climate in the North to arid dry climate in the South. For the most part, however, the climate is desert. The Summers are hot and dry and the winters are moderate. At the very north of Egypt the annual precipitation may be as high as 20 cm/year, while in the south of the country it may be less than .1 cm/year. These as well as the temperature are affected by the geographical location, with the Mediterranean in the North and landlocked in the South. The Nile River floods every year. Without this, many people would starve every year, as it is important in the production of crops along the river.

The agricultural drains often contain high bacteria . As a result, the drain water is not beneficial for human health. There is a high risk for water borne diseases. Most of the health problems in the Aswan Govermorate are a result of poor standards of sanitation and hygiene. According to Maggie Black and Jannet King, in 2002, in the USA less than 0.1% of deaths are caused by lack of sanitation and hygiene, while 2.6%-5.0% of deaths in resulted in Egypt and Jordan because of these things.

Per hundred thousand








Current Issue
According to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROFILE OF ASWAN $200 GOVERNORATE, in 2003, In Aswan Governorate there are quite a few agricultural drains that discharge into $180 the River Nile. Agricultural drains receive all types of $160 wastewater and some of them are quite polluted. $140 Domestic wastewater is a significant source of pollution caused by nutrients, oxygen demanding $120 organic compounds and suspended solids, and is $100 practically the source of bacteria and other $80 pathogens (disease causing organisms). About one third of the wastewater produced by households in $60 Aswan Governorate, estimated at 46,250 m3 /day, is $40 treated. The other two thirds, about 84,315 m3/d, is $20 discharged without any treatment. There are many cities and villages that do not even have wastewater $1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 treatment plants at all. The graph above shows investment per year that the Middle East and North Africa have used towards sanitation and other water purification projects. Although their investment has significantly increased since the 1990s, more needs to be invested in order for quality of life to increase in this area. One way this can happen is by informing the public of this issue. People cannot act if they are uninformed. The Egyptian government also needs to organize its finances and resources so that can invest in its countries water.
Investment in Sewage Projects


Water Access

Access to Improved Drinking Water (2008)

102 100 98 % of Population 96 94 92 90 88 86 Egypt USA Jordan Rural Urban

Millions of $

Overall, Egypt is a hydrologically challenged country. Most of this country gets little to almost no rain all year round. As a result, farmers irrigate to have enough water for their crops. Egypt irrigates more than 75% of its land (as opposed to the US which irrigates 10-24% of its land). Although this countries water is so scarce, the water that can be found is often quite contaminated, highly due to industrial and agricultural runoff. Although the statistics may often sound grim, Egypt is on track with the Millennium Development Goal. This was an international effort, set upon by the UN in 2000. The purpose of this was to reduce poverty and promote development through improved water sanitation. To further promote water sanitation in Egypt I would recommend waste water treatment plants be built in cities and villages where there are none. It is important that available funding be spent not on expanding sanitation for the rich (as is often the case), but giving the poorer, rural communities a fighting chance at sanitation and health.

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