DC Motor Speed Control Using DTMF

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Title oI the Project : DC Motors Speed Control Using DTMF

Working Principle : GSM Technology
Power Supply : 6 v
Display : L.E.D
Control : By Mobile Phone Keypad
Communication Device : Mobile Phone
Input : Dual Tone Multiple Frequency

Features :
1) Wireless.
2) Operates world widely
3) On/OII Status.
4) Six Step RPM Control.
5) Relay Controlled.
6) Motor oI any power can be used.

In manuIacturing industries like plastic, textile, chemical & pharmaceuticals
speed control oI DC motors is important Ior eIIicient and consistent production.
Depending upon the requirements & applications, the motor may be huge or
small. Various DC motor drivers are available Ior speed control oI these motors.
There are several methods Ior controlling the speed oI DC motors. One simple
method is to add series resistance using rheostat. As considerable power is
consumed in the rheostat, this method is not economical. As the method is to
use a series switch that can be closed/open rapidly. This type oI control is
termed as chopper control. Here we use a PWM based chopper that smoothly
control the speed oI DC motor. Here we use a timer IC 555, SCR & transistors
to control the speed oI DC motor in six steps remotely by using mobile phone.
In this project we use DTMF generator (mobile phone) and the receiver circuit.
Mobile phone generate DTMF tones which is received by the another phone
which Ieed the DTMF data to the DTMF decoder IC 8870 which produce the
Iour digit binary which is Iurther Ieed to demultiplexer (4 to 16 line decoder).
The output oI Demultiplexer is inverted and Ieed to the D IlipIlop which used to
drive the transistors which trigger the relays RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL5 RL6.
DiIIerent relay add diIIerent value oI resistance to the mono stable multi vibrator
built around IC 555 which generates a positive pulse, the time period oI this
pulse is determined by the value oI resistors and the variable pulse width is Ieed
to the another IC 555 which invert the pulse and control the gate oI SCR, which
control the Iiring oI SCR. So the DC motor gets rectiIied pulsating DC Ior the
positive pulse oI diIIerent period. As the average DC voltage increases,
the motor runs Iaster & vice versa.
1) Remote Controlled Ior long distance.
2) Simple Operation Iar Irom sight.
3) Less power Consumption.
1) Only 6 channels oI control.
1) Robotics and Wireless Robotic arms.
2) Industries are using RF Solutions Ior monitoring, process, control,
inventory tracking, data links and bar code reading devices.
3) Automotive companies employing RF Ior wireless Remote Control,
Remote key less entry and saIety applications.
4) Consumer products including electronic toys, door openers.
5) ManuIacturing industries like plastic, textile, chemical etc.
Scope Ior Advancements:
More steps can be used Ior precise control oI speed.
IC 1 : 555
IC 2 : 7805 regulator
Transistors : NPN
HEX Inverter
Relay : 6 volts
DC Motor
DTMF Decoder : IC 8870
IC 3 : 4013 D Ilip Ilop
IC 4 : 4049
IC 5 : 7454 Demultiplexer
Industrial Power Control by P. Raman
Wireless Communication & Control by Dr. Wilson

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