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of Mind

May / J une 2006

Becoming a Medium
Rose Vanden Eynden tells how
to receive spirit messages
Elemental Alchemy
Dancing the Divine
Libros en Espaol
$2.95 U.S. / $3.95 CAN
Fascinating true stories from the
other side
Do you feel the friendly, subtle guidance of spirit
beings and want to learn how to contact them more
directly? As a child, did you experience premonitions
or ghostly visitations, and now wish to reestablish
that spiritual connection? This practical text, written
by a certied and practicing medium, relates fantastic
stories from real-life psychics that run the gamut of
spiritual entity encounters. The authors friendly,
authoritative voice guides you through the basics of
identifying and classifying spirit guides and other
entities, and then shows you ways to hone your skill at communicating with
them. Nowhere else will you nd a more complete and compelling set of an-
ecdotes from noted professional mediums, each showing you how to interact
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Bucklands classic guide to spirit communication
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This revised and expanded edition of Bucklands popular Doors to Other Worlds has over one
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Bucklands Book of Spirit Communications Raymond Buckland 0-7387-0399-0 272 pp. $17.95 US $24.50 CAN
Theyre waiting
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with the dead. Using things you probably already own such as a camcorder, computer or digital
recorder you can contact departed loved ones or other spirits, record their images and voices, and
establish two-way communications between the worlds. Speak with the Dead also details the more
traditional methods of sance, trance and scrying. You dont have to be a techie or an occultist to
use any of these techniques. This book will guide you to one of the most awe-inspiring experiences
youll ever have making contact with deceased loved ones and other souls.
Speak with the Dead is the rst book in the modern marketplace to focus on practical, usable tech-
niques for communicating with spirits. This book shows you seven methods for spirit contact:
recording Electronic Voice Phenomena, using radio noise to provide spirits with a voice, capturing
ghostly images on video, letting spirits use your computer or telephone, scrying, establishing tele-
pathic contact and holding a sance.
Speak with them. Theyre waiting.
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Santera: The Religion is an informative and insightful examination of an African religions survival
in the New World. Blending informed study as an anthropologist and personal experience as
an initiate of the religion, author Migene Gonzlez-Wippler uncovers Santerias spellbinding
elements: the pantheon of gods (orishas), the priests (santeros), the divining shells (diloggun) used to
consult the gods and the herbal potions prepared as medicinal cures for magic (ewe).
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Translations of authentic religious texts help bring the gods to life, while insightful commentary
on relevant Egyptian history, myth and lore helps place these ancient beliefs in a context useful to
modern Pagans.
Simple, step-by-step techniques show you how to cast a circle, make a shrine, consecrate statues,
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Stories from the spirit world
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Written by spiritual medium Jenny Crawford, Spirit
of Love is lled with messages of love that will help
heal the hearts of those grieving the loss of a loved
This collection presents true accounts of soul rescue work, guardian angels
and spirit sense of humor. It tells how the spirit world orchestrates meet-
ings between those on both sides of the veil, and how we can all receive
spirit communications just by opening our minds and hearts. A question-
and-answer chapter covers everything from animal communication to free
will to dream visits from those who have crossed over.
Heartwarming and hopeful, these stories will help you gain an understand-
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In this moving and compassionate work, Dr. Lou LaGrand, one of the pioneers in after-death
communication research, presents stories of contact from loved ones in spirit and answers the most
commonly-asked questions about this profound experience. Based on his counseling experience,
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Your loved ones are still with you
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ing relationship with those in spirit. The stories Mathews tells of his life and the people he has helped
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Never Say Goodbye Patrick Mathews 0-7387-0353-2 216 pp. $14.95 US $22.95 CAN
ack in the 1960s Marshall McLuhan wrote The Medium
is the Message. It was a book that showed how media
the communication medium strongly influences
the message. At the time, the books primary impact was on
the advertising industry and caused an overdue realization
that the medium often determined the impact of the adver-
tising message. It is the as seen on television syndrome,
which suggests that a television commercial, or infomercial,
has higher credibility than other advertising media.
When we write about the spiritual medium, we need to
think about the way in which communication is shaped by
the very nature of mediumship.
Lets digress for a moment. If you are writing an article
or book that will be printed, the message is actually designed
for visual purposes. Thats why a transcription of the spoken
word into print is rarely as effective as words written for
print. At the same time, reading a book out loud can totally
change the way the message is perceived. Likewise, if you
want to communicate via television or video, the medium
again changes the nature of the message.
Think for a moment about the difference between an ordi-
nary conversation and a written article. Writing allows you to
outline and develop the content of your message in a planned
sequence intended to lead to a logical conclusion. You may
do research, gather notes, quote (and credit) various sources,
etc. One idea flows into the next and you can explore them
logically. When you are in excited conversation, however, the
words you say sometimes surprise even you! You may regret
what you said, and try to cover it up. You may also feel
that you learned something new from those words
that seem to come out of nowhere.
Now lets take a further step and
explore inner versus outer communi-
cation. When you daydream, you
know you can change the mes-
sage at will. You are simply
playing with the desires
and fears of your per-
sonality. However,
when you dream
during sleep,
there is less
control over
the content
of that dream and it is sometimes understood to be a mes-
sage from some place else. When you meditate (other than for
relaxation and stress reduction) you usually try to bypass your
own personality and become open to sources beyond your self
in an inward direction.
The spiritual medium usually, but not always, opens to
sources that are outside her self from this inward direction.
The intent of her mediumship is to open a channel of com-
munication between one entity and another, one of them
being in physical incarnation and the other not. As in the
case of meditation, the process involves getting out of the
way so that it is not her personality that creates or changes
the message.
Mediums have sometimes compared themselves to the
telephone. If you want to communicate with Aunt Harriet
who lives somewhere else now, you pick up the phone and
open a connection. But, sometimes, you cant hear Aunt
Harriet very well because there is static on the line, or your
battery is low, or the cell phone tower is too distant. You
yearn to talk with Aunt Harriet without having to use the
telephone, or the medium.
And, why not? You can daydream. Youve learned to
interpret your sleep dreams. Youve learned to meditate and
have sometimes accessed information from inner sources.
Why not learn to be a medium? You are a multi-dimensional
being. We all have the ability to learn and expand our capaci-
ties, and isnt that what were supposed to do?
When you become a medium, you will learn to move
beyond the confines of your own personality. Does that
sound scary? Once upon a time you were a little child, but
children are born to grow up. As a child growing up, you were
educated to grow out of childhood. As an adult, you learned
particular skills to give you an adult role in the world. Do you
stop there and cease to learn and grow? Most of us pay atten-
tion to the world around us, and learn more about particular
events, other people and critical issues. Some of us deliber-
ately learn more about the outer world studying history,
geography, religion, science, music or photography.
But, what about the world inside? Isnt it at least equally
important? When you turn to learn about the outside world,
you find vast spaces to explore reaching far horizons hori-
zons that always expand. Its a big world out there. When
you turn to the inside world to learn more, you will find a
The Medium & the Message
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
continued on page 76
7 So You Want to Be a Medium? by Rose Vanden Eynden
10 Dancing the Goddess Incarnate by Dorothy Morrison &
Kristin Madden
12 Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin
13 The Way of Four Spellbook by Deborah Lipp
16 The Shining Isle by Ly de Angeles
22 Mary K. Greers 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card
by Mary K. Greer
31 Riding Out the Storm by Claudia Jones
31 Sword Play by Linda Joy Singleton
34 Witch Circle by Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught
48 Tibetan Magic and Mysticism by J. H. Brennan
49 Herb Magic for Beginners by Ellen Dugan
4 An Interview With Rose Vanden Eynden by Steven Pomije
6 You Talkin to Me? by Rose Vanden Eynden
11 Get Your Groove On by Dorothy Morrison
12 The Witch Way by Thea Sabin
14 I Dont Like Spellbooks So Why Did I Write One? by Deborah Lipp
15 Paradise Lost by Ly de Angeles
22 Tricks for the Tarot Trade by Mary K. Greer
32 The Soul Revisited by Claudia Jones
33 Haunted by the Ghost of High School Past
by Linda Joy Singleton
35 Full Circle by Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught
48 Tibetan Magic and Mysticism A Spiritual Legacy by J. H. Brennan
50 The Garden Witch Digs Into Herb Magic by Ellen Dugan
COLUMNS 8 Witchcraft, Paganism & Spells by Elysia Gallo
20 Tarot & Divination by Lisa Finander
30 Teens & Tweens by Andrew Karre
40 Astrology by Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D.
46 Magick & Shamanism by Donald Michael Kraig
56 Alternative Health & Self-Help by Carrie Obry
62 Libros en Espaol by Eva Palma-Zuniga
68 Paranormal by Jennifer Spees
The Ancient Honor in Tibetan
Magic and Mysticism p.48
May / J une 2006
Smells That Make Sense p.62

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Mantrascopes p.39
An Interview
With Rose Vanden Eynden
S t e v e n P o mi j e , P u b l i c i s t
New Worlds: Rose, youve had several years of experience
in after-death communication and communicating between
the worlds. Please tell us a bit more about your background
and how you first became involved with the subject matter.
Rose Vanden Eynden: I consider myself a spiritual stu-
dent and have been one my whole life. As a child, I wanted to
be a parapsychologist, and I even studied extrasensory per-
ception (ESP) for a science fair project at parochial school. I
began reading Tarot cards as a teenager and became instantly
fascinated. After studying comparative religions for many
years, I discovered Spiritualism and after-death communica-
tion, which seemed a logical extension of my magickal work
and my study of other divination methods. In learning to
speak to Spirit, I realized that I had found my true home.
Every day, I continue to learn more and more about the spirit
world, which fuels me to continue working and growing as a
spiritual student.
NW: What really is being a medium all about? And in
what positive ways has it affected your life?
RVE: A medium is someone who has contact with entities
in the spirit world, whether they be guides, loved ones, angels
or other beings. Some people may choose to open themselves
up to contact because they want to help others get in touch
with loved ones whove passed over or teachers that are stand-
ing by to aid them. But the most important aspect of being
a medium is growing as a spiritual person. When we learn
to communicate with Spirit, we are introduced to our spirit
guides, our teachers and helpers in the spirit world. These
guides want happiness and success for us, and they have
agreed to help us however they can. Each of us is responsible
for our own growth in all areas of our lives. Our guides, and
even our passed-over loved ones, want to help us if we will
allow them to do so. Becoming a medium, and learning to
listen to the messages that come to us from Spirit, allows us
to become co-creators in the Universe and to take responsibil-
ity for our personal relationship with Creator, who gave us
the means to communicate with Spirit for the benefit of our
fellow human beings and ourselves.
NW: What led you to write a book about it? How did that
journey begin?
RVE: I have a background in education, and soon after
we started our Spiritualist church in Cincinnati, I designed a
mediumship training program for people who were interested
in learning more about spirit communication. I realized that
not everyone had access to our classes, and I wanted a way
to reach more people who had an interest in the subject. Ive
always enjoyed writing and had recently begun working on
creative projects after a long hiatus. One night, as Spirit is
wont to do with me, I was suddenly struck with the idea of
writing a book about mediumship, one specifically geared
toward people who might not have access to classes. Spirit
pretty much led the project from there.
NW: Is mediumship something anyone can embrace and
achieve? Is it a rare gift one is born with? Or is it something we
can learn and hone through lessons and experience?
RVE: One way to get a real rise out of me is to call medi-
umship a gift. It is not a gift that only special people have.
Some of us are talented at particular things, like art or music.
Everyone, though, can take drawing or piano lessons and
master some basic skills. Will some people have an easier time
in their art or music class because they have more of an affin-
ity for that subject than their classmates? Probably, but this
doesnt mean that those other classmates cant work harder
and become just as good at the task. The same is true of spirit
communication; its really a matter of how hard someone is
willing to work to achieve the desired ends.
NW: The particular way you view mediumship in relation
to your spirituality is fascinating. Would you care to comment
further on this?
RVE: One of the reasons I consider myself a Spiritualist
is because of my intense belief in the philosophy of personal
responsibility. We are all responsible for our own thoughts,
actions and, ultimately, the things that happen in the course
of our lives. Mediumship reinforces this idea even though
we may ask our spirit guides for advice or help on a matter,
its really up to us whether we act on that advice or choose
to ignore it. Meditation, which is a key component in honing
mediumship skills, is also a wonderful way to get closer to our
guides and to Creator in general. I try to incorporate prayer
and meditation into my own spiritual life every day. And I try
to live according to the greatest Natural
Law of the Universe, which is the Law
of Love. If we live within the intention
of doing everything from a place of love
and compassion, I dont think we can
go wrong.
NW: In your book you explain the
idea and principles behind what you
call The Natural Laws and their rel-
evance to mediumship. Can you briefly
describe these laws, where they came
from and what role they play in becom-
ing a medium?
RVE: How much space do we have
for this article? Natural Law is a set
of universal principles that have been
studied by many great cultures and phi-
losophers over the course of many, many
years. Natural Law is immutable, mean-
ing it never changes, and it connects all
things in this world and all other worlds
back to the Infinite Source, what most
of us refer to as God. In short, Natural
Law is Gods Law, and it is a way of
seeing how everything in the Universe
works together to bring us closer to that
Divine Presence. Natural Law helps us
to not only understand why medium-
ship works, but how we can work with
the Laws to enhance every aspect of our
lives. If you want to know more, youll
just have to read the book.
NW: So You Want to Be a Medium?
provides a candid and thorough over-
view of what mediumship is and how to
make it a part of your life. Does it also
offer practical advice and tips for those
who may be a bit more advanced, or
interest those who may already be expe-
rienced spirit communicators?
RVE: I hope that folks who are
already involved in spirit communica-
tion can also find some useful sections in
this book. Ive been a professional intui-
tive reader for nearly 15 years, so the sec-
tions that discuss readings and how to
give them might be helpful for someone
either just starting out or interested in
changing their own reading style. I also
think the sections on Natural Law help
all of us to see how the system created by
Infinite Intelligence works on every level
to keep the Universe running smoothly.
For those mediums who work directly
with passed over loved ones, the exten-
sive sections on spirit guides and their
usefulness might be of particular inter-
est. I know that my ability as a reader
grew exponentially once I established a
good relationship with my guides.
NW: Over the years youve no doubt
communicated with countless spirit
guides, loved-ones and all sorts of char-
acters. Do you have one particular expe-
rience that has remained with you, or
affected you greater than others?
RVE: Honestly, the publication of
this book is probably one of the most
profound and confirming experiences
of spirit contact that I have had! Once
Spirit impressed me with the idea of
writing the book, I felt like my spirit
teachers jumped into the drivers seat,
and I was just along for the ride. They
told me specifically how to start; they
told me when and specifically where to
send the proposal for the book. I had
the notion to send the proposal to other
nonfiction publishers and agents, and
I was told, No. Llewellyn will take it.
When Llewellyn asked to see the entire
manuscript, I still wasnt convinced,
but my guides kept saying, Finish the
book, and theyll want it. After I sent
the manuscript in, my guides told me,
Youll hear by the end of February,
and they will accept it. The accep-
tance letter from the publisher came on
February 28. This is proof that Spirit is
speaking to us every day, but we doubt
what we hear. After I got my acceptance
letter, I had the best proof I could ever
want that Spirit was helping to direct
my life!
NW: In your writing and in your
day-to-day life as a medium you deal
with a topic that many people find dif-
ficult to confront or examine death.
What are your perceptions of it, how
youve come to understand it, even how
you define it?
RVE: On my ordination certifi-
cate as a Spiritualist minister, one of
the duties I can fulfill is to bury the
so-called dead. I believe a Spiritualist
ministers certification is the only min-
isterial ordination in which a funeral is
described in this way. Our loved ones
dont really die; they simply move on to
a higher expression of life. Science tells
us that energy can be neither created
nor destroyed; when our physical body
dies, that essence of energy that is our
soul continues on in the spirit plane.
Of course, the death of a loved one is
a sad time for those of us left behind.
We mourn our loss, but our loved one
has gained so very much by moving on
to the Other Side. From what Ive seen
clairvoyantly and heard from the spirits
who have spoken to me, the afterlife is
a wonderful place of continued growth,
not a place where we are punished but
where we are encouraged to learn from
our mistakes and to rise higher in our
spiritual progression. It gives me a great
sense of peace to know that this is what
awaits all of us when we move on from
this lifetime.
NW: There has been a notable
resurgence of interest in spirit commu-
nication these past few years, and there
is now a vibrant and varied selection of
books on this topic. What will readers
of So You Want to Be a Medium? find that
is unique to the book, and what do you
hope they will find in its pages to take
away with them?
RVE: The ability to communicate
with Spirit has enhanced every aspect of
my life since I opened myself up to it. I
One way to get a real rise out of me is to
call mediumship a gift. It is not a gift only
that only special people have.
continued on page 76
You Talkin to Me?
Rose Vanden Eynden
ecently, I spent the weekend
doing mediumship readings
at a psychic fair. On a break,
I strolled around the festival booths,
stopping at one featuring decals embla-
zoned with witty sayings. I couldnt stop
myself from buying a bumper sticker,
which I took back to my table and
propped against my sign, so all pass-
ersby could read it: Youre just jealous
because the little voices talk to me.
Naturally, I meant this to be funny,
but all good humor stems from a seed of
reality. This sticker amused me because
the voices it referenced have been speak-
ing to me for years. For a long time,
though, I didnt understand who they
were or what they were trying to say.
Instead, I questioned my sanity and
never mentioned to anyone that some-
times I heard a little voice in my ear that
told me what to do.
Thank goodness I finally discov-
ered mediumship, the process by which
those of us in the physical world can
communicate with those who live on
the Other Side. Moreover, by learning
about the Other Side, I met my spirit
guides, the entities who dwell in the
spirit world who have agreed to help me
during my physical incarnation.
Now, I know what youre thinking:
This is all fine and good for you, but
how does this pertain to me? I would
like to know how to talk to my spirit
guides and loved ones who have passed
over, but I dont hear voices. How can I
possibly know when Spirit is trying to
tell me something? Spirit surrounds
every person, and it has messages to
impart. You simply need to figure out
how you receive your messages in order
to refine the process of communicating
with Spirit.
For some, messages come through
the auditory psychic sense of clairaudi-
ence, or hearing voices, like in my case.
Others may visually perceive those in
the spirit world and see visions contain-
ing messages for them. This is called
clairvoyance, or clear-seeing. However, the
vast majority of people simply feel the
presence of Spirit and receive messages
through their impressions. This is called
clairsentience, and it can indeed be the
hardest way to understand that Spirit is
communicating with you. Just because
it may be difficult to perceive, however,
doesnt mean that it isnt happening!
Clairsentience, or impressional
mediumship, is hard for people to
trust because it is difficult to tell which
thoughts, or impressions, are com-
ing from your own brain, and which
thoughts are communications from
Spirit. The right side of our brain con-
trols imagination as well as intuition,
but we tend to allow the left side of our
brain, which controls rational thought,
to convince us that weve imagined an
intuitive thought or a spirit communi-
cation. In order to become a medium,
a person who can consciously perceive
spirit communications, we need to
honor the right side of our brains and
allow these impressions to be recog-
nized and analyzed.
In my years of teaching medium-
ship development, Ive found that intro-
ducing students to their spirit guides
helps them immeasurably in their quest
to communicate with the Other Side.
Each of us has at least five spirit guides
working with us. These guides make a
pact with us to help us before we come
into this incarnation. Each of our guides
has a specific function; as one example,
our Protector is especially concerned
with keeping us physically safe and with
driving harmful energies away from us.
Our five guides often try to contact us
through one of our psychic senses in
order to give us important messages
about our health, our work, our rela-
tionships or any of the challenges that
crop up in our lives. By meeting these
guides and learning to work closely with
at least one of them, we can establish
a pattern for communicating with the
Other Side. Our guides can also facili-
tate communication with other people
in the spirit world, like our passed rela-
tives and friends. A good relationship
with our spirit guides is key to opening
up the lines of communication and
becoming a medium.
Thats what you are if you com-
municate with Spirit: a medium. Dont
let the word throw you. No one expects
you to go to the next psychic fair and
start reading for other people. You dont
have to become a medium for anyone
but yourself. All of us want to make
good decisions in our lives. We want to
be happy and to achieve the goals weve
set for ourselves. Some of us long to
hear from folks who have passed over
to the Other Side. Communicating with
Spirit can help you to do that, and it can
help you to grow spiritually, an intrinsic
desire for many of us.
If this sounds like an exciting
endeavor, So You Want to be a Medium?
A Down-to-Earth Guide might be a good
place for you to begin learning. I wrote
the book with you in mind, gearing it
toward those who dont have access
to physical spiritual teachers but who
still desire to learn the mechanics of
mediumship. If you choose to open
your mind and heart to the teachings
of Spirit, I urge to you open this book.
The voices are speaking to you, too, in
a language only you can understand. So
You Want to be a Medium? can help you
decode the messages. Are you ready to
Want to Hear Voices?
Have you seen a medium at work and been mystified by the way she chan-
nels spirits? Have you thought about a departed loved one only to sud-
denly sense their presence from the Other Side? Or maybe youve had
lucid dreams of a place thats just a little too familiar? We all carry the
innate ability to communicate with the spirit world, but must attune our
senses to effectively master these sensitive skills. Spiritualist minister Rose
Vanden Eynden collected the necessary developmental methods for becom-
ing a medium in So You Want to Be a Medium?
Grounded in the principles of modern Spiritualism, this book has a simple
purpose: to guide you into the spirit world and assist you in building a rela-
tionship with those who abide there. In addition to stories that highlight
contact with forces beyond the material world, So You Want to Be a Medium?
details how to open the lines of personal communication with the dead.
It outlines specific types of introductory meditations and exercises that
will prepare your mind and body by helping you sharpen your physical and
spiritual awareness. As you develop, youll learn:
Terminology used by mediums
The seven principles of natural law
The nine principles of modern Spiritualism
How to see and feel auras
The secrets of interpreting the chakras
How to receive answers from the spirit world
Twenty Ascended Masters and how to work with them
The book introduces you to many kinds of spirit guides and elemental energies from Master Guides and
Doctor Teachers to Joy Guides and Protectors, from Outer Band Guides to Angels. More importantly, youll
learn how to get in touch with them, communicate with them and how to develop your ability to interpret
their messages. Once you have mastered these techniques for yourself, So You Want to Be a Medium? outlines
how to give readings and do sittings for others.
Whether youre seeking to become a professional medium or are simply interested in a closer connection to
what lies beyond, this guide to the spirit world will enrich your life regardless of your religious background.
Meditation: The Ball
(Every day for one full week, five minutes to start, increase daily to a total of ten minutes)
Begin by closing your eyes and getting comfortable in your chair. Breathe in through your
nose, hold and exhale through your mouth for at least three rounds. Feel relaxation begin in your body.
Allow all of your body to become heavier and more relaxed with each breath.
Now, see in your minds eye a ball. It can be any type of ball you desire. What size is the ball? Is it small,
medium-sized or large? What color is it? Is it textured or smooth? Simply see the ball from all angles, and
keep your mind focused on the ball. Continue to bring your attention back to the ball any time your mind
starts to wander.
So You Want to be a Medium?
Rose Vanden Eynden
0-7387-0856-9 288 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
meditation is
designed to help
you relax, open up
your consciousness
and enhance
hen it comes to commu-
nication with spirits from
other planes, witches have
an edge. Witches generally have better-
evolved senses of perception, are more
open to phenomena that others might
attribute to an over-active imagination
and are more in tune with the ele-
ments, making it easier to believe in and
establish contact with elemental spirits.
But for all the good things weve heard
about faeries, are they really beings wed
like to invite into our lives?
Some say yes. In his book Enchantment
of the Faerie Realm, Ted Andrews writes,
They can stimulate greater joy, and
they can help awaken our own creativity
even when we believe we have none.
Different beings of this realm can assist
us in different ways. Some of these won-
drous beings are schooled in the healing
arts and hold the keys to the natural
cures for diseases. Some can assist us in
developing greater craftsmanship in our
life. Some can assist us in communicat-
ing with animals. But compare that to
the fourteenth-century tale of Sir Orfeo
(who had to trick the King of Faerie into
returning his wife to him more than
ten years after she was kidnapped) or to
many of the stories collected by William
Butler Yeats (in which faeries spirited
away young brides and newborns), and
it would seem further reading is war-
ranted before playing with faeries.
Ive assembled a few excerpts here,
each providing a different viewpoint to
this engaging question. The two pages
here arent enough to do the topic justice,
so I encourage you to pick up a few books
on these fascinating folk there is a
wealth of knowledge out there to help you
learn more about these beings who have
all but abandoned this modern, indus-
trialized world of ours. The more you
believe, the better the chances youll have
of luring them back into our realm.
Faeries Friends or Foes?
Elysia Gallo, Acquisitions Editor: Witchcraft, Paganism, Magick
but not Dangerous
They cannot hurt us directly. As mentioned earlier,
those of this realm have no true means of offense. They
can use their abilities to trick. They can be mischie-
vous. Faerie pranks range in intensity. They have been
known to sour milk coming straight from the cow, to
affect crops and bestow ill luck when offended. It is
important not to become superstitious in this.
Faeries are often known for their thefts. They can
be the cause of things disappearing around the house.
They are also good at rearranging articles and knick-
knacks. Those of this realm are easy to work with
and easy to know. If you disrespect them or an aspect
of their life (i.e. nature), you may incur some disfavor.
On the other hand, in honoring and respecting their homes and their life, you will incur their
favor. Apply common sense, and you will find your life enriched.
How to see faeries
Although you may not initially see them with physical vision, the places they can be found are
very physical and visible. The more time you spend around such places, the greater the oppor-
tunity to establish contact.
Initially their presence is translated through the five senses. This may come to you as a scent.
You may catch a sparkle out of the corner of the eye. You may find your eyes start to tear a little.
You may hear a soft tinkling. The more you pay attention to these perceptions, no matter how
slight or imaginary they may seem, the more you will become aware of their presence. (Also, be
careful about assuming that which is imagined is the same as that which is not real. They are not
The following is a list to assist you in opening to the nature spirits and inviting their pres-
ence into your life:
1. Spend time in nature.
2. Meditate while sitting under trees, around lakes, etc.
3. Have plants and flowers inside your house or apartment.
4. Be cognizant of the abuses of nature and do your part to clean it up and reverence it.
5. Involve yourself in some creative activity on a regular basis. You dont have to be an expert
in it, but enjoyment of any creative activity will draw those of the faerie realm.
6. Leave an area in your yard to grow wild so that the faeries can play freely.
7. Be generous in your dealings with others.
8. Keep the child in you alive.
9. Place an echinite (fossil sea urchin) on your mantelpiece. They were called faerie loaves,
made by the faeries. Those who had them would never want for food and always had
faerie assistance.
10. Sing often. Nature spirits gather wherever there is song and music.
Excerpt is from Ted Andrews book, Enchantment of the Faerie Realm
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm
Ted Andrews
0-87542-002-8 240 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Though W. B. Yeats also told sto-
ries of helpful faeries, far more of
his tales reflect the darker side of
faery lore, such as this tale excerpt-
ed from Kidnappers, from the book The
Celtic Twilight (not copyrighted in the United
A little north of the town of Sligo, on the
southern side of Ben Bulben, some hundreds
of feet above the plain, is a small white square
in the limestone. No mortal has ever touched it
with his hand; no sheep or goat has ever browsed
grass beside it. There is no more inaccessible place
upon the earth, and few more encircled by awe to the deep considering.
It is the door of faery-land. In the middle of night it swings open, and
the unearthly troop rushes out. All night the gay rabble sweep to and fro
across the land, invisible to all, unless perhaps where, in some more than
commonly gentle place Drumcliff or Drum-a-hair the night-
capped heads of faery-doctors may be thrust from their doors to see what
mischief the gentry are doing. If there be a new-born baby or new-
wed bride in the neighbourhood, the nightcapped doctors will peer
with more than common care, for the unearthly troop do not always
return empty-handed. Sometimes a new-wed bride or a new-born baby
goes with them into their mountains; the door swings to behind, and
the new-born or the new-wed moves henceforth in the bloodless land of
Faery; happy enough, but doomed to melt out at the last judgment like
bright vapour, for the soul cannot live without sorrow.
A young man going at nightfall to the house of his just married
bride, met in the way a jolly company, and with them his bride. They
were faeries, and had stolen her as a wife for the chief of their band.
To him they seemed only a company of merry mortals. His bride,
when she saw her old love, bade him welcome, but was most fear-
ful lest he should eat the faery food, and so be glamoured out of the
earth into that bloodless dim nation,
wherefore she set him down to play
cards with three of the cavalcade;
and he played on, realizing nothing
until he saw the chief of the band
carrying his bride away in his arms.
Immediately he started up, and
knew that they were faeries; for
slowly all that jolly company
melted into shadow and night. He hurried
to the house of his beloved. As he drew near
came to him the cry of the keeners. She had
died some time before he came.
A Witchs Guide to Faery Folk
Edain McCoy
0-87542-733-2 384 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Just like
there are
good faeries
and bad
Witches were always thought to be on good terms with faeries and were
frequent visitors to their burghs, the grassy hillocks under which faeries
are said to live. But in truth, witches must be as cautious in their deal-
ings with the Little People as anyone else maybe more so. After all,
witches are trained to see into astral realms, witches can feel and sense
these other beings around them and witches have developed powers which
many faeries also have and may jealously guard. And witches know how
to banish faeries, and how to destroy them and their world. And faeries
know witches when they see them, too, and they in turn know how to
help or harm a witch.
What are the truths about the dangers of working with faery beings?
Even pagans who have believed in faeries as something more than
elemental representations have often shied away from trying to build
a working relationship with them. They regard faeries as too capricious
or too dangerous to trust in a working relationship. And there is a bit of
truth to that viewpoint. But faeries are each different, just as people are
different, and there are some faeries you want to avoid, just as there are
some people you want to avoid. But just as you dont turn your back on
the whole human race due to a few bad apples, you neednt turn your
back on the faery races, either.
There are numerous
faery types one should prob-
ably not attempt to seek out.
But on the other hand, if you
should run into them while
traveling in the realms of
Faeryland, there is no need
to flee in terror. You may
either pass on by with a mere
nod of acknowledgement, or,
if you are the brave type, you
can attempt to draw them
into a conversation which is
apt to be bizarre at best. The
last thing you should ever do
is run. This will only inflame
their interest
Excerpt is from Edain McCoys
book, A Witchs Guide to Faery Folk
Sacred Swings
and Spins
Life is a dance, and mastering the steps means
learning when to move and when to be still,
when to follow and when to lead. An intricate
system of balance with all steps being equal and
necessary, this dance of life is gracefully choreo-
graphed by nine distinct goddesses. When one
extends her hand to you and takes the lead, all
you have to do is follow.
In Dancing the Goddess Incarnate by Dorothy
Morrison & Kristin Madden, youll learn how to
balance and honor different aspects of your life
by dancing with each of the goddesses. Often,
we ignore the need for play in our lives. As you
dance with Titania, shell teach you how to relin-
quish control and embarrassment, and just have
fun. Do you need more strength? Dance with
Athena, the warrior goddess. To bring more
adventure into your life, you can dance with
Artemis. Whether youre shakin it at the disco
with Venus or doin the Charleston with Hecate,
each of the nine goddesses offers vital lessons
for exploring and enjoying every facet of
your life.
Our physical bodies undergo changes con-
nected with the traditional three-fold goddess
design: the Maiden (youth), the Mother, (adult-
hood) and the Crone (maturity). But no matter
your age, Dancing the Goddess Incarnate can help
you get in touch with the maiden, mother and
crone within.
You dont have to know the rhythm or the steps.
Simply allow each of the nine goddesses to lead
you onto the dance floor, outside your comfort
zone, where youll learn to unlock creativity,
rediscover play, strategize success and nurture
yourself. This fun Pagan guide to self-explora-
tion includes meditations, games, magic tips,
herbal remedies and exercises that can with
help from the goddesses bring balance, beau-
ty and joy into your life.
Clap Your Hands
Artemis runs through the wilds with her
band of nymphs, living dangerously as they
stalk, hunt, defend the honor of women and
generally do what they will. Their dance is
free and full of feeling. Every step is a dance
they dance on their own, yet in perfect har-
mony with the others. This is the essence
of flamenco. A clapping of hands broke the
silence behind me. Youre close flamenco
is the essence of a life truly and deeply lived.
It is an exploration of being in this world. It
is the adventure of existence. But youre not
going to get that sitting at your computer
writing about it!
Artemis pulled me
out of my chair and
out into the yard.
The sound of guitars
filled the air and she
snapped her fingers.
The guitars created a
perfect atmosphere
for Her dance to
come through.
Dancing the Goddess Incarnate
Dorothy Morrision & Kristin Madden
0-7387-0636-1 408 pp
$14.95 US $18.50 CAN




Get Your Groove On
Dorothy Morrison
ristin Madden and I have been
friends for a long time. Over
the years, weve shared ideas,
laughter and secrets. Weve shared fes-
tival venues, cabins and the adventures
that doing so always brings. We also
have a mutual respect for each others
work. So when she contacted me about
co-authoring a Maiden/Mother/Crone
book, I jumped at the chance. Truth be
told, though, I had an ulterior motive.
You see, Id outlined a similar project
many years ago that included danc-
ing as a way of putting ones life back
into balance, and a co-authorship with
Kristin seemed just the thing to bring
the book to life. I pitched it to her, she
loved it, and Dancing the Goddess Incarnate
was born.
Dancing the Goddess Incarnate isnt
just a book about dancing, though. Its
a book about you your needs, your
dreams and your desires and how to
attain the most from your life path. But
we didnt stop there. Weve also given
you a complete system to assist you
on your journey. Its a tool we call the
Goddess Circle. And used as directed,
its not only guaranteed to bring your
life back into balance, but to manifest
your every dream even those youd
always considered virtually impossible.
But what exactly is the Goddess
Circle? Its a pie chart divided into the
three wedges of Maiden, Mother and
Crone, with each of those portions sub-
divided into three more. Each of the
nine slices belongs to a specific Goddess,
the sector of your life in which Shes
proficient and the dance that brings Her
lessons to the stage. All you have to do
is dance equally with each Goddess and
presto! your life twirls back into
balance. Its not only fun and exciting,
but finally puts you back where you
belong: in control of yourself, in con-
trol of your life and in control of your
personal path. What could be better
than that?
To give you a better idea of whats
involved here, though, lets take a look
at your dance partners, their realms of
expertise and their specific dances.
While you may think that some
of the dances associated with these
Goddesses seem extremely inappropri-
ate and disrespectful admittedly, its
difficult to imagine Athena stepping
out to the New York hustle or Hecate
kicking up her heels to the Charleston
I can assure you that its just not so.
To start with, our Goddesses arent sour,
dour or disempowered. These Goddesses
are fragments of ourselves pieces of
the whole, if you will and as such,
They like to have fun just as much as we
do. But since some of you probably still
arent sure, lets take a good, hard look
at Their areas of expertise.
According to the chart above,
Athenas area has to do with career.
And no matter what we do for a living,
whether we work inside the home or
out, there simply arent enough hours
in the day. Even when were at our best,
its nearly impossible to scratch every
single item from our to-do lists. Because
of that, were constantly pressed to work
harder, faster and more efficiently. Its
not just a rat race out there, its a
battlefield, and those who cant keep
up get left behind. So I ask you: Would
a good teacher especially one as well-
equipped as Athena expect you to do
any less than hustle? I think not.
Hecates lessons, on the other hand,
have to do with self-empowerment,
gumption and personal attitude. And
the only creature in existence ever to
possess all three and exhibit them with
such class was (you guessed it!) the flap-
per. She never balked at a crossroads
in her life. She was a mover, a shaker
and single-handedly did more for wom-
ens rights than a whole convention of
suffragettes. And since Hecate is the
supreme mover and shaker (She does,
after all, spend a lot of Her time yank-
ing us through the crossroads of life)
theres no better dance for Her than
the one so enjoyed by the flapper the
But theres more to Dancing the
Goddess Incarnate than the Goddess
Circle. Much more. Its filled with sur-
prises, fun and good, practical advice.
Youll also find rituals, spells and medi-
tations. But most of all, youll find
an easy way to put your life back into
perspective, bring your dreams to the
forefront and manifest a personal real-
ity youd really like to live. Best of all, all
you have to do is dance!

Build a Wiccan Foundation
As the fastest-growing religion in the United States, there are hundreds of books
on Wicca and more than 6,000 Wicca-related websites on the Internet. Where
does one begin learning about this burgeoning faith? Many newcomers to the
Craft find themselves piecing together their Wiccan education by reading an
introductory chapter from one book, a few pages from another or a web page
summary. This incomplete, disjointed understanding can result in a very shaky
foundation at best.
Wicca for Beginners offers a systematic solution by providing fundamental phil-
osophies and practices of Wicca without limiting you to any singular tradition.
It covers basic components anyone will need:
History Philosophy
Culture Religious beliefs
Preparatory exercises Rituals and spellwork
Wicca for Beginners embraces both the spiritual and the practical while encourag-
ing the mysteries of individualistic design that the Wiccan Path provides. Learn
about ethics, the basic Wiccan tools, visualization, the magic circle, the Wiccan holidays, the Wheel of the Year, trance,
the four elements and how to design your own spells.
Wicca for Beginners is not meant to be an all-encompassing book on the Craft. Rather, it is the ideal book to adminis-
ter a thorough understanding of the fundamental basics of Wicca. A special section gives advice on where to go after
you finish the book. Get yourself a solid foundation upon which you can build the tenets of your faith.
Wicca for Beginners Thea Sabin 0-7387-0751-1 288 pp $12.95 us $17.50 can
The Witch Way
Thea Sabin
heres a great pagan song by Catherine Madsen called
The Heretic Heart, part of which goes:
Though law, scripture, priest and prayer
Have all instructed me,
My skin, my bones, my heretic heart are my authority.
Many people come to Wicca looking for the kind of self-
knowledge, empowerment and freedom within their spirituali-
ty that The Heretic Heart speaks of. But once theyre inspired
to explore Wicca, where do they begin?
Often they start with books, as I did. But when I began
studying Wicca you know, back in the dark ages there
werent nearly as many books available as there are now. I was
grateful to find anything at all. New Wiccans are faced with the
opposite problem. Now there is so much material available in
books and on the Internet that it can be daunting to navigate
the sea of information.
So when a Llewellyn acquisitions editor approached me
about writing a beginners Wicca book, my first response was,
What the heck does the world need another Wicca 101 book
for? I managed to muster enough tact to stop myself from
asking her that out loud, but the question loomed large in the
back of my mind as I thought about her request. I have hun-
dreds of Wicca or Wicca-related books on my shelves, many of
which could be considered beginner. What could I contrib-
ute to the body of Wicca books that hadnt already been done,
and done well?
In spite of my skepticism, I have to admit that the idea of

writing a Wicca book was subversively tempting. My husband
and I run a training coven, and I thought about what kind of
book Id like my students to have. I also thought about those
people who were studying alone or who wanted to find a teach-
er but couldnt. What did I need most when I was a beginner,
and do these beginners need the same thing?
A few nights later, I was sitting in a coffee house with my
husband, interviewing a potential student. Like many people
wed spoken with, the woman we met with had read a book or
two and tried a spell, but was unsure what to do next. After the
interview, we decided that she probably wouldnt be happy in
our group. I always feel bad when this happens because I know
that it can be very hard to find Wiccan teachers especially
ones with whom you click. I also dont want people to walk
away disillusioned about Wicca or worse, themselves when
it was really a matter of chemistry or a feeling that we couldnt
meet their specific needs.
But suddenly, writing a Wicca book made more sense.
What if I had a book that included everything that Id want
someone to learn in my class in the first six to twelve months?
A book that I could suggest to people we turned away that they
could work with until they figured out what they wanted to
try next? A book that I could also give to the students we did
accept to introduce the basics in the same systematic way in
which we would teach them?
Wicca for Beginners became that book. It consists of twelve
chapters that build upon each other to create a foundation for
beginners where they can jump into deeper practice, whether
alone or with a group. The idea was not to just rehash all of the
information in the perfectly good Wicca books already avail-
able, but rather to provide seekers with a structure that they
could use to take control of their own study. For example, the
book covers the basic skills of visualization, meditation and
pathworking before launching into Wiccan rituals and prac-
tice. It features a thorough chapter about Where do I go from
here what to do when youre ready to take your next steps
on the Wiccan path. And it doesnt include lots of pre-written
spells and rituals, but it provides clear, easy-to-follow steps to
writing a great spell or ritual of your own. After all, one of the
best things about Wicca is that it feeds the heretic heart, the
piece of each of us that longs to reach out to deity, the universe
or spirit in our own unique way, on our own terms.
In addition to serving as a springboard to greater things,
Im hoping that Wicca for Beginners will help to dispel a myth
that seems to be common amongst people new to the path:
that you have to be special or extraordinarily psychic to be
Wiccan or do magic. This isnt true. Wicca can work for nearly
anyone for whom it resonates. Everyone, psychic or not, is
infused with the same divine energy or spirit. But Catherine
Madsen is right: To embrace the Wiccan path, it helps to fol-
low your heretic heart.
Popular Wiccan author and priestess Deborah Lipp is back with The Way of Four Spellbook,
the companion to her successful elemental Witchcraft book, The Way of Four.
This knowledgeable guide presents never-before-explored magical material, combin-
ing elemental work with elemental purpose in a structured spell. Each spell includes
ingredients, tools, purpose and execution of the spell structured around one of the
elements, as well as spells for balance combining all of the elements. Multiple magical
methods are explored for each element, including:
Air magic using scents, writing, speech
Water magic using water, dreams, divination
Fire magic using sex, candles, fire
Earth magic using food, money, drumming
In her friendly and forthright way, Deborah Lipp gives detailed information on the
essence of spells and how to write them, including the meaning of intention, the differ-
ence between target and goal, the use of interconnection, sources of power, magical
focus and much more.
Virtually all magical systems focus directly or indirectly on the elements. No matter what
system you practice, you can deepen your understanding with the numerous ideas and
techniques in this book.
The Elements of MaGic
And Dont Miss The Way of Four presents an in-depth analysis of the history,
development and associations of the four elements, then gives specific exercises
designed to give you direct, visceral, experiential encounters with the elements in
nature and ways to use them to improve your life.
The Way of Four Deborah Lipp 0-7387-0541-1 $17.95 US $24.50 CAN
The Way of Four Spellbook
Deborah Lipp
0-7387-0858-5 288 pp
$16.95 US $22.95 CAN
continued on page 76
Use Air in a spell:
To increase understanding
To be eloquent; to say the right thing
To gain inspiration
To travel
For a positive legal outcome; for
justice or fairness
Use Fire in a spell:
To increase sexual desire
To gain energy
To increase personal power or autonomy
To increase life force, therefore to heal
For courage
Use Water in a spell:
To bring dreams
To soothe and calm
To bring romance
To improve intuition
For privacy or secrecy
Use Earth in a spell:
For fertility
For wealth
To grow
To get a new home
To finish things
I Dont Like Spellbooks
So Why Did I Write One?
Deborah Lipp
ome people love spellbooks, and
some people hate them. The love-
able part is the neat tips and
tricks; new little ideas, bits of folklore
that dress up magic and make it both
more fun and more powerful. I like flip-
ping through and thinking, Oooh
red thread! I never thought of that.
The bad part is how beginners seem
to depend upon them; its as if they
are helpless to create their own spells
for their own purposes. This is unfor-
tunate because, no matter how many
spellbooks are on your shelves, your
situation is always just a little bit dif-
ferent from any spell you find. A good
spellbook should teach you the how and
why of spell construction, just as a good
cookbook should teach you something
about food and cooking. Recipes alone
arent enough.
Most importantly, The Way of Four
Spellbook is about my continuing obses-
sion with the four elements. While writ-
ing The Way of Four, I became captivated
by the idea of presenting elemental
spells for elemental purposes. I began
to contemplate: What is an elemental
I realized there were two entirely
different answers to this question: An
elemental spell is any spell that fulfills
an elemental purpose (e.g. a Water spell
is a spell with a Watery goal), or it is
a spell using one or more elements to
achieve its goal (e.g. if you soak some-
thing, its a Water spell). I had never seen
anyone put these two kinds of elemental
spells together.
I wrote four spells for The Way of Four,
each an example of achieving an elemen-
tal goal through the use of that element.
For Air, I wrote a spell to improve school
performance that involves writing and
burning sage. Knowledge, education,
writing and sage are all associated with
Air. Creating those four spells opened
the proverbial can of worms. First, it
was fun. Pulling together the disparate
ideas that can be connected through an
element was like solving a puzzle. This
sense of being engaged, this fascination,
is part of what makes magic work. So
I knew that this sort of spell had the
opportunity to be quite effective.
Second, the more I wrote, the more
I realized was being left unsaid. How
could I include a writing spell without
explaining what a writing spell was,
how it worked and what sort of varia-
tions were possible? In fact, how could I
include any spell without first introduc-
ing the nature of magic itself? There was
so much exposition left out of The Way of
Four, simply because the spells were only
a part of a chapter. Several times while
writing, I used phrases like, A whole
book could be written about this, but
Ill be brief. After using that I could
write a book canard the third or fourth
time, I realized I really should.
In The Way of Four Spellbook I dive
deeply into waters I had only waded
through before. I start with what magic
is and what a spell is. I include reasons
to do spells, and reasons not to do them.
I include a basic outline for the steps
of any spell and answer common ques-
tions in a meaty chapter that I enjoyed
writing. So much so, in fact, that I now
use it as the basis for a workshop, so if
you see me at a festival, you might catch
The Structure of Spellcasting.
After reviewing the elements, I
launch into how they might be used in
spells. What are Air goals? Fire goals?
Water goals? Earth goals? When and
why do you use all four elements in
a spell? I thought this was necessary,
because not all spells are elemental
spells. But the premise of this book is
elemental spells, so we move to those
chapters quickly.
Each chapter presents a type of ele-
mental spell, and teaches you how its
done. In the Fire chapter, for example, I
Specific goals have natural affinities for each element.
Excerpt from The Way of Four Spellbook by Deborah Lipp
Paradise Lost
Ly de Angles
verybody always says, write
about something you know.
The Shining Isle, like its predeces-
sor The Quickening, is about people, plac-
es, a god and a goddess, all known to me
personally, and events that affect all of
us globally and many of us locally.
Both ancient and modern history
repeat the same story of war, invasion
and usurpation, followed by the predict-
able confiscation of indigenous lands and
resources, the denigration or destruction
of their customs, culture, arts, language
and self-determination, followed by the
rape and pillage of resources and the
destruction of native habitat and envi-
ronment. On a global
level, this realization
surely gives us all a rea-
son to deeply consider
the future consequences
of these actions and to
question and challenge
those responsible.
I live in what remains
a barely tropical paradise: an area resplen-
dent with rainforest, waterfalls, mountains,
long, white, sandy beaches and a small
town that used to be sleepy and where
everyone smiled. It was quite famous for its
diversity even fifteen years ago (when I first
moved here). The magical and spiritual
outlook of most of the people is visible, as
many are active in ecological movements
or involved with the healing arts; most
follow what is considered an alternative
lifestyle, while some, unfortunately, are
heavily into drug culture.
Surfers and tourists have come
from all over the world because of the
areas quirkiness, as well as its beauty.
Of course, developers have pounced like
predators as a result; just like the invad-
ers mentioned above. Theyve come,
bought and paid greedy councilors fines
up front for breaking the rules, and have
continued to purchase all they can get
their hands on. Now there are suburbs
where only a few years ago there was
wetland, and there are more shops than
you can count selling the same thing.
Weve managed so far to keep
the golden arches out of our town but,
of course, that same diverse, magical
community has been marginalized as
a result. Or these residents have been
forced to leave as the cost of living sky-
rockets and the very things that have
drawn people to this paradise become
commodified and debased all for the
mighty buck.
The Shining Isle mirrors this as it
happened across the globe throughout
history and is still happening today. The
inspiration behind the book stems from
the way some of us understand magic
its connection to anything and every-
thing and its admiration and reverence
for all that is unique and wonderful. As
a species, we have become way too self-
centered when, in truth, everything is
not about us. The story revolves around
an island off the coast of whatever coun-
try the reader lives in. It is set in the pres-
ent day, but many of the inhabitants of
Inishrn are ancient, almost immortal:
the Tuatha D Danann. They, along
with Hunter (a perennial god of the wild
places) and a goddess known only as
the Great Mystery, join several humans
(Holly and Mim, a witch named Wolf
Kain and her friend David Rushton,
the indomitable and thoroughly lov-
able Charlie Freeman, to name a few)
and some very Otherworldly hounds in
a struggle to save their homeland from
the avarice of property development.
The story also suggests that appear-
ances can deceive and that boxing oth-
ers into stereotypes is inappropriate
because we never know who or what
we might be passing on the street.
Those who read the visualizations
attending the rituals in When I See the
Wild God, the previously-released The
Quickening or who have written to me
about how much you loved the char-
acters in the stories will be pleased to
know that many are revisited. There
are also a few new, exquisitely complex
and humorous personalities to please,
and many readers will
emote with Hollys jour-
ney from the despair
of seemingly perpet-
ual inconsequence to
the recognition and
embrace of her destiny.
As an avid reader
I have always required
what I call switch-off fiction to relax
me in between whatever else I am doing
or reading, and I have a passion for
both well-researched historical fiction
and contemporary magical realism. If
a novel piques my curiosity, I am often
launched into more scholarly works
the source of the admired writers
inspiration feeding my hunger to
learn. And I have set about seeking to do
the same for others because the source
of the story is both legend and myth,
very real and very much alive within the
current era.
The Authors Note and Appendix
are not the usual things to attend a
work of so-called fiction and my thanks
go out to all at Llewellyn for their vision
and adaptability in allowing them to
As a species, we have become
way too self-centered
when, in truth,
everything is not about us.
Picking up the Witchs Broom
Summon. Scry. Spin, spiral
and sweep. Learn how to bend
time, draw down the moons
energy and use mirror magick.
Whether novice or adept, a
witchs world is enchanting
by nature. Learning to apply
ones self with daily diligence
is important to the lifestyle.
Silver RavenWolf presents
a fascinating introduction to
the Craft in To Ride a Silver
Broomstick, the first volume
in the tremendously popular
Witchcraft series that also includes To Stir a Magick Cauldron
and To Light A Sacred Flame. This indispensable guide presents
tried-and-true Witch wisdom, dished out with Silvers down-
to-earth warmth and humor, including:


astral projection, bi-location and power animals

stocking your magickal cabinet

cleansing, consecrating and

The Summerland: death, reincarnation and time
The Inner Life of a Witch
Banish. Bless. Light it up. Cast
a circle for a fire harvest ritu-
al, create your own signature
magickal powder, master the
nuances of fascinations and
glamouries. A Witchs world
both within and without
is filled with wonder and
magick. Its also filled with
the hard work and dedication
to learning that are part of liv-
ing the Craft every day.
Silver RavenWolf illumi-
nates the Craft fundamentals
of focus, visualization and energy work in To Light a Sacred
Flame, the third volume in the wildly popular Witchcraft series
that also includes To Ride a Silver Broomstick and To Stir a Magick
Cauldron. Youll learn the essentials of Witchcraft, including:

the ten mysteries of invoking your power

healing circles

trance states and suggestions

magickal renovations and harmonious workspaces

linking spells


To Ride a Silver Broomstick
Silver RavenWolf
0-87542-791-X 320 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
To Light a Sacred Flame
Silver RavenWolf

360 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Holly Tremenhere, disillusioned with the senselessness
of day-to-day existence, visits her aunt Mim on the small
island of Inishrn. I knew you were comin says her
aunt. Been waitin years for you to turn up We got busi-
ness, you and I. Thus begins The Shining Isle, the new urban
fantasy by Ly de Angeles.
The inhabitants of the island are not what they seem. Some
are the Tuatha D Danann, deities from an older time who
had adopted Mim, who loved one of them. But over the
years, many had left and became known as the Travelers.
Meanwhile, others who were not of the old ways, the blind,
were slowly impinging on the islands privacy. Now, as Holly
descendent of an ancient line of tribal kings and queens
discovers her own powers, the
conflict between the old and the
new reaches a boiling point.
It is more than privacy that is
valued on the Island. Just as the
islanders are more than they
seem, so too does the island
contain an ancient secret pre-
served by its inhabitants for a
time when the spiritual light will
shine again. But Inishrn has
been targeted for takeover by
those who do not understand
its significance. The isle and its
inhabitants harbor an ancient
secret one they will fight to the
death to keep safe.
I s l e
o f
S e c r e t s
Be sure to read Ly de Angeles The Quickening
On a night of murder and mayhem, Kathryn awakens to her true Fey nature when she meets the Travelers.
She and her friends try to find those responsible for the bombs, fires and terror wreaked on the city of
New Rathmore. Is a Fundamentalist Christian cult responsible?
The Quickening Ly de Angeles 0-7387-0664-7 $15.95 US $21.50 CAN
The Shining Isle Ly de Angeles
0-7387-0834-8 312 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Add a little magic to your days
Simple magic for everyday life
Llewellyns Everyday Magic series, written by popular Witch and author Dorothy Morrison, brings you the best in friendly and
practical witchcraft for everyday concerns. Hearth and home, office and commute, friends and family are the circles in which
many of us spend most of our time. The simple, yet effective, magic in these four books makes it easy to work your witchery into
the rhythm and routine of your days.
Turn modern conveniences such as coffeemakers, blenders and Crock-Pots into viable magical tools.
From finding a parking place to anti-stress charms to protection against computer viruses, Everyday Magic
updates the ancient arts to fit your life today. This popular spellbook offers more than 300 simple magi-
cal rituals using easy-to-find ingredients most of which are already in your kitchen cabinet.
Everyday Magic
Dorothy Morrison
1-56718-469-3 304 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
That magical, mystical, glorious Moon invite Her power into your life every day, from fixing your com-
puter to blessing your pets. Youll learn how each Moon phase affects your spellwork, including the sel-
dom-discussed energies of the true Blue Moon, the Black Moon, the void-of-course moon and the lunar
eclipse. Packed with more than 140 modernized spells, chants and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations
for the Full Moons, this valuable guide presents practical magic for every turn of the Moon.
Everyday Moon Magic
Dorothy Morrison
0-7387-0249-8 288 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
The Sun impacts our lives like no other force in the universe. In addition to sustaining life on Earth, the
potent energy of this mighty star can lend a powerful spark to daily magic.
This guidebook was developed through the authors own experience, and shows you how to use sun
power in your magical work, presenting over 140 spells, chants, affirmations and rituals, for everyday life
concerns from health to romance to prosperity.
Everyday Sun Magic
Dorothy Morrison
0-7387-0468-7 336 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
All you need is a deck of Tarot cards, a strong desire and the belief that magic works to transform your
dreams into reality. Learn how to begin reading the cards for yourself and others. Select from over 140
spells and rituals that span 90 magical categories, including releasing bad habits, increasing personal
magnetism, basic protection spells and spells to keep romance alive. Everyday Tarot Magic has all the infor-
mation you need to turn your Tarot deck into the ultimate magical tool.
Everyday Tarot Magic
Dorothy Morrison
0-7387-0175-0 264 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Picking up where their critically-
acclaimed first book Paganism left off,
bestselling authors Joyce and River
Higginbotham offer intermediate-level
instruction with Pagan Spirituality.
Respected members of their commu-
nities, the Higginbothams describe how
to continue spiritual evolution though
magick, communing, energy work, divi-
nation and conscious creation in a pleas-
ant, encouraging tone. Learn how to
use journaling, thought development,
visualization and goal-setting to develop
magickal techniques and to further cul-
tivate spiritual growth.
Pagan Spirituality
Joyce & River Higginbotham
0-7387-0574-8 288 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Ancient and powerful, the traditions of the
witches Craft must never be forgotten.
Award-winning Wiccan author
Raven Grimassi presents many aspects
of Witchcraft never before seen in print,
including the entire unedited method
of constructing the witches ladder. You
will learn all the essentials of the art of
Witchcraft, as well as how to strengthen
your magickal power through self-dis-
cipline, patience and perseverance. Also
included is the authors correspondence
with Doreen Valiente.
The Witches Craft
Raven Grimassi
0-7387-0265-X 312 pp
$16.95 US $26.95 CAN
Its not always easy to practice the Craft
in a nine-to-five world. This compre-
hensive guide to magickal living spans
the intellectual, physical, magickal and
philosophical aspects of being a witch,
including spellcasting, the development
of the Craft, divination, ethics and more.
Covering mind, body and spirit in its
three extensive parts, The Witchs Guide to
Life is an indispensable magickal refer-
ence book for novice and adept alike.
The Witchs Guide to Life
Kala Trobe
0-7387-0200-5 480 pp
$19.95 US $30.95 CAN
Listen to the Universe
It has been our observation that rather than being a process of hard work and sweat,
development is often a matter of getting out of your own way.
As the metaphysical writer Jane Roberts puts it in one of our favorite quotes, the uni-
verse leans in your direction. Trust the universe and listen to what it has to say.
As for participation, give yourself permission to step into the universal flow well
be talking about. Theres no need to stay on the sidelines what fun is that? The
adventure is all in the participating. Let yourself have fun with the magickal pages,
with feeling new things, doing new things, seeing things in a new way. When you listen
to your inner self, the Divine as you conceive it, the multidimensional universe and
your multidimensional spirit, what does it inspire you to do? How do you want to be
in the midst of things? There are ways in which you are willing to assist and be assisted
in the universe, and ways in which you are not. Discovering your beliefs, motivations
and goals as they exist now is part of the process.
Excerpt is from Pagan Spirituality by Joyce and River Higginbotham
Transformative Spirituality
A traditional witch by heritage and a Gardnerian
witch by choice, Lady Sheba was one of the
first witches this side of the Atlantic to make
the Craft public. Her efforts were instrumental
in the growth of modern Wicca in the United
States. On August 13th, 1971, Lady Sheba reg-
istered the American Order of the Brotherhood
of the Wicca in Michigan, marking an impor-
tant step towards the legal recognition of Wicca
as a religion.
Now more than 30 years after its initial
publication, Llewellyn has proudly re-issued The
Grimoire of Lady Sheba, the first Wiccan grimoire
ever published in the United States. Lady Sheba
hand-copied this grimoire at the time of her
initiation into her first coven. She also added
spells and ancient ritual practices handed down
for generations in her family tradition. This
beautiful hardcover edition of The Grimoire of
Lady Sheba is an indispensable reference work for
anyone interested in the history and practices of
the Craft.
In this one-of-a-kind guide, popular Wiccan
author and Reiki Master Christopher Penczak
presents a groundbreaking exploration of the
complementary practices of Reiki and magick.
Insightful and positive, Magick of Reiki
describes both magick and Reiki, includ-
ing an in-depth discussion of the history,
mythos, variations and degrees of Reiki. This
book offers ideas for integrating Reiki and
magickal practice, such as using Reiki energy
for psychic development, and to empower
herbs, crystals and talismans.
More than 70 new Reiki symbols are
revealed and fully illustrated, with diverse
purposes ranging from aligning with nature
spirits to healing your car or computer.
Instructions for performing various Reiki
attunements are also included. This inno-
vative guide also features exercises to help
you develop your own unique style of Reiki
magick, as well as a look at the future of
The Circle Within is your guide to creating a
personal spiritual practice for daily life. Unlike
other Wicca books that focus on the external
nuts and bolts of ritual and spellcraft, The
Circle Within is about the quieter, more internal
spiritual aspects of the Craft.
The first section is a thoughtful exami-
nation of Wiccan ethics and philosophy that
explores how to truly live Wicca. The second sec-
tion, The Book of Moonlight, is a devotional
Book of Shadows including devotional prayers
and rituals that provide inspiration for group or
solitary practice.
Read advice on an ongoing personal rela-
tionship with deity. Explore Wiccan ethics and
standards of behavior. Expand your concepts of
sacred space and get fresh ideas for energizing
your daily practice. Tune into the Wheel of the
Year and the elements, and find tips on how to
create meaningful personal rituals. Prepare to
move beyond the basics of Wicca and enter the
sacred space of the circle within.
The Grimoire of Lady Sheba
Lady Sheba
0-87542-076-1 176 pp
$19.95 US $29.95 CAN
Magick of Reiki
Christopher Penczak
0-7387-0573-X 288 pp
$16.95 US $22.95 CAN
The Circle Within
Dianne Sylvan
0-7387-0348-6 264 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
A Classic Reference Back In Print
A One-of-a-kind Guide to the Magical Side of Reiki
Move Beyond the Basics of Wicca
he thought of memorizing the significance of 78
different tarot cards is enough to turn away all but
the most determined student. Even those of us adept
at reading the cards could use a break every now and then.
Fortunately, there are many other ways to use the symbols of
the tarot in addition to learning their individual meanings. It
can be enjoyable and a much needed vacation for those of us
who spend far too much time living in our head.
Christine Jette sums it up very
well in Tarot for the Healing Heart:
On a very basic level, playing with
tarot stimulates right-brain activity, and
right-brain competence encourages psy-
chic/soul development. I like to think of
awareness of ourselves and our world,
finding creativity, serenity, laughter and
Tarot symbols are strong. They work
especially well for people who are visually
oriented, who can imagine in pictures and
can see images in their minds eye when they meditate. If you dont
naturally see images in your imagination, you may not be drawn to
tarot cards. But, if you want to develop your third eye (sixth chakra)
and improve your psychic imagery skills, cards are a great method. Relax
and dont force it.
Our own personal tarot deck of 78 images lives inside us,
and every day we draw from and use these energies without
realizing it. Think of the word mother, hero, fool or devil;
what feelings and images come to mind? Who and what do
you picture when you hear the word king, lover or student?
Tarot images by themselves convey strong nonverbal mes-
sages that quickly bypass our thinking minds and stir our
emotions. Communicating in a language similar to our
dreams, our rational minds are impatient and swift to lock
onto an interpretation of these pictures. We want to know
what it means right now and turn to books, friends and other
tarot readers hoping to distill the images into words. Because
we know how much effort is placed on becoming self-aware,
we anticipate the amount of time, work and unpleasantness
it will take to uncover our true selves. This may lead us to cre-
ate the myth that we are broken, shameful and somehow less
than perfect, searching for a way to fix our lives and ourselves
through the cards. Nevertheless, our carefully-constructed
meanings can leave us unfulfilled. I am not saying that
interpreting the cards is not important or valid, but it is not
always the preferred goal. Oftentimes looking at the image is
enough to awaken an intuitive understanding and provide a
momentum for change.
When you sit in a park, visit a museum or look in the eyes
of someone you love, do you dissect what you see and look
for the literal meaning behind your feelings? No you dont.
Although it is natural to want to know why some things
Tarot Just for Fun
Lisa Finander, Acquisitions Editor: Astrology, Tarot, Divination & Shamanism
Tarot and Creative Writing
A practical use of Tarot that might not be readily apparent is the way it can aid the creative writing process.
Whether youve ever tried your hand at writing or not, the cards can be used to generate ideas, flesh out a story
or help you overcome writers block. Next time you begin a writing project, pull out your favorite deck and
ask it for suggestions. Here are some questions you might ask the cards:
Where should my story take place? (look at the landscape)
What should my character do next?
What do I need to know about my character?
How can I add a twist to the plot?
Should my story have a happy ending?
Another thing you can do to help get a jump-start is to pick a single card and start channeling the voice
of a character in the card. Get out of the way and let that character just ramble on and write it all down! Its
really an amazing process and youll be surprised at how easy it is once you begin. Its sort of a combination
Tarot reading/automatic writing session.
This is also a very good technique to use when youre trying to find the voice of a character youve already cre-
ated. According to mythology, there were nine muses. With the Tarot, youve got 78! And thats just one deck!
Excerpt is from Tarot Tips by Ruth Ann Amberstone & Wald Amberstone
Tarot Tips
Ruth Ann Amberstone & Wald
0-7387-0216-1 216 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Tarot for the Healing Heart
Christine Jette
0-7387-0043-6 240 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Tarot & Di vi nati on
move us deeply, its just as important to
permit yourself to be inspired without
knowing why. Allowing a symbol to per-
meate your being can be quite soothing.
Stop trying so hard and let the image
work through you.
Over the years, I have participated
in a number of creative writing courses.
Some of them focused on the nuts and
bolts of fiction writing, while others
used the writing as a tool for self-discov-
ery, healing and connecting to nature.
In most of these classes, the instruc-
tor used divination decks to assist the
creative process. Whether youre in the
middle of writing the next great novel or
writing your thoughts in a journal, try
using tarot cards for inspiration.
Time to Have Some Fun
Find decks with artwork that ignite
a spark inside you. Keep these cards
just for this purpose; you wont read
with these cards for others or yourself.
Theyre just a bunch of pictures that
you use for fun, creative inspiration and
nonverbal guidance. Some of you may
cringe at the idea of dismantling a tarot
deck, but most decks are reasonably
inexpensive, and Im sure all of you have
at least one deck that you never read
with for one reason or another.
So now you have permission to
cut, glue, bury and whatever else you
see fit to do to your tarot cards. A little
sacred play is good for the soul, and the
more you interact with these motifs the
more you will recognize them in your
surroundings and in yourself. Youll
notice versions of tarot card images
in art museums, magazines, television
programs, advertisements and movies,
and youll find their symbols replicated
in public art as statues in front of build-
ings. By using the cards in tangible ways,
youll learn how their energies influence
and manifest in the physical world. The
ways to experience them are endless. If
all else fails and youre not convinced,
carry the Sun card around with you for
a week and see what happens!
1. Place one on the fridge to represent
your vision of health.
2. Find a card to signify protection
and hang it by your front door.
3. Select cards to use as bookmarks in
journals to inspire creativity or as
guides to help you assimilate com-
plex subjects.
4. If you are looking to bring more love
into your life, choose the card(s)
that reflect your image of your
beloved and carry them with you.
5. Recreate the cards by drawing them,
enacting them or making your own
representation in a collage.
6. Sleep with one under your pillow or
next to your bed to influence your
dreams. Ill warn you that the last
time I slept with a tarot card under
my pillow I woke up with The World
card stuck to my back!
7. Make a mobile of random cards
or carefully select ones that depict
your career, relationships, health,
enjoyment, etc.
8. Laminate individual cards and make
coasters or arrange several of them
in motifs to create placemats.
9. Cut them up and decorate boxes or
make jewelry out of them.
10. Put one in a letter or card and send
it to someone special.
11. Come up with your own games
using them.
12. Use them to inspire bedtime stories.
13. Place them in plastic bags and plant
them in your garden, under a tree
or in front of the entrance to your
14. Dress up as one for a party, date or
special occasion.
15. Make a note card by attaching the
image to a blank card.
16. Create a ritual using the items illus-
trated in the card.
17. Carry with you an item depicted
in the card such as a rock, crystal
or coin.
18. Use the cards to represent affir-
mations, intentions, goals, dreams.
What card reflects your essence?
Which one fills you with joy?
19. Decorate a room recreating the
theme of the card.
20. Place a card(s) in your car to help
its longevity. After a long stretch of
car problems, I gathered up some
of the major arcana and placed
them in the magazine holder in my
backseat. Thirteen years later, I can
say that it has been my most reli-
able car ever!
Ideas to
Get You

Tricks for the Tarot Trade
Mary K. Greer
ar too many people worry about
reading tarot cards the right
way. I find instead that there are
more helpful and less helpful reading
techniques, depending on the situation.
It is also believed that when reading
for others we must do what the client
expects. This all too often means to
predict the future and tell people how to
obtain their desires. Is the job of a foot
doctor to cure lung cancer? I feel that as
readers we have a right, even an obliga-
tion, to discover what we do best and to
offer that in readings both for ourselves
and for others. The task becomes learn-
ing what we do best and offering that
with clarity and confidence.
In Mary K. Greers 21 Ways to Read a
Tarot Card I decided to lay out the con-
tents of my bag of tricks for everyone
to see, try and choose among for them-
selves. Im proud of these techniques, as
Ive learned them over several decades
of teaching and taking classes, reading
and trial-and-error practice. They are
the beloved tools of my trade, gathered
as time and life have brought me new
challenges and ways to meet them. Not
everyone needs to be the most versatile
reader possible. Many have focused on
doing one thing well. My greatest gift
that I can share with you has always
been exploring a variety of perspec-
tives and synthesizing what Ive found.
I search for where different approaches
connect and diverge so as to go deeper
than I can with any one of them.
For over 30 years Ive used, refined
and taught these tarot interpretation
techniques, and am confident that each
will, in its own way, benefit the person
who gives them a fair trial. Mary K.
Greers 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card offers
flexibility. By experimenting with all
the techniques, a person can eventu-
ally mix-and-match to produce his or
For over 30 years Ive used,
refined and taught these tarot
interpretation techniques, and
am confident that each will, in its
own way, benefit the person who
gives them a fair trial.
Drawing on nearly 40 years of Tarot experience, renowned author Mary K. Greer
has developed the R.I.T.E. system for Tarot interpretation: Readings that are
Interactive, Transformational and Empowering. She reveals this powerful system
in her new book, Mary K. Greers 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card.
The R.I.T.E. system is a new approach made up of 21 stimulating techniques that
will help you to interpret or deepen your understanding of each card. The result
is more powerful readings than ever before.
Interactive: they involve the reader, querent, cards and symbols
Transformational: they foster authentic change
Empowering: they put querents in greater control
Greers 21 methods can be used in any combination. Expand the ways you
obtain information from a Tarot card and deepen personal insights. The tech-
niques are implemented using storytelling, sketching, symbols, metaphors,
dialogues, acting and other imaginative exercises. They are each presented on
two levels: the Apprentice level provides an overview of the techniques, and the
Adept level goes into greater depth and offers increased variations.
You will also find unique ideas, including a section on traps that can ensnare a
reader during a session and solutions to those traps, a worksheet summarizing all
21 ways to read a card and more. The R.I.T.E. system combines the techniques to
form a congruent whole. You can also use parts of the system or add your own
techniques. Take your readings in the R.I.T.E. direction for progressive results.
The R.I.T.E. Tarot System
Mary K. Greers 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card
Mary K. Greer
0-7387-0784-8 336 pp
$16.95 US $22.95 CAN
her own preferred set, resulting in an
unique approach to reading tarot that
best serves that readers skills, strengths,
purpose and world-view. Furthermore,
working through this book makes sure
that tucked into the corners of that bag
of tricks are additional options that can
be pulled out, dusted off and applied
when others just arent doing the job.
Ive written most of my books
because I felt there was a need to clarify
areas of confusion and to explore new
possibilities and techniques. My first
book, Tarot for Your Self came into being
because all the books prior to that time
said never read tarot for yourself, yet
almost everyone I knew secretly did.
These books also advised memorizing
card meanings before trying a spread,
which I found difficult and unbearably
boring. My failures led to searching
out alternate approaches. If reading for
yourself doesnt work according to tra-
ditional understandings of what a read-
ing does, then, I asked, what does it do?
And, how could that be its strength? I
experimented with breaking every tarot
rule I could find. My own rule became:
use something only if it makes sense,
its enjoyable or it works. As a result, Ive
integrated several tarot traditions into
my own practice but never unques-
In Mary K. Greers 21 Ways to Read
a Tarot Card, I include meanings for
suits, elements, numbers and symbols,
but the emphasis is on teaching prin-
ciples and techniques that draw on each
persons knowledge, life experience and
inner wisdom. As much as integrating
new information, I want both readers
and querents to learn to listen to them-
selves. This book concentrates on ways
to access the wise self that lies within
each of us. Each person accesses their
inner wisdom in different ways. For
some its visual; others are auditory or
tactile. One person may find meaning
in system-based patterns emerging from
number and suit symbology; another
responds most strongly to shape and
color. For others, the cards speak direct-
ly. Relevant information can even lie in
the muscle tension necessary to juggle
two pentacles, wield a sword or reach for
a cup. There are so many ways to find
the message in a tarot card and some
of the more unusual methods are most
revealing precisely because they bypass
previously-established assumptions and
Moving beyond surface meanings,
no matter how correct they are, gives
access to deep, soul-stirring insights.
Ive tried in this book to convey the
power of what Ive come to call a read-
ing that is interactive, transformational
and empowering (R.I.T.E.). The task in a
reading, as I see it, is to discover how to
meet whatever happens in the best pos-
sible way to help you grow, develop
your potential and work out difficulties
in your life. The 21 ways in this book
will help you do that.
he Tarot truly comes alive in the 78 cards of the The
World Spirit Tarot. Youll find people of every size and
color in this vibrant modern version of the traditional Tarot.
Nonhierarchical and gender inclusive, the images reflect the
authentic beauty of people who embody the qualities of their
cards, from desperation and power to intimacy and joy.
The cards look like woodcuts, but they are actually hand-
colored linoleum block prints featuring uniquely stylized
artwork with an otherworldly quality that defies imitation.
Instead of reversed and upright meanings, the accom-
panying book offers new insights by describing the gift and
shadow of each card, an approach that fosters the under-
standing of a continuum of meaning rather than of polar opposites.
The World Spirit Tarot creators Jessica Godino and Lauren OLeary describe the decks unique synthesis of old and new symbols:
In the The World Spirit Tarot, Lauren has drawn from Pamela Smiths designs as well as from those of another Golden Dawn artist,
Frieda Harris, who worked for Aleister Crowley on the Thoth Tarot. She has also added new symbols and images and, in some
cases, created an entirely new scenario, to make a deck that is more globally oriented and suited to our times. In the The World Spirit
Tarot, people of many colors and cultures enliven the cards.
The World Spirit Tarot
Jessica Godino & Lauren OLeary
Boxed mini-kit includes 78-card deck, 192-pp. mini-book and black organdy bag
0-7387-0902-6 $19.95 US $24.50 CAN
A Modern Twist on
the Traditional Tarot
Into the Woods
Join celebrated Tarot author, artist and scholar
Rachel Pollack on a magical walk through the
mysteries, archetypes and dream-like images of
the Tarot. In the tradition of Carl Jung and Joseph
Campbell, Pollack draws upon symbols, myths and
folk tales, both ancient and modern, to illuminate
the spiritual truths behind the Tarots symbols.
The Forest of Souls unfolds like a dream, in a
series of musings upon the confluence of the
sacred and the mundane. Embracing paradox
and nonlinear thinking allows us to push the
boundaries of the known and venture into the
unknown. It is in that sacred space, using the
Tarot as our guide, that we may open ourselves
to wonder and mystery.
Eastern Wisdom Meets
Western Mysteries
The combination of Buddhism and Tarot might
seem strange at first, but the underlying arche-
typal pattern reveals stunning similarities inter-
preted by many as an allegorical description of
the souls journey to enlightenment.
The Buddha Tarot includes a 79-card Tarot
deck designed and created by artist Robert M.
Place, acclaimed for his distinctive style and
artwork with religious and sacred themes. Also
included is a booklet exploring the parallels
between the Tarot and Buddhism, the life of
Buddha, and interpretations for each card.
Ageless Wisdom
for Todays World
For centuries, practitioners of the Ageless
Wisdom have used the Tarot for divination, in
ritual and as a spiritual tool. As a result, we have
inherited a rich body of Western metaphysical
thought, including astrological, Qabalistic and
numerical correspondences that add depth and
richness of meaning to a Tarot reading. Tarot
Awareness presents this esoteric wisdom in an
engaging and accessible format designed to pro-
mote contemplation and a deeper understand-
ing of this complex system.
The Forest of Souls
Rachel Pollack
1-56718-533-9 312
$14.95 $23.95 CAN
Tarot Awareness
Stephen Walter Sterling
1-56718-676-9 408 pp
$17.95 US $27.50 CAN
Rachel Pollack is one of todays most innovative
and respected Tarot readers and teachers. In
this excerpt from her groundbreaking book The
Forest of Souls, she shares her thoughts on
the spiritual aspects of the Tarot.
The Tarot contains the keys to a vast
system of correspondences. These
include the laws of nature, both known
and unknown; magic; Jewish mysticism;
astrology; Pagan Gods and Goddesses;
Christian revelations; secret knowledge;
Egyptian initiations; angels; demons;
and still more.
An old rabbinical story tells of a
farmer whose goat wanders off one day
and returns with a sweet-smelling branch
in its mouth. The same day the next
thing happens, and the farmer becomes
intrigued. The following day he follows
the goat as it wanders into a cave. The
cave opens into a tunnel and, as they
walk along, the farmer becomes inex-
plicably joyous; all his lifes weariness
begins to lift off him. Finally he sees a
light and smells sweet air. He emerges
from the tunnel to fragrant trees and
flowers and a glorious soft light, and he
realizes that the animal has led him to
Eden, the lost garden of our imagined
first ancestors.
I think of the Tarot as a little like that
goat. If we let go of the desire to define
the pictures, or explain them once and
for all, or determine their exact mean-
ings and purposes if we simply follow
the images, who knows where they may
take us?
Explore the
Side of Tarot
The Buddha Tarot
Created by Robert Place
Boxed kit includes 79 full-color cards,
black organdy pouch, and 72-pp instruction booklet
0-7387-0441-5 $24.95 US $38.50 CAN
Turn Your Life Upside Down
If youve ever stood on your head or tried on someone elses glasses,
you know that theres more than one way to look at the same situ-
ation. Sometimes seeing things from a new perspective opens up
avenues and possibilities you might never have considered otherwise.
Revelations Tarot does just that. Beautifully rendered in a vibrant
style reminiscent of stained glass, this intriguing deck showcases
fully-reversible cards. Suitable for beginners yet innovative enough to
delight experienced readers, Revelations Tarot will turn your life upside
Revelations Tarot
Zach Wong
Boxed kit includes 78-card deck, 216-pp guidebook and black organdy bag
0-7387-0607-8 $24.95 US $33.95 CAN
Walking the Path
Many Witches, Wiccans and Pagans use divination and meditation.
Unlike the traditional divination methods, which are rooted in
Hebrew mysticism and the symbolism of ceremonial magic, The Well
Worn Path deck reflects the rich spiritual heritage of European Pagans.
The 40 images in this remarkable and beautiful deck reflect both
ancient and modern Pagan practices and can be used for divination,
ritual work, religious study and meditation.
The accompanying book, A Travelers Guide to the Well Worn Path has
card meanings for divination and suggestions for how to use the cards
to both create and perform rituals. Travel well and tread lightly as you
begin your journey along this ancient and winding path.
The Well Worn Path
Raven Grimassi and Stephanie Taylor
Illustrated by Mickie Mueller
Boxed kit includes 40 full-color cards, 216-pp guidebook and organdy bag
0-7387-0671-X $19.95 US $26.95 CAN
Join the Shining Tribe
Drawing from the legacy of 50,000 years of human encounters
with the Divine, The Shining Tribe Tarot is steeped in symbolism
drawn from culturally-diverse systems including Neolithic rock
art, Native American and African shamanism, Aboriginal art, the
Kabbalah, Jungian psychology and the traditional Tarot.
The accompanying book includes detailed descriptions of the
origin and history of the symbols depicted on each card, as well as
explanations of their meanings in divinatory spreads. You will also
learn how to read the cards for a variety of purposes, including
divination, advice, dream readings and even how to activate a card
to bring its qualities into your everyday life. As you continue along
the sacred journey of self-discovery, let The Shining Tribe Tarot cards
shine a path for you.
The Shining Tribe Tarot
Rachel Pollack
Boxed kit includes 78 full-color cards and 360-pp book
1-56718-532-0 $34.95 US $53.95 CAN
Tarot & Di vi nati on
Decode Your Life With Da Vincis Help
Tarot was originally a product of the Italian Renaissance, and
this unique Tarot is based on the genius of the quintessential
Renaissance man: Leonardo Da Vinci. The intricate art is sophis-
ticated in line, composition and symbolism and evokes the spirit
of Da Vincis times.
The Da Vinci Tarot Kit also includes a booklet by popular Tarot
author Mark McElroy revealing what pieces of Da Vincis art each
card is based upon, as well as a short history of Da Vincis life and
how he may have encountered Tarot. Also included are specific
divinatory meanings written especially for these unique cards.
Perfect for divination, contemplation or simply admiration
of the exquisite artwork, the spirit of Da Vincis life and times can
help you find the answer to any question you may have.
Da Vinci Tarot Kit
By Mark McElroy
Artwork by Iassen Ghiuselev and Atanas A. Atanassov
Boxed kit includes 78 full-color cards and a 64-pp booklet
0-7387-0894-1 $21.95 US $29.95 CAN
The Perfect Place to Start in Tarot
Drawn according to the instructions of the famous occultist Arthur
E. Waite, the Universal Tarot provides the student of Tarot with a
traditional working deck, appropriate for divination, meditation
and study. Working from the same instructions as Pamela Coleman-
Smith, this decks similarity to the popular Rider-Waite Tarot makes
it a perfect starting deck for anyone.
Now available as a full kit, the accompanying book includes sym-
bol descriptions, card interpretations and instructions for divination.
This classic deck is also available in a handy mini-deck version,
perfect for use in magical work or for readings on the go.
Universal Tarot Kit
Art by Roberto De Angelis, Book by Massimiliano Filadoro
Boxed kit includes 78 full-color cards and 160-pp guidebook
0-7387-0801-1 $29.95 US $39.95 CAN
Also available:
Universal Tarot Deck
Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
0-7387-0007-X $19.95 US $26.95 CAN
Universal Tarot Book
Text by Massimiliano Filadoro
0-7387-0805-4 160 pp $15.00 US $19.95 CAN
Universal Tarot Mini
Includes 78 full-color, mini-size cards and instruction booklet
0-7387-0458-X $9.95 US $15.50 CAN
Your source for tarot tradition and innovation
Lo Scarabeo Tarot decks are renowned both for their beautiful artwork and their ability to give insightful readings. Whether youre
looking for a new twist on the familiar or an artistic deck with its own unique theme, Lo Scarabeo is your source for exquisite museum-
quality Tarot decks. Llewellyn is proud to be the exclusive North American distributor for Lo Scarabeo.
An Oracle Fit for an Emperor
Marie Anne Lenormand is famous for being Napolean
Bonapartes trusted card reader. Let the Sibilla of the Salons
guide you towards self-understanding and insight through
this historically-inspired oracle deck. The mini-kit version
includes a detailed instruction manual for understanding
and working with this unique oracle.
French Cartomancy Mini-kit
Laura Tuan
Boxed kit includes 36 full-color cards and 32-pp book
0-7387-0798-8 $14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Transform Yourself
Change is all around us from the tides and the seasons to
our clothes and even our bodies. Accepting the idea of con-
tinuous change means renewing oneself day by day. With
its colorful, fluid artwork, the Tarot of Metamorphosis can be a
catalyst for positive change and spiritual transformation.
Tarot of Metamorphosis
Massimiliano Filadoro, Artwork by Luigi Di Giammarino
Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
0-7387-0792-9 $19.95 US $29.95 CAN
Magic Is in the Air and the Cards
These cards provide a key to accessing the realms of
magic. Featuring symbolism drawn from astrology,
alchemy, ceremonial magic and more, the potent energy
of this deck will help you transform your world. The
accompanying book explores these ancient symbols and
explains how to perform simple rituals with the cards.
Magic Cards of the Russian Sybil
Elena Anapova
Boxed kit includes 72 full-color cards and 96-pp book
0-7387-0800-3 $21.95 US $29.95 CAN
A Mirror for the Soul
Like a mirror that reflects one version of reality identical
to the original, yet reversed the Tarot of Reflections reflects
aspects of the reality in which we live. The double image is an
apt metaphor for the complexity and ambiguity of our lives,
encouraging dialogue and introspection.
Tarot of Reflections
Artwork by Francesco Ciampi
Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
0-7387-0791-0 $19.95 US $ $29.95 CAN
Find Your Way on the Path
Walk the path of the Wise Ones with these enchanting cards.
The Celtic-inspired art of the Wiccan Cards features the symbols
of the Wiccan way, with a nod to the beauty and grandeur of
the Emerald Isle. The rich tones and fluid lines of the artwork
make this deck perfect for spiritual contemplation as well as
Wiccan Cards
Nada Mesar, Artwork by Chatriya Hemharnvibul
Boxed deck includes 32 full-color cards and instruction booklet
0-7387-0793-7 $9.95 US $14.95 CAN
Not Sure Witch Way to Go?
Ideal for both meditation and divination, the cards of the
Wiccan Divination Kit can help you find your way as you
learn the Old Ways. The cards feature many of the spiritu-
al symbols and images of the Wiccan religion, including
the elements, the Goddess and the Book of Shadows. The
accompanying guidebook includes in-depth descriptions
and interpretations of each card, as well as a discussion of
the decks historical and esoteric themes.
Wicca Divination Kit
Book by Fedora Feltrin and Maria Caratti, Artwork by Peter ONeill
Boxed deck includes 45 full-color cards and 160-pp guidebook
0-7387-0799-6 $29.95 US $39.95 CAN
A Gilded Tarot Treasure
An absolutely stunning display of lavish gold foil and exquisite
Renaissance art captured on 78 bits of card stock. Originally com-
missioned in 1450 by the Duke of Milan, and attributed to Bonifacio
Bembo, this is a reproduction of the oldest extant Tarot deck,
carefully reconstructed by artist Atanas Atanassov. Reminiscent of
illuminated manuscripts and books of hours, these cards entice the
curious with timeless archetypal images and the lure of echoes of his-
torical figures (is that fair and vivacious noblewoman in the Queen of
Swords Bianca Maria Visconti?). This deck is a gilded treasure truly
a must-have for all Tarot students, enthusiasts and collectors.
Genuine Appeal
Albrecht Drer is renowned as one of the greatest painters and
engravers of all time. His delicate skill and extensive training infuse
this deck wtith colorful and riveting imagery. Artist Giacinto
Gaudenzi created the modern-day illustrations for this stunning
deck, inspired by the genius of Albrecht Drers style. Powerful
allegorical symbolism was used in the decks creation, giving depth
to readings. The metaphoric interpretations evoke ancient knowl-
edge, yet also carry universal motifs of human nature. Reminiscent
of Drers lifetime (1471-1528), this deck offers antiquity to the
cards in a way that brings forth the underlying spirit of humanity
transcending time itself.
Go for the Gold
The evocative images of Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) work
beautifully in tandem with the traditional symbolism of
the Tarot. His works were often criticized for being sensual
and erotic, but their inherent beauty helps raise provocative
questions for any reading conducted with this deck. The
stunning enhancement of gold foil brings out the richnesss
of these works, but is appropriate since Klimts father was a
gold engraver. The gold found in Klimts own paintings can
be interpreted to symbolize his rise from poverty to notoriety,
yet also serves to highlight the decadence and value that his
work embodies. Lend breadth and grandeur to your Tarot
readings with the timeless beauty of this deck.
Visconti Tarots
Deck by Atanas A. Atanassov
Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and 9 cards with instructions
0-7387-0019-3 $24.95 US $38.50 CAN
Gold Foil
Golden Tarot of Klimt
Artwork by A. A. Atanassov
0-7387-0790-2 US $24.95 CAN $33.95
Boxed deck includes 78 cards and instruction booklet
Gold Foil
The Tarot of Drer
Giacinto Gaudenzi
0-7387-0245-5 US $19.95 CAN $31.95
Boxed deck includes 78-card deck and instruction booklet
ts out there. Do you feel it? Its
spring, glorious spring. Rebirth,
renewal, first flowers, first birds
all those good things are in the air.
Oh, I know some of you may be read-
ing this from places like San Diego or
Palm Springs, and youre probably snick-
ering insufferably. Well youll just have
to use your imagination (in much the
same way I do when I, from Minnesota,
imagine that there are places like San
Diego and that people are allowed to
live there) to conjure up the feeling of
surprise and renewal spring brings, even
though it happens every year. Really,
even in San Diego, is there anyone who
says, Yeah, spring. Whatever. I did that
last year ? I think not.
Actually, we should all use our
imagination (even those of us who live
in places like, say, Winnipeg or Bangor,
where the arrival of spring must be cel-
ebrated with wild parties in the street),
now that spring is here. We should
shake them out of brooding, wintry
habits where everything is dirty, used
and dull, and into a more spacious
springtime attitude where all is new
and interesting.
Maybe this is just a personal asso-
ciation, but I think spring is the rightful
season of childrens fiction. Yes, yes, all
the big awards come out in the fall, and
the holidays are when publishers sell
the most books, and people are always
talking about cold winter nights and
curling up by a fire with a good book,
but never mind that. Youth, especially
the teen years, is the eternal springtime
of fiction. At no other time in your read-
ing life is everything as new and full of
potential as it is when youre young. You
can read anything and it will be the first
time it will be new and it will be yours
to discover.
This is why people who write books
for a younger market are brave souls. At
some level, everyone writing for that demo-
graphic knows that most of their audience
will probably outgrow them in, at most,
four years. Imagine if every couple years
Stephen Kings loyal fans decided they
were too old for him and an entirely new
gang of readers were hot on their heels,
ready to kick literary tires and ask who are
you, old man, and why should I read your
books? Now thats scary.
These writers also know that they
must tell stories that have been told a
thousand times before, but they must
tell them in ways that are entirely new,
without the taint of age or the assump-
tions of experience. After all, is there
anything worse more un-springlike
than young adult books that say, there,
there, everyone else has done this before,
so dont get so excited? We want our
new experiences valued for their original-
ity not dismissed for their commonality.
Like spring. No one likes spring because
it comes every year; we like it because its
always a bit of a surprise.
The best authors writing for young-
er readers and teens are the ones who
know just how daunting their task is.
Whenever they write, they are keenly
aware of the forever-new quality of their
audience and of their solemn obligation
to write books that present universal
experiences in an entirely unique way
for an audience thats disinclined to
think that adults know anything. And
you thought writing a book for adults
was a challenge?
If the challenges are great, so are
the opportunities. If you write for chil-
dren, and especially for teens, you have
an opportunity like no other writer to
create the book that, for the first time,
perfectly captures an experience for a
reader: first love, first heartbreak, first
death, first almost anything you can
imagine. Its the opportunity to write
the book that makes someone shout,
Yes! I felt that way, too! for the first
time. If youre up to the challenge, I
cant imagine the rewards get much bet-
ter for an author.
This spring, Llewellyn is pleased to
help some brave teen authors, Linda Joy
Singleton and Claudia Jones, step up
and take the challenge of telling age-old
stories in new and exciting ways. I realize
quite a few of you reading this column
are post-teens. So am I. Fortunately,
teen books also hold something very
valuable for us: a bit of spring.
Youth, especially the teen
years, is the eternal springtime
of fiction.

The Springtime of Youth
Andrew Karre, Acquisitions Editor: Young Adult/Middle Grade
Dreaming the Past
I wake up suddenly, my heart pounding, my breath coming in shallow
quick gasps. There is the sensation of fear, of adrenalin electrifying my
entire body. I open my eyes immediately, and sit up in my bed, still
hyperventilating as I reach for the switch that turns on my bedside lamp.
Water. Waves above my head and Im drowning. Only the water isnt
clear like the pool, and I must be outside because through the silvery
surface of the water, I can see clouds. But I cant get my head above the
surface. I cant breathe and I know Im drowning.
Fifteen-year-old Emily is a normal girl, unremarkable in appearance save for a
rarely-seen smile that lights up her face. Emilys doesnt have time to wonder
if shes had past lives shes too busy thinking about the life shes living.
But after she nearly drowns in the new pool at her middle school, she begins
having recurring nightmares that lead her to believe that this life may not
be her first.
In Riding Out the Storm Emily moves between the past and the present, reliv-
ing a shocking tragedy. With the help of a therapist she learns to listen to the
signals around her and trust her instincts so that she can understand what
she needs to do with these memories in order to bring closure to an unfin-
ished, disturbing past.
Spiritual and believable, this novel follows a charismatic narrator on a jour-
ney of self-discovery. In a fervent search to learn all she can about reincarna-
tion she reaches out to not-so-unfamiliar strangers to repair relationships
long interrupted.
Riding Out the Storm Claudia Jones 0-7387-0867-4 264 pp $8.95 US $11.95 CAN
In Sword Play, book four of Linda Joy
Singletons The Seer series, teen psychic
Sabine Rose moves back to San Jose to live
with her family again. And she feels way out
of place in the world of her past. She misses
her grandmother and her friends in Sheridan
Valley who like her for who she is.
The spirit of Kip, the guy whose death she
predicted six months before, is hauntingly
insistent that Sabine help her but who
is she? When her old fencing director asks
her to help out with his beginner class,
shes happy for a distraction that gets her
involved in something active until the
members of her old fencing club bring back
painful memories. And when a practice
sword gets swapped for a real saber that
slices open her leg, memories arent the only
painful thing Sabine must deal with.
As she tries to piece together the disjoint-
ed clues, Sabine realizes that someone is
unhappy that shes back in town. Her simple
sword play takes an ominous tone as Sabine
realizes that cries of En Garde are really
open threats for her to remain on guard,
because if she doesnt, shell die.
Ghostly white-clothed figures glided around me on the
golden floor, shifting in quick moves like living chess pieces.
They had no faces, only blurry, gray masks. With deft spins,
they paired and began battling among themselves, slash-
ing with sharp blade arms and razor claw fingers. They
ignored her, except for one. A lone figure glided toward
me, slowly, with chilling purpose, gleaming silver claws
outstretched. I was paralyzed, unable to move, watching
in terror as knife claws loomed closer, closer
On Guard
Sword Play
Linda Joy Singleton
0-7387-0880-1 288 pp
$5.99 US $7.50 CAN
Dont Die Dragonfly
$4.99 US $6.50 CAN
Last Dance
$5.99 US $7.95 CAN
Witch Ball
$5.99 US $7.95 CAN
The Soul Revisited
Claudia Jones
o be perfectly honest, I cant remember what triggered
the idea of writing a book in which reincarnation
played a major role. It might have had something to
do with both of my parents dying within two years of each
other. I spent a lot of time wondering what had happened to
them and to the energy that had made them vibrant, living
The urge to write a novel, on the other hand, has gnawed at
me for as long as I can remember. Like my father, I have always
loved playing with words. As a sixth-grade literacy teacher, I
have read hundreds of books for young adults. I know what my
students enjoy, what is popular and what kinds of books are
already on library shelves. I wanted to write something differ-
ent, but its not easy to find a plot that is original. So when this
reincarnation thing popped into my head, I jumped on it. It
didnt take long, however, for me to realize that I didnt know
much at all about reincarnation, and if I wanted my story to be
realistic, Id better research.
I googled reincarnation on the Internet and found a lot
of websites that were pretty out there. Im basically a down-
to-earth, logical person, so I didnt spend long on these sites.
Instead, like Goldilocks, I kept searching until I found the
one that felt just right. I started reading about Ann Barham,
whod created the site www.pastlives.org, and decided I liked
her; I felt I could trust her. Ann is a licensed therapist who
specializes in past-life regression therapy. I surprised myself by
e-mailing to ask if shed be interested in helping me with some
information for a novel I was writing. We ended up arranging
a time for a phone interview, and when I called, a young girl
answered the phone. I knew Id chosen the right person to talk
with when I learned that the girl was the therapists daughter,
Emily. The coincidence that her daughter had the same name
as the main character in my novel was too strange not to mean
Ann patiently answered all my questions about how an
actual regression works and recommended some books that
she thought would help. The accounts I read of past life regres-
sions, especially those of children, were fascinating. I discov-
ered that I like the idea of reincarnation, the concept that every
persons life has purpose, sometimes for the role it plays in
others lives as their souls learn what they need to learn. That
concept gives meaning to otherwise incomprehensible events,
like the death of a child. I like the possibility that maybe we all
have many chances to get it right.
So I read, took notes, wrote when I could and did a lot
of thinking. When I wasnt sure of something, Id e-mail Ann
with more questions, and she answered them all. This writing
process stretched out over two years. Summer was the only
time that I could spend hours at my computer, writing and
revising and revising some more. During the school year, I sel-
dom had the chunks of time that I needed to write. This isnt
to say I didnt work at all on the book during the school year.
I spent countless hours thinking about what should happen
in the story and writing down ideas. Walking the dogs, taking
my morning shower and lying in bed before drifting off to
sleep were all incredibly productive thinking times. I had lots
of ideas percolating in my head, just waiting for summer when
I could pour them into my laptop. It was anticipation at its
best, a delay of gratification so painfully sweet that by the time
summer arrived, I was more than ready to write!
I have to tell you, a lot of details from my own life wound
up in this book. The horse, the M&Ms

, sailing on Marthas
Vineyard all come from my life. One especially fun aha!
moment came one day when I was half listening to a Discovery
Channel program about the dung beetle. For some reason,
the words dung beetle started rolling around in my head
until they turned into beetle dung. From there, I went to
Beetlebung which is part of the name of a place on Marthas
Vineyard. The island, where I spent summers while growing
up, was the place I wanted to be in my main characters past
life. Suddenly, I had a way to make the connection!
I dont look at life or death in quite the same way since
researching and writing this book. I wonder why certain things
happen. Whose life plan are they a part of and why? Sometimes
I even speculate on the reasons. And I find comfort in the idea
that my soul can return someday to work on the things I dont
get right this time around.
I have to tell you,
a lot of details from my own life
wound up in this book.

Teens & Tweens
continued on page 76
hen psychic sleuth Sabine Rose was introduced in
the first of The Seer series, Dont Die Dragonfly, she
was hiding a guilty secret about the tragedy that
forced her to leave her last school. Shed had a horrifying vision
of the death of a popular football star, only no one took her
warning seriously until her deadly vision came true. Rumors
spread that shed caused the boys death with witchcraft, and
even her best friend and mother turned against her. Sabine was
sent away to live with her grandmother where she successfully
started over at a new school. Hiding her psychic powers, Sabine
hoped to put her past behind her forever.
But in the fourth book of the series, Sword Play, the past
isnt so easily ignored. In the dead of the night, the ghost of the
deceased football player appears in Sabines bedroom. He has
a mysterious request for Sabine: Help her, he whispers. But
he vanishes before telling Sabine the identity of the unknown
girl. Sabine is torn between guilt over his death and a desire to
be a normal teen who doesnt see ghosts. But she has no idea
how to help an unknown girl. Besides, she has problems of her
own with friends, family and confusing romantic feelings for
the wrong guy. Forces beyond Sabines control send her back
to her hometown where she uncovers more than a few ghosts
of her past and finds out what really happened on that deadly
prom night.
When I created Sabine Rose, aside from her psychic skill,
I gave her a talent for fencing and mentioned a strong friend-
ship with her fencing teacher. I didnt know the exact plot
details, but I knew this teacher would play an important role
in a future book. I also knew that Sabine would uncover the
secrets behind the tragedy at her last high school. But I didnt
know what these secrets were until I started plotting Sword
Play. As the dark high school tragedy unfolded, even I was
surprised by the betrayal, romantic complications and hidden
despair of my own characters. Sword Play is an emotional tale of
guilty secrets as well as a swashbuckling adventure with sword
fights, jousting and ghosts. Sabine returns home and discovers
that friends, family and enemies are not what they seem. Even
the most trusted people harbor disturbing secrets that will
change Sabines life forever.
Writing Sword Play turned into a thrilling adventure for
me, beginning with my decision to take fencing lessons. Yes,
fencing lessons! Me middle-aged, mild-mannered author
striking innocent opponents with a sharp-edged blade. Luckily
no one was injured in the research of this book.
When I checked online for fencing classes, I found one in
Sacramento and signed up. I was really nervous going to my
first class. I kept thinking I was too out of shape and middle-
aged to fit in. Still I was determined to learn about fencing so
I could write realistic scenes for Sword Play.
Nervously, I entered a large room where experienced fenc-
ers were practicing. They wore white canvas protective jackets
and pants, and covered their face with wire-mesh helmets.
Many of them were preparing for a national fencing competi-
tion, and were as young, thin and athletic as I expected.
Then I gathered with about 20 students in my first fencing
class. I was pleased to see a variety of students, from a young
boy with his mother to a distin-
guished silver-haired man in his
sixties. The teacher, Paul, had a
fun sense of humor, and put us
at ease with jokes and a friendly
attitude. In the first lesson we
practiced body positions, safety
rules and footwork. I left feeling
really jazzed and proud of myself,
and I couldnt wait for the next
lesson when we were going to
start hitting each other.
Fencing was only part of
my research for Sword Play. An
important final scene takes
place at a renaissance fair, so I
took my family to a Jousting
Fair in Calaveras County. These
living history events are so fun!
Everywhere you look people are
Haunted by the Ghost
of High School Past
Linda Joy Singleton
Linda Joy Singleton (on right) in fencing class researching for the latest book in The Seer series
In Witch Circle, the third book in the L.O.S.T. series by
Debbie Federici and Susan Vaught, we return to L.O.S.T.,
Live Oak Springs Township. As King Bren and Queen Jazz
try to recover from the previous attacks, Bren must also
refine his skills because he lost fingers on his sword arm,
while Jazz attempts to keep the peace among the modern
Witches and the oldeFolke. And what Bren really wants is
to save his kidnapped brother from the Erlking, while Jazz
desperately wants to understand why odd girls with magi-
cal stones and special abilities keep showing up in L.O.S.T.
It almost seems as though their peacekeeping efforts are
being magically undermined intentionally!
Both Bren and Jazz have also been having nightmarish
visions. His revolve around five strange kids hes never
even seen and end with his brother Todd dying while Nire
escapes from her prison. Hers have recurring motifs of
sobbing children, strange swirling patters she does not
recognize and a tower on a moonlit hill. Neither one can
understand the meaning behind these horrific dreams,
but they know that they must do everything in their power
to ensure they wont come true.
Could the Elking be behind the ensuing chaos of L.O.S.T.
and the other sanctuaries? Is some other evil force at work?
Most importantly, will Nire escape the prison where shes
being held captive and destroy the Path that Bren and Jazz
have fought to secure? With so much to fear, and so few
clues, the King and Queen of the Witches must try to unite
the magical creatures before its too late. If they fail, they
will have to face their biggest fear that L.O.S.T. and all
the peaceful sanctuaries of the Path will be forever lost.
What in the name of the goddess had happened here?
Bren, I began as we stopped in front of his house,
but the rest of my thought and words left my mind at the
sight before me.
Acaw stood beside words on the wall of Brens shed. Words
scrawled, apparently, in blood.
My mouth went dry and my throat tightened. Talking was
out of the question. Even the crowd behind us had become
completely silent. Dread became my only emotion. A
cold, relentless dread that started in my toes and fingers
and flowed inward, chilling my heart. The once-fatal
Shadow wound on my arm bit at my consciousness.
Witch Circle
Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught
0-7387-0935-2 192 pp $8.95 US $10.95 CAN
Jasmina Corey, Queen of the Witches, brought 17-year-old
Brenden to a world where the survival of magic is being
threatened. An old prophecy indicates he could play a part
in saving the Path the magical gateway linking sanctu-
aries for all magic users. Can Bren and Jazz stop the evil
Shadowmaster Nire?
L.O.S.T. Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught 0-7387-0561-6 336 pp
$9.95 US $13.50 CAN
Bren must make a dangerous journey to the Land of the
Shadows in order to save Jazz from death, and theres no
guarantee hell even survive the journey. In ShadowQueen,
Jazz and Bren learn how sacrifice is necessary if there is to
be any chance of a hopeful future.
ShadowQueen Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught 0-7387-0827-5 312 pp
$8.95 US $11.95 CAN
Dont Miss Out on the First Two Adventures
of Bren and Jazz
Full Circle
Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught
he circle is perhaps the most recognized and revered of spiritual symbols,
representing the ultimate in cosmic order. The circle represents our world
and our journeys, from the passage of a day to the loop of time itself; thus,
we felt it was a fitting image for the conclusion of the L.O.S.T. trilogy.
At the heart of Witch Circle lies the truth of all travels, that destinations and ori-
gins often share much in common, that to get where were going, we must go where
weve been. When Bren and Jazz face their old nemesis Nire, they realize that to
bring peace and safety to their lives, they must revisit their worst battle and struggle
through their worst fears.
Like many teens, Bren and Jazz come to understand that sometimes simply stay-
ing on the Path isnt enough. You have to look where youve been, where youre going
and find a way to come full circle.
We wrote Witch Circle with both joy and sadness, since this book represents both
the start of a new phase of our lives and the end of our visits with Bren and Jazz, who
have become as much alter-egos as characters. As always, the characters surprised
us at every turn, and Jazz and Bren threw each other a few wicked curves like flying
barn doors, stacks of slither dung oh, and wasnt there something about a huge,
stinky flower?
Witch Circle begins a few months after ShadowQueen, as the King and Queen of the
Witches struggle to keep the Path and the community of L.O.S.T. from falling apart.
Bren feels trapped by his responsibilities, and his inability to find his kidnapped
brother Todd cuts deep. Jazz has her hands full attempting to integrate the Shadow
people and keep the peace between races that have long been at war. They have no
time for each other, and no time for themselves. And to make it all worse, some-
thing is attacking the Sanctuaries. Something evil and cold. Something a lot like the
The treacherous, shapeshifting Erlking stirs trouble at every juncture, and
dreams reveal that Nires power is growing. Using ancient magic and perverting
sacred symbols, the Erlking and his new companions have discovered a way to do the
unthinkable: bring Nire back from exile. As the clock ticks down toward Beltane and
the promised return of the Shadowmaster, Bren and Jazz grieve a treasured compan-
ion and find it difficult to distinguish allies from enemies.
Jazz must deal with her fears of failing against Nire again, while Bren faces the
unimaginable horror of losing his brother and confronting evil in his own family.
Jazz and Bren know they must unite the witches of L.O.S.T. once and for all. They
know they must find magic stronger than the Path itself, and fight against the mon-
ster of their nightmares. There must be a solution, a way to contend with this evil
without tearing out the heart of every belief they hold. Bren and Jazz face an uphill
battle literally culminating at the crest of the mythic Tor itself.
The sea is calling with war and death I am finished.
And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many
hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight,
and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all
the children of one mother and one father.
Black Elk
Teens & Tweens
Dont put this book down. Seriously. You
dont want to miss this secret stash of inside
info about yourself, your friends and anyone
else youd like to know more about.
Wouldnt you like to learn more about
someones personality and what kind of
friendship (or possible romance) the two of
you will have just by finding out their birth-
day? How about developing your psychic
powers interested? Curious about how to
read palms, auras and Tarot cards?
Maria Shaw put together Star Gazer so
that you can learn the basic techniques for
all of these things in one place. You dont
need to buy a dozen books this one has it
all. Marias been doing this for years. In fact,
shes so good that shes appeared on national
television and in magazines doing readings
for celebrities. Now shes sharing her secrets
with you.
Start at the beginning or skip to the sec-
tion that interests you the most. Whether
you want to begin by exploring the secrets of
palm reading or pumping up your psychic
powers is up to you. Dont be surprised if
everyone you know is suddenly asking you
for readings. Star Gazer is your source for real
star power.
Teenagers are mysteriously disappearing in
Tucson, Arizona, and other cities. One night,
seventeen-year-old Taryn nearly becomes one
of them when a revolting, unearthly creature
attacks her. The touch of a Zumar warrior
should render her unconscious, but Taryn has
the strength to fight until a young man with a
sword comes to her rescue.
This is how Taryn, an orphan with Mnires
disease, meets Erick, a Haro Knight from anoth-
er world. His job is fighting the Zumar who are
kidnapping and enslaving oldworlders (Earth
people). It is forbidden for Erick to socialize
with oldworlders, but he cant ignore the strong
attraction between them and Taryn seems
different from other Earth people. When shes
abducted by the Zumar and taken to their evil
sorcerer leader, Taryn is confronted with shock-
ing truths that explain her strange dreams and
special powers.
Awakening in a dungeon on another world,
Taryn searches for the path to freedom. But she
must choose between love and power. Why is
Taryn able to resist the Zumar when no other
Oldworlder can? As malevolent forces threaten
to destroy the precious balance between these
worlds, the prophecy of the wizards becomes
increasingly vital. Can salvation be found before
its too late?
Here is everything the novice spellcaster needs to practice the Craft of the
Wise and be a force for good. Step into the sacred space and discover the
secrets of one of the worlds oldest mysteries: the art and science of white
magick, a gentle, loving practice. The kit contains a beautifully-illustrated
book of instruction, plus six magickal talismans (including a silver pen-
tacle pendant), salt and a spell bag. The kit box converts into your own
personal altar.
Silver RavenWolf, one of todays most famous witches and the author
of the best-selling Teen Witch created all of the spells especially for teens.
The spells address common concerns such as making and keeping friends,
tackling homework and finding true love. With step-by-step instructions
and clear magickal symbols, the spells are easy to perform. No special
ingredients are required these spells can be cast using the items in the
kit and common household objects.
Maria Shaws Star Gazer
Maria Shaw
0-7387-0422-9 336 pp
$17.95 US $27.95 CAN
Sign of the Crescent
Debbie Federici
0-7387-0808-9 312 pp
$8.95 US $11.95 CAN
Your Source For Real Star Power
Good or Evil? Right or Wrong? Salvation or Destruction?
Everything You Need to Make Magick
Teen Witch Kit
Silver RavenWolf
1-56718-554-1 boxed kit
$24.95 US $38.50 CAN
Teens & Tweens
If Kevin had known how the day would end, hed have
stayed home and finished his Shakespeare essay. Hed
have raked leaves. Or discussed politics with his dad, and
Kevin didnt care much for politics. Or his dad.
But as far as he knew, it was just another day after
Thanksgiving. He had plans to go skiing with his best
friend, Mike, and wasnt about to let anything get in
the way.
Endless games, concerts on every corner,
being able to fly! If it werent for those annoy-
ing singing flowers, the heavenly world of
Nirvanaville would be a perfect place to spend
Just when he finally got used to being dead,
18-year-old Kevin finds himself heading back to
Earth to deliver a letter to his girlfriends mom.
Everythings fine until Kevin crashes his motor-
cycle, gets thrown in jail, loses his powers and
gets stuck down on Earth. He cant get back to
Nirvanaville until he somehow makes peace with
his dad. Which might be easier to do if Kevin
werent dead. And, if his dad wasnt the prosecut-
ing attorney at Kevins trial

15-year-old Samuel has just moved with his par-
ents to Yellowstones Geyser Inn for the winter.
Samuel has no friends, his on-line classes are too
easy and the TV has only one channel. Life basi-
cally stinks until one snowbound day when he
decides to explore the creaky old attic. There he
finds a ring pin engraved with weird symbols. A
strange voice commands Samuel to drop the pin,
and the adventure begins.
The ring pin has mysterious powers that
allow Samuel to communicate with Rag and
Thokk, the ravens that live in the attic. The ring
also has the power to transport the trio to the
perilous and magical world of the Nordic gods.
Suddenly, the three find themselves in the midst
of a battle among the most powerful gods of the
Norse pantheon Thor, the thunder god; Aegir,
the sea god; and Loki, the trickster. But the ring
pin cant or wont bring them home again.
Samuel is drawn into the timeless conflicts
of the gods as he searches for Thors magical
hammer, Mjollnir, and eventually must answer a
challenge that will determine the fate of the gods
Youve seen the face of death? Knowlton asked. Was it
scary and creepy and stuff?
No, not the face of death! Conrad said, smacking
his friend on the leg. The face I saw, the alien face. I
knew Id seen it before.
So you know an alien, Knowlton said. Maybe
you are an alien. Maybe hes your real father. It would
explain a few things.
When not fending off school bullies,
Conrad Viscous and his best friend Knowlton
Cabbage are totally wrapped up in Infinite Destiny,
their favorite sci-fi television show. One day, a
soulblade pops out of Conrads hand just when
he needs it to escape from his playground tor-
menters latest prank. Then Conrad realizes that
his weird dreams of aliens and space chases are
actually memories of a past life as an intergalac-
tic adventurer!
Faster than you can say maximum space-
warp velocity, the evil forces of the Deltran
Empire have descended upon Earth to track
down Conrad, capture his soul and use his
past-life memories to seize control of the entire
galaxy. Can Conrad and Knowlton escape the
intergalactic soul hunters and save the universe?
Stuck Down
Eileen Rosenbloom
0-7387-0658-2 240 pp
$8.95 US $11.95 CAN
The Ravens Ring Pin
John Anacker
0-7387-0433-4 336 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Attack of the Intergalactic
Soul Hunters
Timothy Carter
0-7387-0847-X 216 pp
$6.95 US $9.50 CAN
Whats Up With Being Stuck Down?
A Magic Ring Pin Portal to a Perilous Realm
Conrad Viscous and Knowlton Cabbage, Intergalactic Heroes
Find Your Goddess
Goddess Signs reveals that you are natu-
rally linked to a goddess with power
you can tap into. Discover who she is
using an amazing correlation between
the Chinese zodiac and the energies
of twelve archetypal goddess energies.
For example, if you are born under the
Chinese sign of the horse, you are linked
to the archetype of the warrior goddess.
If you are born under the sign of the ox,
you are linked to the Earth mother god-
dess, and so on.
Each of the goddess energies is asso-
ciated with an element. For example,
if you were born between January 31,
1976 and February 17, 1977, you are
associated with the energy of the Dragon
and Fire, making you linked to Queen
Goddess energy. This is explained in an
easy-to-read chart.
The book examines your positive
traits (so you can strengthen them) and
the negative ones (so you can overcome
them). Youll also learn your Tarot card,
moon phase, planets, herbs and plants,
colors, crystals and gemstones, and
much more. Information is included
about health, career and finance, spiritu-
ality, the future and romance. There are
also rituals and meditations you can do
to help with your goddess energy.
Astrology the Easy Way
There are so many great books on
astrology that you may have wondered,
Where do I start? We suggest Astrology
for Beginners by William W. Hewitt.
The beauty of this book is that it
is clear and easy to comprehend, while
presenting all of the basics you need to
begin understanding astrology and how
it works. The chapters follow a logical
order, adding a bit more with each one.
Youll learn how to create and inter-
pret your natal (birth) chart. You may
have heard of astrological terms such as
transits and progressions. Astrology
for Beginners explains exactly what these
predictive techniques are and how you
can use them.
Most people want to begin by learn-
ing about themselves, so a coupon for a
free computer-accurate horoscope chart
is included with every copy of Astrology
for Beginners.
Astrology can be a wonderful tool to
bring more success and happiness into
your life. If youre ready to take that step,
youre ready for this book.
The Ultimate Union: Myth,
Astrology and You
The names of the planets, stars, signs
and constellations are often based on
classic myths. It only makes sense that
the more you know about myths asso-
ciated with your horoscope, the more
youll know about interpreting your
chart and understanding yourself. This
is the focus of MythAstrology.
MythAstrology links a different myth
from world cultures for each planet
in each sign and reveals the myth in
depth. Do you have a Sun in Virgo?
Thats related to the myth of Hestia,
Greek goddess of the hearth. Mercury in
Capricorn? Thats related to the Egyptian
Ptah, architect of the universe. Pluto in
Cancer? Thats associated to the myth of
the Inuit Sedna, goddess of good fishing
and calm waters.
With a copy of your astrological
chart and this book, you can create
a complete astromythological profile
of yourself. Dont have a chart? No
problem! Included with every copy of
MythAstrology is a coupon for a free, com-
puter-accurate birth chart.
MythAstrology will help you better
understand the people you interpret
charts for friends, family, clients or
Goddess Signs
Angelica Danton
0-7387-0469-5 288 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Astrology for Beginners
William W. Hewitt
0-87542-307-8 312 pp
$12.95 US $20.50 CAN
Raven Kaldera
0-7387-0516-0 456 pp
$17.95 US $24.50 CAN
Taurus, manage
mounting stresses
with The Secret of
Letting Go
Secret of Letting Go
Guy Finley
0-87542-223-3 240 pp
$10.95 US $16.95 CAN
Magical Pathworking
Nick Farrell
0-7387-0407-5 240 pp
$16.95 US $25.95 CAN
actualize your
goals with Magical
Matters relating to your financial independence improve your portfolio. Others behave more aggressively toward you,
but listen to what they say, as you can learn some important lessons with positive implications for business. Financial
independence requires budget-cutting, but will bring great reward later. Business and finance come into the foreground
its time to fish or cut bait. Take the plunge and surrender to the new process youve initiated. Coddle yourself, and
let others do the same from time to time. Romance is in the air, if you can find the time for social activities.
Get yourself back into balance. Its been your turn to carry a little more responsibility in a relationships give and take.
Figure out what he or she can do and refuse to fill that gap. Keep alert and quick-thinking; you lead a charmed existence
with business, but be alert, for you may experience a sudden change in fortune, either for good or for bad. You are
more sensitive, and you may feel less able to view events with your usual objectivity. Surrendering is a part of bringing
the ideals you cherish into manifestation.
Change comes from foreign places, romantic partners and your own creative efforts. Gain clarity about your motiva-
tions and purpose. Your finances could come up short, but dont let that bother you; you can work something out.
Check in on how youre doing with fulfilling goals action is the keyword since you see the full potential of what
youve started. It will play out, requiring only follow-through from you. Carving out some time to play will refresh you
and make work more productive. Enjoy the simple pleasures with people you love.
Your big-picture goals are all coming together now in a great crescendo of activity and manifestation. Dont let the
tide of events keep you from taking care of logistics; youll pay more than the usual price for a lapse. You could be
out some serious cash unless you greatly reduce the risk and do your best to fit good habits into what you do. People
around you come to you for support. Do what you can, but dont make yourself responsible. Personal relationships
flow smoothly, building toward something special around May 26 make that a special date.
This is an action-packed time for you, but it involves profit. It seems you experience the effects of too much success
just look at whats directly in front of you in the moment and get that done before the next. Walking is an excellent
routine now, since it gets you out of the house. Low and slow is the key; respond to what your body is telling you.
Take the time to be emotionally supportive of those close to you, for some adjustments need to be made to the balance
of your public and your personal life.
Youd like to retreat and get your work done, however there are golden opportunities that make busyness rewarding.
Short bouts of uninterrupted time can be hugely beneficial to your creative side and help to ground you. While your
plans may seem overwhelming, you will carry them to completion if you stay focused. Connect with other people
especially new contacts. If you are at loose ends in your love life, this is a great time to meet potential new partners.
Change has been brewing, and transformation is the familiar result.
The world is your oyster, and you feel full of inspiration. The challenges will be your current financial restrictions, but
youll find a way to make things work. Your step is light, and your vitality high, but you are in a rush. Watch your feet
to avoid accidents, and use cash wisely. Find some time to retreat, as youll be able to reorganize both your inner and
outer lives. People around you will bring a beneficial energy through those whose lives you touch, with friends nearest
and dearest, and acquaintances and colleagues.
Youre feeling more withdrawn. Take this time out and get revitalized. A long process of self-examination and healing,
as well as a willingness to engage honestly in your relationship life, will bring new insight gently into the equation.
Others have faith in you and your goals, so you can get support for tasks while you get out from under the pressure.
Capitalize on the events that occur by broadening your perspective so that you can return to the top in a new and better
way. Strengthen your base when your income fluctuates so you have a reserve.
Get your message out to a larger audience, since this will lead to more open doors. You feel support from others during
this time. Their ideas are ingenious, and theyre willing to help you out. So take a vacation! You can get all your ducks
in a row so that taking time off wont set your efforts back. Business goes well now as you ensure your future success.
Relationships are highlighted see what improvements can be made to create greater balance and individuality. It
needs to be discussed even if no one wants to talk about it.
Plan long-range goals so you create what you really want, but remember that sometimes you just have to back off
and let events take their own course. Your finances get even better than before, making this a good period for your
pocketbook, but avoid giving handouts. Though your activity level will be intense, the feeling of completion ahead will
bring a sigh of relief. Make fitness dates; its something to look forward to and becomes extra relaxing due to social
interaction. Generosity and consideration go a long way toward letting someone know you care.
Weed out opportunities that dont fit the direction you want to follow, and streamline your efforts toward fewer initia-
tives. Fuel your outreach effort, the weak point in your skills and plans. You may not like all the feedback you hear, but
youll recognize its value. Money flows due to consistent hard work. Partnership is highlighted, although some of what
you experience will be a learning process as you see your relationships anew from an outside perspective. Youll feel
forced to neglect home and family, but touching base with them will help ease the situation.
Get caught up and clear lingering projects and predicaments from your life as you reach a peak in the process of rein-
venting yourself. Youll be unfolding a new part of your nature through which you will take back control of areas youve
given over to others. The key is completion, as conditions are set for long-term situations to morph into something
more workable. Seek the support of those whose healing abilities you trust, treat yourself to a weekly massage or
acupuncture treatment and dont neglect your need for sleep.
Whats a Mantrascope?
To reveal your mantra, read through
your horoscope and look for the
bold words. Read them in order to
gain insightful wisdom that will help
you achieve clarity in the coming
he top questions most profes-
sional astrologers hear from
clients concern the four sub-
jects of future, romance, health and
career. I will discuss the latter two in this
column. Astrology is eminently suited
to answering questions about both of
these topics.
In the 21st Century, we are living
longer, and most of us will be work-
ing longer, either because we love what
we do, cant stand to be idle or need
the continued income. With all the
resources at our disposal, we are del-
uged with information about changing
career fields, changing job requirements
and multiple possibilities for creating
income streams for ourselves. In addi-
tion, we face a rather different set of
health problems from people who lived
200 years ago, when life expectancy was
much shorter. We also have magnificent
medical technology available to help us
resolve health problems that in the past
would have spelled an early demise.
So how does astrology fit in with
these two issues? Your astrological chart
suggests the best careers for you, the
actual source of your income and even
the best kinds of spaces for you to work
within. The chart provides details about
your mental, artistic and personality
strengths and weaknesses, all of which
help you to understand what you really
want and need to do when you grow
up. Every part of your astrological chart
informs you about your career and per-
sonal mission.
The same is true for wellness. Your
chart very clearly indicates the areas
of the body that are more susceptible
to injury or disease, and astrological
lore provides remedies, nutritional and
herbal support, and thoughts about
ways to live your life to protect against
likely health problems.
Careers According to Your Midheaven
The Midheaven is determined by your
exact birth time, date and place. It is
the point in the chart that reflects the
best career fields for you to pursue. The
Sun sign also indicates a strong area of
career interest. The following page has
a few examples of careers, and the signs
associated with them.
Remember that what you want to
do the actual work you want to do
may not be described as such in this
article. For example, you may want to
work in the medical field, but you end
up doing technical research or informa-
tion services support. Or perhaps your
best career is in computers, and you end
up working in a hospital setting, man-
aging the computer systems. You have
to look beyond the career field itself.
Vocations, a brand new book by
Noel Tyl, provides astrologers with a
dynamic, fresh view of career explora-
tion in astrology. Starting with the
Midheaven, Noel shows precise meth-
ods for exploring the chart to con-
firm the career path. Vocations: the New
Midheaven Extension Process is a must for
every astrologers bookshelf.
Keeping Your Personal Vehicle
in Good Repair
Every area of your life benefits when you
feel well. Keeping your body healthy can
be a job in itself, and astrology provides
tons of information to help you do
just that. Some of you will remember
the food pyramid from grade school
broad base of carbohydrates with pro-
tein and fats toward the top, and fruits
in between. That oversimplified model
may have lead to rampant obesity in our
population. Recent discoveries indicate
that many carbohydrates are actually
bad for us, and turn our bodies into fat-
producing machines!
Your astrological chart points to fac-
tors that can cause health problems, as
well as areas where you can expect good
health. If your chart suggests strength or
weakness in the knees, for example, you
could try exercises to improve strength,
nutrition to improve joint functioning,
and activities that will not over-strain
this area of your body.
Managing Your Health & Wellness by
Diane Cramer, provides a wealth of
information for you, and comes with a
program that produces your chart and
a short interpretation of health for you.
With this book you dont need to be an
astrologer to benefit from astrological
knowledge that dates back to pre-medi-
eval times, and yet is as up to date as
the MRI. When you explore health in
your chart, its good to remember that
you are not doomed to contract every
disease or sustain every kind of injury.
Rather, you have guideposts to suggest
caution or provide remedies, should you
need them.
No doubt you have noticed that the
zodiacal signs are used for both career
and health sectors of astrology. In some
cases, the associations are pretty obvi-
ous. For example, Capricorn is associ-
ated with architecture and the knees.
Both of them focus on the ability to
help (buildings and people) stand erect.
Other associations are not so evident:
what is the exact association between
firemen and the skull, for example?
In this case, you may have to stretch
your mind a lot to find the association;
perhaps because Aries relates to fire,
and so does mental inspiration. The
astrological system is flexible enough to
be applied to any question or problem
you have.
For those of you just beginning to
consider astrology, try the Astrology Made
Easy series. Each book focuses on one area
of your life, and each book includes a pro-
gram on CD to calculate your chart and
compile an interpretation for you.
Stuck in the Middle
Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D.
continued on page 76
Midheaven Associates by Sign
Occupational Associations: There is an
almost total focus on the career; architecture,
chiropractor, governor, orthopedic work,
vocational counselor
knees, skin, hair
Occupational Associations: Planning and
strategizing are great; advertising, travel
agent, publishing, foreign policy, higher edu-
hips and thighs
Occupational Associations: Hard work is no
obstacle; brewer, tax work, chemotherapy,
junk dealer, psychology, psychic work
organs, colon
Occupational Associations: Cooperative
positions and teamwork are advantageous;
actor, mediator, florist, lawyer, sales repre-
sentative, sociologist
bladder, kidneys
Occupational Associations: Careers that pro-
vide a secure livelihood are good; administra-
tor, animal trainer, nutritionist, veterinary
work, mathematician, accountant
intestines, abdomi-
nal muscles, lower
lobes of liver
Occupational Associations: Leadership roles
are good, and so is the spotlight; chairman,
film star, gambler, politician, organizer
heart, back
Occupational Associations: Independence
is a primary need; agriculture, chef, mining,
social work
stomach, pancreas,
upper lobes of liver
Occupational Associations: Positions calling
for versatility and people skills; accounting,
anything to do with books, information man-
agement, sales positions
chest, lungs, arms
Occupational Associations: Any job requir-
ing persistence and endurance; art dealer,
convention planner, singer, surveyor, com-
mercial artist
jaw, neck
Occupational Associations: Simplicity and
reflection on the demands of a problem are
strong skills; ocean work, ice skater, nun,
prison guard, occult writer
feet, lymph system
Occupational Associations: Patience to
weather creative doldrums is an advantage;
airplanes and air travel, astrology, photogra-
phy, electronics, legislator
ankles, circulatory
Occupational Associations: Ambition is a big
factor, so there should be room for advance-
ment; military service, firefighter, hat design-
er, optometrist, metallurgical engineer
skull, face
The Moons
and Your
The ecliptic is the
apparent path of
the Sun across the
sky. The Moons
Nodes are points
in space where the
Moons path cross-
es the ecliptic. The
North Node is the where the Moon goes
above the ecliptic and the South Node
is where it falls below the ecliptic. The
Complete Node Book is the first compre-
hensive guide to the Moons Nodes
perhaps the most misunderstood points
in all of astrology, and guides to your
spiritual purpose in this lifetime.
Many books on the Nodes assume
that the North Node in Aries is the same
thing as the North Node in the first
house. The Complete Node Book gives thor-
ough interpretations of every sign and
house combination.
With this book comes a special offer
for a free birth chart. It will include the
position of the Moons Nodes and give
you the raw data youll need to explore
the nodes, astrology and yourself.
of Any
Stephanie Jean
Clement, Ph.D
believes that no
point in a chart
is unimportant
and an accu-
rate Midheaven
provides as much valuable information
as the Ascendant or any of the planets.
You can learn the secrets of this powerful
point of the horoscope in her book, The
Power of the Midheaven.
According to the author, the
Midheaven represents ego-conscious-
ness what we know about ourselves.
It also indicates important factors con-
cerning spiritual awareness. After a thor-
ough analysis of what the Midheaven
indicates from a psychological point of
view, the book gives an in-depth exami-
nation of the Midheaven in each sign.
The book also covers all Natal Aspects
and information on progressions, direc-
tions and transits. Everything is fully
laid out so you can quickly add this
information to any of your chart inter-
pretations and enhance your abilities at
chart synthesis.
A New
to Chiron
Some think of
Chiron, discov-
ered in 1977, as
a small planet;
others consider
it an asteroid or
even a comet.
Initial astro-
logical studies of Chiron saw it as having
a theme of wounding in a metaphoric
sense. Now, after twelve years of study,
Martin Lass expands on this theme in
his new book, Chiron.
Lass discovered that wounding was
only half of the important meaning of
Chiron. The second part is the healing
that comes after the wounding. This can
be seen on both personal and transper-
sonal levels. Therefore, Chiron functions
as a bridge, a catalyst, an intermediary
between two points wounding and
healing on our journey through life.

Chiron in all the signs and houses

The meaning of Chiron in aspect and in

How to determine if Chiron is related to
past lives

The full Chiron paradigm
Using examples, charts and graphs,
Lass shows you how Chiron can now
become an integral and powerful part of
your astrological readings.
The Complete
Node Book
Kevin Burk
0-7387-0352-4 240 pp
$15.95 US $24.50 CAN
Power of the Midheaven
Stephanie Jean
Clement, Ph.D.
1-56718-147-3 240 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Martin Lass
0-7387-0717-1 288 pp
$17.95 US $24.50 CAN
Chart Indicators
ou know the meaning of the planets, signs and houses. One task of the
astrologer is to see what various chart combinations may indicate. Thousands of years
of research have resulted in an understanding that specific combinations in a horoscope chart indicators
have certain meanings. For example, one traditional indicator of a woman marrying before the age of 30 is having the
Sun in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th or 12th house of the natal horoscope. If the Sun is in the one of the other houses, it indicates
a later marriage. Signs considered double-bodied (Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces), if on the cusp of the 7th house, indicate a
predisposition to multiple long-term marriages or relationships.
Uranus in the 1st house is said to indicate an innate ability to understand science, math and engineering; however, some
people say that its more important that Uranus be prominently featured rather than limited to the 1st house.
Perhaps the most complex task for an astrologer is not to view chart indicators by themselves, but to see them in harmony
with other aspects of the chart. If an indicator of some quality is contradicted by another part of the chart, the astrologer must
determine how it is all interrelated and what is most important.
What Astrology Can Do for You is an intelligent and
understandable introduction to all of the major
paths of astrology as well as a guide to what you
see on your horoscope.
The horoscope a diagram with circles,
lines and symbols representing astrological signs
and the planets is a map of the heavens at the
time and place you were born. In this book youll
learn the parts of the horoscope wheel and the
signs of the zodiac, as well as what they mean.
You will also discover the meanings for planets
in conjunction, opposition, trine, square and the
relationship of your birth chart to the planets
and signs today (transits and progressions).
In these pages, you will learn about:

Your unique birth chart

Forecasting the future

What The Moon in the Seventh House
really means

The influence of the planets and signs

Playing the angles

This is a book for astrological beginners.
However, if youre a professional, its also ideal to
give or sell to clients. It will answer many of their
questions so you can do what you do best: give
them great astrological interpretations.
Discover how the planet Neptune, when transit-
ing your planets and houses, can actually help
to make your life smoother and easier to work
with when you get Alive and Well with Neptune by
Bil Tierney.
This is a fascinating astrological look at the
planet associated with your emotional waves of
highs and lows, as well as with your deepest spiri-
tual yearnings. By understanding what Neptune
indicates, you can reach higher levels of spiritual-
ity while maintaining an emotional balance.

Learn how to effectively dream to unfold your
hidden talents

Discover how to direct your talents toward

Find out about the importance of Neptunes
inner radar system

Learn how Neptune can help you expand life
and love
Alive and Well with Neptune features in-depth
analyses of Neptune as it transits all of your natal
houses and planets, making it the most complete
book on Neptune available. It offers something
that no other book on Neptune has ever offered:
a great sense of humor. As a result, Alive and Well
with Neptune is upbeat, easy to understand and
easy to remember. All of your readings, for your-
self or for others, will be enhanced.
If you understand the nature of an event from
cosmetic surgery to buying a car, from choosing
a wedding date to filing a lawsuit you can use
astrology to choose the best time to begin that
activity. If you would like to learn the art and
science of timing, you need Electional Astrology by
Joann Hampar.
The technique begins with an electional
chart where the person for whom the chart is cal-
culated is represented by the Ascendant. Because
the Ascendant goes through all the signs every
day, you can choose the times that place you in
the best light for any particular activity. Electional
Astrology includes:

How to compare the electional chart and the
birth chart

Lists to help you identify the appropriate house
for your event

Instructions and examples for over 25 different
kinds of events
You will never find the perfect chart for
any activity because perfection is impossible, but
you can hedge your bets by considering the posi-
tion of the Moon, the planets and the Ascendant
to favor the outcome. Additionally, use the book
to look up placements in charts for individuals,
eclipses, mundane events and corporations.
What Astrology
Can Do for You
Stephanie J. Clement, Ph.D.
1-56718-146-5 192 pp
$4.99 US $7.50 CAN
Alive and Well with Neptune
Bil Tierney
1-56718-715-3 312 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Electional Astrology
Joann Hampar
0-7387-0701-5 216 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
What Is Astrology?
The Power of Neptune
Choose the Right Time
Many books give simple guidelines as
to which astrological signs are com-
patible with others. For example, if
you are an Aries, then you are sup-
posed to partner easily with a Leo or
a Sagittarius, and if you are a Taurus,
then Virgos and Capricorns are sup-
posedly your natural partners.
Ah, if it were only that easy!
Astrology is more than just Sun sign
compatibilities. Other important
aspects include the positions of your
Moon, Ascendant, Mars and Venus.
In order to really use astrology to
understand relationships you need
a detailed chart from both people
(which can be used to configure a
compatibility chart) as well as either
the knowledge of how to interpret
this information or the assistance of
a trained astrologer.
Its important to understand
that the positions of the planets,
signs and houses do not force you
to do anything. Rather, they reflect
what is already within you. With this
information you can determine how
best to catch the interest of another
person, how to maintain that inter-
est, how to improve communication
and how to overcome challenges.
Some people believe that love is
nothing more than a combination
of certain chemicals, scents and
hormones. Others contend that
love has magical and intangible
factors. Whatever you believe, the
sometimes rocky road to romance
can be made a bit smoother with
the help of astrology.
Bernie Ashman
1-56718-046-9 504 pp
$19.95 US 29.95 CAN
Make Love Last
Bernie Ashman reveals that each person is a manifestation
of his or her astrological sign. The combination you find
in relationships can create a repetitive pattern of behav-
ior that interferes with the harmony of a partnership.
SignMates describes several games for each astrological
pairing, then gives a strategy for how to turn these poten-
tial liabilities into assets.
If you know nothing about astrology, this book can
help you gain insight into the way you and your partner
interrelate, which can improve or save a relationship.
Advanced and professional astrologers will find this to be
an incredible reference for the way signs relate and resolve
Understand Your Partner
Chemistry can be good or bad. But what is it? It is almost
as if a relationship can develop a life of its own. In 1973,
John Townley solved the problem when he introduced the
composite chart. By combining the natal charts of both
partners, the resulting delineation will lend insight to the
pairing. Now, with more than 25 years of refined research
and experience, he returns to this remarkable system with
Composite Charts. This book is the definitive book on astro-
logical relationships.
Composite Charts is filled with example charts, and
includes a coupon for you to get a free, computer-accu-
rate, composite chart.
Love After Lust
Love After Sex illustrates how sex, money and power
dynamics play out in relationships based on the Sun sign
combinations of the people involved. Unlike other books,
it also breaks down the Sun sign into decanates, one third
of each sign. A person born in the first part of a sign may
have significant differences from a person born during the
last part of the sign. Only a birth date is needed to under-
stand this advanced information about your partner. Love
After Sex also discusses Moon sign tendencies, which play
a vital part in relationships and indicate how well you are
able to emotionally nurture your lover.
This guide reveals the secrets of your relationship and
uncovers the essence of what the two of you can do and
be together.
Composite Charts
John Townley
1-56718-716-1 480 pp
$24.95 US $39.95 CAN
Love After Sex
0-7387-0853-4 264 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN

and Romance
A Match Made in Nirvana
Most people wouldnt think astrology
and Buddhism go together. And yet,
they are perfect complements to each
other. For example, Buddhism has three
wisdoms: impermanence, interdepen-
dence and voidness or emptiness. These
relate directly to the way we understand
the dynamics of an astrological chart.
Transits are all about change (imper-
manence). Astrologers compare charts
all the time to evaluate relationships
(interdependence). Buddhism allows you
to hear the mysteries of the areas of
charts that are empty (voidness). Thus, a
knowledge of Buddhist thought can help
astrologers better understand the charts
they interpret, and Buddhist Astrology is
the first book to truly examine these two
Buddhist Astrology shows you how to
use Quietude Meditation to overcome
the stress of Mercury retrograde, while
another meditation will show you how
to improve intuition and imagination.
In fact, youll learn a meditation practice
suited to each of the planets that will help
you enhance readings, overcome prob-
lems and explore positive potentials.
Whether you are a Buddhist seek-
ing new insights, an astrologer wanting
to understand Buddhism or someone
interested in spiritual astrology, Buddhist
Astrology is a book you will treasure.
Align Your Celestial
Astrology maps how stellar and plan-
etary cycles reflect what occurs in the
world as above, so below. Predicting
planetary placements allows us to cal-
culate future trends in our own lives.
The skill of attuning these energies has
largely been a complex process requiring
expert astrologers until now.
In Cycles of Life, Rod Suskin reveals
that there are ten major cycles in our
lives, each associated with one of the
planets and having a four-stage rhythm.
When cycles overlap, there is a possibil-
ity for change in the areas indicated by
the planets or cycles. Suskin puts this
information into easy tables and work-
sheets that allow you to determine the
cycles in your life and the cycles to come.
Mastering these changes will help you to
learn that life changes are predictable,
and that understanding astrological
cycles helps calculate your future.
Cycles of Life avoids complex astro-
logical jargon, making its wisdom avail-
able to astrologers of any level or degree
of expertise. It offers logical methods for
forecasting your future. Take control of
your life and command your future with
Cycles of Life.
Every Month Is Unique
Every year, the Sun moves through each
of the 12 zodiacal signs. Similarly, every
27.5 days the Moon goes through the
signs, eventually hitting the same posi-
tion as your natal Moon. This is a lunar
return, and the new position of the plan-
ets in a lunar return chart can show you
what to expect during the next month.
A lunar return chart reveals why
things are so different month to month.
More importantly, when you accurately
interpret a lunar return chart you will
know what the next weeks will bring. The
best methods of interpreting this chart
are in Lunar Returns by John Townley.
Intended for intermediate or advanced
astrologers, it will make your astrologi-
cal interpretations better than ever.
If you want to include lunar returns
in your readings, this book will increase
your understanding of them and their
interpretation. If you havent worked
with lunar returns, this book will give
you the information you need to accent
them in your readings.
Buddhist Astrology
Jhampa Shaneman &
Jan V. Angel
0-7387-0315-X 384 pp
$19.95 US $30.95 CAN
Cycles of Life
Rod Suskin
0-7387-0659-0 264 pp
$16.95 US $22.95 CAN
Lunar Returns
John Townley
0-7387-0302-8 264 pp
$19.95 US $30.95 CAN
ver the past century or so, the model of society has
undergone a drastic change due to a variety of influ-
ences. We have moved from a society where people
lived with extended families grandparents, parents, aunts,
uncles, cousins, in-laws, children, grandchildren and even
friends to one where the ideal is the nuclear family parents
and children only. We used to live in closely-knit communities
or tribes where people had common interests and needs, and
have now distanced ourselves so that we often dont know
more than a few neighbors.
But it seems that in some ways, people still have a need for
that tribal experience. All over the world, people are moving
toward temporary tribal events. They may be small, such as
the first modern Pagan festivals that were held decades ago in
Minnesota and sponsored by Llewellyn, or they may be enor-
mous, such as the Burning Man festival that brings together
tens of thousands of people in the desert near Reno, Nevada.
Tribal experiences usually require some sort of initiation
or task for people to accomplish beyond merely having similar
interests. Today, that may be a need to travel, pay a fee or both.
It shows commitment to the tribe. I would contend, then, that
becoming a member of a group such as the Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn is an example of being a part of a tribe.
The Golden Dawn Didnt Teach Magick
The first step in becoming part of a tribe into which you were
not born is some sort of approval process. In the original
Golden Dawn you were supposedly observed astrally. You
might also be invited to a party that included members who
would watch you and determine whether or not you should
be invited into the clan. Today, this may be done through a
written or oral interview. If accepted you would be invited in
on a provisional basis. It would have the purpose of seeing
if you wanted to continue and if the members of the Order
thought you were an appropriate member. You would receive
initiation while knowing little of the Order maybe not even
knowing the name and nothing of what they taught. You
would receive instruction in certain basic occult knowledge, a
meditation and one basic protection ritual. You received noth-
ing magickal per se.
When ready, you would be tested to see if you knew the
information. If you passed, you would receive initiation into
the next level where you would receive more occult informa-
tion and another meditation. Again, nothing magickal per se.
This pattern was repeated through the entire Golden Dawn.
You never really had any magick instructions. How, then, did
the Golden Dawn become known as a magickal Order?
The Golden Dawn is actually part of three linked groups.
The Golden Dawn itself was considered the outer order
where you prepared to learn magick. The second, or inner
order, was technically known as the Rosea Rubea et Aurea Crucis.
That is Latin for Red Rose and Golden Cross, and is often
spoken of as the RR et AC. Members considered this to be the
Rosicrucian Order. It was here that people who had received
the training and preparation would be taught magick. Entry
into this inner part of the tribe was not given to everyone
who went through the degrees (although it often is today).
Members of the inner order would have to choose to allow
you in. It is not well known, but it seems that those whom
the members of the inner order didnt think could handle
magickal concepts and techniques would be initiated into a
dummy degree which was an extension of the Golden Dawn
and not part of the RR et AC.
The final or third order was called the Astrum Argentum,
Latin for Silver Star, abbreviated as AA. It was believed that
you could not be part of this order while you were incarnated.
After Aleister Crowley parted ways with the Golden Dawn, he
set up his own magickal order called the AA, an act that upset
many members of the Golden Dawn!
Speed! Speed! Speed!
Today, our lives are going faster and faster. We get fast food
and watch TV comedies where we change the channel if every
line doesnt get a laugh. We want fast cars (although its rare
that we can drive them fast) and fast Internet access. We dont
want to learn healing practices, we want a pill or surgery that
will make us well or beautiful and fast! This need for speed
has had an effect on several groups that call themselves the
Golden Dawn. They start teaching magick rituals right away
because thats what the market wants. In my experience,
most who join such groups end up falling away because they
did not take the time to adequately prepare. Some people
Preparation and the Golden Dawn
Donald Michael Kraig

Magi ck & Shamani sm
who join those groups do become excellent mages, but most
simply wear their sashes of membership until they get bored
of their magick not working. More and more, people reach
out to others via the Internet. Its not the same as an in-person
membership, but for many it gives the feeling of belonging to
something wonderful and being a magician in the style of the
Golden Dawn.
If you are starting out and want to learn the Golden Dawn
system, and either do not want to join or cannot join a temple,
I would respectfully suggest that rather than trying to do
advanced Enochian magick, you start at the beginning and
learn the basic concepts and theories thoroughly. There are
several good books that can help you on this path.
The first, of course, is Israel Regardies famous book, The
Golden Dawn. See the sidebar below for ways I suggest you use
After you have completed the preparatory work, you may
start augmenting what you have learned by gaining added
information from external sources. Here are some of my sug-
For the most concise overview of the Golden Dawn and
its system, study The Essential Golden Dawn by Chic and Sandra
Tabatha Cicero. It covers the history of magick leading up to
the Golden Dawn as well as that of the Order. It explains the
structure of the Order, the tools you can use, as well as the
basic rituals youll perform and the nature of magick.
For greater insight into the nature of magick and mind, I
also recommend Regardies three classic books, The Tree of Life,
The Middle Pillar and A Garden of Pomegranates. The first is a com-
plete introduction to magick. The second is about the power-
ful use of magickal energy as taught by the Golden Dawn. The
third is an in-depth analysis of the Qabalah. The editions avail-
able today have been greatly expanded by the Ciceros, making
these books some of the most valuable ones around.
First I Tell You
Theres an old story about a minister famed for his sermons.
When asked what he does to make them so memorable, the
response was supposedly, First I tell you what Im going to tell
you, then I tell you, then I tell you what I told you. Repetition
is a good way to learn things, but it can be boring to simply
repeat the same thing. Rather, studying the same materials in
different ways helps us learn things and gives greater under-
Thats why, after doing all of this work, I suggest you start
working through Self Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition
by the Ciceros. This will provide you with more depth and
different insights into your development as a Golden Dawn
magician. Then you will be ready to go back to Regardies The
Golden Dawn, read through and study the ceremony of initia-
tion into the Adeptus Minor Grade (the first level of the inner
order) where you will begin performing the magickal rituals
described later in the book.
Insight Into the Dawn

1. Go to page 117 and read the Neophyte initiation. Read it at least once every day for a
week. Dont worry if you dont understand everything, just read it.
2. Go to page 50 and begin studying the First Knowledge Lecture. Study it until you
know everything by heart and can write it all down quickly. Continue reading the
Neophyte initiation once daily. Practice the meditation and Lesser Banishing Ritual
of the Pentagram daily.
3. Once you have memorized the information in the First Knowledge Lecture, go to page
141 and read the Zealator initiation ceremony. Read it at least once every day for a
week. Dont worry if you dont understand everything, just read it.
4. Go to page 60 and study the Second Knowledge Lecture. Study it until you know
everything by heart and can write it all down quickly. Continue reading the Zealator
initiation once daily. Practice the new meditation and continue practicing the Lesser
Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram daily.
5. Repeat this process for the Theoricus, Practicus and Philosophus grades, finally read-
ing the ritual of the Portal many times. Unless you already have a great deal of train-
ing, this should take you six months to a year.
Many systems of magic that are popular today originated in ancient Sumeria, Egypt, Africa or
India. Perhaps the most secretive and mystical area in the world, the Tibetan plateau in the
shadows of the Himalayas is home to one of the greatest esoteric traditions on Earth. The
mystics there have elicited unprecedented mysteries of mind and modes of magic. Various
bits of information that allude to these dynamic forces trickled out to a wider community over
the years, but Tibetan Magic and Mysticism provides a concise introduction to this corpus
of techniques, based partly on Tibetan Buddhist practice and partly on shamanic Bon (the
aboriginal religion of Tibet).
Tibetan Magic and Mysticism is the result of years of research by famed occult author J. H.
Brennan (its a revised and expanded version of his previously-published Occult Tibet). It fea-
tures unique and authentic Tibetan magical practices and concepts:
The Khor-lo system The natures of the 72,000 energy paths of the body
Dream Yoga Gtum-mo (tummo), the ability to generate heat and survive the cold
Karma and the six realms Secrets of Tibetan meditation methods
Tibetan concepts of reincarnation
The book includes information on light trance states to recall past lives; how to manipulate
spiritual energies via sound, rhythm, chanting and drumming; secrets of using mantras; and
the spiritual practice of sleep yoga.
Tibetan Magic and Mysticism will enlighten you with magic imbued with rich culture. These
refined ritualistic practices define a way of life. The teachings in this book bring ancient, previ-
ously uncollected techniques to the West and allow you to redefine your lifestyle with innova-
tive philosophies of magic.
Tibetan Magic and Mysticism
J. H. Brennan
0-7387-0713-9 240 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
o f t h e HI MA L AYA S
Tibetan Magic and Mysticism
A Spiritual Legacy
J. H. Brennan
ibetan Magic and Mysticism is a
major and hopefully less con-
troversial expansion of my
award-winning Occult Tibet, which was
published by Llewellyn in 2002. Despite
the title and an explanatory introduction,
some critics and a sizeable proportion of
readers insisted on treating the original
as if it was meant to be an exposition
of Tibetan Buddhism and were irritated
when it failed to measure up.
The heat generated was an indica-
tion of the emotional impact Tibet
has had on the Western mind. It has
long since ceased to be merely a coun-
try and has become a symbol of
the struggle for freedom, of spiritual
values in a material world, of hope
for those of us who dare to think
theres more to life than making one
more dollar.
But the real Tibet, even before the
Chinese invasion, was never the Tibet of
our imagination, however desperately
we wish it were. It was a country that
once loved war just as much as it now
longs for peace. It was a country in
need of modernization and reform
not according to its strutting Chinese
overlords, but by admission of its gentle
Dalai Lama.
With Tibet, nothing is what it
seems; nothing is entirely simple. Why,
for example, after centuries of good col-
lective karma, was it invaded, isolated
and brutalized in 1950? Could it be that
Tibet, like Christ and the sacrificed god-
kings of ancient mythology, died to save
us all? As our planet plunges deeper into
the miseries of the Kali Yuga, is there a
need to disseminate the spiritual tech-
niques and truths that were once locked
up in the Himalayan fastness?
Clearly, those spiritual techniques
and truths are what the world needs
now, far more than any War on Terror,
missile defense system or new economic
miracle. I discovered this very quickly.
Although long familiar with Tibetan
magic those ideas and systems that so
infuriated my correspondents because
they werent, werent, werent a part of
Tibetan Buddhism the result of my
research into Tibetan mysticism was
I found myself experiencing a
heightened sense of unreality on two
Magi ck & Shamani sm
Natural Treasures
Stir up passion with violet or nab a new job with honeysuckle. From parsley
to periwinkle, people enjoy herbs for their aroma, taste and healing abilities,
but few are aware of the enchanting powers harnessed within these multi-pur-
pose plants. With a fresh perspective on traditional herbalism, Ellen Dugan
introduces the bewitching traits of flowers, roots, trees and spices in Herb
Magic for Beginners.
This is an ideal first book for discovering the magical side of nature. In her
friendly and lively style, Ellen takes you through the basics of herbal magic and
spellworking, including:
How to gather live herbs for magical use
The basic rules of magic
The elements of spellwork
Magical correspondences
Herb altars
Once you achieve a basic understanding of magical herbalism, youll learn
specific spells, including herb magic for love and happiness, well-being and
comfort, protection and prosperity. Youll discover the specific herbs, plants
and trees for magical purposes. Finally, youll learn how to create your own
herbal spells and charms.
Ellen Dugans Herb Magic for Beginners breathes new life into herbal folklore
and wisdom. Under her guidance, readers gain the knowledge and techniques
to safely explore herbal magic for health, luck, prosperity, romance, protection
and more!
Herb Magic for Beginners
Ellen Dugan
0-7387-0837-2 240 pp
$12.95 us $17.50 can
complementary fronts. The first and
most obvious was the realization that
the abiding concerns of the greatest
minds in Tibet had nothing to do with
the real world of planes and trains and
motorcars that I experienced daily as
a product of the dominant Western
culture. In a curious way, this had very
little to do with religion as Westerners
know it. Our religions teach morality
as behavior patterns defined on their
own terms and reinforced by the prom-
ise of rewards, like children, and the
threat of punishment, like children. In
Tibetan mysticism, there is only the
search for truth and right behavior pre-
cisely because it is right. The heavens
and the hells are all constructs of the
mind. There is no need to seek them, no
need to fear them.
Which brought me to the second
front. According to the insights of
Tibetan spirituality, our perception of
the real world is flawed as well. Not
just its politics and values, not just its
preconceptions and ideas, but its very
structure is something other than what
it appears. It reminds me of a saying
in Haiti: What you see its not what you
At least one (American) Buddhist
attempted to convince me this was pure-
ly philosophical, essentially a question
of emphasis, as a handful of American
deaths might seem more real (to us)
than a million famine victims in distant
China. Our own physicists know bet-
ter. They have now become accustomed
to thinking mathematically about an
11-dimensional space-time continuum
that looks nothing like the world we
live in. The difference is that Tibetan
mystics experience it.
It seems to me that the formula-
tions of Tibetan mysticism leave no
room at all for simple amendments to
our current values. Rather whats called
for is change so fundamental as to
be almost beyond our comprehension.
Those things we believe to be important
are, it transpires, ephemera. Our deep-
est concerns, including some of our
most cherished ideas about life and even
death, turn out to be close to worthless.
We are left only with our loyalty to truth
and an explosive sense of wonder when
we find it.
The legacy of Tibet, now qui-
continued on page 76
The Garden Witch
Digs Into Herb Magic
Ellen Dugan
ello, its your friendly neigh-
borhood Garden Witch. Ive
got a wonderful new book for
you to dig into this year, and its popping
up just in time for the gardening sea-
son. Its entitled Herb Magic for Beginners.
This newest book in Llewellyns For
Beginners series is a hands-on primer
into the world of magical herbalism.
I first became interested in herbal
magic as a new gardener. I still remem-
ber the day I was walking around my
gardens, comparing what plants I had
growing to the plants listed in a magical
encyclopedia. To my amazement many
of the plants I had in the perennial gar-
dens were classified as magical herbs.
The only problem was, while I adored
the reference book, there were precious
few spells in it and no real information
on how to practically combine the herbs
with my spellcraft.
Many of us are captivated by
the topic of herbs and herbal magic.
However, there are few books available
on the topic of actually working magic
with the herbs besides those in basic
encyclopedic format. There are even
fewer books that offer practical spells
and herbal enchantments for any level
of experience. Herb Magic for Beginners
will take care of that omission. There
is plenty for you to learn, experiment
with and discover. Plus I have included
dozens of herbal spells, and they are all
straightforward and ready to go.
Down-to-Earth Enchantments
I admit it, I have a passion for the natu-
ral world and a love affair with green
growing things. As a Master Gardener
I often lecture on the topic of herbs
and plant folklore. The very word herb
has always seemed fascinating to me.
After all, there is something mysterious
about herbs, their uses, aromas, tastes
and textures. Their history and folklores
are captivating, and for many Witches,
Wiccans and Pagans, the topic of magi-
cal herbalism is an irresistible one. I
believe that Herb Magic for Beginners will
be an excellent addition to your magical
So, lets dig in! Ill just bet you are
wondering what you will uncover in
this down-to-earth paperback. The first
two chapters of the book break down
how herb magic works, and then neatly
segue into an explanation of astrologi-
cal timing, tools of the trade and plant
and herbal terminology. After that, the
book is divided up into four chapters.
Each of these are chocked full of prac-
tical charms, spells and rituals revolv-
ing around the chapters specific topic.
There are 48 common herbs featured in
this book. And all of the herbs will be
easy for you to get your hands on, and
to work with. Most importantly, each
individual herb has an accompanying
spell, charm or ritual to go along with it.
I wanted to make sure there was plenty
of magic in this book.
Also, just as youd expect, I have
included a spell worksheet and several
herbal correspondence charts. These
will come in handy for you as you begin
to compose your own herbal spells and
Herb Magic Is a Major Magic
Now, for those of you who are wrinkling
up your nose at the mere thought of
reading a book with the word beginner
in the title, sit tight for a moment. Here
is an interesting fact for you to ponder.
The truth is, herb magic is considered
a major magic. And a major magic is
defined as a type of enchantment that
requires more knowledge and the com-
bination of several other magical prac-
tices, such as astrological timing, candle
and color magic.
However, by tackling the topic of
herb magic from a beginners point of
view, it allows any Witch, or magic user
(no matter what their level of experi-
ence), to dive right in and start experi-
menting with herb magic. It also gives
you the opportunity to refresh different
magical techniques, or even to add some
new ones into your repertoire.
Herb magic is a sensory type of
enchantment. The scents, colors and
textures of the plant materials offer
immediate gratification. They also lure
magical practitioners outdoors and
into the natural world to experience the
plants growing in nature and in the gar-
den. (Yes, it is my goal in life to get you
off the couch and outside.) Working
with plants is fun! Tending and utilizing
herbs for magic is even more enjoyable.
It links you to the cycles and seasons
of the Earth and keeps you intimately
connected to the sacred side of nature.
Herb Magic for Beginners will demonstrate,
in a down-to-earth manner, just how
to go about creating your own variety
of herbal magic with humor, style, and
most importantly, with heart.

Magi ck & Shamani sm
Send him a message a rescue ritual in a bottle. You can use
the tool box as his altar and the items inside, his watch and any
herbs he can find, but nothing else. Oh, and one more thing
only one sheet with 300 words or less will fit into the bottle.
Judges at Llewellyn will determine the winner and send him
or her the contents of the treasure chest:
Mysteria Magica, Denning and Phillips classic text of train-
ing and development in the Western Mystery Tradition
The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, John Michael Greers com-
prehensive guide to the history, philosophies and personalities
of Western occultism
Modern Magick, the most popular step-by-step training in
high magick, by Donald Michael Kraig
Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa, the single most
important text in the history of Western occultism, edited by
Donald Tyson
The Golden Dawn Enochian Skrying Tarot by Chic and Sandra
Tabatha Cicero and Bill and Judy Genaw, combines Enochian
and Western Tattvas in a unique divinatory deck
The total retail value is over $150.00
1. Write a ritual to rescue Eliphas the magician
2. You may enter more than once, but each entry must be sig-
nificantly different
3. It must be 300 words or less
4. Employees of Llewellyn Worldwide, and authors published
by Llewellyn may not participate
5. Email entries to nweditor@llewellyn.com
6. All entries must be received no later than June 1, 2006
7. Decision of the judges is final. Use of tools, description and
logic of the ritual are the only factors that will be judged.
Ritual may be any style of magick including ceremonial,
Thelemic, Pagan, Chaos, etc.
8. All entries become the property of Llewellyn Worldwide and
may be used by us in any way
9. Winner agrees to be identified as the winner in a future issue
of New Worlds
Can You Rescue Eliphas?
Rescue the Magician
Eliphas gasped for breath as he dragged himself on shore. Waves lapped at his feet and legs as he crawled
slowly, achingly, further up the sandy beach. He had no idea how he had been able to survive his recent
horror. He fell asleep on the sand.
He awoke to bright sunlight and sat up. Every muscle and bone in his body ached, but his heart ached
even more. He wondered how many people had died in the plane crash.
Eliphas did a quick tour of the area. He found a small stream and fruit-bearing trees. He wouldnt
starve. But how would he get help?
He walked down the beach to see if anyone else had survived. He went what he guessed was a mile in
one direction and was about to return when he saw something glittering in the sun. He knew immediately
what it was and ran toward it. My tools! he shouted.
He opened the box. Inside were four elemental tools: Fire Wand, Air Dagger, Water Chalice and Earth
Pentacle. He also had his general use, black-handled dagger. There were candles of various colors, incense
sticks and matches. The outside of the box was intricately carved and covered with inlays of mother-of-pearl
and sterling silver. He felt empowered again. Eliphas was a magician.
He started walking back to the stream and promptly stubbed his toe on a piece of wood. He dug
around it and discovered it was a small, heavy chest made of wood and sealed by a small lock were
riches stashed within? I have my magickal tools and my watch seems to be working. There are also a lot
of herbs growing here. I wonder what ritual I can do to get rescued? Id gladly give this chest of treasure to
whomever saves me.
Win Over $150 in Prizes!
In this comprehensive reference manual, two
of the worlds leading occult researchers and
authors present step-by-step instructions,
some never before in print, for developing the
most basic and essential skills needed by magi-
cal practitioners of any tradition: creating
thought forms through astral manipulation.
Magical Use of Thought Forms includes sec-
tions on the structure of reality and on
new visualization techniques to build cor-
rect astral images for highly potent magical
work, from creating a Familiar or Guardian
to building a Memory Palace. A spectacu-
lar aspect of this book is the instruction
given for the performance of the legendary
alchemical experiment: the creation of the
homunculus, an animated form that can last
up to several hours.
Real magic requires more than simply
reading some words or waving your hands.
The techniques and exercises revealed in
Magical Use of Thought Forms will require work
to accomplish. But if you are willing to con-
tribute the effort needed in order to succeed,
all of the tools you will require are here.
Author H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) is famous
for stories with common themes and horrific
entities known as the Cthulhu Mythos. One
of the enduring images in his stories is that of
a terrifying book of secrets written by the mad
Arab, Abdul Alhazred. The question is, what
drove him mad?
Drawing on Lovecrafts universe and his own
knowledge of magick, Donald Tyson has created
the answer in Necronomicon. Part adventure and
part grimoire, it follows the travels of Alhazred
as he wanders unknown lands and meets almost
indescribably monstrous things in his search for
arcane wisdom and magick.
As you follow Alhazred on his trip from
Yemen to Damascus, you will be shocked, hor-
rified and amazed. But be aware of the advice
given by Olaus Wormius in the year 1228: Keep
you all copies made of this Latin text chained
and locked. Let no man who reads it speak of
its contents. Better his eyes were put out with
glowing coals from the fire and his lips sewn
tight with flaxen thread than he should read
aloud the words in this book
Ancient grimoires say that spirits can help magi-
cians in remarkable ways. Evoking spirits is a
powerful magical technique that is positive,
beneficial and safe. It puts you in touch with a
limitless source of knowledge about the physi-
cal and spiritual universe. Summoning Spirits by
Konstantinos will teach you this art.
Summoning Spirits is a complete manual for
evoking entities to inspire miraculous changes
in your life. Learn how the spirits that dwell on
the other planes can be evoked to the astral and
physical planes and help you obtain mystic and
magical abilities, locate hidden treasures of all
kinds and even command a spirit army to protect
your home while youre away. This book names
and describes the attributes and abilities of 50
entities that you can evoke to uncover valuable
knowledge and help you succeed in nearly any
task. It includes numerous exercises to improve
your magical abilities and develop clairvoyance
and clairaudience.
Whether you need help to face lifes chal-
lenges or to work a minor miracle, you will find
magical evocation a tremendously potent tool for
change. No other book makes this ancient magi-
cal technique as easy to understand and use.
Magical Use of Thought Forms
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and J.H.
1-56718-084-1 272 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Donald Tyson
0-7387-0627-2 288 pp
$17.95 US $24.50 CAN
Summoning Spirits
1-56718-381-6 224 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
A Powerful Magical Technique
What Drove the Mad Arab Mad?
Raise Spirits
Magi ck & Shamani sm
Celtic Tree Mysteries
Steve Blamires
1-56718-070-1 288 pp
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
The Ancient Magick of Trees
Celtic Tree Mysteries by Steve Blamires is a detailed examination of
the Celtic tree alphabet, the Ogham. To the ancient Celts, magic
brought about changes in the physical world and in the spirituality
of the magician. This is because the physical and spiritual worlds
are inextricably linked and you cannot affect one without affecting
the other.
The book features a history of how the Ogham letters were
created and evolved. The letters are associated with differing tree
species, and the book looks at the 20 trees represented by the
letters. Each tree is explained on three levels: the physical level
that examines attributes, the mental level that analyzes symbol-
ism derived from shamanic practices and the spiritual level that
offers mystical wisdom. Celtic Tree Mysteries is filled with lore,
myth and practical applications of ancient wisdom.
The Roots of Shamanism
Shamanism is arguably the oldest spiritual system in the world.
Some types of shamanic techniques, from meditation to fasting,
have been incorporated into virtually all religious and spiri-
tual paths. Many people today have developed modern forms of
shamanic practices.
Author D. J. Conway introduces a system which combines
ancient Celtic shamanism and modern shamanic practices in
By Oak, Ash, & Thorn. Learn what it takes to become a shaman,
meditations, uses for the pendulum, uses for shamanic tools,
initiation procedures, how to travel to Celtic Otherworlds, how
to use a labyrinth and more.
The last section of the book is about divination and magic.
You will learn tree divination, the Ogham alphabet, how to use
the elements, cord magic, various methods of healing, the reality
of shape-shifting, invisibility and more.
What Is Ecoshamanism?
Ecoshamanism is the natural evolution of traditional
and neo-shamanism in the West. It combines ancient and
modern shamanic techniques with a deep love and appre-
ciation for our world and everything in it. By adopting
some of the practices described in this book, you can join
in this growing movement.
From simple things such as being aware of what you
are buying to rituals such as making and working in your
own ecoshamanic temple, youll discover the tools and
sacred objects of the ecoshaman and initiatory rites of
As you work with the practices in Ecoshamanism, youll
discover that living in harmony with the earth and with
increasing spirituality comes more and more naturally.
By Oak, Ash, & Thorn
D. J. Conway
1-56718-166-X 320 pp
$14.95 US $23.95 CAN
James Endredy
0-7387-0742-2 336 pp
$19.95 US $26.95 CAN
rom the earliest of days,
nature has been mysterious
and magickal. What caused
trees to bear plentiful fruit?
What caused rain, thunder and
Some of our ancestors
worshiped deities of mountains
and trees, of fire and rain, giv-
ing offerings in exchange for
mild winters, good hunting and
plenty of edible plants. Others
tried a different approach by
acting out a successful hunt to
ensure it or acting out the fall-
ing of rain to guarantee against
drought. This was the birth of
shamanism and what is called
sympathetic magick, where you do
one act and the world responds
in sympathy to that act. From
these simple practices, natural
magick was born.
Always, there was a recog-
nition that nature, the world
around us, provided us with
what we needed to survive,
from food and water to skins
to keep us warm and wood and
stones to build homes to keep
us safe. Magick was used to
encourage and honor nature,
not abuse it.
Today, many magickal prac-
titioners are actively involved
in ecological movements that
support our world, our environ-
ment and our lives. These links
to our ancestors and the natu-
ral world connect us with the
natural energy of life and allow
us to work with its magickal
forces to nurture its continua-
tion and evolution.

The Ancient Grimoires
Reveal Their Secrets
In Secrets of the
Magickal Grimoires,
Aaron Leitch ex-
plains the ancient
magickal grimoires
from a cultural and
practical level, mak-
ing misunderstood
books from the past practical today, such
as the Keys of Solomon, Agrippas Three
Books of Occult Philosophy, Barretts The
Magus, Dees Enochian diaries and The
Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This is
the only primer of the Renaissance gri-
moiric tradition available.
Topics like the history of magick,
methods of shamanic ecstasy, magickal
timing, magickal tools and talismanic
magick are covered in depth, explaining
the history, philosophy, theory and meth-
ods used. Unique to this book is the way
it illustrates how many of the concepts
and techniques of Wicca are the same as
those of ceremonial magick. Secrets of the
Magickal Grimoires is the ideal reference
for those with a literary, historical or edu-
cational interest in magick.
Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires
Aaron Leitch
0-7387-0303-6 480 pp
$29.95 US $39.95 CAN
Foundation of Modern
Ceremonial Magick
The Three Books of
Occult Philosophy by
Henry C. Agrippa
is the single most
important text
in the history of
Western occultism.
Even today, occult-
ists use the tech-
niques first described there although
rarely give it the credit it deserves.
Donald Tyson took on the Herculean
task of digging out the original, correct-
ing the errors and fully annotating the
entire work. As a result, not only is this
new edition easily available to scholars,
but it is now fully understandable and
usable by practicing magicians.
In addition to the annotations
there are also extensive appendices on
such topics as the elements, the magi-
cal squares, the humors and more. The
Biographical Dictionary, Geographical
Dictionary and general index make find-
ing definitions and information in this
book easier than ever.
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Henry C. Agrippa, edited by Donald Tyson
0-87542-832-0 1,024 pp
$39.95 US $55.95 CAN
Gnosticism Lives Today
The Gnostic reviv-
al is growing as
people are discov-
ering the mystical
roots of their own
Western Tradition.
Gnosticism actu-
ally predates Chris-
tianity, but has
evolved. Once an eclectic mystical base,
it now signifies the way to establish a
direct link with Divine wisdom that
encompasses Christian spirituality. In
Living Gnosis, Tau Malachi reveals an
easy-to-read yet deeply spiritual intro-
duction to Gnostic Christianity.
Among the things youll discover are
how to acquire the Gnosis, the second
Adam, the mystery of anointing and cru-
cifixion, God the Father and God the
Mother, the nature of the Apocalypse, a
Gnostic view of Jesus and Mary, the Way to
Success and more. Gnosticism is a vibrant,
living spiritual tradition that can bring
you greater personal power and happiness.
Use the many affirmations and visualiza-
tions included in Living Gnosis, as well as
the clear explanation of this ancient path,
to revitalize your lifestyle.
Living Gnosis
Tau Malachi
0-7387-0718-X 264 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
The Roman empire didnt really fall in the fifth century C.E.
Rather, along with its wisdom and knowledge, it moved east to
be centered in Constantinople for another thousand years. The
abandoned western areas fell into a darker period, and from
476 C.E. to 1453 C.E. (which overlaps the beginning of the
Renaissance), dogmatic religion and its links to feudalism were
the most important factors of the West.
Among the common people, folk magick remained popular,
eventually both influencing and being influenced by the develop-
ing forms of ceremonial magick. The ceremonial methods were
developed in secret, often taking on the veneer of Christianity.
Meanwhile, the growing interest in alchemy also highly influenced
(and was influenced by) its ceremonial kin. The methodology of
the alchemists developed into what is now called the scientific
method, and gave birth to physical sciences studied today.
Due to the control of history by authorities who hated and
feared magick, there is a belief by many that the magickal books
and practices of the time were all evil, satanic, etc. This is simply
not true. As Agrippa wrote in Three Books of Occult Philosophy,
the purposes of the grimoires were, to defend kingdoms, to
discover the secret councils of men, to overcome enemies, to
redeem captives, to increase riches, to procure the favor of men,
to expel diseases, to preserve health, to prolong life, to renew
youth, to foretell future events Then, as now, evil cannot
be found in any given spiritual belief. To ensure that it does not
take root in the hearts of individuals, we must learn to open our
hearts to the loving philosophies inherent in all faiths, including
the misunderstood roots of our past.
The Roots of Medieval Magick
54 Map Photos.com
Magi ck & Shamani sm
In Candle Magic for Beginners, Richard Webster
presents a wide-ranging and complete introduc-
tion to this powerful, simple and elegant form
of magic. If you have never worked any type of
magic before, candle magic is a great first step.
When you make a wish and blow out the
candles on a birthday cake, that is a form of
candle magic. Candle Magic for Beginners thor-
oughly trains you in this ancient skill. Youll
learn candle history, types, colors and prepara-
tion. Youll also discover the secrets of the candle
magic timing and associations with fragrances,
numerology and magic squares. Itll even show
how to make your own candles.
Author Richard Webster is a hypnotherapist
and an author of over 28 books covering an array
of metaphysical subject material. Three appendi-
ces cover elements and signs for the years, magi-
cal alphabets and planetary hours.
Rituals for love, healing, protection, divina-
tion, releasing karma, attracting spirit guides and
angel guardians, happiness, success, prosperity
and more are included. No matter what spiritual
path you follow, Candle Magic for Beginners has
information you can use.
High Magic by Frater U D takes you through
every step of learning magic, including all of
the philosophical, theoretical and practical
exercises needed to make you a master of
magic. It even goes into the latest methods of
chaos magic and cyber magic.
High Magic explains rituals in full detail.
Every concept and word is explained. Every
ritual action is described. You will learn why
to use each ritual and how they work.

Lesser and Greater Pentagram Rituals

Hexagram Ritual

Secrets of the magical gaze

Formulas of magic

Mantra Meditation

The Magic Mirror
High Magic features one of the most com-
plete explanations of all the tools used in
magic. Youll discover the importance of peo-
ple such as Freud and Spare, Crowley and
Carroll. Secrets of astral projection? Learn
them in a unique and new way. Perform a
ritual to Pan? Use the complete rite in this
book. Discover Thelema without Crowley.
The true structure of the most sacred name of
God is the great arcanum of occultism never
before explicitly revealed but only hinted at in
obscure religious and alchemical emblems. It is
now laid bare in The Power of the Word.
Renowned occultist Donald Tyson clearly
shows how IHVH, the four Hebrew letters in the
lost name of God, hold the key that unlocks the
meaning behind astrological symbolism, the
Tarot, the kabbalah, the mysteries of the Old
Testament and the Book of Revelations, divina-
tory systems such as the I Ching and medieval
geomancy, the Enochian magic of John Dee and
modern ritual magic. The holiest name of God
is nothing less than the archetypal blueprint
of creation, the basis for such fundamental
forms as the DNA double helix and the binary
language of modern computers. This ground-
breaking work is the most complete magical
reference guide to the secret code of creation
ever presented.
The implications of this sacred knowledge
are revered in the occult world. Tyson not only
gives pertinent historical information necessary
for using this knowledge, but describes the ways
this valuable wisdom can be brought into prac-
tice. Open yourself to incredible possibilities
with The Power of the Word.
Candle Magic for Beginners
Richard Webster
0-7387-0535-7 288 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
High Magic
Frater U D
0-7387-0471-7 432 pp
$29.95 US $39.95 CAN
The Power of the Word
Donald Tyson
0-7387-0528-4 320 pp
$19.95 US $30.95 CAN
The Flickering Light of Magic
High Magic for a New Age
The Word of Ultimate Power
elcome, everyone, to my first New Worlds column.
As a new acquisitions editor at Llewellyn, Ill be
developing our first dedicated line of self-help and
alternative health books. This is an exciting direction for all of
us because nurturing mind, body and spirit is already a com-
ponent of many new age practices, such as astrology and tarot.
Expanding our books to include the whole spectrum of mental
and physical wellness is a natural extension of what weve been
doing for more than 100 years. Llewellyns forthcoming self-
help and alternative health line will encourage you to take a
healthy degree of responsibility for your wellness by giving you
the tools to understand it holistically. Intrigued? Please watch
my future columns for updates.
True health involves the whole you mind, body and spir-
it. These days, I hope no one will refute that, but we workaday
folks, as involved as we are with mundane demands, can easily
forget to incorporate patterns that support holistic health into
our daily lives. Rarely would we hesitate to see a doctor and
take medication if we had strep throat, but what do we usu-
ally do if we feel disengaged, anxious, stressed, overworked or
over-stimulated? Dont accept the popular message that these
unpleasant states are endemic to our busy and disconnected
consumer age. Empowering yourself by nourishing your men-
tal health will have a positive impact on your wellbeing and
you will have fun while doing it.
Whenever I feel stressed or disengaged, I do something
spiritually uplifting to remedy the imbalance. Although Ive
learned to medicate my mind and spirit in many ways, one
of my favorites is to lose myself in an experience of good
music. Music is a great antidote to mental stress because it
is versatile, universal and immediately rewarding. Depending
on the tempo, timbre, melody, harmony and so on, music can
diminish mental chatter, shake off a bad day, stimulate a sense
of excitement, and encourage a natural state of existence it
can lead you to just be.
Intro to Sound Healing
The roots of my de-stressing habit are planted in music ther-
apy, which has wide-ranging clinical applications, and sound
healing (also called harmonic medicine), a broad term that
encompasses tones, chants and vibrations, often from ancient
instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls or a didgeridoo.
Some ancient instruments target the chakras (the seven energy
centers arranged vertically up the spine from the sacrum to the
crown) for an integrated experience of sound that balances the
body and leads the listener to a higher state of consciousness.
To learn how music, sound and chakras interact, I rec-
ommended Andy Barnetts Compose Yourself: Awakening to the
Rhythms of Life. By aligning
the components of music
with the chakra centers,
Barnett literally embod-
ies the universal experi-
ence of listening to music.
All music is made from
seven basic elements, he
says. These are 1) pulse, 2)
rhythmic pattern, 3) sus-
tained tone, 4) harmony,
5) melody, 6) composi-
tional form and 7) inspi-
ration. Each of these seven
elements resonates with
certain areas of our body.
Pulse, for example, reso-
nates most clearly in our
first chakra, located in the lower pelvic region where our center
of gravity is strongest. Notice how Barnett describes pulse as a
resonant element of the first chakra:
The first chakra is located in the lower pelvic region. Here we are hard-
wired into our crucial relationship with gravity. The first chakra carries the
message of survival and unity into our consciousness. Through the essential
lessons of gravity we realize in body and mind that we must keep moving or
we will stagnate and perish. The first chakra resonates in sympathy to the
insistent force of gravity, and we dance or fall to our death.
By associating the fundamental beat of music with our
center of gravity, I understand how the resonant energy of a
song can have a curative effect on the body. Think about music
and sound as a universal natural medicine. If your favorite
upbeat song leads you to celebrate your body by dancing, you
can imagine what a relaxing song does for your inner balance.
The listening experience invariably involves an intake of energy
its your job to make sure its personally therapeutic. For
Barnetts musical suggestions, see the Brief Listeners Guide to
Healing Sounds.
Whats Next?
Sounds become healing sounds, broadly defined, when they
invoke a positive physiological or psychic response in the lis-
tener. To experience this sort of favorable response, you must
choose music and sound you find pleasurable on every level,
and you must conscientiously incorporate it into your life.
Buying a beautiful Tibetan singing bowl and directing the
soothing sound to your chakras could be just as restorative as
piping your favorite relaxing song through your ears with your
iPod as long as you engage with the sound.
7-Crown / Inspiration
6-Third Eye /
Compositional Form
5-Throat / Melody
4-Heart / Harmony
3-Solar Plexus /
Sustained Tone
2-Genital / Rhymic Pattern
1-Root / Pulse
Whats That Sound?
Carrie Obry, Acquisitions Editor: Self-Help and Alternative Health
Ive come up with three suggestions although not revolutionary,
they will certainly put you well on your way to diminishing distracting
noise and having needed spiritual nourishment at your fingertips.
Step 1, Itemize. Ive always been sensitive to ticking clocks. If
I am a guest in someones home, they will find anything that ticks near
my bed stifled in a distant drawer. I also dislike the sound of
running water or typified nature sounds, but I enjoy train
whistles, church bells and the sound of a city bus as it
slows down to the curb and sighs.
Take an inventory of the ambient sounds in your
regular environments. List what you prefer to hear and
what you actually hear list what you like and what
makes your head crawl. Maximize the ambient sounds you enjoy and
get rid of as many unpleasant sounds as possible. I may not be able
to maximize all of the sounds I enjoy, but taking this inventory has
heightened my response whenever I hear them. If your computer is
loud, by all means, clean the fan, and if you have too many ticking
clocks, well you know what I think about that.
Step 2, Digitize. Digitizing music is all about convenience
and demand, so gather up your tunes and put them on your portable
player. Go a step further and organize the tracks by specific activity
or pick-me-up. Make your digital library eclectic by expanding your
genres with a few new items, perhaps opera, classical, chants, world
music or ancient instruments. Consider your portable library a medi-
cine chest for your spirit. Heres a sample starting point.
Dance break: Chemical Brothers, Music: Response
Before bed: Nick Cave, Northern Sky
Wanderlust: anything on the Putamayo world music label
A walk around town: Erasure, Here in My Heart
Calming nerves: Madame Butterfly, Un Bel Di, Vedremo
Nature hike: Cat Stevens, Moonshadow
Affirmation: Gladys Knight and the Pips, Midnight Train to
Relaxation and stress reduction: the music of Steven Halpern
Reflection: Simon and Garfunkel, Only Living Boy in New York
Step 3, Engage. When is the last time you really listened to
music? Not while doing dishes, not while driving and not while using
the treadmill. Turn off your physical and mental capacities, dim the
lights, lie on the floor and absorb the sound. I believe that using music
in this way is another form of meditation, with all of the same mind-
centering benefits.
I hope you enjoyed this laypersons approach to musical healing
as much as I did. If you want to share your approach to using music
for well-being or your favorite de-stressing habit, email me at carrieo@
Brief Listeners Guide
to Healing Sounds
by Andy Barnett
Music has the power to calm the savage beast, but
it is also true that everyone is a unique animal. In
this light, there are no hard-and-fast rules that
guarantee a specific effect from any given musical
composition, but general guidelines apply. For
example, slower tempos tend to resonate a relaxed
bodymind state while faster tempos stimulate
biorhythms and energize physical activity and the
fight-or-flight metabolism. Below is a short list of
recordings for you to sample. Use these as starting
points on your personal exploration into the vast
and exciting world of sound healing. These sug-
gestions are based strictly on personal experience.
No clinical effect is inferred. Remember, you have
no ear lids. Keep listening!
Stress reduction: Adagio for Strings, Samuel
Meditation: Gregorian chant
Free downloads at www.RhapsodyLive.com
Post-illness recovery: Helen Bonnys Music Rx
The Bonny Foundation, Salinas, Kansas
Recharging/motivation: Divertimento #1 in D
Major K 136, Mozart
Pain reduction: Gymnopdie #1, Satie
Calming a child (ages 48): Dont Worry, Be
Happy and other solo vocals by Bobby McFerrin
Focus and physical stamina: Drums of Passion,
Babatunde Olatunji
Introspection: Largo from Concerto #3 for Two
Violins, J. S. Bach
Alternati ve Health & Self-Help

Clock Photos.com
Natural, homeopathic medicine is increasingly accepted in the West as an
important part of wellbeing. Working in tandem with Western medical prac-
tices, these promote mindfulness and spiritual focus, which in turn benefit the
bodys physiology. So just what are these methods of alternative medicine? The
breadth of therapeutic approaches available makes incorporating them into
your lifestyle daunting. However, there are many books out there that inform,
instruct and help you segue into a healthier routine.
A good place to start is the time-proven methods of ancient Chinese medi-
cine. From acupressure to yijijing, the scope of beneficial therapies requires a
familiarity with the underlying fundamental concepts. Chinese Health Care Secrets
provides an encyclopedic guide to Chinese secrets of vigor, rejuvenation and
longevity. A different, truly homespun approach to natural health can be found
within Judes Herbal Home Remedies. The widespread benefits of tinctures, ton-
ics, teas and other herbs is covered in a comprehensive manner that can assist
you with incorporating Mother Natures own organic vitamins and remedies
into your life. Their attributes promote wellness in ways documented through
centuries, visible across cultural boundaries. Its time we start giving them the
merit they deserve, for our own good.
The surge of interest in yoga, pilates, meditation and energy work is no coin-
cidence either. Attuning yourself with the functions of the body, mind and spirit
means becoming conscious of the development we undergo in our daily progres-
sion through life. Eastern cultures have included meditation and yogic practice
as a staple part of their daily routines for centuries. Because of the diaspora
of these teachings into the global market, discovering which methods provide
the best fit for your individual needs is necessary to embracing their benefits.
Meditation by Jos Lorenzo-Fuentes, Yoga: Anytime, Anywhere by Carol Blackman
and Elise Browning Miller, and Energy SourceBook by Dr. Jill Henry, Ed.D. provide
a good base from which you can explore complementary routines for improved
health. Methods in Buddhist, Japanese, Chinese and Tibetan traditions can be
found within these sources, with exercises in focused breathing, stretching, relax-
ation techniques, healing modes, energy balancing and yoga. All of them can help
you to look younger, reduce stress and maintain increased energy levels.
Home decorating is also vital to promoting good health, as principles of
feng shui have earnestly noted. But it involves more than window treatments
Judes Herbal Home Remedies
Jude C. Todd, C. H., M. H.
0-87542-869-X 384 pp $14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Sacred Home
Laurine Morrison Meyer
0-7387-0585-3 264 pp $12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Chinese Health Care Secrets
Henry Lin
1-56718-434-0 528 pp $24.95 US $38.50 CAN
he answer is blowin in the wind
and growing in flowers and
herbs and waiting to be dis-
covered in still, quiet moments. Health,
happiness, peace and balance are possible
to achieve with nothing more than the
desire for change and the help of the nat-
ural world within and around us. Learn
to attract and generate positive energy
with these popular Llewellyn titles on
natural health and holistic living.

the Holistic Aspects of
Todays Natural Lifestyle
Jos Lorenzo-Fuentes
0-7387-0256-0 168 pp $12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Energy Sourcebook
Dr. Jill Henry, Ed.D.
0-7387-05929-2 216 pp $16.95 US $22.95 CAN
Yoga: Anytime, Anywhere
Carol Blackman and Elise Browning Miller
0-7387-0635-3 256 pp $17.95 US $24.50 CAN
and color schemes. Bringing soul into a personal space is
important, too. Sacred Home presents an overview of Western
religious and folk traditions regarding home protection, puri-
fication and sanctity. Blending time-honored design prin-
ciples with Western mythology and folklore, interior designer
Laurine Morrison Meyer shows readers how to transform their
home into a sanctuary for body, mind and spirit.
Sacred Dwellings
The elusive essence that brings a home to life is sometimes
referred to as the spirit of place, the crucial energy that gives
added dimension to our homes. When we furnish our homes
strictly for the function of the bodies that will inhabit them, or
to create a certain style, we lose touch with this vital animating
principle. To create a home that feels spiritually alive, we must
be mindful of our deepest thoughts and feelings, our connection
to wise elders and ancestors, and what it is that lies at the very
center of our beings. We must f ind out what it is that will make
our hearts and spirits joyful!
Today, we often downplay the importance of our homes.
In doing so, we fail to develop environments that support our
mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Instead
we spend our time and money on high-tech appliances and
elaborate electronic paraphernalia that numb our minds and
consume our time. Many of us have forgotten that, for much
of recorded history, homes were treated quite differently than
they are today. They were considered sacred. Certainly, we rec-
ognize that our most basic and essential activities: procreation,
nourishment and rest, take place here, but before spiritual
practice was taken from the realms of the common people and
placed in the domain of priests, monks and ministers, it was
common practice in cultures throughout the world to acknowl-
edge and revere household deities, and to respect and honor the
home as a sacred space. When the home is treated as a sacred
space, a numinous vitality emerges. The home becomes a living
entity that interacts with our essential being.
Excerpt is from Sacred Home by Laurine Morrison Meyer
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation includes forms of meditation that require non-
attached awareness of all thoughts, sensations and feelings. Nothing is
excluded from your awareness. The emphasis is on the observation, with-
out judgment, of all phenomena.
Examples of mindfulness meditation techniques:
Become aware of your breath as it comes and goes through
your nose. You may choose to simply count each breath, not
trying to inf luence it, but simply observing and counting.

Become aware of your thoughts. Quietly observe each
thought that passes through your mind and label it as past
or future. It will truly be one or the other, because if you
are truly centered in the present moment, you will have no
thoughts to label!

Become aware of sensations by observing them within the
experience of meditation.

Become aware of feelings by going beyond the feeling to expe-
rience the space and energy within.
In mindfulness meditation, you experience (not think about,
not analyze, not intellectualize but experience) that all thoughts
are dualistic and all thoughts are subject to change. There is an
opposite for every thought I have, every word I speak. Thats
dualism. Every thought I have comes and goes. Thats imperma-
nence. When I know this truth in my heart, I can let go of stress,
tension, worry and fear. I learn to know through the experience
of mindfulness meditation.
Excerpt is from Energy Sourcebook by Dr. Jill Henry, Ed.D.
What is Karmic Baggage?
To get a sense of how karmic baggage in
the form of dense, qualified energy disrupts
access to joy, intimacy, love and pleasure, one
must first know what karma is and how it func-
tions. The ancient Sanskrit word karma comes
from the root word kri, to act, and it signifies
an activity or action.
Jainism views karma as an aggregate of
subtle matter that accumulates in the human
energy system and veils the consciousness of
the Self and everything that emerges from it,
including bliss, joy, love and pleasure.
According to this ancient religion, which
stresses aestheticism, nonviolence and rever-
ence for life, karma has the following eight
functional aspects:

Karma obscures comprehension

Karma obscures awareness

Karma produces counterfeit feelings (emo-
tions and sensations)

Karma deludes a person (veils the truth)

Karma is age-determining

Karma defines personality by creating per-

Karma determines status and therefore psy-
chic wellbeing

Karma disrupts personal power
The first four aspects are obstructive, the
remaining four are not, although they are self-
limiting since they obstruct the flow of unquali-
fied energy through the human energy system.
Excerpt is from Chakra Healing and Karmic Awareness
by Keith Sherwood
Chakra Healing and Karmic Awareness presents
a step-by-step program for energy health
and spiritual growth. Written for people
who have some familiarity with energy-
work principles, this guide explains karmic
attachments and how to remove them, how
to activate the higher and lower chakras to
strengthen your aura, and how to work with
kundalini energy. It even explores the influ-
ence of non-physical beings that get trapped
in the human energy field and tells how to
safely release them.
Karma Manual brings the esoteric teachings
of karma to the Western student. In a sim-
ple, down-to-earth style, Western Master Dr.
Jonn Mumford discusses the four types of
karma, the concepts of action and reaction,
duty and reincarnation. Understand your
true self through the Karma processing
factory, a practical procedure for release
and transformation. Burn off potentially
negative karma through a special nine-day
cleansing program. Discover what karma is
really all about, and learn how to reprogram
your soul for joy!
Discover the ultimate truth about death
knowledge that is guaranteed to have a
profound impact on how you live the rest
of your life! This book is an exhilarating
celebration of life and death. Explore
the history of death rituals and attitudes
from other ages and cultures, and uncover
little-known facts about this inevitable life
event. This thought-provoking and interac-
tive tool will alter your perceptions about
death and deepen your understanding of
say goodbye to
karmic baggage
Chakra Healing and Karmic
Keith Sherwood
0-7387-0354-0 312 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Karma Manual
Dr. Jonn Mumford
1-56718-490-1 216 pp
$9.95 US $14.50 CAN
Death: Beginning or End?
Dr. Jonn Mumford
1-56718-476-6 216 pp
$9.95 US $14.95 CAN
Alternati ve Health & Self-Help
An Original Approach
to Dreamwork
Three words describe this book: fresh, innovative and exciting! Robert Gongloff
has developed an effective approach to dreamwork that goes beyond the benefits
to daily life to the fulfillment of ones life purpose. Dream Exploration is more than
a book its a journey!
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ph.D., author of
The Dreamers Way: Using Proactive Dreaming for Creativity and Healing
Dream Exploration goes to the very core of the dreaming process and how it relates
to the dreamers daily life. Readers will receive an intimate tour of the dream land-
scape and how relevant it is to the rest of their lives.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., co-author of
Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them
While most dream books focus on symbolism, Dream Exploration helps you go
deeper by exploring the themes presented in your dreams and their relationship
to your waking life. Written as a how-to guide, this first-of-its-kind book includes
a twelve-step program that helps you identify the core themes in your life. Also
included is a Theme Matrix that offers practical steps you can take to incorporate
your personal dream wisdom into your everyday life.
Dream Exploration
Robert P. Gongloff
0-7387-0818-6 192 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Meditation as Spiritual Practice
Genevieve L. Paulson
0-7387-0851-8 224 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
editation has many purposes: healing, past life awareness,
mental clarity and relaxation. This practice can also enhance
our spiritual lives by bringing about peak experiences or transcen-
dental states. Meditation as Spiritual Practice focuses on the practice of
meditation for expanding consciousness and awareness.
This first part of this text will help you prepare your body for
meditation, broaden your meditation development, use the senses
as meditation tools, focus on energies and explain extrasensory
perceptions. In the second section, you will delve into deeper topics
like growth through experience, meditation and evolution, altered
body states, dimensions and planes, and will even touch on guides,
angels and other entities.
Author Genevieve L. Paulson is president of Dimensions of
Evolvement, Inc. and works with Kundalini energy development.
Let her expertise help you to change the fundamental understand-
ing you have in your life. The techniques in this treasured guide-
book can also help one in developing clairvoyance, clairaudience
and other psychic abilities.
. . ~
e propongo que vayas a tu jardn o a un parque y
cierres los ojos. La idea es que no uses el sentido
de la vista, concntrate en el del olfato, trata de
percibir lo que ms puedas por tu nariz, pon atencin a lo
que hueles... El olor a tierra mojada? Alguna comida que
se est preparando en una casa o restaurante cercano? Tal
vez sientas un olor que te transporte a un lugar y tiempo
determinado, como una tarde de verano en el campo.
As como el resto de nuestros cinco sentidos, el del olfa-
to es muy importante, adems de darnos el placer de sentir
el dulce aroma de las flores, tambin nos advierte de ciertos
peligros como el fuego, comidas putrefactas o emanacin
de gases. Un mal olor nos provoca rechazo inmediato y
por otro lado, un aroma agradable nos causa atraccin, de
hecho, dicen que cuando nos gusta una persona, tambin
nos gusta su olor, aunque no siempre estemos conscientes
de percibirlo.
Ms all de provocar placer o no, los olores pueden
hacer mucho por nosotros, como curar ciertas enfer-
medades o armonizar nuestros estados emocionales y
espirituales, ya que el sentido del olfato est conectado
con la parte del cerebro donde est localizado el centro
de las emociones.
El olor a eucalipto me lleva a mi infancia, a las tardes
de invierno cuando mi abuela herva hojas de este rbol
para aromatizar nuestra casa y de paso, descongestionar a
cualquiera que estuviese con gripe.
Desde tiempos ancestrales que los aceites y sus aro-
mas han sido includos en el diario vivir del ser humano,
stos eran utilizados en tratamientos medicinales, baos,
cosmtica y para adorar a los dioses. Hoy en da su uso no
es menor y pese a que la medicina ha desarrollado impor-
tantes avances en la cura de enfermedades, muchos siguen
acudiendo a los nobles beneficios de la aromaterapia,
pues as como el eucalipto puede despejar nuestras vas
respiratorias, ste y otros aromas pueden despejar tambin
nuestra mente.
Qu dice, se anima a conocer los beneficios de la aro-
materapia? Llewellyn Espaol ofrece lecturas que lo intro-
ducirn en este fascinante mundo: Aromaterapia Esencial,
de Kendra Grace; o La Magia de la Aromaterapia, de
Gwydion OHara, son excelentes guas. Si desea una lec-
tura con fantasa, tradiciones y leyendas, Esencia de la
Aromaterapia, de Doa Carolina da Silva es la indicada.
A travs de estas obras descubrir lo que la naturaleza le
puede ofrecer. Comprubelo usted mismo!
The Aromas That
Open Your Senses
I suggest you to go to
your garden or a park
and close your eyes.
The idea is not to
use your sense of
sight. Concentrate on
the sense of smell. Try
to sense the best as you
can through your nose.
Pay attention to what you
are smelling. Wet soil? Food being cooked in your neighbors
house or a nearby restaurant? Maybe there is a smell that will
take you to a certain place and time, like a summer evening in
the country.
Just like the rest of our senses, the sense of smell is vital
for us. It gives us the privilege to smell the sweet fragrance of
flowers, but also warns us of danger like fire, spoiled food or
gas. We repel right away from bad smells, but we feel attracted
to good aromas. In fact, they say that when we like someone
we also like his or her smell, even though we are not able to
perceive it.
Whether fragrances are to our liking or not, they can do a
lot for us, like healing or harmonizing our spirit and emotions,
since the sense of smell is connected with our brain where the
center of our emotions are.
When I smell eucalyptus my mind goes right away to my
childhood days, when my grandma would boil some leaves
of that tree to aromatize the whole house and incidentally,
decongest whoever had a cold in our family.
The use of essences and aromas is ancient. People would
utilize them in their everyday life for beauty, baths, worship
and medical purposes. Today its use has not decreased and in
spite of the numerous advances in modern medicine, people
keep using aromatherapy because of its benefits. And just as
eucalyptus can relieve our respiratory tracts, this and other
fragrances can relieve our mind.
Do you want to learn about aromatherapy? Llewellyn
Espaol offers excellent titles that will introduce you to this
wonderful world: Aromaterapia esencial by Kendra Grace, and La
magia de la aromaterapia by Gwydion OHara. If you like fantasy
and traditions, you cant miss Esencia de la aromaterapia by doa
Carolina da Silva. Through these books you will be able to
discover the benefits that nature has for you. Prove it for your
Los aromas que
abren tus sentidos
Eva Palma-Zuniga, Editora de Adquisiciones
en Espaol/Spanish Acquisitions Editor
Llewellyn Espaol
Quienes somos padres ms de alguna vez hemos deseado
tener un manual que nos diera las instrucciones especficas y
consejos infalibles para criar a nuestros hijos, pues hay veces
en que cuestionamos nuestro actuar y forma de educar a los
nios y otras en que parece que todo se
nos va de las manos. En situaciones dif-
ciles, ni los consejos de nuestros propios
padres parecen tener buen efecto.
Es que los nios de hoy ya no son como
los de antes, que obdecan con mayor faci-
lidad y sin requerir tantas explicaciones
o fundamentos de los mayores. Antes los
pequeos aceptaban con mayor facilidad
un NO, un Obedceme porque yo soy tu
padre sin embargo, esas rdenes ya no
tienen el mismo poder en nuestros hijos.
Ellos no aceptan que sus padres les griten
o incluso les peguen slo por el hecho de
ser sus padres. Si nosotros les gritamos o
le damos una palmada en las manos, ellos
piensan bueno, entonces yo tambin te
puedo pegar y gritar. La autoridad porque
s, no va con ellos.
En Padres de Hoy, la doctora Yankelevich nos da prcticos
consejos para criar con xito a nuestros hijos, nos entrega
ideas especficas para enfrentar cada situacin, pero sin limi-
tarnos, sin obligarnos a cumplir todo al pie de la letra. Son
consejos que nos dan la base y la libertad
de adaptarlos al carcter de nuestro pro-
pio hijo.
Separado en captulos cortos y de fcil
lectura, usted puede acudir a este libro de
acuerdo al tema en que ms necesita ayuda,
o leerlo en orden de una vez. En cualquier
caso, podr encontrar valiosa informa-
cin respecto a los efectos de la televisin
en los nios, cmo actuar frente a la ira de
ellos, cmo ayudarlos cuando presentan
dificultades de aprendizaje, cmo querer-
los sin sobreprotegerlos demasiado, cmo
ayudarlos en sus acciones sin crearlos tan
dependientes y mucho ms.
Los padres de hoy y los nios de hoy
necesitan un libro acorde tambin a los
tiempos de hoy.
Padres de Hoy
Dra. Iris Yankelevich
0-7387-0884-4 240 pp
$12.95 US $15.95 CAN
comienzos de los aos 70, Kathleen McConnell y su familia
se mudaron a una histrica casa, conocida como la mansin
Fontaine. Saban que este sera el inicio de nuevos tiempos en sus vidas, pero no
saban que la casa ya estaba habitada por alguin ms.
A partir del segundo da que llevaban viviendo en esta residencia,
comenzaron a suceder extraos sucesos, el abrir y cerrar brusco de unas
puertas, luego pasos que corran en el tico... Eran fantasmas?. Eran los
espritus de tres nios, que con el paso del tiempo se fueron dando a con-
ocer poco a poco a Kathleen y al ms pequeo de sus hijos.
Pese al miedo y asombro del principio, Kathleen comienza a formar
una relacin con estos infantes y los otros nios como los llamaba ella,
pasaron a ser parte de su vida en pequeos aspectos, como el jugar a la
pelota, y en otros tan importantes como el de salvar a su hijo Duncan de
morir ahogado.
Despus de cinco aos en la vivienda, una relevante decisin desatara
un inesperado y dramtico desenlace.
Este es un relato escrito por la misma Kathleen McConnell, quien nos
cuenta de manera cautivante las experiencias vividas en su casa encan-
tada. Una historia real que no lo dejar de sorprender.
Los nios fantasmas
Kathleen McConnell
0-7387-0876-3 264 pgs.
$12.95 us $17.50
. . ~
Uriel se presenta en el cuarto y ltimo libro de la serie de arcngeles
de Richard Webester con un mensaje de tranquilidad y esperanza.
Conocido como el arcngel de la transformacin, Uriel (que en hebreo
significa fuego de Dios o Dios es mi luz) puede brindar gran ayuda
en momentos difciles e inesperados y producir un beneficioso cambio
en su vida.
En este fascinante libro, Richard Webster nos introduce al mundo de
los arcngeles y nos transmite en profundidad las enseanzas y bendi-
ciones de este arcngel, considerado como el ms accesible de todos.
Cmo evocar a este arcngel que advirti a No del inevitable diluvio?
A travs de este libro podr aprender diversos mtodos para comuni-
carse con Uriel, tales como rituales y meditaciones fciles de realizar
usando cristales. Aprenda adems cmo puede obtener ayuda en el bal-
ance de chakras y dar a su cuerpo mayor energa.
Entrese de maravillosas historias reales sobre ngeles vividas por el
propio Richard Webster, que no le harn dudar ni un segundo del pro-
fundo amor y veracidad de los mensajes de paz y tranquilidad que nos
brindan Uriel y otros mensajeros del cielo.
Estas y otras vivencias las podr encontrar en los otros libros de esta
angelical serie.
Reciba la inspiracin y reconciliacin
con el arcngel Gabriel
Gabriel 0-7387-0740-6
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Obtenga orientacin y proteccin con el
ms grande de todos los ngeles, Miguel
Miguel 0-7387-0646-9
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Encuentre la creatividad y curacin
con el arcngel Rafael
Rafael 0-7387-0745-7
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Richard Webster
0-7387-0852-6 216 pp
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Estas magnficas ilustraciones hechas por Neal Armstrong para las
portadas de los 4 libros de esta serie de arcngeles, estn disponibles
en afiches de 16 x 20 pulgadas, en papel de alta calidad, ideales para
enmarcarlas y colgarlas donde usted quiera y as contar con el poder
y presencia de cada uno de ellos da a da. El slo hecho de verlos en
estos afiches, le traer un sentido de proteccin y armona.
Gabriel 0-7387-0709-8 $9.95 US

$13.50 CAN
Miguel 0-7387-0711-2 $9.95 US

$13.50 CAN
Rafael 0-7387-0710-5 $9.95 US

$13.50 CAN
Uriel 0-7387-0708-2 $9.95 US

$13.50 CAN
Llewellyn Espaol
En el amor, las estrellas
nos ayudan
Lamentablemente en el mundo del amor
no todo es color de rosas. Podemos
encontrar relaciones de pareja que fun-
cionan a la perfeccin, donde el romanti-
cismo perdura y el amor crece y se solidi-
fica cada vez ms. Hay otros casos en
que la pasin vive por un tiempo corto
y el amor no suele ser tan fuerte como
para superar los obstculos que vayan
Por qu algunas parejas pueden
estar unidas y otras no? Existe real-
mente un alma gemela para cada uno?
La mayora de los factores que guan una
relacin amorosa tienen que ver con la
forma de ser de cada persona, por ello es
vital conocer a nuestra pareja y ms an,
conocerse a uno mismo. En este proceso
de descubrir caractersticas de nuestra
personalidad, la Astrologa cumple un
rol primordial.
En Astrologa para la compatibilidad y el
amor, Octavio Dniz nos ayuda a realizar
un profundo estudio de las relaciones
bajo un punto de vista astrolgico y
a travs del anlisis individual de las
Cartas Astrales y la compatibilidad de
cada una. Usted podr conocer la influ-
encia que cada persona ejerce sobre la
otra, as como tambin analizar la pareja
como unidad, qu desafos enfrentarn y
cmo superarlos.
El poder de las estrellas y
ms a tu alcance
A muchos nos gustara saber qu pasar
en nuestro futuro, o enterarnos de qu
est pasando por la mente de un amigo,
o descubrir los rasgos que se esconden en
la personalidad de nuestra pareja. No es
algo tan difcil de descubrir como lo ima-
ginas. La numerologa, por ejemplo, nos
puede responder esas y otras preguntas.
Y qu decir del milenario arte de la lec-
tura del tarot! La ayuda que stas cartas
nos pueden brindar en la prediccin de
sucesos o esclarecimiento de dudas que
tengamos es muy valiosa.
Si te sientes atrado por estas u otras
ramas del esoterismo, esta obra de Maria
Shaw es ideal para ti. En un slo y
nico libro podrs aprender las bases de
la astrologa, numerologa, lectura del
aura, interpretacin de sueos, tarot,
cristales, quiromancia y ms, sin nece-
sidad de hacer investigaciones extras o
ejercicios complicados.
Una vez que tengas este libro en
tus manos experimentars un verdadero
despertar esotrico.
Hoy te sientes ms
alegre? Puede ser gracias a
la luna
Un da despiertas y sientes que la energa
te irradia por los poros, ests con una
actitud muy positiva, una seguridad
interna te invade y te crees capaz de
hacer cosas que ayer no habras hecho.
Pero este mpetu no dura por siempre y
al da siguiente ya no tienes fe en nada y
es ms, ests triste y con frustraciones.
Estos cambios repentinos en tu
nimo muchas veces se lo debemos a la
influencia que tiene la luna en nosotros.
La misteriosa energa que el satlite na-
tural ejerce sobre los seres humanos no
slo puede afectar el nimo, sino tam-
bin en las decisiones que uno toma y en
la salud. Es por ello que ms vale tomarla
en cuenta en nuestros proyectos de vida,
y dejar de verla nada ms como un cuer-
po celeste que alumbra nuestras noches.
La influencia lunar en la vida diaria es
un excelente libro a travs del cual usted
podr descubrir interesantes rasgos de
su personalidad y anticipar los momen-
tos propicios para acciones importantes
en su vida, como por ejemplo, pedir el
tan anhelado aumento de sueldo o plani-
ficar una cita romntica.
Usted mismo se dar cuenta que
la luna y su energa pueden ser de gran
ayuda en su vida.
Astrologa para la compatibili-
dad y el amor
Octavio Dniz
0-7387-0632-9 175 pgs
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
El despertar esotrico
Maria Shaw
0-7387-0511-X 312 pgs
$17.95 US $27.95 CAN
La influencia lunar
en al vida diaria
Daniel Pharr
1-56718-523-1 244 pgs
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
La vida es como una larga carrera de millas y
millas con vallas que superar. Da a da nos
enfrentamos a nuevas pruebas y no siempre
salimos triunfantes, con el tiempo, nos damos
cuenta de que no estamos viviendo la vida que
deseamos y lo que es peor, nos percatamos de
que no sabemos lo que queremos realmente o
cules son nuestros objetivos en la vida.
Qu nos pas? Lo ms probable es que no
encontremos respuesta sin antes reflexionar pro-
fundamente sobre lo que hemos hecho o no. De
todas formas, con respuestas o sin ellas, nunca
es demasiado tarde para recuperar el tiempo
perdido y crear las bases que nos ayuden a llevar
una vida feliz.
El reto de la vida es el libro que le guiar en
este camino en forma dinmica e innovadora
con pasos fciles de desarrollar por cualquier
Scott McMillan compartir con usted diez
estrategias necesarias para salir vencedor en esta
carrera que es la vida, y que le darn mayor segu-
ridad para superar cualquier obstculo que se le
presente en el futuro.
Usted encontrar en este libro, las tcticas
fundamentales a seguir para obtener su desarro-
llo personal en base a la disciplina y el autocono-
cimiento. En difinitiva, la lectura de este libro le
entregar los pilares slidos para vivir una vida
feliz segn sus propios parmetros y decisiones.
La noche y las horas mientras dormimos parecen
pasar tranquilas, apacibles y silenciosas, pero
la verdad es que mientras nuestro consciente
reposa, el subconsciente entra en accin y a la
vez nosotros entramos al mundo de los sueos.
Podemos vernos en situaciones conflictivas, o
de alegra, o encontrarnos con un amigo que no
hemos visto hace bastante tiempo, otras veces
soamos con imgenes sin sentido ni orden, que
nos dejan confundidos por un instante; pero que
despus pasan al olvido.
Muchos de nuestros sueos son nada ms
que una interpretacin de nuestros deseos y
esperanzas, pero otros son mensajes divinos que
pueden llegar a tener un significado muy valioso
en nuestras vidas.
En los sueos podemos ser contactados por
nuestras deidades personales que nos guan a
niveles de conciencia ms altos, o por seres queri-
dos que ya han partido a otras dimensiones y nos
dan mensajes de consuelo.
Sueos divinos le entregar las tcnicas para
recibir estos valiosos mensajes de quienes nos
hablan mientras dormimos.
Aprenda cmo preparase para un sueo,
cmo decifrar los smbolos en los mensajes y
conozca sus mensajeros y deidades. Se dar
cuenta de que adems de otorgar descanso a
su cuerpo, las horas de sueo le podrn llevar a
importantes cambios en su vida.
Tal vez en tu infancia te gustaban las
pelculas de hechiceros, y soabas con
poder contar con la ayuda de los poderes
de la naturaleza para hacer cambios posi-
tivos en tu vida o en la de otros, o tal vez
te preguntabas si las pociones mgicas que
usaban las brujas y magos eran realmente
efectivas, o si nada ms funcionaban den-
tro del mundo de la fantasa de los cuentos.
Pero no, la magia y los encantos son parte
de la vida real y lo que es mejor, pueden ser
parte de tu propia vida.
La magia de los encantos est escrito por
una verdadera bruja adolescente que te
ayudar a poner un poco de magia en tu
vida y a convertirte en una persona real-
mente encantadora.
Con este libro entrars al mundo de
la Wicca, una religin basada en la natura-
leza, conocida tambin como hechicera.
Te gustara saber cmo escribir y
lanzar tus propios hechizos para el amor,
la belleza, atraer la suerte y el dinero? Pues
bien, no lo dudes ms, este libro es para
ti. Tal como lo dice Rain en La magia de los
encantos, cualquiera puede ser hechicero
y lanzar un hechizo. Te dars cuenta que
la magia es un verdadero arte que usa
energa positiva para cambios tambin
positivos y tiles.
El reto de la vida
Scott McMillan
0-7387-0401-6 195 pgs.
$15.95 US $24.50 CAN
Sueos divinos
Scott Cunningham
1-56718-154-6 249 pgs.
$9.95 US $14.95 CAN
La magia de los encantos
Gwinevere Rain
0-7387-0402-4 139 pgs.
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Haga de su vida un xito total
Mensajes nocturnos
Ponle magia a tu vida!
Llewellyn Espaol
Esta es una maravillosa historia que nos pre-
senta Carolina da Silva, con chispas de magia
y tradiciones de la cultura hispana. A travs de
un relato entretenido los personajes van dando
vida a una narracin atractiva y cautivante, que
da pie a la escritora para incluir algunos rituales
y enseazas sobre la magia de las velas y los
beneficios de la luz, transmitidos por el espritu
de su abuela.
El poder de las velas nos puede ayudar en
diferentes areas; por ejemplo, para lograr el xito
de cualquier empresa quema una vela de color
rosado, o para interrumpir perodos de mala
suerte, enciende una de color morado. Con las
velas es posible ayudar a otras personas, con-
seguir proteccin, eliminar la negatividad de
algn lugar, alejar el dolor, atraer la seguridad y
confianza, realizar meditaciones y mucho ms.
Slo prenda una vela le ensear sus prcticos y
provechosos usos y adems lo cautivar con una
historia donde se vive la magia y la amistad de un
grupo de amigas que las une el mismo inters,
ayudar al resto con la magia. De seguro usted
tambin obtendr los beneficios de ste, el tercer
libro de Doa Carolina da Silva.
Y nos pueden decir muchas cosas.
Fuera del mundo del Doctor Dolittle, esto
es cierto en el mundo real: las mascotas tienen
mucho que comunicarnos y hay personas que
las escuchan, una de ellas es la comunicadora de
animales y escritora Mnica Diedrich, quien en
Las mascotas dicen... le dar a conocer sorprenden-
tes historias reales sobre animales que han podi-
do expresarle sus deseos, temores y alegras.
Muchas veces un meneo de cola significa
algo ms que alegra en su mascota. La Dra.
Diedrich le ayudar a usted a entender las nece-
sidades de sus animales, para determinar as el
origen de los problemas de comportamiento que
ellos tienen.
Sepa cmo una perrita establece contacto
con el espritu de uno de sus amos y transmite
sus mensajes. Entrese como animales perdidos
han podido ser encontrados gracias a los men-
sajes que han emitido. Sorprndase lo bien que
nos conocen nuestras mascotas y cmo pueden
llegar a apoderarse de nuestros temores y mani-
festarlos en vida
En este libro usted encontrar tcnicas sim-
ples para comunicarse con sus animales para as
responder muchas de las preguntas que usted
tiene sobre ellos.
Sin duda, lo que sus mascotas digan le cam-
biar su vida y estrechar el lazo de amor que
los une.
Usted que tiene una mascota se ha preguntado
por qu la tiene? Para cuidar su hogar? Para
eliminar los ratones de su casa? Simplemente
para tener compaa? Dicen que el mejor amigo
del hombre es el perro, bueno, tal vez este buen
amigo tenga algo que decirle, ms all de servir
de simple compaa en una caminata, o de pro-
teger nuestro hogar.
Hay diversos talentos que los animales
tienen y han sido comprobados por la ciencia.
Sin embargo, hay mucho ms que descubrir en
nuestras mascotas. Dedique su tiempo a la suya y
escuche con su corazn lo que sta le diga.
Si tiene un perro, acarcielo y ponga atencin
a lo que pasa por su mente y a cmo reacciona,
ideas, pensamientos o sensaciones pueden ser
parte de los mensajes que su mascota est envi-
ando, y se dar cuenta que su perro es ms que
una gran nariz con un sentido del olfato superior
al nuestro.
Con Los poderes psquicos de las mascotas usted
descubrir el fascinante mundo de los animales
y los talentos que ellos esconden, como la capa-
cidad que tienen para pronosticar un terremoto
u otras cattrofes.
Con este libro, Richar Webster le ensear
prcticos ejercicios para desarrollar su potencial
psquico y el de su mascota, a la vez que podr
establecer una relacin ms cercana y slida.
Slo prenda una vela
Doa Carolina da Silva
0-7387-0065-7 179 pgs.
$9.95 US $14.94 CAN
Las mascotas dicen
Dra. Mnica Diedrich
0-7387-0630-2 187 pags.
$12.95 US $17.50 CAN
Los poderes psquicos
de las mascotas
Richard Webster
0-7387-0305-2 216 pgs.
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
A la luz de las velas
Las mascotas hablan!
Descubra los talentos de su mascota
o you like hunting for treasures at yard sales, thrift
stores or used bookstores? Do you love the Antiques
Roadshow television series? Do you have any family
heirlooms rich in sentimental value?
Many people do, and now is the time of year when people
often peruse yard sales and antique stores looking for some-
thing old thats new to them. If you have any items that once
belonged to someone else, do you ever wonder about their his-
tory? And if you did not know the previous owner, do you ever
speculate about who has treasured it throughout the years, or
how they got it in the first place?
Since this is a paranormal column, by now you might be
wondering what this all has to do with strange phenomena.
Well, what if you had the ability to find out more about some-
one by simply holding their keychain, or even a photograph of
Psychometry is the official term for receiving psychic or clair-
voyant information through touch.
According to psychic Ted Andrews,
author of How to Do Psychic Readings
Through Touch, some people do seem to
be born with enhanced psychic abili-
ties, but psychometry is a skill that
anyone can learn.
What We Leave Behind
When you think about it, the idea that
psychic energy is stored in objects is
not so far fetched. You already leave
behind other kinds of energy on
almost anything you come into con-
tact with. For example, lets say you
are sitting on a couch reading a book. The phone rings, and
you put the book down to go answer it. An infrared camera can
easily show the energy you left behind on the couch in the form
of heat. Similarly, psychometry can be used to detect residual
psychic energy.
According to author Elizabeth Owens, a Spiritualist minis-
ter and professional medium, you need not have contact with an
item for an extended period of time to leave an impression on
an object. One misconception people have is that they some-
times assume that when they psychometrize an article such as
a necklace, the necklace needs to be worn for a long time prior
to it being psychometrized so that the energy is more intense.
However, energy can be absorbed very quickly, she explains in
her book Spiritualism and Clairvoyance for Beginners.
Owens also says that although energy is absorbed quickly,
it does not erase the energies of those people who had contact
with an object before its current owner. Another misconcep-
tion is that there is only one energy present on an article. For
instance, if you were given a ring that your grandmother wore
while she was alive, it would carry her vibration, but if you
placed the ring on your finger and began to wear it regularly,
the ring would absorb your energy, she explains. She recom-
mends that those still building their psychometry skills focus
on either the current or a previous owner, but adds that with
practice, the reader should be able to read all of the people who
have worn the ring.
Psychic Crime-Busting
Psychometry has even been used to help solve crimes. There are
dozens of psychics throughout the country who have helped
solve missing persons and murder cases. Sometimes the infor-
mation provided by a psychic has proven to be critical in solving
the crime and convicting the person responsible.
Psychic Noreen Renier has been helping police and other
law enforcement agencies for more
than twenty years. In fact, she once
sued someone for libel after being
labeled a fraud. She won the case after
a number of law enforcement officials,
including two FBI agents, testified to
the accuracy and validity of her contri-
butions to their investigations. In her
work, Renier uses psychometry to help
her focus on the victim, often asking
to hold an item that belonged to the
victim at the time they disappeared.
Psychic Carol Pate may have saved
the life of an Arkansas teen who was
kidnapped by a sadistic pedophile. When contacted by a mem-
ber of the missing boys family and asked if she could help with
the investigation, she agreed and asked for a photograph or
something that had belonged to the missing teen. When inter-
viewed in 2004 about the case on CNNs Larry King Live, she
explained how she receives information: I hold the photograph
in my hand, and I tune into the energy of the individual. The
individual has a signature energy, and Im kind of like a radio. I
tune into their station, and once I get that signal, I then know
if theyre alive or dead, what theyre thinking, whats happened
to them.
In the field of paranormal research, Stefan Ossowiecki is
still renowned long after his death for his contribution to our
understanding of psychic abilities. Born in 1877, he had an
unusually strong gift for psychometry. In the 1920s and 1930s
he worked with leading French and Polish researchers, produc-
Good Vibrations
Jennifer Spees, Paranormal Editor
69 69
ing some amazing results. For example, when
psychometrizing sealed envelopes to determine
the writing or drawing sample contained inside,
he was accurate more than 80% of the time an
extremely significant percentage that is far beyond
statistical probabilities of chance.
When tested at the University of Warsaw, he
also displayed amazing abilities with archaeologi-
cal objects. Stanislaw Poniatowski, a professor of
enthology at the university, verified the accu-
racy of Ossowieckis information after he provided
amazing details about the lives of prehistoric
humans simply from holding a 10,000-year-old
flint tool!
After the Nazis invaded Poland, Ossowiecki
began what perhaps was the most important work
of his life. His reputation and skill with psychome-
try was well known, and hundreds of people came
to his apartment with photographs of their miss-
ing family and friends. Ossowiecki would hold
each photograph and try to help people find out
what happened to their loved ones, always refus-
ing payment for his services. His story has a tragic
ending, for he accurately predicted his own early
death before the end of the war. He remains one
of the most widely studied and renowned psychics
of the twentieth century.
Everyday Uses
You dont need to be a psychic or a sleuth to have
a use for psychometry it can help you in more
mundane matters as well. Say youve misplaced
your car keys. Try drawing a simple map of your
house, or the area where you think you may have
left them. Then psychometrize the map and see if
you can receive impressions of their location.
If youre shopping and having difficulty decid-
ing between two different pieces, take them both
to the dressing room. Take a few moments to
breathe deeply and clear your mind. Then touch
one, then the other, and see if you get an impres-
sion regarding which is the best choice.
You could also try letting psychometry help
you if something you own breaks down. Elizabeth
Owens recommends psychometrizing any appli-
ance or vehicle that is not working properly, such
as a car, washing machine or DVD player. In
Spiritualism and Clairvoyance for Beginners, she pro-
vides examples of questions you may want to ask
yourself during your session: Can you see parts
that are affected? Who should you call for help?
How to do Psychometry
Everyone will experience psychometry perceptions a little differ-
ently. Some may have vague, undefined feelings, while others
may have detailed scenarios pass through their minds. Your way
of perceiving is no better and no worse than anyone elses. It is
simply your way.
Begin by performing a relaxation exercise.
Rub the hands together to activate the chakras.
Take the object to be psychometrized in your hand.
Examine it closely, and then close your eyes.
Move it around in your hands. Run your fingers over it. Place it
against the solar plexus or forehead.
Do not worry if no images or impressions come to mind. They
may just be slow, or they may be registering in other ways. This
is where the questioning comes in. Mentally ask yourself simple
questions about the object and its owner. Keep them simple
and uncomplicated. Framing them for Yes or No responses
is effective. Trust what comes to mind. Some sample questions:
Is the owner male or female? What is the general disposition of
this person? Is this person generally upbeat or down? Is there
an issue prominent in this persons life? Is it family? Business?
Personal? Is there a color significant to this person? Is there
something special about this object?
These kinds of questions are essential to ask. Remember that you
may not see or hear the answer. You may only think it.
Speak your answers and impressions with confidence. When
using the questioning method of generating insights, phrase your
answers in a way that includes the question. For example, if you
mentally ask about a color, and blue comes to mind, simply say,
I see the color blue. To me this would indicate _____ about this
person and/or object.
Remember, sometimes all it takes is to speak out loud what you
are impressed with for the doors to open wide. By speaking from
your impressions, thoughts, images, etc., about the object, you
draw from the subconscious to the conscious.
It is often with the speaking of impressions that the meaning of
them becomes clear. Oftentimes dreams do not make sense until
we speak of them or record them. With psychometry, the describ-
ing of the object and any impressions we experience will help do
the same thing. It stimulates understanding and clarification.
Excerpt is from How to Do Psychic Readings Through Touch by Ted Andrews
Sensing Secrets of the Past
continued on page 76
Successful Astral
Projection in Just 90 Days
Whether you are an absolute beginner or
a veteran projector interested in honing
your skills, you can achieve repeatable,
conscious out-of-body experiences with
the help of this one-of-a-kind book!
Mastering Astral Projection is a hands-on,
13-week training program that works.
This practical guide is based upon Robert
Bruces extensive knowledge of meta-
physics and firsthand projection experi-
ence, Brian Mercers 90-day program and
the valuable feedback from volunteers
who have tested the program.
Youll get the inside track on what
to expect at every stage of the astral pro-
jection experience. See for yourself the
difference between the astral planes and
the real-time zone. Perform a shadow
memory download and recall processes for
remembering out-of-body experiences.
Each weeks chapter offers case histo-
ries, affirmations, tips, journal space for
notes and exercises for relaxation, medi-
tation, breathwork and energy body stim-
ulation. The accompanying CD-ROM*
includes 25 custom-designed trance
meditation sound programs to help you
achieve an out-of-body experience.
(*CD-ROM is PC-compatible and works on Windows
95 or above.)
True Stories Straight
From the Spirits
True Hauntings brings the extensive expe-
rience and integrity of Hazel Denning to
a waiting public. In searching for the rea-
sons behind such energy manifestations,
Dr. Denning brings valuable informa-
tion for further study and research.
Janet Cunningham,
author of A Tribe Returned
Dr. Denning combines sound obser-
vation and extensive personal experience
with intuition to open up awareness of
areas such as haunted houses that
are currently viewed with skepticism. In
the process she has met many souls who
have not completed their transition but
remain attached to the living.
Winafred B. Lucas, Ph.D.
Where do we go when we die? Do we
automatically cross over to enjoy an idyl-
lic afterlife, or is it possible that some of
us will remain to haunt the living? Real-
life ghostbuster Dr. Hazel M. Denning
has investigated dozens of haunted places
where the spirit world meets the everyday
world. Meet helpful spirits watching over
loved ones, restless souls who died violent
deaths and even living people possessed
by malevolent entities. A fascinating
collection of real-life ghost stories, True
Hauntings uncovers the real reasons why
some spirits do not rest in peace.
Protect Yourself From
Psychic Vampires
They dont suck your blood, but they
do drain your precious energy! Psychic
vampires do exist and theyre not
always easy to spot. In fact, sometimes
a person doesnt even realize that he or
she is one. On a personal level, psychic
vampirism wastes our energies and inter-
rupts our growth. On a global level, it
can literally drain the earth of its survival
This book precisely identifies the
underlying dynamics of this widespread
phenomenon. It develops step-by-step
strategies to confront and overcome
psychic vampirism in whatever form it
takes. Educate yourself on the different
forms of energy so that you can assure
protection from psychic attack.
This unique approach to the subject
will introduce you to a trio of new thieves:
group vampires, parasitic vampires and
global vampirism. Exploring environ-
mental, developmental and past-life fac-
tors, Psychic Vampires presents effective,
step-by-step empowerment procedures
that you can use to protect yourself and
replenish your precious energy reserves.
Mastering Astral Projection
Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer
0-7387-0467-9 504 pp plus CD-ROM
$21.95 US $29.95 CAN
True Hauntings
Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.
1-56718-218-6 240 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Psychic Vampires
Joe Slate, Ph.D.
0-7387-0191-2 260 pp
$14.95 US $23.95 CAN
Vampires Exist
The facts are stranger than anything you
may have read, heard or imagined before
now! Vampires. They really exist, and
this book rips away the myth to expose
their habits and lifestyles. Vampires: The
Occult Truth divulges actual first-person
encounters with vampires of all types
the ancient undead of folklore, con-
temporary blood drinkers and the most
dangerous creatures of all: psychic vam-
pires, who intentionally drain the life
force from their victims.
In Vampires, youll find many never-
before-published case histories of recent
contacts with vampires and their victims,
including those encountered in the flesh
by the author himself. Youll read letters
from modern vampires that tell of their
hidden lives. Youll learn purification
rites, banning rituals and a fail-safe way
to protect yourself from psychic vampire
Vampires: fact or fiction? Uncover
the chilling truth about the legend that
refuses to die.
Hypnosis a Natural Skill
Hypnosis is a lot like daydreaming.
When you daydream, you alter your state
of consciousness to the alpha frequen-
cy range and engage in your fantasies.
Hypnosis is a technique that enables you
to achieve this altered state of conscious-
ness the daydream state deliberately
and direct your attention to specific
goals in order to achieve them.
Hypnosis is one of the most valuable
tools there is for enriching your life. With
hypnosis, you can break undesirable hab-
its, create desirable habits and construc-
tively deal with and resolve every sort
of human problem. This trusted guide-
book gives you step-by-step instructions
on hypnotizing yourself and others, sim-
ply, safely and effectively. Included in
this book are easy-to-follow scripts with
which you can:

Discover your past lives

Quit smoking for good

Build a positive self-image

Tune in to your higher intelligence

Live more creatively

Lose weight easily and effortlessly

Program your mind for success

Conquer fears and phobias
Hypnosis is a way to enjoy life to the
fullest a technique for creating the
reality you want for yourself now and in
the future.
Become a Miracle Worker
Miracles are possible for everyone. Once
you understand the nature of the mirac-
ulous and start believing in miracles, you
can start producing them yourself. You
can transform your life with the simple
steps in this one-of-a-kind guidebook.
Richard Webster, the author of more
than 30 Llewellyn books, including the
bestselling Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians,
has traveled around the world lecturing
and conducting workshops on meta-
physical subjects. His positive approach,
encouraging manner and straightfor-
ward teaching style have earned him fans
all over the world. Practical and inspir-
ing, Miracles explores the history of both
religious and healing miracles, then gives
you the tools and techniques you need to
become a miracle worker yourself.
You will learn how to perform a
powerful, nearly forgotten Hawaiian
ritual to achieve your hearts desire and
how to use automatic writing to receive
guidance from your higher self. Youll
discover how to create miracles through
white magic, intuition, chakra energy
and spellcasting. Add wonder and fulfill-
ment to your life with the help of this
extraordinary book.
Richard Webster

288 pp
$10.95 US $14.95 CAN
Hypnosis for Beginners
William W. Hewitt

288 pp
$9.95 US $14.95 CAN
1-56718-380-8 192 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
A Balanced Look
at Reincarnation
Do our souls return to Earth time and
time again? Do we come back with a
different identity and different lessons
to learn in each lifetime, as our spir-
it evolves toward its highest develop-
ment and realization? This unique book
explores the theory of reincarnation
from the perspectives of science, religion,
psychology, history and logic, present-
ing the information in a balanced and
respectful way that invites you to draw
your own conclusions.
Mystery of Reincarnation is divided
into two sections. The first is designed
to frame the debate and give you the
fundamentals of the topic, including the
historical foundation of reincarnation in
Western thought, and evidence for and
against reincarnation from scientific,
moral and religious perspectives.
The second section of the book pres-
ents theories on the process of rebirth,
and what the soul may be attempting
to achieve through multiple incarna-
tions. Consider how the personality, the
soul and the nature of God fit into the
reincarnation equation, and explore dif-
ferent theories of karma, old souls, soul
mates, even the possibility of simultane-
ous multiple incarnations.
Open Your Third Eye
Clairvoyance is the ability to see visu-
al information through extrasensory
means. It is like watching a movie unfold
before your eyes, or dreaming while you
are awake. According to Debra Lynne
Katz, anyone who can visualize a simple
shape or color has basic clairvoyant abili-
ties that can be developed.
The only book of its kind that focus-
es solely on clairvoyance, You Are Psychic
will provide you with invaluable tools
you can use in your everyday life for
guidance, healing, protection, manifes-
tation and creativity.
Katz shares her own time-proven
methods, firsthand accounts of clair-
voyant readings and techniques from
the best psychic development schools.
Psychic readings, healing methods,
vision interpretation and spiritual coun-
seling are covered in the book as well.
This practical guide is easy to follow and
perfect for anyone interested in devel-
oping or strengthening their psychic
Your Future
Its All in Your Head!
The concept is simple and incredibly far-
reaching: Your future is being formed
right now within your conscious and
subconscious mind. What you believe
and habitually visualize is the underly-
ing basis of everything you experience
as reality.
Because of this universal truth, the
secret to a successful, fulfilling life lies
within you. But the opposite is also true,
for a negative inner life can also create a
negative outer life. The secret to success
is in learning how to transform your
inner landscape so your life fulfills your
highest promise, not your worst fears.
That is the purpose of Mind Magic.
These techniques for transforming your
life are easily understood and readily
mastered, yet their effect cannot be over-
stated. Health, love, prosperity, self-con-
fidence, inner peace there is nothing
you cannot create when you work with
the source: your own mind.
Mystery of Reincarnation
J. Allan Danelek
0-7387-0704-X 360 pp
$16.95 US $22.95 CAN
You Are Psychic
Debra Lynne Katz
0-7387-0592-6 336 pp
$14.95 US $19.95 CAN
Mind Magic
Marta Hiatt, Ph.D.
1-56718-339-5 264 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
UFOs Over
What would you do if you saw a UFO?
Read these and many more eyewitness
accounts of extraordinary sightings in
UFOs Over Topanga Canyon.
We were driving down the road
and I turned around and I looked,
and I saw this thing with a bunch
of bright lights. All of a sudden, it
was appearing over the side of a
hill. And then, all of a sudden, it
just stopped. Then it just pitched
itself sideways and all I saw was
the bottom of it it was kind of
strange. It was only like a hundred
feet above the ground and it didnt
have any noise. There was no noise
whatsoever. And we have a convert-
ible and the top was down, so we
would hear it. It was really bizarre
it was huge. When I first
saw it, it had like sixteen lights on
the bottom. And then as I turned
around to figure out what it was,
they quadrupled in number.
Bruce Merrifield,
UFO eyewitness
I didnt sleep that night and I
was upset for weeks after that
I always thought that if I saw an
alien spaceship, that would be very
exciting, and I would be happy. And
if there were aliens from another
planet, that I would want to meet
them or experience them. But I
have to say that was not my actual
reaction. Maybe if it had been three
or four, I would have thought, Oh,
thats very fascinating. But because
there were so many, I was very
Katherine, Topanga Canyon
resident and UFO eyewitness
UFOs Over Topanga Canyon
Preston Dennett
1-56718-221-6 312 pp
$12.95 US $18.50 CAN
Terror in Topanga Canyon
For more than 50 years, strange activity has been going on
in the sky over Topanga Canyon, California. But the night
of June 14, 1992 marked the beginning of a UFO wave of
gigantic proportions. Now revealed, for the first time in
print, are eyewitness accounts of the activity, including
unexplained lights, metallic ships, landings, car chases,
helicopter chases, healing cases, face-to-face alien encoun-
ters, strange animal sightings, missing-time abductions
and possible government surveillance.
Author Preston Dennett, field investigator for the
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), has published numerous
books and articles on UFOs, and has worked with the tele-
vision programs Sightings, National Geographic Explorer and
Encounters. This book is the story of his three-year investiga-
tion into the Topanga Canyon UFO flap.
A Reporter Seeks
the Truth About UFOs
Filled with anecdotes and insider information, UFO Mysteries
chronicles 50 years of UFO occurrences in the United
States and Europe, from Kenneth Arnolds 1947 sighting
over Mt. Rainier to the wave of triangular UFO sightings
over the U.S. and Great Britain during the 1990s.
Derived in part from Strange Encounters, the authors
earlier book, this updated and expanded version combines
a journalistic style with first-person recollection to give the
reader a fresh and remarkable view of the UFO phe-
nomenon. Included are 15 rare photographs from a private
collection, among them a previously unpublished UFO
photograph mailed anonymously to radio station KYW in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Can 7,000 Eyewitnesses Be Wrong?
They were there to witness the huge, hovering object in the sky,
the flashing lights, the eerie silence. They are ordinary people
from all walks of life: stay-at-home moms, kids, businesspeople,
engineers. They tell their stories here, and they all agree on one
thing: they saw the same massive object cruising over their
backyards. And it was like nothing theyd seen before.
To this day, the military, the media and scientists have
remained silent about the Hudson Valley phenomenon.
Yet eyewitness reports continue 15 years after the first
sighting. Whats going on?
In Night Siege, expert UFO investigators uncover the real
story. Now it has been updated to also cover more recent
sightings and close encounters 7,000 reported between
1982 and 1995.
UFO Mysteries
Curt Sutherly
0-7387-0106-8 264 pp
$12.95 US $19.95 CAN
Night Siege
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip J.
Imbrogno, Bob Pratt
1-56718-362-X 288 pp
$9.95 US $13.95 CAN

Robert Bruce (Mastering Astral Projection)
June 3-10, Times to be announced: Deep Horizons
Workshop, with instruction in Kundalini, healing and
self-healing, astral projection and psychic self-defense.
Feathered Pipe Ranch, Helena, Montana. Cost: $1399
(includes 7 days ranch accommodations and all meals).
For more information, visit http://featheredpipe.com/
Adrian Calabrese (Sacred Signs)
June 1, 1:30-3 p.m.: Book signing and discussion.
Megs Bookstore, 74 E. Center Street, Manchester, CT
06040. For more information, call 860-649-9941 or visit
Ellen Dugan (Herb Magic for Beginners)
May 5-7, Time to be announced: Ellen Dugan will be
a featured guest at the 2006 Beltaine Pagan Odyssey.
Oxford, Connecticut. For more information, visit www.
May 13, 1:30-3:30 p.m.: Practical Herb Magic Class.
Ellen will be available before class to sign copies of her
new book, Herb Magic for Beginners, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Pathways, 11419 Concord Village Avenue, St. Louis,
MO 63123. Cost: $15. For more information, call 314-
842-0047 or visit www.pathwaysstl.com.
June 10, 11 a.m.: Herb Magick for Everyone Workshop
and book signing at Pagan Picnic - St. Louis. Towers
Grove Park, St. Louis, MO.
June 17, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.: Book signing and discussion.
Barnes and Noble, 320 Mid Rivers Center Drive, St.
Peter, MO. For more information, visit www.bn.com.
June 24, 1-3 p.m.: Book signing and discussion, plus
a demonstration on Creating Herbal Sachets at 2 p.m.
Barnes and Noble, 13995 New Halls Ferry Road, Florissant,
MO 63033. For more information, visit www.bn.com.
Anna Franklin (A Romantic Guide to
June 2-5, Times to be announced: Anna Franklin will
be a featured guest at The Wessex Gathering. Purbeck,
Dorset, UK. For more information, visit www.wessex
Robert P. Gongloff (Dream Exploration)
May 12, 7-8 p.m.: Book signing. Barnes and Noble, 83
E. South Tunnel Road, Asheville, NC 28805. For more
information, call 828-296-9331.
Debra Lynne Katz (You Are Psychic)
May 13-14, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Intensive Clairvoyant
Training Weekend Workshop. Simi Valley Recreation
Center, 1692 Sycamore Drive, Simi Valley, CA. Cost:
$245. For more information, call 310-801-0521, visit
www.debrakatz.com or e-mail debrakatz@yahoo.com.
Deborah Lipp (The Way of Four Spellbook)
June 2-4, Times to be announced: Workshops at the
2 Conferncia de Wicca & Espiritualidade da Deusa
no Brasil. San Paulo, Brazil. For more information, visit
June 13-18, Times to be announced: Free Spirit Gathering
2006. Ramblewood Retreat Center, Darlington, MD. For
more information, visit www.free spiritgathering.org.
Kristin Madden
(Dancing the Goddess Incarnate)
May 23, 6-9 p.m., Book signing and Tarot readings
(with Dancing the Goddess Incarnate co-author, Dorothy
Morrison). The Portal, 3217 LeMay Ferry Road, St. Louis,
MO 63125. For further information, call 314-845-6080.
May 24, 6-9 p.m.: Book signing and discussion
(with Dancing the Goddess Incarnate co-author, Dorothy
Morrison). Enchanted Valley, 2398 Highway K, Wilcoxen
Plaza, OFallon, MO 63366. For further information,
call 636-978-3640.
Llewellyn Authors Update
Note: This event information was current when New Worlds went to press, but is subject to change without notice.
An up-to-date schedule of author events can be found on our website at llewellyn.com/events/.
June 18-25, Times to be
announced: Raymond Buckland,
Kristin Madden, and Joyce and
River Higginbotham will be
featured presenters at the Pagan Spirit
Gathering in Wisteria Nature Reserve,
OH. For more information, visit www.
May 25-29, Times to be announced: Kristin Madden
will be a featured speaker at the Heartland Pagan
Festival. Camp Gaea, Kansas City, KS. For more infor-
mation, call 816-813-8167.
Tau Malachi (St. Mary Magdalene)
May 24, 7 p.m.: Book signing and discussion.
Transitions Bookplace, 1000 West North Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60622. For more information, call 312-951-
READ or visit www.transitionsbookplace.com.
Dorothy Morrison
(Dancing the Goddess Incarnate)
May 13, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.: Book signing and Tarot
readings. 13 Magickal Moons, 308-A Poplar Alley,
Occoquan, VA 22125. For further information, call 866-
872-5070 or visit www.13magickalmoons.com.
May 19-21, Times to be announced: Workshops,
readings and book signings. The Next Millennium
Metaphysical Books & Gifts, 2308 North 72nd Street,
Omaha, NE 68134. For further information, call 402-
393-1121 or visit www.next-mill.com/index.htm.
May 23, 6-9 p.m.: Book signing and Tarot readings
(with Dancing the Goddess Incarnate co-author, Kristin
Madden). The Portal, 3217 LeMay Ferry Road, St.
Louis, MO 63125. For further information, call 314-
May 24, 6-9 p.m.: Book signing and discussion (with
Dancing the Goddess Incarnate co-author, Kristin Madden).
Enchanted Valley, 2398 Highway K, Wilcoxen Plaza,
OFallon, MO 63366. For further information, call 636-
May 25-29, Times to be announced: Dorothy
Morrison will be a featured speaker at the Heartland
Pagan Festival. Camp Gaea, Kansas City, KS. For more
information, call 816-813-8167.
June 10, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.: Tarot readings, book signing
and seminars. The Owl Nest, 5732 Buckeystown Pike,
Frederick, MD 21704. For further information, call
301-228-2401 or visit www.theowlnestonline.com.
Michael Newton, Ph.D. (Life Between Lives)
May 21-26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Life-Between-Lives (LBL) cer-
tification training program for hypnotherapists. Hotel
St. Francis, 210 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM
87501. For more information, email brynmail@charter.
net or visit http://newtoninstitute.org/.
Christopher Penczak (Instant Magick)
May 13, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Shamanic Witchcraft Intensive.
The Magical Blend Bookstore, 1928 St. Catherine Street
West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H-1M4. Call 514-
938-1458 or visit www.themagicalblend.com for more
June 10-11, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Witchcraft I: Building the
Inner Temple Weekend Intensive. Leapin Lizards: A Fun
Place for Enlightenment, 56 Maine Street, Brunswick,
ME 04011. Call 207-373-1777 or visit www.leapinliz-
ards.biz for more information.
May 6-7, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Lecture and personal
readings at the Holistic Living Expo. Scottish
Rite Temple, San Diego, CA. For more informa-
tion, call 800-722-7330 or visit www.holisticliv-
May 21, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Lecture and personal read-
ings at the Holistic Living Expo. Wyndham Hotel,
San Jose, CA. For more information, call 800-
722-7330 or visit www.holisticlivingexpo.com.
May 27-28, 7:30 a.m.-10 p.m.: Meet Joseph
Martin, creator of the award-winning Quest Tarot,
at this years largest conference of its kind in the
United States Conspiracy Con 2006. Personal
readings and The Quest Tarot available at the
authors booth. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Santa
Clara, CA 95054. For more information, call 209-
832-0999 or visit www.conspiracycon.com.
June 11, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Lecture and personal
readings at the Holistic Living Expo. Holiday Inn
NorthEast, Sacramento, CA. For more informa-
tion, call 800-722-7330 or visit www.holisticliv
June 25, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Lecture and personal
readings at the Holistic Living Expo. Pleasant
Hill Community Center, Pleasant Hill, CA. For
more information, call 800-722-7330 or visit
www.holis ticlivingexpo.com.
Joseph Martin
at the Holistic
Living Expo
For those of you more advanced in
astrology, Llewellyn is developing the
Special Topics in Astrology series, so you
can delve into your favorite subjects in
greater detail and thoroughly learn the
associated astrological methodology.
can hardly believe the wonderful oppor-
tunities for growth, learning and even
prosperity that have come to me since
I began learning about spirit commu-
nication. I wanted to share this process
with others who are looking for ways to
help themselves and who are interested
in establishing a meaningful relation-
ship with Spirit. Many other books sim-
ply relate stories about spirit contact
to readers, and although these can be
beautiful and inspiring, nothing is more
Rose Vanden Eyden interview
continued from page 5
J.H. Brennen article
continued from page 49
vast inner space to explore, and the more
you do so the more your inner horizons
When we learn, we grow; we grow as
spiritual beings. Why continue as a spiri-
tual baby when you can become a spiri-
tual adult? In the past, knowledge about
spiritual things was mostly discovered
by accident, and then much was kept
secret, supposedly sacred, by a select few
as a means of exploitation and power.
But thats not the way its supposed
to be. You were born to learn, to grow
and fulfill your divinely given potential
through a full spectrum of physical,
emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual
You can learn to be a spiritual medi-
um, and as you learn you will grow and
become more than you were. You were
given many gifts to ignore them is to
turn your back on the giver, and on your
own true self. There are many gifts, but
as you develop each you become better
able to develop others. So you want to
be a medium? You can do it. Thats the
title of a book that shows you how and
why, opens your path to greater fulfill-
ment and allows further access to the
larger spiritual world that actually lies
both within and without, but can only be
accessed from within.
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke,
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke article
continued from page 2
Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D. article
continued from page 40
dressed up in historical costumes and
speaking Old English. There are wonder-
ful booths and medieval entertainment
like archery, fire-eaters, fencing and joust-
ing. The jousting tournament turned a
bit too real when one of the competitors
was seriously hurt and rushed off to the
hospital (we later heard he was fine).
And who thought writing was a
quiet, boring job? Research turns words
on paper into everyday adventures and
adds realism to The Seer series. I hope
you enjoy Sword Play!
Linda Joy Singleton article
continued from page 33
etly spreading like some benign virus
throughout the world, is a singularly
potent expression of the legacy of mys-
ticism everywhere: what you see its
not what you think. The world is not
as it appears to you, not remotely so.
And because it is not as it appears, all
your deepest concerns, all your hard-won
freedoms, all your carefully-structured
institutions are worthless.
But if this world our world is so
incomprehensibly alien, what is the point
of it all? Why not eat, drink, lie, steal, cheat
and be merry all the days of our lives?
Why even attempt to be good? Tibets
exiled Dalai Lama provides the answer:
Bad behavior intensifies the illusion.
Should this be a friend or a business?
What is a reasonable amount of money
to expect to pay for a repair? Will the cure
transpire today or will it take longer to
The key to success at psychometry is
practice. The more you work at develop-
ing this skill, the more successful you will
become. You might also want to try prac-
ticing with friends and family to broaden
your range and receive instant feedback
regarding your accuracy. From finding
out just where you misplaced your keys
to discovering long-forgotten history of
a treasured antique, psychometry is one
way that anyone can unlock the secrets
of the past.
Jennifer Spees article
continued from page 69
exciting than making your own contact
with the spirit world! It is my great hope
that all who read this book will find the
means to establish their own commu-
nication with Spirit, and that their lives
will be blessed in infinite ways because of
those experiences.
Rose Vanden Eynden is an experienced
medium and founding member of the
United Spiritualists of the Christ Light
Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.
note that both candles and sex are Fiery.
So theres a discussion of the many dif-
ferent types of candle spells, followed
by sample candle spells for Fiery goals.
Then theres a discussion of sex magic,
followed by a sex spell for a different
Fiery goal. The Fire chapter includes
a total of seven different spells, each
using a different technique taught in the
chapter, and each achieving a different
Fire goal.
It was fun setting up various spells
to see how to make them work, and Im
pleased with the result. In a field laden
with recipe books, I feel Ive presented
something else; something about the prin-
ciples of cooking with the elements.
Deborah Lipp article
continued from page 14
Midsummer a day of warmth and light,
a night of fairy folk and magic
Midsummer is one of the most ancient, widespread and joy-
ful Pagan festivals. Every culture has, at some point in its
history, marked the time of Midsummer and held it to be en-
chanted. The cold, dark days of winter are far away, and the
time of light and warmth, summer and growth, is here. The
sun rises to the height of its power on the summer solstice,
and Midsummer Eve is lled with fairy mischief and magic.
Anna Franklin reveals the origins and customs of this en-
chanting holiday and shares Midsummer myths and lore,
magic and divination, including fairy contact and solstice
Myths and lore: The gods and goddesses of Midsummer,
rolling wheels, the Midsummer tree, circle dancing and
torchlight processions
Midsummer magic and divination: Fairy contact, spells,
empowering magical tools with solstice sun energy, Mid-
summer Eve pillow divination
Traditional summertime treats: Elderower Fritters,
Gooseberry Fool, Coamhain Soup, Strawberry Wine,
Heather Ale, Clary Sage Tea
Seasonal rituals: Rite of the Oak King and the Holly King,
Cornish Flower Ritual, Witch Rite for Midsummer Day,
Drawing Down the Sun
Midsummer herb craft: Gathering and drying herbs for
magical oils, incenses, inks and teas; herb recipes, from
Amun Ra to Sun Goddess
Welcome May with Revelry and Ritual
Discover the roots of Beltane, or bright re, the ancient
Pagan festival that celebrates spring, and the return of
natures season of growth and renewal. The spring season
has always been a time of celebration and merriment. Many
of the modern celebrations of May are rooted in ancient
Pagan traditions that honor the earth and the forces that
renew life.
Raven Grimassi reveals the history behind the revelry, and
shows you how to welcome this sacred season of fertility,
growth and gain with:
May Day magick and divination: Beltane spells to at-
tract money, success, love and serenity; scrying with a
bowl or glass
Beltane goodies: Quick May Wine, Bacchus Pudding,
May Serpent Cake, May Wreath Cake
Seasonal crafts: Maypole centerpiece, May wreath and
garland, pentacle hair braids, May Day basket
Springtime rituals and traditions: the Maypole dance,
May doll, the Mummers Play, Beltane res, May King
and Queen
Myths, fairy and ower lore: Green Man, Jack-in-the-
Green, Dusio, Hobby Horse; elves, trolls and fairies;
spring owers and their correspondences
Anna Franklin
1-7387-0052-5 272 pp.
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Raven Grimassi
1-56718-283-6 192 pp.
$14.95 US $22.95 CAN
Psychic Development for Beginners
William W. Hewitt
1-56718-360-3 216 pp
$9.95 US $15.95 CAN
Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners
Elizabeth Owens
0-7387-0707-4 192 pp
$10.95 US $14.95 CAN
2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989
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