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Chemistry Moles, Molecules, and Grams Lab

Name __Ryan Quinn Period __1_ Date _1__/_12__/__2013 The Mole Concept nit !

"s #e$%e already discussed in class& it$s easy to ma'e con%ersions (et#een moles& molecules/)ormula units& and *rams+ ,or e-ample& i) #e #ant to *o )rom moles to *rams& #e use the molar mass to ma'e this con%ersion+ .) #e #ant to *o )rom moles to molecules& #e use "%o*adro$s num(er& or /+02 - 1023+ ,inally& i) #e #ant to *o )rom *rams to molecules/)ormula units& #e 0ust use a t#o step process #here #e )irst con%ert )rom *rams to moles& and then )rom moles to molecules/,+ + 1isually& it loo's li'e this2 Molar mass 3rams /+02 - 1023 Moles Molecules/,ormula nits

.n this la(& #e #ill (e #ei*hin* out )i%e di))erent su(stances then )indin* out ho# many moles and molecules/,+ + o) each one #e ha%e+ Prelab2 .) you measure out 24+0 *rams o) Na56 in this la(& ho# many moles o) Na56 #ould you ha%e7 6o# many )ormula units7 Moles 24+0* - 81 mole/39+99:*; < 0+/24 moles Formula Units 0+/24moles - 8/+02-1023molecules / 1mole; < /+24-1022

Lab2 .n this la(& there are )i%e di))erent (alances set up& each o) #hich has a la(eled su(stance in a little 0ar ne-t to it+ =our 0o( is to )ind out ho# many moles and ho# many molecules o) each su(stance are in the canister+ >ome in)ormation you mi*ht )ind use)ul2 sand (a'in* soda 8Na6C53; chal' 8CaC53; ta(le salt 8NaCl; su*ar2 sucrose 8C12622511; Ma'e sure that your la( has a data ta(le that contains the )ollo#in*2 The name o) each o) these su(stances The )ormula )or each o) these su(stances The molar mass o) each o) these su(stances The mass in *rams o) each o) these su(stances+ ?hen you are done #ei*hin* each material& calculate the num(er o) moles o) each material& and the num(er o) molecules o) each one& and put them in the ri*ht space+ "ll calculations must (e sho#n on lined paper #ith all con%ersion )actors and unit cancellin*+

Data Table: Name >and Aa'in* >oda >i52 Na6C53 Formula Molar Mass 2@+09 32+00 </0+09*/mol 22+99 1+00@ /0+01 <@!+01*/mol !0+0@ /0+01 <100+09*/mol 22+99 34+!4 <4@+!!*/mol 12+01812;< 1!!+12 1+00@822;<22+:/ 1/+00 811;< 1:/ <3!2+9/*/mol /+!0* !+30* Mass (g)

Chal' Ta(le >alt >u*ar

CaC53 NaCl C12622511

3+42* 4+94* 4+00! *

Calculations2 sin* your data& )ind the )ollo#in* %alues+ Ma'e sure to sho# all #or' and #rite all num(ers #ith the correct si*ni)icant )i*ures+ 1a+ Num(er o) moles o) sand2 _0+10:moles_________ /+!0* - 81mol//0+09*; < 0+10/40:moles (+ Num(er o) molecules o) sand2 _/+!!-1022 molecules__________ 0+10:moles - 8/+02-1023molecules/1mol; < /+!!1! - 1022 molecules 2a+ Num(er o) moles o) (a'in* soda2 _0+0412moles_________ !+30* - 81mole/ @!+01*; < 0+0412 moles

(+ Num(er o) )ormula units o) (a'in* soda2 ____3+0@-1022 ,+ + _______ 0+0412moles - 8/+02-1023molecules/1mol; < 3+0@-1022 ,+ +

3+ Num(er o) )ormula units o) chal'2 ___2+12-1022 ,+ +____ 6int2 >trin* t#o con%ersions to*ether 3+42* - 81mol/100+09*; - 8/+02-1023molecules/1mol; < 2+12-1022 ,+ +

!+ Num(er o) )ormula units o) salt2 ____/+13 - 1022 ,+ ______ 4+94* - 81mol/4@+!!*; < 0+102moles 0+102moles - 8/+02 - 1023molecules/1 mole; < /+13 - 1022 ,+ 4+ Num(er o) molecules o) su*ar2 ___@+:@ - 1021 molecules _______ 4+00!* - 81mol/3!2+9/*; < 0+01!/mol 0+01!/mol - 8/+02-1023molecules/ 1mol; < @+:@ - 1021 molecules

Post Lab Questions: 1+ ?hich o) the materials #e #or'ed #ith had the lar*est num(er o) molecules/)ormula units7 ?as this the material that had the lar*est #ei*ht7 ?hy7 >and #as the material #ith the lar*est num(er o) )ormula units/molecules (ecause it had a measure o) /+!!-1022 molecules& #hich #as hi*her than the other materialsB )ormula units measurement+ This material also had the lar*est #ei*ht& #hich meant that there #ere more molecules in the measurement+ 2+ ?ater has a molecular )ormula o) 625+ .) . ha%e 40+0 * o) #ater& ho# many moles o) #ater do . ha%e7 6o# many molecules7 40+0* - 81mol/ 1@+02*; < 2+::4moles 625 There are 2+:@moles in 40+0* 625 2+:@moles - 8/+02-1023molecules/1mol; < 1+/:0 molecules There are 1+/: molecules in 40+0* 625

3+ Autane has a molecular )ormula o) C!610+ .) . ha%e 40+0 *rams o) (utane& ho# many moles o) natural *as do . ha%e7 6o# many molecules7 40+0* - 81mol/4@+12*; < 0+@/03 moles There are 0+@/0 moles in 40+0 *rams o) (utane 0+@/0moles - 8/+02-1023molecules/1mol; < 4+1:9 - 1023 molecules There are 4+1@ - 1023 molecules

!+ . had the same #ei*ht o) #ater and (utane in pro(lems 3 and !+ ?hy didn$t the ans#er come out the same7 C-plain+ The ans#er did not come out the same (ecause (utane and #ater do not ha%e the same molecular )ormulas and the same composition+ ?ater is made out o) 2 hydro*ens and 1 o-y*en& #hereas (utane is made out ! car(ons and 10 hydro*ens& #hich *i%es them a di))erent molar mass+ There)ore& #hen you di%ide the *rams (y the molar mass& you #ill *et di))erent ans#ers+ The same is true #hen calculatin* )ormula units/molecules (ecause you #ill di%ide the di))erent mole counts (y "%a*adroBs num(er 8/+02 1023;& #hich #ill a*ain *i%e you a di))erent num(er )or each o) the su(stancesB molecule counts+

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