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Golds Gym has been the authority on fitness since 1965.

It was then that fitness legend Joe Gold took the knowledge and expertise he gained from training at the world famous Muscle Beach and opened up the first Golds Gym on Pacific Avenue in Venice, California

Golds Gym
Andre Wesson 9-17-2013

Why Golds Gym?

Today Golds Gym is the most recognized name in fitness serving more than 3 million members in 38 states and 28 countries around the world. Always at the forefront of the fitness revolution, Golds Gym has continually evolved its profile by equipping gyms with the best amenities and the latest in cardio and strength training equipment as well as the most dynamic group exercise programs including Zumba, yoga, group cycling, mixed martial arts, muscle endurance training, and Pilates. At Golds Gym, youll find an energetic, supportive environment full of all kinds of people who are committed
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Today more than ever, Golds Gym realizes that strength comes in many formswhether its the strength to be a better parent, the strength to overcome diabetes or the strength to be a better athlete.

More inside!

Now, working out doesnt have to feel like working out. With Cardio Cinema, youll watch fulllength feature films on a movie theater projection screen, all while getting fit. Experience Cardio Cinema today and watch the time and calories fly by. In the group exercise studio, our temperature- controlled room boast special flooring, sound system and over 50 Les Mills, Zumba and Mind & Body classes per week- all taught by certified instructors.

Nunc cursus magna quis

Our certified personal trainer deliver the highest quality instruction and motivation to help you meet and surpass your fitness goals. We are committee to transforming your health and fitness ambitions into achievement in a safe, controlled environment, and will help you determine a fitness routine that fits your lifestyles, your schedule, and your budget

Donec sit amet arcu.

Cras posuere, velit nec rutrum auctor, velit augue feugiat orci, nec ornare urna quam ac massa. Nullam porta, mauris tempor sollicitudin varius, diam ipsum imperdiet massa, eu sagittis pede diam sit amet nisi. Fusce vitae ligula ac nunc elementum dignissim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam rhoncus mi eu arcu. Donec ac nisi. Fusce sed mi non dolor consectetuer luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sit amet lectus. Curabitur cursus nisi eu enim. Vivamus in metus dictum purus fringilla eleifend. Aenean ultricies erat ac neque. Pellentesque luctus.

Praesent vitae nisl.

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse hendrerit ligula eget odio. Sed erat nisi, rhoncus id, imperdiet quis, blandit et, felis. In at nulla mattis neque commodo venenatis. Cras ultrices tincidunt risus. Quisque dictum diam adipiscing arcu. Proin enim. In diam turpis, suscipit fringilla, dapibus quis, dictum ut, ipsum. Phasellus id elit in dui bibendum bibendum.

Donec varius, felis eget lobortis vehicula, magna sapien elementum tellus, ut iaculis dui orci sed arcu. Nullam semper leo.

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