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Outcome 1.3
Administrative Practices



Name$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Identify the Hazards Task

This is an individual task. Write the answers in your jotter.



Write the answers in yo r !otter e" Hazards identified in Picture 1 are: Fire door jammed open
T&ere are e'tra Ha(ard Tas)s on t&e com*uter

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

)ro * +ha,,en"e
n !rou"s identi#y and list the ha$ards on A% "a"er. &ow many can you #ind'

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

Hazard/-a ,t S.enario
(ill )axter the new o##ice junior is sittin! at her desk on cold *ecem+er mornin!, and realises that her "orta+le heater is smokin! and "roducin! a +urnin! smell. (ill looks at it and sees that there has +een a "iece o# "a"er jammed throu!h the !rid at the to" o# the heater. /a0 What sho ,d she do1 /20 +reate a Hazard/-a ,t Re*ort -or3 in MS Word te3*,ate 2e,ow4 sin" the a

/.0 Assist 5i,, 6a7ter 2y fi,,in" in a Hazard/-a ,t Re*ort -or34 /d0 8rint o t yo r .o3*,eted for39 in., din" a footer4

Hazard/-a ,t Re*ort -or3

Please complete this form for any identified hazard/fault and pass it to your supervisor. Roo3 N 32er Des.ri*tion of hazard/fa ,t "se a di++erent +ont Identify +or t&e 3a.hine/e: i*3ent detai,s. that the hazard/fa ,t re,ates to Re*orted 2y Date If re3edia,/.orre.ti;e a.tion taken9 *,ease des.ri2e Nationa, 5 st dents .o ,d atte3*t the task sin" the -or3s feat re of MS Word < yo r tea.her wi,, show yo how

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

A..ident Re*ort =7er.ise #

-ead throu!h the in#ormation !iven +elow and then care#ully and accurately com"lete an Accident -e"ort .orm. /u"ils may either use the tem"late stored on the server or create their own Accident -e"ort .orm +ased on the in#ormation +elow. A..ident Detai,s 0atthew Kin!ston, a!ed 21, #rom the Accounts *e"artment, sli""ed down the stairs whilst leavin! the canteen. &e !ra$ed his +ack 2uite +adly and injured his thum+ whilst tryin! to save himsel#. &e was taken to the .irst Aid -oom +y 3imon Walker, who was with him at the time o# the accident, +ut it was decided to take him to hos"ital #or an 45-ay on his thum+. &is arm was "ut in a slin! to ease the "ain. The accident ha""ened today at 6 "m. Ten+y 8lose, )rid!etown. 0atthew7s home address is 65


Na3e@ Ho3e Address@ Date of A..ident@ Ti3e@ A"e@

Detai,s of A..ident /in., de detai,s of where0@ A.tion Taken@ Did the in! ries re: ire hos*ita, treat3ent1 Na3es of any Witnesses@ Si"nat re@ A thorised Si"nat re /HR Mana"er0@

Re*ort to Hea,th and Safety =7e. ti;e

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

A..ident Re*ort =7er.ise $

-ead the scenario +elow9 A..ident Detai,s :n Thursday 6; 0ay 2<<1 at 2.51 "m, 0rs (enni#er )rown went to collect a "rintout o# a &ealth and 3a#ety +ooklet #or her de"artment. 3he realised that the "rinter had a jam, so she decided to o"en it u" and clear the jam +y "uttin! her hand into the machine and "ullin! out the "a"er. As she undertook this o"eration (enni#er cau!ht her hand and cut her #in!ers. (enni#er went to the .irst Aider who re#erred her #or stitches. :n her return to work, (enni#er was re2uired to #ill in an Accident -e"ort .orm. /a0 +o3*,ete an A..ident Re*ort -or3 /20 In yo r !otter9 state what a.tion yo wi,, take to ens re that 5ennifer knows what to do ne7t ti3e this sit ation arises4

A..ident Re*ort =7er.ise %

-ead the scenario +elow9 A..ident Detai,s 0iss .rances .inch was walkin! alon! the corridor on 3aturday 5 (uly 2<<1 at 6 "m on her way +ack to the o##ice a#ter lunch with a client. (ust then she saw 0r )ill -u## carryin! % +oxes o# com"uter "a"er which was a+out to to""le over. &e crossed the corridor and attem"ted to walk into his o##ice, althou!h 0r =avin *unn >8leaner? was cleanin! the !lass door with a lar!e +ucket o# water which was on the #loor +eside him. As )ill could not see where he was !oin! he walked strai!ht into the +ucket s"illin! the water on the #loor and the cleaner sli""ed and #ell +reakin! his arm. .rances went over to hel" =avin who was in a lot o# "ain and !ot )ill to #ind the nurse who su""orted his arm and sent him to hos"ital. /a0 +o3*,ete an A..ident Re*ort -or3 as if yo H 3an Reso Mana"er were Miss -in.h9

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

A..ident Re*ort =7er.ise 4

Today there was an accident in the corridors of the offices of Orange Solutions plc. Please complete the accident report form ased on the information pro!ided: "mployee #ecord $ard %ame: 'ddress: ,ate of -irth: 1o Title: ,epartment: Henry &illiams 1() *erchiston '!enue+ "din urgh .( 'pril 1)/0 Human #esources 'dministrator Human #esources

Henry &illiams wor2s in Orange Solutions plc as a Human #esources 'dministrator. 3nfortunately on the route to the canteen at lunchtime at 1..40 pm+ he slipped and fell down a flight of stairs. The landing was aw2ward and Henry twisted his an2le. 5t was fortunate that you were with him at the time and as you were an authorised first aider you were a le to help immediately. 6ou were a le to get a First7'id 8it and apply an ice pac2 to his an2le. 'fter a short period of time the swelling went down and you were a le to ha!e you lunch.

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

+ase St dy
t was (ohn7s #irst day in his new jo+ and he was ea!er to make a !ood im"ression. &is su"ervisor, -o+ert )arr, was "leased to have the extra hel" as work had +een "ilin! u". -o+ert su!!ested that they dis"ense with the usual tour o# the +uildin! as (ohn would soon #ind his way around. -o+ert did, however, warn (ohn not to use the +ack door exit as they had +een waitin! #or the joiner #or % weeks to sort out the "ro+lem o# the door stickin!. Althou!h the com"any had a strict Ano smokin!7 "olicy, -o+ert told (ohn that it would +e alri!ht to sli" into the stock5room to have a ci!arette mid5 mornin!. (ohn noticed that much o# the e2ui"ment was several years old and that the #loor coverin! was dama!ed and needed re"lacin!. Binda showed (ohn where he would +e workin! and reminded him to un"lu! the "hotoco"ier when he wanted to +oil the kettle as otherwise he could overload the electric sockets. -o+ert then ex"lained to (ohn that his jo+ would involve in"uttin! data into a com"uter #or most o# the day. # he wanted to #inish work early, it was acce"ta+le #or him to work throu!h the midday lunch +reak. Althou!h there was a sta## canteen, (ohn was told most o# the sta## chose to have a co##ee while carryin! on with their work as lon! as care was taken not to s"ill li2uid over the desks.

A estions
/a0 Na3e the ty*e of trainin" 5ohn sho ,d ha;e 2een "i;en when he started e3*,oy3ent with the .o3*any4 /20 State $ feat res whi.h sho ,d ha;e 2een in., ded in 5ohnBs initia, trainin"4 /.0 Identify 5 *otentia, *ro2,e3 areas in the +ase St dy4 It is a legal requirement that employers enforce regular breaks to be taken by the employees throughout the working day /d0 =7*,ain and ! stify the a2o;e state3ent9 as an e7a3*,e4 sin" the +ase St dy

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

1 -riefly descri e the hazard that may result form each of the following situations and suggest solutions. a The receptionist constantly uses her des2 as a filing ca inet with papers piled high at the edge of the des2. the in is often o!erflowing and is situated underneath an ashtray. c &ires trail across the floor to multi7plugs. d Staff often stand on chairs with wheels to reach the top shel!es. e 'n employee has put spare pain2illers in the first aid o9.

6ou arri!e at wor2 and switch on your computer. 6ou egin to hear a strange noise coming from the hard dri!e and the monitor appears to e crac2ing at the ac2. &hat should you do: 3nder H'S'& 1)/4+ oth the employee and the employer must accept the responsi ility for the health and safety in the wor2place. -riefly outline the responsi ility of the "mployee and "mployer. ;ast Friday+ *rs $unningham from the *ail #oom+ tripped o!er a mail ag that was left lying on the ground. Her assistant *r Tripp+ phoned the first aider. 'n am ulance was called for and she was ta2en to hospital where it was found that she had ro2en her an2le. &ithin the Human #esources department there are procedures for recording such accidents according to #5,,O# 1))0. a $omplete an accident report form on *rs $unningham<s ehalf. Once completed the form should e signed y the H# *anager *iss People How could similar accidents e a!oided in the future.

National 4/5 Administration

Knox Academy

For each of the 'cts+ suggest . main pro!isions. a Health and Safety at &or2 'ct 1)/4 Health and Safety =First 'id> #egulations 1)?1 c d Health and Safety =,isplay Screen "@uipment> #egulations 1)). #5,,O# 1))0

6our "mployer =8no9 "nterprises> is aware that you ha!e good 5$T s2ills and sets you the following tas2:

3sing your 5$T s2ills you ha!e to design one of the following posters for your organisation.

O*tion 1$ ' training poster to show potential hazards in the organisation. O*tion -$ 'n information poster to e shown on the organisation<s Health B Safety notice oard on one of the items of legislation that affect Health B Safety in the wor2place.

National 4/5 Administration


Knox Academy

1 *ary+ the office super!isor+ always fancied herself as a it of an electrician and whilst she had no formal @ualifications+ she was always willing to lend a hand when e@uipment ro2e down C especially now that the current maintenance contract had e9pired and had not een renewed. #ecently+ when the photocopier ro2e down+ *ary immediately opened the machine up and detected a suspicious loo2ing loose wire. 1ust as well she had a mug of coffee y her side for she had a suspicion that this jo was going to ta2e some time. *ary pulled at the wire+ there was a flash of light+ a loud ang and she wo2e up in hospital. 's Health and Safety officer+ write a report to the *anager recommending a procedure that staff should follow when e@uipment faults occur. 1ustify your recommendations.

Sarah was a super cleaner and too2 great pride in her wor2. 'n incident occurred at wor2 which meant that she was off wor2 for 4 days. %o record of this incident was e!er recorded. Suggest was the employer should e done in order to comply with the #eporting of 5njuries+ ,iseases and ,angerous Occurrences #egulations 1))0.

's a Health and Safety Office you ha!e recei!ed information a out the following: Staff are always complaining of headaches 5t is difficult to read the te9t on the monitors during daylight hours. The curtains do not shut &alter and &ilma+ who use the computers often+ are oth suffering form constant wrist pain "ileen snapped at ;esley who was shoc2ed at the out urst. D5 hate this new machine+ it has software that 5 ha!e ne!er used efore+ my wor2 ta2es twice as long. 5 hate my jo nowE 'd!ise what actions could e ta2en to o!ercome each of these pro lems.

National 4/5 Administration


Knox Academy

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