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Geeta Shanbhag Mrs. Kriner English 12 AP/GT- Pd. 5 7 October 2 1!

Original Tale- "The Ph#sician$s Tale% in The Canterbury Tales b# Geo&&re# 'ha(cer There once )as a #o(ng )o*an na*ed +ose, -ho )as the *ost bea(ti&(l )o*an in the land . s(//ose. She had long coal-blac0 hair, dar0 as night 'ontrasting )ith her /ale )hite s0in, it )as a /rett# sight, 1er e#es, as light as the bl(e s0# Made all o& her *ale ad*irers sigh. 1er bea(t#, tho(gh, attracted *an# e2il e#es 3ro* all sorts o& reall# bad g(#s. 1er &ather, /oor as dirt, -as a /erson, )ho &or a li2ing, *ade art. -hen the #o(ng 0night &ro* the to)n -ho )as also the *ost handso*e and richest /erson aro(nd -ho according to *an# &ol0s )as 2er# /io(s And these /eo/le )ere not biased O&&ered to ta0e her hand in *arriage 1er &ather )as eager and 4(ic0 to enco(rage 1is /oor da(ghter, &or she did not )ant this 5(t +ose, the d(ti&(l one, lo2ed her &ather to bits E2en tho(gh she )as &lattered b# this *an$s attention She did not reall# ret(rn his a&&ections 5(t co*/ro*ising and ho/ing &or the best, she then agreed to the sacred (nion 5(t little did she 0no) that )hat she sa) )as an ill(sion The# *arried in a little ch(rch 6nderneath a bea(ti&(l and *a7estic arch 8ater on the )edding night 1e didn$t end (/ beco*ing *# 0night .n shining ar*or, )hile he held +ose do)n And beat *e (ntil her s/irit )as in the gro(nd And a&ter 2iolating *e in s(ch a *anner -hile the 0night then getting (/ and reading the 5ible a&ter 1er *ind and bod# ra/ed, All o& her ho/es and drea*s disa//eared. 1e &inished )ith her, and +ose )e/t and screa*ed And cried at her st(/idit#, (ntil she drea*ed O& a bea(ti&(l /lace )here she )as a little girl

5eing held b# her *other, )ho )as /la#ing )ith her c(rls And stro0ing her hair and *a0ing her &eel better 6ntil +ose )o0e (/ and )ished that she )as the da(ghter o& the ba0er This contin(ed &or a )hile in a c#cle And she co*/lained to her &ather, )ho br(shed it o&& as so*ething tri&le 1e )o(ld 2iolated her and beat her in &ront o& e2er#one And she then 0illed hersel& to achie2e &reedo* 3ro* this horri&ic c#cle, b(t her h(sband did not care, 1er &ather )as shattered and his da(ghters death )as *ore than he co(ld bear The 0night &elt no re*orse &or )hat he did 3or r(ining a #o(ng girls drea* and ho/es and e2er#thing that )as good 1e didn$t e2en *o(rn &or her, .nstead he ran to &ind another to re/lace her, another girl he co(ld snare And &ool, and he *anaged to &ind another #o(ng *aiden And again the 0night$s )ooing began 8i0e a dishonest doctor tr#ing to &ind ne) g(llible /atients 5oth are li0e c#clical /atterns that are 4(ite ob2io(s blatant And both got *arried, once again )ith high ho/es And later that night, the 0night tried to gro/e 1is bea(ti&(l, #o(ng )i&e, )ith tears in her e#es -as 2iolated again b# the 0night, )hich )as /robabl# (n)ise As +ose )as her best &riend )ho )as the 0night$s /re2io(s )i&e And later, in the dead o& night, ended (/ 0illing the 0night )ith a h(nting 0ni&e

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