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ani al En"ineerin" ME 2252 Manufacturing Technology-II Lesson Plan

Staff In Charge Class S#No# 1. !. &. *. -. /. 2. 5. 6. 17. 11. 1!. 1&. 1*. 1-. 1/. 12. 15. 16. !7. !1. !!. !&. !*. !-. Unit III . Be/el, 0orm Unit II ' Sp$r Gear an& Parallel A*i% an& Cro%% Heli al Gear% Heli al Gear% Unit Unit I ' De%i"n of Tran%mi%%ion S(%tem% for )le*i+le Element% : Mr. A.Karthick : III Year Mechanical Engg., A section. Topi Introduction to the Sub ect S"llabus #e$ie% 'esign 'ata (ook #e$ie% 'esign of +lat belt and its ,ulle" 'esign of . belt and its ,ulle" 'esign of 0ire #o1e and its ,ulle" 'esign of 3rans4ission Chains and its S1rockets 'esign of ,ulle" and its S1rocket #e$ie% of +lat belt, . belt, 0ire #o1e and Chain Total Ho$r% Introduction and 8ear 3er4inolog" S1eed #ation, 9o. of teeth, +orce Anal"sis, Stresses '"na4ic Effect, +atigue Strength, +:S. 8ear 4aterials, Module and +ace 0idth ,o%er #ating calculations and 1roble4 ,arallel A;is <elical 8ears ,ressure Angle in 9or4al and 3rans$erse ,lane E=ui$alent 9u4ber of 3eeth, +orces and Stresses Esti4ating the si>e of the helical 8ears Total 'esign of Straight (e$el 8ear 3ooth ter4inolog", 3ooth +orces and Stresses E=ui$alent 9o. of 3eeth, 'i4ension of 1air of 8ears 'esign of 0or4 8ear 3er4inolog", Merits and 'e4erits, 3her4al ca1acit" Materials, +orces and Stresses Efficienc" and Esti4ating si>e of 0or4 gear 1air Page 1 off 2 Ho$r% Planne&
Le t# Ho$r%

1 1 ) ! ! ! ! ! 1 ,1 1 1 1 & ! 1 1 ! ,) 1 ! ! 1 1 !

!/. !2. !5. !6. &7. &1. &!. &&. &*. &-. &/. &2. &5. &6. *7. Unit I2 . De%i"n of Gear Bo*

'esign of Cross <elical 8ear 3er4inolog" and <eli; Angle Esti4ating the si>e of the Cross <elical 8ear 1air Total 8eo4etric ,rogression, Standard Ste1 #atio. #a" 'iagra4, Kine4atic la"out 'esign of Sliding Mesh 8ear (o; Constant Mesh 8ear (o; 'esign of Multi S1eed 8ear (o; Total Unit 2 . De%i"n of Cl$t !e% an& Bra3e% 'esign of CAM)3"1es, ,ressure Angle. ?nder cutting base circle deter4ination forces and surface stresses 'esign of ,late Clutch A;ial Clutch Cone Clutch Internal E;1anding #i4 Clutch 'esign of (rake Internal Shoe (rake E;ternal Shoe (rake Total

! 1 ! ,1 ! ! & & & ,1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ,Total Ho$r%4 55 Ho$r%

Te*t Boo3%4 1. @u$inal #C, Marshek KM, A+unda4entals of 4achine Co41onent 'esignB, @ohn 0ile" C Sons, &rd Edition, !77!. !. (handari .(, A'esign of Machine Ele4entsB, II Edition, 3ata Mc)8ra% <ill ,ublishing Co41an" Dtd., 166*. &. ,rabhu 3@, A'esign of 3rans4ission Ele4entsB, Mani :ffset, !777. *. Md. @alaludeen S, A'esign of trans4ission S"ste4sB, Anuradha ,ublications, 1665.

EStaff In)ChargeF


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