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Much transpired during recent hours, all of which serves to clarify the PA-landscape as the power-brokers meet @ the

NYC-Waldorf for the PA-Society events to be held this weekend. Thematic are both the ongoing/expanding civil-war within the GOP and heartfelt efforts to ameliorate its potential-damage to the Commonwealth; clearly IDed in these blasts are both the education that has been gleaned from candid individuals and the interventions made. Overall, support for the latter is invited, based on the former; as usual, if anything has been missed or is erroneous, yall should please so-informfor the pace-of-events is accelerating. {Specifically, Mike Vereb plans to meet with a bunch of prior-dissidents to integrate our issues into his plans; Were going to gut the place and start anew, or I wont remain in this position! Its easy to see why he has skyrocketed, both in popularity with the public and with colleagues.} Bob Asher [National Committeeman from PA] told Pam Levy to expand the Diversi-Tea efforts of the MontCo GOP to mirror the historic effort to invite Log-Cabin-type individuals to join the party under the (allegedly highlyexpansile) tent. This occurred after she had said [in reply to my public display of disdain @ her prior event, of which she was reminded] that such outreach required national-approval. I feel it was long overdue and acted accordingly, acquiring this definitive OK [Pam, send me an e-mail tomorrow and Ill confirm this plan.] that assuredly will carry an immediate NATIONAL [favorable] impact. I also learned the lie-of-the-land regarding the GOPs plans in the 13th, having chatted with two potential candidates [and having been apprised of a 3rd, whom I met two years ago @ an event sponsored by the Cheltenham-GOP, who appears to be a carpetbagger from D.C.]. This need not be perceived as a pro-forma situation, for most-everyone is recognizing the potential for 2014 to serve as a GOP banner-year comparable to the seismic impact of 2010 [c/o ObamaDontCare]. Downplayed @ the MCRC [MontCo Republican Committee] meeting of last-night were efforts to recruit a primary-competitor in the 8th, but a few avid readers of these blasts raised the issue during conversations that had been focused elsewhere; having nixed one name raised by a newfound friend this past Tuesday-p.m. [due to awareness of his neo-isolationist foreign policy] has not precluded the wheels from turning and, indeed, the word is out that the approach [that Guzzardi first reported when returning from the RedState Gathering] of primarying EVERYONE who voted to fund ObamaDontCare, has been integrated into the DNA of the TPM [TEA Party Movement] activists. Im just trying to do my part, for its unlikely Mike will recant. Without supplying names, Guzzardi returned from Harrisburg meetings armed with support for efforts to provide an alternative to Corbett, as logistical commitments are being rapidly established. With all due respect to loyalists, people in his camp have yet to provide candid reassurance that he will be able to survive the anticipated-to-be-scathing report by AG-Kane that he allowed Sandusky to languish [one trooper for three years has been alleged] while over-reacting after the story broke [Tom killed JoePA has been charged]. Thus, again, because the-silence-is-deafening, someone should either prod him to be frank about his actions [and not become testy when the issue is broached], or serve on a Hugh Scott Delegation* intent upon asking that he withdraw. {*Nixon resigned after the PA-Senatorjoined by Goldwater/Rhodesvisited.} Meanwhile, as anticipated, oil-suppliers say Pa. fuel tax hike will hit pump prices as a proposed Bill would nearly double federal gasoline tax, yielding a double-whammy that undermines the

Corbett no-new-taxes pledge [and we all know what happened to Bush-41]; in addition, despite the claim that Grants aren't the same old payouts, Corbett says, WAMs returned to Harrisburg. Thus, he has not budgeted ways to reverse infrastructure deterioration, and my perusal of the list applicable to Sen. Greenleafs district includes pork [such as gateway improvement]. Therefore, when assessing his previously-articulated priorities, he has raised taxes for transport [which includes mass-transit, alleviating stress on SEPTA to maximize efficiency] and has ignored the other major issues [pension-bomb, legislature-size, right-to-work, WAMs, state-stores], while having upped debt [~$6.1 billion, per Guzzardi] burdening future [Forgotten] Tax Payers. {To facilitate conveying concentrated-info and its origin, the first-person was employed herein.}

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