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Technical Brief Avaya DMCC Application Notes

The following document provides answers to commonly asked questions around how Observe integrates with Avayas DMCC (Aka CMAPI) call recording interface. Does your solution use Service Observer or Single Step Conference? There are actually three methods that can be used to record calls. Observe can be configured to use either Method 1: Service Observe or Method 3: Multiple Registrations. Please note that method 3 is only available with AES 4.1 and CM5 or greater. There are three design approaches to performing call recording using DMCC APIs and CM. The first two create an extension and cause that extension to be "conferenced" into a call. This conferencing can be done with service observing or the single step conference feature. Applications that utilize these approaches will implement one soft phone per recording device. Method 1: Using service observing. The soft phone has a pre-provisioned service observing (SO) button on the recording device/soft phone. The SO button is provisioned with the destination station that they wish to record calls for. When the application initializes, it activates the SO feature. Then when calls arrive at the observed extension the application is automatically notified of the call arrival and it answers the call in conjunction with the destination station answering. In Communication Manager 4.0 the maximum number of Service Observers in a call was increased to two. Method 2: Using Single-Step-Conference. In this solution the application uses call control services of TSAPI, JTAPI or 4.1 DMCC to monitor the recorded station for incoming calls and/or a specific button push that indicates the user wishes recording to begin. The application then invokes the TSAPI/JTAPI Single Step Conference (SSC) feature to conference in the recording device DMCC station when the recorded station is active on a call. These solutions will work if the monitored extension is making use of telecommuter mode, or direct media (either TDM or IP). Method 3: Multiple Registrations for an Extension. The third approach is available with AE Services 4.1 and CM 5.0. This approach's advantage is it does not encounter limitations imposed by Communication Manager's maximum party count for Service Observers or parties in a call. In this approach a client media mode endpoint in dependant or independent dependency mode is registered against the extension that the application wishes to record. The application provides RTP address information and codec information as part of the registration sequence. When calls are handled by the registered extension, the

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application receives a copy of the audio of the call. This audio stream is a sum from all parties (including the extension that the application registered as). Through DMCC's call control services information about the participants of the call can be discovered. What licensing do I need to purchase to utilize DMCC (formally CMAPI) services? To utilize the basic set of DMCC services, Communication Manager must be provisioned with an appropriate number of IP_API_A licenses. One IP_API_A license per registered device is required. A device may be registered as either shared control or exclusive control. In either case each device will consume one IP_API_A license. A few DMCC services (i.e. snapshot call, snapshot device and single step conference) also utilize a TSAPI Basic license for the duration of the transaction in the AE Server. This is NOT required for Qfiniti because Observe does not utilize the Single Step Conference method. For Observe to use DMCC for call recording, the customer must purchase the Full CMAPI and Station License package for each recording port. We have confirmed with Avaya, For DMCC recording, you must purchase; DMCC licenses (IP_API-A), IP Station Licenses on Communication manager (IP-STA) and Station Licenses (STA)

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