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(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)

Course & Branch B!E " #"$EC% &itle of the #a'er En(ineerin( &her)od*na)ics $a+! $ar,s -. /ub! Code 615#&1.3 &i)e 3 %ours 0ate 191.512.1. /ession 34

#A6& " A Ans8er A99 the :uestions 1! 2! 3! ?! 5! 0efine &her)od*na)ic e;uilibriu) /tate <eroth la8 of ther)od*na)ics!

(1. + 2 7 2.)

0efine =rre>ersibilit* and 8rite do8n the causes of =rre>ersibilit*! @hat is a>ailabilit*A 0ra8 the 'hase e;uilibriu) dia(ra) for a 'ure substance on '"& coordinates! @hat is e;uation of stateA #lot the '"> and &"s dia(ra)s for 0ual c*cle! Co)'are Carnot and 6an,ine c*cles 0efine Coule &ho)son Coefficient!

6! B! -! 9!

1.! @hat is hi(her Calorific >alueA #A6& D B (5 + 12 7 6.)

Ans8er A99 the :uestions 11! A ;uantit* of (as occu'*in( .!1? ) 3 at a 'ressure of 1?.. ,#a and te)'erature of 3..C is e+'anded adiabaticall* to 2-. ,#a! =f for this (as, C> 7 .!B?,C1,( E and C' 7 1!.?,C1,( E, deter)ine (a) the )ass of (as (b) the te)'erature of the (as after e+'ansion (c) the 8or, done durin( e+'ansion! (or) 12! A noFFle is a de>ice for increasin( the >elocit* of a steadil* flo8in( strea)! At the inlet to a certain noFFle, enthal'* of the fluid 'assin( is 3... ,C1,( and the >elocit* is 6. )1s! At the dischar(e end, the enthal'* is 2B62 ,C1,(! &he noFFle is horiFontal and there is ne(li(ible heat loss fro) it! (a) 3ind the >elocit* at e+it fro) the noFFle! (b) =f the inlet area is .!1 )2 and the s'ecific >olu)e at inlet is .!1-B )31 ,(, find the e+it area of the noFFle! 13! (a) Establish the e;ui>alence of Eel>in"#lanc, and Clasuius state)ents! (?) (b) A refri(eration 'lant for a food store o'erates as a re>ersed Carnot heat en(ine c*cle! &he store is to be )aintained at a te)'erature of "5 C and the heat transfer fro) the store to the c*cle is at the rte of 5 ,@! =f heat is transferred fro) the c*cle to the at)os'here at a te)'erature of 25 C, calculate the 'o8er re;uired to dri>e the 'lant! (or) 1?! (a) /tate and 'ro>e the CarnotGs theore)! (b) A re>ersible heat en(ine 8or,in( bet8een ?.. C and 1..C dri>es a heat 'u)' 8hich 'u)'s heat fro) . C and 35C! 3or an in'ut of 15.. ,C of heat to the heat en(ine, deter)ine the rate at 8hich heat is 'u)'ed to the reser>oir at 35C!

15! (a) 3ind the >olu)e, enthal'* and internal ener(* of stea) 8hen the condition of stea) is (i) 5.. ,'a and .!B5 dr* (ii) 1 $'a and ?25C (b) 3ind the state 8hether 8et, dr* or su'erheated in the follo8in( cases (i) t 7 9.C s 7 B!2B6 ,C1,(, (ii) ' 7 15 bar h 7 23.. ,C1,( (iii) ' 7 6 bar and h 7 2B1B ,C1,(! (or) 16! (a) @rite do8n the Hander @aals e;uation of state! %o8 does it differ fro) the ideal (as e;uation of stateA (b) 0eri>e the e+'ression of 8or, transfer for an ideal (as in a re>ersible isother)al 'rocess! 1B! (a) 0ri>e the e+'ressions for air standard efficienc* of an 0iesel C*cle! (b) A diesel en(ine has a co)'ression ratio of 1? and cut off ta,es 'lace at 6I of the stro,e! 3ind the air standard efficienc*! (or) 1-! =n a stea) turbine stea) at 2. bar, 36.C is e+'anded to .!.- bar! =t then enters a condenser, 8here it is condensed to saturated li;uid 8ater! &he 'u)' feeds bac, the 8ater into the boiler! Assu)e ideal 'rocessesJ find 'er ,( of stea) the net8or, and the c*cle efficienc*! 19! (a) 0eri>e $a+8ellGs e;uations (b) #ro>e that C' D C> 7 6 (or) 2.! $ethane (C%?) is burned 8ith at)os'heric air! &he anal*sis of the 'roducts on a dr* basis is as follo8s, CK 2 D 1.I, K2 D 2!3BI, CK D .!53I and 42 " -B!1I! Calculate the air fuel ratio and the 'ercenta(e of the theoretical air!

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