Moment Models of General Transmission Lines With Application To Interconnect Analysis and Optimization

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Moment Models of General Transmission Lines with Application to Interconnect Analysis and Optimization

Qingjian Yu , Ernest S.Kuh, and T. Xue EECS and Electronics Research Lab, U.C.Berkeley June 23, 1995

In this paper, we present new moment models for uniform, nonuniform and coupled transmission lines. The moment model of a line is based on the relationships between the two port currents (KCL) and the two port voltages (KVL) of the line. The parameters of the model depend on the mean values of the voltage moments and the weighted voltage moments of the line. Simple formulas are given to compute these mean values e ciently. By using such models and moment matching techniques, interconnects modeled as transmission line networks can be e ciently simulated. In addition, by using moment sensitivities, we demonstrate that wire sizing optimization can be carried out for layout design.

1 Introduction
With the rapid increase of the signal frequency and decrease of the feature sizes in high speed electronic circuits, interconnects play increasingly important roles. Not only the signal delay due to interconnects is often signi cantly larger than the transistor delay,
On leave from Nanjing University of Science and Technology

but also the transmission line e ects such as re ection, dispersion and crosstalk may cause false action of the circuits. The interconnects of a VLSI system on di erent level are modeled di erently. The wires on a chip , on a printed circuit board and on an MCM are usually modeled as lumped or distributed RC lines, lossless transmission lines and lossy transmission lines, respectively 1]. Many papers dealing with the analysis of interconnect networks have been published in recent years 2-8,19-26]. The asymptotic waveform evaluation and other moment matching techniques have recently proven useful in the analysis of interconnects. To make use of such techniques e ciently, we need good models for interconnect networks, especially for transmission line networks. In the early days, interconnects were modeled as lumped or distributed RC networks. Ref. 9] gave the formula for the rst moment(Elmore delay) of a node voltage in an RC tree, which was then used in an RC mesh 10]. AWE 19] extended the moment computation method to the general RLC network based on a state variable approach. RICE 20] presented moment model of capacitors and inductors and provided methods to compute moments by analyzing resistive moment model circuits, especially it improved AWE by exploiting the treelike structure of most interconnect circuits. However, in RICE, transmission lines are modeled as a large number of RLGC sections, which is neither exact nor e cient in computation. Moment computation models of transmission lines have been presented in 23, 24, 26]. In 23], the moment models are formed either by recursively solving second order di erential equations or by computing matrix exponentials (even for a single line) which is not very e cient in computation. In 24,30], a comprehensive treatment of the problem of interconnect analysis using complex frequency hopping is given. The work is based on the transmission matrix (ABCD matrix) of transmission lines. A multipoint moment-matching technique is introduced and an algorithm for generating higher-order moments for transmission lines is derived. The paper discusses in detail the problem of truncation error in moment computation and proposes a method of alleviating the error. In 26], a method called reciprocal expansion (REX) is introduced which nds the moments of the reciprocal of a transfer function of an interconnect instead of the moments of the transfer function 2

itself. In REX, the formation of the moment model is based on recursive integration with the time complexity O(p4 ) for a pth order model, which is costly for high order computation. Also, this method is good for interconnects modeled as transmission line trees, but its extension to more general interconnect topology has not been shown. In our recent paper 27], we presented a lumped model for moments of a resistortransmission line-capacitor (R-T-C) network. When the transmission lines are replaced by their p-th order moment matching model, the network is transformed into a lumped RLC network such that the two networks have identical moments up to order p for each corresponding output node voltage. Also included is a recursive formula to compute the moments. In the present paper, we generalize the concept and method from R-T-C tree and mesh networks to general linear network, containing lumped elements, RLGC transmission lines, both uniform and non-uniform as well as coupled lines. For uniform lines, the model is exact, and for nonuniform lines, it can be as accurate as needed. The model is especially e cient for RLC transmission line tree networks. Algorithms are given and illustrated with examples. Also, the model can be used for distributed RC lines as a special case. The main idea in the formation of the moment model of a transmission line is as follows. We start from its telegrapher's equations and form the corresponding moment equations. We integrate the equation and nd the mean value of the voltage moments and the mean value of the weighted voltage moments along the line. Then, the relationships between the two port current moments (KCL) and the two port voltage moments (KVL) can be expressed simply in terms of these two mean values and total resistance, inductance, capacitance and conductance of the line. The key to the formation of the model is the computation of the two mean values, for which simple formulas are given and from which the model parameters can be computed e ciently. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec.2, we review the moment model of a lumped circuit. In Sec.3, we derive a new moment model for a single uniform transmission line, and we extend the result to a single nonuniform line and coupled lines in Sec.4 and 5, respectively. In Sec.6, we present an e cient recursive algorithm for moment computation of RLC transmission line tree networks. In section 7, we derive sensitivity formulas for moments and demonstrate their use in layout optimization. 3

Experimental results and conclusions are given in Sec.8.

2 Moment model of lumped circuits

The method of moment computation proposed in this paper is based on the moment model of linear circuits. We rst review moment model of lumped circuits in this section.

2.1 KCL and KVL of moment model of circuit

Given a linear circuit N , let V (s) and I (s) be the Laplace transform of its branch voltage and current vectors, respectively. As far as moment computation is concerned, the input signal (either a voltage or a current) is set as (t). Expand V (s) and I (s) into Taylor series,

V (s) = V 0 ? V 1s + V 2s2 + : : : + (?1)pV psp + : : :


(1) (2)

I (s) = I 0 ? I 1s + I 2s2 + : : : + (?1)pI psp + : : :

Then, V p and I p are called the p-th order voltage and current moment vector, respectively. The circuit N p induced from the circuit N for which the branch voltage and current vectors are V p and I p is called a p-th order moment model of N . Let A and B be the incidence matrix and the fundamental loop matrix of the graph induced from the circuit N. Then, the KCL and KVL of the circuit can be expressed as AI (s) = 0 (3) and

BV (s) = 0 AI p = 0

(4) (5)

Substituting Eq.(2) to Eq.(3) and Eq.(1) to Eq.(4), then for each p 0, we have


BV p = 0


From the above two equations it can be seen that N p and N have the same circuit topology.

2.2 Moment model of two terminal elements

A circuit model describing the relationship between the voltage moment and current moment of an element is called its moment model . A model relating a p-th order voltage moment with j-th order current moments (j p) or relating a p-th order current moment with j-th order voltage moments (j p) is called a p-th order moment model . For 2-terminal elements R, L, C and independent source, their moment models are as follows: 1. For a resistor R, V p = RI p; i.e., the p-th order moment model of a resistor is R itself as shown in Fig.1.1. 2. For a capacitance C, I p = ?CV p?1. This means that the moment model is a current source with its direction opposite to that of the capacitance voltage and its value determined by C and V p?1. Such a model is shown in Fig.1.2. In the most practical cases, moment computation is implemented recursively from low order up to high orders. In this case, the p-th order moment model for a capacitance is an independent current source. 3. For an inductance L, V p = ?LI p?1. The p-th order moment model is a voltage source as shown in Fig.1.3. 4. For an independent voltage (current) source, V (s) = 1 (I (s) = 1) and its model is just a voltage (current) source with the value equal to 1 for the 0-th order moment and the value equal to 0 for higher order moments.

2.3 Moment model of dependent sources

For the four types of dependent sources: VCCS (voltage-controlled current source), VCVS (voltage-controlled voltage source), CCCS (current-controlled current source) and CCVS (current-controlled voltage source), if their parameters are constant, then their p-th order moment models are the same as themselves.

2.4 Moment model of a lumped circuit

For a given lumped circuit, replace each element by its p-th order moment model , the p-th order moment model of the circuit will be formed. It is a resistive circuit. By analyzing the circuit, all the p-th moments of the node voltages and branch currents can be found. After that, the p+1 -th order moment model of the circuit can be formulated. Thus, the moment computation can be implemented recursively from order 0 to any order needed. In the next three sections, we will derive moment models for single uniform transmission lines, single nonuniform transmission lines and coupled transmission lines. By using such models and the models of lumped elements, moment models of interconnects made of lumped and distributed elements can be formed and moment computation can be implemented by using these models.

3 Moment model of single uniform transmission line

3.1 T-typed moment model of single uniform transmission line
We rst consider a single uniform RLGC transmission line TL. Let r, l, g, c and d be its resistance, inductance, conductance, capacitance per unit length and the length, and R = rd, L = ld, G = gd and C = cd be its total resistance, inductance, conductance and capacitance. Let V (x; s) and I (x; s) be its line voltage and line current at coordinate x, where x = 0 and x = d correspond to the two ends of the line. The 6

telegrapher's equations of the line are as follows: dV (x; s) = ?rI (x; s) ? slI (x; s) (7) dx dI (x; s) = ?gV (x; s) ? scV (x; s) (8) dx Note that these two equations are in fact the KVL and KCL equations for an in nitesimal section of the line at coordinate x. Let

V (x; s) = V 0(x) ? V 1(x)s + V 2(x)s2 + : : : + (?1)pV p(x)sp + : : :


(9) (10)

I (x; s) = I 0(x) ? I 1(x)s + I 2(x)s2 + : : : + (?1)pI p(x)sp + : : :

Substituting Eqs.(9) and (10) to Eqs.(7) and (8), and letting the coe cients of sp (p = 0; 1; 2; :::) on both side of the equations be equal, we have dV p(x) = ?rI p(x) + lI p?1(x) (11) dx dI p(x) = ?gV p(x) + cV p?1(x) (12) dx To obtain a moment model, we integrate Eqs. (11) and (12) along the line. First by integrating both sides of Eq.(12) from d to x, we have a relation between the p-th order moment of the current at x=0 and x=d:
Zx Zx p p p I (x) ? I (d) = ?g d V (y)dy + c d V p?1(y)dy

(13) (14) (15)

or We de ne

I p(0) = I p(d) + g

Zd Zd V p(y)dy ? c V p?1(x)dx
0 0

where U p is the mean of the p-th order voltage moments V p(x) along the line and is called the p-th order mean for simplicity. Then, Eq. (14) can be written simply as:

Z 4 1 d p Up = d V (x)dx

I p(0) = I p(d) + GU p ? CU p?1


Note that the di erence I p(0) ? I p(d) = GU p ? CU p?1. The rst term GU p represents the total p-th order current moment owing from the line to ground through the 7

conductance of the line, and the second term ?CU p?1 represents the total p-th order current moment toward the line through the capacitance of the line. These two terms are characterized by the product of the total conductance G and the p-th order mean U p, and that of the total capacitance C and the p-1 the order mean U p?1, respectively. Next, we derive an equation relating V p(d) with V p(0). Integrate both sides of Eq.(11) from 0 to x. By using Eq.(13), we have

V p(x) ? V p(0) = ?rxI p(d) + lxI p?1(d) + rg


Z xZ y V p(z)dzdy

Z xZ y Z xZ y Z xZ y p ? 1 p ? 1 V p?2(z)dzdy V (z)dzdy + lc V (z)dzdy ? lg ? rc

where V ?1 is de ned as 0 when p = 0. Especially, when x = d, we have


d Z dZ x Z dZ x Z dZ x ? rc 0 d V p?1(y)dydx ? lg 0 d V p?1(y)dydx + lc 0 d V p?2(y)dydx (18) R Now we transform the above double integrals to single ones. Let Qj (x) = dx V j (y)dy. R d dQj (x) R R R =d Then, in the above equation, 0d dx V j (y)dydx = 0d Qj (x)dx = xQj (x) jx x=0 ? 0 x dx dx R = ? d xV j (x)dx. Therefore, we have
0 0

V p(d) ? V p(0) = ?RI p(d) + LI p?1(d) + rg

Z dZ x V p(y)dydx

? rg


V p(d) ? V p(0) = ?RI p(d) + LI p?1(d) xV p(x)dx + rc


xV p?1(x)dx + lg


xV p?1(x)dx ? lc


xV p?2(x)dx (19)

In order to simplify the above, we introduce: Z 4 1 d p Wp = (20) d2 0 xV (x)dx where W p is the mean value of weighted p-th order voltage moments along a line with the weight equal to the relative distance x=d. W p is called a p-th order x-mean for simplicity. Then, we have, from Eq. (19),

V p(d) = V p(0) ? RI p(d) + LI p?1(d) ? RGW p + RCW p?1 + LGW p?1 ? LCW p?2 (21)
It can be seen that the di erence of the voltage moments V p(d) ? V p(0) consists of two parts. The rst part ?RI p(d) + LI p?1(d) represents the contribution of the load current I (d). As I (d) can be regarded as a current component owing through the 8

whole line, its e ect is the same as if it passes through a lumped RL branch. The second part can be divided into two subparts. The rst subpart ?RGW p + LGW p?1 represents the voltage drop caused by the conductance currents, and the second subpart RCW p?1 ? LCW p?2 represents the voltage drop caused by capacitance currents. For this part, the x-mean W characterizes the contribution of the conductive and capacitive currents. The weight x=d is introduced in W because the current owing through a conductance or a capacitance at position x only causes a voltage drop in the region 0,x]. In order to derive an equivalent circuit, let Esp = LI p?1(d) + RCW p?1 + LGW p?1 ? LCW p?2. Then Eq.(21) can be rewritten as follows:

V p(d) = V p(0) ? RI p(d) ? RGW p + Esp


To summarize, Eqs. (16) and (22) constitute the 2-port equations which we were looking for. Based on these equations we obtain a p-th order T-typed moment model of a transmission line as shown in Fig.2a. In this model, V p(0) and V p(d) are regarded as the port voltages, and I p(0) and I p(d) are regarded as port currents. The current source CU p?1 and voltage source Esp are independent sources because they are only dependent on voltage and current moments of lower order, while the current source GU p and RGW p are dependent sources. Clearly the crux of our problem lies in the computation of U p and W p. This will be discussed in the next subsection. In most practical cases, when the operating frequency of a circuit is not very high, the dielectric loss in a transmission line is negligible compared with the resistance loss, and the leakage current through the dielectric medium is much smaller than that of the distributed capacitances during the most part of a transient response. In such cases, the g parameter can be set to 0 and the transmission line becomes an RLC line. Then , Eq.(16) is simpli ed to I p(0) = I p(d) ? CU p?1 (23) and Eq.(22) to

V p(d) = V p(0) ? RI p(d) + Esp


where Esp = LI p?1(d) + RCW p?1 ? LCW p?2, and the moment model is simpli ed to 9

that shown in Fig.2b. This T-typed model is equivalent to the typed model as shown p = E p =R. in Fig.2c, where J0ps = CU p?1 ? Esp=R and Jds s

3.2 Computation of U p and W p

>From the ABCD matrix of the transmission line, we have
2 6 4

where = (sc + g)(sl + r)is the propagation function and Z0 = (sl + r)=(sc + g) is the characteristic impedance of the line. Let x = d and = d, we have, from Eq. (25), ; s) ? V (d; s) I (0; s) = ch V (0Z (26) sh and thus

V (x; s) I (x; s)

3 2 7 5=6 4

ch x ?Z0sh x ? Z10 sh x ch x

32 7 4 56

V (0; s) I (0; s)

3 7 5 q


Eq. (27) will be used along with the following two functions in deriving U p and W p: Let Z 4 1 d (28) U (s) = d V (x; s)dx
Zd 1 W (s) = d2 xV (x; s)dx (29) 0 where U (s) and W (s) are the mean of the voltage V (x; s) and weighted voltage x d V (x; s) along the line, and are called the mean and x-mean functions, respectively. j j j Again, we depend on the power series expansions: U (s) = P1 j =0 (?1) U s and j j j p p W (s) = P1 j =0 (?1) W s , i.e., U and W are then the p-th order moments of U (s) and W (s), respectively. Substituting Eq.(27) to Eqs.(28) and (29), respectively, we have

; s) + sh xV (d; s) V (x; s) = sh (d ? x)V (0sh



U (s) = f (s)(V (0; s) + V (d; s))

where and

(30) (31) (32)

f (s) = (ch ? 1)= sh W (s) = h1(s)V (0; s) + h2(s)V (d; s)


where and

h1(s) = (sh ? )= 2sh h2(s) = ( ch ? sh )= 2 sh

(33) (34)

P1 P1 p p p p p p k Let V (0; s) = P1 p=0 (?1) V (0)s , V (d; s) = p=0 (?1) V (d)s , f (s) = k=0 fk s , P1 k k h1(s) = P1 k=0 h1k s , and h2 (s) = k=0 h2k s . Then, from Eqs.(30) and (32), we have


p X

j =0

(?1)j fj (V p?j (0) + V p?j (d))

(35) (36)


p X j =0

(?1)j (h1j V p?j (0) + h2j V p?j (d))

The method for the computation of fj , h1j and h2j is shown in Appendix A. Eqs.(35) and (36) can be rewritten in the following form:

U p = f0(V p(0) + V p(d)) + Usp


j p?j p?j i i where Usp = Pp j =1 (?1) fj (V (0) + V (d)) only depends on V (0) and V (d) with i < p, and (38) W p = h10V p(0) + h20V p(d) + Wsp

j p?j p?j p where Wsp = Pp j =1 (?1) (h1j V (0) + h2j V (d)) is also independent of V (0) and V p(d). From the above two equations, the p-th order moment model of an RLGC transmission line can be reformed as shown in Fig.3a or b. The parameters of the model in Fig.3b are as follows: G0 = G(f0 ? h10), G0d = G(f0 ? h20), J0ps = CU p?1 ? p = E p =R ? GW p . It is important GUsp ? Esp=R + GWsp , Gd = Gh20, Gd0 = Gh10 and Jds s s to note that in this model, the parameters of the resistors and dependent sources are constant w.r.t. the order p. Thus, the p-th order moments can be calculated recursively, which amounts to simple evaluation.

4 Moment model of nonuniform transmission lines

In this section, we extend the moment model of uniform transmission lines to nonuniform transmission lines. We will follow the same way as we have done for the derivation of the moment model of a uniform line. 11

4.1 Equations of voltage and current moments

Consider a nonuniform line with r(x), l(x), c(x) and g(x) being the resistance, inductance, capacitance and conductance per unit length at coordinate x where x = 0 and x = d correspond to the near and far end of the line, respectively. Then, the telegrapher's equation of the line can be written as

dV (x; s) = ?r(x)I (x; s) ? sl(x)I (x; s) dx dI (x; s) = ?g(x)V (x; s) ? sc(x)V (x; s) dx >From the above two equations, we have dV p(x) = ?r(x)I p(x) + l(x)I p?1(x) dx and dI p(x) = ?g(x)V p(x) + c(x)V p?1(x) dx
Integrating both sides of Eq.(42) from d to x, we have

(39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44)

I p(x) ? I p(d) = ?


g(x)V p(x)dx +


c(x)V p?1(x)dx

I p(0) ? I p(d) =


g(x)V p(x)dx ?


c(x)V p?1(x)dx

As can be imagined, now 0d g(x)V p(x)dx and ? 0d c(x)V p?1(x)dx represent the contribution of the conductance and capacitance currents to the di erence I p(0) ? I p(d), respectively. Now let G = R0d g(x)dx and C = R0d c(x)dx be the total conductance and total capacitance of the line. We de ne


Zd 1 = G g(x)V p(x)dx 0


Zd 1 = C c(x)V p(x)dx (46) 0 Ugp and Ucp are the mean values of weighted p-th order voltage moment V p(x), with the rst one being weighted by g(x) and the second one being weighted by c(x). They are



called the p-th order g-mean and c-mean, respectively. By using the above de nitions, Eq.(44) can be expressed as follows:

I p(0) = I p(d) ? GUgp + CUcp?1


Eq.(47) is similar to Eq.(16) except that now Ugp and Ucp?1 replace U p and U p?1, respectively. In the case that c(x)=C = g(x)=G, Ucp = Ugp. The physical meaning of Eq.(47) is similar to that of Eq.(16). R R Let R = 0d r(x)dx and L = 0d l(x)dx be the total resistance and inductance of the line. Integrating both sides of Eq.(41) and substituting Eq.(43) to it, we have

V p(d) ? V p(0) = ?RI p(d) + LI p?1(d) +




g(y)V p(y)dydx

? 0 r(x)



(48) Now we transform the four double integrals in the above equation into single integrals. Take Irg = R0d r(x) Rdx g(y)V p(y)dydx as an example. Let rt(x) = R0x r(y)dy be the total resistance in the interval 0; x] and denote Q(x) = Rdx g(y)V p(y)dy. Then, Irg = Rd Rx RR p x=d R d p 0 r(x) d g (y )V (y )dydx= 0 Q(x)drt (x) = Q(x)rt(x) jx=0 ? 0 rt (x)g (x)V (x)dx = ? R0d rt(x)g(x)V p(x)dx. Let lt(x) = R0x l(y)dy. We de ne
p Wrg

c(y)V p?1(y)dydx?




Zx Zd p ? 1 g(y)V (y)dydx+ l(x) c(y)V p?2(y)dydx d 0 d

and Then, Eq.(48) becomes

Zd 1 = RG rt(x)g(x)V p(x)dx 0 Zd p = 1 p Wrc RC 0 rt(x)c(x)V (x)dx Zd p= 1 p Wlg LG 0 lt(x)g(x)V (x)dx

p Wlc

(49) (50) (51) (52)

Zd 1 = LC lt(x)c(x)V p(x)dx 0

p + RCW p?1 + LGW p?1 ? LCW p?2 (53) V p(d) = V p(0) ? RI p(d) + LI p?1(d) ? RGWrg rc lg lc

Eq.(53) is similar to Eq.(21) except that now we have four W 0s instead of one. In the special case that r(x)=R = l(x)=L and c(x)=C = g(x)=G, these four W 0s become 13

p , W p , W p and W p are mean values of the weighed p-th order voltage the same. Wrg rc lg lc moments with the weights being rt(x)g(x), rt(x)c(x), lt(x)g(x) and lt(x)c(x), and are called the p-th order rg, rc, lg and lc - mean, respectively. >From Eqs.(47) and (53), a pth order moment model for the transmission line can be derived as shown in Fig.4. This p?1 + model is similar to that shown in Fig.2, except that now Esp = LJ p?1(d) + RCWrc p?1 ? LCW p?2 . LGWlg lc

4.2 Computation of the values U and W

In order to derive formulas for the values U and W, we use Taylor series expansion n for r(x), l(x), g(x) and c(x) such that r(x) = P1 n=0 rn x , etc., and use Taylor series P1 k n expansion for any two variable function F (x; s) as P1 n=0 k=0 fnk s x . Starting from the telegrapher's equations, we can nd a formula relating V (x; s) with V (0; s) and V (d; s) as follows with the derivation shown in Appendix B:

V (x; s) = P (x; s)V (0; s) + Q(x; s)V (d; s)


Expanding P (x; s) and Q(x; s) in Taylor series of x and s and truncating the in P1 n k nite series for x by a nite number N : P (x; s) = PN n=0 k=0 Pnk x s and Q(x; s) = PN P1 n k n=0 k=0 Qnk x s , we have

Ugp =

p X j =0

(?1)j (fg1j V p?j (0) + fg2j V p?j (d))


1 PN 1 PN n+1 and f = PN n+1 where fg1j = PN g2j n=0 n+1 k=0 Pkj gn?k d n=0 n+1 k=0 Qkj gn?k d . The formulas for other U and W values are similar and are omitted for simplicity. p = Pp (?1)j (hrg1j V p?j (0) + hrg2j V p?j (d)), then the p-th order moment Let Wrg j =0 model of a nonuniform line shown in Fig.4a can be transformed into that shown in Fig.3b with the parameters G0 = G(fg10 ? hrg10), G0d = G(fg20 ? hrg20), J0ps = CUcp?1 ? p ? E p =R + GW p , Gd = Ghrg20 , Gd0 = Ghrg10 and J p = E p=R ? GW p , where GUgs s rgs s rgs ds P P p = p (?1)j (fg1j V p?j (0) + fg2j V p?j (d)) and W p = p (?1)j (hrg1j V p?j (0) + Ugs j =1 j =1 rgs p ? j hrg2j V (d)).


5 Moment model of coupled transmission lines

Now we extend our results to coupled transmission lines. Here we only deal with the uniform line case, and the extension to the nonuniform line case can be done by following the same way as stated in the last section. The extension can simply be done by rede ning the parameters r, l, g, c, R, L, G and C as matrices, and V , I , U and W as vectors. All the equations in Sec.3.1 are still valid with the above interpretation. The moment model can be formed by using these equations. For the i-th line coupled with lines from number 1 to n, we have

Iip(0) = Iip(d) +
and where
p = Esi n X k=1

n X


(Gik Ukp ? Cik Ukp?1 )

n X j =1 p Gkj Wjp) + Esi

(56) (57) (58)

Vip(d) = Vip(0) ?

n X k=1

p(d) + R (Rik Ik ik

fLik Ikp?1(d) +

n X j =1

(Rik Ckj + Lik Gkj )Wjp?1 ? Lik Ckj Wjp?2]g

A moment model for the case n = 2 is shown in Fig.5 for illustration. Now we discuss the computation of mean values U and W . We rst consider 2 typical cases.

5.1 Case 1.
This is the case with the typical structure that the transmission line system is made of microstrips with the same size and the same separation between two adjacent lines. It is also assumed that the resistance and conductance matrices of the system are diagonal, and the coupling e ects are signi cant only between immediately adjacent lines so that its inductance matrix and capacitance matrix are tridiagonal and Toeplitz matrices and there exists a constant transformation matrix to diagonalize both the matrices simultaneously 25]. Suppose that in matrix L, lii = l for all i, lij = lm for j i ? j j 1 and i 6= j and lij = 0 for j i ? j j> 1. Similarly, in matrix C , cii = c for all i, cij = cm for j i ? j j 1 and i 6= j and cij = 0 for j i ? j j> 1. Let i = ?2cos(i =(n +1)), 0( ) = 1, 1( ) = , 15

2 and j ( ) = j?1( ) ? j?2( ) for j > 1. Let j2 = Pn i=1 ( i?1 ( j )) . Then, there exists a matrix P = pij ] with pij = i?1( j )= j such that P ?1 = P t, l0 = P tlP and c0 = P tcP are diagonal matrices, r = P trP and g = P tgP . Using the transformation V = PE and I = PJ , we will have the following decoupled system:

>From V = PE we have E (0; s) = P tV (0; s), E (d; s) = P tV (d; s), E p(0) = P tV p(0) and E p(d) = P tV p(d). Let the p-th order U and W values of the i-th transmission line p and W p . U p be Uip and Wip, and those of the j-th decoupled transmission line be Udj dj dj p p p and Wdj can be found by using formulas (35) and (36), then Ui and Wi can be found by using the following equations:

dE (x; s) = ?rJ (x; s) ? sl0J (x; s) dx dJ (x; s) = ?gE (x; s) ? sc0E (x; s) dx

(59) (60)

Uip =

n X j =1 n X j =1

p pij Udj

(61) (62)

Wip =

p pij Wdj

5.2 Case 2.
In this case all the lines are RLC lines, i.e., their conductance matrix g is a zero matrix. Eq.(13) is now simpli ed to
Zx p p I (x) = I (d) + c V p?1(y)dy d


and Eq.(17) to

V p(x) = V p(0) + (?rI p(d) + lI p?1(d))x + rcAp?1(x) ? lcAp?2(x)

where Let
Z xZ y j A (x) = ? V j (z)dzdy 0 d

(64) (65) (66)


Zd 1 = 3 Aj (x)dx d 0


c1 c7
62 2835 1 3

c2 c8
50521 3628800 5 24

c3 c9
2 15

c4 c10
540553 95800320 61 720

c5 c11
21844 6081075 17 315

277 8064


1382 155925

598082943 261534873600

Table 1: Coe cient Array C and Then, we have


Zd 1 = d4 xAj (x)dx 0

(67) (68) (69)

1 (?RI p(d) + LI p?1(d)) + RCX p?1 ? LCX p?2 U p = V p(0) + 2 and 1 V p(0) + 1 (?RI p(d) + LI p?1(d)) + RCZ p?1 ? LCZ p?2 Wp = 2 3

Let I 0(d) be the 0-th order current moment vector of the line system. As the conductance matrix is zero, so V 0(x) = V 0(0) ? rI 0(d)x and we can nd 1 RI 0(d) U 0 = V 0(0) ? 2 and 1 V 0(0) ? 1 RI 0(d) W0 = 2 3

Starting from j = 0 and using Eqs.(64) - (67), we can nd X j and Z j recursively. It can be shown that X j and Z j are characterized by a coe cient array C as shown in Table 1. >From Eqs.(64) - (67), it can be understood that X p and Z p are polynomials of variables V k (0) and I k (d) with k = 0 ? p. The coe cient of each term is the product of some cj and R, L and C. For example,

X 0 = c1V 0(0) + c2(?RI 0(d)) Z 0 = c2V 0(0) + c3(?RI 0(d))


We de ne an operator shift(). For a term A = ciP where P is independent of ci, shift(A) = ci+2P ; and for a term A = B + C , shift(A) = shift(B )+ shift(C ). Then, from Eqs.(64) - (67), we have the following recursive formulas:

X p+1 = c1V p+1(0) + c2(?RI p+1(d) + LI p(d)) + RCshift(X p) ? LCshift(X p?1) (70)

Z p+1 = c2V p+1(0) + c3(?RI p+1(d) + LI p(d)) + RCshift(Z p) ? LCshift(Z p?1) (71)
Example: From

X 0 = c1V 0(0) + c2(?RI 0(d)) Z 0 = c2V 0(0) + c3(?RI 0(d))

we have

X 1 = c1V 1(0) + c2(?RI 1(d) + LI 0(d)) + RCshift(X 0)

= c1V 1(0) + c2(?RI 1(d) + LI 0(d)) + RC (c3V 0(0) + c4(?RI 0(d)))

Z 1 = c2V 1(0) + c3(?RI 1(d) + LI 0(d)) + RCshift(Z 0)

= c2V 1(0) + c3(?RI 1(d) + LI 0(d)) + RC (c4V 0(0) + c5(?RI 0(d)))

X 2 = c1V 2(0) + c2(?RI 2(d) + LI 1(d)) + RCshift(X 1) ? LCshift(X 0)

= c1V 2(0)+c3(?RI 2(d)+LI 1(d))+RC c3V 1(0)+c4(?RI 1(d)+LI 0(d))+RC (c5V 0(0)+c6(?RI 0(d)))]

?LC c3V 0(0) + c4(?RI 0(d))]

Z 2 = c2V 2(0) + c3(?RI 2(d) + LI 1(d)) + RCshift(Z 1) ? LCshift(Z 0)
= c2V 2(0)+c3(?RI 2(d)+LI 1(d))+RC c4V 1(0)+c5(?RI 1(d)+LI 0(d))+RC (c6V 0(0)+c7(?RI 0(d)))]

?LC c5V 0(0) + c6(?RI 0(d))]

and so on. In the case that there are no leakage resistors in the network, I 0(d) = 0 and V 0(0) = e being a unit vector. In the general case, I 0(d) and V 0(0) can be found by replacing each transmission line with a resistance and then analyzing the circuit. After analyzing 18

the k-th order moment model of the original network, V k (0) and I k (d) are known, X k , Z k , U k and W k can be computed and the k + 1-th order moment model of the circuit can be formed. Note that in this case moment models of the coupled transmission line system can be formed and the moment computation can be implemented without decoupling the system.

5.3 The General Case

Now we consider the most general case. From Eqs.(1) and (2), we have

d2V (x; s) = (sl + r)(sc + g)V (x; s) (72) dx2 2 2 Let 2(s) = diag( 2 1; 2 ; : : : ; n ) and T be the eigenvalue and eigenvector matrix of matrix (sl + r)(sc + g), respectively. Let V (x; s) = T (s)E (x; s). Then, it can be derived that E (x; s) = sh?1 d(sh (d ? x)E (0; s) + sh xE (d; s)) (73)

V (x; s) = Tsh?1 d(sh (d ? x)T ?1V (0; s) + sh xT ?1V (d; s))


Let ? = d.Then, the functions U (s) and W (s) as de ned in Sec.3 can be expressed as follows: U (s) = F (s)(V (0; s) + V (d; s)) (75) where and where and

F (s) = T (ch? ? 1)??1 sh?1?T ?1 W (s) = H1(s)V (0; s) + H2(s)V (d; s) H1(s) = T (sh? ? ?)??2 sh?1?T ?1 H2(s) = T (?ch? ? sh?)??2 sh?1?T ?1

(76) (77) (78) (79)


P1 P1 p p p p p p k Let V (0; s) = P1 p=0 (?1) V (0)s , V (d; s) = p=0 (?1) V (d)s , F (s) = k=0 Fk s , P1 k k H1(s) = P1 k=0 H1k s , and H2 (s) = k=0 H2k s . Then, from Eqs.(75) and (77), we have


p X j =0

(?1)j Fj (V p?j (0) + V p?j (d))

(80) (81)

Wp =

p X j =0

(?1)j (H1j V p?j (0) + H2j V p?j (d))

In order to use the above equations to compute U p and W p, we need to compute the matrices Fj , H1j and H2j . The formulas for these coe cients are given in Appendix C.

6 Moment computation of RLC transmission line tree networks

In the previous three sections, we derived moment models for single uniform and nonuniform lines and coupled lines. By using such models and moment models of lumped elements, moment models for orders from low to high can be formed and moment computation can be done by analyzing these models for which any circuit analysis techniques can be used. Now we consider the moment computation of a typical network: an RLC transmission line tree network. Such a network consists of resistors, inductors, RLC transmission lines and lumped capacitors. Each transmission line consists of a oating wire and a ground wire. The resistors, inductors, and the oating wires form a tree, and a voltage source is applied to the root of the tree. The capacitors are connected between the nodes on the tree and the ground. Such a network is of our special interest because it is a model of most practical interconnects and the computation of its moments can be done with extreme e ciency. We use the following notations to describe the circuit. We denote the lumped capacitance connected between node k and the ground by Ckk . For each node k on the tree, let D(k) be the set of nodes in the subtree rooted at node k except node k itself. Let S (k) be the nodes in D(k) and adjacent to node k. S (k) is called the set of son nodes of node k and k is called the father node of any node j 2 S (k). We denote 20

the father node of node k by k and the branch connected between nodes k and k by bk . bk either consists of a series of resistance Rk and inductance Lk , or consists of a transmission line denoted by TLk. In the later case, the total resistance, capacitance, inductance, p-th order U and W values of TLk are denoted by Rk , Lk , Ck , Ukp and Wkp, respectively. The 0-th order moment model are formed simply by replace each capacitor with an open circuit, each inductor with a short circuit, and each transmission line with a resistor. As all the resistors in the model are oating, all the 0-th order voltage moments are 1 and all the 0-th order current moments are 0, and it can easily be shown that for each transmission line, U 0 = 1 and W 0 = 0:5. Now consider the p-th order moment computation with p 1. We replace each element in the network by its p-th order moment model and form a p-th order moment p be the model of the network. Note that in such a case, the model is still a tree. Let Ik current in branch bk entering node k. From KCL, we have

Ikp = ?Ckk Vkp?1 +

j 2S (k)

(Ijp ? Cj Ujp?1)


where Ckk is the lumped capacitance connected to node k and Cj is the total capacitance of transmission line TLj . >From Eq.(82), we have a recursive algorithm to compute Ikp for all tree branches from the leaves to the root as follows. Algorithm 1: findI (k; p) findI (k; p) f Ikp = ?Ckk Vkp?1; if bk is a transmission line nd Ukp?1; else Ukp?1 = 0; if k is not a leaf node for each node j 2 S (k) do Ikp+ = findI (j; p); return(Ikp ? Ck Ukp?1);


cd After using the above algorithm to compute all the p-th order moments of the tree branch currents, the p-th (p 1) order moments of the node voltages can be computed recursively from the root to the leaves by using the following algorithm. Algorithm 2: moment(k; p) moment(k; p) fif k is the root Vkp = 0; else f Vkp = Vkp ? Rk Ikp + Lk Ikp?1; if branch bk is a transmission line TLk f nd Wkp?1; Vkp+ = Rk Ck Wkp?1 ? Lk Ck Wkp?2; g

if k is not a leaf for each j 2 S (k) do moment(j,p); return; The time complexity of these algorithm is linear to the number of nodes n of the network. From Eq.(35) and Eq.(36) it can be seen that the computation of the function Ukp?1 takes O(p) time. Therefore, the time complexity of this algorithm is O(np). By using the above algorithms recursively to compute the moments from order 1 to p takes time O(np2 ). The above algorithms can be applied to tree networks made of single uniform and/or nonuniform transmission lines. For a tree network made of coupled transmission lines, a similar algorithms can be written. The main changes from the above algorithms are as follows: (1) All the mean values U 0s and W 0s of transmission lines are computed rst; (2) In the "return" statement of FindI (k; p), Ck Ukp?1 should be replaced by Pj Ckj Ujp?1 where j is taken over all the transmission lines coupled with TLk including k; (3) In p should be moment(k,p), for a transmission line TLk coupled with other lines, Rk Ik replaced by Pj Rkj Ijp, Lk Ikp?1 by Pj Lkj Ijp?1, Rk Ck Wkp?1 by Pj Rkj Pi CjiWip?1, and 22

Lk Ck Wkp?2 by Pj Lkj Pi CjiWip?2.

7 Sensitivity-based interconnect delay optimization

To take advantage of the e ciency of the moment computation method discussed in Section 6, we develop a sensitivity-based wiresizing algorithm for interconnect delay minimization of lossy transmission line tree networks. It is an iterative optimization process, which at each iteration, computes the maximum delay sensitivity with respect to the widths of wires in the topology using high order moments and adjusts the width of the most sensitive wire for delay minimization.

7.1 Delay computation using high order moments

Denote N as a tree routing topology for net n, each segment in N is formulated as a lossy transmission line. De ne as the signal ying time along the path from source s to node u 2 N . Under q-pole approximation, the transfer function at u, G(s), can be expressed as: q X kj e?s (83) G(s) = m00 ? m01s + m02s2 : : : = H (s)e?s = s ? pj j =1 Here, the moments of G(s), m0is, are actually the voltage moments V is in previous discussion. The moments of H (s), mis, can be computed by:

m0 = m00; m1 = m01 ? m00; m2 = m02 + 2=2m00 ? m01; : : :


Delay td at node u, de ned as the time taken to reach certain voltage vTh, is calculated using the time domain step response at u, v(t), obtained from V (s) = G(s)=s: q k X v(td) = ? pj (1 ? epj(td? )) = vTh (85) j =1 j Here, kj ; pj s can be computed from moments, m0; m1; : : :, by solving: q k 1 X i ( p )n ; 0 i 2q ? 1 mi = (?1)n+1 p i=1 i i 23 (86)

7.2 Moments and delay sensitivity computation

Under q-pole approximation, the sensitivity of delay at node u with respect to width wl of line l in topology N can be expressed using high order moments as:
q?1 @t @m @td = 2X d i @wl i=0 @mi @wl


where @td=@mi and @mi=@wl can be computed by:

q @t @k @td = X @td @pj ) d j ( + (88) @mi j =1 @kj @mi @pj @mi @mi = @mi @Rl + @mi @Ll + @mi @Cl (89) @wl @Rl @wl @Ll @wl @Cl @wl In equations above, @td=@kj ; @td=@pj s and @kj =@mi, @pj =@mis can be obtained by differentiating Eqn(85) and (86) respectively; @Rl=@wl; @Ll=@wl and @Cl=@wl can be computed easily from the expressions of Rl ; Ll and Cl. According to Eqn (84), moments mis and their sensitivities with respect to Rl; Ll and Cl can be obtained by computing m0is (V is) and their sensitivities rst. Since moment sensitivities can be calculated by di erentiating those equations used in moment computation (e.g. equations in Algorithm 1&2 in Section 6), the method for computing m0is in Section 6 can be extended to compute their sensitivities e ciently.

7.3 Sensitivity-based interconnect delay optimization

7.3.1 Problem formulation
Denote w = (w1; : : :; wm) and l = (l1; : : :; lm) as the width and length vector of tree routing topology N respectively, where m = jN j. During the optimization process, l is xed and w is the only adjustable vector. Denote wlb and wub as vectors of lower and upper bounds on wire widths, together they de ne a m-dimensional feasible space for w. The goal of the sensitivity-based delay minimization approach is to nd a wopt in the feasible space using directed search so that the maximum delay of N is minimized. This wiresizing problem can be formulated as: Minimize max delay(w) Subject to: 24

Here, the maximum delay at each w in the feasible space can be measured using Eqn (85).

wlb < w wub

7.3.2 Sensitivity-based wiresizing algorithm

The sensitivity-based wiresizing algorithm starts from a feasible point w. Once the sensitivity of the maximum delay with respect to the wire widths at w, @td=@ w, is computed, it can be used to guide the wiresizing in the feasible space to minimize the maximum delay. Sensitivity-based Wiresizing Algorithm() 1. Choose initial width vector w in the feasible space and set width increment w. 2. Repeat 2.1 Compute the high order moments and maximum delay td at w. 2.2 Compute the sensitivity vector of the maximum delay @td=@ w. 2.3 Adjust the width wi of a sizable wire i having maximum j@td=@wij by w. 3. Until max j@td=@ wj ! 0. Here, wire i is sizable at w if wi can be adjusted by increment w in the feasible space. The algorithm usually starts with the minimum width w0 for all wires and chooses the steepest descent direction at each iteration in order to speed up the convergence of the algorithm and minimize the maximum delay with the least amount of routing area.

7.4 Experimental results

The sensitivity-based delay optimization algorithm has been implemented and tested on DEC 5000. In our experiments, 2-pole approximation is adopted and thus four moments are used. The delays are measured using SPICE at voltage threshold of 0.5. The following test circuit is one of the benchmarks of 1993 Multi-Chip Module Conference (MCMC-93). 25

Parameters /unit Rd R ( ) L (nH ) C(pF ) 15 150 200 50 50 300 400 10 50 75 200 10

Before Optimization Max Delay Area ns 0.82 0.78 0.82 0.73 0.82 0.54

After Optimization Max Delay Area ns Cut (-%) 1.44 0.20 74 1.35 0.26 64 1.07 0.20 63

CPU time s 21.52 15.83 7.60

The table above shows the results of delay minimization under various groups of interconnect parameters. The average CPU time is less than 15 seconds. With an average of only 57% increase in routing area, the optimization cuts the maximum rising delay by 67%. This demonstrates the e ectiveness of our sensitivity-based wiresizing algorithm.

8 Experiments and Conclusions

8.1 Accuracy of high order moment computation
It was reported that some recursive methods (e.g. eigenvalue methods) lead to large numerical truncation errors in computation of high order moments. To check the accuracy of our recursive moment computation method, we apply it to a simple circuit (Fig. 6a) previously tested in ?, ?]. It consists of two cascaded uniform transmission lines (T1; T2) having di erent parameters with Rd = 5 and Rg = 500 . The parameters of T1 are, R1 = 25 ; G1 = 0:005 ?1 ; L1 = 0:1 H; C1 = 40pF . T2 has the same parameters except for R2 = 3:125 . It takes only 0.017 second of CPU time to compute moments up to 30 orders. The relation between the moments (logged values) and their orders is plotted in Fig. 6b. It can be observed that the curve has nearly constant slope. This demonstrates that there is no signi cant numerical truncation error in our recursive moment computation and accurate high order moments can be obtained using our moment model and moment computation method without line decomposition.


8.2 Experiments
We will show three examples of using the moment matching technique to nd the time domain response. The input to the three circuits is a unit ramp function with a rising time of 0.1ns. We use our moment model to compute the moments of output node voltages. After extracting a ight time, we use Pade approximation to nd their rational approximations and obtain the time domain response by inverse Laplace transform. For each example, SPICE simulation is done and the results are shown in the gures with a post x "s" for comparison. As SPICE cannot handle RLGC lines, each uniform RLGC line is modeled by 50 identical lumped RLGC sections, and each nonuniform line is modeled by 50 di erent RLGC sections. It can be seen from the gures that the moment matching method is quite accurate for the simulation of interconnects. Example 2. This circuit is shown in Fig.6 which contains 7 uniform lossy transmission lines. An 8-th order moment matching is used to nd the output voltage "vout", which is compared with the SPICE simulation result "vouts" as shown in Fig.7. Example 3. This circuit is formed by replacing TL7 in Fig.6 by a parabolic line as shown in Fig.8. The line parameters are: r = r0(1 + x)2, l = l0(1 + x)2, c = c0(1+ x)?2 and g = g0(1+ x)?2 , where r0 = 75 =m, l0 = 100nH=m, c0 = 150pF=m, g0 = 0:01S=m, = 20:0 and LEN = 0:02m. The output voltage "vout1" is found by using an 8-th order moment matching, which is compared with the SPICE simulation result "vouts" as shown in Fig.9. Example 4. This circuit is shown in Fig.10 which contains two coupled line systems. The length of each line is 0.1m. The parameters of the rst systems are:
2 l=6 4

2 =6 4

494:6 63:3 63:3 494:6

3 7 5 nH=m 3

2 R=6 4

62:8 ?4:9 7 5 pF=m ?4:9 62:8 75 75 27

3 7 5


The parameters of the second system are:

2 6 6 6 6 l=6 6 6 6 4

494:6 63:3 63:3 494:6 63:3 63:3 494:6 63:3 63:3 494:6 62:8 ?4:9 ?4:9 62:8 ?4:9 ?4:9 62:8 ?4:9 ?4:9 62:8 75 75
3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5

3 7 7 7 7 7 nH=m 7 7 7 5 3 7 7 7 7 7 pF=m 7 7 7 5

2 6 6 6 6 =6 6 6 6 4

75 The waveforms v7 and v9 are found by using a 5-th order and an 11-th order moment matching and are compared with the SPICE simulation results v7s and v9s, respectively. They are shown in Fig.11 and 12, respectively. The CPU time by using moment matching techniques in each of the above three examples is less than 1/60 second. The CPU time for SPICE simulation is 37.6s, 38.54s and 17.346s for Example 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The moment matching technique runs three order of magnitude faster than SPICE.

2 6 6 6 6 R=6 6 6 6 4



8.3 Conclusion
We have presented new moment models for transmission lines. These models are directly derived from telegrapher's equations. Their parameters are based on the mean values of the voltage moments and weighted voltage moments along the lines, which can be e ciently computed. For uniform lines, these models are exact; and for nonuniform lines, the model can be made as accurate as needed. These models can be used in any transmission line networks. As the models have the T-typed or -typed circuit structure, when an interconnect is of the tree structure, its moment model circuit is of 28

the same type. Therefore, these models are especially well suited for the use of moment computation algorithm for RLC transmission line tree networks. Meanwhile, all the models can be applied to distributed RC lines as a special case. Our moment model of transmission lines is di erent from other known models. Compared with the lumped model made of a large number of RLGC sections, ours is more accurate and e cient. Compared with the models suggested in 23], which are formed either by recursively solving second order di erential equations or by the computation of exponential matrix functions, the formation of out model is simpler and faster. When using the models suggested in 24], two port currents of transmission lines are introduced in circuit equations. In contrast, by using our model, for single lines and couple line system with diagonal resistance matrices, no port currents are needed; and for lines with resistive coupling, only one port current (the far-end port current, See Fig.5) is introduced for each line. Therefore, our model results in fewer unknown variables for the circuit equations in the general case. Compared with REX 25], the formation of a p-th order model in REX takes O(p4 ) time, while the formation of our model takes O(p2 ) time.

Appendix A Computation of fj , h1j and h2j

Let P (s) be any function of f (s), h1(s) or h2(s). Then, P (s) can be expressed as

P (s) =

P1 2n n =0 an P1 2n
n=0 bn

1 X




where b0 = 1. For P (s) = f (s), an = 1=(2(n + 1))!, bn = 1=(2n + 1)!; for P (s) = h1(s), an = 1=(2n + 3)!, bn = an?1 (n 1); and for P (s) = h2(s), an = 2(n + 1)=(2n + 3)! and bn = 1=(2n + 1)!. The coe cients c0n s (n = 0; 1; : : :) can be computed from the known a0ns and b0ns by using the following formula starting from n = 0:

cn = an ?

n ?1 X k=0

ck bn?k



n n j 0 0 Let 2n = (a2s2 + a1s + a0)n be expressed as P2 k=0 j s . Then, 0 = 1, j = 0 for j > 0; and the coe cients of n j with n 1 can be computed by using the following recursive formula. Let m = min(j; 2), then n j

m X n?1 a j ?i i i=0


P1 j Let k = b j+1 j =0 pj s with 2 c. Then, P (s) can be expressed as

pj =
and pj PN n=k cn enough.
n j

1 X


n j


where N is so chosen that the error due to the truncation is small

B Derivation of Eq.(54)
We di erentiate both sides of Eq.(41) w.r.t. x, and have

d2V (x; s) + a(x; s) dV (x; s) + b(x; s)V (x; s) = 0 dx2 dx

where and
0(x) + sl0(x) a(x; s) = ? rr( x) + sl(x)

(94) (95) (96) (97) (98)

b(x; s) = ?Z (x; s)Y (x; s) = ?(r(x) + sl(x))(g(x) + sc(x)) a(x; s) =

1 X

a(x; s) and b(x; s) can be expressed as an(s)xn = bn(s)xn =

1 X 1 X
n=0 j =0

anj sj xn bnj sj xn


b(x; s) =

1 X

1 X 2 X
n=0 j =0

The coe cients anj and bnj can be expressed as follows. P1 P1 P1 n n n n Let r(x) = P1 n=0 rn x , l(x) = n=0 ln x , c(x) = n=0 cn x , and g (x) = n=0 gn x . Then bn (s) = bn0 + bn1s + bn2s2 (99) 30

Pn Pn where bn0 = Pn k=0 rk gn?k , bn1 = k=0 rk cn?k + gk ln?k ] and bn2 = k=0 ck ln?k . From the de nition of a(x; s), we have P1 1 n?1 X n =1 n(rn + sln )x (100) a(x; s) = ? P1 (r + sl )xn = an (s)xn n n=0 n n=0 or 1 1 1 X X X (101) ? n(rn + sln)xn?1 = (rn + sln)xn an(s)xn

>From Eqs.(95) and (101), we have and




r1 + sl1 a0(s) = ? r + sl
0 0


Pn ( n + 1)( r n+1 + sln+1 ) + k=1 (rk + slk )an?k (s) (103) an(s) = ? r0 + sl0 and an(s) can be computed recursively from n=0 to any order. j >From Eqs.(102) and (103), it can be seen that an(s) can be expressed as P1 j =0 anj s . From Eq.(102), it can be derived that a00 = ?r1=r0 and j +1 l0 j ?1 (r l0 ? l ) a0j = (?1) ( ) (104) 1 r0 r0 r0 1 For n > 0, n X 1 rk an?k;0] (105) ( n + 1) r + an0 = ? r n+1



l0 )k?1(r l0 ? l ) ank = ? r1 (?1)k (n + 1)( r n+1 r n+1

k n X X i=1 j =0

In the special case that l(x)=r(x) = const, an0 = an(s). Suppose that the boundary conditions to Eqs.(41) and (42) are known as V (0; s) (x;s) and I (0; s). Then, dVdx jx=0= ?(r(0) + sl(0))I (0; s). Let the solution V (x; s) to Eq.(94) be 1 X (107) V (x; s) = Vn (s)xn then V0(s) = V (0; s) and V1(s) = Eq.(107) to Eq.(94), we have
1 X
k=0 n=0 dV (x;s) j = x=0 dx

l0 )k?j ] (rian?i;j + lian?i;j?1 )(?1)k?j ( r



?(r(0) + sl(0))I (0; s). Substituting

1 X

(k + 1)(k + 2)Vk+2 (s)xk +

1 X



1 X

(k + 1)Vk+1 (s)xk +


Vk (s)xk = 0 k=0 (108)

1 X



Now we truncate the in nite series in Eq.(107) to a nite series with N+1 terms, then n A(x; s)V (0; s) + B (x; s)I (0; s) with A(x; s) = PN n V (x; s) PN n=0 Vn (s)x n=0 n (s)x n and B (x; s) = PN n=0 n (s)x . k >From what mentioned above, n and n can be expressed as P1 k=0 nk s and P1 k k=0 nk s . It has been shown that 0 , 0 , and 1 are constant, 10 = ?r(0) and 11 = ?l(0). From Eqs.(110) and (111), it can be derived that

(i + 1)Vi+1 (s)ak?i (s) + Vi (s)bk?i(s)] (k + 1)(k + 2) Vi (s) can be expressed as i(s)V (0; s) + i(s)I (0; s). For example, 0 = 1, 1 = 0 and 1 = ?Z (0; s). From Eq.(109), we have Pk i=0 (i + 1) i+1 (s)ak?i (s) + i (s)bk?i (s)] k+2 (s) = ? (k + 1)(k + 2) and Pk i=0 (i + 1) i+1 (s)ak?i (s) + i (s)bk?i (s)] k+2 (s) = ? (k + 1)(k + 2)

Vk+2 (s) = ?




= 0, (110) (111)

=? =?



(i + 1) Pj p=0

(k + 1)(k + 2)

i+1;p ak?i;j ?p +


p=0 i;j ?p bk?i;p ]


(113) (k + 1)(k + 2) P1 k k Then, A(x; s) and B (x; s) can be expressed as P1 k=0 Ak (x)s and k=0 Bk (x)s , where PN n n Ak = PN n=0 nk x and Bk = n=0 nk x . Now we have the equation




(i + 1) Pj p=0

i+1;pak?i;j ?p +


p=0 i;j ?p bk?i;p ]

V (x; s) = A(x; s)V (0; s) + B (x; s)I (0; s)


(114) (115) (116)

V (d; s) = A(d; s)V (0; s) + B (d; s)I (0; s) V (x; s) = P (x; s)V (0; s) + Q(x; s)V (d; s)

>From the above equations, we have

A(d;s) B (x; s) and Q(x; s) = B (x;s) . The expansion of P (x; s) where P (x; s) = A(x; s) ? B (d;s) B (d;s) and Q(x; s) into Taylor series can be done similarly and is omitted.


C Computation of U and W for coupled transmission lines

C.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix M = (r +sl)(g +sc)
We rst present formulas for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix M = (r + sl)(g + sc). Let Q = 2 be the eigenvalue matrix of matrix M and T be the matrix of its eigenvectors, then we have MT = TQ. Let M = M0 + M1s + M2s2 where M0 = rg, P1 k k M1 = rc + lg and M2 = lc, and Q = P1 k=0 Qk s and T = k=0 Tk s . Then,

M0T0 = T0Q0


and Q0 and T0 can be found by using any algorithm of eigenvalue problems. Also,

M0T1 + M1T0 = T0Q1 + T1Q0


k ?1 X

M0Tk + M1Tk?1 + M2Tk?2 = Tk Q0 + T0Qk +

let Tk = Tk1; Tk2; : : : ; Tkn], Qj = diagfqj1; qj2; : : : ; qjng, ?M1Tk?1 ? M2Tk?2 A1; A2; : : : ; An] where Tkj and Aj are the j-th column vector of matrices Tk and A, respectively. Then, from Eq.(119), we have (M0 ? q0j I )Tkj = qkj T0j + Aj (120)

Tj Qk?j j =1 ?1 Tj Qk?j A = Pjk=1


There are n + 1 unknowns in the above n equations. By an additional constraint jj Tkj jj2= 1, we can solve for qkj and Tkj . Pk?1 As 2 = Q, we have 2 j =1 j k?j , and we have 0 = Q0 and 2 0 k = Qk ? p Q0 and 0 = ?1 X 1 ?1(Q ? k (121) j k?j ) k= k 0 2
j =1


C.2 Taylor series expansion of F (s), H1(s) and H2(s)

C.2.1 Taylor series expansion of an inverse matrix
P1 k ?1 k Suppose that matrix A(s) = P1 k=0 Ak s and Bs = A (s) = k=0 Bk s . From Pk ?1 B (s)A(s) = P1 k=0 j =0 Bj Ak?j = I , we have B0 = A0 and
1 Bk = ?A? 0

k ?1 X j =0

Bj Ak?j


Then, Bk can be found recursively from k = 0 up to any k = p. This method can be used to nd the Taylor series expansion of T ?1(s), ??1, ??2 and sh?1?. For the last three matrices, the computation should be done for diagonal elements only.

C.2.2 Taylor series expansion of a matrix product

The matrix functions F (s), H1(s) and H2(s) are products of 5 matrices. Except for the rst and last factors T and T ?1, the other three factors are diagonal matrices whose product is also a diagonal matrix so that they can be expressed as P = ABC in the k general case, where B is a diagonal matrix. Assume that A(s) = P1 k=0 Ak s and similar expansions exist for matrices B and C . Then, we have T0 = A0B0C0; and for p 1,

Tp =

i+j +k=p

A i B j Ck =

p X i=0


p?i X j =0

Bj Cp?i?j


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