2010 Kazakhstan Health Assessment Issue 6

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This article was originally published in the Russian language in Health and Illness (!"#$#%&' (
)#*'+,&) 2010, No 6 (91). It was translated and edited in Almaty, Kazakhstan and is published
with permission of the authors and original publisher: Sharmanov T. Sh., President of the
Kazakh Academy of Nutrition. The full Russian text is available at http://kan-

MCnl1C8lnC lCCu CCnSuM1lCn, nu18l1lCnAL S1A1L, Anu 1PL S1A1uS Cl SCPCCL CPlLu8Ln ln
ALMA1? ln 2010
1. Sharmanov, M. Aydzhanov, C. 8erdenova, A kozhakhmoLova, M. 8aubekova, n. Mamykova,
C. Mubarkhan, n. Amandykova, Sh. 8olekbay, A. Zhambyrbayev, A. kussalnova, C. Mukanova, A.
SaLayeva, 8. 8azuyeva
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1he sLaLe of nuLrlLlon among school chlldren ln AlmaLy has become Lhe ob[ecL of greaL aLLenLlon by boLh
Lhe publlc and researchers because of recenL changes ln dleL ln Lhe school dleLary program.
2-34%( *+ 514$%/: nlne schools, or 3, were chosen of Lhe 181 comprehenslve schools ln AlmaLy.
ln Lhese schools 886 chlldren (11.6) were randomly selecLed, LesLed and raLed for nuLrlLlonal sLaLus
accordlng Lo anLhropomeLrlc measuremenL, lndex of lnLellecLual ablllLles on a compuLerlzed lC LesL, and
emoLlonal sLaLus of anxleLy. 140 chlldren (13 of Lhe LoLal) - 62 10-year olds and 78 13-year olds - were
quesLloned as Lo Lhe adequacy of calorlc lnLake, dally energy expendlLure, and consumpLlon levels of Lhe
baslc food groups. 1hey were examlned for hemoglobln and blood sugar levels ln Lhe mornlngs.
6(,#*&*%*78: LxpendlLure of energy by chlldren (10-year olds) and Leenagers (13-year olds)
boLh ln and ouL of school was deLermlned by a dally Llme-sLudy Lhrough Lhe use of an AnLlCraph" (uSA)
lnsLrumenL whlch measures energy use for dlfferenL Lypes of physlcal acLlvlLy and LoLals Lhe expendlLure
of energy over Lhe perlod of measuremenL. 1wo meLhods were used Lo deLermlne nuLrlLlonal lnLake and
sLaLe of nuLrlLlon: quesLlonnalre on quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve foods eaLen, and reproducLlon of
prevlous day's dleL (24 hour recall meLhod) as a check. 8espondenLs were allowed Lo use full-slze
phoLographs of commonly eaLen foods shown on a plaLe and lndlcaLe Lhe slze of servlng. Calorlc and
nuLrlLlonal values of foods were based on a compuLer program developed by Lhe kazakh Academy of
nuLrlLlon. 1hls program lncludes daLa on 1200 producLs complled from Lwo sources (Skurlkhln and
1uLellan, 2002, McCance and Wlddowson, 1992) and has been adapLed Lo calculaLe for losses of
nuLrlLlon ln processlng and preparaLlon.
9(/1%,/: 1he average age of Len-year olds was 119.3 monLhs for boys and 119.0 for glrls,
for flfLeen-year olds lL was 179.4 monLhs for boys and 179.2 for glrls. 1hese measuremenLs fall wlLhln
Lhe range of random sampllng.
;()<8(-' =%& "#$%&'(): 1he calorlc lnLake of boys and glrls was slmllar: 1863 kcal for boys and
1900 for glrls. 1he average dally consumpLlon of proLeln by boys was 69.8 g and 68.3 g for glrls whlch
accounLed for 13.0 and 14.4 of LoLal calorlc lnLake accordlngly. ConsumpLlon of proLeln accordlng Lo
body mass was Lhe same (2.1 g/kg) whlch ls sufflclenL, exceedlng Lhe lAL/WPC llmlL for Lhls age group.
More Lhan 67 of proLeln consumed was anlmal proLeln. Cnly 3.4 of boys and no glrls consumed less
Lhan Lhe esLabllshed safe level of <0.88 g/kg.
laL consumpLlon was 68.3 g for boys and 76.3 g for glrls or 33.0 and 36.3 of dally calorlc lnLake
respecLlvely. 1he relaLlon of ulA Lo SlA was 0.7 for boys and 0.8 for glrls, lndlcaLlng a balance beLween
anlmal and vegeLable faLs.
1hls cannoL be sald abouL Lhe lngesLlon of carbohydraLes. 8oys and glrls consumed carbohydraLes
predomlnanLly as mono- and dlsaccharldes (36.1 and 36.6 respecLlvely). 1hls ls more Lhan 43 of Lhe
sLarch from all carbohydraLes and may be explalned by Lhe cuLback ln consumpLlon of poLaLoes and
reflned bread producLs by Lhe chlldren. lL should be noLed LhaL a sufflclenL amounL of dleLary flber (20
g/day) ls consumed Lo provlde proper dlgesLlon.
ln splLe of Lhls, Lhe consumpLlon of mllk and fermenLed mllk producLs, frulL, and vegeLables whlch play
an lmporLanL dleLary role ls low. Compared Lo WPC dleLary levels Lhey consumed only 43 of Lhe
recommended amounLs of calclum, 81 of lron, 60 of selenlum, 27 of follc acld, 60 of vlLamln A,
69 Lhlamln, and 82 of nlacln.
ln general, Lhe rlsk of mlcronuLrlenL deflclL ls hlgh, l.e. Lhose who recelve less Lhan 2/3 Lhe
recommended amounLs by WPC, 10 of Lhe boys and 3 of Lhe glrls showed rlboflavln deflclL, 32
boys and 49 glrls of Lhlamln, 41 and 42 of nlacln, 72 and 64 of vlLamln A, 100 of follc acld, 21
and 9 of zlnc, 37 and 33 of lron, 66 and 67 of selenlum, and 46 and 43 of calclum
8eglnnlng aL Len years old, Lhe 8ody Mass lndex (8Ml) becomes slgnlflcanL. lor 10-year olds a 8Ml<17.0
(boys) or 18.3 (glrls) means Lhey are underwelghL. 37.7 of Lhe sample of boys was ln Lhls group and
60.3 of glrls. 1he number of overwelghL (8Ml> 19.8 or 20.3) was less Lhan 3.
0$+,(()<>(-' =%& "#$%&'(): Calorlc lnLake of 13-year old glrls was slgnlflcanLly less Lhan LhaL
of boys: 1724 kcal 87 2217 kcal. 8oys wlLh Lhe hlghesL lnLake consumed more ln all caLegorles of
nuLrlenLs. Powever, for Lhe general sample, glrls consumed more carbohydraLes and more
mlcronuLrlenLs: calclum, vlLamln A (8e), rlboflavln, follc acld, and vlLamln C. 8oys Lended Lo eaL more
proLeln and faLs.
1he average dally consumpLlon of proLeln by boys was 80 g and 37 g for glrls, 14.4 and 13.1 of LoLal
respecLlvely. roLeln by body mass was 1.43 g/kg for boys and 1.08 g/kg for glrls. 37 of Lhe proLeln was
anlmal proLeln. 1he percenL of Lhose eaLlng less Lhan recommended levels (0.88 g/kg) was 8.1 of boys
and 26.8 of glrls.
laL consumpLlon was 82 g for boys and 60 g for glrls: 33.4 and 31.3 respecLlvely of Lhe LoLal lnLake.
1he relaLlon of ulA Lo SlA was 0.8 and 0.7, boys and glrls, whlch ls unchanged from Lhe 10-year old
As wlLh Lhe 10-year old group, mono- and dlsaccharldes predomlnaLed ln carbohydraLe consumpLlon
(39.9 and 31.3 accordlngly). AlLhough Lhe 13-year olds consumed more sLarch, lL ls obvlous LhaL Lhey
eaL an excess of sweeLs and sugar. lnLake of dleLary flber ls sufflclenL ln boLh groups Lo provlde proper
dlgesLlon (boys - 23 g, glrls - 18 g).
Loglc would Lell us LhaL 13-year olds would eaL more Lhan 10-year olds buL Lhls ls noL necessarlly Lhe
case. lL seems LhaL Lhe 13-year olds aLe only meaL ln greaLer quanLlLy. CLher producLs were eaLen ln Lhe
same amounLs or more by Lhe younger group. ln parLlcular, Lhe 10-year olds aLe frulL 2.2 Llmes and mllk
producLs 1.6 Llme more Lhan Lhe 13-year olds.
1he lnLake of mlnerals and vlLamlns follows Lhe same Lrend as Lhe younger group ln falllng shorL of Lhe
WPC recommendaLlons (lnLake beLween x and 2/3 of Lhe recommended level): lron - 62 boys, 30
glrls, selenlum - 30 and 31, calclum - 44 and 36, vlLamln A - 77 and 100, nlacln - 94 and
73, Lhlamln - 83 and 64, and follc acld - 31 and 27.
Among Lhose showlng rlsk of deflclencles (lnLake less Lhan 2/3 of Lhe dally recommended amounLs)
Lhere were: rlboflavln - 23 and 17, Lhlamln - 22 and 39, nlacln - 30 and 34, vlLamln A - 68
and 71, follc acld - 100, zlnc - 21 and 9, lron - 34 and 83, selenlum - 73 and 83, and
calclum - 92 and 98.
Among Lhe 13-year old boys, 14.3 showed low 8Ml and 7.2 hlgh 8Ml (fewer underwelghL and more
overwelghL). WlLh Lhe glrls, only half as many showed a low 8Ml.
"*)?%1/$*)/: 1he devlaLlons of Lhe flndlngs from WPC norms ln Lhe nuLrlLlon and growLh of
Lhe school-age chlldren shows LhaL Lhere ls an urgenL need Lo develop a program for nuLrlLlonal meals Lo
be served aL schools.

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