Habeas Corpses

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habeas corpses by /u/deflective


INT. UNIVERSITY COMPUTER LAB - NIGHT Rows of computers sit quietly humming in the dark, except for a single computer in the far back corner. The screen is on, lighting the face of THOMAS (black hair, scowl). He types rapidly and relentlessly, skimming between computer code and program output. Now and again he flicks to a Google alert newspage which is filled with stories about stolen passwords. Abruptly, a chat alert pops up up in the middle of the page that simply reads "Hello Thomas." The relentless typing stumbles to a stop. Thomas scowl deepens and he checks the sender. Andrew. The name is

Without ceremony, he blocks the sender and closes the chat box. He goes back to typing. A new chat box opens in the middle of the screen, "Its been a long time." This time the sender is Andreww. With annoyance, Thomas opens a list of the computers processes and kills the chat program. The chat box disappears. Thomas pauses a moment, watching the screen with his fingers held just above the keyboard. When nothing happens, he begins to type again. His cell phone rings. He snatches it up and checks the number: blocked. With practiced movements, he opens the back of the phone and removes the battery. He puts the disassembled phone aside and hunches forward in his chair. Elbows on the desk, he supports his head with his hands. With a deep breath he closes his eyes. He rubs his temples softly. His eyes open.

He quickly closes every program on the computer and locks it. All thats left on the screen is the request for a password. He sits back in the chair. The computers whir softly. The wall clock counts the minutes. He waits. He waits.

2. A shadow moves in front of the window of the classroom door. Theres a beep and the light on the keypad next to the door turns green. ANDREW enters (tall, worn clothes). THOMAS You just illegally entered University property. Breaking and entering. Caught on tape, too. ANDREW So I have. He pulls an office chair away from on of the computers and rolls it toward Thomas. ANDREW (CONT) Although, its hardly illegal for me to enter government property in pursuit of a case. THOMAS But you arent. Andrew sits down, smiling. ANDREW Aha! You already Thought About It. Gave it the patented Thomas attention. I hope you at least needed to rub your temples. Id hate to think that Im too predictable. THOMAS Tell me what you want. ANDREW You know. THOMAS But I want you to tell me. ANDREW I need one of the passwords you took. THOMAS That I took? Im not saying that I did, but it doesnt matter anyway. Just take it. Theyre public now.


ANDREW Not one of those. ones.

One of the other

Thomas sits, scowling at Andrew. THOMAS You think other passwords were taken? ANDREW We know they were... but dont worry. Your countermeasures were effective. They dont know how it was done. Or who did it. THOMAS But you think it was me. ANDREW Oh, I know it was you. I have the advantage of knowing how you did it. THOMAS (without conviction) How you think I did it. ANDREW Indeed. They fall silent. ANDREW (CONT) But that hardly matters. I also know that the stolen copies of the passwords are better protected than the originals. THOMAS If that was true, if any of this was true, then that would make it difficult since you want to get one. ANDREW Difficult, yes, but not intractable, I think... OUT OF TIME

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