OriginalPartial Replacement of Course Aggregate With Waste G

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REG. NO: F16- 0709 /07


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering

I, Calvin Dete, do declare that this report is my original work and to the best of my knowledge, it has not been submitted for any degree award in any University or Institution. i

Signed______________________________________________ Date ____________ Calvin Dete.

I have read this report and approve it for e amination



I am indebted to my lecturers, colleagues and friends who have assisted me in preparation of this pro!ect by giving guidelines, advice and comments. "y sincere thanks go to my supervisor "r. #!uki for his immense support, encouragement and positive criticism during the pro!ect and report writing without


whom this work couldn$t have been reali%ed. &lso I would like to thank the Civil 'ngineering staff members and my colleagues who guided and assisted me in accomplishing this research work. In addition, I would greatly like to thank my family and friends who stood by my side throughout my studies, and anyone else whose input facilitated my life throughout college.


(irst, I would like to dedicate this research pro!ect to &lmighty )od who has blessed me and brought me to this point. Secondly, I dedicate this research work to my mum and my dad, and all my family members. *heir undying commitment to my education and unwavering support throughout this course has been a true revelation. "ay the +ord bless abundantly bless you.


Declaration ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,.ii &cknowledgement ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,....,iv Dedication,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.v *able of Contents.................................................................................................. vi +ist of figures,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,... +ist of tables,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. i


-.. Introduction...........................................................................................................-.- /ackground,,....................................................................................................-.0 1roblem 2ustification..............................................................................................-.3 1roblem Statement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..0 -.4 5esearch ob!ectives................................................................................................0 -.4.- 6verall 6b!ectives...............................................................................................0 -.4.0 Specific 6b!ectives,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..0 -.7 5esearch hypothesis..............................................................................................3 -.8 Scope of Study,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..3

0.. 6verview,,,......................................................................................................4 0.- +iterature 5eview.....................................................................................................4 0.0 1hysical 1roperties of )lass,,..............................................................................7 0.0.- &ppearance.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,.7 0.0.0 Specific )ravity and 5elative Density.............................................................7 0.0.3 )radation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.8 0.0.4 Durability and 9orkability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.8 0.0.7 Shear Strength,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..: 0.0.8 Compaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..; 0.0.: 1ermeability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.< 0.0.; *hermal Conductivity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.< vii

0.0.< (iltration,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,< 0.0.-. +eachability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-. 0.3 Safety and =andling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,--

3.... 5esearch methodology..............................................................................................-0 3.-.. Introduction.............................................................................................................-0 3.-.- Sample Collection and 1reparation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....-0 3.-.0 Sampling of &ggregates,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.-0 3.0.3 1article Si%e Distribution...........................................................................................-3 3.3.. Design of concrete mi es,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-4 3.3.- 1rinciples of design,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,..-4 3.3.0 Stages in "i Design,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-7 3.4.. /atching of Concrete "aterials,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-7 3.7.. *esting the 1roperties of (resh Concrete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-8 3.7.- 9orkability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-8 3.7.0 Slump *est,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-: 3.8.. *esting properties of hardened concrete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-; 3.8.- Determination of Compressive strength,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-; 3.8.-.0 Curing of Cubes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,..-; 3.8.-.3 Compressive *est,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.-; 3.:.. (le ural tests........................................................................................................-< 3.:.- 6b!ective,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,.-<


3.;.. Indirect Splitting *ensile test................................................................................0. 3.;.- 6b!ective,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.0.

CHAPTER FOUR 4.... 5esults and &nalysis and Discussion......................................................................04.-.. 1article Si%e distribution ,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,...............04.-.- Sieve &nalysis of &ggregates...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....04.-.-.. Course )lass Cullet Sieve &nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.........0->00 4.-.-.- Course &ggregate Sieve analysis,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,....,.....03>04 4.-.-.0 (ine &ggregate Sieve &nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.07>08 4.0.. Slump *est,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..0: 4.3.. Compressive Strength *est...............................................................................0;>3. 4.3.- "odes of (ailure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3.>34 4.4.. *ensile *est,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................37 4.7.. (le ural Strength *est ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...............38>3: 4.7.- *esting /eams for (le ture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.3<>3<

7.-.. Conclusion and 5ecommendation...................................................................4. 7.-.- Conclusion...............................................................................................4. 7.-.0 5ecommendation.....................................................................................4.



(ig -? Sieve arrangement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -4 (ig 0? :7@ Coarse aggregate replacement mode of failure,,,,,,,..........3(ig 3? 47@ Coarse aggregate replacement mode of failure ,,,,,,,,,..30 (ig 4? -7@ Coarse aggregate replacement mode of failure .,,,,,,,,.....33 (ig 7? 3.@ Coarse aggregate replacement mode of failure,,,,,,,,......34 (ig 8? 3.@ replacement after fle ture ,,,,,..............................................3; (ig :? 3.@ replacement before fle ture ..............................................................3; (ig ;? Slump )raph...........................................................................................0: (ig <? (le tural Strength )raph..........................................................................3: (ig -.? *ensile Strength )raph,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.37 (ig --? Coarse )lass &ggregate &nalysis )raph..................................................0(ig -0 Coarse &ggregate Sieve &nalysis )raph..................................................04 (ig -3? (ine &ggregate Sieve &nalysis )raph.....................................................08

*able -? Coarse )lass &ggregate &nalysis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,............-< *able 0? Coarse &ggregate Sieve &nalysis..............................................................0. *able 3? (ine &ggregate Sieve &nalysis...................................................................0*able 4.Slump *est 5esults,,..............................................................................0*able 7>8? Compressive Strength 5esults,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..00 *able :? Summary of Splitting *ensile *est 5esult....................................................04 *able 8? Summary of average crushing results..................................................................-< *able :? Summary of tensile strength results.....................................................................04 *able ;? Summary of fle ural test results...........................................................................07 *able <>0.? Summary of Compressive test 5esults,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40>74


PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF COARSE AGGREGATE WITH WASTE GLASS IN CONCRETE BLOCKS. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND )lass is a transparent material produced by melting a mi ture of materials such as silica, soda ash, and CaC63 at high temperature followed by cooling during which solidification occurs without crystalli%ation. )lass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet glass, bottles, glassware, and vacuum tubing. )lass is an ideal material for recycling. *he use of recycled glass in new container helps save of energy. It helps in brick and ceramic manufacture, and it conserves raw materials, reduces energy consumption, and the volume of waste sent to landfill. 9aste glass is a ma!or component of the solid waste stream in many countries. It can be found in many forms, including container glass, flat glass such as windows, bulb glass and cathode ray tube glass. &t present, although a small proportion of the post consumer glass has been recycled and reused, a significant proportion of waste glass generated in Aenya is sent to landfill. )lass is a -..@ recyclable material with high performances and uniBue aesthetics properties which makes it suitable for wide>spread uses. /esides, the current recycling states pose great pressures on glass recycling and reusing. *he use of glass as aggregates in concrete has great potential for future high Buality concrete development. *his research will focus on the applicability of waste glass to civil engineering applications. )lass cullet utili%ed as an aggregate can incorporate mi ed glass that have been crushed and screened to remove debris and oversi%ed particles. *his system provides a use for glass materials not currently recycled.

1.2 PROBLEM JUSTIFICATION Demands on building material have increased from time to time due to the increasing population and urbani%ation. &mong the material demanded is coarse aggregate and in the phase of sustainability in construction, utili%ation of waste material has been encouraged because recycling of this material will help in protecting the environment from land fill disposal of the broken waste and also the granitic Buarrying of the coarse aggregate will be significantly reduced.

(rom engineering standpoint, broken glass or cullet appears to be an e cellent supplement for replacement for natural aggregate in many construction applications. *he study will define the suitability of waste glass as a construction aggregate in terms of its engineering performance and cost comparability with natural aggregates. 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT *he study will aim at evaluating the use of waste glass as a possible replacement of course aggregate in concrete blocks so as to reduce the amount of waste glass to be land filled and as well as any resulting risk to human health and also come up with light>weight, low cost concrete blocks of normal concrete . 9hat is needed is an aggregate comprising material of low commercial value, which can be complemented with natural aggregate to provide concrete of eBuivalent, or improved physical properties. 9ith respect to the construction industry and engineering profession, these new materials may not only be more economically advantageous than traditional granular materials but may also outperform them. =ence waste glass aggregates could be considered as a viable alternative. *he factors to be considered will be, #atural aggregate locally available. =ow cullet might supplement or complement the natural aggregate supply, Supply and Buantity of cullet, Si%e of cullet demand for given applicationsC and &pplicable local specifications and environmental regulations.

1.! RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1.!.1 OVERALL OBJECTIVE *o investigate the possibility of either partial or total replacement of conventional coarse aggregates with waste glass in the manufacture of concrete blocks. 1.!.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES *o determine the material properties of waste glass. *he study will

*o investigate the availability and economic feasibility of the use for waste glass as aggregates

1." RESEARCH H#POTHESIS *his research aims at producing a concrete block which will be of low cost and having the same engineering properties as conventional concrete. *he positive impact on the environment will also be felt as a large Buantity of non>biodegradable waste glass will be recycled for use as opposed to being dumped in landfills. *hus environmental conservation efforts will move in the right direction. 1.$ SCOPE OF STUD# *he scope of this pro!ect will be to evaluate the use of waste glasses as a possible partial or total replacement of conventional concrete in the manufacture of concrete blocks.

CHAPTER 2 2.0 OVERVIEW 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW. *he opportunity for using glass in construction application stems from the emergence of Buantities of materials remaining from recovery and recycling activities, due to inconsistencies between the Buantities of different colours of glass manufactured and the colour composition of glass waste streams.UA produces over three million tonnes of waste glass annually, of which :-@ comes from waste containers. *here is not much literature on the Aenyan solid waste management DS9"E sector. 9hile poor management of solid waste is a general problem in Aenya, it is probably worst in #airobi because of the lack of consistent data in other parts of the country. *he amount of waste glass has gradually increased over the recent years due to an ever>growing use of glass products. "ost waste glasses have been dumped into landfill sites. *he land filling of waste glasses is undesirable because they are not biodegradable, which makes them environmentally less friendly. *here is huge potential for using waste glass in the concrete construction sector. 9hen waste glasses are reused in making concrete products, the production cost of concrete will go down. 9hen used in construction applications, waste glass must be crushed and screened to produce an appropriate design gradation. 9aste glasses are used as aggregates for concrete. =owever, the applications are limited due to the damaging e pansion in the concrete caused by &S5 between high>alkali pore water in cement paste and reactive silica in the waste glasses. *he chemical reaction between the alkali in 1ortland cement and the silica in aggregates forms silica gel that not only causes crack upon e pansion, but also weakens the concrete and shortens its life. )round waste glass was used as aggregate for mortars and no reaction was detected with fine particle si%e, thus indicating the feasibility of the waste glass reuse as fine aggregate in mortars and concrete. In addition, waste glass seemed to positively contribute to the mortar micro> structural properties resulting in an evident improvement of its mechanical performance. 5ecently, some studies were carried out to suppress the &S5 e pansion in concrete and find method to recycle waste glasses. *he concrete containing 0.@ waste glass reduced the e pansion ratio by 4.@. Shayan and Fu reported fine glass powder for incorporation into concrete up to 3.@ as a po%%olanic material suppressed

the &S5. *opcu and Canba% reported the waste glass in si%e of 4>-8 mm used as aggregate in the concrete reduced the compressive strength of concrete. *uncan showed the addition of waste glass powder D-7@E into concrete increased the compressive strength of concrete as much as -3@. AGsacGk also reported the compressive strength of concrete with waste glass decreased -<@. In the study of 1ark 3.@ of waste glass with si%e of .>7 mm addition into concrete decreased the compressive strength of concrete as much as 4@. 1ark, *opcu and Canba%, *uncan and AGsacGk reported in their studies the addition of waste glass into concrete in crushed forms decreased the fle ural strength. 1ark, *opcu and Canba% and AGsacGk also reported in their studies the addition of waste glass into concrete in crushed forms decreased the splitting tensile strength, while *uncan, reported an increase of 8@. Sangha, investigated the effect on concrete strength of green glass as an aggregate replacement. *hey observed that increases in the compressive strength values at the -.@, 4.@, and 8.@ aggregate replacement by waste glass with .>-. mm particle si%e were 3@, ;@ and 7@ as compared with control sample without waste glass but decrease in the compressive strength value was 0@ at the 0.@ replacement. 2.2 PH#SICAL PROPERTIES OF GLASS *he technical feasibility of substituting glass waste or cullet blends for a given soilHaggregate component should be based on demonstrating the eBuivalency of the cullet performance to that of the conventional aggregate component. *he use of conventional aggregate materials in civil engineering construction applications is based on an evaluation of classification and engineering properties. Classification properties are those properties which help identify a material and engineering properties are those used for engineering design. 2.2.1 A%%ea&a'(e *he amount of debris in glass cullet can affect its engineering properties. Depending upon the glass collection and sorting procedures, glass cullet may contain the following types of debris? paper, foil and plastic labels, plastic and metal caps, cork, paper bags, wood debris, food residue, and grass. Specifications should place a limit on the percentage of debris allowed in the cullet. )enerally, debris levels should not e ceed a ma imum of -. percent and in many applications 7 percent. *he glass cullet particles are mostly angular with a small percentage flat or platy shape. *he angular shape indicates a potential to cut or puncture a synthetic liner DgeomembraneE or similar material if placed against this material. &pplications should avoid this direct contact. 2.2.2 S%e()*)( G&a+),- a'. Re/a,)+e De'0),-

Specific gravity is a measure of a material$s density. *his determines the amount of voids in the aggregate. Specific gravity values for crushed natural aggregate range from 0.8. to 0.;3. /ased on test results done by =/5 'ngineering in the US, the specific gravities for coarse glass cullet ranged from -.<8 to 0.4- and for fine cullet range from 0.4< to 0.70. &S*" D 873 D-E defines relative density as, I ... the ratio of the difference between the void ratio of a cohesionless soil in the loosest state and any given void ratio, to the difference between the void ratios in the loosest and in the densest states.J In other words, relative density is a measure of a soil$s mass density relative to its possible range of density. *est data shows that the ma imum relative densities for -.. percent cullet range from <..< to -.<.3 pounds per cubic foot. 9ith cullet>aggregate blends, the relative density increases with decreasing cullet content. *he specific gravity and relative density of glass cullet are important baseline properties. *hey relate directly to engineering properties such as compaction and shear strength. 2.2. G&a.a,)1' &S*" D 873 D-E defines gradation Dgrain>si%e distributionE as the K...proportions by mass of a soil or fragmented rock distributed in specified particle>si%e ranges.J )radation is a primary criterion for roadway and engineering fill. It can affect engineering properties such as compaction, permeability, filtration, and shear strength. *he gradation of glass cullet is generally similar to crushed rock and gravely sand and is controlled by the cullet processing method. )radation is obtained by sieve analysis. Specifications will dictate the gradation reBuired for each application. )radation test results from Dames L "oore indicate that significant gradation change occurs when -.. percent cullet is sub!ected to heavy impact compaction. *herefore, fill applications that use this type of compaction such as fluctuating or heavy stationary loads should not use -.. percent cullet. 2.2.! D2&a3)/),- a'. W1&4a3)/),Durability of a material is based on hardness and toughness. Durability was evaluated by Dames L "oore from the +os &ngeles D+.&.E abrasion tests using standard method &S*" C -3 -. Durability is a material classification property that affects its suitability for roadway base course and fills under fluctuating loads. )lass cullet$s resistance to abrasion is lower than that of natural aggregate. *he +.&. abrasion test indicated that the percentage wear of glass cullet was 3. percent for -H4>inch minus si%e and 40 percent of 3H4>inch minus si%e. *his is almost two times greater than that of natural aggregate. *he #ebraska Department of 5oads D#D65E specifies limiting values for mineral aggregate used in roadway base courses and foundation courses at 4. percent, and crushed rock used in base courses at 47 percent.

9orkability is the ease with which an aggregate is handled and compacted. )lass cullet is generally angular in shape, compared to crush rock DsubangularE and gravely sand DsubroundE the M inch minus cullet has some potential to cut, puncture, or wedge into moving parts of construction eBuipment. =owever, favourable compaction characteristics provide good workability of glass cullet and cullet> aggregate mi ture. 2.2." S5ea& S,&e'g,5 &S*" D 873 D-E defines shear strength as,.the ma imum resistance of a soil or rock to shearing stresses.J Shear strength is a design consideration that affects bearing capacity. *his shear strength is e pressed by the angle of internal friction, measured in degrees. *ypical granular soil have angle of friction ranging from 0: degrees Dfor loose, silty sandE to 77 degrees Dfor dense, medium si%e gravelE. +imited direct shear test data on glass cullet indicate a friction angle at 77 degrees. *his is slightly higher than the typical natural aggregate. Dames and "oore suggested that this implied strength of glass cullet may not be reliable and recommended five type$s tests to further define cullet shear strength. & summary of subseBuent test results is presented in the table.

*he 5>value relates indirectly to the strength of the material. *he value is commonly used to specify base or sub>base aggregate. *he resilient modulus is a measure of a material$s stiffness used in pavement design. *he resilient modulus of natural aggregate is typically about 3. ksi at a bulk stress of 07 psi. "odulus for cullet does not appreciable change with repeated loading De.g., repeated traffic loadsE. Shear strength is a ma!or design consideration for construction with glass cullet in embankments, roadway base courses, and engineering fill under foundations. *est results indicate that the strength of cullet is about the same as natural aggregate. =owever, for specific applications such as fills under fluctuating loads and roadways, only cullet mi es up to 3. percent are recommended by Dames L "oore. 2.2.$ C16%a(,)1' &S*" D 873 D-E defines compaction as the K...densification of a soil by means of mechanical manipulation.J Compaction is a design consideration that effects density control. Compaction characteristics include relationship of density and moisture content, effect of compaction method on density and potential gradation change, and sensitivity of material to weather conditions. Cullet and cullet>aggregate mi tures have favorable compaction characteristics. )lass cullet aggregate mi tures generally do not e perience appreciable gradation changes with compaction. *he ma imum density values obtained from the "odified 1roctor compaction and vibratory compaction tests are about eBuivalent for cullet>added fill materials. Density slightly increases with decreasing cullet content. =owever, heavy field compaction eBuipment can significantly effect density values for -.. percent cullet fills because of the gradation changes, *he compacted density of cullet is not sensitive to the moisture

content, which means that cullet material can be placed and compacted during wet weather. &s a result, construction downtime may be kept to a minimum. 2.2.7 Pe&6ea3)/),&S*" D 873 D-E defines permeability as, K...the capacity of a rock to conduct liBuid or gas.J 1ermeability is a design consideration in civil drainage applications such as foundations drainage, drainage blankets, and french drains, and in leachate collection and gas venting layers. (or drainage fill material, high permeability is usually more beneficial than low. *ypical granular soils Dwashed gravel, sand or sand> gravel mi turesE have permeabilities ranging from ...- to ....- cmHsec. *he permeability of a granular material depends on its gradation and density. Data reported on permeability tests of -.. percent glass cullet have permeabilities ranging from ...4 to ...8 cmHsec for fine cullet and ..-; to ..08 cmHsec for coarse cullet. *he cullet>aggregate mi tures have permeabilities between -.. percent cullet and granular soils. In general, permeability will increase with increasing cullet content, cullet si%e, and debris level but will decrease with increasing compaction. *his is comparable to natural sand and gravel. *herefore, drainage applications can use -.. percent glass cullet for fill material. Cullet also appears to have favorable characteristics for use as filtration media in such applications as septic fields, leachate treatment and water purification. =owever, further study of the filtration capacity is warranted. 2.2.8 T5e&6a/ C1'.2(,)+),*hermal conductivity represents the ability of the material to conduct or resist heat flow. *hermal conductivity is a design consideration that effects bedding and backfill for conduits or other heat sources. *est data results indicate that glass cullet and cullet>aggregate mi tures have slightly lower thermal conductivities than natural aggregate. In other words, cullet conducts heat more slowly. *his slight difference still allows cullet materials to be feasible for utility trench backfill. 2.2.9 F)/,&a,)1' &S*" D 873 D-E defines a filter as, I... a layer or combination of layers of pervious materials designed and installed in such a manner as to provide drainage, yet prevent the movement of soil particles due to flowing water.J (iltration is a design consideration that effects clogging and plugging between ad!acent layers. *he &merican 9ater 9orks &ssociation Standard / -.. was applied to cullet properties Dgradation, specific gravity, shape, and hardnessE to determine suitability as a filtering media. *ypical filtering media such as silica sand have reBuired effective si%es ranging from ..37 mm to ..87 mm. *he gradation of fine glass cullet D@>inch minusE tested by Dames L "oore ranged from ..7 mm to 8.7 mm. 9ith additional sieving, the fine cullet appears to be feasible as an intermediate filtering media. Coarse

cullet provides high permeability, but is not effective as a graded filter. Dames L "oore recommended further direct measurement and study of cullet filtration capacity. (iltration is a ma!or design consideration for all drainage type applications in direct contact with ad!acent soil layers. (ilter fabrics may be used to provide the filtration function and prevent plugging and clogging of the cullet layer. *hick non>woven geote tiles also offer puncture resistance. 2.2.10 Lea(5a3)/),)lass is a relatively inert materialC however, common contaminants from collection methods can influence the chemical characteristics of glass feedstock. 6nly limited chemical test data is available for recycled glass feedstocks. *o icity Characteristic +eaching 1rocedure D*C+1E testing for metals, based on analytical data provided by the Clean 9ashington Center indicates, K...all metals, e cept lead, occurred at concentrations below the regulatory limit.J *he lead levels in some samples may be associated with the lead foil wrappers on wine bottles in various cullet feedstocks. *C+1 organic compounds were not detected, suggesting that organic compounds in cullet have a low leachability potential. *he semi>volatile organic analysis indicated the presence of phthalate compounds, a biodegradation product of plastics. *he variability in presence and concentration of lead and phthalates in cullet samples can be attributed to whether cullet is screened for debris, the color of the cullet, and the sorting and collection procedure for each cullet source. +aboratory test results have been conducted for total lead and leachable lead by /(I using '1& "ethod 3.-.H8.-. and '1& "ethod -3 --H8.-. D;E. *he test results for all samples showed that total lead concentrations were undetectable or at low concentrations similar to levels in natural aggregate. "ost cullet source samples showed *C+1 lead results below the federal regulatory limit of 7 mgHl or undetected. &dditional laboratory leaching tests were conducted by Dames L "oore in accordance with &S*" D 4:<3 to assess the chemical characteristics and the potential for contaminant leaching over time. *he test protocol involved shaking a known weight of sample with water and separating the aBueous phase ten times over a ten>day period. In general, metal concentrations in glass cullet were at or below the metal concentrations typically found in background levels of natural aggregate Contaminant levels of the cullet samples decreased in concentration over time and are not at concentration of concern. +eachability is a design consideration for glass cullet applications in contact with ground water or sub!ect to infiltration into ground water.

2. Sa*e,- a'. Ha'./)'g Safety concerns in handling glass cullet during production and construction include? e posure to respirable particles and potential for skin irritations, cuts, or lacerations. )lass is primarily composed of amorphous silica. &morphous silica is not considered to be a significant health ha%ard. Crystalline silica, a health ha%ard known to cause fibrogenic lung disease, is not likely to be found, e cept in very low amounts, in the post>consumer glass stream used for cullet. *est results conducted>by Dames L "oore indicated that cullet samples contained less than one percent crystalline silica which puts glass cullet dust in the nuisance dust category under 6S=&. Skin irritations and cuts can be avoided through the use of protective clothing similar to that worn when working with natural aggregates. *his includes heavy gloves, long>sleeve shirts, pants, heavy boots, hard hats, hearing protection and eye protection.

CHAPTER .0.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOG# .1.0 INTRODUCTION *he pro!ect will involve analy%ing the effects of partially replacing ballast with glass wasteHcullets in a concrete mi . *his will involve laboratory tests and each test will be conducted several times and the averaged results considered. In this study, concrete mi design will employed and deductions derived purely from the obtained results. *he following test will be done. .1.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PREPARATION Sample of the waste glass will be collected from the Coca Cola and /eer dealers depot in #airobi and at the selected pubs around 2u!a area. *he glass will be inspected to ensure that the debris and other forms of impurities are removed and then crushed manually to the reBuired si%e. .1.2 SAMPLING OF AGGREGATES Samples should show the true nature and conditions of the materials which they represent. *hey should be drawn from points known to be representative of the probable variations in the material. &t the laboratory the main sample should be reduced to the Buantity reBuired for testing. *here are two ways of reducing the si%e of a sample each essentially dividing it into two similar parts. *hese areC

a: R)**/)'g *he sample is split into two halves using a riffler D5iffle bo E. *his is a bo with a number of parallel vertical divisions, alternate ones discharging to the left and to the right. *he sample is discharged into the riffle bo over its full width and the two halves are collected into the bo es at the bottom of the chutes on each side. 6ne half is discarded and riffling of the other half is repeated until the sample is reduced to the desired si%e. 3: ;2a&,e&)'g *he main sample is thoroughly mi ed Dand in case of fine aggregates, it is damped in order to avoid segregationE. *he aggregate is heaped into a cone and then turned over to form a new cone. *his is repeated twice, the material always being deposited at the ape of the cone so that the fall of particles is evenly distributed round the circumference. *he final cone is flattened and divided into Buarters. 6ne pair

of the diagonally opposite Buarters is discarded and the remainder forms the sample for testing. If it is still too large, it can be reduced further by Buartering. Care must be taken to include all fine material in the appropriate Buarter. .2. PARTICLE SI<E DISTRIBUTION I',&1.2(,)1' *his test consists of dividing up and separating by means of a series of test sieves, a material into several particle si%e classifications of decreasing si%es. *he mass of the particles retained on the various sieves is related to the initial mass of the material. *he cumulative percentages passing each sieve are reported in numerical and graphical form. O3=e(,)+e DiE. *o determine the particle si%e distribution of specified aggregates. DiiE. *o draw grading curves for the aggregates specified. P&1(e.2&e -. *he test sieves will be arranged from top to bottom in order of decreasing aperture si%es with pan and lid to form a sieving column. 0. *he aggregate sample will then poured into the sieving column and shaken thoroughly manually. 3. *he sieves will be removed one by one starting with the largest aperture si%es Dtop mostE, and each sieve shaken manually ensuring no material is lost. &ll the material which passed each sieve will be returned into the column before continuing with the operation with that sieve. 4. *he retained material will be weighed for the sieve with the largest aperture si%e and its weight recorded. 7. *he same operation will be carried out for all the sieves in the column and their weights recorded. 8. *he screened material that will remain in the pan will weighed and its weight recorded. Ca/(2/a,)1'0 -E 5ecord the various masses on a test data sheet. 0E Calculate the mass retained on each sieve as a percentage of the original dry mass. 3E Calculate the cumulative percentage of the original dry mass passing each sieve down to the smallest aperture sieve.

(ig -? Sieves

. DESIGN OF CONCRETE MIXES *his is the process of selecting the correct proportions of cement, fine and coarse aggregate, water and sometimes admi tures to produce concrete having the properties specified and desired i.e. workability, compressive strength, density and durability reBuirements by means of specifying the minimum or ma imum waterHcement ratio. . .1 PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN S,&e'g,5 Ma&g)' Due to variability of concrete strengths, the mi must be designed to have higher mean strengths than the characteristic strength. *he difference between the two is the "argin. *he margin is based on the variability of concrete strengths from previous production data e pressed as a standard deviation. W1&4a3)/),*wo alternative methods were used to determine workabilityC Slump test which is more appropriate for higher workability mi es and the compacting factor test which is particularly appropriate for mi es which are applicable to mi es compacted by vibration.

F&ee > ?a,e& *he total water in a concrete mi consists of water absorbed by the aggregate to bring it to saturated surface N dry condition and the free N water available for hydration of cement and for the workability of the fresh concrete. *he workability of fresh concrete depends on a large e tent on its free N water content. In practice, aggregates are often wet and they contain both absorbed water and free surface water so that the water added to the mi er is less than the free N water content. *he strength of concrete is better related to the free N waterHcement ratio since on this basis the strength of concrete does not depend on the absorption characteristics of the aggregates. T-%e0 1* agg&ega,e0 *wo characteristics of aggregates particles that affect the properties of concrete are particle shape and surface te ture. 1article shape affects workability of the concrete and the surface te ture affects the bond between the cement matri and the aggregates particles and thus the strength of concrete. *wo types of aggregates are considered for design on this basisC Crushed and Uncrushed. Agg&ega,e g&a.)'g *he design of mi es will be based on specific grading curves of aggregates. *he curves of fine aggregates must comply with grading %ones of /S ;;0. M)@ %a&a6e,e&0 *he approach to be adopted for specifying mi parameters will be reference to the weights of materials in a unit volume of fully compacted concrete. *his approach will reBuire the knowledge of e pected density of fresh concrete which depends primarily on the relative density of the aggregate and the water content of the mi . *his method will result in the mi being specified in terms of the weights in kilograms of different materials reBuired to produce -m3 of finished concrete. . .2 STAGES IN MIX DESIGN S*&)' -? Selection of *arget 9aterHCement D9HCE ratio S*&)' 0? Selection of free N water content. S*&)' 3? Determination of cement content S*&)' 4? Determination of total aggregate content S*&)' 7? Selection of fine and coarse aggregate content S*&)' 8? "i proportioning .! BATCHING OF CONCRETE MATERIALS (ollowing the mi design process, concrete materials DCement, (ine and Coarse &ggregatesE should be prepared early enough before the concrete works begins. *his allows the smooth running of the pro!ect. /atching of materials will be done by weight. *he advantage of weight method is that bulking of

aggregates Despecially fine aggregatesE does not affect the proportioning of materials by weight unlike batching by volume method. /ulking of sand results in a smaller weight of sand occupying a fi ed volume of the measuring container thus the resulting mi becomes deficient in sand and appears stony and the concrete may be prone to segregation and honeycombing. Concrete yield may be reduced. *he batch weights of aggregates determined in the mi design process are based on a saturated surface N dry conditions. 9hen working with dry aggregates, the following options may be adopted to achieve saturated surface N dry conditionsC -. *he batch weights of fine and coarse dry aggregates reBuired for the trial mi are calculated by multiplying the batch weights derived from mi design by -.. -..O ,where & is the percentage by weight of the water needed to bring the aggregate to the saturated surface N dry condition. 0. *he dry aggregates are brought to a saturated surface N dry condition before mi ing process by addition of the reBuired amount of water for absorption by the aggregate according to /S -;;- N -07?-<;3. 3. Increasing the weight of mi ing water to allow for the absorption of some mi ing water by the dry aggregate during mi ing process. /atching of concrete materials by weight may be e pressed as followsC 9t DCE O 9t DC&E O 9t D(&E O 9t D&irE P 9t DCCE 9hereC 9t DCE P 9eight of cement. 9t DC&E P 9eight of coarse aggregate. 9t D(&E P 9eight of fine aggregate. 9t D&irE P 9eight of entrained air. 9t DCCE P 9eight of compacted concrete. .".0 TESTING THE PROPERTIES OF FRESH CONCRETE. .".1 WORKABILIT# 9orkability may be described as the consistence of a mi such that the concrete can be transported, placed and finished sufficiently easily and without segregation. 9orkability may also be specifically defined as the amount of useful work necessary to obtain full compaction i.e. the work done to overcome the internal friction and the surface friction between the individual particles in concrete and also between the concrete and the surface of the mould or of the reinforcement. *he main factor affecting workability is the water content of the mi e pressed in Ailograms per cubic metre of concrete. If the water content and other mi proportions are fi ed, workability is governed by the ma imum si%e of aggregate, shape and te ture.

*he free N water reBuired to produce concrete of a specified slump depends upon the characteristics of the aggregate. *he grading of coarse aggregates, provided it complies with the reBuirements of /S ;;0, has little effect on water reBuirement of a concrete mi . *he grading of fine aggregate has a considerable effect on the water reBuirement of the concrete. Changing the grading of sand from a coarse one De.g. 0.@ by weight passing the 8..m test sieveE to a finer one De.g. <.@ by weight passing 8.. m test sieveE can result in an increase of water content of 07AgHm3 in order to maintain the reBuired workability of the concrete. Such a change in water content would reduce considerably the compressive strength of the concrete. *he workability can be maintained by reducing the fines content. .".2 SLUMP TEST I',&1.2(,)1' Slump test has been used e tensively in site work to detect variations in the uniformity of mi of given proportions. It is useful on the site as a check on the variations of materials being fed to the mi er. &n increase in slump may mean that the moisture content of aggregate has increased or a change in grading of the aggregate, such as the deficiency of fine aggregate. *oo much or too low slump gives an immediate warning and enables the mi er operator to remedy the situation. *he test will be done according to /S -;;- N -.0?-<;3 which describes the determination of slump of cohesive concrete of medium to high workability. *he slump test is sensitive to the consistency of fresh concrete. *he test is valid if yields a true slump, this being a slump in which the concrete remains substantially intact and symmetrical. O3=e(,)+e A%%a&a,20 P&1(e.2&e -E *he inside surfaces of the mould will be cleaned and oiled to prevent adherence of fresh concrete on the surfaces. 0E *he mould is placed on the base plate and firmly held. & standard mould which is a frustum of a cone complying with /S -;;- N -.0? -<;3. & standard flat base plate preferably steel. & standard tamping rod. Standard graduated steel rule from . to 3..mm at 7mm intervals. & scoop appro imately -..mm wide. *o determine slump of fresh concrete mi .

3E *he cone will then be filled with fresh concrete in three layer with each layer compacted with 07 strokes of the tamping rod. 4E &fter filling the mould, the top surface will be struck off by means of rolling action of the tamping rod. 7E Immediately after filling, the cone will be slowly and carefully lifted. 8E Immediately after removal of the mould the slump of the unsupported concrete will measured and recorded. .$ TESTING THE PROPERTIES OF HARDENED CONCRETE .$.1 DETERMINATION OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH > CUBE TEST TO BS EN 12 90 > 2A2000 .$.1.1 Ca0,)'g 1* (23e0 *he specimens were cast in iron moulds generally -7.mm cubes. *his conforms to the specifications of /S -;;- N 3?-<:.. *he moulds surfaces are first cleaned and oiled on their inside surfaces in order to prevent development of bond between the mould and the concrete. *he moulds are then assembled and bolts and nuts tightened to prevent leakage of cement paste. &fter preparing trial mi es, the moulds are filled with concrete in three layers, each layer being compacted using a poker vibrator to remove as much entrapped air as possible and to produce full compaction of concrete without segregation. *he moulds are filled to overflowing and e cess concrete removed by sawing action of steel rule. Surface finishing was then done by means of a trowel. *he test specimens are then left in the moulds undisturbed for 04 hours and protected against shock, vibration and dehydration at a temperature of 0. Q 3.C. .$.1.2 C2&)'g 1* (23e0 Curing may be defined as the procedures used for promoting the hydration of cement, and consists of a control of temperature and of the moisture movement from and into the concrete. *he ob!ective of curing was to keep concrete as nearly saturated as possible, until the originally water N filled space in the fresh cement paste was filled to the desired e tent by the products of hydration of cement. *he temperature during curing also controls the rate of progress of the reactions of hydration and conseBuently affects the development of strength of concrete. *he cubes were placed in a curing pondHtank at a temperature of 0. Q 0.C for the specified period of time. /efore placing cubes into a curing tank they must be marked with a water proof marker. Details to be marked on the cubes are mainlyC type of mi , date of casting, duration for curing and crushing day. .$.1. C16%&e00)+e Te0, &fter curing the cubes for the specified period, they will be removed and wiped to remove surface moisture in readiness for compression test. *he cubes will then be placed with the cast faces in contact

with the platens of the testing machine that is the position of the cube when tested should be at right angles to that as cast. *he load will then be applied at a constant rate of stress of appro imately eBual to -7 #Hmm0 to failure. *he readings on the dial gauge will be recorded for each cube *he crushing strength is influenced by a number of factors in addition to the waterHcement ratio and degree of compaction. *hese are The type of cement and its quality. /oth the rate of strength gain and the ultimate strength may be affected. Type and surface of aggregate. &ffects the bond strength. Efficiency of curing. +oss in strength of up to 4.@ may result from premature drying out. Temperature. In general, the initial rate of hardening of concrete is increased by an increase in temperature but may lead to lower ultimate strength. &t lower temperatures, the crushing strength


*o measure the strength of concrete by sub!ecting concrete beams to fle ure. *he fle ural test measures the force reBuired to bend a beam under three point loading conditions. *he data is often used to select materials for parts that will support loads without fle ing. (le ural modulus is used as an indication of a materials$ stiffness when fle ed. Since the physical properties of many materials Despecially thermoplasticsE can vary depending on ambient temperature, it is sometimes appropriate to test materials at temperatures that simulate the intended end use environment

Concrete beam specimens Standard rig for modulus of rupture

*he beam specimens were removed from their curing positions and placed on the testing machine whilst still in the wet condition. *he surfaces were cleared of any loose material and the beam a is aligned with the a is of the machine. *he load was applied at a rate of -:;. #Hmin until the specimen failed.


*o determine the tensile strength of concrete specimen.

Compression *esting "achine Concrete cylinder specimens

& concrete cylinder was placed with its a is hori%ontal between the platens of a testing machine, and the load was increased until failure by splitting along the vertical diameter took place.

CHAPTER ! !.0.0 RESULTSC ANAL#SIS AND DISCUSSION !.1.0 PARTICLE SI<E DISTRIBUTION BBS 812APART1A 197": !.1.1 SIEVE ANAL#SIS OF AGGREGATES. *he results obtained from sieve analysis of coarse aggregates are shown below. (rom the tables and graphs, it can be seen that coarse aggregates particle distribution is reasonably uniform and it is in agreement with /S ;-0? -<:7. *able !.1.1.0 C1a&0e G/a00 C2//e, S)e+e A'a/-0)0 Sieve si%es 9t. retained 9t. passing @ retained DmmE 4. 3. 07 0. -7 -. 7 R0.38 DgE . 034 774.7 --4:.7 3.3.7 048.. <.: 3.. DgE 07.. 0088 -:--.7 784 08..7 -4.7 4.; ... .... <.38 00.-; 47.< -0.-4 <.;4 ..3;; ..-0 Cumulative @ Cumulative @ retained .... <.38 3-.74 ::.44 ;<.7; <<.40 <<.;-..... passing -..... <..84 8;.48 00.78 -..40 ..7; ..-< ....

(ig --? Coarse )lass graph

Ta3/e 2 !.1.1.1 C1a&0e Agg&ega,e S)e+e A'a/-0)0.

Sieve si%es 9t. retained 9t. passing @ retained DmmE 4. 3. 07 0. -7 -. 7 R0.38 DgE . . :: -74;.7 43< 408 <.7 . DgE 07.. 07.. 0403 ;:4.7 437.7 <.7 ... ... .... .... 3..; 8-.<4 -:.78 -:..4 ..3; ....

Cumulative @ Cumulative @ retained .... .... 3..; 87..0 ;0.7; <<.80 -..... -..... passing -..... -..... <8.<0 34.<; -:.40 ..3; .... ....

(ig -0? #ormal &ggregate graph

*able 3 !.1.1.2 F)'e Agg&ega,e S)e+e A'a/-0)0.

Sieve si%es 9t. retained 9t. passing @ retained DmmE 0.3: -.0 ..8. ..3. ..-7 ...:4 R...:4 DgE 4:.7 44-.;<.7 8:-;; 44 -< DgE 0470.7 0.--.7 <00 0783 -< ... -.<. -:.84 43.7; 08.;4 :.70 -.:8 ..:8

Cumulative @ Cumulative @ retained -.<. -<.74 83.-0 ;<.<8 <:.4; <<.04 -..... passing <;.-. ;..48 38.;; -...4 0.70 ..:8 ....

(ig -3? (ine aggregate )raph


&s shown in *able below the slumps are in the /S recommended range of 3.>8., indicating that the test results are valid in this e periment. It can be seen that the workability of glass containing 47@ glass had a higher slump than the rest, this is Buite not reasonable since workability is governed by the surface area and shape of the aggregate. *able 4? Summary of the slump test results Coarse aggregate replacement D@E .@ -7@ 3.@ 47@ 8.@ :7@ Slump DmmE 3: 337 74 3< 4<

(ig ;? Slump )raph

!. .0 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH *he target compressive strength was 0.#HmmS since the concrete mi was of class 0..*est results on compressive strength of the 04 mi tures are summari%ed in the table 4 and 7.In each series, the

compressive strength decreased with increase of glass content. 9ith the same amount of glass content, mi tures in series C D-7@ aggregate replacement had the highest compressive strength at all test ages *able 4? Summary of &verage Crushing Strengths and Densities at : days Coarse aggregate replacement D@E ... -7.. 3... 47.. 8... :7.. &verage Compressive Strength &verage Density DAgHmTE D#Hmm0E --.8 <.3 7.4 4.3 0.: -.8 040:.8 047<.< 030<.; 0347.. 0433.0 04::.7

*able 7? Summary of &verage Crushing Strengths and Densities at 0; days 1ercentage 5eplacement ...@ -7..@ 3...@ 47..@ &verage Compressive Strength &verage Density DAgHmTE D#Hmm0E 0-7.7 -0.; <.;3 0430.8 040;.: 00;..8 047:.0

8...@ :7..@

7.4 3.8

040;.4 0484.<

*he -7@ replacement concrete had a compressive strength of -7.7#Hmm 0 at 0; days, in comparison to the control concreteD.@ plasticE which had a strength of 0- #Hmm 0. *he 3.@ , 47@ ,8.@ and :7@ glass replacement had compressive strengths of -0.;#HmmS ,<.;3#HmmS,7.4#HmmSand 3.8 #Hmm0 respectively, at 0; days. *he results for the -7@ replacement concrete were slightly lower than the control mi , which could probably be attributed to poor bonding between the glass aggregates and the cement paste. *he waste glass had smooth , flat surfaces and were large in si%e as compared to natural aggregates. *he *hese factors could have contributed to the compressive performance observed. *he compressive strength of concrete is known to depend on the characteristics of the coarse aggregate i.e. aggregate strength, shape, si%e and surface te ture. *hus an aggregate that does not have the above characteristics adeBuately might not produce a conducive concrete mi . (or the 8.@ and :7@ replacement concrete, it can be seen that an increase in the Buantity of waste glass led to a remarkable decrease in compressive strength. "oreover, the wHc ratio could affect the strength development of concrete, although the initial wHc ratio is the same

for all the mi es, the absorption of water by the aggregate can affect the final wHc ratio, which then leads to strength difference. *he higher the wHc ratio is, the lower strength. *herefore, for the first mi , a larger amount of aggregate absorbs a greater Buantity of water. *he effective wHc ration in that mi has reduced and thus, higher strength that resulted. !. .1 MODES OF FAILURE *he modes of failure of the hardened concrete cubes after crushing, at 0; days, are shown in the figures below. *he mode of failure is distinct for the cubes containing the waste glass. *his can be e plained by analysing the state of the glass cullets themselves in comparison to the sample containing ballast only. During the compression test, the control concrete cube fails by the failureHcracking of the ballast aggregate itself, but the glass aggregates don$t crack or break. *his indicates that the failure of the cubes containing glass is due to weak bonding with the cement paste, thus leaving the glass whole even after the cube is crushed.

(ig 0? :7@ Coarse glass aggregate replacement

(ig 4? 47@ Coarse glass aggregate replacement.

(ig 4? 3.@ Coarse glass aggregate replacement

(ig 7? -7@ Coarse )lass 5eplacement

!.!.0 TENSILE BSPLITTING: TESTS (rom the results shown below, the tensile strength of the concrete containing normal aggregates had the highest tensile strength as compared to those containing glass cullets. *he tensile strength of the concrete decreased as the percentage of glass cullets increased. *he tests were carried out after 0; days, and the full results summari%ed as shown below. *his indicates that the trend value of the tensile strength is

similar to that of compressive strength. *his indicates that the effective wHc ratio has a similar influence on the tensile strength as to the compressive strength and this is likely related to the water absorption performance of concrete.

*able 8? Summary of Splitting *ensile *est 5esults Pe&(e',age Re%/a(e6e', 0E 1"E 0E A+e&age Te'0)/e

S,&e'g,5 BND662: -.8; -.37 ..;4

(ig <? *ensile Strength )raph

*he strength attained at 0; days by the control concrete was -.<- #Hmm0. *he concrete containing the glass cullets had lower tensile strengths and progressively reduced densities. *his shows that concrete made using these glass cullets produces less tensile strength than conventional concrete. *he above results could be attributed to binding characteristic of the cement paste and the glass cullets. Due to their physical characteristics i.e. surface te ture and shape, the bonding was weak. !.".0 FLEXURAL STRENGTH BMODULUS OF RUPTURE: (le ural testing is used to determine the fle ure or bending properties of a material. Sometimes referred to as a transverse beam test, it involves placing a sample between two knife>edge points and initiating a load at the midpoint of the sample. "a imum stress and strain are calculated on the incremental load applied. (rom the results shown in the tables below, it can be seen that the fle ural strength of the beams decreased with an increase in the @ replacement of coarse aggregate with glass cullet. *he control concrete beam had the highest strength, which decreased as the percentage of glass cullet increased. *he full results are summari%ed in *able : below.

*able :? Summary of (le ural test results at 0; days Pe&(e',age Re%/a(e6e', Ma@)626 BND662: .@ -7@ 3.@ -.:. -.0-.:4 F/e@2&a/ S,&e'g,5

(ig <? (le ural Strength )raph

!.".1 TESTING OF BEAMS FOR FLEXURE (ig 8? 3.@ replacement before fle ture

(ig :? 3.@ replacement after fle ure.

".0 CHAPTER " ".1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *his study evaluated the feasibility of using glass from one source as a partial replacement of course aggregate in concrete. *he results of this study should be verified using several other sources of course glass cullets. /ased on the results obtained in this investigation, the following conclusions may be drawn. I. II. III. ".1.2 RECOMMENDATIONS I. II. III. 5esearch should be done on to find the effect of &lkali silica reaction in the sense of development of strength in concrete. 5esearch should be done on whether lower Buantities of glass cullets can be used with admi tures to boost their strength. *he effect of using crushed fine glass cullets as a replacement of fine aggregates on the strength development of concrete. Strength of concrete is slightly reduced when coarse aggregate is partially replaced by glass cullets. *he use of glass cullet aggregates results in concrete with density which is more than that of coarse aggregate.

REFERENCES & " #eville, 1roperties of Concrete, *hird 'dition & 5eport by, K#ebraska State 5ecycling associationJ on K)lass cullet utili%ation study for Civil 'ngineering &pplications.J /ritish Standard Institution, /S -;;->--8?-<;3, K"ethod for Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes, J +ondon /ritish Standard Institution, /S-;;->--:?-<;3, K"ethod for Determination of *ensile Splitting Strength, J +ondon /ritish Standard Institution, /S-;;->--;?-<;3, K"ethod for Determination of (le ural Strength K+ondon Significance of *ests and 1roperties of Concrete and Concrete>"aking "aterials, Chapter -0 on Strength, &S*" S*1 -8</. Studies of (le ural Strength of Concrete, 1art 3, 'ffects of Uariations in *esting 1rocedures, by Stanton 9alker and D.+. /loem, #5"C& 1ublication #o. :7 D&S*" 1roceedings, Uolume 7:, -<7:E. Utili%ation of Soda glass in wall and floor tile by =ouse and /uilding 5esearch Center N Cairo.

S!"#$ 1 I!$% 1.1 C."'")!$'i-!i) -!'$(#!. 1.2 1.7 1.; 1.5 1.6 S!"(0"'0 0$vi"!i,( M"'#i( T"'#$! -!'$(#!. C$%$(! !4/$ A##'$#"!$ ),"'-$ A##'$#"!$ 1.7 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.7 7.1 7.2 7.7 7.; ; ;.1 ;.2 ;.7 5 5.1 5.2 5.7 &i($ F'$$ !4/$: T"@*$ 2A Fi# ; S/$)i&i$0 S/$)i&i$0 S/$)i&i$0 T"@*$ 7 C7 S/$)i&i$0 S/$)i&i$0 11111111. 112.711.. Fi# 5 C; BS 332 Fi# 6 C5 112;7011.9#/%7 12;701-1 1969.9#/% F,($ 12...

R$&$'$()$/C"*)+*"!i ,( S/$)i&i$0

V"*+$12011..N/%%2 "!...23..0"4P',/,'!i,( 0$&$)!iv$1511. 6

Fi#. 7 C1 C2 S/$)i&i$0

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1110.71.. 110.601111.. S*+%/170-60111%% B1111.12011.%% 119011..9#/%7 1190..D10.7.:127119#/%7 ,' V-

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