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Hi, my name is Hieu Vuong. For the first question which of How do I personally keep organized?

Well, to stay on top of school work or personal event, I use google calendar to orgaizne my schedule. I have one for work, one for personal events, and one for birthdays. For really important birthdays or appointment, you can also set an email or text reminder one week in advance. ync with your phone, and carry your schedule with you. ync !oogle "alendar with your i#hone or $ndroid phone for access to your schedule wherever you are. %hen I&m on the go, I email myself reminders and websites to check out. I used to use 'ott for recording voice memos that were transcribed as emails. I believe that my knowledge and family with computer such as (icrosoft excel, (icrosoft word, flexibility, good computer and internet knowledge, typing), word processing), emailing and phone etiquette skills, good customer services skills and solid administrative knowledge. any office equipment such as a computer, printer, scanner and etc. $nd for the *obs I hate the most would be *obs that doesn&t involve into talking with Google Calendar o I have one for work, one for personal events, and one for birthdays. +n the birthday calendar, I set each event to last all day ,so it shows up at the top- and to recur annually. For really important birthdays, you can also set an email or text reminder one week in advance. Appointments spreadsheet o I use this to track medical and car appointments. I record .last appointment/ and .next due/ along with key contact information for each provider.

Inbox o I am one of those people that uses my email as a to)do list. I do not ascribe to the .inbox to 0ero/ philosophy if it means filing things I haven&t finished or responded to *ust so they are out of my inbox. %hen I complete an action, I archive the email. Enable superstars feature in gmail o $llows you to star emails with various symbols. I star an email when I need to respond to a person ,rather than handle a task or read a newsletter-1 I .superstar/ with an exclamation mark when I feel like I&m overdue on my reply. Labels o I make sure the labels match the folder names on my computer and the categories in my !oogle 2ookmarks ,which I use so that I can access my bookmarks from any computer-. I name frequent or important labels with numbers first ,ex3 4 5 6ife $fter "ollege-.

Capturing ideas, notes, tasks3

Small o oleskin notebook For personal use 5 capturing to)do lists on weekends, shopping lists, blog ideas, contact info, other notes when I&m on the go. !ork notebook 5 science lab style. o I primarily use this for taking meeting notes at work inside the notebook ,duh-, mostly so that I&m not distracted by trying to take notes on my laptop. o $t the start of every week, I place a big post)it on the cover. I draw a line down the middle. +n the left I list key work priorities, on the right I list personal tasks. %hen the week is over or I finish everything, I stick the post)it inside the notebook and label it with the date. "odoist#$om

$ great online tool that allows you to group tasks by pro*ects. I use this when I get overwhelmingly busy or am working on a complex pro*ect. +therwise I find that a simple pen, paper and post)it works better for me.

i%hone o %hen I&m on the go, I email myself reminders and websites to check out. I used to use 'ott for recording voice memos that were transcribed as emails, but I haven&t since they started charging ,even though it is a small fee and probably worth it-.

for example in school I organized all my notes, homework, quizzes in my binder, With labels like this one. $ planner is especially useful if you have a lot of appointments and your days are so varied that you have trouble keeping track of your schedule. For example, if you travel a lot or attend classes at various times of day, it7s much easier to carry a planner with you to consult frequently

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