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Self-made Lesson 1: My Girl

Name: Cho, Eun Hee Date: July 14th Teaching time: 45 min

Action Points

1. I will give Ss clear instructions by using demonstration and modeling.

2. I will chunk my instructions in order for Ss to follow easily.
3. I will provide VAKT activities for different learning style learners.

Target Language:
Vocabulary Expressions
 guess  fame
 May  riches
 envy  claim
 sweeter  sunshine
 fortune

Language Skills:
Speaking: Ss will answer the Qs.
Listening: Ss will listen to the song several times.
Reading: Ss will find wrong lyrics and put the strips in the right order.
Writing: Ss will write the answers and write about their future girlfriend.

Student Learning Objectives (SLO):

By the end of the lesson SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of the song “My Girl” through TL by putting the strips in the correct order in groups.

Procedural Portion of the Lesson Plan

Step Stag Time Procedure/Steps Purpose of Activities
Warm up  Ss are introduced to the topic naturally
T & Ss greet and T asks Qs. by answering the questions.
1 Intro 2 min - Do you have a girlfriend?  Activate schema
- What do you look for in girls?  Assess Ss’ level
2 Pre 11 Teach Vocabulary – FMU (9 target vocabs)  Inductive learning of vocabularies.
min  Ss go over the FMU of vocabulary necessary to understand the song.  Inductive teaching makes Ss activate
(sunshine, guess, May, envy, sweeter, fortune, fame, riches, claim) their schema.
 T reads the new words written on the B and Ss repeat.  Increases STT.
 T checks whether or not Ss know the meaning of the words by using CCQ.  Final check with T gives Ss clarification
- Can you guess what it is? Which month comes after April? Son DamBi is and correction about the answers.
very sexy, but I’m not sexy. I envy her.
 T sticks 9 sheets of paper with a sentence written on it on the B and let Ss
write the correct word in the blank.
First Listening – General and Easy Qs  Ss know the reason of listening 1.
 T shows Ss two Qs on the PPT and let Ss read aloud before they listen to the  First Listening with general and easy
song. Qs
4 5 min Q1: What is he talking about in the song?  Peer checking – Safe learning
Q2: Is he happy or sad? environment
 Ss listen to the song.
 Ss share the answers in pairs and T checks the answers in class.
Second Listening – Stand Up
 T demos with a word card. T stands up whenever she hears the word.  Kinesthetic activity is provided to give
5 5 min
 T gives one word card to each student and then practice with Ss. Ss fun and motivate them.
 Ss listen to the song.
Third Listening – Find Wrong Lyrics  Intensive listening by finding out the
 T demos with an example lyrics. wrong lyrics.
Superjunior - Sorry, sorry, thank you, sorry  Peer checking builds safe learning
 T gives out a worksheet to each student. environment.
6 6 min  Ss listen to song.  T assesses Ss understanding of the
 If Ss are low T asks Ss whether they want to listen to one more time after first specific details.
 T checks the answers in class.
 The student who finds the most answers will be rewarded.
Fourth Listening – Strip Activity  Last listening with more difficult task
 T demonstrates with four example sentences.  T can observe the process of SLO
Durin - I took a shower. I went to school. I had lunch. I took a test. achievement.
7 8 min
g  T gives Ss sentence strips that summarize the song.
 In groups, Ss put strips into the correct sequence while listening.
 T checks Ss answers in O/C.
Beyond the text: Drawing Their Future Girlfriend/Boyfriend  To have a chance to express their
 T shows an example of her future boyfriend. opinions for increasing Ss’ autonomy.
8 Post 8 min  Ss draw their future girlfriend picture and write her profile.  To have a chance to personalize
 If time allows, Ss present their future girlfriend and choose the best one. beyond the text with their own creative
 The best person will be rewarded. ideas by making a comic strip.

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