U4 Lab 1 Moles Molecules and Grams

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Name _______________________________ Period ___ Date ___/___/___

T h e M o l e C o n c e p t U n i t 4

Moles, Molecules, and Grams Lab

As weve already discussed in class its easy to ma!e conversions "etween moles molecules/#ormula units and $rams% &or e'ample i# we want to $o #rom moles to $rams we use the molar mass to ma!e this conversion% (# we want to $o #rom moles to molecules we use Avo$adros num"er or )%*+ ' ,*+-% &inally i# we want to $o #rom $rams to molecules/#ormula units we .ust use a two step process where we #irst convert #rom $rams to moles and then #rom moles to molecules/&%U% /isually it loo!s li!e this0 Molar mass 1rams Units )%*+ ' ,*+Moles Molecules/&ormula

(n this la" we will "e wei$hin$ out #ive di##erent su"stances then #indin$ out how many moles and molecules/&%U% o# each one we have% Prelab0 (# you measure out +2%* $rams o# Na34 in this la" how many moles o# Na34 would you have5 4ow many #ormula units5 +2%*$m Na34 ' , mole/-6%667$ Na34 8 *%)- moles o# Na34 *%)- moles Na34 ' )%*+9,*:+-/, mole 8 -%7)9,*:+- molecules Na34 Lab0 (n this la" there are #ive di##erent "alances set up each o# which has a la"eled su"stance in a little .ar ne't to it% ;our .o" is to #ind out how many moles and how many molecules o# each su"stance are in the canister% <ome Ma!e in#ormation you mi$ht #ind use#ul0 sand "a!in$ soda =Na4C3-> chal! =CaC3-> ta"le salt =NaCl> su$ar0 sucrose =C,+4++3,,> sure that your la" has a data ta"le that contains the #ollowin$0 The name o# each o# these su"stances The #ormula #or each o# these su"stances The molar mass o# each o# these su"stances The mass in $rams o# each o# these su"stances%

?hen you are done wei$hin$ each material calculate the num"er o# moles o# each material and the num"er o# molecules o# each one and put them in the ri$ht space% All calculations must "e shown on lined paper with all conversion #actors and unit cancellin$%

Data Table: Plate wei$ht @ +%2, $rams &ormula Molar mass Mass in $rams <and <i3+ )*%*6$ ,%*2$ Aa!in$ <oda Na4C3B4%*,$ ,%-7$ Chal! CaC3,**%,$ ,%72$ Ta"le <alt NaCl 2B%44$ *%B2$ <u$ar C,+4++3,, -4+%-$ *%7*$

Calculations0 Usin$ your data #ind the #ollowin$ values% Ma!e sure to show all wor! and write all num"ers with the correct si$ni#icant #i$ures% ,a% Num"er o# moles o# sand0 *%*,7 moles <i3+ , mole/)*%*6$ ' ,%*2$ 8 *%*,7 moles <i3+ "% Num"er o# molecules o# sand0 ,%*+- ' ,*++ molecules <i3+ )%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' *%*,7 moles <i3+ 8 ,%*+- ' ,*++ molecules <i3+

+a% Num"er o# moles o# "a!in$ soda0 *%*,) moles Na4C3, mole/B4%*,$ ' ,%-7$ 8 *%*,) moles Na4C3"% Num"er o# #ormula units o# "a!in$ soda0 6%)-+ ' ,*+, molecules Na4C3)%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' *%*,) moles Na4C3- 8 6%)-+ ' ,*+, molecules Na4C3-

-% Num"er o# #ormula units o# chal!0 ,%*+- ' ,*++ molecules CaC3- 4int0 <trin$ two conversions to$ether , mole/,**%,$ ' ,%72$ 8 *%*,7 moles CaC3)%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' *%*,7 moles CaC3- 8,%*+- ' ,*++ molecules CaC3-

4% Num"er o# #ormula units o# salt0 6%*- ' ,*+, molecules NaCl , mole/2B%44$ ' *%B2$ 8 *%*,2 moles NaCl )%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' *%*,2 moles NaCl 8 6%*- ' ,*+,

2% Num"er o# molecules o# su$ar0 ,%+*4 ' ,*+, molecules C,+4++3,,

, mole/-4+%-$ ' *%7*$ 8 *%**+ moles C,+4++3,, )%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' *%**+ moles C,+4++3,, 8 ,%+*4 ' ,*+, C,+4++3,,

Post Lab Questions: ,% ?hich o# the materials we wor!ed with had the lar$est num"er o# molecules/#ormula units5 ?as this the material that had the lar$est wei$ht5 ?hy5 <and and chal! had the lar$est num"ers o# molecules/#ormula units with appro'imately the same amount o# ,%*+- ' ,*++ molecules% They have the same amount o# moles per the amount we scooped out #or each compound there#ore have the same num"er o# molecules% Chal! did have the lar$est wei$ht scooped out% +% ?ater has a molecular #ormula o# 4+3% (# ( have 2*%* $ o# water how many moles o# water do ( have5 4ow many molecules5 Molar mass o# water0 ,B%*+$ , mole/,B%*+$ ' 2*%*$ water 8 +%774 moles 4+3 )%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' +%774 moles 4+3 8 ,%)7* ' ,*+4 molecules 4+3 -% Autane has a molecular #ormula o# C44,*% (# ( have 2*%* $rams o# "utane how many moles o# natural $as do ( have5 4ow many molecules5 Molar mass o# "utane0 2B%,+$ , mole/2B%,+$ ' 2*%*$ "utane 8 *%B)* moles C44,* )%*+ ' ,*+-molecules/, mole ' *%B)* moles C44,* 8 2%,77 ' ,*+- molecules C44,* 4% ( had the same wei$ht o# water and "utane in pro"lems - and 4% ?hy didnt the answer come out the same5 C'plain% The answer did not come out the same "ecause water and "utane have di##erent molecular mass there#ore have di##erent num"er o# moles and molecules within 2*$ o# the compound%

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