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BIO 101 Practice Questions for EXAM 3 Chapters 3 (p2) !

11 (p2) 12 "a## 2013 Barta C$

1) %hich of the fo##o&in' is h()rophi#ic* A) ce##u#ose B) testosterone C) +utter ,) cho#estero# 2) A '#(cero# &ith three fatt( aci)s attache) is referre) to as a ------$ A) prosta'#an)in B) nuc#eic aci) C) steroi) ,) fat 3) %hat na.e is 'i/en to the fo##o&in' reaction* '#(cero# 0 3 fatt( aci)s 1 tri'#(ceri)e 0 3 &ater .o#ecu#es A) )enaturation B) h()ro#(sis C) h()ro'enation ,) )eh()ration reaction !) B( )efinition &hat t(pe of fatt( aci) has )ou+#e +on)s* A) steroi) B) tri'#(ceri)e C) unsaturate) ,) saturate) 2) A frien) of (ours appears to ha/e put on a #ot of .usc#e /er( 3uic4#($ At the sa.e ti.e (ou notice that (our frien) see.s to ha/e a #ot of .oo) s&in's an) appears )epresse)$ It is reasona+#e for (ou to suspect that (our frien) has +e'un to ta4e ------$ A) a.ino aci) supp#e.ents B) creatine C) protein po&)er ,) an ana+o#ic steroi) 5) Proteins are po#(.ers constructe) fro. ------ .ono.ers$ A) h()rocar+on B) a.ino aci) C) nuc#eoti)e ,) fatt( aci) 6) ,estruction of a protein7s shape is ca##e) ------$ A) h()ro#(sis B) )enaturation C) a )eh()ration reaction ,) h()ro'enation 8) 9uc#eic aci)s are po#(.ers of ------ .ono.ers$ A) .onosacchari)e B) fatt( aci)

BIO 101 Practice Questions for EXAM 3 Chapters 3 (p2) ! 11 (p2) 12 "a## 2013 Barta C$
C) ,9A ,) nuc#eoti)e :) ,9A nuc#eoti)es inc#u)e ------$ A) uraci# 'uanine a)enine an) c(tosine B) th(.ine 'uanine a)enine an) c(tosine C) th(.ine uraci# a)enine an) c(tosine ,) th(.ine 'uanine a)enine an) uraci# 10) ;o& )oes <9A )iffer fro. ,9A* A) <9A is )ou+#e=stran)e)> ,9A is sin'#e=stran)e)$ B) <9A is a po#(.er of a.ino aci)s> ,9A is a po#(.er of nuc#eoti)es$ C) <9A contains uraci#> ,9A contains th(.ine$ ,) In <9A ? pairs &ith @> in ,9A ? pairs &ith C$ 11) %hat t(pe of .icroscope &ou#) +e +est for stu)(in' the )etai#e) structure of the surface of a p#as.a .e.+rane* A) #i'ht .icroscope B) trans.ission e#ectron .icroscope C) scannin' e#ectron .icroscope ,) +oth a #i'ht .icroscope an) an e#ectron .icroscope 12) One )ifference +et&een eu4ar(otic an) pro4ar(otic ce##s is that eu4ar(otic ce##s ------ pro4ar(otic ce##s$ A) ha/e ,9A &hich is #ac4in' in B) ha/e .e.+rane=enc#ose) structures ca##e) or'ane##es &hich are #ac4in' in C) ha/e a p#as.a .e.+rane &hich is #ac4in' in ,) ha/e a nuc#eoi) re'ion &hich is #ac4in' in 13) %hich of the fo##o&in' is a function of the p#as.a .e.+rane* A) re'u#ate the traffic of che.ica#s into an) out of the ce## B) protein s(nthesis C) #ipi) s(nthesis ,) a## fo the a+o/e 1!) ------ are the .aAor #ipi)s of p#as.a .e.+ranes$ A) Bteroi)s B) "att( aci)s C) Mosaics ,) Phospho#ipi)s 12) @he nuc#ear en/e#ope is co.pose) of ------$ A) chro.atin B) ,9A C) a )ou+#e .e.+rane ,) car+oh()rates 15) @he structura# co.+ination of ,9A an) protein for.s ------$ A) nuc#eo#i B) nuc#eop#as.

BIO 101 Practice Questions for EXAM 3 Chapters 3 (p2) ! 11 (p2) 12 "a## 2013 Barta C$
C) chro.atin ,) 16) Bo.e are suspen)e) in the c(toso# of a ce## &hereas other -------$ A) .a4e proteins insi)e the nuc#eus B) are foun) on the p#as.a .e.+rane C) are attache) to the s.ooth en)op#as.ic reticu#u. ,) are attache) to the outsi)e of the nuc#eus 18) %here )oes protein s(nthesis ta4e p#ace* A) in the nuc#eo#us B) on s.ooth en)op#as.ic reticu#u. C) on ,) in the nuc#eus 1:) "unctions of the s.ooth en)op#as.ic reticu#u. inc#u)e ------$ A) steroi) s(nthesis protein s(nthesis an) )ru' )etoCification B) #ipi) s(nthesis protein s(nthesis an) )ru' )etoCification C) #ipi) s(nthesis steroi) s(nthesis an) )ru' )etoCification ,) #ipi) s(nthesis steroi) s(nthesis an) protein s(nthesis 20) %hich of the fo##o&in' is a function of the ?o#'i apparatus* A) )i'estion of or'anic .atter insi)e the ce## B) protein .o)ification C) )ru' )etoCification ,) protein s(nthesis 21) If a ce##7s #( +urst the ce## &ou#) ------$ A) shri/e# B) )i/i)e into t&o ce##s C) )i'est itse#f ,) nee) to .anufacture .ore #( 22) In p#ant ce##s ------ .a( contain or'anic nutrients pi'.ents an) poisons$ A) .itochon)ria B) ch#orop#asts C) #( ,) centra# /acuo#es 23) P#ant ce##s un#i4e ani.a# ce##s are characteriDe) +( the presence of a ------$ A) ce## &a## an) contracti#e /acuo#e B) ce## &a## an) centra# /acuo#e C) nuc#eus an) ce## &a## ,) nuc#eus an) contracti#e /acuo#e 2!) %hich of the fo##o&in' is an a)aptation to increase the surface area of a part of a ce## that is in/o#/e) in ce##u#ar respiration* A) the cristae of a .itochon)rion B) the outer .e.+rane of a ch#orop#ast

BIO 101 Practice Questions for EXAM 3 Chapters 3 (p2) ! 11 (p2) 12 "a## 2013 Barta C$
C) the 'rana of a ch#orop#ast ,) the en)op#as.ic reticu#u. 22) <epro)ucti/e c#onin' in/o#/es A) reac3uire the 'enes it #ost )urin' the course of )e/e#op.ent B) co.e fro. an ear#( sta'e of e.+r(onic )e/e#op.ent C) +e )e)ifferentiate) ,) +e i.p#ante) in the e'' of an or'anis. that is capa+#e of re'eneratin' #ost +o)( parts 25) %hat is a )ifference +et&een e.+r(onic an) a)u#t ste. ce##s* A) @he use of e.+r(onic ste. ce##s raises fe&er ethica# issues than the use of a)u#t ste. ce##s$ B) E.+r(onic ste. ce##s are un)ifferentiate)> a)u#t ste. ce##s are partia##( )ifferentiate)$ C) It is easier to enuc#eate e.+r(onic ste. ce##s$ ,) A)u#t ste. ce##s are easier to 'ro& in cu#ture$ 26) Man( proto=onco'enes re'u#ate ------$ A) ce## 'ro&th B) ce## suici)e C) ce## )i/ision ,) ce## repair 28) ,ata su''est that the nor.a# /ersion of BRCA1 functions as a(n) ------$ A) onco'ene B) tu.or=suppressor 'ene C) proto=onco'ene ,) si#encer 2:) ------ is(are) responsi+#e for .ore cancers than an( other carcino'en$ A) As+estos B) EF ra)iation C) @o+acco ,) X=ra(s 30) %hich of the fo##o&in' is the +est )efinition for reco.+inant ,9A* A) ,9A that resu#ts fro. +acteria# conAu'ation B) ,9A that inc#u)es pieces fro. t&o )ifferent sources C) an a#ternate for. of ,9A that is the pro)uct of a .utation ,) ,9A that carries a trans#ocation 31) %hich of these is a 'enetica##( .o)ifie) or'anis.* A) an or'anis. carr(in' a 'ene that &as ac3uire) +( artificia# .eans B) the first or'anis. in &hich a particu#ar .utation has appeare) C) a c#one) or'anis. carr(in' t&o )ifferent a##e#es ,) an or'anis. that 'estate) in an artificia# &o.+ 32) %hich of the fo##o&in' +est )efines the ter. transgenic organism* A) an or'anis. that is the first of its 4in) to +ear a particu#ar a##e#e B) an or'anis. in &hich a 'enetic )efect has +een correcte) usin' reco.+inant ,9A therap(

BIO 101 Practice Questions for EXAM 3 Chapters 3 (p2) ! 11 (p2) 12 "a## 2013 Barta C$
C) an or'anis. containin' a 'ene fro. another species ,) an or'anis. containin' 'enes fro. three or .ore species 33) @he &or#)7s first 'enetica##( en'ineere) phar.aceutica# pro)uct &as ------$ A) hu.u#in B) ;?; C) BCI, ,) <"GP 3!) @rans'enic ani.a#s are current#( use) ------$ A) to pro)uce potentia##( usefu# proteins B) as foo) C) as /ectors for use in c#onin' ,9A ,) a## of the a+o/e 32) %hen p#as.i)s are use) to pro)uce a )esire) protein the ------$ A) p#as.i)s .u#tip#( an) pro)uce the protein outsi)e of the +acteriu. B) +acteria# chro.oso.e is 'enetica##( en'ineere) an) the p#as.i) is use) to he#p the +acteriu. rep#icate C) )esire) 'ene is inserte) into the p#as.i) an) the p#as.i) is ta4en up +( the +acteriu. ,) +acteria# 'eno.e an) p#as.i) are inserte) into the 'eno.e of the ce## containin' the )esire) 'ene (perhaps the ce## of a p#ant or ani.a#) 35) Hou are atte.ptin' to #in4 an in)i/i)ua# to a cri.e$ @he on#( e/i)ence (ou ha/e is a tin( )rop of +#oo)$ ;o& can (ou use this )rop of +#oo) to .a4e the association* A) Hou can use the sa.p#e to )eter.ine the in)i/i)ua#7s ABO +#oo) 'roup$ B) Hou can use 'e# e#ectrophoresis to )eter.ine the #en'th of the ,9A foun) in the sa.p#e$ C) Hou can use PC< to increase the a.ount of ,9A a/ai#a+#e for restriction fra'.ent ana#(sis$ ,) Hou can use the sa.p#e to chec4 for the presence of the <hesus factor$ 36) %hat na.e is 'i/en to a re'ion of ,9A that /aries fro. person to person* A) 'enetic .ar4er B) 'enetic pro+e C) .ono,9A ,) restriction fra'.ent 38) ApproCi.ate#( &hat percenta'e of the 'eno.e consists of nonco)in' ,9A* A) :8I B) 86I C) 66I ,) 56I 3:) @he stu)( of the fu## protein sets that ' enco)e is -----$ A) proteo.ics B) 'eno.ics C) 'ene therap( ,) 'ene c#onin'

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