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spelled hqbonl
B Y J A T V I ER O B E R T S O I . J \:ears" although rlone lvas less than Soorr rve reached the outskirt:
in the room, but I felt obligeclto refuse
his amicable offer. as the chair n'hich
he offered had a rather uncomfortable
appearing t1'pe of decorative ernbel-
t hat one coulclnot f all out of it if one
t r iecl?Feeling indeeclsaf er t har r I had
ever' prer,iousll. felt" I quicklv fell
soundlr - int o t he ar m s of Sleepin t he
Obvioush'. this is r,r'hat the bell-bov
h a d in min d a s h e t ie c lt h e f if t h s q u a re
k n o t in t h e e n d s o f 1 h e f in e Cu b a n
lishment consistingof several rou's of comparativelt' lnxtrriclusPolicia hotel. B e lo u 'me I c o u ld d is t in g u is hma n r-
As I ar-rived in the scenic Cubern six feet in stature. M)' nen'ly-founcl the cit1., arrd passed bt' the sc( steel spikes,r,vhichapJrearecl to me as I u'tr s au'alienecl brightlr- and shouting, h o o t i n g- merr)--making
harbor clf Havana (occasionallr' friends said unto me, said thel', "Vdn- ruins of a monument to one of though they might conceivably be un- earlill' tlte next morni's b' the 1'outh- forms in the clim light just befor-ethe
spelleclHabana)" I rvas arve-struckbl- gate. Cabr6n." u,hich" from mt' class ancient godsof the former inhabit, comfortable. LTnfortunatelv, Ll I) o n ful bearded bell-bor'. The time u'as sun-rise. u,hich sun-rise u'oulcl soon
its beatrt1., b) the beautiful palms in Spanish 406 at LIT, I kneu'to be arr of this peaceful little island-in- hearing mv polite refusal. the kincllv erpllroximatelv four-thirtr.. I noticecl cccur directly in front of me.
su'af ing in the gentle harbor breezes; idiomatic exyrressionmeaning- "Kind sun. The name of this ancient god old gentl"-itr became cordiallv in- as I glanced at ml. wristwatch, n'hich Soon,as the first golden ra]-s of snn-
lr)- the busl- olive-skinrred Cubans sir, if vou r,r'illkindly rn'alkalong rvith inscribed across the front in fai. sistent that I be seated irr the chair. the bell-boy \\.ascarrving for me upon light peereclover the horizon, I be-
busilr- loading, r-rnloading,and reload- us. sir. rve shall take you ul)on a tour legible letters: te-xac-o, the anc and I. again not rvishing to apl)earLln- his u'rist. Nothing alike urtto getting came aware of a figure rvalking to-
ing the many thousands of bags of of our beautiful. )'€d,,but humble city faded letters seemedto read. Inc grateful, sat. The old gentleman then an earlt' start on the day r,r'henyou're u'ard me rn'ith r,r'hat appeared to be
sllgar; by the picturesque silver-u'hite of Havana. rvhich by some. upon oc- a strangename. placed in front of me lvhat I assumed touring a scenic countrv like Cuba. I some sort of a locally manufactured
bubbles rising belor.r'the borv of ml. casions, is spelled FI-a-b-a-n-a, for, Momentarily rn'earrived at our to be the hotel registration form. I thought to myself. As \\'e rvalked sunshade- somewhat resembling a
humble craft. ( raft" life, for l)reserva- indeed, 'we love thee" kind sir," and I. parent destination. as my frit quickly glanced through rvhat \4'ere suaveh' dou'n the hall-u'ay. the bell- lone-ranger mask l'l'ithout the e'y'e-
t ion of . U .S.. G.L . 1 9 + 2 ), a s th e p i c - not rvishing to appear ungrateful unto suddenly stopped patting me on apparently the hotel's terms of resi- bol' clressedsmartly in his olive-drab l-roles. These considerateCuban people
turesque, olive-skinned skin divers nly benefactors, marched off. with track rn'ith their machetes and sta denc/, and signed the docnment, after fatigues" and I in ml. casual tattered think of everything to make an
slowll' approached with their beauti- them friendlill. patting me on mY softll. lancing me in the abdor n'hich tw,o of my ne\^,-found friends tr,r'eedsuit, I thought, again to mrrself. American visitor comfortable. The
ful bundles of picturesque an'e-inspir- care-\\'orn back the kindly flats each sclftlance being accompanier stepped forrn,ard and signed their "What unpredictable day lies ahead man ayrproachedme and covered mv
ing T NT . of their machetes. the mild command- "alto." Fee names in the tlvo spacesunderneath for me in this beautiful peaceful coun- eyes with the sunshadeand stuck a lit
Feeling a sudden uncontrollable As our friendly march continued that persistence on my part of my name. The old gentleman then t r y of Cuba?" cigar betweenmy lips. IJnfortunately.
Lrrgeto leap quicklv onto the pier. I onrvard. I suddenly discovered that tinuation of the tour might lead t bid me rise and follou' the bearded The bell-boy explained to me in he placed it, purell' by accident, be-
leaped quickly onto the pier. I rn'as \rye had marched directlf into the feelings on the part of my hosts.I yout h, \ 'ho was appar ent lv t he bell- quaintly halting English that today tn,een my lips wrong-end first, but I.
immc'cliately surrounded b)' o large midst of thriving Havana, the Metrop- that I should stop, u'hich I then boy. to my room. u'arsto be a day of fiesta.the climax of not wishing to appear ungrateful.
friendly welcoming group expressing olis of the Carribean. As rve rvalked Glancing up, I noticed that we M ) 'r oom was not exact ly u'hat t he rvhich r,r'ouldbe the shooting of a pig. merely ignored this slight oversight,
their rvelcome to me u,ith the quaint on. I noticed man\- of the beautiful stoppeddirectly in front of the qu He also explained that I would be and smoked the fine Cuban tobaccos
average American n'ould call cleluxe
S p n n i s h colloqualism, "V6yate, sights to be seen.The most prominent little Policia hotel. M1 friends ush seated,or actually. a position rvith great gusto.
accommodations"inclucling onlt' a Pile
gringo diablo!" meaning. "\A/elcome- thing r,vasthe man\r beautiful moun- me in the small. antique, \ryorm-v from rvhich l could best obsen'e the Before I had even a chance to gene-
of strau' and a cracked clal pitcher
kind friend- to Havana, rvhich name tains of rvhitc substanceto be seen on door of this tinr,' motel, and I fc events of the clar..With this. I found rate a fair-sized ash betrveenmv lips.
every street corner and flolving dor"'tt myself in front of a kinclll. old ger of stagnant rvater. but I realizeclthat
of this citv is occasionally slrellecl that ershe had been conversing r,vith I rvas aware that the reveling had be-
'Habana'." every gutter. Upon inquiring. I rvas man behind a fine antique des there \,verernan\r people much \\'orse
me he haclplaced me against a u'ooden gun. as I could hear the joyous shouts
As I shielded my e1'esfrom a feu' told- rvith someu'hat of a sneer, that knew. deep in my heart, that off than I. and accepteclall of this com-
post and securing me to the post r,vith of some happy Cuban reveleer belorv.
friendlr,-sharyrstones.cast lovingly to thesemountains were composedof the gentleman was kindly and old. fo parative luxurr- u'ith great thanks. I a fine grade of hempen rol)e. rvhich as he shouted hayrpily. "Listo .,"
me by the ha1rp1'throng. I suddenly rare-earth element. "azucar." As \4'e wore a beard. and a kindly .45 cal thought to mvself" \\'ere rrclt the \\'ils alrpart'ntlv necessitatedb1' the and then some rn'ord somervhat remi-
realiz.edthat I also sut'rottncledbv rvalked by the market. I heard ladies automati c a t his kindlr 'olcl side. builclers of this firre hotel not irrcleerl I'act that clirectly irr I'r'ontof the ltost niscent of an ecluivalentEnglish r,r'ord
ir smtrll €{roupof frietrdlr'" fatigue-clad. cr'\' out. rvhile on their heads they gentlenran offered me il chair u; t hought f ul of t he saf et r 'oft heir f ut ur e \\'ils il hole into u'hich I quite con- su c h a s " A imr" t )r " s ig h t . " o r s o me -
beardeclrnen. Irone of u'hich I esti- bear'cl-s<,1x.and rice. anclfish are nice. a light" rvhich wAS indeed a be it not trtte that the1.hur.e ceivablr- conlcl fall if I u'as not sorne- thing similar'. then the rvorcl" "FLIE-
'r:rtcd trr he or,r'r the arre Of thirteen and the rum is fine any time of yetrr-. this light vvasthe onll' r I a a . l
l-,--,'.^.rr.o.l lrt thp

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