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Environmental Course Disclosure 2009-2010

Canyon View High School

Teacher: Andrea Julander Phone : 435-586-2813


Course Description:
The goal of the Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific
principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the
natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-
made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine
alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them
-Utah State Science Core Curriculum-

Attendance Policy:
1. Canyon View's attendance policy will be strictly followed. Attendance in class is
crucial to successful completion of the class.
2. You will be in your assigned seat once the bell rings ready to begin bellwork.
3. Bellwork will be given at the beginning of each class period and will earn points. Bell
work due to absences and tardies cannot be made up, and points will be lost.
4. No make-up work will be given for unexcused absences

Grading Policy/Scale:
1. Grade Scale:
100 - 93% A 76 - 73% C
92 - 90% A- 72 - 70% C-
89 - 87% B+ 67 – 69% D+
86 - 83% B 63 – 66% D
82 - 80% B- 60 – 62% D-
79 - 77% C+ 59 - 0% F
2. Students will be graded both by completion of assignments and the quality of
submitted work. In other words, in order to receive good grades in this class, students
must complete all assignments on time and to the highest possible standard.
3. Complete assignments neatly and on time. Late work will only be accepted up to
one week after its initial due date. Late work stemming from an unexcused absence
will not be accepted.

4. Daily assignments and class work can be viewed at
5. Forty extra credit points (called insurance) per unit are available. There are two units
per quarter.
Student’s citizenship grade will be determined as outlined in the following table.

CVHS Responsible Citizen Rubric


absences absences absences UNEXCUSED
TARDIES 0-2 3-4 5-6 7 or more

ACADEMIC Usually A-B grade Usually A-C grade Usually D grade and Usually F grade and
PERFORMANCE and comes to class and generally has to be reminded rarely comes to class
prepared with comes to class frequently to bring with necessary
necessary materials, prepared with necessary books and materials, continually
pays attention and necessary materials, materials, talks and interrupts and talks
actively participates pays attention and does not pay during class or sits
talks when attention to what is and does nothing.
appropriate supposed to be
done in class
FOLLOWS SCHOOL RULES Honors school and Minor violations of Discipline steps Administrator
• Dress code class rules school and class taken in class by involved in
• Cell phones and rules teacher disciplinary action
other electronic
• Insubordination

Class Rules:
1. No Touchy. This is a science classroom/lab. Tools and chemicals will be used in this
room for demonstrations and quick labs. Don’t touch anything that doesn’t belong
to you
2. Be on time and be prepared with all required materials.
3. Be respectful to the teacher, to other students, and the equipment.
4. All other rules as listed in the handbook will be followed. These include electronic
devices and cell phones.

Class Curriculum/Resources:
1. The Holt Biology Textbook will be available to check out as needed.
2. A science journal containing notes and study guides will be used as additional

DRSL’s (Desired Results for Student Learning)1 Competent Learner, 2 Effective Communicator, 3.Responsible

Canyon View High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or
qualified disability.

Canyon View High School no discarimina a raza, color, nacionalidad, genero, or habilidad
Environmental Science Course Disclosure Sign Off
Dear Parents,

To view the course disclosure go to one of the following websites: or

the school website under Andrea Julander. When you have finished reading the course disclosure
please take a moment to sign off demonstrating that you have read it. Also, I have found that
many of our records at school are often outdated or missing important items. If you could please fill
out the student information sheet, it would help me to contact you when necessary. I have found
that one of the most difficult things to do at the high school level is keep in good contact
with the parents of the nearly 200 students that I teach every year. I have found that e-mail is
the cheapest and most efficient way to make contact for most things, so please include that if you
have an e-mail address. Cell phone numbers are also very helpful.

When you have completed this course disclosure sign off-sheet, please fill out this student
information sheet. Pull this top page off and have your son or daughter return it to me. Please keep
the course disclosure for future reference.

Thank you,
Mrs. Julander

Course Disclosure Sign Off

Student Name (Please print) ___________________________________ Class Period _____________

Students email: __________________________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________

I have read the course disclosure for Mrs. Julander’s Environmental Science Class and understand
the policies, procedures, rules, and overall expectations for this course.

Student Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________

Parent Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________

Parent Information Form

Parents’ Names ______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address ______________________________________________________________
Day Time Phone Numbers (435) _____________________ (435) _____________________
Evening Phone Numbers (435) _____________________ (435) _____________________
Cell Phone(s) (435) _____________________ (435) _____________________

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