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HAPPY NEW YEAR THOUGHT Just Say NO! to Chemotherapy Ra!"at"o# a#! Sur$ery!

What autopsies show: I studied autopsies ofpatients who have been treated with massive doses of antibiotics for weeks before death; the antibiotics failed to kill the cancer microbes. I saw the microbe in tissues that had been burned with massive doses of radiation I saw the microbe thriving in cancerous tissue that had been blitzed with chemotherapy, the cancer cells were destroyed, but themicrobe remained! Nothing fazed the cancer microbe not surgery, not radiation, not antibiotics, not themotherapy! "#lan $antwell, %r., &.'., (he $ancer &icrobe, )**+, p. )),.%&'e (ee# rea!"#$ )arry *y#es +or the past ,ee- a#! the more % .ear# a(out the h"story o+ A.ter#at"'e a#! Natura. Ca#/er Cures a#! the a//umu.ate! e'"!e#/e ."-e the stateme#t ma!e a(o'e (y 0r1 A.a# Ca#t,e.. the more % /ome to rea."2e the u#spea-a(.e /r"me the Pharma/eut"/a. a#! 3e!"/a. %#!ustr"es Ca#/er Resear/h %#st"tut"o#s No#4pro+"t Ca#/er or$a#"2at"o#s AN0 the Amer"/a# Go'er#me#t "tse.+ ha'e perpetrate! a$a"#st the Amer"/a# peop.e o'er the .ast /e#tury! %t ma-es "t '"rtua..y "mposs"(.e to utter the stateme#t Prou! to (e a# Amer"/a#! The strate$"/ ."es /o'er4ups !era".me#t a#! +rau! /omm"tte! a$a"#st su//ess+u. a#! ,orthy Natura. a#! A.ter#at"'e Ca#/er Cures a#! the"r /reators are #ot o#.y em(arrass"#$ (ut !o,# r"$ht CR%3%NA* a#! % th"#- that "t&s t"me +or the Amer"/a# peop.e to stand-up a#! say NO 3ORE! to the shame+u. death, destruction and suffering for dollars that has !om"#ate! the Amer"/a# 3e!"/a. "#!ustry +or the past 566 years! % !o (e."e'e a C*ASS ACT%ON SU%T a$a"#st the Pharma/eut"/a. %#!ustry .ea!ers the Amer"/a# 3e!"/a. Asso/"at"o# the Amer"/a# Ca#/er So/"ety the Nat"o#a. Ca#/er %#st"tute a#! the 3emor"a. S.oa#47"tter"#$ Ca#/er Ce#ter "s +u..y 8ust"+"e! (y a.. the +am"."es that ha'e u##e/essar".y .ost +am".y mem(ers to the 'ery /ura(.e !"sease o+ CANCER s"#/e the year 59:; (e/ause the proo+ o+ su//ess+u. a.ter#at"'e treatme#ts a#! /ures "s a(u#!a#t.y e'"!e#t1 Ho,e'er these '"a(.e a.ter#at"'e therap"es a#! #atura. /a#/er /ures ha'e (ee# strate$"/a..y #u.."+"e! (y "#!"'"!ua.s hea!"#$ these 'ar"ous or$a#"2at"o#s (e/ause o+ e$ot"st"/a. pr"!e /o#tro. po,er a#! $ree!! %<3y hope "s that a prom"#e#t *a, ="rm steps +or,ar! to ."t"$ate su/h a# e#ormous .a,su"t 8ust as )arry *y#es su$$ests "# h"s (oo- >The Hea."#$ o+ Ca#/er (e/ause the 8u!$me#t a,ar!e! to the p.a"#t"++ ?WE THE PEOP*E@ ,ou.! (e "# the TRILLIONS OF DOLL RSA a#! may(e e'e# some port"o# m"$ht (e /ha##e.e! to,ar!s +urther"#$ true !"sease resear/h su/h as the ma$#"tu!e a#! Bua."ty per+orme! (y the ."-es o+ 0r1!e )er#ar! 0r1 Roya. R"+e 0r1 A#to"#e )e/hamp 0r1 3aC Gerso# a#! ma#y others o+ the .ast /e#tury1 "t ,ou.! (e #"/e to see some o+ the mo#ey $o"#$ to,ar!s the +u#!"#$ o+ (ra#! #e, Ca#/er Pre'e#t"o# Pro$rams su/h as su(s"!"2e! =oo! Co4ops a#! Or$a#"/ =armers a.o#$ ,"th .o/a. Commu#"ty Gar!e#"#$ Pro8e/ts a/ross the #at"o# so that e'eryo#e r"/h a#! poor /a# ha'e !a".y a//ess to or$a#"/a..y $ro,# +ru"ts a#! 'e$eta(.es! )ut my ma"# /o#/er# r"$ht #o, at the (e$"##"#$ o+ yet a#other year "s the +a/t that e'e# a+ter 566 years o+ !ea!.y tr"/-ery /o'er4ups ."es a#! !e/e"t the Amer"/a# !o/tors

ST%** /o#'"#/e o!er "#$ of %erican &ancer 'atients to (e treate! ,"th !ea!.y /hemotherapy ra!"at"o# a#!Dor sur$ery!111

How sad is that?!!

)ut % am #o, thorou$h.y /o#'"#/e! that the ON*Y REASON that per/e#ta$e "s so h"$h "s (e/ause the Amer"/a# Pu(."/ has #ot ha! easy a//ess to TRUTH=U* %N=OR3AT%ON a(out CANCER #or A.ter#at"'e Treatme#ts a#! Natura. Ca#/er Cures a#! % hope a#! pray that ma#y o+ them ,".. +"#! the"r ,ay to o#e o+ our ,e(s"tes so that they /a# .ear# ho, to $et ,e.. a#! stay ,e.. a#! ."'e a /a#/er4+ree ."+e ,"th #atura. or$a#"/ +oo!s treatme#ts a#! $e#t.e ho."st"/ therap"es1 So the /ha..e#$e a#! !"re/t"'e % ,ou.! ."-e to prese#t to EEERY PERSON rea!"#$ these ,or!s th"s year "s to rea/h out a#! te.. a +r"e#! or +am".y mem(er a(out ,,,1YourNatura.Ca#/erCures1/om espe/"a..y "+ they ha'e (ee# !"a$#ose! ,"th /a#/er or ha'e a.rea!y starte! o#e or more o+ the !ea!.y ortho!oC treatme#ts! %+ #oth"#$ "t ,".. pro'"!e them ,"th some (as"/ "#+ormat"o# to start as-"#$ Buest"o#s o+ the"r !o/tors or to "#sp"re them to !o +urther resear/h o# the"r o,#! A#! ,ho -#o,s,e m"$ht e'e# sa'e a ."+e or t,o! The WAR ON CANCER ,as a /omp.ete =A%*URE AN0 =RAU0 8ust ."-e the Pres"!e#t that /reate! "t a#! "t&s t"me +or WE THE PEOP*E to stop su++er"#$ a#! !y"#$ u##e/essar".y ta-e +u.. respo#s"("."ty a#! /o#tro. o+ our o,# a#! ,or- to $et (a/the tr".."o#s o+ !o..ars that ha'e (ee# sto.e# +rom us o'er the .ast 566 years!! Pea/e a#! *o'e a#! Happy Ne, Year to a..!

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