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Hartonian Series by D.

M Carter
Copyright of D.M Carter, 2009

Cloudless Night
She walked down the stairs, glancing back towards the dark house, seeing if
there was anyone awake. Seeing no light or evidence of anyone who was awake,
she continued down and bumped into someone.

"Misty?" the stranger asked surprised.

"Kale?" the girl whispered.
She saw her cousin and only friend smile and she couldn't resist smiling to, for
tonight's amazing plan, another lesson of the other unknown world.
"When do we go? I really want to see it!" The girl asked impatiently but excitedly.
"We'll go now, I've set everything." He placed one hand on her shoulder and
closed his eyes, concentrating.
Misty closed her eyes as well and as she opened her eyes a second later she was
smiling at the new environment she was suddenly in. She turned around facing
Kale but saw nothing. Alarmed, she turned every direction searching and finally
spied him in the middle of what looked like a henge, but there was something
different about it. She walked up towards it stopping at the stone that held a
fiery gemstone on its top surface.
"What is this?" She asked, curious at the strange henge-like circle.
"It's how we pray, like you humans have church to worship God," He replied,
walking towards the west stone, which fashioned an ocean blue gemstone, "Its
represents the elements, I hope your Mother explained that Misty?"
That she knew, the elements, and she nodded in understanding.
"You're in Air, like my mother, is it because you're her nephew? Like family?" She
"Don't worry, even though you're half vampire, you're still apart of us and the
elements." He assured.
Misty took a deep breath and lifted one foot forward, but something stopped her,
she looked up at Kale who stiffened.
"Oh please, no," he whispered softly. He collected his senses and walked over to
Misty shielding her from the night's oncoming fright.
Misty peeked over his shoulder and the sight scared her, two wolves were there,
growling low and softly.
As she spoke the wolves attacked, she screamed waiting for their canine teeth to
sink into her, killing her mostly for she has vampire blood in her.
But nothing came, she looked up, Kale was on the ground, his blood spilt, Oh
god, don't let him be dead, she thought over and over again.
She heard the deep growl from the werewolves, and she stood up straight hands
out stretched hoping something would happen to help defend her.
Nothing was happening and she looked up in the sky, the full moon shining
strongly, no clouds in sight, and she looked back at the two wolves.
She spat at them hatefully which made them provoked and attack again, but
something moved in front of her, her eyes wide open as she recognised the
woman, her Mother.
"Mum," she gasped.
Her mother outstretched her arm, a light aura lightened her skin, and she spoke
one word, "Zemalor,"
A blinding light shot towards the werewolves, distracting them momentarily.
Misty's mother turned around and looked her over, and finally spoke the heart-
breaking words.
"Mystique, I'm going to erase your memory of tonight, and the vampire world,
what you don't know will keep you alive, but I'll die in the process, I love you and
your father. I love..." That was all Misty heard before she blacked out into the
darkness and hearing a distant scream and felt a sharp pain.
CHAPTER 1 Same Dream
I woke up suddenly with a gasp. I should’ve expected I was going to dream about
this tonight. I turned around in my bed facing the window side where my
roommate slept.

Cleo my best friend for four years is a training demon slayer, which suits her
because of her talents. Being a water elementalist and having fast reflexes and
speed is a great advantage in the slaying courses.

I turned over again then sighed. It was always that dream, of my mother dying
along with my cousin and only friend. She didn’t get the time to erase my
memories of the vampire world because the werewolves she blinded
momentarily had other friends with them. They bit me and I was slowly dying
before my sister Kayla showed up. Kayla is now a retired Slayer; she was tortured
once by a Demon. I find it unfair that all Demon Vampires have a special talent
that makes them more of a threat to us normal Vampires, but the dream was
about what happened eight years ago, where I used to live in Australia but I had
to move to Hartonia in the middle of nowhere, a lonely little but massive island.

Deep into my thoughts I didn’t realise the time until my alarm for 7.30 PM gone
off, which made me jump, like I was asleep and something made me jump awake
breathlessly. Naturally Cleo was in the bathroom first, which I don’t mind because
she takes thirty seconds rather than five whole hours, I mean, minutes.

“Do we have to go? I mean isn’t it a bit early to practice?” I whined to Cleo as
she sat already packed on her bed.

“Hey, practice makes perfect. I’m going to be assigned to a family to protect

soon. I like your skill, better than Serena in ways.” She was grinning and at least
she talked slow.

“I told you, you’re so aggressive in battle you would easily ace those tests and
you would probably get Shantay, both of you get along well.” I tell her this all the
time that sometimes she knows I’m going to say it that I shut up and leave the
sentence hanging unfinished.

“You sound like Verity, making all the future sights-“

“She feels the future remember? Your statement would be stupid ya know.” I

She poked her tongue out and clicked her fingers, motioning out the door, which
I followed her through.

“Morning girls,” a voice sounded once we arrived in Cleo’s big kitchen. Her step-
father Charles sat in one of the high bar stools they had stationed at the bench.

“Morning,” we both chorused. Cleo in her quick self this morning packed a
breakfast into her bag.

Charles noticed this, “You aren’t going to go to Lone Hill again and practice?”

Cleo stopped and blinked at her step-father, “Yes it will be our last session before
school starts.”

Charles shook his head and was going to sip his tea but he muttered under his
breath something that sounded like “That’s likely,”

A minute later Cleo and I headed out for our hike up the mountain, we called it
Lone Hill because it was the only mountain/hill in the area. For the past month
Cleo and I spent our holiday together, whether it was hanging at the coast when
Cleo needs to feel her power or dancing under the moon. The last one was an
exaggeration, we didn’t dance just lie under the night veil. But the moon is my
talent, well we don’t know about if I can power on the humans moon, seeing I
lived there for 8 years. But I can control the Hartonian Moon. It’s really beautiful,
it’s bigger than the usual human moon, and it has a slight aura that is visible to
us vampires thanks to our great vision. The aura has four colours, a light green
at the top and a really silver colour on the east side, a fiery orange and red on
the bottom of the moon and lastly a ocean blue on the west side of it.

But the most interesting thing is what is in the centre of the moon, a beautiful
shape that looks like a cross between gold, white and a lilac diamond, and sadly
that’s what I have on my left forearm, a longer version of what is on the centre of
the moon.

“Belle nuit, Mystique droit,” Cleo sang happily. Yeah sometimes she talks in
French, which is deadly annoying when I have no idea what she is talking about
because I take Japanese lessons. But I did understand my name, “Sorry, I said
beautiful night Mystique, no?” She poked her tongue out of the side of her

Our practice sessions is to help control our powers, Cleo is a water elementalist,
me? It’s complicated; I don’t belong to an element. Cleo is a really great fighter,
so this year she is going into some heavy training to be a Demon Slayer, which
takes a lot of skill and practice.

“School is going to be hectic tomorrow,” Cleo grumbled. I heard the double

meaning and stopped walking to look at her.

“Cleo you are going to get good grades for it, even if you don’t get it you would
still kick pesky guy vamps butt!” I was shaking my head as I was talking and she
just kept looking into my eyes showing a lot of emotion that I couldn’t find the
name for.

“You don’t understand what it means Misty,” She answered back.

“Kayla was just like you; she went for her goal and got it. That’s what is going to
happen to you. Now can we at least stop this?” I raised my eyebrow at her which
she just looked hurt and annoyed but in her dark brown eyes I saw

I turned round and continued to walk up the mountain. I was feeling sorry for the
way I acted to Cleo but she is a water elementalist, whatever she is feeling won’t
bother her. I think.

We continued to walk up our favourite hill until I had the guts to say it. “I had
that dream again, but it was sort of different.” I held my breath to hear whatever
reaction she had. But instead the instant I stopped talking she was in front of me
holding my shoulders at arm’s length.

“Tomorrow we will go to the temples; you need to stop dreaming these!” She
said with a trace of fear. I don’t get it, why is dreaming about your dead mother

“But it was different!” I insisted.

“She is right you know Misty, the dreams could hurt you.” An airy voice said. We
both turned around looking downhill, but there was nothing. Cleo, on instinct,
grabbed my hand and pushed me behind her, and glaring at the surrounding
area. A figure was seen coming from the east, her semi-long hair blowing behind
her and her summer dress moved gracefully as if the air itself was preventing it
to lift.

I saw Cleo sigh with relief and annoyance.

“Can’t you think of a less dramatic entrance Verity?” she joked. I craned my neck
over her tall shoulder, and sure enough I saw Cleo’s sister, Verity. Verity walked
towards us and if the dramatic joke stood aside, her features would’ve been of
that category. Her hair was a light brown and the moonlight made her hair shine
to a golden

“So you were going to train without me? You’re both nice aren’t ya?” she smiled.
“Sure you can train with us but the question is; are you going to make us loose
our breath with your dramatic powers?” Cleo joked again. Verity’s element is Air,
but one thing she doesn’t have of Air’s characteristics is having smart brains. But
she manages to get good grades.

I felt the air getting tighter and soon enough my lungs started to burn, I turned
with the supernatural speed I have to face Cleo, who by the look on her face, was
experiencing the same thing.

Verity giggled and then the air felt normal again.

Cleo looked annoyed, one of the emotions she has recently.

“You want to train or no training at all?” I asked them.

Cleo looked thoughtful for a second. “Nah, let’s go to the river.” I smiled, Cleo
always wanted an excuse to play with water, but this time it would be water and
wind, in my mental imagination I saw a water tornado. I wondered if that’s what
she was hoping to happen…

We didn’t do much, they did eventually create the water tornado, which Cleo
stupidly jumped into and once Verity got tired, Cleo emerged looking like a
drowned rat.

We were all laughing on our way back to the Waterfront house when all of a
sudden Verity gasped and stood motionless.

If a human saw her, they would think that she might be having a fit or mucking
around, but almost every vampire and werewolf knows of her unusual gift.

“Ver, what do feel like doing?” Cleo asked hastily. A human would think Cleo a bit
weird if she said that when the person was obviously lost in her mind. But Cleo
was asking what she felt of the future.

Verity snapped back into the present, blinking as if the moon light was too much
to bear for her eyes. Cleo repeated her question, calmer now.

“I felt like I needed light, and I felt evil, but not my soul. I sensed death, I sensed
an angel near me, and I felt as if she were the light.” She looked around
uncertainly, expecting to see if the darkness she was talking about was

“It isn’t going to start now, is it?” I asked.

Verity shook her head, “I felt celebrating long before the darkness and I
remembered blocking wind so it doesn’t disturb what I think was light and
warmth, a fire perhaps.”

Once we got inside, Cleo got a pen and notebook and handed it to Verity, who
wrote what she felt in the future.

“We should tell Lady Meredith about this, tomorrow.”Cleo stated.

I raised an eyebrow at her,”We?” I asked, scandalized.

She nodded, mouthing the word ‘we’ and pointing to the three of us.

Cleo and Verity’s house is one of those upper class homes, spa and pool with five
bedrooms. Well it’s sort of like a mini mansion. Five bedrooms, you ask, for
three? Well they have a step-brother, Matt de Lane, who is one of the hottest guy
vamps in Hartonia and Cleo and Ver’s Mum, Laura de Lane.

Dad and I live by on our own on the outskirts of the North West of Hartonia; I
reckon that I have to protect Dad too because he is the only human on the island
but I know that both princesses of the island would execute whoever would dare
to snack on him.

But we have guards, which I don’t like because they are still vampires even
though they made an oath not to betray the Royal Court.

I didn’t even trust Cleo protecting me, for the full four years we’ve met each
other. I hate it, I really do but it’s just a feeling.

After a few minutes I made my farewells and left their house and started the half
hour walk. I looked up to the moon and felt my left arm tingling. I probably
imagined it but I swore the moon was sort of depressing.

CHAPTER TWO Approaching the School Year

I looked into the mirror, frowning at the school uniform. A simple white elbow
length button up shirt with a red knitted vest (for the normal classes, slayer’s
wear black) with a black tie, a knee length pleated black skirt with black tights
and either high heels or flat black shoes.

Hartonian School of Vampires is one of the best schools on the island; everyone
wants to go to that school. The school even educates the two princesses on the
island too boot.

Well, I thought to myself, at least Cleo’s uniform will be different. I distinctly

remembered her frowning at her new set of clothing, remembering her reaction
was funny and soon I found myself smiling.

Dad wasn’t up for the day, err, night so I had to make my own breakfast and
lunch. I finished everything and wondered why the sky still had a lot of light.
Oops, I woke an hour early but it doesn’t matter, might check out what’s on TV.
As I was flicking through channels one particular channel caught my attention,
one of the many news broadcast. A pretty auburn haired lady was talking to the
camera with a grim look on her. I assumed it was because it was early but then I
heard what she was saying.

“In New Jersey there has been an attack; of course the mighty Demon Vampire
group of Vera are behind this. The humans have no knowledge of the truth but
assume a mysterious murderer is behind it instead.” She said gloomily to the

“Not a good thing to hear in the morning is it Enchantress?” one of the guards
said from his station at the front hallway.

I shook my head, “It’s a disgrace really, I wonder if the Slayers have more
advantage if Cleo is with them.” I said.

The guard whose name was Diakire hesitated, “She is a young one the Water

I nodded and the quick alarm for the new hour chimed. I sighed, “And now I’ll
have to see if the Water Demigoddess gets her Slaying course.”

“My power is showing me a bright vision, but a blur is at the edges, be careful
Enchantress.” Diakire said. Every slayer gets gifted a power, select few of the
“cinco Diosas” would get a power. My power is still a mystery, ironic how my
name Mystique means “air of mystery”.


As I got out of the black car, kindly given to us by the princess Shantay, I
thanked the driver and I walked up towards the garden front of the school. My
high heels were clicking on my way up the staircase while I scanned for Cleo. Of
course she was leaning against the tall oak tree chatting to a group of four,
which I recognised because they were the rest of the cinco Diosas. They had a
bright aura around them, which makes things obvious that they are the ancient
descendants of the elements.

“Hey guys, what are we up to?” I said as I approached. Cleo wore a trench coat
over her uniform, looking chic and elegant.

“Just thinking about the prayers at the start of school assembly, you know
nothing special over the holidays.” Serena said. She was a pretty strawberry
blonde haired girl whose hair was straight then got curly at the ends. Her eyes
were a dark burgundy red that showed a bit of brown in it. I smiled at her, it was
impossible to hate her earth beauty.

“You went to the Himalayas! It’s special enough,” Verity said.

“All Jazz and I did was travel back to Japan, and it was boring.” A tall beautiful girl
named December spoke. Her hair fell straight to the middle of her spine and her
green eyes were so light, like a pastel colour. Her features wouldn’t look
Japanese because she is half American as well. Her spirit is tainted with
mourning and sorrow but seeing how it is her element, she knows to keep stable.

“I went back to the Philippines, Mama was very eager to go to celebrate Tammy’s
birthday there.” Shantay said. She had a tan, which wasn’t from the sun but
through her Filipino genes and her hair was dark brown with golden brown
streaks through it, and her eyes were very dark which gave the look of black. We
were following a hot Princess of Fire.

“Well I got to go; new comers have to go early.” Cleo said. Verity was a slayer but
she was training her whole life so she now does half training half school work, I
also noticed Verity’s smirk at Cleo.

We all broke apart by then and as I went into the Main Hall I heard someone
calling me from my left. I looked over the sea of students in clean uniform, and
one stood out. He was waving his hands above him to catch my attention. Matt
de Lane was walking towards me, he had his golden blonde hair in its usual spiky
way and his green eyes seem to sparkle from the distance between us. Did I
mention he was oh so hot?

“Hey what’s up?” I asked when he got within earshot.

“Well you could say that my audition for the football scholarship went good but I
dunno if I actually got it. I already bugged out Ver for the future feeling.” He said.

I smiled, “Bet she gets frustrated at how she can’t force herself to always feel the

“Well anyway I see that you aren’t going to be a Demon Slayer, with all that
training during break I thought you might’ve wanted to join.” He gave me a look
that made me go all giddy inside.

“Oh, well, uh, I’m not much of a fighter, but I only practiced just for Cleo.” I
looked down and was glad the PA system signalled for us to go to our classes.

With a hurried wave to Matt I squeezed myself out of the frantic herd of students,
making my way towards the fountain area where I was told my new classroom
for the year would be. I saw two familiar people of my life, besides Cleo.

“Camilla, Allie!” I yelled.

They looked at me and ran up to me and crushed me with hugs.

We were saying things about our holiday, how Camilla went to England with her
Mum and Allie went to Australia where her Grandma lives.

“So how was your holiday with the Demon girl?” Allie asked me.

I knew my response and I sadly new Cleo’s. She would’ve punched her in the
face. I relaxed, “Cleo isn’t a Demon, she a Demon Slayer. It was fun, practicing
our fighting skills, she taught me very handy tactics too.”
They laughed, and Camilla being the crazy retard did a poor imitation of a ninja.

Our teacher opened the classroom door and motioned us to go in.

“Hello Hartonians! Bless thy day of night o cinco Diosas!” she prayed.

We repeated her, okay I’m guessing you’re getting confused now. Cinco Diosa is
Spanish for five Goddesses, crystal clear now?

“What subjects you might be taking today? I have your timetables here and
please have fun!” she yelled as we all went for the timetables, which of course
the teacher, whose name I don’t know, was trying to prevent happening.

Once I got my timetable I brightened at today’s lessons.








Food – Advanced

What a good day, and I know that I share classes with Cleo in Sport.

“Remember that we have break after first and second together,” Camilla said as
we left for art.

“I know, but I won’t see Cleo by then, Slayer’s courses have different times to
follow,” I answered.

“I hate her, she is such a bitch!” Allie and Camilla said together. I sighed; you
can’t force someone to like someone who isn’t their type. Camilla looked at me
and looked genuinely sorry.

“You will see her at Lunch.” She said.


I didn’t see Cleo all day and last lesson I shared it with Verity and Matt. Verity
didn’t know how Cleo went because she was doing school work all day but we
came up with a plan to celebrate after school at their house (meaning Cleo,
Verity and Matt).
I was all giddy and happy, Cleo will be very happy with the surprise; after all I bet
she needs a big cinco Diosas blessing.

It was almost an hour since we left school, around the time the Slayer courses
end. We waited readily for her but we didn’t see her zipping up to us in her fast
self. She had on a blank face where no emotion showed, which water users
usually show emotion but Cleo is a different vampire to us.

As Verity and Matt started to sing whatever song they made up, I got clouded out
of the sounds around me but I saw one thing in Cleo: anger.

“What’s wrong?” I said as I came back into consciousness, my question stopped

Verity and Matt with their terrible (no offence) singing.

“I didn’t get in.” There. Such a small sentence but filled with easy words, and I
knew what not to do.

To not give her a hug, then she nodded at me and with her quick movement she
was gone.

Luckily we didn’t have a whole party and just wasted our money.

I was in bed reading a book. It was almost time for Dad to wake up and I
should’ve been sleeping already but I couldn’t.

Something was here with me.

Of course I didn’t believe it until I heard the tapping and feet shuffling slightly
across the wooden floor boards.

I was a little spooked but shortly after that I saw movement in the far corner of
my room, also the darkest corner, and it was moving towards me.

I screamed and it pounced at me, my bedroom door crashed open and the form
of Diakire and a Slayer’s weapon plunging into the dark shadow. I thought we
both would die because that is a shadow he tried to kill but I surprised myself
when I heard a soft thud on the floor. Another vampire guardian came in and
switched the light on, talking in FRENCH to Diakire.

I counted to ten and looked at the dark shape on my floor board.

It was Cleo.

Diakire was going to shoot her heart but I grabbed the gun out of his hand and
he hissed at me.
“She lives.” I stared at him and saw him recoil.

“But why Enchantress?” the other guardian asked.

“The Goddesses wouldn’t want their gifted to kill one other without proof and
evidence.” I explained. I looked down at Cleo wondering why the hell she was
scaring the crap outta me. I placed my hand on her very cold pale cheek and
thought to her to wake up.

And she did.


I was walking back to the lounge holding a cup of hot boiling water for Cleo,
don’t ask why but hot water makes her confident and nice.

“I don’t remember a thing really, all I remembered was going back to sleep
because I heard something and it was Verity. She had this look like she was in a
trance. And she said some funny stuff too.” She looked up at me and gave me a
fake smile, Cleo is a good actress and her smile looked real enough to fool the

“But that doesn’t explain why you were lurking around Mystique’s room.” My Dad

Cleo’s smile twitched down for a slight moment, I saw her muscles tense. She
looked up at me and a weird emotion showed in her eyes, something almost as if
it was saying whatever I say help me out with it. I nodded to her and she
breathed in and started talking fast, a usual for Cleopatra Smith.

“I was asleep and I had a dream, well a nightmare but it was of another vampire
girl and she looked evil in a way and she placed her hand on my head and the
next thing I knew I felt dark, like a shadow and then here I am.”

“You were a shadow.” I surprised myself by saying that. Well hopefully that was a
backup for her, hopefully.

“This is so confusing! I’m going to the temples tomorrow.” Cleo said and got up.

I remembered her telling me to go to the temples days ago but I haven’t,

thinking not to tell her I smiled at her and walked her to the front door and asked
the guardian stationed at the front gate to escort her home, in one piece.

“Mis, you should be careful around her you know what she is.” Dad said.

“That’s why she didn’t get accepted,” Diakire growled openly.

I was sick and tired of everyone saying stuff about Cleo; she is like everyone in
the lonely exotic island called Hartonia, where no one is ludicrous enough to
insult others, especially to accuse one of being a Demon Vampire. I glared at
them and walked to my room, asking for the cinco Diosas to look over me while I
sleep through the night/day.

I was soon asleep and I had that dream again. About my mother, but this time it
was completely different.

I was in a deserted room; I recognised it as my old house, the one that got
burned down from bushfires in the human lands.

As I looked around I noticed all the furniture and toys that used to be there, as I
continued to look at this I realised that this was hours before the blazing fire
came through our town.

The door opened and out stepped the eight-year old version of me, I was
dragging my Father out, he looked tired and younger; he was smiling and

“This is my favourite moment of the two of you.” I didn’t jump because my

mother always says something without me expecting it.

“Yeah, but this is the night of the bushfires.” I informed her.

“I know, took all my energy to protect both of you, I’m sorry about Coco. I
couldn’t reach him to protect him too.”

“Coco was dead before this.” I said flatly. My cat got mauled by a hungry fox, I
remember Dad trying to get Coco out of the canines mouth.

“Protecting you and your father is hard work but it’s worth it because you need
to learn your power so you can protect yourself.” My mother said and I turned to
her. She looked like an angel, with the wavy platinum blonde hair and the baby
blue eyes, her long thick lashes and her red lips. Her skin was as if she soaked in
all the moonlight in the world and she had that glow.

“What power?” I asked.

“Do you want your questions answered?”

Yes! I screamed in my head. I wanted to know why I wasn’t in an element, I

wanted to know what is wrong with Cleo (as if there was anything wrong with
her) and I wanted to know why I have to stay in Hartonia.

I shook my head and repeated my previous question.

“Angel Vampire, you’ve got my blood.”

“If I’ve got your blood then why aren’t I in an element?” I asked slightly

My Mother’s face was full of pure shock, “You aren’t?!” She said with a tiny bit of

I shook my head. “I do feel power inside of me but-“

I woke up to the sound of an alarm ringing. I bolted out of my bed and opened
my door, but everything was normal. I slumped back to my bed and sighed.

The first time I got my questions answered and my stupid alarm sets off.

The next few months were very tense. I haven’t spoken to any of the group or
Camilla and Allie. I just went to school, complete the work set for me, go home
and finish my homework. Easy

Each day from then I never met Cleo, I hope I wasn’t making her upset but I
really want good grades than last years.

A few weeks later I was in the parking lot waiting for the driver to come and take
me home.

Then I saw a shadow.

The parking lot was deserted, except for the Demon Slayers cars and
motorcycles. But I know there was someone there.

I stood up from the bench I sat on, and walked the other way.

That was a bad mistake.

Suddenly I was on the ground and my neck was bare. I screamed but the
attacker punched my cheek and I felt my sharp teeth cutting into my mouth and
I tasted blood.

I heard his rasping breath on my neck; it chilled me to the bone. I tried to

struggle but he had a firm hold of me. Just as I was going to yell for help he sunk
his fangs into my neck.

I screamed but he didn’t stop me from doing so. I felt weak; another vampire
who drinks from another is pure power, they drain your blood, they drain your

I was still screaming. We vampires have more blood than humans.

I was losing consciousness and I felt cold all over, I’m going to die.

Then I felt the weight push off me and I was gasping for breath.

Matt was fighting with the guy, who turned out to be a very nice looking guy, but
not so nice with my blood smeared across his mouth. A Demon, he is.

Then suddenly an arrow struck from nowhere and got his chest, stab the heart
and he goes crazy.

Matt was thrown away and more arrows moved. I saw that Verity was the one
who was shooting the arrows. Matt ran to me, my vision was giving into the
darkness before I saw Cleo quicker than anything grab the Demon’s neck and
twist it, snapping his neck then stabbing him wither her pure silver and gold
blade stake, instantly killing the Demon.
“Misty? Don’t go into the dark, stay here.” Matt whispered, his green eyes
swimming in tears.

“Too late…” I barely whispered but he heard. Suddenly I was in the dark.

I knew I wasn’t dead. I can feel it in myself, like a consciousness that is telling me
not to give up. So I didn’t, waiting for my time to rise.

I opened up my senses; I feel a rush of emotions. Maybe Cleo is here.

Then I became aware to a pain in my chest, it hurt so much I gasped.

“Mystique, are you awake?” A beautiful voice asked softly. It wasn’t Cleo, some
best friend.

I tried to open my eyes but shut them quickly, the voice moved around a bit and
the lights went off. I opened them again and I was staring into the eyes of a blue
eyed blonde.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

“My…chest…painful…” I tried to string the words in a whole sentence but failed.

“Sorry, you broke a rib.” She had a hesitating look about her.

“Who are you?” I asked before I could stop myself.

She blinked, “I’m Genevieve Eleganor, you are in the North castle, Natasha told
me to watch you and send my thought to her.”

Her thought? I whispered in my head.

Instead I said,”My chest hurts so much,” I gasped again at the pain.

That hesitation came again, “Cleopatra said that you don’t like having magic
done on you if you are wounded, but December Kennedy is in the castle if you
like to be healed.”

December is the ancient descendant of Spirit, she can transform herself and
others, but the Spirit stays the same.

“But December would have to waste her energy on a broken rib,” I said.

Genevieve looked very strained. Then the door opened, revealing the North

“Gen, is she hurt?” Natasha was bleach blonde, her grey eyes showed sympathy
towards me. Her tall slender figure moved towards me. “Are you hurt?” she
asked me directly.

“Yes, a rib is broken.” I managed to say them all in a sentence.

Natasha looked at the door and the Guard there nodded and out stepped

She wore the traditional Japanese kimono, hers where the colours of Spirit, lilac,
purple, white and black.

“Misty, I have enough power to help you.” She said confidently.

I frowned, “Don’t heal me,” I said stubbornly.

She smiled, “I don’t have to.” She closed her eyes and I blacked out from the
sharp pain.

I woke up again, annoyed at the stupid pain. But it wasn’t there.

I sat up quickly; I knew there were other people in the room.

I saw Lady Meredith, the soft brown haired Head of Hartonian School, along with
Matt, Cleo and Verity. Crap.

This must be serious.

“Mystique, you have been unconsciousness for a month.” Lady Meredith started.

“And this is your homework of the month,” Cleo said and grabbed a whole heap
of books.

“You’re joking?” I said. That much for a month, I don’t think so.

Cleo grinned, “Nah you’ve been excused and your teachers say that you aren’t
behind in your studies.”

“Well that’s a relief, but I don’t think you’re all here to give me homework.” I
said. Matt and Verity had remained quiet.

Lady Meredith stood up, “Misty, what happened when the demons attacked you?

“I don’t know. I was waiting for the driver to pick me up.” It’s true.

Cleo wasn’t bubbly anymore, “You aren’t supposed to be alive.”

I gasped, “What?!” I said it as if I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t believe it.

Matt cleared his throat, “You were drained of all blood.”

“I’m here now aren’t I?”

Verity stood and came to sit next to me, “I had a feeling, of shock. It was more
focused and I got words, Moon, obviously referring you. It means immortal,” she
said, “So you now have no blood.”

“I have Angel Blood. Angel Vampire blood, my mother said so.” I whispered.
“Angel Vampire? There isn’t such thing, plus, your mother is…” Lady Meredith

“Dead,” Matt said in a tight whisper.

I explained my dream, adding about the annoying alarm.

“Well tonight when you encounter your mother ask her about it then see me at
school.” Lady Meredith said then left.

“Um, so can I go now?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure, just keep a far distance from me.” Cleo said and left too. What was
up with that?

I jumped up, noticing that I was wearing different clothing; I wore shorts and a
tank top. Still summer, I guess.

“Misty, can I talk to you for a second, about a class project we got.” Matt said.
Verity instantly picked up on it and left silently.

I was alone in a room with the guy who isn’t a Demon Slayer, but actually fought
a Demon without a scratch, that I know of.

“When I saw you like that, you have no idea how much I was scared to near
death about that.” He looked down looking dark but happy I wasn’t hurt.

“I thought it was some students walking to their cars, so I walked away.”

“Obviously you were wrong.” He said exasperatedly. I frowned; I hated being told
I was wrong.

“Okay, right, I’m very tired so I might go home.” I turned and walked away, went
out the door and through the brightly lit corridors. The North Castle wasn’t all a
dark castle, its closest resemblance is Buckingham Palace, in England.

Just as I get to the lobby I realised that North Castle is a few hours from my
house. Damn, how to get back?

My answer came as a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Matt was there.

“Need a lift?” he said.

“You don’t have a car or a license, how the hell are we going to get home?”
Dumb blonde, well I can’t talk, well I can. My blonde hair isn’t as platinum as his
but the brown-blonde kind.

He smiled, “You seriously need to remember my power. I can teleport.”

I stood there frozen. Teleport, is he joking with me? But how can he?

“…Misty I know I’m adorable but you don’t need to stare-“

“Is it you Kale?” I whispered in a scared voice, interrupting him.

Matt looked at me funny, “Misty, are you delusional too? I’m Matt, who is this

I shook my head and held on to his shoulder, just like I used to do with my
cousin, thinking about the Diaso’s gifts. No one gets the same gift; we are
unique, individual as a matter of fact.

Matt looked shocked then caught on and closed his eyes in concentration. I
experienced déjà vu as I watched his face, so concentrated and calm.

We arrived in the front of my house; it was that quick I forgot to close my eyes. I
was very dizzy and I sat down.

“You weren’t supposed to keep your eyes open, silly.”

“I know Billy.” Yeah, I act weird when I’m dizzy.

“It will pass soon, I’ll support you to the door then the stationed Guard will escort
you.” He said as he carried me to the door.

“Hey! I thought you were going to support me not carry me.” I argued.

He laughed.

“Douche…” I said darkly.

I felt him shake with silent laughter. “You just called me a ‘shower’.”

I frowned. “No I didn’t.”

We got to the front door and the Guard there was the French talking guy from the
night of Cleo’s ‘attack’. Matt, still smiling, greeted the Guard, in French of course.

“Misty, Slayer Bartholomew can answer your question.” I knew he was trying not
to laugh at this.

I sighed. “Does Matthew have to go have a douche?” I stifled a smirk and waited
for an answer.

Bartholomew tilted his head in Matt’s direction and sniffed like those hunting
dogs. He answered in a thick French accent, no.

“Douche means shower in French and Dutch.” Matt grinned.

“Whatever, stop acting like a faggot.” I said carelessly.

“That’s means ‘bundle of sticks’.” Matt chuckled before I was escorted into the
house. It was around eight PM, according to the digital clock on top of the T.V.

Tomorrow I’m going to research all the insults meanings so I can outsmart Matt
and his stupid translations.

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