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Internal Audit Guidebook

Providing a framework for understanding and delivering Grant Thorntons Internal Audit Services in a consistent, high-quality way 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Page Introduction Common service delivery methodology Determine client needs Scope and arrange work Plan Analyze and assess Report and recommend Implement Evaluate Determine business and technology context Manage engagement performance, quality and risk Communicate and enable change Appendix Internal audit engagement checklist 2 6 8 10 13 20 28 32 33 36 38 40 42 43

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


What is internal audit?

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defines internal auditing as: Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. (1010) An internal audit objectively assesses the management of risks that a company faces. (2100 series) The aim is to understand the current state, assess the current state using appropriate standards and criteria, and develop findings and recommendations for management and/or the audit committee. An internal audit helps identify voids, shortcomings and inherent risk potential in policies, processes and information technology in times of business stability and change. An internal audit recommends improvements. Objectivity is vital to performing a high-quality internal audit. Objectivity means a focus on the best interests of the company, rather than on individuals interests. Objectivity offers a way to take a fresh look at how things can be accomplished, rather than accepting conventional wisdoms and old habits.
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An internal audit is a powerful tool that helps manage the threats to an organizations success. Due professional care must be exercised by all staff at all times (1220). Similarly, staff should only conduct reviews that they are competent to perform. (1210)

The responsibility for safeguarding assets and for prevention and detection of fraud, error and non-compliance with law or regulations rests with management.
Non-compliance with IIA standards

At any point during an engagement, noncompliance with IIA standards should be addressed by the engagement partner and the resolution appropriately documented. (1322, 2431)
Added value

The engagement should be managed to ensure that it adds value to the organization and contributes to the improvement of the client's management of risk, using a systematic approach and the methods in this manual. In delivering internal audit services, we should assist the organization by evaluating control effectiveness and efficiency, by promoting continuous improvement in the internal control environment, thereby increasing the

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organizations risk management maturity. (2100)

Risk management (2120)

identifying mitigating controls, evaluating control design effectiveness, testing control operating effectiveness and evaluating the nature and severity of residual risks, if any. Internal auditors must be highly skilled in 1) the assessment of risk and 2) the internal control techniques and tools that mitigate risk. Internal auditors must also be highly skilled in the standards, policy and functional areas they are evaluating (e.g., Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, IT network management, privacy laws, manufacturing processes, industry issues). They need to be able to assess risk in these areas and to identify appropriate controls. (1210) An important internal control principle is that the cost of controls should not exceed their benefits. Productivity should be a major consideration when evaluating specific control techniques and tools. When properly designed and, where possible, integrated into routine operating procedures, controls will enhance productivity through the prevention and detection of errors, omissions and irregularities. The continuing operation of controls will be more reliable. Costs will be reduced through improvement in 1) exception handling, 2) appropriate and timely decision-making based on reliable and relevant information, and 3) confidence in the results of processing, reporting and management actions. One undervalued attribute of a strong internal control system is accountability. By ensuring that properly segregated duties are appropriately aligned with access to information assets (e.g., IT application systems, data, etc.), management protects employees from the temptation of engaging in improper actions. This aspect of internal control is fundamental to preventing fraud.

An internal audits goal is the management of business risk (i.e., to prevent negative things from happening to a company and to enable positive things). This goal does not mean a company will eliminate all risk. Complete risk elimination is neither practical nor economically feasible. Rather, the goal is to reduce risks to levels that are sensible and acceptable to a companys management. For example, risks to the integrity of financial reporting may be seen as managed to an acceptable level when internal controls effectively prevent and detect significant errors in the financial statements. Information Technology (IT) performance may be regarded as managed to an acceptable level if IT operating procedures, controls and infrastructure are effectively designed to meet agreed-upon levels of service to users. Risks vary with regard to 1) likelihood of occurrence and 2) severity. For example, the likelihood that a companys headquarters might be destroyed is remote; however, the impact would be severe. In contrast, the likelihood of incorrectly applying a cash receipt is much higher, but the severity of such an error is much lower. So, it is important to keep in mind that likelihood and severity influence risk management.
Internal controls (2130)

Internal controls manage risk. An internal audit itself is a form of internal control because it evaluates the design and effectiveness of internal controls and develops recommendations for improvement. Much of the focus of internal audit work is risk assessment: determining inherent risks,

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook

Types of internal audit service delivery

Grant Thornton delivers internal audit services in three fundamental ways: Outsourcing Grant Thornton performs the entire internal audit function. Co-sourcing Grant Thornton augments an existing internal audit group through additional people and skills (e.g., IT auditing, privacy, fraud, industry, etc.). One-off Projects This is a variation on co-sourcing where Grant Thornton provides internal audit resources for specific projects.
Types of service offerings

of the internal audit process as well as other technology, process and industry subjects, but they are not prerequisites to serving as a team member on internal audit engagements.
IIA Standards1

Conformance with The IIAs International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity. The purposes of the Standards are to 1. Delineate basic principles that represent the practice of internal auditing; 2. Provide a framework for performing and promoting a broad range of value-added internal auditing; 3. Establish the basis for the evaluation of internal audit performance; and 4. Foster improved organizational processes and operations. The Standards are principles-focused, mandatory requirements consisting of Statements of basic requirements for the professional practice of internal auditing and for evaluating the effectiveness of performance, which are internationally applicable at organizational and individual levels. Interpretations, which clarify terms or concepts within the statements. The structure of the Standards is divided between Attribute and Performance Standards. Attribute Standards address the attributes of organizations and individuals performing internal auditing. The Performance Standards describe the nature of internal auditing and provide quality criteria against which the
IIA Standards are parenthetically referenced throughout the Guidebook where appropriate.

Our internal audit services help in the creation and implementation of internal controls that safeguard our clients business assets, as well as increase the efficiency, effectiveness and overall performance of the internal audit function. (1010) These services include the following: Internal audit transformation Information technology auditing Process mapping and assessment Operational audits Quality assurance reviews Internal controls documentation and testing Specialized audits Start-up and development advice Internal audit training Annual audit planning Risk assessments Fraud risk assessments

Training requirements (1200 series)

Prior to being a team member for an internal audit engagement, firm staff and managers should complete Grant Thornton University courses to ensure basic internal audit knowledge. More advanced courses may be taken to enhance staff and management knowledge

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook

performance of these services can be measured. The Attribute and Performance Standards apply to all internal audit services. Implementation Standards are also provided to expand upon the Attribute and Performance standards, by providing the requirements applicable to assurance (A) and consulting (C) activities. Note: When performing consulting services, the internal auditor should maintain objectivity and not assume management responsibility. (1120)
IIA Code of Ethics

and agreement to adhere to the Code of Conduct upon hiring.

Additional IIA Guidance

In addition to the Standards the IIA has published strongly recommended guidance which provides internal auditors with detailed assistance in the implementation of the IIA Definition of Internal Audit, Code of Ethics and Standards. This strongly recommended guidance is available to all IIA members on the IIA website and includes: Position Papers to assist internal audit practitioners and others in understanding significant issues in governance, risk and controls and the related roles and responsibilities of the internal audit function. Current position papers include: Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprisewide Risk Management Role of Internal Auditing in Resourcing the Internal Audit Activity Practice Advisories to provide detailed approaches, methodologies and considerations related to specific international, country or industry-specific issues as well as engagement-specific and legal/regulatory issues. Practice Guides to provide detailed guidance on processes and procedures, tools and techniques, programs, and stepby-step approaches for conducting internal audit activities. Practice Guides are organized into three sections: General Practice Guides (PG) Global Technology Audit Guides (GTAG) Guide to the Assessment of IT Risk (GAIT)

The purpose of The Institute of Internal Auditors Code of Ethics is to promote an ethical culture in the profession of internal auditing. A code of ethics is necessary and appropriate for the profession of internal auditing, based on the trust placed in its objective assurance about governance, risk management and control. This Code of Ethics applies both to entities, such as Grant Thornton and our clients, and individuals that perform internal audit services. The fact that a particular conduct may not be mentioned in the Rules of Conduct does not prevent it from being unacceptable or discreditable, and therefore, the IIA member, IIA certification holder, or Grant Thornton employee can be liable to disciplinary action. Adherence to the IIAs Code of Ethics is mandatory for all Grant Thornton BAS internal audit practitioners. The practice leaders in conjunction with the respective regional solution group leader are responsible for ensuring that all BAS internal audit practitioners have acknowledged their review

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook

Common service delivery methodology

Overview (2040)

Grant Thorntons Business Advisory Services has adopted a common service delivery methodology for all BAS service offerings, including internal audit. This methodology: is based on best practice standards, compliant with the Institute of Internal Audit and other professional standards; has been developed to address risk management and control assurance requirements; uses a standard, risk-based approach to audit, supported by detailed guidance; facilitates a fully planned audit program, developed in advance of fieldwork using partners and managers in the process to utilize their experience to ensure audit effort is correctly targeted;
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includes stringent quality control procedures to ensure that our report findings and conclusions are supported by the detailed work; and uses highly qualified, trained and properly supervised staff. (1210, 1230) The graphic depicts the BAS common service delivery methodology, and accommodates both audit services, such as internal audit, as well as solution services, which may involve the design and implementation of deliverables (e.g., information security architecture, IT asset management, data mining systems, etc.). This common service delivery methodology presents the internal audit as an end-to-end engagement process. It is divided into two stages (Prefieldwork and Fieldwork) with a life cycle of interrelated phases starting with Determine

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Client Needs through to Evaluate. The three bottom arrows represent ongoing activities that happen through several phases. Note the Implement phase is grayed out. For independence reasons, the Implement phase is typically not directly relevant to delivering internal audit services. But it appears in the methodology framework in order to reinforce the fact that internal audit findings and recommendations (articulated in the Report and Recommend phase) should be expressed in a way that promotes successful implementation by clients. As the diagram shows, the ongoing activities span multiple phases. For example, Determining Business and Technology Context is important to understanding the environment in which a client operates, which, in turn, influences the nature and severity of potential risks, the nature of mitigating controls and the potential success of improvement recommendations. Carrying out these activities starts during initial contact with the client (Determine Client Needs) and continues through the Scope and Arrange Work, Plan, and Analyze and Assess phases. Each phase and the ongoing activities of the internal audit service delivery methodology are explained in the remainder of this Guide.

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook

Determine client needs

Objectives and key tasks

This phase occurs during the Pre-fieldwork stage. We can learn that an existing or prospective client has a need for internal audit services through a variety of channels: Grant Thornton contact with members of management or the audit committee Direct solicitations by Grant Thornton in connection with marketing campaigns The receipt of requests for information (RFI), requests for proposal (RFP), or less formal inquiries Communications with clients or prospects during this phase are typically the responsibility of Grant Thornton partners and managers having internal audit delivery experience and, often, experience in the clients industry.

Other Grant Thornton personnel with skills and experience relevant to the clients needs (e.g., industry matters, regulatory matters, functional expertise, IT, etc.) may also be involved. Here are the objectives and key tasks occurring during the Determine Client Needs phase: 1. Thoroughly prepare for the initial and follow-on meetings with prospective clients (leveraging Grant Thornton contacts, available company information and third-party business intelligence resources) to provide a foundation understanding of the organization, its industry and other circumstances, events and trends that not only provide a relevant context for understanding the clients needs and our services, but also demonstrate our professionalism and care.
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Internal audit guidebook

2. Listen to and understand the clients articulation of the issues, opportunities and risks that are prompting the need for internal audit services. 3. Translate the clients needs into general internal audit engagement issues and deliverables to ensure a Grant Thornton services are relevant, b we are capable of performing desired services and in the time frame needed, and c our services are well-tailored to address the clients specific needs. (1200) 4. Preliminarily determine whether any issues exist that would preclude or argue against Grant Thornton providing internal audit services to the client (e.g., independence, ethics considerations, service capacity, skills, experience, profitability, client reputation). 5. Based on the above, determine the desirability to pursue the service opportunity. 6. Obtain preliminary approval to pursue a client / engagement relationship through discussion with the BAS regional partner (and subject matter experts, where appropriate). 7. Establish and strengthen professional relationships with the client or prospect to promote confidence in Grant Thorntons ability to understand the clients needs and effectively meet or exceed those needs. 8. Gather additional information, as needed, through interviews and review of

documentation (e.g., RFP, annual report, company website) consistent with activities in Determine Business and Technology Context, and to facilitate performance of the Scope and Arrange Work phase.
Relationship with other phases and activities

The Determine Client Needs phase provides direct input to the following related methodology phases and activities:
Scope and Arrange Work Phase

Assuming Grant Thornton can serve the client, information gathered in the Determine Client Needs phase facilitates development of a tailored proposal/letter of engagement that must meet the clients expectations, be profitable for Grant Thornton and protect the Firms interests.
Determine Business and Technology Context Activities

Information gathered during initial discussions with the client helps build a context that is important to developing a tailored set of services and facilitating audit execution (see pages 36-37).
Manage Engagement Performance, Quality and Risk Activities (1100 series)

Determining the clients needs helps in the assessment of independence, ethical considerations, service capacity, skills, experience, profitability, client reputation and other matters that we must consider before making a decision to deliver services to the client (see pages 38-39).

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Scope and arrange work

We must first determine the scope of the project, as communicated by the prospective client. The appropriate level of partner, manager and competency expertise must be included during the scoping effort. The sequence of key tasks in this phase is to complete conflicts, independence and background checks begun in the Determine Client Needs phase, as needed; prepare a draft proposal responsive to the prospective clients needs, incorporating the BAS standard legend covering confidentiality, restrictions on use and nonbinding commitment; deliver and discuss finalized proposal with the client; upon acceptance of our proposal by the client, initiate the client / engagement
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acceptance process using the Advisory Services Engagement Acceptance (ACEA) tool, including the following documents in the ACEA file Form 1 profitability tool documentation of successful independence, conflicts and background checks draft engagement letter (or statement of work [SOW] under an existing Master Services Agreement [MSA]) obtain approval(s) through ACEA before finalizing the Engagement Letter and before beginning fieldwork.
Prepare proposal and engagement letter

In the proposal we describe our understanding of the clients needs for internal audit work. The proposal is the precursor to the
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Internal audit guidebook


engagement letter. If the client accepts our proposal, we translate it into an engagement letter with any modifications agreed to by the client and us. Any proposed modifications to our standard terms and conditions must be reviewed and approved by our Risk, Regulatory and Legal Affairs (RRLA) group. The engagement letter includes all the contractual terms that we typically do not put into a proposal. The engagement letter then becomes our roadmap for what we do. Once we are in the field, we go back to the engagement letter as the foundation for what we do. The aim is to do precisely what we have agreed to do. (2201 & 2020)
Engagement acceptance procedures (1210)

engagement acceptance and the other is BAS client or engagement acceptance. As a BAS practice, we deliver attestation services (other than financial statement audits), such as Service Organization Control (SOC) examinations, performance of agreed-upon procedures and audits of compliance with agreements and standards. These attestation services must go through audit client engagement acceptance using the client acceptance function in the VIS Tracking tool. Internal audit services go through the Advisory Services Engagement Acceptance (ACEA) tool. After engagement acceptance procedures are complete and an engagement letter has been signed, a client/assignment is set up in CMS to capture fees and expenses.
The internal audit charter (1000)

Before a proposal can be sent to a prospective client, it must be approved and signed by a partner or managing director, preferably the individual who will lead the engagement should we win the work. The engagement letter should also be signed and approved by the engagement partner or managing director who is responsible for signing off on the quality and service delivery aspects of the engagement. In the engagement acceptance process, there are certain points at which we decide to go forward or not with the whole process of entering into a contractual relationship with the client. This is client acceptance rather than engagement acceptance, and requires a different time and materials investment. There are cases where we have completed client acceptance, but then obtain a significantly different project from what the acceptance was based on. In such cases, we must go through engagement acceptance again. There are two different forms of engagement or client acceptance. One is assurance or audit
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If an internal audit charter exists, we examine it during the Scope and Arrange Work phase. If it does not exist, then we work with management to develop a charter as part of the Planning phase. Elements of the internal audit charter include Purpose, approval and role of internal audit Responsibilities of management Responsibilities of internal audit Relationship with external auditors Status, scope and authority of internal audit work Planning and reporting If the client engagement is an outsourced or co-sourced internal audit function, consideration should be given to creating an internal audit charter. The internal audit charter sets out internal audits purpose, authority and responsibility. It should be consistent with aspects of the terms of reference of the audit committee in respect
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to the internal audit. The internal audit charter is not a replacement for the engagement letter. The engagement letter sets out our terms of business to which the client commits and is a legal document or contract. The charter should be prepared by the engagement manager, reviewed as appropriate, signed off on the engagement checkpoints and reviewed by the audit committee. In practice, the internal audit charter may be drafted at any stage during the Planning phase. (1010) Additionally, the engagement partner / managing director or acting chief audit executive (CAE) for the client should discuss the definition of internal auditing, the Code of Ethics, and the IIA Standards with senior management and the board. (1111) The client may already have an internal audit charter, which we may have obtained and reviewed as part of the pre-appointment research, from interaction with the client, or during the Determine Client Need phase. In this instance, we should review it for content and ensure our relationship is covered.

On an annual basis, the engagement partner should consider the applicability of the content of the charter to ensure it reflects the services being delivered, and continues to enable internal audit to accomplish its objectives. (1110)
Non-conformance with the Standards (1322 & 2431)

In a co-sourced engagement Grant Thornton must determine whether the clients internal audit function conforms to the IIA Standards. In situations where the clients internal audit function does not conform to the Standards the engagement team should consult with the engagement partner and client contact to determine and disclose the following: Principle or rule of conduct of the Code of Ethics or Standard(s) with which full conformance was not achieved Reason(s) for nonconformance Impact of nonconformance on the engagement and the communicated engagement results.

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook



Determine the audit universe

In developing the audit plan, we determine what will be audited. In an out-sourced internal audit engagement we take the information that we learn about the company through early discussions with management and outline the areas that should be audited to support overall enterprise risk management. The audit universe might include Processes Departments Functions Product lines Legal entities

Supplier/vendors Major contracts Laws and regulations Information systems Stock transactions Senior management/board policies and procedures

In a co-sourced internal audit engagement the client may determine the particular areas to cover or may ask for our assistance with this process. For example, the scope of work might involve information technology and manufacturing processes. We start with a highlevel view of the audit targets.

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Within the actual audit, we might develop work programs in several areas. Each program will have specific objectives, a scope and procedures to be performed. (2200) The way management has defined the role of internal audit plays a part in determining how detailed the audit will be. Is management looking for an overview with only highlights? Or do they want an in-depth analysis of a specific area where they have questions and concerns? The approach will depend on how much responsibility is assigned to the process owner within the company to develop processbased remediation vs. how much management wants the internal audit to identify the root cause of a problem and develop specific remediation for that root cause. The type of engagement (out-sourced vs. cosourced) and the amount of detail required by management will determine what Grant Thornton does. To assess timing, we need to think through managements availability and the availability of personnel who will be

involved. We also need to take into account our own internal resources. (2230) We must establish what skill sets will be required. We must consider the tools and technology that we want to use, particularly any tools that may intrude on clients technology environment. We may need analytical tools like Access or ACL to analyze transactional data. (2030) Planning includes selecting an appropriate framework to evaluate what we plan to audit or determining the framework used by the client (in a co-sourced engagement). If we will be auditing controls over financial reporting, then the framework might be COSO. If we plan to do a detailed audit of IT, it might be a combination of COSO and COBIT. If we are going to audit infrastructure management and IT operations, it might be ITIL. If we are going to audit the clients ability to develop software, it might be CMM. Grant Thornton must follow an evaluation framework in order to produce a gap analysis that will provide useful feedback to the client. (2200)

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Applying the Quadrant Model

The Quadrant Model is a visual way to represent large amounts of information from risk assessments that we conduct. We assign relative weight to the risks that we have identified based on Likelihood and Significance. The audit plan should consist primarily of those things that show up in the top right quadrant, which means that there is a high likelihood they will occur with significant adverse effect on objectives. (2210) The model provides a sustainable, replicable assessment tool, as well as an inventory of enterprise risks for ongoing and continuous monitoring, evaluation and prioritization. As the assessment and analysis matures, the tool will also evolve and mature. This approach will arm you with a flexible, but sound foundation upon which to build.
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Results clients see in the quadrant analysis often surprise them. Pictures often communicate better and more quickly than words. Using the model, we can say, Look at the top right quadrant. The dots that are in that quadrant are the ones about which you need to be concerned. The model can be used either for risks that are preliminarily determined or for residual risk that we see as part of the audit process. It is primarily used early in the risk assessment. The model helps clients take ownership. Internal audit is sensitive and we like to keep the lines very clear between managements and Grant Thorntons responsibilities. We do this by gaining managements solid agreement on our assessment of the risks in the organization.

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Internal audit guidebook


For public clients, we typically see SarbanesOxley compliance items in the upper right quadrant. If it is a non-public entity, but falls within some other regulatory body (for example, HIPAA), compliance with the applicable regulatory standards appears in the upper right quadrant. If it were a financial services company, for example, it would be Gramm-Leach Bliley compliance items. Audits of any financial applications would also be in the upper-right quadrant.
Assessing risk in different categories

engagements where Grant Thornton is responsible for determining and documenting the audit universe to be covered, we accomplish this task by performing an entitylevel risk assessment. Components of the entity-level risk assessment can often be identified from the organizations strategic business plans. We identify reporting units in order to evaluate internal controls. We segregate the identified reporting units into those for which we will perform controls documentation and evaluation work now, and those which will be deferred or excluded. We next identify key processes and where they are performed in the organization. We obtain the clients materiality threshold. While not specifically associated with any reporting units or key processes, we must also consider the risks within the organization related to the tone of ethics and values and the underlying information technology that supports the organizations strategies and objectives. The assessment of these areas should be considered in the creation of the audit plan and results communicated within the organization and with external auditors similar to other audit committee communications. (2110 & 2050) We obtain management or audit committee approval and, if appropriate, we meet with the external auditor to review the entity-level risk assessment and materiality.
Facilitated sessions with key members of management

There are several categories of risk: Financial risk (price, liquidity, credit) Operations risk (capacity, cycle time, sourcing) Information processing/technology risk Integrity risk (fraud, unauthorized use, reputation) Compliance and legal risk By thinking through each of these categories while conducting the Risk Assessment Exercise, we identify a variety of risks that are pertinent to the organization. It is important to keep in mind that the end goal is to make certain the clients management understands the level of importance each risk presents to the organization. Clients frequently have difficulty quantifying their risks. For instance, every company worries about its reputation. They do not want to see their name on the front page of the newspaper for the wrong reasons. But management only has control over what they know, so we help them to ask, What do we not know? In this way, internal audit becomes very valuable.
Entity-level risk assessment

The internal audit plan should be designed based on an assessment of risk and exposures that may affect the clients organization. On

During facilitated sessions, we gain in-depth understanding of the processes being audited and identify the internal controls in place within the processes. Facilitated sessions are also a means of fully pinpointing activities that
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Internal audit guidebook


are in place to mitigate the risks that we initially identified. They serve as a way to build a relationship with management by showing that the internal audit is not an exercise done in isolation, but something that requires managements involvement. Facilitated sessions can also provide more detailed information when data do not correlate or when more information is needed to fully understand answers to questions that we asked earlier. Facilitated sessions provide opportunities to ask follow-up questions.
Risk Ranking Exercise

Frequency is also an important aspect of risk ranking. Processes with higher risk ratings will be reviewed more frequently. This phase is complete after we validate our findings with management.
Internal audit work plan (2240)

The Risk Ranking Exercise revolves around the Quadrant Model. It takes all the information that we have gathered and puts it into perspective. As an exercise, we work with management to define the criteria that will be used to evaluate audit areas. For example, the criteria could involve the size of the business unit (either from a revenue or inventory standpoint) or the volume of transactions that have been processed through the business unit since the previous audit. An overall ranking may be assigned to the criteria. When we execute the audit plan, we do the risk assessment followed by the risk ranking, define the criteria used to evaluate what has been ranked, and determine the numbers and plot them on a graph Factors we use when ranking include Audit history History of losses Human capital Management oversight Monitoring activities Organizational structure Quality of internal control system
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We next prepare an internal audit work plan, which includes Items listed in the proposal Milestone checkpoints Identification of skill sets needed to execute the audit Audit responsibility assignments mobilize team Project status time tracker (the manager must be provided with regular status reports, including a summary of hours incurred, estimate of future hours, and budget vs current status) We need to determine the processes within each business cycle or department selected for auditing that will be included within the scope of our testing. Significance and likelihood come into play here. (2201) Audit cycles are determined by how we divide the audit universe into operational segments. The situation determines the process. We ask what things will influence what we should do first.
Writing the plan (2240)

Writing the plan means writing the work program. A good plan summarizes what the team will do. We take the information that we have learned and put it into action steps. Is our goal to execute a formal walkthrough? Is it to obtain reports and perform an analytical review? Is the goal to identify trends through analysis? The plan specifies the steps that we will take; for example,
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Obtain the information we need. Analyze the information. Document our analysis. Follow-up with the process owners and make recommendations for improvement. (2300, 2310 & 2320)

become familiar with the engagement letter and gain a thorough understanding of the client. Following the meeting, the internal audit annual workplan and schedule are finalized and submitted to senior management and/or the board for review and approval.
Kick-off meeting with client

What we report, with whom we talk and how detailed we make the walkthrough will change with each audit. The testing scope (or walkthrough scope) depends on how detailed the audit will be. For instance, when the client asks for an internal audit that is a mile wide and an inch deep, the walkthrough will be very important and the testing will be a simple validation. On the other hand, a more in-depth deep dive audit plan will be fluid and focus on specific audit areas. A well-written work plan has certain standard parts: (2220) A brief overview of what is to be audited so that the person executing the audit has a good framework to follow A well-tailored set of audit objectives Work program steps that are consistent with the audit objectives When the work plan is complete, the budget is revised as needed.
Managing the audit quality and risk

The kick-off meeting will introduce the Grant Thornton internal audit team, as well as describe the various types of audits to be conducted, explain the internal audit process to management, confirm the nature and scope of the audit plan, identify the timetable to management and gain their agreement, explain how we will document our work, discuss best ways to meet with members of the management team for interviews, discuss logistics for accessing records, describe how we will make recommendations, and submit PBC (Prepared By Client) document request list.
Determining staffing, time and field requirements (2230)

The plan should go through an approval process within the engagement team, led by the manager or the partner. The purpose is to confirm that the work to be performed will be consistent with the engagement teams expectations.
Final internal planning meeting

We need to ask the following: Who will do the work? How much time will it take? Are field requirements in line with our arrangement letter with the client? Refine requirements with the client if necessary. An important aspect of determining staffing, time and field requirements is whether the internal audit is an outsourced or co-sourced arrangement. The nature of the arrangement will determine the resources that will be needed
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Prior to the start of fieldwork, the complete internal audit team meets to discuss the internal audit work plan, their assignments and expectations. All team members should
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Internal audit guidebook


from the clients perspective. The nature of the arrangement will also determine the clients and our responsibilities. In a co-sourced arrangement, the clients responsibility is greater; in a fully outsourced arrangement, the majority of the responsibility falls to Grant Thornton. In the selection of staff, the following must be considered: Independence and objectivity toward the engagement Relevant knowledge and skills (e.g., auditing techniques, IT, business processes) Experience with client and industry (1120, 1130, 1200, 1210) Independence and objectivity are considered to be impaired if prospective staff members have previously been responsible for specific client operations; for example, staff that have been in a loan staff arrangement with the client in the past. (1100) The engagement partner or managing director should assemble a team with the level of

experience and competence appropriate for the engagements nature, size and complexity. In some cases, a request for personnel from another region or from another Firm solution or competency area may be necessary. For example, when reviewing IT applications, it may be necessary to involve a person with appropriate IT skills.
The intersection of pre-fieldwork and fieldwork

Pre-fieldwork is carried out by Grant Thornton personnel. We assign and tailor the roles and responsibilities that each person will have on the engagement. We discuss the areas to be audited, the goals and objectives. We also discuss with the client any issues that may have surfaced that may have an impact on our audit, including resource limitations. This discussion is particularly important when we are the co-source and outsource partner. When we are a co-source partner, and there is an existing internal audit department with its own leadership; our role is more limited and functions in the background.

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Analyze and assess

What are the unique aspects of executing internal audits?

In an internal audit, as opposed to a traditional financial statement audit, we are not substantiating or validating numbers in the financial statements. Depending upon the objectives of an internal audit, our goal instead may be to identify control weaknesses and process improvement opportunities in the control environment. We want to identify the reasons for the control weaknesses and provide recommendations on how to mitigate them. As part of our process, we go through facilitated sessions with management to understand the processes and to identify the controls that are in place. We may draw on available intelligence to develop survey questionnaires. We document our understanding and use it to develop our audit
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and test plans. We may make recommendations that come in the form of process improvements or cost containments. Internal audit does not focus on what the number is, but instead how the number got there. We develop most of our information as we move through the initial documentation, walkthrough narratives and process flows. Because we are auditing a process, not merely checking numbers, the execution of an internal audit is always in flux. Our staff and the clients must work in a fluid fashion throughout the process because it may change as the audit progresses. Most people on the client side are reluctant to undergo an internal audit. They resist someone telling them they are doing something wrong or they could have done something better in the past. Personal pride comes into play. We have to manage egos. We have to manage
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perceptions. We always walk a tightrope because we need to be candid when giving management the information that they need to run their business better, but we do not want unnecessarily to damage the client relationship. We do not want to be seen as only offering criticism or censure in our analysis. Our aim is to improve the clients business. In internal audit, we are objective advocates for an internal constituency, whether management or the audit committee. We are applying our audit abilities, common sense and industry skills.
Types of audits

The first kind of testing deals with verifying the accuracy of an account balance. The latter is concerned with the existence and functioning of controls in order to reduce the amount of substantive testing. The objective of the test is merely to determine whether the control is functioning effectively and not whether the control is the best one possible (e.g., the most efficient control). Financial audits represent one type of audit, but there are many other types. In contrast to financial audits, internal audits vary widely as to nature and objectives.
Operational Audits

When conducting an internal audit, it is important to recognize that there are three types of audits: financial, operational and compliance.
Financial Audits

Financial audits deal with determining the appropriateness of accounting treatment and the fairness of financial reporting (management assertions) based on conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The most prevalent type of financial audit is the one performed by an independent accounting firm of an organizations financial statements, which results in the accounting firm issuing an opinion on the financial statements, typically included in the companys annual report to shareholders. If the audit is of an SEC registrant that must comply with the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002, the independent audit also opines on the adequacy of internal controls over financial reporting. These are commonly known as integrated audits because they combine opinions on both financial statements and internal accounting controls. In performing the financial audits, the auditor may perform two types of tests: Account Balance (substantive) tests and Control tests.
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Operational audits seek to determine whether an organizations operations are being run efficiently and effectively. It is challenging to write explicitly stated management assertions concerning operational audits. The focus is usually on understanding whether management is efficiently and effectively conducting business, or components of it, based on its policies, goals and objectives. Likewise, it is difficult to identify established criterion for operational audits. Usually, the overarching criterion used is good business common sense. Operational audits are much less structured and more customized for each individual audit than financial audits. The typical operational audit engagement may include a comprehensive review of the entire organization or be limited to determining whether the business processes and related controls in place are the most efficient and effective possible. The value of operational audits lies in the potentially significant savings a company can generate in terms of reduced costs and/or better-directed operations. For this reason, most progressive organizations have an active operational auditing function.

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Compliance Audits

The first type of compliance audit determines whether an organization is in conformity with governing laws and regulations, contracts, or its own policies and procedures. An organization faces challenges in knowing whether it is complying with the wide array of laws and regulations that affect its business. Internal auditors can help by reviewing the organizations compliance with laws and regulations to enable the organization to deal with any instances of noncompliance before they become major problems. Because we are not attorneys, we do not opine or conclude on compliance with governing laws and regulations, such as HIPAA. A second type of compliance audit entails verifying an organizations compliance with contracts. Contract audits are becoming more important for companies that outsource significant portions of their operations. Contract audits are valuable to organizations because they can result in the identification of potentially significant cash recoveries from contractors. Where the contracts relate to product and services provided to customers, compliance audits may identify contractual compliance gaps the correction of which may avert potential liabilities, litigation and risks to customer retention. A third type of compliance audit involves determining whether company policies and procedures are being followed. These audits can be essential to specific activities in specific industries. For example, compliance with safety operating procedures is critical in manufacturing companies.
Process-level risks and existing controls (2200 series)

Organization charts Policies and procedures documented by the client Documentation produced by the independent auditor and regulatory authorities We then conduct individual interviews or small group meetings to understand process-level functions, determine inherent risks and identify existing controls in more detail: (2210) Perform walkthroughs to understand or validate key process functions (including the IT applications enabling those processes), reports and deliverables (documentation of walkthroughs may include narratives and flow charts). Analyze the potential (inherent) risks associated with the nature of the processing functions and how they are performed. Identify controls (both process and automated, entity-level and activity-level) that mitigate inherent risks Document process performance issues and problems. Analyze financial data relevant to the process. Analyze company policies related to the process and assess compliance with policies. Identify specific controls in place to address fraud. At this point, process maps are developed, if needed, to map controls within the IT and manual processes to associated risks. The maps address the frequency of controls and the risk of fraud. With the information now available, we identify and evaluate process-level risks that may have significant exposure, and rank the risks based on significance and likelihood. While completing each individual audit or consulting engagement on the audit plan,

We begin our assessment by learning more about the processes under review from existing documentation, such as:
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engagement teams must remember to review each risk identified in consideration of improving (typically optimizing rather than maximizing) the overall risk management process of the organization. The compilation of individual engagement risk evaluations support an overall assessment of managements risk management and should be documented and communicated as appropriate. (2201)
Control ratings

how the hierarchy works together (i.e., foundation, specific and monitoring). We will also need to keep in mind who is responsible for implementing the control, their capability of performing allocated tasks and any impact of skills deficiencies. The team member should apply his or her judgment and experience to objectively conclude on the appropriateness of the design of controls. Throughout this process we should retain any client documentation obtained and the documentation developed by the Firm in the engagement file to complete the process maps and design effectiveness assessment. Additionally, file notes on any changes in scope and approach should be retained. (2330) The conclusion on design effectiveness should be clearly stated and a detailed description of how we arrived at our conclusion should be included in the documentation retained. The engagement manager should review and approve this documentation and conclusion prior to any testing being completed. (2340)

We next complete the control ratings, including: Control classification Control frequency Control automation Importance Cost rating Design effectiveness Operational effectiveness Related assertions COSO model elements
Design Effectiveness Evaluation

We now need to determine whether the risk responses (i.e., controls) are adequate to manage the relevant risks. A key part of our internal audit work is to evaluate whether the identified controls are likely to be sufficient and effective to manage the identified risks if they are operating as intended. This element of our internal audit assignment work is critical and must be carried out rigorously. We should make the following assessment of control design: Adequate - covers the risk to an acceptable level Effective - manages the risk if operating as described As part of our review of the design effectiveness, we should (through the interviews and documentation reviewed to identify risks and controls) aim to understand

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Testing strategy/approach

We begin by targeting process measures and controls to be validated and work with the client to identify control characteristics they will use to differentiate primary controls from supporting controls. The next steps are to Identify test locations Define approach (e.g., inquiry and observation, sampling, computer-assisted auditing techniques [CAATs], reperformance) Define testing issues and criteria Clarify with client who is to create test procedures (obtain engagement partners approval) Review and obtain sign-offs of the test approach and key controls. (As appropriate, obtain sign-offs from senior management, external auditor, engagement partner, QA partner.) Create test procedures/cases/scenarios Schedule and conduct tests Document test results CAATs should be considered when developing approaches to testing. CAATs can assist in selection and automation of testing to obtain efficiencies (where relevant) and expanded coverage. The use of CAATs requires consideration at the assignment planning stage

to allow for the appropriate data to be identified and obtained. Engagement team members should consult with a partner or manager when CAATs are being considered to ensure that the approach is valid and meets the test objectives. Particular attention should be given to the relevance, completeness and integrity of the company data acquired for automated analysis and testing. The logic and integrity of the CAAT routines applied to the data should similarly be subjected to rigorous review and testing. Due professional care enhances the reliability of test results and related findings and recommendations. CAATs can provide significant efficiencies to the audit as well as providing greater assurances in circumstances where 100% of the population can be tested. Where a control is automated and we are confident of the IT general controls throughout the period under review, a sample size of one may be appropriate. Consultation with your engagement manager on IT sample sizes should be undertaken. Testing methodology is based on frequency of controls (see Figure 2).

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Test plans

When determining controls to test, the higher the level of control reliance, the more important it is for the risk responses to be operating effectively. This is a key context for developing the test plan and for interpreting the outcome of test results. We only test the controls assessed as being designed effectively. This is because if the design of the control does not mitigate the risk, then the test results have no meaning. Responsibility for developing the test plan normally rests with the assignment lead. In designing the tests to be performed, the assignment lead must consider the following: Audit test objectives The testing methodology to be applied The sample size to be used and method of selection the period of operation that should be tested The impact of the control hierarchy The testing time period is the period of time the testing should cover. Control occurrences subject to testing typically should be selected from the entire audit period (automated controls may be tested once during the audit period in strong IT general control environments). This will largely depend on the frequency of the control but should not be longer than one year and should be agreed upon with the client. Where controls have not been in operation for the whole period under review, the following should be considered and appropriate action taken: Should testing also be performed prior to the change? Is the control embedded in the operation?

Once test procedures have been developed, they should be reviewed by the engagement manager before the testing begins. Once approved, tests are performed to determine whether the risk responses/controls documented are operating effectively. The control objectives and instructions for testing, as documented in the individual test work papers (see below), should be reviewed and understood fully prior to performing the tests. In documenting our testing, the following elements should be captured in the test work paper for each test/evaluation: (2330) Client name Testing period Relevant risk from risk register/audit and risk assessment Control/test objective (the subject of the conclusion) Purpose of risk response, relating it back to the risk Test procedure covering all the control attributes Sample size and selection method (including work performed to validate completeness of the population from which the sample is taken) Results of the testing - including columns for document reference for the items chosen and tests performed to confirm the effective operation of the controls different attributes Conclusion as to whether the control objective is achieved as evidenced by the results of the test

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In documenting the tests, sufficient information should be documented / retained to enable a fully independent re-performance and corroboration of test results. Copies of client documentation should only be retained in the engagement file to support the details of any exceptions or to demonstrate the control documentation in practice (one example). Any exceptions should be documented in the individual work paper, discussed with the client, investigated and resolved, or designated as an observation, with an action plan. This should be cross-referenced to the audit findings summary and written report.
Draft formal written issues and action plans (2400 series)

All engagement work papers should be reviewed at each checkpoint to ensure they support engagement communications and that all necessary engagement procedures are performed prior to any deliverable being released. Review should be conducted by the assignment manager or assignment partner. There may also be review points where the assignment lead reviews work performed by others. Evidence of supervisory review consists of the reviewer initialing and dating each critical work paper after it is reviewed. Other options to provide evidence of supervisory review include completing an engagement review checklist; preparing a memorandum specifying the nature, extent and results of the review; or preparing electronically through the use of workflow software, such as ExpeditionGRC. All review points should be cleared at each checkpoint before progressing to the next stage of the review, and their resolution, where appropriate, should be incorporated into the work papers. No unresolved review points should be retained in the work papers.

This written material describes what the process is, what it should be, and why a difference exists. It documents the business impact of the difference, and presents a recommended course of action to correct the deficiency. The recommendations for improvement are documented. We discuss findings with management and consider action plans for remediation. Each finding and recommendation for a course of action is validated with the process owner and other appropriate management.
Supervision of Work (2340)

Throughout the internal audit phases, the acting chief audit executive or engagement partner must ensure that lesser-experienced and knowledgeable staff are properly supervised, including daily interaction to answer questions and have detailed review at each of the following checkpoints: Scoping and Planning Risk Assessment Design Effectiveness Operating Effectiveness Reporting

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Analyze and assess root causes of process operating and control deficiencies

Activities and deliverables (2300 series)

If needed, we complete additional analysis on specific issues to develop steps to improve processes and controls.

Figure 3 shows some typical Analyze and Assess activities and deliverables.

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Report and recommend


Communications must be accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive, complete, and timely. (2420)

Action plan/owners Follow-up procedures Appendix: process maps Guidelines for use and distribution

Final reports (2400)

We draft final reports for supervisory review and approval, ensuring all reports are delivered to the client on a timely basis. The draft report should include Executive summary Objectives and scope statement Background (in general and for each process) Summary of procedures performed Detailed findings and recommendations Management response

Reports for co-sourced and outsourced engagements should also conform to the other elements of communication described in section 7.C.2 of the BAS Manual. Specifically regarding internal audit reports, the engagement team should use the Conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing with caution. This statement may only be used if the results of the internal and external quality assurance programs support this statement. (For full details on the quality assurance programs, see Section 7.E in the BAS Manual.) (2430 & 1321)

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If the engagement being reported on did not conform to the Definition of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics or the Standards, the communication of the engagements results must disclose the following: (2431 & 1322) Principle or rule of conduct of the Code of Ethics or Standard(s) with which full conformance was not achieved Reason(s) for nonconformance Impact of nonconformance on the engagement and the communicated engagement results Where Grant Thornton serves as the internal audit function of an organization (outsourcing or co sourcing engagements), our reports and supporting working papers are not branded. In the event we are requested to brand our reports, we should make sure to adhere to the limitation of distribution requirements in our engagement letters. We should always first try to issue only plain paper reports to management and they can issue however they wish internal to the company. (2410) In both outsourcing and co-sourcing engagements (including one-off projects), our reports and other deliverables are limited to the internal use of management and the board of directors. Any distribution of or reference to our branded reports and deliverables to third-parties (including the clients independent auditors, regulators and outside legal counsel) must be approved in advance by Grant Thornton. Similarly, the client may not associate Grant Thornton with any unbranded reports and deliverables to third-parties without pre-approval by the Firm. (2440)
Conclusions/Ratings/Opinions (2450)

we should avoid assigning an overall grade or rating. In no case, other than for an attestation engagement that adheres to the Firms attestation standards, should we issue an opinion. A meeting should be held among members of the Grant Thornton internal audit team to discuss the report. The purposes of the meeting are to achieve a common understanding of the audit issues presented in the report; see that the results of the work performed, and related documentation, provides sufficient support for client deliverables; make certain the actual work performed agrees with the arrangements made with the client; review the report for factual or grammatical errors; and (2420) discuss next steps. We clear the draft report with the client sponsor and other client personnel (e.g., department auditees), as appropriate, and make revisions if needed. Following approval from the client sponsor(s), we issue the final report to appropriate levels of management. Although the companys management has the responsibility for internal control communications with its independent auditor, we can discuss internal control concerns with external auditors at the clients discretion. (For full details on reports, see Section 7.C in the BAS Manual.) We should make sure that we have timely communications that are to the point and action oriented, which will allow management to take appropriate corrective action. Reporting cycle times will vary by engagement, project and client; however, it

Unless specifically discussed and criteria agreed upon with the client (e.g. a co-sourcing engagement where the client uses a standardized rating system for internal audits),

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should be pointed out the reporting cycle time should be discussed in advance with the client and managed to ensure relevant information is provided timely. (2420)
The executive summary

track electronically. This kind of process improvement recommendation is ancillary to the controls-oriented work.
Higher-level findings

The executive summary is a brief outline of the scope and objectives of the audit and a highlevel summary of findings. The goal should be to answer the question, So what? It is important to include a call to action in the executive summary.
Management response

The audit findings are the detailed results of the tests and other analyses that have been performed. Management has the opportunity to respond to these findings. There may be mitigating factors of which we may have been unaware or about which we could not have possibly made an assumption. Therefore, management may say, Yes, those exceptions were there, but we believe they are mitigated by . . . or, Yes, we see the exceptions, and this is our plan to make sure these exceptions dont happen again. We should never have disagreements with auditees regarding matters of fact, though there may be diverging opinions regarding the implications of audit findings, the severity of risk and recommendations for improvement.
Ancillary recommendations

In some cases, we can look at the full results of our tests and produce a meta-finding. If we apply our tests to different parts of an overall end-to-end process, we might see a higher-level finding that says, Collectively, given all the detailed tests, we find that the overall process is not effective. There are some meta-risks for another area that impinge on the effectiveness of the process we are testing. As part of Grant Thorntons report and recommendations, we take a broader perspective, looking at the compilation of what we found and address higher-level or extrapolated issues.
Errors and omissions (2421)

We have a review and quality assurance process, but if any of the final communications are later found to have contained a significant error or omission, the internal audit assignment leader (partner or manager) should communicate this to all parties who received the original communication.
Managements acceptance of risks (2600)

There may be overall process improvement opportunities that are not necessarily part of our findings, but point to actions management might take. For example, we might see people using paper forms rather than electronic forms for purchase orders. If they were to implement an electronic format, it might be more efficient because they could route for signatures and
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Throughout the reporting and management response process, senior management may determine that they are willing to accept certain residual risks. When the acceptance of these risks, from the viewpoint of the acting CAE or engagement partner, is at an unacceptable level to the clients organization, the CAE or engagement partner should engage in additional discussion with senior management. If after additional discussion, the decision regarding the residual risk is not resolved, the matter should be reported to the board for resolution.
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Issue tracking (2500)

The audit does not end with the report. Issue tracking means following up to make certain process owners are taking action so issues can be closed and the executive team and audit committee know what has been achieved. Long-term issue tracking can be difficult. For example, we might recommend that the client needs a disaster recovery plan, although the possibility of something happening is remote. Management might say, We will accept that risk. We do not want to spend the funds. We do not think it is necessary to institute a disaster recovery plan. We must keep a list of issues that management has consciously decided to accept as a risk. We do not want someone on the audit committee saying, Had I known this, I would have forced a change. The company is going out of business and is being sued, and I am looking for somebody to blame.
Ongoing reporting

CAE or engagement partner is required to report at predetermined intervals to senior management and the board. Communication should include the following: Internal audit functions purpose, authority and responsibility Managements responsibility for maintaining an effective internal audit activity Performance as it relates to the approved audit plan Any significant risk exposures and/or control issues including fraud risks, governance issues and other matters deemed by the acting CAE or engagement partner to be of significant importance Other matters as requested by senior management or the board The frequency of these communications should be agreed upon among the acting CAE, senior management and the board. Additionally, communication methods for issues that require more urgent attention should be determined and agreed upon by the parties. (2060)

When the Firm is providing a co-sourced or outsourced internal audit function, the acting

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Note the Implement phase is grayed out. For independence reasons, the Implement phase is typically not directly relevant to delivering Internal Audit Services. But it appears in the methodology framework in order to reinforce the fact that internal audit findings and recommendations (articulated in the Report and Recommend phase) should be expressed in a way that promotes implementation by clients.

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Client reaction

If management does not agree with the initial recommendation, an alternative solution is discussed and identified. Alternative solutions are typically based on directives from executive management or the board of directors. Once the client agrees with the recommendation, Grant Thornton may monitor the recommendation status until it is implemented (2500). Recommendations are not considered implemented until verified by Grant Thornton. We might use status codes such as those below to structure the verification process:

I recommendation has been implemented and verified P partially implemented (i.e., client agrees to implement the recommendation but has not yet done so) N not implemented and an alternative solution must be developed or a directive from the board or executive management will be required W circumstances cause the recommendation to no longer be valid and the recommendation is withdrawn

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Finalize working paper documentation related to all work performed. Complete the BAS Internal Audit Engagement Checklist. Make sure work paper documentation is completed to support the findings that we have communicated, the interview processes that have been carried out, the identification of various controls and activities, our recommendations, and mitigation. Wrap-up documentation might include organizational charts, information technology diagrams, and lists of various personnel within the organization and their activities, roles and responsibilities. Organize and index all relevant work papers. All work papers must be initialed by the creator and by a reviewer. These work papers are filed as part of the wrap-up process. Steps include the following: Prepare and submit completion memo using the BAS template available on the intranet. Archive file using appropriate naming conventions. Finalize Form 1 and staff performance evaluation forms.
Engagement documentation

engagement letter states that the deliverables are solely for the internal use of the clients management, employees and board of directors. If the client wishes to refer to Grant Thornton or disclose or disseminate in any manner any portion of a deliverable to a third party, the client must have our prior written consent. (Please refer to Section 2.D, Engagement Documentation, in the BAS Manual.) One file (electronic, hard copy or combination) should be maintained for the storage of engagement documentation described in section 2.D.1, Required Documentation, in the BAS Manual. The required engagement documentation is to be retained for a period of six years. If any other retention period is to be used, consultation is required with a BAS regional partner, who should consult with the national managing partner BAS. (2330)
Confirm client satisfaction (2340)

Distribute a customer satisfaction form (SQM). We should obtain feedback from the client in order to assess our performance and the clients satisfaction with our work. At the start of the project, we should have determined how to obtain feedback from the client. (If we anticipate a long project, it may be appropriate to obtain feedback at the end of key milestones. This enables the team to address any client satisfaction issues proactively.) The project team should document survey results or feedback discussions in a memo. If the client is not satisfied, we should determine the specific reasons for dissatisfaction and assess the problem. If the problem is minor and easily addressed, then we should discuss with the client possible remedies and identify action steps that will prevent a reoccurrence.

It is important to the Firm that we retain all right, title and interest (i.e., ownership) with respect to the deliverables(s) developed including work papers and reports as outlined in the engagement letter. The standard

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If the problem is major, consultation may be necessary with the BAS regional partner, office managing partner and Legal Group, where appropriate, to determine a strategy and remedy before making any commitments to the client.
Sunset meeting and continuous improvement

The project team should conduct an internal sunset meeting to debrief, evaluate its performance and review lessons learned. Focus on lessons regarding: Dealings with client personnel Client billing process Streamlining project procedures in the future

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Determine business and technology context

Objectives and key tasks

Determining a clients business and technology context is fundamental to our role as professionals. It is critical to understanding the factors and circumstances that influence the nature and potential severity of risks. It starts during initial discussions with the client in the Pre-fieldwork stage. It extends through the Scope and Arrange Work, Plan, and Analyze and Assess phases. Because business and technology context is so important to the delivery of our services, gathering information as soon as possible in the engagement cycle is required, but is never really complete until we have completed the Analysis and Assess phase. Therefore, priorities must be established to gather information relevant to the effective performance of each
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phase of the internal audit. Quality and relevancy are more important than quantity. Pointless information gathering should be resisted to avoid wasting time and diluting focus. A wide range of business and technology matters may be worth considering during the Pre-fieldwork stage. The clients needs and the BAS services to be delivered provide the primary filter for identifying relevant context information. At a minimum, the engagement team should consider the following questions. The answers have implications for the nature, objectives, timing, deliverables and focus of our services. Some of these items are required by the engagement acceptance process and may be included in RFPs.

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Here are the key tasks related to determining the clients business and technology context activities. (2310, 2320) 1. Based on the needs expressed by the client, identify the types of information required to support the Scope and Arrange Work and Plan phases. 2. Identify potential source for the desired information (e.g., SEC Form 10-K/annual report, client web site, RFP, discussions with the client, inventories of IT applications, system software or hardware, PBC document request, input from Grant Thornton personnel with prior client experience or intelligence, prior audit reports, etc.). 3. Perform an information gap analysis to identify additional information requirements to be gathered during the Analyze and Assess phase. 4. Document the information that will facilitate analysis and decision-making to plan our work and execute work programs that will achieve the engagements objectives (e.g., narratives, technologycontext diagrams, compilations of known issues, etc.). 5. Perform preliminary analysis of information to determine its relevancy to

the engagement, its accuracy and its completeness.

Relationship with other phases and activities

The Determine Business and Technology Context activities interrelate with other phases and other ongoing activities.
Determine Client Needs

Information gathered through discussions with the client, RFPs and background information sources, such as SEC Forms 10-K and company web site. (2310)
Scope and Arrange Work

Information that will help to define the scope of services, deliverables and the effort required to accomplish the objectives of the engagement. (2310)

Similar to information used in the Scope and Arrange Work, but more detailed to facilitate the development of work programs. (2310)
Analyze and Assess

Additional information gathering and analysis is performed in this phase to fill in gaps in required information to support the objectives of the engagement. (2320)

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Manage engagement performance, quality and risk

Objectives and key tasks (1300 series)

These activities are carried out throughout the engagement, starting with the conclusion of the Determine Client Needs phase. It comprises a wide variety of engagement administration tasks: 1. Maintain project discipline to make certain that the engagement proceeds in line with the engagement letters timing, deadlines, fees and deliverables. 2. Adhere to and document appropriate independence and client/engagement acceptance policies and procedures. (1100 & 1110) 3. Staff the engagement with personnel who have appropriate levels of skill and experience, and in numbers sufficient to achieve the engagements objectives in the agreed-to timeframe. Additionally, staff is to perform each engagement with due professional care. (1200 & 1210) 4. Determine that each phases tasks and work products have been properly completed according to programmed procedures responsive to the engagements objectives. (1310)

5. Properly supervise staff and review work performed, assessing timeliness and the quality of work products. (1310) 6. Maintain control and confidentiality of BAS working papers, electronic files and client documentation entrusted to the engagement team. 7. Facilitate engagement partner and manager involvement through the scheduling of oversight and review checkpoints and the preparation of engagement progress reports, issue summaries and draft deliverables. (1310) 8. Identify and resolve obstacles and conflicts that might prevent the timely completion of arranged work. 9. Consult with Grant Thornton practice directors and QA personnel to resolve auditing, consulting and reporting or deliverable issues, and document the conclusions or decisions reached. (1310) 10. Properly document the work and support findings, recommendations and other deliverables.

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11. Arrange QA review of the engagement, as appropriate, and respond to recommendations for improvement. (1310) 12. Bill the client, manage scope creep, and process change orders for additional work performed. 13. Evaluate staff performance and provide counseling, as necessary, to promote staff development and morale. All staff are required to comply with the Firms Continuing Professional Education requirements. (See Section 2.A.2f in the BAS Manual.) 14. Complete engagement wrap-up procedures, including the archiving required for engagement documentation, reports and other deliverables. 15. Complete BAS Engagement Questionnaire.
Independent quality control (1320 & 1311)

An engagement briefing was issued ahead of the commencement of the audit. A meeting was held with management to explain the scope and objectives of the engagement and to confirm the engagement timetable. Completion of the engagement and working papers are of a satisfactory standard. A report has been prepared, if applicable, and its conclusions and findings are supported by the detailed working papers. Engagement quality assurance procedures have been followed: working papers and the report, if applicable, have been reviewed by the audit manager and by the partner. Additionally, every five years the Firm will have an external assessment of selected advisory service engagements which will achieve the same objectives stated for the internal quality control. These assessments will be conducted by qualified, independent reviewers or review team. (1310 & 1312) For co-sourced and outsourced internal audit engagements, the acting chief audit executive (CAE) must communicate to the board, at least annually, the results of our quality assurance and improvement program. (2070)
Relationship with other phases and tracks

Periodically, an experienced partner/experienced manager team that is independent of the engagements under review will review a selection of advisory service engagements including individual internal audit engagements to obtain ongoing assurance on the technical quality of our work and that our audit standards and procedures are being followed, based upon an agreed review program. For example, these reviews will seek to confirm the following: The engagement has been properly planned and an appropriate program developed. The contract management and client liaison protocols have been complied with.

Manage Engagement Performance, Quality and Risk activities interact continually with each phase and other ongoing activities in line with the engagements objectives and professional standards.

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Communicate and enable change

Objectives and key tasks (2000 series)

Communicate and Enable Change activities begin at the conclusion of initial discussions with the client in the Pre-fieldwork stage and continue through the remaining phases of the engagement. This track focuses on client communication issues. Sometimes communication is with third parties (e.g., outside directors, third-party service providers, contractors, customers, vendors, regulators, specialists assisting Grant Thornton, etc.). Communicate any internal audit or organizational impairment of independence or objectivity, in fact or appearance, to the appropriate parties within the clients organization. Nature of the communication will depend on the impairment situation. Effective client communication goes beyond initial discussions with the client, the proposal, engagement letter, periodic billings and delivery of a report. It involves the establishment of a trusted business advisory relationship in which two-way communication occurs freely and at appropriate intervals. Candor, even brutal honesty at times, coupled with professional judgment based on facts, is necessary to carry out a successful communication strategy. Communications enable the client to implement BAS recommendations in a way that promotes achievement of their objectives. Where appropriate, communications also serve

to promote the ongoing involvement of BAS in follow-on services. Here are the objectives and key tasks that fall within the Communicate and Enable Change track: 1. Develop a communication strategy that identifies for each engagement phase opportunities for communicating with the client about the achievement of objectives and engagement team responsibilities. (2010, 2020) These communication opportunities may include the following: a Engagement kickoff meeting b Discussion of interim and final findings and recommendations c Periodic status meetings d Changes in engagement scope, objectives, deliverables, allocation of responsibilities, timing, fees, etc. e Clearing periodic statements of professional fees f Sharing observations regarding matters that come to our attention outside of the engagements objectives and scope g Discussion of opportunities for followon work h Establishing guidelines for communications with interested parties (e.g., shareholders, directors, client personnel, contractors and other thirdparty service providers, customers, etc.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Client meetings with Grant Thornton Quality Assurance/Client Satisfaction professionals, subject matter specialists (e.g., industry, technology, business process, regulation, etc.), and leadership partners, etc. Social occasions with client personnel (consistent with standards of independence and professional ethics)

For outsourced internal audit function engagements, this communication and interaction regarding the points of consideration above must be between the acting chief audit executive and the clients board. 2. Articulate findings and recommendations in a manner that promotes their implementation practically and effectively. 3. Identify BAS knowledge-sharing opportunities to leverage engagement experiences.
Relationship with other phases and activities

The Communicate and Enable Change activities take place continually during the other engagement phases to make certain communication and change management are treated as priorities in the internal audit methodology.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook



Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Internal audit engagement checklist (2000)

Internal audit objectives

q Understand the current state. q Assess the current state using appropriate standards. q Develop findings and recommendations for management and/or the audit committee.

q Listen to and understand the clients articulation of the issues, opportunities and risks that are prompting the need for internal audit services. q Translate the clients needs into general internal audit engagement issues and deliverables to make certain Grant Thornton services are relevant, make certain we are capable of performing the work, and clarify the clients needs in comparison with our services. q Determine whether any obvious issues exist that would preclude or argue against Grant Thornton providing internal audit services to the client (e.g., independence, ethics considerations, service capacity, skills, experience, profitability, client reputation).

q Based on the above, decide whether to scope and arrange internal audit services. q Establish and strengthen professional relationships with the client or prospective client. q Gather other information, as needed, through interviews and review of documentation to facilitate the performance of the Scope and Arrange Work phase and help Determine Business and Technology Context.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


q Determine scope of project as communicated by the prospective client. q Include the appropriate level of partner, manager and competency expertise during scoping exercise. q Prepare draft proposal, incorporating the BAS standard language covering confidentiality, restrictions on use and nonbinding commitment. q Prepare Form 1 and profitability tool, available on the intranet. q Enter required information in the BAS Engagement Acceptance database. q Prepare proposal. In the proposal, we describe our understanding of the clients needs for internal audit work. q A partner must approve and sign proposal, preferably the engagement partner who will support the engagement should we win. q Submit proposal to client. q Complete appropriate client acceptance procedures as part of the Engagement Acceptance Process. q Proceed with client background investigation, using the BAS engagement acceptance software. q If the client requests an engagement letter, prepare and submit the engagement letter using the standard BAS template located on the intranet. q Set up client/assignment in CMS after Engagement Acceptance Procedures are complete and an Engagement Letter has been signed. q If an internal audit charter exists, examine it during the Scope and Arrange Work phase. If it does not exist, work with client management to develop one during the Planning phase, once the engagement is accepted.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


q Determine the audit universe. The audit universe might include Processes Departments Functions Product lines Legal entities Supplier/vendors Major contracts Laws and regulations Information systems Stock transactions Senior management/board policies and procedures q Assess timing, thinking through managements availability and the availability of personnel who will be involved. q Consider the tools and technology you want to use to conduct the internal audit. q Select an appropriate framework to evaluate what you plan to audit, e.g., COSO, COBIT, ITIL, CMM. q When conducting the risk assessment exercise, assess risk in different categories: Financial risk (price, liquidity, credit) Operations risk (capacity, cycle time, sourcing) Information processing/technology risk Integrity risk (fraud, unauthorized use, reputation) Compliance and legal risk q Perform the entry-level risk assessment, segregating the identified reporting units into those for which the Company will perform controls documentation/evaluation work now, and those which will be delivered or excluded. q Facilitate sessions with key members of management to gain an in-depth understanding of the processes to be audited and to identify internal controls in place within the processes. q Conduct a Risk Ranking Exercise, using the Quadrant Model to assign relative weight to risks based on Likelihood and Significance. Factors we use when ranking include Audit history History of losses Human capital Management oversight Monitoring activities Organizational structure Quality of internal control system

q Prepare an internal audit work plan, which includes Items we have listed in the proposal Milestone checkpoints Identification of skill sets needed to execute the audit Audit responsibility assignments mobilize team Project status/time tracker q Determine the processes within each business cycle or department selected for auditing that will be included within the scope of testing. q Determine audit cycles based on how you divided the audit universe into operational segments. q Write the plan, summarizing what the team will do. Take the information you have learned and put it into action steps. q The plan should go through an approval process within the engagement team, led by the manager or partner. The purpose is to confirm that the work to be performed coincides with the engagement teams expectations. q Hold final internal planning meeting prior to the start of fieldwork. Involve complete internal audit team. Discuss internal audit work plan, assignments and expectations. All team members should perform a background preparation review of the client. q Hold a kick-off meeting with the client. Introduce the Grant Thornton internal audit team. Describe the various types of audits to be conducted. Explain the internal audit process to management. Confirm the nature and scope of the audit plan. Identify the timetable to management and gain their agreement. Explain how we will document our work. Discuss best ways to meet with members of the management team for interviews. Discuss logistics for accessing records. Describe how we will make recommendations. Submit PBC list. q Determine staffing, time and field requirements. Ask the following: Who will do the work? How much time will it take? Are field requirements in line with our engagement letter with the client? q Refine requirements with the client if need be.

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Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


q Keep in mind there are three types of audits: Financial audits Operational audits Compliance audits q Begin the Analyze and Assess phase by learning more about processes under review from existing documentation, such as: Organization charts Policies and procedures documented by the client Documentation produced by external auditor q Conduct individual interviews or small group meetings to understand process-level risks and identify existing controls in more detail. Focus on key internal controls within processes determined to be in scope. Determine frequency of controls. Perform walkthroughs to validate processes and controls. Examples of documentation include narratives and flow charts. Identify existing supporting documentation. Document process performance issues and problems. Analyze financial data relevant to the process. Determine whether there is adequate separation of duties. Analyze company policies related to the process and assess compliance with policies. Identify specific controls in place to address fraud. q Develop process maps, if needed. Map controls within the processes to associated risks. Address frequency of controls. Address fraud risk. Document appropriately. q Identify and evaluate process-level risks that may have significant exposure. Rank risks based on significance and likelihood. q Complete

q Develop a testing strategy/approach. Target process measures and controls to be validated. Work with client to identify control characteristics that they will use to differentiate primary controls from supporting controls. Identify test locations. Define approach (e.g., inquiry and observation, sampling, CAATs, re-performance). Define testing procedures. Clarify with client who is to create test procedures. Ensure engagement partner approves. Review and obtain sign-offs of the test approach and key controls. (As appropriate, obtain sign-offs from senior management, external auditor, partner, QA partner.) Create test procedures/cases/scenarios. Schedule and conduct tests. Document test results. q Draft formal written issues and action plans. Include the following: What the process is What it should be Why a difference exists A recommended course of action to correct deficiency q Discuss findings with management and consider remediation action plans. q Validate each finding and recommendation for a course of action with the process owner and other appropriate management. q Analyze and assess root causes of process operating and control deficiencies. Complete additional analysis on specific issues to develop specific steps to improve processes and controls.

the Control Ratings, including:

Control classification Control frequency Control automation Importance Cost rating Design effectiveness Operational effectiveness Related assertions COSO Model elements

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


q Draft final reports for manager to review and approve, ensuring all reports are delivered to the client on a timely basis. q Prepare draft final report for manager to review and approve. q The report should include the following: Executive summary (a high-level summary of findings) Objectives and scope statement Background (in general and for each process) Summary of procedures performed Detailed findings and recommendations Management response Action plan/owners Follow-up procedures Guidelines for use and distribution Appendix: Process maps q For outsourcing engagements, follow Grant Thornton branding guidelines. q Meet with Grant Thornton management to discuss the report. Achieve a common understanding of audit issues presented in the report. See that the results of the work performed and related documentation provide sufficient support for client deliverables. Make sure the actual work performed agrees with the arrangements made with the client. Review report for factual or grammatical errors. Discuss next steps.

q Clear draft report with key sponsors. If needed, make additional revisions. q Issue the final report to appropriate levels of management. q Note: Although the companys management has the responsibility for internal control communications with its external auditor, we can discuss internal control concerns with external auditors at the clients discretion. This can minimize the disruption to the clients staff. q Client management responds, explaining what they will do. This serves as an opportunity for management to explain mitigating factors that we were unaware of or could not have made an assumption about. q Make ancillary process improvement recommendations that are not necessarily part of the findings, but point to actions that management might take. These might include meta-findings, i.e., a compilation of high-level or extrapolated issues based on what you found.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Note: The Implement phase is grayed out. For independence reasons, the Implement phase is typically not directly relevant to delivering internal audit services.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


q If management does not agree with the initial recommendation, an alternative solution is discussed and identified. Alternative solutions are typically based on directives from executive management or the board of directors. q Once the client agrees with the recommendation, Grant Thornton may monitor the recommendation status until it is implemented. Recommendations are not considered implemented until verified by Grant Thornton. q Use status codes. q Complete BAS Internal Audit Engagement Checklist. q Make sure you have all the paper documentation to support the following: The findings that we have communicated The interview processes that have been carried out The identification of various controls and activities Our recommendations mitigation q Organize, index and reference work papers. q File work papers. Prepare and submit completion memo using the BAS template available on the intranet. Archive file using appropriate naming conventions. Finalize Form 1 and staff performance evaluation forms. q As part of the engagement wrap-up, distribute customer satisfaction survey form (SQM). Document the survey results in a memo. q Conduct an internal shut down meeting to debrief, evaluate performance and review lessons learned.

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Internal audit guidebook


Comparison of Outsourced vs. Co-sourced Internal Audit Engagements

CSDM Phase

Outsourced Internal Audits

Co-sourced Internal Audits

Determine Client Needs Scope & Arrange Work Plan

No significant differences within this phase No significant differences within this phase Internal Audit Universe: Internal Audit Universe: Grant Thornton will need to The client may provide the determine the internal audit internal audit universe or may universe appropriate to the request Grant Thornton s clients business and assistance in determining the environment. internal audit universe. Internal Audit Risk Assessment: Grant Thornton will perform appropriate entity-level risk assessment procedures to determine the internal audit universe and assist the client with understanding the risk ratings. Evaluation Framework: Grant Thornton will need to determine the appropriate framework (COSO, COBIT, etc) to evaluate internal controls and perform the gap analysis. Work Plan: Grant Thornton will need to document all administrative aspects of the work plan (e.g., items in the proposal, milestone checkpoints, skill Internal Audit Risk Assessment: Grant Thornton should review the risk assessment performed by the client and/or facilitate the clients risk assessment procedures relevant to the internal audit areas in scope. Evaluation Framework: Grant Thornton will need to determine the framework used by the client (COSO, COBIT,etc) to evaluate internal controls and perform the gap analysis. Work Plan: Grant Thornton will need to document the work plan related to internal administrative functions (e.g. items in the proposal, milestone checkpoints, etc.);
Updated August 1, 2012

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Internal audit guidebook


CSDM Phase

Outsourced Internal Audits

Co-sourced Internal Audits

Analyze & Assess

sets, internal audit responsibility, status tracker) as well as the detailed testing work program (e.g., internal audit objectives, work program steps, etc.) Testing Strategy/Approach: Grant Thornton will determine the appropriate testing approach and procedures to be performed. Sampling Methodology: Grant Thornton must use the sampling methodology described in the IA Guidebook. Test Plans: Grant Thornton must develop detailed test plans including test objectives, test procedures and the impact of the control hierarchy. Documentation: Grant Thornton must follow the internal audit documentation standards outlined in the IA Guidebook for work-papers and test sample evidence. Report Format: Grant Thornton must follow the report format outlined in the IA Guidebook as to content, branding and use of ratings. Standards Conformance: Grant Thornton must conform to IIA Standards throughout the engagement and must indicate conformance within the internal audit report. NOTE: Any instances of nonconformance must be discussed with the engagement

however, the client may provide the detailed testing work program (e.g., internal audit objectives, work program steps, etc.). Testing Strategy/Approach: The client may specify the strategy, approach or procedures to be performed. Sampling Methodology: The client may specify a desired sampling methodology to be used during the internal audit. Test Plans: The client may provide the test plans for use during the internal audit or may have specific requirements that must be met. Documentation: The client may specify documentation requirements including requirements for work-paper format and test sample evidence (e.g., evidence retained for all samples) Report Format: The client may specify a report format and may request additional content or use of standardized ratings. Standards Conformance: The clients internal audit function or procedures may not conform to the IIA Standards or may comply with alternate standards (eg., AICPA standards only). Any instances of non-conformance must be discussed with the engagement manager and partner to determine the
Updated August 1, 2012

Report & Recommend

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Internal audit guidebook


CSDM Phase

Outsourced Internal Audits

Co-sourced Internal Audits

Implement Evaluate

manager and partner to appropriate response and will determine the appropriate generally be documented in the response and will generally be internal audit report as to the documented in the internal area of non-conformance, the audit report as to the area of reason for non-conformance non-conformance, the reason and the impact to the for non-conformance and the engagement and results. impact to the engagement and results. No significant differences within this phase No significant differences within this phase

Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved.

Updated August 1, 2012

Grant Thornton LLP All rights reserved U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd This report is confidential. Unauthorized use of this report in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Updated August 1, 2012

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