Civil Engineering: Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

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Civil Engineering

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #. . &. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1#. 1 . Engineering Drawing Engineering Mechanics Engineering Surveying Engineering Material Fluid Mechanics Mechanics !" S!lids Engineering $e!l!gy Structural %nalysis 'rans(!rtati!n )lanning * Engineering Engineering +!nstructi!n ,ein"!rced +!ncrete Design S!il Mechanics and F!undati!n Design Envir!n-ental Engineering +ivil .!r/ 0uantity and +!st Esti-ati!ns %rchitecture and '!wn )lanning Steel Structure +!nstructi!n )lanning and Manage-ent 1rrigati!n and .ater ,es!urces Engineering Total Core Areas Percentage 04% 05% 04% 06% 0 % 05% 04% 06% 0#% 05% 0 % 0 % 05% 06% 03% 04% 04% 0 % 100%

Civil Engineering (Detailed)

Sr. No. 1. Core Areas ENGINEERING DRA ING! 1.1 Introd"ction################################################$% 1ntr!ducti!n t! the su23ect and drawing e4ui(-ent. 5ettering and di-ensi!ning6 gra(hic sy-2!ls6 "ree hand s/etches and is!-etric views. Meth!d !" secti!ns including asse-2ly secti!ns6 1ntr!ducti!n t! -achine drawing. 1.1.1 )r!3ecti!ns7 Devel!(-ent !" sur"aces. 8rth!gra(hic (r!3ecti!n6 !rth!g!nal (r!3ecti!ns !" si-(le s!lids in si-(le (!siti!n6 !2li4ue and au9iliary (lanes. 1s!-etric and (ict!rial (r!3ecti!ns !" s!lid "igures6 -a/ing !" "ree hand s/etches "r!- s!lid !23ects and "r!- !rth!gra(hic (r!3ecti!ns. 1ntersecti!n !" sur"aces. 1.1.2 %rchitectural Drawing:1ntr!ducti!n t! +ivil Engineering drawing6 (re(arati!n !" (lan6 elevati!n and secti!ns "!r si-(le 2uildings. 1ntr!ducti!n t! +!-(uter $ra(hics. 1.1.3 $eneral::eed and re4uire-ent !" drawings "!r civil Engineering (r!3ects. $eneral nature !" drawings6 c!-(!nents6 sy-2!ls and n!-enclature needed "!r s(eci"ic drawings such as architectural6 structural6 (lu-2ing6 electrical6 airc!nditi!ning6 r!ads and earth w!r/ etc. Drawings at di""erent stages !" (r!3ects6 Ele-ents !" (ers(ective drawing. 1.$Civil Engineering Dra%ing###################################$% $eneral descri(ti!n !" drawings related t! civil Engineering (r!3ects. e.g. hydraulic structures6 drainage structures6 highway and -!t!r way drawings. 1.2.1 ;uilding Drawing: Ele-ents !" architectural (lanning and design6 c!nce(tual6 sche-atic and w!r/ing drawings and details !" residential6 c!--ercial6 religi!us6 recreati!nal6 industrial6 clinical6 h!s(ital6 Percentag e &%

and educati!nal 2uildings6 Details !" d!!rs6 wind!ws6 staircases etc. 1.2.2 Ele-ents !" structural drawing and detailing7 )re(arati!n !" "!undati!n (lan6 structural "ra-ing6 sla2 details6 staircase details6 water tan/s6 2ea- and c!lu-n elevati!ns and secti!ns -!stly (ertaining t! rein"!rced c!ncrete structures. Details !" steel r!!" truss6 c!nnecti!n details and "a2ricati!n drawings. )lu-2ing and electrical detailing (ertaining t! s-all residential units. 1.2.3 +!-(uter %ided Dra"ting7 $eneral and 2asic /n!w h!w related t! c!-(uter aided dra"ting6 e.g. c!<!rdinate syste-6 drawings setu( (r!cedure6 2asic draw c!--ands6 2asic edit c!--ands6 5ayers6 creating te9t and de"ining styles !(ti!ns6 2l!c/ and drawing i-(!rt=e9(!rt !(ti!ns6 +r!ss hatching6 save and (l!t >2D? and is!-etric drawings. $. ENGINEERING 'EC(ANICS! $.1 )asic Conce*ts#############################################$% +!nce(ts !" s(ace6 ti-e6 -ass6 vel!city6 accelerati!n and "!rce. Scalar and vect!r 4uantities6 :ewt!n@s laws !" -!ti!n6 law !" gravitati!n. 2.1.1 Syste- !" F!rces:,esultant and res!luti!n !" c!<(laner "!rces using(arallel!gra-6 triangle and (!lyg!n law and "unicular (!lyg!n. Si-(le cases !" resultant and res!luti!n !" "!rces in s(ace. +!nditi!ns !" e4uili2riu!" c!<(lanar "!rces6 analytical and gra(hical "!r-ulati!ns. $.1 E+"ili,ri"- o. Rigid )odies##############################$% Free 2!dy c!nce(t6 c!nditi!ns !" su((!rt and attach-ent t! !ther 2!dies6 Support Reactions, Degree !" restraint and static deter-inacy. Statically deter-inate (r!2le-s es(ecially !" civil engineering i-(!rtance6 E4uili2riu- !" tw!<"!rce and three<"!rce 2!dies. 2.2.1 Kinematics: Work6 energy and (!wer. Airtual w!r/ "!r-ulati!n !" e4uili2riu- !" c!(lanar "!rce. )!tential energy6 energy criteri!n "!r e4uili2riu-6 sta2ility !" e4uili2riu-6 a((licati!n t! si-(le cases. /%

2.2.2 ,igid ;!dies7 $e!-etrical (r!(erties !" (lane areas6 "irst -!-ent !" area6 centr!id6 sec!nd -!-ent !" area6 (rinci(al a9es6 (!lar sec!nd -!-ent !" area and radius !" gyrati!n. 2.2.3 Fricti!n7 +!ul!-2@s the!ry !" "ricti!n. )r!2le-s inv!lving "ricti!n !n "lat and curved sur"aces. 1ntr!ducti!n t! (ractical use !" the a2!ve (rinci(les and (r!(erties. 0. ENGINEERING S1R2E3ING! 0.1 (4drogra*5ic S"rve4s######################################1% 823ectives !" hydr!gra(hic survey and electr!nic charting6 Aertical c!ntr!l6 De(th and 'idal -easure-ents6 )!siti!n<"i9ing techni4ues6 S!unding (lan6 B!riC!ntal c!ntr!l6 )r!cessing. 3.1.2 +!ntr!l Surveys7 $e!desy6 D'M and !ther Ma( )r!3ecti!ns6 +!!rdinate Syste-s and Datu-6 B!riC!ntal c!ntr!l techni4ues6 Survey -ar/ers6 82servati!ns !n )!laris6 +!-(utati!n techni4ue "!r aCi-uth deter-inati!n and $yr!<the!d!lite. 3.1.3 Surveying %((licati!n7 Bighway and ,ailway +urves6 ,!ute surveys6 Circular curves, Setting out circular curve by various methods6 +!-(!und curves6 ,everse6 Aertical6 )ara2!lic curves6 Design c!nsiderati!ns6 S(iral curves6 %((r!9i-ate s!luti!n "!r s(iral (r!2le-s6 Su(er<elevati!n. 3.2 Advance Engineering S"rve4################################$% 3.2.1 1ntr!ducti!n: 1ntr!ducti!n t! land surveying6 de"initi!ns !" 2asic surveying ter-s6 2ranches and their a((licati!n. 1nstru-ents used. 3.2.2 'echni4ues: Distance -easure-ent techni4ues6 'he!d!lite and its 'y(es6 'raversing and 'riangulati!n6 'ach!-etry6 )lane 'a2le Surveying. +!-(utati!n !" areas and v!lu-es 2y vari!us -eth!ds. 3.2.3 M!dern Meth!ds in Surveying : )rinci(les !" EDM1 8(erati!n6 EDM +haracteristics6 '!tal Stati!ns6 Field (r!cedures "!r '!tal Stati!ns in '!(!gra(hic Surveys6 +!nstructi!n lay!ut using '!tal Stati!ns. 3.2.4 5eveling and +!nt!uring7,educti!n !" levels6 ad3ust-ents !" levels6 (recise leveling. DMeth!dsDand a((licati!ns !" c!nt!uring. &%



Surveying Dra"ting and +!-(utati!ns7Ma(s and )lans6 )l!tting6 +!nt!ur Ma(s6 )r!"iles6 +r!ss< secti!ns6 )ris-!idal "!r-ula6 +!-(utati!ns !" area and v!lu-es 2y gra(hical analysis and use !" surveying s!"tware. Field .!r/7 B!riC!ntal and Aertical c!ntr!l6 +!nstructi!n Surveys6 ,ailways6 Bighways6 )i(elines and !ther in"rastructures. 5ay!ut !" 2uildings and structures.

0.0 Geo in.or-atics#############################################1% 3.3.1 ntro!uction to "eoin#ormatics:,es!urces !" in"!r-ati!n6 (h!t!gra--etric surveying6 Satellite Syste-6 %erial and Satellite (h!t!gra--etry. 3.3.2 $l!2al )!siti!ning Syste- >$)S?7:avigati!nal Satellites6 )!siti!ning Syste-s >$58:%SS6 $)S * $alile!?6 Funda-entals and Ele-ents !" $)S6 Syste8(erati!n * +haracteristics6 Err!rs and %t-!s(heres e""ects. Di""erential $)S >D$)S?. 3.3.3 Remote Sensing $RS%: &asic +!nce(ts. )hysicals 2asis !" ,e-!te Sensing6 Earth ,es!urces Satellites= )lat"!r-s6 Sens!rs6 'y(es !" ,es!luti!ns6 $e!re"erencing6 1-age )r!cessing 'echni4ues. +lassi"icati!n. 3.3.4 $e!gra(hic 1n"!r-ati!n Syste- >$1S?7Funda-entals !" $1S6 S(atial Data ty(es and ac4uiring c!nsiderati!n. Data -!dels and structures. +!!rdinate Syste-6 Datu- and -a( (r!3ecti!n and their trans"!r-ati!n. %ttri2ute<2ased !(erati!n6 1ntr!ducti!n t! S(atial %nalysis. &. ENGINEERING 'ATERIA6! &.1 Concrete 'aterials#########################################0% 1ntr!ducti!n t! +!ncrete6 Manu"acturing6 'y(es and)r!(erties !" +e-ent6 'y(es and )r!(erties !" Fine and +!arse %ggregates6 0uality !" .ater6 Mi9ing6 'rans(!rtati!n * )lacing !" +!ncrete6 5i-e and M!rtars. &.$ 'etals and Allo4s##########################################$% +!-(!siti!n6 Manu"acturing. 7%


:atural St!nes6 ;ric/s6 'iles and +era-ics : $eneral +haracteristics6 Aarieties and Dses !" ;uilding St!nes6 Manu"acture6 Aarieties6 )r!(erties and Dses !" ;ric/s6 'iles and +era-ics. 4.2.2 'i-2er6 ,u22er6 )lastics6 ;itu-in!us and 1nsulating Materials. 4.2.3 +!nstructi!n %s(ects !" Engineering )r!3ects and 5ay!ut 'echni4ues7 %n !ver view !" c!nstructi!n as(ects "!r di""erent ty(es !" engineering (r!3ects6 e.g.6 2uildings6 retaining structures6 hydraulic structures and (ave-ents. Sites electi!n and !rientati!n !" 2uilding6 sur"ace "inishes6 3!ints in 2uilding6 -aintenance !" 2uilding6 da-( (r!!"ing.

&.0 Constr"ction 'et5odologies################################1% Meth!d!l!gies "!r 1n<situ and (re<cast c!nstructi!n !" 2uildings6 (laners and n!n (laner r!!"ing syste-s6 "inish and water (r!!"ing. MechaniCed c!nstructi!n. Design and use !" "ar- w!r/ "!r vari!us 2uilding units=-e-2ers. Meth!ds !" c!ncreting. ;!nds in -as!nry w!r/6 d!!rs6 wid!ws6 "l!!rs6 r!!"s. /. 861ID 'EC(ANICS! /.1 )asic Conce*ts############################################&% '.1.1 ntro!uction:S!lids and "luids >li4uids and gases?. Dnits and di-ensi!ns. )hysical (r!(erties !" "luidsE density6 s(eci"ic weight6 s(eci"ic v!lu-e6 s(eci"ic gravity6 sur"ace tensi!n6 c!-(ressi2ility. Aisc!sity6 units !" visc!sity6 -easure-ent !" visc!sity6 :ewt!n@s e4uati!n !" visc!sity. Bydr!statics6 /ine-atics6 hydr!dyna-ics6 hydraulics. '.1.2 (lui! Statics:)ressure intensity and (ressure head7 (ressure and s(eci"ic weight relati!nshi(6 a2s!lute and gauge (ressure6 -easure-ent !" (ressure6 )ieC!< -eter6 -an!-eter6 (ressure transducers. Di""erential -an!-eter and ;!rden gauge. '.1.3 (orces on mmerse! &o!ies: F!rces !n su2-erged (lanes and curved sur"aces and their a((licati!ns )rag an! *i#t #orces, 2u!yancy and "l!atati!n. E4uili2riu- !" "l!ating and su2-erged 2!dies. '.1.+ (lui! Kinematics:Steady and unsteady "l!w6 la-inar and 9%

tur2ulent "l!w6 uni"!r- and n!n<uni"!r- "l!w. )athline6 strea-lines and strea- tu2es. Ael!city and discharge. +!ntr!l v!lu-e6 E4uati!n !" c!ntinuity "!rc!-(ressi2le and inc!-(ressi2le "luids. '.1.' ,y!ro!ynamics:Di""erent "!r-s !" energy in a "l!wing li4uid6 head6 ;ern!ulli@s e4uati!n and its a((licati!n6 Energy line and Bydraulic $radient 5ine6 1ntr!ducti!n t! density currents6 "ree and "!rced v!rte96 F!rces !n (ressure c!nduits6 reducers and 2ends6 stati!nary and -!ving 2lades6 t!r4ues in r!tating -achines. '.1.- (lo. /easurement:8ri"ices and -!uth(ieces6 shar(< crested weirs and n!tches6 (it!t tu2e and (it!t static tu2e6 venturi-eter6 vel!city -eth!ds. '.1.0 Stea!y (lo. through 1ipes: Darcy<weis2ach e4uati!n "!r "l!w in (i(es. 5!sses in (i(e lines6 hydraulic grade lines and energy lines. )i(es in series and (arallel. 'rans-issi!n !" energy thr!ugh (i(es. 1ntr!ducti!n t! c!-(uter aided analysis !" (i(e netw!r/s. '.1.23ni#orm (lo. in 4pen Cannels: +heCyFs and ManningFs e4uati!ns6 ;aCinFs and GutterFs e4uati!ns6 M!st ec!n!-ical rectangular and tra(eC!idal secti!n. /.$ Advance .l"id -ec5anics#################################&% 5.2.1Bydr!dyna-ics ,eview71deal and real "luid6 Di""erential e4uati!n !" c!ntinuity6 ,!tati!nal and irr!tati!nal "l!w6 Strea- "uncti!n and vel!city (!tential "uncti!n6 ;rie" descri(ti!n !" "l!w "ields6 8rth!g!nality !" strea- lines and e4ui(!tential lines6 Fl!w net and its li-itati!ns6 Di""erent -eth!ds !" drawing "l!w net. 5.2.2 Steady Fl!w thr!ugh )i(es75a-inar and tur2ulent "l!w in circular (i(es6 se-i<e-(irical the!ries !" tur2ulence6 $eneral e4uati!n "!r "ricti!n6 Ael!city (r!"ile in circular (i(es6 (i(e r!ughness6 :u/uradseFs e9(eri-ents6 Darcy<.eis2atch E4uati!n6 1-(licit and E9(licit E4uati!ns "!r )i(e Fricti!n Fact!r6 M!!dyFs diagra-s6 )i(e "l!w (r!2le-s6 Min!r l!sses. 5.2.3 )i(e :etw!r/s7 )i(es in series and (arallel6 2ranches6 Bardy +r!ss Meth!d6 .ater ha--er6 .ater 5!ss6 Bead l!sses and -aterial !" (i(es. .ater 'ur2ines7 'y(es6 reacti!n and i-(ulse< tur2ines6 M!-entu- e4uati!n a((lied t! tur2ines6


S(eci"y s(eed6 'ur2ine characteristic. 5.2.5 +entri"ugal )u-(s7 'y(es6 +lassi"icati!ns6 c!nstructi!n "eatures6 !(erati!n and e""iciencies6 S(eci"ic s(eed and characteristic curves. 5.2.6 ,eci(r!cating )u-(s!'y(es6 Ma9i-u- sucti!n li"t6 c!nstructi!n "eatures6 s(eci"ic s(eed6 cavitati!n and !(erati!n.

'EC(ANICS :8 S:6IDS! 7.1 Si-*le Stress and Strain#####################################0% Ginds !" stresses and strains6 Di""erence 2etween stress and (ressure6 5!ad E9tensi!n Diagra-s "!r di""erent Materials6 B!!/Fs 5aw6 M!duli !" elasticity6 5ateral strain6 A!lu-etric Strain6 )!iss!nFs ,ati!6 'e-(erature stresses and +!-(!und 2ars. 6.1.1 Stresses in ;ea-s7 'he!ry !" si-(le 2ending6 M!-ent !" resistance and secti!n -!dulus6 %((licati!ns !" "le9ure "!r-ula6 Shear Stresses in ;ea-s6 Shear +entre6 Shear Fl!w6 Dnsy--etrical ;ending. 6.1.2 +!lu-n and Struts7 % sh!rt and l!ng %9ially l!aded c!lu-ns6 their -!des !" "ailure6 and c!nditi!ns6 e4uivalent length6 EulerFs "!r-ula6 and E-(irical "!r-ula li/e ,an/ine $!rd!n F!r-ula etc.6 Slenderness ,ati!. 6.1.3 +ircular Sha"ts7 'he!ry !" '!rsi!n "!r s!lid and h!ll!w circular sha"ts. 6.1.4 S(rings7 8(en c!il s(rings6 cl!sed c!il s(rings6 lea" s(rings. 6.1.5 Strain Energy7 Strain Energy due t! direct l!ads6 "!rce6 2ending -!-ents and t!r4ue6 Stresses due t! i-(act l!ads. 7.$ Advance -ec5anics o. solids##############################$% 6.2.1 Stress %nalysis7 %nalysis !" Stress and Strain at a (!int due t! c!-2ined e""ect !" a9ial "!rce6 shear "!rce6 2ending and twisting -!-ent. M!hr@s circle "!r stresses and strains6 relati!nshi(s 2etween elastic c!nstants.6 strain r!sette s!luti!n. 6.2.2 1ntr!ducti!n t! 'he!ry !" Elasticity7 Stress tens!r6 (lane stress and (lane strain (r!2le-s and "!r-ulati!n !" stress "uncti!n. 6.2.3 'he!ries !" Hielding=Failure >)lastic 5i-it %nalysis? "!r ductile and 2rittle -aterials. 6.2.4 +ylinders7 'hin6 'hic/ and +!-(!und +ylinders. 6.2.5 +!lu-ns7 Sta2ility !" c!lu-ns6 c!nditi!ns !" e4uili2riu-6 eccentrically l!aded c!lu-ns6 initially i-(er"ect c!lu-ns. 6.2.6 Flat )lates7 1ntr!ducti!n6 Stress ,esultants in a "lat (late6 Strain dis(lace-ent ,elati!ns6 Stress<stain I te-(erature relati!n "!r is!tr!(ic elastic (lates6 Strain Energy !" a (late6 S!luti!n !" rectangular and circular (r!2le-s ;ending and ;uc/ling !" (lates. 6.2.# +urved ;ea-s7 1ntr!ducti!n t! circu-"erential and radial stresses in curved 2ea-s6 +!rrecti!n !" +ircu-"erential Stress in curved 2ea-s having 16 '< cr!ss secti!ns. De"lecti!n !" curved 2ea-s. 6.2. '!rsi!n !" 'hin .alled 'u2es and :!n<+ircular Me-2ers7 Saint AenantFs se-i inverse -eth!d6 )randtelFs Elastic Me-2rane %nal!gy6 :arr!w



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