Inotia 3 Cheat

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Inotia 3: Children of Carnia Cheats & Walkthrough Android An inevitable fate has lain before the Children of Carnia.

Lucio and Ameli, t o children that live in the village of Carnia ho are to be given the !Coming of Age "itual#, ac$uires gauntlets one da% that stir u& their lives ith a ne fate. Conse$uences a% be%ond their imagination a ait the t o children and the% soon reali'e an e(traordinar% destin% has lain before them) *redestined arriors the% are meant to be).and the fate has been decided u&on for thousands of %ears) Will the t o children ho are born to be arriors find true ha&&iness+, -oin the unending legend that is about to begin in Inotia3: Children of Carnia. ./A01"/2 3 An 4rgani'ed *art% 2%stem Combine 5 classes to construct %our o n &art% in a *art% 6attle 2%stem7 2e&aratel% control each character and enhance their skills and stats ho ever %ou like. In stor% mode, %ou can not onl% obtain various characters, but also hire mercenaries ith items. *ersonali'e each character b% e$ui&&ing a variet% of clothing, ea&ons and defense ea&ons. 3 /(citing 2tor% in an /normous 2cale .ar more better and far more enormous in scale from its &revious se$uel7 0ravel through the &ast and &resent, back and forth, and get immersed in solid and constructed events that ill sur&rise %ou all throughout the game. 1ni$ue minor casts ill make their a&&earance throughout the stor%, and the heroes Lucio and Ameli roam through 839: different ma&s. ;39 of !not3to3be3underestimated# $uests ith various themes are enough to kee& %ou bus% hen %ou#re &la%ing on %our device. <ro&list for Inotia 3: Children of Carnia: = eihender 3dro&&ed b% 6lack *o der >onster at Ingredients Cave 2u&reme Cedar 2taff 3dro&&ed at Land 2car *erfect ?it 6o 3fre$uentl% dro&&ed at Land 2car and <ragon#s Lair @oblin /ngineer ?elmet 3dro&&ed t ice at <ragon#s Lair 2hamshir 3fre$uentl% droe&&ed at <ragon#s Lair

"eci&e: <efense *otion A>B 3sold b% street vendor at <ragon#s Lair "eci&e: >agic 6ranch 3sold b% street vendor at /astern Lava Cave "eci&e: "oot of 2&irits 3 dro&&ed b% lava fair% at /astern Lava Cave "eci&e: >ithril 3dro&&ed at /lven .orest "eci&e: Cibration .ragment 3sold b% street vendor at "ed Wood .orest "eci&e: ?ealing *otion A>B 3dro&&ed b% a monster at Adela#s ?ouse "eci&e: Dello Cr%stal 3 dro&&ed b% a monster in 2ecret *assage in Earan#s 2helter "eci&e: >ana *otion A>B 3 dro&&ed b% a monster in 2ecret *assage in Earan#s 2helter "eci&e: Invisible *otion 3dro&&ed b% monster inside cave &ast 4gre mountain 2mall 6ag 3dro&&ed b% a monster at 4gre >ountain "eci&e: >ithril 3dro&&ed b% a monster at Forth <ione .orest A&&rentice ?unter /mblem

Level: 8G 0%&e: "ing Critical Attack Chance: 8.9H 3a arded u&on com&letion of the $uest Famed 2ubIugation: Introduction "eci&e: Wea&on .ortif%ing 6ook of 2&ells 3dro&&ed b% some monster at <en of "ats 8. 3dro&&ed at <ragon#s Lair 3sold b% street vendor at <ragon#s Lair "eci&e: 2u&reme eli(ir 3dro&&ed b% >utant "at <runkard at <en of "ats 8. "eci&e: >ana Cr%stal 3dro&&ed b% dark elf at Illusion >a'e G. 3dro&&ed b% 0hunder Li'ard at Land 2car ?eav% >ace Level: 3; 0%&e: <ouble3fisted bludgeon <amage: 353J9 Attack 2&eed: 2lo er <e(terit%: J >entalit%: J 3dro&&ed b% 2acrificed <e Lauren 2oldier at Illusion >a'e ;. "eci&e: Consecrated "esurrection 2croll 3dro&&ed b% 2acrificed <e Lauren 2oldier at Illusion >a'e ;. 3dro&&ed b% "ock 2hell Armadillo at <ione Cliff 2lo&e G "eci&e: 2u&erior /ther 3dro&&ed b% a rat at 2habb% ?ut 2ecret *assage "eci&e: 2trength *otion 3dro&&ed b% some monster at Land 2car 3sold b% street vendor at "ed Wood .orest Average /ther

3dro&&ed b% 6lack 6ald /agle at Land of 0 ilight 2u&reme /li(it: >/F 3dro&&ed b% soldier at <e Lauren *rison "eci&e: 6lue Cr%stal 3dro&&ed b% soldier at <e Lauren *rison "eci&e: 0ranscendence .lo er 3dro&&ed b% a soldier at Illusion >a'e, ;. 3dro&&ed at 2anctuar% 1nderground Area ; 3dro&&ed b% 6lack *o der >onster at Ingredients Cave "eci&e: Armor .ortif%ing 6ook of 2&ells 3 dro&&ed b% some monster at Land 2car "eci&e: Average /ther 3dro&&ed b% either a flour monster or s eet bean monster in the .ood Ingredient Cave Fort of the Car& ?ermit#s shelter. Inferior /ther Critical <amage "esistance: ++ Adds an inferior o&tion to an item. 3 dro&&ed b% a giant, at the area called @iant ?ill if I remember the name correctl%. 2u&erior /ther 3 dro&&ed b% some vine monster at /lven .orest In the 6andit .orest, a .orest *anther dro&&ed a %ello name s ord: <urandal Level: ;J 0%&e: Long 2 ord <amage: ;3333 Attack 2&eed: Formal 2trength :3 Citalit% :3 Increase <efense 8.3H

- EXP HACK 1)check your current exp and input it on gamecih 2)kill a monster 3)check your exp again and input in gamecih 4)modify the value left into 999999 5)kill a monster 6)now your are level 110 -SKILL POINT HACK 1)check your skill points and input value in gamecih 2)use one skill point 3)write your skills points left now on gamecih 4)modify into 255 5)now you have 255/257 points left -ITEM STAT HACK 1)choose the item you wanna hack and make sure you have at least 1 Weapon Book Of Spells 2)open gamecih and input 3355443200 3)add the Weapon Book of Spells scroll to your item 4)open gamecih and press + 5)you have 1 value left. Turn it into 3387949056 6)your item stats is way up -MONEY HACK 1)oen gamecih and press Input Name 2)input the name : money 3)change the value there in 4000000 4)you have 4000000 coins now -ITEM DUPLICATE HACK 1)put any item in slot 1 at your inventory 2)open gamecih and press Input Name: inven_p OR inv_p 3)lock the 2 values that will come up 4)move your iten to slot 2 5)now you have 1 item in slot 1 and 1 item in slot 2 -SECRET SHOPS HACK 1)input name: itemdatabase on gamecih 2)change the mid value from 17 to any number you want 3)talk to a weapon/armor merchant and open the shop 4)change the mid value again to 17 5)you have a total different shop than the first one BUT IF YOU WANT TO TRY WITH A DIFFERENT VALUE MAKE SURE YOU CLOSED THE SHOP AND

MODIFY INTO 17 WHEN OPEN IT AGAIN -FUSION MACHINE (RECIPE BOOK) HACK 1)make sure you have the recipe book 2)input name: mixmenu on gamecih 3)find the value that says RECIPE ID and change it to any number between 1-50 4)find the value that says b_Start and modify into 1 5)you have composed an item without ingridients Secret Shop Hack, 1)modify the mid value to any number you want 2)kill a monster 3)modify mid value into 17 again 4)monster drop is not the same as before

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