Renewing Default Certificates For Tivoli Workload Scheduler

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IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler

Renewing default certificates for Tivoli Workload Scheduler

V ersion 8.3.0 8. 4.0 8.5.0 8.5.1 8.6.0

IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler

Renewing default certificates for Tivoli Workload Scheduler

V ersion 8.3.0 8. 4.0 8.5.0 8.5.1 8.6.0

Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 75.

Chapter 1. Scenarios affected by default certificates expiration . . . . . . . . . 1
Scenarios for the distributed environment . . . Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and agent with a distributed connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and agent with a distributed connector Scenario: Connection among dynamic agents and the master domain manager or dynamic domain manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scenario: SSL Communication across the Tivoli Workload Scheduler network . . . . . . . Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs . . . . . . Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL . . Scenario: HTTPS for the command-line clients . Scenarios for distributed components in a z/OS environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector in a distributed system . . . . . . . . . . Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector on a distributed system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scenario: Connection between Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric agent) and z/OS Controller . . . . . . . . . . . Scenario: Connection among dynamic domain managers and the z/OS Controller . . . . . . 1 updTrustKeyStoreCerts . . . . . . . . . Procedure to renew the default certificates in a distributed environment . . . . . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default truststore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector . Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console and Job Scheduling Console . . . . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic scheduling environment . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default certificates for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers in the SSL environment . . . . . . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs . . . . . . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench . . . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for command-line client . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default keystore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector . Procedure to renew the default certificates for distributed components used in a z/OS environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Procedure to renew the default certificates for z/OS connector on a distributed system . . . . Procedure to manage the default certificates for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Procedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic domain managers connected to the z/OS Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16

. 2 . 2


23 28

. 2 . 3 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4

38 47 48 49

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. 5

57 57

. 5 . 6


Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Downloading the package . Installing the package . . Package contents . . . Scripts to renew the default updTrustStoreCerts . . updKeyStoreCerts . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . 8 certificates . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . 12


Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79



Renewing default certificates

Chapter 1. Scenarios affected by default certificates expiration

Tivoli Workload Scheduler provides a secure, authenticated, and encrypted connection mechanism for communication based on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, which is automatically installed with Tivoli Workload Scheduler. Tivoli Workload Scheduler also provides default certificates to manage the SSL protocol that is based on a private and public key methodology. The following terminology is used: truststore In security, a storage object, either a file or a hardware cryptographic card, where public keys are stored in the form of trusted certificates, for authentication purposes in web transactions. In some applications, these trusted certificates are moved into the application keystore to be stored with the private keys. keystore In security, a file or a hardware cryptographic card where identities and private keys are stored, for authentication and encryption purposes. Some keystores also contain trusted or public keys. If you do not customize SSL communication with your own certificates, Tivoli Workload Scheduler uses the default certificates that are stored in the default directories to communicate in SSL mode. The default certificates that were released with Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 general availability expire on February 10, 2014. If Tivoli Workload Scheduler uses the default certificates for SSL connections, the administrator must renew the default certificates for the following scenarios because they are affected by the expiration date: v Scenarios for the distributed environment. v Scenarios for distributed components in a z/OS environment on page 4. Make sure that you update the default certificates in the correct order for these scenarios. For more information about how to do this, see Chapter 2, How to renew the default certificates, on page 7.

Scenarios for the distributed environment

The following scenarios for the distributed environment are affected by the expiration date: v Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and agent with a distributed connector on page 2 v Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and agent with a distributed connector on page 2 v Scenario: Connection among dynamic agents and the master domain manager or dynamic domain manager on page 2 v Scenario: SSL Communication across the Tivoli Workload Scheduler network on page 3

v Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs on page 4 v Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL on page 4 v Scenario: HTTPS for the command-line clients on page 4 Your environment might include one or more of these scenarios. For more information about how to update the default certificates in the correct order for these scenarios, see Procedure to renew the default certificates in a distributed environment on page 16.

Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and agent with a distributed connector
The SSL communication between the Dynamic Workload Console and one of the following types of Tivoli Workload Scheduler component is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates: v Master domain manager. v Backup master domain manager. v Agent with distributed connector. If you do not modify the default certificates on the Dynamic Workload Console and on the distributed connector installed on the agent before the expiration date, the communication between the user interface and the connector is broken. In the Tivoli Workload Scheduler distributed environment, you can manage the Tivoli Workload Scheduler database objects and plan objects using the composer and conman commands.

Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and agent with a distributed connector
The SSL communication between the Job Scheduling Console and one of the following types of Tivoli Workload Scheduler component is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates: v Master domain manager. v Backup master domain manager. v Agent with distributed connector. If you do not modify the default certificates on the Job Scheduling Console and on the distributed connector installed on the agent before the expiration date, the communication between the user interface and the connector is broken. In the Tivoli Workload Scheduler distributed environment, you can manage the Tivoli Workload Scheduler database objects and plan objects using the composer and conman commands.

Scenario: Connection among dynamic agents and the master domain manager or dynamic domain manager
The default certificates provided during Tivoli Workload Scheduler installation, ensure the secure connection between the following componenets: v Master domain manager and dynamic domain manager or backup dynamic domain manager. v Master domain manager and dynamic agents. v Dynamic domain manager and dynamic agents.

Renewing default certificates

v Dynamic domain manager and backup dynamic domain manager. The SSL communication between the Broker Server installed on the master domain manager and one of the following components is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates: v Dynamic agents. v Dynamic domain managers. v Backup dynamic domain managers. v Agent installed as default in the master domain manager. v If you do not modify the default certificates in the Broker server installed on the dynamic domain manager and on the dynamic agents before the expiration date, the communication between the dynamic domain manager and the dynamic agents is broken. The communication between the ResourceCLI command line installed on the dynamic domain manager and the Broker Server installed on the master domain manager is also broken. Note: v The dynamic domain manager and backup dynamic domain manager components are included in V8.6.0 and later. v On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems, the dynamic agent component is included in V8.5.1 and later. On IBM i operating systems, the dynamic agent component is included in V8.6.0.

Scenario: SSL Communication across the Tivoli Workload Scheduler network

You can enable the SSL connection using OpenSSL Toolkit for the following components: v v v v Master domain manager and its domain managers Master domain manager and fault-tolerant agents in the master domain Master domain manager and backup master domain manager Domain manager and fault-tolerant agents that belong to that domain

The SSL communication among agents V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, or V8.6.0 with related fix packs in the network is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates. If the version of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler instance is V8.4.0 or an upgrade of V8.4.0 and related fix packs, the default certificates are located in the <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault directory; in other cases the default certificates are located in the <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL directory. All Tivoli Workload Scheduler administrators who use the OpenSSL default certificates for SSL communication must modify the certificates to maintain a working SSL environment.

Chapter 1. Scenarios affected by default certificates expiration

Note: The default GSKit certificates expiration date is not the "February 10, 2014" and administrators are not required to perform any recovery actions. Check periodically the GSKit certificates expiration date to keep the default certificates up-to-date.

Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs

If you have an SSL connection that uses default certificates in a custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, or V8.6.0 with related fix packs, the communication does not work after the default certificates expiration date.

Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL

Integration Workbench is used to develop custom plug-ins. If you have an SSL connection that uses default certificates for the Integration Workbench V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, or V8.6.0 with related fix packs, the communication does not work after the default certificates expiration date.

Scenario: HTTPS for the command-line clients

You can have one of the following scenarios: v If you have an SSL connection that uses default certificates between the command-line utilities (composer and conman) on the master domain manager and the connector: The variable CLISSLSERVERAUTH=no in the master domain manager localopts file The communication continues to work after the default certificates expiration date. The variable CLISSLSERVERAUTH=yes in the master domain manager localopts file The communication does not work after the default certificates expiration date. v If you have an SSL connection that uses default certificates between the remote command-line client and the master domain manager: The variable CLISSLSERVERAUTH=no in the remote command-line client localopts file The communication continues to work after the default certificates expiration date. The variable CLISSLSERVERAUTH=yes in the remote command-line client localopts file The communication does not work after the default certificates expiration date.

Scenarios for distributed components in a z/OS environment

The following scenarios for distributed components in a z/OS environment are affected by the expiration date: v Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector in a distributed system on page 5. v Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector on a distributed system on page 5.

Renewing default certificates

v Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs on page 4 v Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL on page 4 v Scenario: Connection between Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric agent) and z/OS Controller. v Scenario: Connection among dynamic domain managers and the z/OS Controller on page 6 Note: You might have one or more of these scenarios previously described. To update default certificates in the correct order for these scenarios, see Procedure to renew the default certificates for distributed components used in a z/OS environment on page 57.

Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector in a distributed system
The SSL communication between the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector installed in a distributed system is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates. If you do not modify the default certificates on the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector before the expiration date, the communication between the user interface and the connector is broken. In a Tivoli Workload Scheduler z/OS environment, you can manage the database objects and plan objects by using ISPF panels.

Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector on a distributed system
The SSL communication between the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector installed in a distributed system is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates. If you do not modify the default certificates on the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector before the expiration date, the communication between the user interface and the connector is broken. In a Tivoli Workload Scheduler z/OS environment, you can manage the database objects and plan objects by using ISPF panels.

Scenario: Connection between Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric agent) and z/OS Controller
The SSL communication between the z/OS Controller and the z-centric agent is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates. If you do not modify the default certificates on the z/OS Controller and on the z-centric agent before the expiration date, the communication between the z/OS Controller and the z-centric agent is broken. Note: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems, the z-centric agent component is included in V8.5.1 and later. On IBM i operating systems, the z-centric agent component is included in V8.6.0.

Chapter 1. Scenarios affected by default certificates expiration

Scenario: Connection among dynamic domain managers and the z/OS Controller
The SSL communication between the z/OS Controller and the dynamic domain managers is affected by the expiration date of the default certificates. If you do not modify the default certificates on the z/OS Controller and on the dynamic domain managers before the expiration date, the communication between the z/OS Controller and the dynamic domain managers is broken. Note: The dynamic domain manager and backup dynamic domain manager components are included in V8.6.0 and later.

Renewing default certificates

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates

The default certificates released with the Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 general availability components expire on February 10, 2014. Tivoli Workload Scheduler provides a package that contains new default certificates and a set of scripts that you use to modify the old default certificates with the new ones, for each of the following versions at each level of fix pack: v V8.3.0 v v v v V8.4.0 V8.5.0 V8.5.1 V8.6.0

For more information about how to download the package for the version you need to install, see Downloading the package.

Downloading the package

To download the package, perform the following procedure: 1. Go to IBM Fix Central support site. 2. Select Tivoli as Product Group. 3. Select Tivoli Workload Scheduler as Select from Tivoli. 4. Depending on the version of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler component you need to manage, select the package you want to download: Tivoli Workload Scheduler component V8.3.0 8.3.0-TIV-TWA-CERTIFICATES Tivoli Workload Scheduler component V8.4.0 8.4.0-TIV-TWA-CERTIFICATES Tivoli Workload Scheduler component V8.5.0 8.5.0-TIV-TWA-CERTIFICATES Tivoli Workload Scheduler component V8.5.1 8.5.1-TIV-TWA-CERTIFICATES Tivoli Workload Scheduler component V8.6.0 8.6.0-TIV-TWA-CERTIFICATES 5. Download the package you selected into the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> generic directory. The package contains the following .zip file: Package V8.3.0 Package V8.4.0 Package V8.5.0

Package V8.5.1 Package V8.6.0

Installing the package

After you downloaded the package into the generic <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> directory, as described in Downloading the package on page 7, to install the package, perform the following procedure: 1. Extract the content of the updCertsScripts_v<VERSION_NUMBER>.zip file into the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> directory, where <VERSION_NUMBER> is the version of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler component installed where you need to manage the default certificates. 2. On UNIX operating systems, to give the correct read and write access to all files in the directory <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>, run the following command:

For more information about the package contents, see Package contents.

Package contents
If you installed the package as described in Installing the package, you have the contents of the .zip file in the following directory: On Windows operating systems

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems


where v <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the package installation directory. v <VERSION_NUMBER> is the version of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler installed. The installation directory contains the following files and directories: v New directory that contains new defaults certificates v Old directory that contains old defaults certificates v Scripts to manage new and old certificates: On Windows operating systems updTrustStoresCerts.bat updKeyStoresCerts.bat updTrustKeyStoresCerts.bat On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems For more information about scripts, see Scripts to renew the default certificates on page 9.

Renewing default certificates

Scripts to renew the default certificates

The package provides a set of scripts that you use to manage and update the Tivoli Workload Scheduler truststore and Tivoli Workload Scheduler keystore related to the default certificates: v updTrustStoreCerts. v updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. v updTrustKeyStoreCerts on page 15.

The updTrustStoreCerts script checks the truststore in the default SSL location for the current instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. If the default truststore is used, the script updates the contents and the final truststore is the concatenation of the old truststore and the new truststore. After modifying the truststore, if you do not immediately update the keystore for the default certificates, all the communication scenarios described in Chapter 1, Scenarios affected by default certificates expiration, on page 1, continue to work until the expiration date. If you store your own truststore in the SSL default directory, the installation process does not modify the truststore contents. The installation process checks if the checksum of the certificate is the checksum of the default certificate released at general availability time. The script saves the default truststore old certificates with a .bck extension. Note: v Run the script only when no Tivoli Workload Scheduler instance processes are running. v Run the script as Administrator on Windows operating systems, root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, and QSECOFR user on IBM i operating systems. On Windows operating systems: The script syntax is:
updTrustStoresCerts.bat "<INSTALL_DIR>"

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. The script installs the following new files: V8.3.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSClientTrustFile.jks where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.4.0

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates

v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\ssl\sslDefault\TWSCertificateChainFile.pem where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.5.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSTrustCertificates.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\ TWSCertificateChainFile.pem V8.5.1 v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TDWB_CLI\certs\TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ITA\bin\TWSClientKeyStore.kdb v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSTrustCertificates.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\ TWSCertificateChainFile.pem V8.6.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\TIPProfile\etc\ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\TIPProfile\etc\ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TDWB_CLI\certs\TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ITA\cpa\ita\cert\TWSClientKey Store.kdb v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSTrustCertificates.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\ TWSCertificateChainFile.pem (if the Tivoli Workload Scheduler is upgraded from version 8.4.0 and related FixPacks) The script also updates the <INSTALL_DIR>\TDWB\config\ file to include the new Common Name value in the default truststore certificate that is ServerNew. On UNIX operating systems: The script syntax is:

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler.


Renewing default certificates

The script installs the following new files: V8.3.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSClientTrustFile.jks where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.4.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/ssl/sslDefault/TWSCertificateChainFile.pem where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.5.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSTrustCertificates.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/ TWSCertificateChainFile.pem V8.5.1 v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TDWB_CLI/certs/TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/TWSClientKeyStore.kdb v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSTrustCertificates.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/ TWSCertificateChainFile.pem V8.6.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/ TWSServerTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/ TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TDWB_CLI/certs/TWSClientTrustFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/cpa/ita/cert/TWSClientKey Store.kdb v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSTrustCertificates.cer
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/ TWSCertificateChainFile.pem (if the Tivoli Workload Scheduler is upgraded from version 8.4.0 and related fix pack) The script also updates the <INSTALL_DIR>/TDWB/config/ file to include the new Common Name value in the default truststore certificate which is ServerNew. On IBM i operating systems: The script syntax is:

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. The script installs the following new file: V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, and V8.5.1 Not applicable. V8.6.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/cpa/ita/cert/ita_ca_certtws.pem If you installed Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.6.0 in the default directory, you run: On Windows operating systems:
updTrustStoresCerts.bat "C:\Program Files\IBM\TWA"

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:

./ /opt/IBM/TWA

The updKeyStoreCerts script checks the keystore in the default SSL location for the current instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. If the default keystore is used, the script backs up the old keystore contents and adds the new keystore contents. The script saves the old certificates with a .bck extension. Note: v Run the script only when no Tivoli Workload Scheduler instance processes are running. v Run the script as Administrator on Windows operating systems, root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, and QSECOFR user on IBM i operating systems. On Windows operating systems: The script syntax is:
updateKeyStoresCerts.bat "<INSTALL_DIR>"

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. The script installs the following new files: V8.3.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSClientKeyFile.jks


Renewing default certificates

where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.4.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\AppServer\profiles\<PROFILENAME>\etc\ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPublicKeyFile.pem where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.5.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSClient.key v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSClient.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPublicKeyFile.pem V8.5.1 v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\twaprofile\etc\ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TDWB_CLI\certs\TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ITA\bin\TWSClientKeyStore.kdb v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSClient.key v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSClient.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPublicKeyFile.pem V8.6.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\TIPProfile\etc\ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\eWAS\profiles\TIPProfile\etc\ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TDWB_CLI\certs\TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ITA\cpa\ita\cert\TWSClientKey Store.kdb v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSClient.key v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\OpenSSL\TWSClient.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ssl\sslDefault\TWSPublicKeyFile.pem
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


On UNIX and Linux operating systems: The script syntax is:


where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. The script installs the following new files: V8.3.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSClientKeyFile.jks where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.4.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/AppServer/profiles/<PROFILENAME>/etc/ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPublicKeyFile.pem where <PROFILENAME> is: v twsprofile for master domain manager or backup master domain manager. v twsconnprofile for distributed connector. V8.5.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSClient.key v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSClient.cer v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPublicKeyFile.pem V8.5.1 v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/etc/ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v v v v v <INSTALL_DIR>/TDWB_CLI/certs/TWSClientKeyFile.jks <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/TWSClientKeyStore.kdb <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSClient.key <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSClient.cer <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem


Renewing default certificates

v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPublicKeyFile.pem V8.6.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/ TWSServerKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/ TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TDWB_CLI/certs/TWSClientKeyFile.jks v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/cpa/ita/cert/TWSClientKey Store.kdb v v v v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSClient.key <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/OpenSSL/TWSClient.cer <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPrivateKeyFile.pem <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ssl/sslDefault/TWSPublicKeyFile.pem

On IBM i operating systems: The script syntax is:


where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Scheduler. The script installs the following new files: V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, and V8.5.1 Not applicable. V8.6.0 v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/cpa/ita/cert/ita_prvtws.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/cpa/ita/cert/ita_certtws.pem v <INSTALL_DIR>/TWS/ITA/cpa/ita/cert/ita_pubtws.pem If you installed Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.6.0 in the default directory, you run: On Windows operating systems:
updateKeyStoresCerts.bat "C:\Program Files\IBM\TWA"

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:

./ /opt/IBM/TWA

The updTrustKeyStoreCerts script runs first the updTrustStoresCerts and then the updKeyStoresCerts scripts to update the truststore and the keystore. The script saves the old certificates with a .bck extension. Note: v Run the script only when no Tivoli Workload Scheduler instance processes are running. v Run the script as Administrator on Windows operating systems, root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, and QSECOFR user on IBM i operating systems. On Windows operating systems: The script syntax is:
updateTrustKeyStoresCerts.bat "<INSTALL_DIR>"

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Automation. For a list of the files affected by this script, see the list for the updTrustStoresCerts and the updKeyStoresCerts scripts. On UNIX and Linux operating systems: The script syntax is:

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Automation. For a list of the files affected by this script, see the list for the updTrustStoresCerts and the updKeyStoresCerts scripts. On IBM i operating systems: The script syntax is:

where <INSTALL_DIR> is the installation directory of the selected instance of Tivoli Workload Automation. For a list of the files affected by this script, see the list for the updTrustStoresCerts and the updKeyStoresCerts scripts. If you installed Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.6.0 in the default directory, you run: On Windows operating systems:
updateTrustKeyStoresCerts.bat "C:\Program Files\IBM\TWA"

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:

./ /opt/IBM/TWA

Procedure to renew the default certificates in a distributed environment

To modify the default certificates for the scenarios described in Scenarios for the distributed environment on page 1, follow the steps listed in Figure 1 on page 17. You do not need to update your Tivoli Workload Scheduler environment with the following procedure steps all at the same time, but you must perform the entire procedure before the certificates expire on February 10, 2014.


Renewing default certificates



at least one default certificate used in the MDM?


procedure default truststore for MDM, BKM, agents with dist connector

? NO

? NO

DWC or JSC with default certificates?

Dynamic environment with default certificates?

SSL across network with default certificates?





procedure DWC/JSC

procedure Dynamic environment

procedure SSL network




connector APIs with default certificates?


Integration Workbench with default certificates?


CLIs with default certificates?


procedure connector APIs

procedure sdk

procedure CLIs

At least one of the previous procedures performed?



procedure default keystore for MDM, BKM, agents with dist connector


LEGENDA: MDM master domain manager BKM backup master domain manager DWC Dynamic Workload Console JSC Job Scheduling Console CLI command-line client

Figure 1. Procedure to renew the default certificates in a distributed environment

Procedure to renew the default certificates in a distributed environment

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


For each step in the list of procedures, if you have the described configuration, perform the procedure and then proceed with the successive step: 1. If you use the default certificates in the master domain manager, perform the Procedure to manage the default truststore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector. 2. If you have the Dynamic Workload Console or Job Scheduling Console configured over SSL with the default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console and Job Scheduling Console on page 23. 3. If you have the dynamic environment configured in SSL with the default certificates, perform theProcedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic scheduling environment on page 28. 4. If you have the SSL communication enabled in Tivoli Workload Scheduler environment with OpenSSL default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers in the SSL environment on page 38. 5. If you use the connector APIs with the default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs on page 47. 6. If you use the Integration Workbench with the default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench on page 48. 7. If you use the command lines with the default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for command-line client on page 49. 8. If you performed any of the procedures listed in the steps 1 to 7, perform the Procedure to manage the default keystore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector on page 52.

Procedure to manage the default truststore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector


Renewing default certificates


1. Modify the MDM truststore

? NO

Is BKM installed?

2. Modify the BKM truststore

Are agents installed with dist connector ?



3. Modify the agents with connector truststore


Legenda: MDM master domain manager BKM backup master domain manager
Figure 2. Procedure to manage the default truststore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector

Procedure to manage the default truststore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector 1. To modify the master domain manager truststore, perform the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the master domain manager is installed.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the master domain manager by running: If the master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

If the master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman conman conman conman "stop" "stopmon" "stopappserver" "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For the master domain manager V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the master domain manager by running: If the master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" startWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start"

If the master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon" conman "startappserver"


Renewing default certificates

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 2. If the backup master domain manager is installed, to modify the backup master domain manager truststore, perform the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup master domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the backup master domain manager by running: If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Window, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman conman conman conman "stop" "stopmon" "stopappserver" "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For backup master domain manager V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the backup master domain manager by running: If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" startWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" startWas

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon" conman "startappserver"

3. Modify the truststore for the agents with distributed connector by performing the following steps for each type of workstation with static scheduling and distributed connectors: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the agent is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the agent with distributed connector by running: If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For agent with distributed connector V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the agent with distributed connector by running:


Renewing default certificates

If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" startWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" startWas

If the agent you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon" startWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" conman "startmon" startWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console and Job Scheduling Console
To manage the default certificates for user interfaces, for each step in the list, perform the procedure and then proceed with the successive step: 1. If the Dynamic Workload Console is installed and works with default certificates as described in Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and agent with a distributed connector on page 2, run Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console. 2. If the Job Scheduling Console is installed and works with default certificates as described in Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and agent with a distributed connector on page 2, run Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console on page 27.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates



1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the DWC

3. Modify the DWC truststore

4. Modify the DWC keystore

5. Start the DWC


Legenda: DWC Dynamic Workload Console

Figure 3. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Dynamic Workload Console is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the WebSphere Application Server of the Dynamic Workload Console by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:


Renewing default certificates

For more information about the command syntax, see Tivoli Workload Scheduler: Administration Guide > Administrative tasks > Application Server tasks. 3. Modify the truststore by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax , see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. 4. Modify the keystore by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. 5. Start the Dynamic Workload Console by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see Tivoli Workload Scheduler: Administration Guide > Administrative tasks > Application Server tasks. Note for Dynamic Workload Console V8.6 or later users: Note: For Dynamic Workload Console V8.6 or later, after you run the procedure, when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time, you are asked to accept the new client truststore for the Dynamic Workload Console. Follow the procedure Accepting the new Dynamic Workload Console truststore when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time. Accepting the new Dynamic Workload Console truststore when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time: After you run the Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console on page 23, when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time, you are asked to accept the new client truststore for the Dynamic Workload Console. To accept the new truststore during the running of stopWas.bat on Windows operating systems and on UNIX and Linux operating systems, reply "y" to the prompt Add signer to the trust store now? (y/n). On UNIX and LINUX operating systems: If you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time on UNIX and Linux operating systems, by running the script, you have the following output:
# ./ -direct -user twsuser -password twsuser ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file /opt/ibm/TWATDWC/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server1/stopServer.log
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the TIPProfile profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1 *** SSL SIGNER EXCHANGE PROMPT *** SSL signer from target host is not found in trust store /opt/ibm/TWATDWC/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/TWSClientTrustFile.jks. Here is the signer information (verify the digest value matches what is displayed at the server): Subject DN: CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US Issuer DN: CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US Serial number: 1352882899 Expires: Tue Nov 09 09:48:19 CET 2032 SHA-1 Digest: 5D:16:5D:17:3B:5F:BF:B7:EA:19:92:22:2D:36:53:1A:2F:9D:1B:26 MD5 Digest: DB:BA:A2:6D:0D:B6:A2:53:35:6D:32:6A:40:20:D5:36 Add signer to the trust store now? (y/n)y A retry of the request may need to occur if the socket times out while waiting for a prompt response. If the retry is required, note that the prompt will not be redisplayed if is entered, which indicates the signer has already been added to the trust store. ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status. ADMU4000I: Server server1 stop completed.

On Windows operating systems: If you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time on Windows operating systems, by running the stopWas.bat script from the wastools directory, you have the following output:
C:\TWA2\wastools>stopWas.bat The service is running. Service failed to stop. stopServer return code -10

Run the stopWas.bat from the embedded WebSphere Application Server binary directory and you have the following output:
C:\TWA2\eWAS\bin>stopServer.bat server1 ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\TWA2\eWAS\profiles\TIPProfile\logs\server1\stopServer.log ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the TIPProfile profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1 *** SSL SIGNER EXCHANGE PROMPT *** SSL signer from target host is not found in trust store C:/TWA2/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/TWSClientTrustFile.jks. Here is the signer information (verify the digest value matches what is displayed at the server): Subject DN: Issuer DN: Serial number: Expires: SHA-1 Digest: MD5 Digest: CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US 1352882899 Mon Nov 08 20:48:19 GMT-12:00 2032 5D:16:5D:17:3B:5F:BF:B7:EA:19:92:22:2D:36:53:1A:2F:9D:1B:26 DB:BA:A2:6D:0D:B6:A2:53:35:6D:32:6A:40:20:D5:36

Add signer to the trust store now? (y/n)y A retry of the request may need to occur if the socket times out while waiting for a prompt response. If the retry is required, note that the prompt will not be redisplayed if is entered, which indicates the signer has already been add ed to the trust store. ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status. ADMU4000I: Server server1 stop completed.


Renewing default certificates

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console


1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the JSC

3. Modify the JSC truststore

4. Modify the JSC keystore

5. Start the JSC


Legenda: JSC Job Scheduling Console

Figure 4. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Job Scheduling Console is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the Job Scheduling Console by closing the wizard. 3. Modify the truststore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\JSC\JSCDefaultTrustFile.jks file to the directory <JSC_INSTALL_DIR>\keys where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


where you installed the certificates package and the <JSC_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Job Scheduling Console. 4. Modify the keystore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PRIVATE\JSC\JSCDefaultKeyFile.jks file to the directory <JSC_INSTALL_DIR>\keys where <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package and <JSC_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Job Scheduling Console. 5. Start the Job Scheduling Console wizard.

Procedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic scheduling environment

To manage the default certificates for the dynamic environment, for each step in the list, perform the procedure and then proceed with the successive step: 1. Run Procedure to manage the default truststore for dynamic agents. 2. Run Procedure to manage the default keystore for dynamic agents on page 32. 3. If the Job Brokering Definition Console V8.5.1 is installed and works with default certificates, run Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Brokering Definition Console on page 36. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Connection among dynamic agents and the master domain manager or dynamic domain manager on page 2.

Procedure to manage the default truststore for dynamic agents


Renewing default certificates



Is DDM installed?

1. Modify the DDM truststore


Is BDDM installed?

2. Modify the BDDM truststore


Is DA installed?

3. Modify the dynamic agent truststore


Legenda: DDM dynamic domain manager BDDM backup dynamic domain manager DA dynamic agent

Figure 5. Procedure to manage the default truststore for dynamic agents

Procedure to manage the default truststore for dynamic agents 1. If the dynamic domain managers are installed, to modify the dynamic domain managers truststore, perform the following steps for each dynamic domain manager:

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the dynamic domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the dynamic domain manager by running: For dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" ShutdownLwa.bat conman "shut;wait" stopWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" ShutdownLwa conman "shut;wait" stopWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the dynamic domain manager by running: For dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" StartUpLwa.bat startWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" StartUpLwa startWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. For more information about the command, see User's Guide and Reference. 2. If backup dynamic domain managers are installed, to modify the backup dynamic domain managers truststore, perform the following steps for each backup dynamic domain manager: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup dynamic domain manager is installed.


Renewing default certificates

b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the backup dynamic domain manager by running: For backup dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" ShutdownLwa.bat conman "shut;wait" stopWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" ShutdownLwa conman "shut;wait" stopWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For backup dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the backup dynamic domain manager by running: For backup dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" StartUpLwa.bat startWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" StartUpLwa startWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. If dynamic agents are installed, to modify the dynamic agents truststore, perform the following steps for each dynamic agent: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, or as QSECOFR user on IBM i operating systems, on the machine where the dynamic agent is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the dynamic agent by running: For dynamic agent V8.5.1 with related fix packs

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


On Windows operating systems:


On UNIX and Linux operating systems:


For dynamic agent V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For dynamic agent V8.5.1 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. For dynamic agent V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the dynamic agent by running: For dynamic agent V8.5.1 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:


For dynamic agent V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to manage the default keystore for dynamic agents


Renewing default certificates



Is DA installed?

1. Modify the DA keystore


Is BDDM installed?

2. Modify the BDDM keystore


Is DDM installed?

3. Modify the DDM keystore


Legenda: DDM dynamic domain manager BDDM backup dynamic domain manager DA dynamic agent

Figure 6. Procedure to manage the default keystore for dynamic agents

Procedure to manage the default keystore for dynamic agents 1. If dynamic agents are installed, to modify the dynamic agents keystore, perform the following steps for each dynamic agent:

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, or as QSECOFR user on IBM i operating systems, on the machine where the dynamic agent is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the dynamic agent by running: For dynamic agent V8.5.1 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:


For dynamic agent V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: For dynamic agent V8.5.1 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For dynamic agent V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux and IBM i operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the dynamic agent by running: For dynamic agent V8.5.1 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:


For dynamic agent V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:



Renewing default certificates

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 2. If backup dynamic domain managers are installed, to modify the backup dynamic domain managers keystore, perform the following steps for each backup dynamic domain manager: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup dynamic domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the backup dynamic domain manager by running: For backup dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" ShutdownLwa.bat conman "shut;wait" stopWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" ShutdownLwa conman "shut;wait" stopWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: For backup dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the backup dynamic domain manager, by running: For backup dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" StartUpLwa.bat startWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" StartUpLwa startWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. If dynamic domain managers are installed, to modify the dynamic domain managers keystore, perform the following steps for each dynamic domain manager:

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems on the machine where the dynamic domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the dynamic domain manager by running: For dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" ShutdownLwa.bat conman "shut;wait" stopWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" ShutdownLwa conman "shut;wait" stopWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: For dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the dynamic domain manager by running: For dynamic domain manager V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" StartUpLwa.bat startWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" StartUpLwa startWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Brokering Definition Console


Renewing default certificates


1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the JBDC

3. Modify the JBDC truststore

4. Modify the JBDC keystore

5. Start the JBDC


Legenda: JBDC Job Brokering Definition Console

Figure 7. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Brokering Definition Console

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Brokering Definition Console 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Job Brokering Definition Console is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the Job Brokering Definition Console by closing the Job Brokering Definition Console wizard. 3. Modify the truststore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\JSC\JSCDefaultTrustFile.jks file to the directory <JBDC_INSTALL_DIR>\Certs, where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package and the <JBDC_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Job Brokering Definition Console.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


4. Modify the keystore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PRIVATE\WAS\TWSClientKeyfile.jks file file (private key) to the directory <JBDC_INSTALL_DIR>\Certs, where <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package and <JBDC_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Job Brokering Definition Console. 5. Start the Job Brokering Definition Console wizard.

Procedure to manage the default certificates for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers in the SSL environment
To manage the default certificates for SSL environment, for each step in the list, perform the procedure and then proceed with the successive step: 1. Run Procedure to manage the default truststore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers. 2. Run Procedure to manage the default keystore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers on page 42. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: SSL Communication across the Tivoli Workload Scheduler network on page 3.

Procedure to manage the default truststore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers


Renewing default certificates



Is DM installed?

1. Modify the DM truststore


Is BDM installed?

2. Modify the BDM truststore


Is FTA installed?

3. Modify the FTA truststore


Legenda: DM domain manager BDM backup domain manager FTA fault-tolerant agent
Figure 8. Procedure to manage the default truststore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers

Procedure to manage the default truststore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers 1. If domain managers are installed, to modify the domain managers truststore, perform the following steps for each domain manager:
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the domain manager by running: For domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX and Linux operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the dynamic domain manager by running: For domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 2. If a backup domain manager is installed, to modify the backup domain managers truststore, perform the following steps for each backup domain manager: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the backup domain manager by running: For backup domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait"


Renewing default certificates

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For backup domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the backup domain manager by running: For backup domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. If fault-tolerant agents are installed, to modify the fault-tolerant agents truststore, perform the following steps for each fault-tolerant agent: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the fault-tolerant agent by running: For fault-tolerant agent V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the truststore by running: For fault-tolerant agent V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. f. Start the fault-tolerant agent by running:
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


For fault-tolerant agent V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to manage the default keystore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers


Renewing default certificates



Is FTA installed?

1. Modify the FTA keystore


Is BDM installed?

2. Modify the BDM keystore


Is DM installed?

3. Modify the DM keystore


Legenda: DM Domain Manager BDM Backup Domain Manager FTA fault-tolerant agent

Figure 9. Procedure to manage the default keystore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers

Procedure to manage the default keystore for fault-tolerant agents and domain managers 1. If fault-tolerant agents are installed, to modify the fault-tolerant agents keystore, perform the following steps for each fault-tolerant agent:
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the fault-tolerant agent by running: For fault-tolerant agent V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: For fault-tolerant agent V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the fault-tolerant agent by running: For fault-tolerant agent V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 2. If a backup domain manager is installed, to modify the backup domain managers keystore, perform the following steps for each backup domain manager: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the backup domain manager by running: For backup domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait"


Renewing default certificates

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: For backup domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the backup dynamic domain manager by running: For backup domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. If domain managers are installed, to modify the domain managers keystore, perform the following steps for each domain manager: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the domain manager by running: For domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: For domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the dynamic domain manager by running:
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


For domain manager V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs: On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.


Renewing default certificates

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs


1. Download and install the package

2. Find the path of the old certificates

3. Stop the client

4. Re-place the truststore and keystore

5. Start the client


Legenda: API connector APIs

Figure 10. Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the client for theconnector APIs is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8.
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


2. Open the soap.client.props or ssl.client.props file to find the path of the TWSClientTrustFile.jks and TWSClientKeyFile.jks files. 3. Stop the client. 4. Modify the certificates, if the TWSClientTrustFile.jks and TWSClientKeyFile.jks files have not been modified, by replacing them with the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\New\TWSClientTrustFile.jks file and <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\ New\TWSClientKeyFile.jks, where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package. 5. Start the client. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs on page 4.

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench


1. Download and install the package

2. Modify the SDK truststore

3. Modify the SDK keystore


Legenda: SDK Integration Workbench

Figure 11. Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Integration Workbench is installed.


Renewing default certificates

b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Modify truststore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\WAS\TWSClientTrust.jks file to the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\keys, where the <SDK_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Integration Workbench. 3. Modify keystore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\ New\PRIVATE\WAS\TWSClientKeyfile.jks file to the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\keys, where the <SDK_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Integration Workbench. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL on page 4.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for command-line client
Perform the following steps: 1. To modify the default certificates for the master domain manager command lines, composer and conman, perform the Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for master domain manager command-line client. 2. To modify the default certificates for the remote command-lines clients, perform the Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for remote command-line client on page 51.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for master domain manager command-line client

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates



? NO

CLISSLSERVERAUTH=yes in localopts?

1. Download and install the package

2. Find the old MDM CLIs certificates directory

3. Copy the new certificates from the package


Legenda: MDM CLIs comman-lines client in the master domain manager

Figure 12. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the master domain manager command-line client

In the master domain manager instance, you have the following local command-lines: v composer v conman Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the master domain manager command-line client If the variable CLISSLSERVERAUTH=no in the localopts file of the master domain manager You do not perform any actions because the SSL connection continues to work.


Renewing default certificates

If the variable CLISSLSERVERAUTH=yes in the localopts file of the master domain manager 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the master domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. In the localopts file of the master domain manager, note the value of the variable CLISSLSERVERCERTIFICATE where you store the certificate for the master domain manager:

3. Copy the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\ WAS\serverPublic.arm file to the directory <RC_CERTS_DIR>, where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package and the <RC_CERTS_DIR> is the directory where you store the certificate for the master domain manager.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for remote command-line client


1. Download and install the package

2. Find the old CLI certificates directory

3. Copy the new CLI certificates from the package


Legenda: CLI remote comman-line client

Figure 13. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the remote command-line client

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the remote command-line client If you have remote command-lines installed for V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1.0, and V8.6.0, for each command-line, perform the following steps: 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the remote command-line client is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. In the localopts file of the remote command-line client, note the value of the variable CLISSLSERVERCERTIFICATE where you store the certificate for the remote command-line client:

3. Copy the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\WAS\ serverPublic.arm file to the directory <RC_CERTS_DIR>, where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package and the <RC_CERTS_DIR> is the directory where you store the certificate for remote command-line client.

Procedure to manage the default keystore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector


Renewing default certificates



Is BKM installed?

1. Modify the BKM keystore


Are agents installed with dist connector ?


2. Modify the agents with connector keystore

3. Modify the MDM keystore


Legenda: MDM master domain manager BKM backup master domain manager

Figure 14. Procedure to manage the default keystore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector

Procedure to manage the default keystore for master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and agents with distributed connector 1. If a backup master domain manager is installed, to modify the keystore on the backup master domain manager, perform the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the backup master domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the backup master domain manager by running:
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman conman conman conman "stop" "stopmon" "stopappserver" "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the backup master domain manager by running: If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" startWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" startWas

If the backup master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon" conman "startappserver"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 2. Modify the keystore on the agents with distributed connector, by performing the following steps for each type of workstation with static scheduling and distributed connectors:


Renewing default certificates

a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the agent is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the agent with distributed connector by running: If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "stopmon" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. f. Start the agent with distributed connector by running: If the agent with distributed connector you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs on Windows operating systems:
conman "start" startWas.cmd

on UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" startWas
Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


If the agent you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon" startWas.bat

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start" conman "startmon" startWas

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. Modify the keystore in the master domain manager by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the master domain manager is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. d. Stop the master domain manager by running: If the master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "stop" conman "shut; wait" stopWas

If the master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems:
conman conman conman conman "stop" "stopmon" "stopappserver" "shut; wait"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. e. Modify the keystore by running: If the master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0, V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12.


Renewing default certificates

f. Start the master domain manager by running: If the master domain manager you installed is V8.3.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:
conman "start" startWas.cmd

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

conman "start"

If the master domain manager you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows, UNIX and Linux operating systems:
conman "start" conman "startmon" conman "startappserver"

For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to renew the default certificates for distributed components used in a z/OS environment
v If you use the default certificates in the z/OS connector for the following scenarios perform the Procedure to renew the default certificates for z/OS connector on a distributed system: Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector on a distributed system on page 5. Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector in a distributed system on page 5. Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs on page 4. Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL on page 4. v If you use the default certificates for the Scenario: Connection between Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric agent) and z/OS Controller on page 5, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) on page 69. v If you use the default certificates for the Scenario: Connection among dynamic domain managers and the z/OS Controller on page 6, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic domain managers connected to the z/OS Controller on page 73.

Procedure to renew the default certificates for z/OS connector on a distributed system
To modify the default certificates for scenarios described in Scenarios for distributed components in a z/OS environment on page 4, follow the steps listed in Figure 15 on page 58. You do not need to update your Tivoli Workload Scheduler environment with the following procedure steps all at the same time, but you must perform the entire procedure before the certificates expire on February 10, 2014.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates




At least one default certificates used in the z/OS connector?


procedure default truststore for z/OS connector

? NO


DWC or JSC with default certificates?

connector APIs with default certificates?


Integration Workbench with default certificates?



procedure DWC/JSC

procedure connector APIs

procedure SDK

At least one of the previous procedures performed?



procedure default keystore for z/OS connector


LEGENDA: DWC Dynamic Workload Console JSC Job Scheduling Console SDK Integration Workbench
Figure 15. Procedure to renew the default certificates for z/OS connector on a distributed system

Procedure to renew the default certificates for z/OS connector on a distributed system


Renewing default certificates

For each step in the list of procedures, if you have the described configuration, perform the procedure and then proceed with the successive step: 1. If you use the default certificates in the z/OS connector, perform the Procedure to manage the default truststore for the z/OS connector. 2. If you use default certificates for Scenario: Connection between the Dynamic Workload Console and the z/OS connector in a distributed system on page 5 or Scenario: Connection between the Job Scheduling Console and the z/OS connector on a distributed system on page 5 or both, perform Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console and Job Scheduling Console on page 23. 3. If you use the z/OS connector APIs with the default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs on page 47. 4. If you use the Integration Workbench with the default certificates, perform the Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench on page 48. 5. If you performed any of the procedures listed in the steps 1 to 4, perform the Procedure to manage the default keystore for the z/OS connector on page 68.

Procedure to manage the default truststore for the z/OS connector


1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the z/OS connector

3. Modify the z/OS connector truststore

4. Start the z/OS connector


Figure 16. Procedure to manage the default truststore for the z/OS connector

Perform the following steps: 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions:

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the z/OS connector is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the z/OS connector. 3. Modify the truststore by running: If the Dynamic Workload Console you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. 4. Start the z/OS connector.

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console


Renewing default certificates


1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the DWC

3. Modify the DWC truststore

4. Modify the DWC keystore

5. Start the DWC


Legenda: DWC Dynamic Workload Console

Figure 17. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Dynamic Workload Console is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the WebSphere Application Server of the Dynamic Workload Console by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


For more information about the command syntax, see Tivoli Workload Scheduler: Administration Guide > Administrative tasks > Application Server tasks. 3. Modify the truststore by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax , see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. 4. Modify the keystore by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. 5. Start the Dynamic Workload Console by running: On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see Tivoli Workload Scheduler: Administration Guide > Administrative tasks > Application Server tasks. Note for Dynamic Workload Console V8.6 or later users: Note: For Dynamic Workload Console V8.6 or later, after you run the procedure, when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time, you are asked to accept the new client truststore for the Dynamic Workload Console. Follow the procedure Accepting the new Dynamic Workload Console truststore when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time on page 25. Accepting the new Dynamic Workload Console truststore when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time: After you run the Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Dynamic Workload Console on page 23, when you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time, you are asked to accept the new client truststore for the Dynamic Workload Console. To accept the new truststore during the running of stopWas.bat on Windows operating systems and on UNIX and Linux operating systems, reply "y" to the prompt Add signer to the trust store now? (y/n). On UNIX and LINUX operating systems: If you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time on UNIX and Linux operating systems, by running the script, you have the following output:
# ./ -direct -user twsuser -password twsuser ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file /opt/ibm/TWATDWC/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server1/stopServer.log


Renewing default certificates

ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the TIPProfile profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1 *** SSL SIGNER EXCHANGE PROMPT *** SSL signer from target host is not found in trust store /opt/ibm/TWATDWC/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/TWSClientTrustFile.jks. Here is the signer information (verify the digest value matches what is displayed at the server): Subject DN: CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US Issuer DN: CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US Serial number: 1352882899 Expires: Tue Nov 09 09:48:19 CET 2032 SHA-1 Digest: 5D:16:5D:17:3B:5F:BF:B7:EA:19:92:22:2D:36:53:1A:2F:9D:1B:26 MD5 Digest: DB:BA:A2:6D:0D:B6:A2:53:35:6D:32:6A:40:20:D5:36 Add signer to the trust store now? (y/n)y A retry of the request may need to occur if the socket times out while waiting for a prompt response. If the retry is required, note that the prompt will not be redisplayed if is entered, which indicates the signer has already been added to the trust store. ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status. ADMU4000I: Server server1 stop completed.

On Windows operating systems: If you stop the WebSphere Application Server for the first time on Windows operating systems, by running the stopWas.bat script from the wastools directory, you have the following output:
C:\TWA2\wastools>stopWas.bat The service is running. Service failed to stop. stopServer return code -10

Run the stopWas.bat from the embedded WebSphere Application Server binary directory and you have the following output:
C:\TWA2\eWAS\bin>stopServer.bat server1 ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\TWA2\eWAS\profiles\TIPProfile\logs\server1\stopServer.log ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the TIPProfile profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1 *** SSL SIGNER EXCHANGE PROMPT *** SSL signer from target host is not found in trust store C:/TWA2/eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/TWSClientTrustFile.jks. Here is the signer information (verify the digest value matches what is displayed at the server): Subject DN: Issuer DN: Serial number: Expires: SHA-1 Digest: MD5 Digest: CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US CN=ServerNew, OU=TWS, O=IBM, C=US 1352882899 Mon Nov 08 20:48:19 GMT-12:00 2032 5D:16:5D:17:3B:5F:BF:B7:EA:19:92:22:2D:36:53:1A:2F:9D:1B:26 DB:BA:A2:6D:0D:B6:A2:53:35:6D:32:6A:40:20:D5:36

Add signer to the trust store now? (y/n)y A retry of the request may need to occur if the socket times out while waiting for a prompt response. If the retry is required, note that the prompt will not be redisplayed if is entered, which indicates the signer has already been add ed to the trust store. ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status. ADMU4000I: Server server1 stop completed.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console


1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the JSC

3. Modify the JSC truststore

4. Modify the JSC keystore

5. Start the JSC


Legenda: JSC Job Scheduling Console

Figure 18. Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console

Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Scheduling Console 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Job Scheduling Console is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the Job Scheduling Console by closing the wizard. 3. Modify the truststore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\JSC\JSCDefaultTrustFile.jks file to the directory <JSC_INSTALL_DIR>\keys where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory


Renewing default certificates

where you installed the certificates package and the <JSC_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Job Scheduling Console. 4. Modify the keystore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PRIVATE\JSC\JSCDefaultKeyFile.jks file to the directory <JSC_INSTALL_DIR>\keys where <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package and <JSC_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Job Scheduling Console. 5. Start the Job Scheduling Console wizard.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs


1. Download and install the package

2. Find the path of the old certificates

3. Stop the client

4. Re-place the truststore and keystore

5. Start the client


Legenda: API connector APIs

Figure 19. Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the connector APIs 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the client for theconnector APIs is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8.


Renewing default certificates

2. Open the soap.client.props or ssl.client.props file to find the path of the TWSClientTrustFile.jks and TWSClientKeyFile.jks files. 3. Stop the client. 4. Modify the certificates, if the TWSClientTrustFile.jks and TWSClientKeyFile.jks files have not been modified, by replacing them with the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\New\TWSClientTrustFile.jks file and <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\ New\TWSClientKeyFile.jks, where the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the certificates package. 5. Start the client. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Custom integration based on Tivoli Workload Scheduler Java APIs on page 4.

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench


1. Download and install the package

2. Modify the SDK truststore

3. Modify the SDK keystore


Legenda: SDK Integration Workbench

Figure 20. Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench

Procedure to manage the default certificates for the Integration Workbench 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Integration Workbench is installed.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates


b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Modify truststore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\ updCertsScripts\New\PUBLIC\WAS\TWSClientTrust.jks file to the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\keys, where the <SDK_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Integration Workbench. 3. Modify keystore by copying the <PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR>\TWS\updCertsScripts\ New\PRIVATE\WAS\TWSClientKeyfile.jks file to the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\keys, where the <SDK_INSTALL_DIR> is the directory where you installed the Integration Workbench. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Integration Workbench over SSL on page 4.

Procedure to manage the default keystore for the z/OS connector


1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the z/OS connector

3. Modify the z/OS connector keystore

4. Start the z/OS connector

Figure 21. Procedure to manage the default keystore for the z/OS connector

Procedure to manage the default keystore for the z/OS connector 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the z/OS connector is installed.


Renewing default certificates

b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the z/OS connector. 3. Modify the keystore by running: If the Dynamic Workload Console you installed is V8.4.0, V8.5.0, V8.5.1, and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. 4. Start the z/OS connector.

Procedure to manage the default certificates for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric)
To manage the default certificates for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric), for each step in the list of procedures, perform the procedure and then proceed with the successive step: 1. Run Procedure to manage the default truststore for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric). 2. Run Procedure to manage the default keystore for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) on page 71. 3. If the Job Brokering Definition Console V8.5.1 exists and works with default certificates, run Procedure to manage the default truststore and keystore for the Job Brokering Definition Console on page 36. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Connection between Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric agent) and z/OS Controller on page 5 only for the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric). For the z/OS Controller, see the z/OS Controller documentation.

Procedure to manage the default truststore for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric)

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates



1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the z-centric

3. Modify the z-centric truststore

4. Start the z-centric

Figure 22. Procedure to manage the default truststore for the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric)

Procedure to manage the default truststore for the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) by running: If the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) you installed is V8.5.1 and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. Modify the truststore by running:


Renewing default certificates

If the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) you installed is V8.5.1 and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux and IBM i operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updTrustStoreCerts on page 9. 4. Start the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) by running: If the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) you installed is V8.5.1 and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to manage the default keystore for Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric)

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates



1. Download and install the package

2. Stop the z-centric

3. Modify the z-centric keystore

4. Start the z-centric

Figure 23. Procedure to manage the default keystore for the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric)

Procedure to manage the default keystore for the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) 1. Download and install the package by performing the following actions: a. Log on as Administrator on Windows operating systems, or as root on UNIX and Linux operating systems, on the machine where the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) is installed. b. Download the version of the package that you need, as described in Downloading the package on page 7. c. Install the package, as described in Installing the package on page 8. 2. Stop the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) by running: If the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) you installed is V8.5.1 and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference. 3. Modify the keystore, by running:


Renewing default certificates

If the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) you installed is V8.5.1 and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:

For more information about the command syntax, see updKeyStoreCerts on page 12. 4. Start the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) by running: If the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) you installed is V8.5.1 and V8.6.0 with related fix packs On Windows operating systems:

On UNIX, Linux, and IBM i operating systems:


For more information about the command syntax, see User's Guide and Reference.

Procedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic domain managers connected to the z/OS Controller
To manage the default certificates for dynamic domain managers connected to the z/OS Controller, follow the procedure described in Procedure to manage the default certificates for dynamic scheduling environment on page 28. Note: This procedure addresses the scenario described in Scenario: Connection among dynamic domain managers and the z/OS Controller on page 6. For the z/OS Controller, see the z/OS Controller documentation.

Chapter 2. How to renew the default certificates



Renewing default certificates

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Renewing default certificates

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Renewing default certificates

Index A
APIs certificates 47, 66 Job Scheduling Console certificates 27, 64

zosconn certificates 59 keystore 68

certificates APIs 47, 66 command-line client 49 dynamic workload console 23, 60 Integration Workbench 48, 67 Job Brokering Definition Console 36 Job Scheduling Console 27, 64 remote command-line client 51 zosconn 59 command-line client certificates 49 contents Package 8 keystore distributed connector 52 SSL environment 42 zosconn 68

package download 7 installing 8 Package contents 8 procedure default certificates

16, 57

default certificates dynamic environment 28 procedure 16, 57 scripts 9 SSL environment 38 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent 69 default keystore dynamic environment 32 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) 71 distributed connector keystore 52 truststore 18 Downloading package 7 dynamic environment default certificates 28 default keystore 32 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) 69 truststore 28 dynamic workload console certificates 23, 60

remote command-line client certificates 51

Scripts to renew default certificates 9 SSL environment default certificates 38 keystore 42 TrustStore 38

Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent default certificates 69 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) default keystore 71 truststore distributed connector 18 dynamic environment 28 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent (z-centric) 69 TrustStore SSL environment 38

Installing package 8 Integration Workbench certificates 48, 67

updKeyStoreCerts 12 updTrustKeyStoreCerts updTrustStoreCerts 9 15

Job Brokering Definition Console certificates 36



Renewing default certificates

Product Number: 5698-WSH

Printed in USA

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