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December 4, 2013

HR MANAGER Raffles & Company Inc. Cagayan de Oro

Dear Sir/Madam:

My positive personality, managerial experience and my completed education ma e me a strong candidate !or t"e Sales #raining $ssistant position in your company% & am an &nternational Studies graduate o! $teneo de 'agayan()avier *niversity, 'agayan de +ro 'ity% & "ave t"e maturity, s ills and abilities to embar on a career% & ad"ere to a ,or et"ics and strong dedication to ,or % & believe t"at & can be an asset to your company% & ,ould ,elcome t"e opportunity to discuss my suitability !or t"e position and comply ,it" your ot"er re-uirements% & can be contacted anytime at t"is number (092 !"#$9%%9&.

#"an you very muc"%


'ernade((e Ann R. )aalam


Rainbow Drive Tibasak, Macasandig Cagayan de Oro City Email: berniepaalam@yahoo com berniepaalam!"@gmail com Mobile #o: $%&'()"*%++%


Concrete e,perience in cond-cting sales team trainings Concrete e,perience in making training mod-les Concrete e,perience in administrative and managerial work Concrete e,perience in c-stomer service and relations o/ company events and ideas /or marketing Comp-ter literate 01indows 2 O3, M3 ( 1ord, 4ower4oint, E,cel5 6ighly motivated, willing learner and seeking transition to challenging corporate role 7rtic-late, pro/essional, and pers-asive in b-siness comm-nications and dealings 1orks well in prod-ctive and cohesive team environments 8road knowledge in b-siness operations and administration E//ective in m-lti(tasking /-nctions


Company #ame: International Refugees and Relief Committee 2 9#:O Doc-menter;4roposal and Report 1riter: 3eptember &$)& 2 3eptember &$)! Company #ame: Provincial Roads Management Facilit 2 #:O Doc-menter;4roposal and Report 1riter: May &$)& 2 3eptember &$)& <-nction = Responsibilities: Doc-ments trainings and seminars and /acilitates trainings and seminars 1rites proposal /or team developments and makes the ann-al and >-arterly reports

Company: Alliance in Motion !lo"al Distrib-tor;Training and Marketing Cons-ltant: March &$$' ( May &$)&

<-nction = Responsibilities: Cond-cts marketing presentations sales and marketing events Cond-cts team trainings Company& $t. Mar 's $c(ool 4re(school Teacher;4re(school Coordinator: ?-ne &$$@ 2 March &$)$ <-nction = Responsibilities: Teaches all pre(school s-bAects /or children ages +(' years old 0morning class5 pre(school events and shows 7ssists the principal in all administrative work(newsletters, test papers, comm-nication letters Company& Tutor Time International Presc(ool and )indergarten 4re(B Cead Teacher;Teacher Coordinator: 7pril &$$' 2 May &$$@ <-nction = Responsibilities: Teaches pre(school children ages "(+ years old Does all the administrative work /or the pre(school department(newsletters, lesson planning 7ssists children with special needs Trains assistant teachers Company& P*oe's Diner 3tore Manager: March &$$! 2 March &$$' <-nction = Responsibilities: Manages and trains the team /or e,cellent c-stomer service store events 9mplements sales and marketing ideas

$EMINAR$ AND +#R)$,#P$

Team Ceadership 1orkshop 3trategic 4lanning Training 3ales Training Creative 3trategy and 4resentations 1orkshop Team 8-ilding Training Event Organi.ers 1orkshop 3peakerDs 1orkshop CeaderDs Training 4-blic 3peaking 1orkshop Corporate Ethics

ED-CATI#N BAC,EL#R #F ART$ ma.or in INTERNATI#NAL $T-DIE$ 7teneo de Cagayan 2 Eavier Fniversity March &$$)

$t. Mar 's $c(ool Mand-mol, Macasandig March )%%' Cor/us C(risti $c(ool Macasandig March )%%&

Birt( Place: 3an <ernando, Ca Fnion Birt( Date: &" 7pril )%*% Age: !" $e0: <emale Marital $tatus: Married Religion: Christian

Nationalit : Filipino Language: English, <ilipino, Ceb-ano ,eig(t: +D "G +eig(t: @+ Bg Interest1,o""ies: M-sic(3inging and Dancing, 1atching Movies, 4laying 8illiards and 8adminton, 1riting and Reading

REFERENCE$ M*. +,E-R.E,I* G. /ARO $ssistant .//0ranc" "ead SM 0D+('agayan de +ro 'ity

M*. CORA0ON '. G-I,,ERMO &nternational 'onsultant &nternational 12+ M*. )RIMA.ONNA 1. NE'RI/A #eac"er 'oordinator #utor #ime &nternational /resc"ool

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