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Conditional Sentences Type I

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I. If you (go) TV. I (earn)


out with your friends tonight, I (watch)

get w ill miss

w ill w atch

the football match on

w ill eam

a lot of money if I (get)

doesnt hurry

that job. the bus.

If she (hurry / not)

, we (miss)

Conditional Sentences Type II

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. If he (try) I (buy) It (surprise / not)

harder, he (reach) these shoes if they (fit)

w ould reach

his goals. . the answer.

me if he (know / not)

Conditional Sentences Type III

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III. If we (listen) If you (switch) She (come) to the radio, we (hear) on the lights, you (fall / not) to our party if she (be / not) the news. over the chair. on holiday.

Conditional Sentences Type I, II or III

Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III). If I If we'd seen you, we If we stronger, I'd help you carry the piano. . him tomorrow, we'll say hello. the tools. . the exam. a driving licence. him every day, she'd be lovesick. to London if I don't get a cheap flight. him about our secret.

He would have repaired the car himself if he If you drop the vase, it If I hadn't studied, I I wouldn't go to school by bus if I If she I We'd be stupid if we

Type I, II or III
Decide whether the following Conditional Sentences are Type I, II or II. 1. If he had dropped the vase, it would have broken. Type I 2. Type II Type III

If you have to do the washing up, I will help you. Type I Type II Type III


If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning ... (song) Type I Type II Type III


I wouldn't run away if I saw a spider. Type I Type II Type III


We'd have given you a lift if you hadn't had your bike with you. Type I Type II Type III


If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn't have happened. Type I Type II Type III


If we don't get tickets for the concert, we'll stay at home. Type I Type II Type III


They'd go by bus if they didn't have a car. Type I Type II Type III


She'll hear us if you don't stop laughing. Type I Type II Type III

10. He wouldn't have taken the bread if he hadn't been hungry. Type I Type II Type III

Conditional Sentences Type II

Study the following situations. In every sentence, the 'if' clause expresses a general situation in the present (Type II). Decide, however, whether the consequences refer to the present (Conditional I) or past (Conditional II). 1. I am trying to reach Sue on the phone now, but I'm afraid she is not there because If she (be) 2. at the office, she (answer) the phone.

A couple of minutes ago, I tried to reach Sue on the phone, but I'm afraid she is not there because If she (be) at the office, she (answer) the phone.


I want to ring a friend now, but I don't know his phone number. If I (know) his phone number, I (ring) him.


A week ago, I wanted to ring a friend, but I don't know his phone number. If I (know) his phone number, I (ring) him.


A friend tells me what she is planning to do. I don't think what she is planning is a good idea. If I (be) you, I (do / not) this.


A friend tells me what she did. I don't think what she did was a good idea. If I (be) you, I (do / not) this.


Somebody tells me that Sarah is on holiday in Italy at the moment. This cannot be true because I'm seeing her in town tonight. If Sarah (be) in Italy, I (see / not) her in town tonight.


Somebody tells me that Sarah is on holiday in Italy at the moment. This cannot be true because I saw her in town last night. If Sarah (be) in Italy, I (see / not) her in town last night.


My brother feels like he is getting the flu. I tell him You (get / not) the flu if you (eat) more fruit.

10. A few weeks ago, my brother had the flu. I tell him You (get / not) the flu if you (eat) more fruit

Conditional Sentence Type I

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I. If you (wash) If my dad (have) You (learn) If the weather (be / not) We (get / not) the dishes, I (cook) time next week, we (paint) a lot about American history if you (visit) too bad tomorrow, we (play) there on time if we (catch / not) dinner tonight. my room. the exhibition. golf. the bus.

Conditional Sentence Type II

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. If I (have) If she (study) If we (know) I (go) It (surprise) more time, I (learn) harder, she (get) more about history, we (be / not) jogging with Tom and Sue if they (be) me if she (help / not) you. to play the guitar. better marks. afraid of the test. here this week.

Conditional Sentence Type I or II

Complete the sentences with the correct form (Type I or II). If you need the car in the afternoon, I If I I'll buy this bag if they She wouldn't pay cash if she If I didn't have you, I shopping in the morning.

a hat, I would look like an old woman. it in blue. a credit card. what to do.

Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Mix)

05 0

Type I, II or III

Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I, II or III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If I had time, I If you
w ould have gone

shopping with you. English, you will get along with them perfectly.
w ould have turned

w ill speak

If they had gone for a walk, they If she


the lights off.

to see us, we will go to the zoo.

had seen

I would have told you, if I Would you mind if I

him. the window?


7. 8. 9.

If they

w ould have invited met

me, I wouldn't have said no. me at the station if he gets the afternoon off. it, nobody would do it.

My friend If I
don't do

10. If my father

didn't pick

me up, I'll take the bus home.

Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Mix)

04 0

Type I, II or III

Decide whether the following Conditional Sentences are Type I, II or II. 1. If he had dropped the vase, it would have broken. Type I 2. Type II Type III

If you have to do the washing up, I will help you. Type I Type II Type III


If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning ... (song) Type I Type II Type III


I wouldn't run away if I saw a spider. Type I Type II Type III


We'd have given you a lift if you hadn't had your bike with you. Type I Type II Type III


If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn't have happened. Type I Type II Type III


If we don't get tickets for the concert, we'll stay at home. Type I Type II Type III


They'd go by bus if they didn't have a car. Type I Type II Type III


She'll hear us if you don't stop laughing. Type I Type II Type III

10. He wouldn't have taken the bread if he hadn't been hungry. Type I Type II Type III

Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Mix)

06 0

Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type I, II

and III
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I, II or III) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

If they (have)


time at the weekend, they will come to see us. .

If we sneak out quietly, nobody (notice) If we (know) If I (be) We (arrive)

about your problem, we would have helped you. you, I would not buy that dress. earlier if we had not missed the bus. complete.

If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life (not / be) Okay, I (get) If I (tell) She (go) the popcorn if you buy the drinks.

you a secret, you would be sure to leak it. out with you if you had only asked her. it in such an obvious place.

10. I would not have read your diary if you (not hide)

Exercises on Conditional Sentences Type 1

Some friends are planning a party. Everybody wants to party, but nobody's really keen on preparing and organising the party. So everybody comes up with a few conditions, just to make sure that the others will also do something. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If Caroline and Sue If Sue Jane If Bob Elaine If Alan and Rebecca If Bob Frank Alan the salad, Phil the onions for the salad, Caroline the sitting room if Aaron and Tim up the kitchen, Anita the drinks if somebody the toilet. her carry the bottles. the sandwiches. the house. the mushrooms. the furniture.
default 0

the food, Mary and Conor after the barbecue, Sue the DJ if the others the drinks if Jane their best, the party the guests in. along their CDs.

him some of her cocktail recipes. great.

10. If they all

Exercises on Conditional Sentences Type 1

02 0

Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into

w ill receive

the correct form. 1. If you (send)


this letter now, she (receive)

it tomorrow.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

If I (do) If I (find) Peggy (go) Simon (go)

this test, I (improve) your ring, I (give) shopping if she (have)

my English. it back to you. time in the afternoon. a cheap flight. him. the exam. water the plants. this scary film. ready on time.

to London next week if he (get) today, she (leave) harder, they (pass / not) tomorrow, I (have to / not) to sleep if you (watch)

If her boyfriend (phone / not) If they (study / not) If it (rain) You (be able/ not)

10. Susan (can / move / not)

into the new house if it (be / not)

Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 2

default 0

Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won

the lottery. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If I If I If I I If I I I island. We If we the lottery, I the jackpot, I rich, my life a lonely island, if I a lonely island, I all my friends if I

a chance to hit the jackpot. rich. completely. a nice one. a huge house by the beach. a house by the beach. to spend their holidays on my

my friends up in my yacht if they

8. 9.

great parties if my friends to go shopping in a big city, we over, I

to my island. a helicopter. very lonely on my lonely island.

10. But if my friends' holidays

Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 2

Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional I with would in the main clause. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If we (have) If he (have) If they (tell) She (spend) If I (live) We (help) My brother (buy) If I (feel) If you (go)


a yacht, we (sail)

w ould sail

the seven seas. karate. very angry. easier to get a green card. around naked all day.

more time, he (learn) their father, he (be) a year in the USA if it (be) on a lonely island, I (run) you if we (know) how.

a sports car if he (have) better, I (go)

the money.

to the cinema with you. so flabby. mad at you.

by bike more often, you (be / not) to you if she (be)

10. She (not / talk)

Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 3

What a match your favourite team has lost again! So after the game, the supporters discuss what could have been different. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III. 1. If the midfielders more chances to attack. If the forwards Their motivation half. The fullbacks opponents. If the goalie If the referee Our team before. The game the second half. If it the ball more exactly, our team
default 0

2. 3.

faster, they if they

more goals. a goal during the first


one or the other goal if they


5. 6. 7.

up, he the foul, he in better form if they

the ball. a penalty kick to our team. harder the weeks


better if the trainer

a substitute in during


a home game, our team the match, they

the match. up in the league.

10. If our team

Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 3

02 0

Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional II with would in the main clause. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If you (study) If you (ask) If we (go) If you (speak) If they (listen) I (write) If I (not / break) If it (not/ start) We (swim)
had studied

for the test, you (pass)

w ould have


me, I (help) to the cinema, we (see)

you. my friend Jacob. . home earlier. your address. in the contest. to the museum. so many sharks there. on time.

English, she (understand) to me, we (be) you a postcard if I (have) my leg, I (take part) to rain, we (walk) in the sea if there (not / be) the bus, she (not / arrive)

10. If she (take)

The Zero Conditional Exercise at Auto-English

Use the conditions and results in the box to complete the phrases below.

Conditions you've got a headache you don't wear a crash helmet you heat it to 100 c she comes home very late you leave gates open in the country you add sugar

Results you get pink A dog bites the dvd player comes on Butter melts it scratches you You have more chance of being killed

1 2 3 4

Water boils if _______________________________________________ .

If you mix red and white _______________________________________________ . _______________________________________________ if you leave it in the sun. If _______________________________________________ , take an aspirin.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

If _______________________________________________ , it tastes sweet. _______________________________________________ if you go near its food when it's eating. If you pull a cat's tail, _______________________________________________ . _______________________________________________ if you don't wear a seat belt. You can end up brain damaged if _______________________________________________ . If you press this switch, _______________________________________________ . If _______________________________________________ , her folks get very angry. Farmers get very angry if _______________________________________________ .

If" sentences, zero conditional, exercise 2 by Julie Dyson

Matching exercise Select the correct items on the right to match the items on the left. If you eat too much, it gets really greasy, looks lank and horrible. you put on weight. you get completely drunk and probably pass out. the teacher gets really annoyed and so do the other students. you get a terrible stomach-ache. If you drink eight pints of lager in one evening, If you are constantly late to class, little by little, you start to forget it. If you don't practise your English, If you press your foot on the accelerator, it melts. the car goes faster. it makes a terrible racket and ruins the gear-box of your car.

If you don't wash your hair regularly, If you don't put ice-cream in the freezer, If you don't use the clutch properly, If you eat ten hamburgers at one sitting,

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