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Questionnaire n2 : Ide de questionnaire pour les visiteurs de Prigueux :

Your stay in Prigueux

1. Had you ever been to Prigueux before? Yes, I had No, I hadnt 2. If so, how many times? Once From twice to five times More than five times 3. How long will you stay in Prigueux ? Less than one night One night A couple of nights More than three nights 4. Is your accommodation located in Prigueux ? Yes, it is No, its not a. If so, what kind of accommodation are we talking about? Hotel Guest house Holiday cottage Other (specify): b. If not, why did you choose your accommodation outside the city?

5. When you were preparing your stay in Dordogne, had you planned to come and visit Prigueux ? Yes, I/we had No, we hadnt a. If so, what did you want to visit in the city ?

b. If not, what made you reconsidering your plans ?

The perception of Prigueux 6. How were you perceiving the city of Prigueux prior to your coming ? (Libre mais suggestions : tourist city, small/big, picturesque, dynamic.) 7. And what is your current perception of the city? 8. Are you? delighted nicely surprised moderately pleased Disappointed 9. Why is that? 10. Do you consider coming back to Prigueux hereafter? Yes, absolutely Rather yes Rather not Not at all I have no idea 11. Why ? The notoriety of the city of Prigueux 15 Do you know the following labels? Station de tourisme Villes et villages fleuris Ville dart et dhistoire Famille plus.

16 Do you know which ones Prigueux benefits? Station de tourisme Villes et villages fleuris (nombre de fleurs ?) Ville dart et dhistoire Famille plus.

17 In your opinion, these labels are : a driving force in favour of attractiveness for Prigueux a guarantee of quality in their respective fields Labels commonly granted to each city words rather than true actions

18 Among the following adjectives, which ones better define the city? (tick 3 ones and rank)

Features Historic and patrimonial city Gastronomic city Commerce and crafts city Festive and cultural city Administrative city Dynamic city Sports city Campaign city Soothing city

19 According to you, what is the most representative element of the city? question libre Suggestions : monuments, museums, specialties, architecture (Ce quon coche : cathdrale St-Front, quartier Antique, la place Francheville, lglise de la cit, une autre glise, un des muses (3 muses de France), les marchs, la voie verte, le foie gras, la truffe, le vin, le patrimoine bti/larchitecture) 20 Have you ever heard about these events? Mimos (festival du mime), le salon international du livre gourmand (tous les 2 ans en anne paire), le festival Sinfonia en Prigord, la fte mdivale, le concours de la Truffe dArgent.

21 In your opinion, is Perigueux a major tourist destination of the Perigord? Yes, absolutely 22 Why? 23 The Perigord is highly touristic: Is it an asset or a drawback for Prigueux? (Asset/drawback, possibly precise) 24 In which city/village of Dordogne would you prefer to spend your holidays? (On coche : Montignac, Sarlat, Bergerac, les Eyzies, Prigueux, autre (noter nom)) Rather yes Rather not Not at all

Uses of the city 25 Mark each of the following criteria : (1 expressing a high degree of dissatisfaction and 5 a high degree of satisfaction) Criterion/mark richness of the historic and cultural patrimony quality of the gastronomy and of the local products Diversity of the animations (events, festivals) diversity of sports and outside activities diversity and landscapes conviviality population of beauty of 1 2 3 4 5 COMMENTARY



Indication (signalisation) of the touristic places Tourist office Communication (publicity, welcome, visits) Security/safety

26 What have you preferred in the city ? 27 Which difficulties have you faced in the city? (question ouverte mais si pas de rponse, propositions) Suggestions: Monuments and tourist sites badly pointed out, lack of information about the tourist possibilities, too few tourist possibilities, prices not suitable, lack of dynamism, difficulties of transport, cleanliness, too many people Knowing you better What kind of tourism do you generally practice?

Sports, festive, natural, historic and patrimonial, cultural, gastronomic, for business

Have you come? : Alone, as a couple, with friends, with family, other M/W How old are you?

Less than 18, from 18 to 24, from 25 to 34, from 35 to 44, from 45 to 59, from 60 to 75, more than 75 . To which socio-professional group do you belong?

Farmers, craftsmen / tradespeople / entrepreneurs, executives and higher intellectual professions, Intermediate occupations, employees, workers, students / school, retired, unemployed people, other What is your nationality?

Thanks for having spent some time to answer this questionnaire. Have a good day!

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