Eticket - RAHMAWATI RAHMAWATI 9902145905442

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Lion Air eTicket Itinerary / Receipt This is an eTicket itinerary.

To enter the airport and for check-in, you must present this itinerary receipt along with Official Government issued photo identification such as passport. identity card or Indonesians KTP. Booking Details ooking reference !P"#$% KT&'() Issued date% *riday, -- .ar, -/01 Passenger Details 0. #ahmawati2#ahmawati .rs 33/-0453/544Purchased *rom% Pt. +nugerah Tetap +,adi

Itinerary Details *light 'T 9-/ 6epart 'akarta !8GK$ -1 .ar -/01 0<%55 hrs 8GK-P:) 8(;8K-I" )IT( :IO" Operated ,y :ion +ir Fare Details Pu,lished *are% Total Ta>es% Total amount% Fare Rules ooking 8lass K% Ticket #efund and ;>changes are permitted with payment of fee and fare difference !if any$ and within a defined deadline. "ame 8hange is not permitted. Tour Code ITI6'KT//153< Important Notes
= = = = Please arrive at the airport 3/ minutes ,efore the flight for domestic travel and - hours for international travel. 8heck-in closes 45 minutes ,efore departure time. Please ,e at the gate 1/ minutes ,efore departure time. If paid ,y credit card please note that the credit card used must ,e presented ,y the card holder for verification at check-in or you may ,e denied ,oarding. = aggage allowance% -/Kg for :ion +ir and 05Kg for )ings +ir. = ;conomy 8lass Passengers are allowed to ,ring up to ?kg of hand luggage on,oard :ion +ir *lights. Please refer to our terms and condition for more information. = Passengers agree with Terms and 8onditions of 8arriage outlined ,y :ion +ir.

+rrive 7tops 8lass Palu !P:)$ / ;conomy - K -1 .ar -/01 -/%1/ hrs +I# === ;#+"GK+T 6+#I T;#.I"+: 0+ ===

*are asis 7tatus KO) 8onfirmed

I6# 0,011,/// I6# 5,/// I6# 0,019,///

Catatan Penting
= .ohon ti,a di andara selam,at-lam,atnya 3/ menit se,elum ke,erangkatan untuk domestic atau - @am untuk internasional. = 8ek-in ditutup 45 menit se,elum @am ke,erangkatan. = .ohon ti,a di ger,ang ke,erangkatan 1/ menit se,elum ke,erangkatan. = ila anda melakukan pem,ayaran menggunakan kartu kredit mohon menun@ukan kartu terse,ut ,erserta pemegang kartu untuk verifikasi pada konter cek in atau proses ,oarding anda dapat di,atalkan. = agasi cuma-cuma% -/Kg untuk maskapai :ion +ir dan 05kg untuk maskapai )ings +ir. = Penumpang kelas ;conomi diper,olehkan mem,awa ,arang ,awaan maksimum se,erat ?Kg ke dalam ka,in. 7ilahkan mem,aca persyaratan dan ketentuan yang ,erlaku untuk informasi le,ih lan@ut. = Penumpang2Pemegang tiket ini tunduk kepada 7yarat A Ketentuan Pener,angan yang ditetapkan oleh :ion +ir.

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