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And, A RECEIPE FOR JANMASHTAMI TO EAT: Ardent followers of Lord Krishna celebrate Janmashtami by keeping 'Nirjal'a fasts from the sunrise on the day of Janmashtami. This kind of fasting involves not having even a single drop of water during the entire day. People feel keeping nirjal or waterless fasts will help them get closer to God. Devotees also keep 'Phalahar Vrat' having milk and fruits during the fast. Devotees observe strict discipline while fasting. They refrain from having cereals and salt on the day of the festival . They also feel keeping such fast is the only thing that they can offer God. Fasting is accompanied by singing of devotional songs and mantra chanting. Devotees make various dishes during the fast. They have milk and milk products during the fast. This because Lord Krishna was particularly fond of milk and butter. Sweet dishes are also made and had during janmashtami fast. Kheer, Pedhas are popular sweets that devotees have. People do not usually include salt in their meals during the fast. However, now a days salt is used. BREAK OF FAST: Devotees fasting on janmashtami break the fast at midnight after the birth of Lord Krishna. They break their fast with Prasad of the Lord. They only eat after they have performed Janmashtami midnight pooja.

Breaking of the fast usually occurs at midnight with prasadam sanctified food offered first to Krishna. The prasadam served is similar to preparations made on Ekadasi. Fasting is accompanied by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and kirtan, as devotees join together and sing about Krishna with music and dance. However, those who are unable to fast NIRJALA, may observe SIMILAR TO EKADASI FASTS with fruits, water, nuts, green vegetables and milk, avoiding all grains. However, they still prepare some of the popular Janmashtami fast recipes. These recipes are specially meant for the fasting days. This special recipe is known as phalahaar. It does not include cereals and grains. Let us see a recipe here for Janmashtami! Some of the famous Janmashtami fast recipes are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Singhare ki puri Til ki Kheer Shrikhand Pedha Aloo/Arwi Chaat

Let us know how to prepare Singhare ki puri. For this recipe, ingredients required are: Singhara Flour Ajwain Seeds Boiled and mashed Potatoes Chopped green chillies Oil For Deep Frying Coriander Leaves

Chopped Spinach Red Chili Powder Salt to taste Procedure for making Sighare ki Puri: Mix all the ingredients properly and make hard dough for puris. Roll the dough into small puris and deep fry it. You should add less water in the dough. What Srila Prabhupada says? Srila Prabhupada explains the importance of Janmashtami, stating, One has to learn how Krishna takes birth. It is not an ordinary birth. Had it been an ordinary birth, then why should we observe the Janmashtami ceremony? It is Divine, Transcendental.

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