Analysis of Survey Monkey Questionnaire

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Analysis of survey monkey questionnaire


Male 29% female 71%



I asked the gender question because I wanted to find out who would answer the questionnaire the most, so I could find out who would be best to target my magazine to As you can see on the bar chart a larger portion of girls completed the survey compared to boys (17 females and 7 males.) Sadly one person skipped the age question so the numbers on the first question add up to 24. This may be due to not giving enough information to more males so they could participate. This shows me that I should probably focus my magazine towards the female demographic because they were the majority.

30 - over 16% 25 - 29 16% Under 10 10 - 14 0% 8%

20 - 24 4%

15 - 19 56%

The reason I asked this question was, so I could find out the best target age rang to go for, regarding the majority. A large portion of my survey was answered by 15 19 year olds. Age is very important because it allows me to see what age demographic my magazine will be drawn towards which will allow me to see what I should add in my magazine to fit the conventions my target audience expects. The target audience I was going for was 15-19 so I am pleased that my survey was filled out by mostly 15-19 year olds.


R'n'B 31% Pop 23%

Dance 6% Classical Country 0% Indie 26% Rock 14%

The reason I asked this question was to find out what type of music people listened to so I could find out what music genre to base my music magazine around, in order to gain the most readers. As shown on the on the pie chart a large portion of the participants chose R n B (31%) and in a close second, Pop. I was leaning towards pop music for my magazine but now I see that, I may need to change the type of music the magazine is based around.


Yes No

No 56%

Yes 44%

The reason I made this question was to find out if people read or bought magazines and to begin finding out why they did or why they didnt buy them. As you can see a larger percentage of people said no to reading/buying music magazines. This may be due to an array of reasons i.e. too expensive, not enough free things etc. This shows me that I would need to add in specific things into my magazine, to ensure that my target audience read/buy my magazine.

5.Which of these magazines have you purchased in the past?

Karrange 11% NME None 26% 59% Rolling stone 4% Q Magazine 0% Karrange Q Magazine Rolling stone

This question was used to find out what type of magazines people purchased, a large percentage of people did not buy any of the magazines, which shows me that not many people read, rock or Indie music magazines Karrange, Rolling stone and NME are these type of music magazines. Results; Karrange 11%, Rolling stone 4%, NME 26%, Q magazine 0% and none 59%. These results indicate that I should not create a music magazine that is based around rock or Indie and base it around another genre with in music.


female this Male Both was to find out The reason I asked question what people wanted to see on the cover of a magazine, so people enjoy 17% seeing beautiful women but others prefer a beautiful man and others may prefer a mixture.

Results; female 17%, male 24% and both 59% I was leaning towards having a female on the cover of the magazine because in the industry of magazine editing many females on the cover but due to these results, which indicate to me that, my cover should include both women and men on the cover.



7. What colours would you like to see used in a magazine?

This question was asked to find out what type of colour schemes people wanted to see throughout a magazine. The main colours that were chosen where; Blue and Red which are masculine colours.
Throughout my magazine I was hoping to use dark colours to show the seriousness of the magazine, red and blue are masculine colours which shows that my participants are leaning to a masculine feel throughout the magazine. Blue and red where not the colours that I was hoping to use but I may use them to highlight certain things to make sure that they stand out to the audience. For example a word like exclusive.

Purple, Yellow, Blue

11/11/2013 7:52 AM View respondent's answers

Non-gender specific.
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11/8/2013 1:32 PM View respondent's answers

Red white blue

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11/8/2013 1:15 PM View respondent's answers

Red, black
11/8/2013 9:45 AM View respondent's answers

Bright colours
11/7/2013 9:54 PM View respondent's answers

Blue and red.

11/7/2013 9:05 PM View respondent's answers

Black White Purple Red

11/7/2013 7:47 PM View respondent's answers

11/7/2013 6:32 PM View respondent's answers

Colours that match

11/7/2013 5:41 PM View respondent's answers

Black / Blue / Green

11/7/2013 3:41 PM View respondent's answers

Bright colours and glossy

11/7/2013 2:53 PM View respondent's answers

Rainbows and potatoes

11/7/2013 2:38 PM View respondent's answers

11/7/2013 2:31 PM View respondent's answers

Black, white, red

11/7/2013 12:35 PM View respondent's answers

11/7/2013 12:27 PM View respondent's answers

Bright colours, eye catching

11/7/2013 12:18 PM View respondent's answers


11/7/2013 12:17 PM View respondent's answers

11/7/2013 12:15 PM View respondent's answers

Some bright colours, such as red

11/7/2013 12:06 PM View respondent's answers

Red yellow blue black

11/7/2013 11:51 AM View respondent's answers

8. Are you a visual reader or do you like to read text? 9. What would you like to see Both of in music magazines? more
11/11/2013 7:52 AM View respondent's answers

I like to read the text. N/A 11/8/2013 4:51 PM View respondent's answers Both 7:52 AM View respondent's answers 11/11/2013
11/8/2013 Don't know. 1:53 PM View respondent's answers Visual reader 11/8/2013 4:51 PM View respondent's answers 11/8/2013 1:42 PM View respondent's answers Music Both 1:53 PM View respondent's answers 11/8/2013 11/8/2013 Song review 1:32 PM View respondent's answers Read text PM View respondent's answers 11/8/2013 1:42 11/8/2013 Good playlists 1:22 PM View respondent's answers Visual 11/8/2013 1:32 PM View respondent's answers 9:45 AM View respondent's answers Free11/8/2013 stuff Both 11/8/2013 1:15 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 Band history 9:54 PM View respondent's answers Read9:45 text AM View respondent's answers 11/8/2013 11/7/2013 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 9:54 7:47 PM View respondent's answers 11/8/2013 1:15 PM View respondent's answers Advertisements for free instruments Both 11/8/2013 1:22 PM View respondent's answers

Magazine reade some like to see magazines, whi then you have m minimal amount

Yes 11/8/2013 1:53 PM View respondent's answers Visual 11/8/2013 1:53 PM View respondent's answers

Many readers o pictures, but on

like a combina information fro magazines ha - who are they

Which gave m for my magazi because it give

11/7/2013 9:05 PM Viewimages respondent's answers Better role models, realistic of icons; people with Both clothes on!

Visual Lyrics.

11/7/2013 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 9:05 6:32 PM View respondent's answers

Both Up and coming artists

11/7/2013 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 7:47 5:41 PM View respondent's answers

I like a combination of the two. You get more valid Giveaways information from full articles - I don't like it when 11/7/2013 6:32 PM View respondent's answers magazines have hardly any writing in a huge font - who Dont know are they trying to kid!? 11/7/2013 5:41 PM View respondent's answers
11/7/2013 3:41 of PM View respondent's answers Behind the scenes tour Emerging Artists Bands from Visual reader Independent Labels, not just mainstream. 11/7/2013 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 3:41 2:53 PM View respondent's answers

Bit of both

11/7/2013 I have no idea!2:38 PM View respondent's answers Read2:53 text PM but View images are important too 11/7/2013 respondent's answers 11/7/2013 2:31 PM View respondent's answers

I'd like to read text if it is interesting instead of S Hans Zimmer Less the music good bands that busted and looking at an image club 7 are getting back together That Mozart and skrillex 11/7/2013 12:35 PM View respondent's answers are collaberating Sam wise gamgees The X-men I like to read texts Avengers
11/7/2013 PMrespondent's View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 2:38 12:27 PM View answers 11/7/2013 PMrespondent's View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 2:31 12:18 PM View answers

Like a bit of both. Not too much text though or I get boredfrom a band I like An article VISUAL READER Where they are performing Visual I do not read any
11/7/2013 12:17 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 12:35 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 12:15 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 12:27 PM View respondent's answers

Both with celebs about their pasts Interviews Visual Pictures and new singers Competitions

11/7/2013 12:06 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 12:18 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 11:51 AM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 12:17 PM View respondent's answers 11/7/2013 12:15 PM View respondent's answers

Tips and tricks

11/7/2013 12:06 PM View respondent's answers

Free downloads
11/7/2013 11:51 AM View respondent's answers

This question was asked to appealing to music magazin regarding what is inside the magazine to appeal

10. If you saw a magazine in the shop, what would convince you to buy it?
Stories, give-aways
11/11/2013 7:52 AM View respondent's answers

Analysis of questions regarding gender the one thing that would

Regarding the question p

they saw it in the shop. W the magazine is one of th if not the most importan A large proportion of my survey was answered

Interesting articles advertised. Recognisable personalities.

11/8/2013 4:51 PM View respondent's answers

11/8/2013 1:53 PM View respondent's answers

The design
11/8/2013 1:53 PM View respondent's answers

Front cover
11/8/2013 1:42 PM View respondent's answers

by women (17 females and 7 males) many The cover of my magazin aging between15-19 (7 female respondents because getting a large a where between this age range) which can indicate to me that I should aim my magazine towards this specific age range. An equal amount of women and men said that on the front cover of a magazine they preferred to see both a male and female on the front cover I thought it through and compromised by getting only a female on the front cover due to certain planning ideas that I had thought out, prior to producing my questionnaire.

Bold cover
11/8/2013 1:32 PM View respondent's answers

Attractive males on the cover

11/8/2013 1:22 PM View respondent's answers

11/8/2013 1:15 PM View respondent's answers

Bruce Springsteen on front cover

11/8/2013 9:45 AM View respondent's answers

Some sort of chip/app code that let me download music for free
11/7/2013 9:54 PM View respondent's answers

My favourite celebritys on the cover.

11/7/2013 9:05 PM View respondent's answers

Celebrity on the cover

11/7/2013 7:47 PM View respondent's answers

The artist on the cover and the story

11/7/2013 6:32 PM View respondent's answers

Lyrics of songs, interviews with great musicians

11/7/2013 5:41 PM View respondent's answers

Having a band on the front rather than some random pop princess. An amazing competition (VIP Tickets the Rolling Stones) Freebie (CD/Download)
11/7/2013 3:41 PM View respondent's answers

Celebrity gossip :)
11/7/2013 2:53 PM View respondent's answers

Free tickets to gigs Free mucis downloads No justin Bieber X-men Merchandise No justin Bieber the emotional termoils of Christine Ohuruogu No one direction
11/7/2013 2:38 PM View respondent's answers

An article from a band I like

11/7/2013 2:31 PM View respondent's answers

The front cover and the price.

11/7/2013 12:35 PM View respondent's answers

Release of new albums

11/7/2013 12:27 PM View respondent's answers

A free item or an interview with someone who isn't normally featured in other mags.
11/7/2013 12:18 PM View respondent's answers

The artist on the front and the content

11/7/2013 12:17 PM View respondent's answers

11/7/2013 12:15 PM View respondent's answers

Eyecatching with an interesting story on the front

11/7/2013 12:06 PM View respondent's answers

Gossip stories
11/7/2013 11:51 AM View respondent's answers

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