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Course Outline:

INTRODUCTION I. Component of Physical Fitness (GROUPS 1 AND 2) A. Health-related Fitness Components 1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance 2. Muscular Strength a. Types of Muscle Contraction 1. Isotonic 2. Isometric b. Weight Training Exercises for Muscular Strength 1. Anterior Muscle in Upper legs 2. Muscles in chest & Upper arms 3. Posterior muscles in Upper legs 4. Muscles associated with Shoulders & Upper back 5. Posterior Muscles in lower legs 6. Abdominal Muscles c. Weight Training Guidelines and Safety 3. Muscular Endurance a. Properties of Skeletal Muscle 4. Flexibility a. Basic facts about flexibility b. Importance of Stretching c. 8 basic Stretching Exercises 5. Body Composition

B. Skill-related Fitness Components 1. Speed 2. Agility 3. Power II. Principles of Training A. Overload Principle 1. 2. 3. Frequency Intensity Duration 4. Balance 5. Coordination 6. Reaction time

B. Specificity C. Recuperation D. Progression E. Warm-up and cool down


TITLE GROUP MEMBERS NAMES I. Introduction II. Objectives III. Content IV. Summary V. Conclusion VI. References Font: Arial Size: 12 Space: 1.5 Short bond paper w/ folder


I. TITLE: How is the report going to be called?
Ex. Fitness and Health Management

II. OBJECTIVES: What kind of behavior does the group want to see from the class?
The group expects the audience to be very observant and dedicated to their physical and health fitness after the report. Through explaining the Components of Physical Fitness, Principles of training, Warm-up and Flexibility, the group expects the class to know the significance of having a fit body and good health to live their lives happy always.

III. TIME FRAME: How long will it take?

1 hrs.

IV. RESOURCES: What are the materials needed to conduct the oral report?
Visual aids, handkerchief, bags, books

V. PROCESS: What will the group do to achieve their objectives? VI. ACTIVITY: How will the group introduce the report?
What will the class undertake? Is it appropriate? Why?

The group will introduce or do the report through showing demonstrations and by doing related activities while explaining the topic. The class wil be undergoing an obstacle race by group. Before the race the groups need to warm-up first to make their muscles ready for the game. In the obstacle the groups will pass by levels where their speed, agility, power, balance, coordination, reaction time will be needed. Thus, improving their physical fitness through observing the principles of training.

VII. ANALYSIS: What are the questions will the group ask to surface?
What is Physical Fitness? How would you apply the topic to your daily life? What is the significance of being healthy? What are the different ways for weight resistance training? What do you need to warm-up before doing a certain exercise? Possible responses: Physical fitness is the state of being able to do activities without fatigue etc. By observing proper use of the body so that it wont be stressed. If you will be healthy youll be able to live happily always. Isometric, Isokiketic, Isotonic To make your muscles ready for a certain activity.

VIII. ABSTRACTION: Identify relevant inputs or generalization points.

The group will be doing activities regarding the topic while reporting. Thus, making the topic easier to understand. The class will be seeing actual demonstrations which will make them more eager to know the importance of the topic.

IX. APPLICATION: How can the class apply their learning at school and home?
Suggest or identify specific actions to take to apply learning (whenever needed) At school and at home everybody has some activities or chores to do. After learning through the report, theyll be able to know that in everything they do they must not abuse their bodies through extreme and hardwork. They must also rest and relax their body. Before doing any physical games or activities, warm-up or stretch first your body for it to be ready before using it.

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