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ICD-10 is being implemented by October 1, 2014: Are You Re dy!

The U.S. healthcare industry is preparing for the implementation of ICD 10 code sets on October 1, 01!. The 10th re"ision of the International Classification of Diseases #ICD$ %ill replace the ICD & codes currently in use. 'o%e"er, according to the (merican )edical (ssociation #()($ there are many physicians %ho belie"e the implementation of ICD*10 is unnecessary. In this scenario, it is crucial for healthcare pro"iders and their staff to +no% e,actly %hy ICD 10 is being implemented and about the changes they can e,pect.

Re sons "or t#e $%itc# to ICD-10

&ICD ' is out o" d te: The primary reason for ICD transition is that ICD*& has is outdated and does not reflect -ne% and changing medical ad"ancements.. ICD &/s structure limits the number of ne% code sets to be created. Certain codes added in recent years are in the %rong chapters because the proper chapters %ere full, %ith no%here to add ne% codes. )edical science is ad"ancing fast %ith ne% procedures and treatments, and there ne% codes are necessary for diagnoses. &( c) o" speci"icity: ICD & lac+s specificity and does not lend itself %ell to updates. (ccurate anatomical descriptions are not possible %ith ICD*&*C) code. ICD*& may identify an organ, but not the specific location such as, for instance, the o"ary, but not necessarily the left o"ary, right o"ary or bilateral conditions of the o"aries. 0e% codes %ill allo% for a greater le"el of detail, including etiology, manifestation, and laterality. 1or e,ample2 *ICD & C) code 314.31* Closed fracture of the radius *ICD 10 code S5 .141( 6 Displaced fracture of right radius, initial encounter for closed fracture &Accommod ting ne% codes: ICD*&*C) has appro,imately 1!,000 diagnosis codes %ith only 10 subcategories. The ne% ICD*10*C) has total 73,000 codes. Similarly, ICD*&*8CS ha"e 4000 codes, %hile it is 39000 in ICD*10*8CS. )ore room has been pro"ided in ICD*10 for future e,pansion.

*ene"its o" ICD-10 Implement tion:

ICD*10 implementation is e,pected to pro"ide multiple benefits for healthcare pro"iders. *Streamlined claim submissions *:uality measurement *Impro"ed ;uality in clinical documentation *Impro"ed ;uality in healthcare *<imited healthcare fraudulent acti"ities *=reat accuracy %ith the fe%er codes

Are You ICD 10 Re dy!

It is crucial for medical pro"iders to prepare for ICD10 %ell in ad"ance. (ccording to ((8C #(merican (ssociation of 8rofessional Coders$, -ICD*10 implementation %ill radically change the %ay coding is currently done and %ill re;uire a significant effort to implement.. 'ealthcare pro"iders and coders must be educated to implement this ma>or change fully. The most important components in"ol"ed %ith implementing ICD*10 in your healthcare practice are to upgrade your soft%are "ersion 'I8(( (SC ?1 "ersion 5010 and to pro"ide your staff %ith the necessary training on ICD*10. The ma>or differences bet%een the t%o systems %ill affect information technology and soft%are in your practice. )any reliable medical billing companies ha"e updated their soft%are "ersions and are ready to handle ICD*10. @ith all its ad"antages, ICD*10 is a comple, set of codes. It may be e"en more challenging to handle medic l billing nd coding in*house as ICD*10 in"ol"es a much greater number of codes and more specificity. (n ideal option %ould be to outsource your billing tas+s to an established medic l billing comp ny %ith ((8C* certified medical coders %ho are ICD*10 ready.

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