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WOMEN'S REVENGE 'Cash, check or charge?' I asked, after folding items the oman ished to !

"rchase# $s she f"m%led for her allet ,I noticed a remote control for a tele&ision set in her !"rse# 'So, do 'o" al a's carr' 'o"r (V remote?' I asked# 'No,' she re!lied, '%"t m' h"s%and ref"sed to come sho!!ing ith me, and I fig"red this as the most e&il thing I co"ld do to him legall'#'

)N*ERS($N*ING WOMEN +$ M$N'S ,ERS,EC(IVEI kno I'm not going to "nderstand omen# I'll ne&er "nderstand ho 'o" can take %oiling hot a., !o"r it onto 'o"r "!!er thigh, ri! the hair o"t %' the root,

and still %e afraid of a s!ider#

M$RRI$GE SEMIN$R While attending a Marriage Seminar dealing ith comm"nication, (om and his ife Grace listened to the instr"ctor, 'It is essential that h"s%ands and i&es kno each other's likes and dislikes#' /e addressed the man, 'Can 'o" name 'o"r ife's fa&orite flo er?' (om leaned o&er, to"ched his ife's arm gentl' and his!ered, 'It's ,ills%"r', isn't it?

WI0E VS# /)S1$N* $ co"!le dro&e do n a co"ntr' road for se&eral miles, not sa'ing a ord#

$n earlier disc"ssion had led to an arg"ment and neither of them anted to concede their !osition# $s the' !assed a %arn'ard of m"les, goats, and !igs, the h"s%and asked sarcasticall', 'Relati&es of 'o"rs?' '2e!,' the ife re!lied, 'in3la s#'

$ h"s%and read an article to his ife a%o"t ho man' ords omen "se a da'### 45,555 to a man's 67,555# (he ife re!lied, '(he reason has to %e %eca"se e ha&e to re!eat e&er'thing to men#### (he h"s%and then t"rned to his ife and asked, 'What?'


$ man said to his ife one da', 'I don't kno ho %e

'o" can

so st"!id and so %ea"tif"l all at the same time# '(he ife res!onded, '$llo me to e.!lain#

God made me %ea"tif"l so 'o" o"ld %e attracted to me8 God made me st"!id so I o"ld %e attracted to 'o" 9

W/O *OES W/$(

$ man and his ife ere ha&ing an arg"ment a%o"t ho sho"ld %re the coffee each morning# (he ife said, '2o" sho"ld do it %eca"se 'o" get "! first, and then e don't ha&e to ait as long to get o"r coffee# (he h"s%and said, '2o" are in charge of cooking aro"nd here and 'o" sho"ld do it, %eca"se that is 'o"r :o%, and I can :"st ait for m' coffee#' Wife re!lies, 'No, 'o" sho"ld do it, and %esides, it is in the 1i%le that the man sho"ld do the coffee#'

/"s%and re!lies, 'I can't %elie&e that, sho me##' So she fetched the 1i%le, and o!ened the Ne (estament and sho ed him at the to! of se&eral !ages, that it indeed sa's '/E1REWS'

(he Silent (reatment

$ man and his ife ere ha&ing some !ro%lems at home and ere gi&ing each other the silent treatment# S"ddenl', the man reali;ed that the ne.t da', he o"ld need his ife to ake him at 7<55 $M for an earl' morning %"siness flight# Not anting to %e the first to %reak the silence +and =OSE-, he rote on a !iece of !a!er, ',lease ake me at 7<55$M#' /e left it here he kne she o"ld find it# (he ne.t morning, the man oke "!, onl' to disco&er it as ><55 $M and he had missed his flight 0"rio"s, he as a%o"t to go and see h' his ife hadn't akened him, hen he noticed a !iece of !a!er %' the %ed# (he !a!er said, 'It is 7<55$M # Wake "!#'

Men are not e?"i!!ed for these kinds of contests#

God ma' ha&e created man %efore oman, %"t there is al a's a ro"gh draft %efore the master!iece

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