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1st Degree (5 Degrees of Brad) By Emma Buch Published by Emma Buch at Smashwords Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.

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Other Books by Emma B ch

5 Degrees of Brad Series 'ET T(E C)*P+ETE SE,%ES -), A .%SC)/0TE. P,%CE 1st .egree 1Available 0ow2 2 d .egree 1Available 0ow2 3rd .egree 1Available 0ow2 4th .egree 1Available 0ow2 5th .egree 1Available 0ow2 % had 6uite a bit o" time to thi ! about my circumsta ces as a sat o o e o" the plush gray plaid chairs outside o" Pro"essor (utchi so 7s o""ice o the seco d "loor o" 8oh sto (all. % had o ly come to the /Co wee!s ago with about a mo th7s worth o" mo ey to live o . 0ow# two

hal"way through my cash# % had this &ob opportu ity as a possibility a d ot much else. 9ho was % to thi ! % could walt: i to a o""ice li!e this o e a d prete d %7d be the best ca didate "or the ;admi istrative assista t< positio bei g o""ered= % was o ly 23 a d "resh out o" busi ess school. *y grades were e>celle t but o o e % had i terviewed with so "ar seemed to care that % eve we t to 8oh s (op!i s# much less that my grades were top o" the class. As soo as they as!ed "or my previous e>perie ce# the i terview was over. Part o" me hoped % could get by o my loo!s# at least "or my "irst &ob. *ost guys thought % was good loo!i g?almost too good loo!i g to ta!e home to mom. % had lo g# dar! brow hair# cool blue eyes a d % got "irst ru er up i the *iss /SA Co ecticut pagea t a "ew years bac!. %" a ythi g# my "igure was better tha it was whe % competed. % was too tall "or some guys but % li!ed them tall a yway. % thought o" 8im# who %7d le"t behi d whe % moved to Storrs. (e did 7t ta!e it well whe % told him % was movi g. (e7d i sisted we have se> o e more time be"ore o""icially brea!i g up a d the he "ollowed me everywhere % we t bac! i @ermo t. % "eel li!e % s uc! out o" tow whe % too! my Chevy %mpala# pac!ed with my belo gi gs# away "rom my pare t7s house at 4 am. A yway# % do 7t "eel li!e he7s "ollowed me si ce % moved to the u iversity. 8im was o e o" those guys who7d stic! with you through thic! a d thi . (e a d % were high school sweethearts a d# although he ever we t to college# he waited "or me u til % graduated "rom 8oh s (op!i s. % "elt badly# but % guess % ever told him % i te ded to brea! it o"" with him whe % moved to graduate school at /Co . % really hope he "i ds some

local girl a d "orgets all about me. 9e really have to move o whe we grow up# i" you ca call 23 ;grow up<. The great woode door to my le"t ope ed up a d a somewhat portly twe ty$somethi g stepped out a d crossed i "ro t o" me. She was weari g a lovely burgu dy suit a d &ac!et a d really loo!ed the part % hoped to be able to play. % hoped my pote tial employer did 7t wa t a o$ o se se# well$dressed# per"ectly orga i:ed# sa dy$haired woma li!e her to be his assista t a d "or a seco d# % thought my blac! pe cil s!irt a d starched white blouse was u der$dressi g "or the part. The door was shut "or &ust a mome t whe it ope ed agai . A small Asia woma with short dar! hair a d a suit stepped out. ;*iss# it7s your tur . Come o i .< She motio ed "or me to get up a d "ollow her. As % stepped through the door# % could 7t tell were to loo! "irst. -or a se ior pro"essor7s o""ice# the i er waiti g room lac!ed othi g

"or opule ce. The waiti g room alo e was rich i dar! burgu dy to es. There were shelves above the plush gold "loral chairs a d each shel" had a piece o" crystal or gilt chi a pieces o it. There was a large "ireplace i the cor er with a heavy oa! ma telpiece. The woma led me past a great oa! door dow a hallway o" closed doors. At the e d o" the hallway was a large door. The Asia woma ge tly ! oc!ed o the door. ;%t7s +i# sir. % have o e more ca didate.< She practically had to shout to be heard through the door. She pushed it ope a d led me i side. The ma who % hoped would be my boss loo!ed othi g li!e the gray$ haired pro"essor % had thought he would be. (e loo!ed to be about 40 a d % thought he was ha dsome "rom the begi i g. (e had a shoc! o"

dar! brow hair that was eatly trimmed. (e wore a tailored so"t gray suit# white shirt a d red tie. (e had a brillia t smile a d whe he came arou d his huge des! to greet me# % could 7t help but otice his eat# e>pe sive blac! shoes. ;A a# %7m happy to meet you#< he said# with the authoritative to e that o ly te ured pro"essors ca get away with. Eve so# his ha dsha!e was warm a d % "elt at ease immediately. ;Please sit dow .< % stead o" goi g bac! behi d his volumi ous des!# he reached over a d grabbed a "ile# sitti g dow o the chair e>t to mi e. )ur ! ees were practically touchi g. ;% see you graduated "rom 8oh s (op!i s#< he said as he slowly "lipped the pages i my applicatio "older. ;(ow were your grades=< % blushed. ;% got a 3.A grade poi t average. % got a B i Adva ced *ath.< ;E>celle t#< he said. (e seemed to be "ocusi g o everythi g a d yet o othi g all at the same time. ;Bou reali:e that this &ob i volves a ;% have o problem with that#< % said co "ide tly. ;%7m prepared to put i the time eeded to do this &ob right.< ;A d# o occasio # travelli g a d certai e>tras will be re6uired o" you# o!ay=< (e loo!ed at me e>pecta tly# havi g closed my "ile. ;)" course#< % i sisted. By this poi t % &ust wa ted a &ob a d the thought o" as!i g what those e>tras might be did 7t occur to me. (e stood up. ;) e more thi g# A a. Please sta d up.< % blushed agai as % stood up i "ro t o" him. % could almost "eel his breath o my "ace as we stood there as though we were the o ly two people o earth. ;/ butto the top butto o" your blouse.< great ma y eve i gs a d wee!e ds# right=<

% hesitated "or a seco d but# give this was my pote tial pro"essor a d employer# Brad .egree# % "elt the eed to give i to his re6uest. % u butto ed the top butto o" my blouse. ;0ow the e>t o e.< By the time he was do e# my bra was i "ull view a d %7m sure % was as red as a beet. ;Bou ca butto your blouse ow# A % ter atio al A""airs .epartme t at /Co a. 9elcome to the . %7ll have them get your o""ice er

ready "or tomorrow mor i g. Bour o""ice will be e>t to mi e.< (e tossed the "ile o his des!. )h# a d tomorrow we have a eve i g di otes duri g the meeti g.< % tried to mi imi:e the sha!i g o" my ha ds as % butto ed my blouse. ;Tomorrow# o!ay. 9hat time do you wa t me to start=< ;Eight i the mor i g. 9e7ll leave "or the di meeti g. % suggest you do the same.< ;)" course# tha ! you# sir. %7m very happy to be wor!i g "or you#< % respo ded# hal" thi !i g % should tal! salary with him. % the e d# % was so happy to get the &ob# % did 7t care what he paid me or what % had to do to !eep the &ob. *y "irst day at o" wor! "or Brad .egree was u remar!able. (e let me out to go to the two classes % was ta!i g i % ter atio al A""airs# i part because he was my pro"essor "or o e o" the two classes. (e dressed eve icer the seco d day# with a dar! pi stripe suit a d cream$colored shirt a d matchi g tie. er meeti g "rom wor!. % usually bri g my tu>edo "or the eve i g with me the mor i g o" the meeti g with a 8apa ese pro"essor % ! ow. %7ll eed you to ta!e copious

%# o the other ha d wore &ea s a d a t$shirt u til +i i "ormed me that Pro"essor .egree li!ed his wor!ers to dress up. % slipped home to my apartme t over lu ch a d cha ged i to a slee!# olive$colored dress that had a hemli e % "elt he would de"i itely appreciate. The rest o" the day# % wor!ed o researchi g Pro"essor .egree7s boo!. (e was writi g a series o" boo!s o /S -oreig Policy over the years "rom 1A40 to the prese t a d much o" the i "ormatio was available either at the earby library or o the i ter et. Be"ore % ! ew it# it was 5 o7cloc! a d everyo e was go e "rom the buildi g e>cept Brad# as he i sisted % call him# a d me. % "igured it was time to get dressed "or the di with hosiery a d blac! high heels. Brad popped his head i to my o""ice &ust as % "i ished cha gi g. ;,eady "or the meeti g= Bou7ll eed a couple o" pe s a d that oteboo! "older % le"t o your des! over lu chtime.< ;Bes# %7m ready#< % said hurriedly as % grabbed my purse a d the ecessary items. % should have guessed he7d drive somethi g e>pe sive. (e loo!ed ha dsome i his tu>edo behi d his "ully$loaded +e>us. *y Chevy %mpala was par!ed elsewhere i the par!i g lot a d % assumed he would give me a ride bac! to the lot to retrieve my car a"ter the meeti g. The meeti g# accordi g to Pro"essor .egree# we t well. All % got out o" it was that Brad had busi ess deali gs outside the u iversity a d that# i all li!elihood# he was a very wealthy ma . % too! otes o the co versatio a d tried to be i co spicuous. -ortu ately the 8apa ese import dealer we were tal!i g with spo!e E glish very well so % did 7t have to strai to u dersta d him. er meeti g# so % put o the blac! pe cil s!irt a d a cream$colored blouse# complete

A"ter the meeti g# Brad too! me to his palatial home. (e said he wa ted to go over the otes right away so they could be "resh i his mi d. ;%7ll ta!e you bac! to your car a"ter we7ve reviewed the otes.< 9e sat dow o his white leather couch. % had the otes % had ta!e "rom the eve i g7s meeti g all ready i my lap. *y blac! coc!tail dress i ched up my leg a d % &ust let it go. ;9ould you li!e a glass o" wi e=< Brad as!ed as he slipped o"" his coat a d bowtie. % could see a large bar behi d him a d his wi e rac! was e>haustive. ;Sure#< % said. % li!ed the way the eve i g was goi g but was tryi g hard to stic! to my busi ess perso a. % too! the glass o" white wi e a d moved over slightly so that Brad could sit dow . % could 7t help but see that his "ace was already "lushed a d he had o ly a sip o" wi e. % too! a "ew sips a d set the wi e o the e d table. ;9ould you li!e to hear my ta!e o the eve i g=< % as!ed him# tryi g hard ot to loo! at his groi . ;0o#< his voice said hus!ily as he set his wi e glass dow e>t to mi e. (e had to lea completely over my body to do that a d % caught my breath. ) his way toward a sitti g positio # he stopped be"ore my "ace a d !issed me "orce"ully. ;,emember whe % said there were some e>tras i your &ob descriptio =< he said# !issi g me agai . (e bega to u butto my blouse but a"ter two butto s# he ripped my blouse ope . ;Ta!e it o""C< he declared# his voice hus!y a d a little desperate. ;0o# ot the blouse?the bra# the s!irt# the whole thi gC< (is dar! eyes met my ow a d his comma di g voice was such that % could 7t "eel it withi me to resist. % s apped o"" my bra a d u :ipped

my s!irt. % could "eel my heart pou di g. % was 7t sure % was ready "or this. Be"ore % could ta!e my s!irt a d slip o""# he pulled me dow # spilli g papers all over the "loor. (e reached up a d pulled my pa ties a d ylo s o"". (e "lu g them behi d him a d reached dow to u :ip his pa ts. (e was almost wild ow with lustD % laid there# ta!i g i the mome t a d tryi g ot to lose co trol mysel"# eve though % was begi i g to "eel "ear"ul o" this ma . early spra g o to my body. As he !issed me agai # % could "eel (is ma hood emerged# tight a d throbbi g. (e crouched be"ore me a d the him ha dli g my breasts# rubbi g my ipples a d pi chi g them i such a way that % cried out. (e be t dow a d bit my le"t breast where the erect ipple laid waiti g "or him. % cried out agai as he bit too hard# drawi g blood. Be"ore % could catch my breath# he pushed his body up o to my ow u til his pe is was i "ro t o" my "ace. ;Suc! it# woma # suc! it#< he comma ded. % too! his ma hood i to my mouth# gaggi g slightly because it was so huge. % bega to suc! o it as he thrust his member i to a d out o" my waiti g lips. (e moa ed aloud a d i creased the "re6ue cy o" his thrusts. A d the he was do e# or so % thought. % ope ed my eyes to see his eyes stari g i to mi e. That time % ! ew it was 7t over. %t was 7t. (e "orced my legs ope a d pushed his pe is deep withi me. % gasped as he did so because it hurt a d because a part o" me really did 7t wa t it to stop. (is thrusts i creased a d he grabbed both breasts# pushi g them together. % "elt i vaded o all levels yet somehow % always ! ew it would come to this sort o" thi g?&ust ot o my "irst day o" wor!.

-i ally# his bac! arched a d he let out a yell as his warm cum poured out i side me. (e still held o to my breasts as he "ell upo me i a heap. ;)h# my 'od#< he said. Sweat was pouri g dow his "ace a d o his chest# which had a "i e shoc! o" dar! brow hair o it. % murmured# ;9as everythi g to your satis"actio # sir=< (e stirred a d mumbled# ;0e>t time# wear "ewer clothes.< The e>t mor i g# my breasts were sore as % dressed i a so"t# pi ! s!irt a d blouse. % really had 7t slept well the ight be"ore. % really li!ed Brad?he was ha dsome a d comma di g# somethi g % really li!ed i a ma . % &ust had 7t e>pected to have had se> with him so soo a"ter meeti g him. % really had 7t bee wi ed a d di ed yet# u less you called our busi ess meeti g a date. 0evertheless# % li!ed Brad a d se> with him was certai ly more i teresti g tha it had bee with 8im. % heard a ! oc! o my door &ust be"ore % was ready to leave "or school a d wor!. 9he % ope ed it# % was "aced with a vase$"ull o" "lowers?red roses to be e>act. Carryi g them was a "loral delivery ma . ;A a *cCarthy=< he as!ed# thrusti g the "lowers closer to me. ;Bes#< % a swered. ;-lowers "or you# ma7am.< % too! the "lowers# tha !ed the delivery ma a d too! the vase to the !itche table. %t seemed a little soo to be givi g me "lowers but % was begi i g to reali:e there was a lot % did 7t ! ow about Brad .egree. % searched "or a card a d "ou d o e. That was &ust li!e Brad. (e probably did 7t eve wa t me to tha ! him "or them. % chec!ed them "or water a d# "i di g they had e ough# % le"t them o my !itche table a d set o"" "or wor!.

% barely saw Brad all mor i g# e>cept "or the hour he taught me -oreig ,elatio s class. (e had give me clear directio s as to what to do i terms o" research so % wor!ed steadily u til oo . (e stepped through my ope door arou d 11E50 a d had a impish gri o his "ace. ;(ow about a little lu ch at my place=< (e stood there with his ha ds behi d his bac! as i" her were a waiter. % loo!ed up. ;Sure# who7s coo!i g=< % was a terrible coo! so i" he e>pected me to whip somethi g up# it would be a aw"ul mista!e. ;% have a house!eeper who ma!es all my meals whe %7m at home#< he e>plai ed. ;She7s very discreet.< % thought bac! to last ight a d wo dered i" she was a live$i house!eeper or &ust wor!ed days. % really hoped our a tics o" the other ight were 7t overheard by someo e else. ;% that case# %7d be happy to come "or lu ch.< 9he we arrived at his ma sio # he par!ed i the bac! a d too! me through the serva t7s e tra ce. % smelled the aroma o" roast chic!e comi g "rom the staircase a d was surprised whe Brad led me past the !itche a d di i g room# i to the mai hall where we had come i the ight be"ore. ;9ould you li!e a tour o" the house=< % odded a d set purse o the side table. % was getti g hu gry but it could wait. (e led me through the livi g room where we had our e cou ter o" the ight be"ore a d up a broad staircase. % guessed he was savi g the rest o" the dow stairs tour "or last as we wou d our way up the staircase to the seco d level. (e passed up o e room a d the e>t u til he got to the third door. (e reached i his poc!et a d pulled out his !eys to ope the door. ;8ust o e seco d#< he said be"ore disappeari g i side the dar! room.

(e came out &ust a "ew seco ds later with a red sil! scar" i his ha d. ;Tur arou d#< he ordered. % guessed we were headed i the same directio as last ight. % tur ed arou d a d waited. The red scar" tighte ed arou d my eyes a d % attempted to ad&ust it whe he grabbed my ha ds a d tied them together behi d my bac!. % stumbled as he pushed me i through the door. The light was dim a d % really could 7t see or determi e a ythi g about where he was ta!i g me. 9he we got i the room# he closed the door a d loc!ed it. % stood there# liste i g to the sou ds o" him u dressi g?more care"ully this time tha the ight be"ore. The he bega u dressi g me u til he got to my blouse. (e u tied the sil! ha dcu""s he had o me a d slipped o"" my bra a d blouse u til % stood there# completely a!ed. The scar" i "ro t o" my eyes slipped a little so % could see a large "our poster bed# blac!ed out wi dows a d a table with what loo!ed li!e se> toys o top o" it. Be"ore % could ma!e out the details# he tighte ed the scar" a d retied my ha ds. ;-ollow me#< he said i a hus!y voice. (e led me to the bed a d pushed me o my stomach o to the so"t# sil!e bed. (e proceeded to u tie my ha ds a d retie them o the top o" the "our poster bed. The he tied my a !les to the base o" the bed a d % "elt a mome t o" helpless pa ic. 9hat did he have i mi d# % wo dered. % could 7t tell where he was u til a "ew mi utes later whe he climbed. (is ! ees "it icely betwee my ope legs a d % could hear his breathi g comi g heavy a d hot o my bac!. The &ust pai as he pushed what % could o ly assume were a al beads up my rectum. A"ter they were i # the pai abated. The % "elt his pe is o my buttoc!s?roc!i g bac! a d "orth as the member became harder a d lo ger. % s6uirmed u der eath him a d "elt

a slap o my right butt chee!. ;Stay still# bitch.< *ore pa ic a d a "orce"ul comma d to mysel" to rela>. (e would 7t actually hurt me# would he= The he li"ted my bottom a d practically shoved his pe is i to me as deeply as he could. % gasped# u sure what to e>pect e>t. (e thrust his member i to me over a d over agai "or what seemed li!e a hour a d % could "eel mysel" getti g aroused. (is ha d strummed my clitoris a d % cried out i what o ly could be described as ecstasy. (e came be"ore me a d groa ed as he came. % was still highly aroused# despite the circumsta ces a d whe % screamed# % "elt the a al beads slowly comi g out o" my a us# ma!i g the orgasm the height o" i te sity. % plopped dow o the bed# pa ti g a d sweati g# steeped i pleasure. % "elt Brad get o"" the bed. (e u loc!ed the door a d stepped out. (elpless# % laid there pi ed to the bed# my eyes still bli d a d my body completely a!ed. A"ter about "i"tee mi utes o" i creasi g distress# the door ope ed agai a d % "elt him u tie me. -i ally# he li"ted me o"" the bed a d !issed me. ;0ow# get dressed. %t7s time "or lu ch.< (e stepped out o" the room a d % heard him head dow the hall a d dow the stairs. % u tied the sil! scar" "rom arou d my eyes a d loo!ed arou d. *y clothes were eatly "olded o a table beside the bed. At the "oot o" the bed# a table held a array o" se> toys a d bo dage items. There were some toys % did 7t eve recog i:e. (e eve had a prop gu o the table. % wo dered how ma y wome he had comi g through here to play his se> games. Eve i" % as!ed him# he probably would 7t say. At wor! he was !i d a d eve e deari g. .uri g these episodes o" his# he was dema di g a d pushy?but very se>y a d she could 7t avoid it.

% dressed care"ully a d combed my thic!# dar! hair. Steppi g out i to the hall# % could hear plates a d silverware bei g ba ged arou d. .ow the stairs# % "ou d my boss setti g the table. The house!eeper was owhere to be "ou d. The e>t mor i g# % reali:ed % eeded to go out a d buy some ice dresses# s!irts a d blouses. At 8oh s (op!i s# % mostly wore &ea s# t$ shirts a d sweatshirts a d my ew employer de"i itely li!ed the "i er thi gs i li"e. % vowed to ta!e some o" my "irst paychec! to get some ice# wor!$appropriate out"its. % had &ust grabbed my purse a d bac!pac! whe there was a ! oc! o the door. %t was the guy with the "lowers agai . This time he had a vase with a do:e mi>ed roses i it. Surprised# % too! the "lowers a d tha !ed the ma . % had a couple o" mi utes to smell them be"ore % headed o"" to school a d wor!. % did 7t have -oreig Policy class that day so % spe t most o" my time a sweri g Pro"essor .egree7s mail a d "i ishi g up some research % had to do "or his boo!. %t too! most o" the a"ter oo a d % really did 7t see Brad u til about 4 o7cloc! whe he popped his head i my door. ;% would li!e to do some library research to ight. Ca you &oi me= % eed someo e with your style to ta!e otes a d co solidate ideas. (ow about it=< (e smiled at me as though we were the best o" "rie ds a d ot secret lovers. % had pla s to go out with my good "rie d# Beli da# "or di agreed. % called Beli da. er a d dri !s that eve i g but# as usual# my pe cha t "or wor!i g o e out a d %

;Are you sure you7re ot havi g a a""air with your pro"essor=< Beli da teased me. % had 7t told her about what we were doi g because % really did 7t co sider it a ;a""air<. ;0ot a cha ce#< % lied. ;9e &ust have a lot o" wor! to do. (ow about we go to the Pub o Saturday=< ;)!ay# but do 7t weasel out o" this o e e>t time.< ;% promise. See you the .< % hu g up a d got ready "or the library. The library was the oldest buildi g o campus. %t was built i 1FF0 i preparatio "or the Storr Agricultural School# as it would be called whe it ope ed i 1FF1. %t was "our stories a d too! up most o" a e tire bloc!. %t o ce housed the e tire school but was ow &ust the library. % had go e e>plori g there whe % "irst came to the u iversity but got lost i the stac!s. %t too! me a hour to "i d my way out. Brad had a last mi ute pho e call "rom 8apa so he had me go o ahead a d "i d a table. By the time he got there# % had located several o" the boo!s he wa ted me to "i d a d he sat dow . ;+et7s ta!e a loo! at this boo!. There are several good passages o Asia "oreig policy.< 9e wor!ed "or a couple o" hours be"ore he stretched a d yaw ed. ;+et7s chec! out the stac!s. There are a couple o" articles % eed to "i d.< 9e too! the elevator to the third "loor a d stepped out. The stac!s seemed otherworldly with their dim "luoresce t lighti g# some o" them bli !i g hysterically. (e too! my ha d a d headed o"" to the le"t as i" he ! ew e>actly where he was goi g. % could barely !eep up with him as he wou d his way through piles a d shelves o" old &our als. Soo we were o"" i a cull de sac o" sorts a d there was o place to go. There was also ot a soul arou d us?probably

ot eve i the e tire "loor. % "elt the urge to ru but he had a grip o my elbow li!e a vice. (e pushed me agai st a rac! o" boo!s a d !issed me roughly. (e too! both o" his ha ds a d put them o my shoulders# pushi g me dow hard u til % was o my ! ees be"ore him. 9he % was o my ! ees# he u :ipped his pa ts a d brought out his hal"$erect pe is. ;Suc! o it# baby# &ust suc! o it.< (is voice was dema di g a d severe. Sha!e # % too! hold o" his pe is a d bega suc!i g o it?slowly at "irst# e ough to ma!e him cra:y?a d the "aster u til he early could 7t sta d it. A sile t scream settled over his mouth. 8ust be"ore he came# he pulled away "rom me a d laid dow o the "loor betwee two tall stac!s o" &our als. (e pulled me dow o top o" him a d pushed up my mi i s!irt. (e ripped my pa ties o"" a d pulled me dow o to his pe is. %t "illed me up li!e o other time a d % bega to roc! up a d dow # "eeli g every i ch o" his member. (e grabbed me by the waist a d thrust me up a d dow # "aster tha % could do mysel"?a d the he came# his warm cum "alli g out o" me li!e lava. % laid my head dow o his chest# "ully e>hausted a d "alli g deeply i love with this ma despite is u orthodo> ways. 9he % got home that ight# % was startled to discover that my door was u loc!ed. % e tered my apartme t care"ully# wo deri g i" there happe ed to be a i truder there. ;(ello=< 0o a swer. % could see my rose vases completely i tact o the !itche table. The % loo!ed at the !itche cou ter. % had do e every dish i the house the other ight a d there# where othi g should be# stood a hal"$empty water glass. % wal!ed through my livi g room a d "ou d othi g touched there. The bathroom loo!ed the same. % "act# % did 7t see a ythi g u til %

wal!ed i to my bedroom. *y bed# which was always "astidiously made# was mussed up as though someo e had lai dow i it. % grabbed my cell pho e with the thought o" calli g A11. The % thought# othi g7s bee ta!e . *aybe it was &ust a vagra t who loo!ed arou d a d# "i di g othi g o" value# &ust le"t. *aybe % le"t my apartme t door u loc!ed i a rush to get out the door. 9ho ! ows= % stead % called Beli da a d told her all about it. % as!ed her what she thought % should do. ;(ave your loc!s cha ged. *aybe a previous te a t !ept a !ey a d was &ust messi g with you#< she respo ded. ;Are you sure they did 7t ta!e a ythi g=< ;0o#< % respo ded. % was busy chec!i g my belo gi gs as we tal!ed. -i ally# % sat dow o the !itche table# the room "ragra t with roses. *e tally# % cou ted the roses as we tal!ed. ;-ortu ately# % had othi g really "or a yo e to steal# u less they wa ted my wardrobe or college boo!s.< 1F$1A$20$21G ;9he ca you get your loc!s cha ged=< she as!ed me. 22$23. The twe ty$"ourth rose was missi g. % had cou ted both vases o" roses whe % got them a d % was sure there were twe ty$"our o" them. ;9ait a sec# Beli da.< % cou ted the roses agai . There were o ly twe ty$three. ) e red rose was missi g. ;% thi ! my i truder stole o e o" my roses#< % told her &ust rememberi g % had 7t told her % had eve gotte roses "rom Brad. % e>plai ed to her that he had se t me 2 sets o" a do:e roses each a d that ow# o e was missi g. ;That7s really weird. 9ho would do such a thi g=< Beli da did 7t seem "rea!ed out that my pro"essor had give me twe ty$"our roses. A d

the she said# ;%7m guessi g we have a lot to tal! about duri g our di date o Saturday.< ;/h# yeah# % guess so. See you the .< ) Saturday ight# % was "ortu ate that Brad did 7t eed me "or


somethi g so % would 7t have to ca cel my pla s with Beli da. % had my loc!s cha ged a d othi g u toward seemed to happe i my apartme t. % met Beli da at the Pub. 9e hugged a d "ou d a cor er table away "rom the bar. ;9ith all the activity i your li"e# %7m surprised you did 7t ca cel o me agai #< she teased# sitti g dow beside me. ;9hat7s goi g o # A a=< ;9here do % start=< % a swered. *y classes are goi g "i e# % have a great &ob as a researchHadmi istrative assista t a d so "ar# the perso who i vaded my apartme t has 7t retur ed.< ;9hat about this &ob= Bou7re wor!i g "or a pro"essor=< ;*y "oreig policy i structor# Brad .egree. (e7s great a d we seem to have hit it o""#< % smiled as % thought bac! o the wee!. ;A d %7ve gotte a do:e roses every day si ce we met.< ;Bou7re !iddi gC (e must be rolli g i the mo ey#< Beli da e>claimed e>citedly. ;(e must have "amily mo ey or ma!e mo ey "rom his writi g. (e7s a published author a d is co sidered a e>pert i his "ield. (e might eve do some gover me t co sulti g "or all % ! ow#< % speculated. 9e both ordered the house burger a d beer o tap. ;9hat about your relatio ship= (ave a y hot se> yet=< % could tell Beli da already ! ew the a swer. % hesitated. (ow do % e>plai my relatio ship with Brad= ;9ell# we have a rather u usual relatio ship. 9e7ve had lu ch i his ma sio a "ew

times but % thi ! the lu ch was &ust a prete>t to get me to have se> with him. A d se> is# well# a bit stra ge. (e ever as!s me Ido you wa t to have se>=7 % stead he &ust puts me i se>ual situatio s a d has his way with me. (e eve has a se> room i his ma sio . %t7s "illed with se> toys a d we have se> o a "our poster bed# sometimes complete with restrai ts.< % loo!ed at her# e>pecti g to hear her outcry a d disapproval. But % did 7t hear a y o" that. ;.o you have "eeli gs "or him=< she as!ed# stari g straight i to my eyes. % odded. ;%7m ot i love with him# i" that7s what you mea # but % "eel li!e %7m "alli g i love with him a little. A d the se># while u usual to say the least# is the most alluri g a d e>citi g se> %7ve ever had. %7m ot goi g to tur it dow # eve i" he hogtied me a d "orced himsel" o me.< % did 7t me tio that he already had "orced himsel" o me several times. ;The #< she held her glass up to mi e to cli ! glasses# ;the very best o" luc! to both o" you.< ) the way home "rom the Pub# % !ept seei g a dar! seda with haloge lights "ollowi g me. % made a "ew e>tra tur s be"ore % got i the vici ity o" my home a d the car still "ollowed me. % slowed dow # tryi g to determi e what !i d o" car it was a d who was i it but the haloge lights bli ded me. -i ally# o impulse# % too! the road to Brad7s house# par!ed out "ro t a d ra to his door. The car passed slowly by as Brad a swered the door. (is hair was messy# as though he had bee appi g but the boo! i his ha d told me he7d bee readi g i his library.

;%7m sorry to bother you# Pro"essor .egree#< % said somewhat breathlessly. ;A car was "ollowi g me a d % was a"raid to go home. % was a"raid he7d "i d out where % live.< % wo dered i" whoever it was did 7t already ! ow where % lived. Brad smiled. ;Come o i . Stay as lo g as you li!e.< (e ope ed the door wide a d % duc!ed u der his arm to e ter his "oyer. ;So# who do you thi ! was "ollowi g you=< (e let me step i side while he closed the "ro t door a d loc!ed it. % set my purse dow o a low table at o e e d o" the "oyer. ;% have 7t a y idea. (e might be the same guy that "ou d his way i to my apartme t the other day but % have o way o" provi g that.< ;The you ca 7t go home to ight. Bou7ll stay here.< A d the he was go e i to the heart o" the house# where his library# de # !itche # di i g room a d livi g room were. % &ust stood there# wo deri g i" % should "ollow him or &ust stay put. Stayi g put must have bee the right a swer because he retur ed this time# ot with a boo!# but with a garme t bo>. ;% bought this "or you. Bou ca wear it to ight. 'o upstairs a d put it o . Bour bedroom will be the "ourth bedroom o the right. )h# a d do 7t wear a ythi g but this. %7ll be right upstairs i a mi ute.< % too! the garme t bo> a d "ou d my way to the upstairs a d to the bedroom that was the "ourth "rom the le"t. % had 7t see a y real bedroom i the ma sio yet a d this o e did 7t disappoi t. ) the "ar e d were opule t curtai s o" cream a d pale pi !. The bed itsel" was a pi ! a d cream overload o" orga :a a d a matchi g ca opy. There was a old but sturdy ma!e up table o the right ha d side o" the room a d a small bathroom# complete with bathtub a d shower. % set the bo> dow o the bed a d ope ed it. % side was a thi lace teddy# all blac! a d "rilly?de"i itely ot somethi g % could easily see

mysel" i . As % held it up# blac! lace pa ties "ell to the "loor# also "rilly a d so ot me. 0evertheless# he told me to put it o . So % did. %t "it per"ectly but whe % loo!ed at mysel" i the mirror# % almost laughed at how silly % loo!ed. % loo!ed li!e a woma who was desperate to get some. % heard a ! oc! o the door a d % i sta tly blushed. Still# % a swered the door. ;+et7s go to the room#< he said# assumi g % thought he mea t the se> room. %7d bee there a couple o" times this wee!. % padded bare"oot dow the hallway the "ew steps it too! to get to the loc!ed door. (e u loc!ed the door a d % "ollowed him i . The room was dar! at "irst. (e le"t the door ope a d lit some ca dles arou d the room. The room loo!ed di""ere t so late at ight# especially lit &ust by ca dle light. (e closed a d loc!ed the door. % wo dered who# i" a yo e# he was loc!i g the door agai st. (e "umbled with some o" the se> toys a d "ou d what he was loo!i g "or. ;(ere# put this o .< (e ha ded me what could o ly be a strap o dildo a d % wo dered i" % really ! ew how to put this o # especially i ear dar! ess. (e slipped o"" his clothes a d helped me put it o . ;To ight# you7ll e ter me.< % ter ally# % gasped. This was se> li!e % had ever had be"ore a d % was 7t sure % was up "or it. % watched him put some lubrica t o the dildo a d lea over the bed as i" i supplicatio . (is "irm thighs a d buttoc!s were e>posed i ways % had 7t see be"ore. ;Juic!# do it ow#< he growled. % spite o" my "ear# % ma aged to get it i . %t "elt good to be the aggressor o" sorts. % pumped a d pumped# while he groa ed a d moa ed

be eath me. % could see the shadow o" his pe is a d it was taut a d erect. % pumped eve harder. The he yelled ;stop< a d % too! the dildo out. (e tur ed a d grabbed me by the waist# "li gi g me o the bed. (e pulled o"" my pa ties a d e tered me with his pe is throbbi g# tight with e gorgeme t. (e too! his tur at pumpi g a d % was soo more aroused. A"ter a "ew mi utes# % "elt % could 7t sta d it# the pressure i my groi a d clitoris was so great. -i ally# % screamed aloud a d pa ted li!e a a imal. A "ew more thrusts a d it was over "or him# too. (e collapsed o my body# pa ti g a d breathi g li!e a dog. A drop o" sweat "rom his "ace "ell o my ow as he loc!ed his lips with mi e. % could barely breath# my breasts heavi g "rom the i te sity o" the mome t. (e climbed o"" o" me a d we t to the shower i the room e>t door. (e le"t the door ope a d % could hear the pou di g o" the shower o his sweaty s!i . 9hile he was out# % slipped my ew pa ties o agai . % did 7t ! ow i" % should wait or go so % &ust le"t a d we t to my room. A"ter a "ew mi utes# % heard a ! oc! o the door. % met him at the e tra ce to the room. ;As you may have surmised# A a# my se>ual desires are great. % suggest you wear that teddy to ight as you sleep i case you7re eeded agai #< he said# as he !issed me ge tly a d padded dow the hall. As it tur ed out# he did 7t eed me "or se> the rest o" the ight. % decided to !eep the teddy i a drawer i the room i case % eeded it "or a other time. % slipped out at su rise to go home# shower a d get ready "or the day.

0o o e "ollowed me that % ! ew o" that wee!e d a"ter Saturday ight a d % did 7t hear "rom Brad over the rest o" the wee!e d. % ! ew it was *o day mor i g whe there was a ! oc! o my door be"ore % le"t "or school a d wor!. %t was the same "lower ma who had delivered "ive previous vases "ull o" roses. % could 7t eat at my !itche table because the whole table was "illed with "lowers. % accepted the vase "ull o" pi ! roses a d set them o my !itche cou tertop. % tha !ed the ma a d he le"t. % wo dered i" % should say somethi g to Brad about all the "lowers. 0ot o ly had 7t % tha !ed him "or those that % received but % "elt stra ge as!i g him to stop. 9hat would it ta!e "or him to stop se di g me these obvious e>pressio s o" a""ectio = % decided to as! Beli da about it whe % e>t tal!ed to her. % the mea time# my !itche loo!ed li!e a "lorist shop. A"ter class with .r. .egree# he called out to me as all the stude ts were leavi g. % waited as o e stude t stayed behi d to as! him a 6uestio a d the there was &ust the two o" us. % e>pected he would have some wor! li ed up "or me this a"ter oo . ;Ta!e o"" your clothes.< % loo!ed arou d at this big auditorium# brightly lit a d with every cha ce i the world that someo e could wal! i . This was u believable a d way beyo d my com"ort :o e. ;Pro"essor# % really do 7t thi !G< ;8ust do it?0)9#< he bellowed as i" his li"e depe ded o my ta!i g my clothes o"". Startled# % respo ded a d soo % was a!ed i the room % ormally lear ed about -oreig Policy i . ; +ie o my des!.< % complied. The % watched him u :ip his pa ts a d climb o his ow des!# his pe is already erect a d bulgi g. (e "orced

himsel" i side me whe % was 7t ready so % gasped# hopi g % would 7t tear. % mi utes# he had "ou d his rhythm a d was groa i g a d pa ti g as he mou ted me amidst papers# pe s a d boo!s. % "elt a boo! cor er u der my shoulder blade a d it hurt every time he thrust his pe is i to me. Ama:i gly a d "ortu ately# he came 6uic!ly# his thic! cum all over the des!. % hoped he did 7t have a y importa t papers o his des!. A"ter he rolled o"" me a d stood up# he :ipped his pa ts a d lea ed over to !iss me. ;Bou ca put your clothes bac! o #< he o""ered as he rummaged i side his des! "or somethi g. % could 7t get my clothes o "ast e ough# my eyes darti g to the auditorium doors to ma!e sure o o e was loo!i g at us. -ortu ately# the room was 6uiet a d there was o o e there to peer i to our activities. As % tur ed arou d# he ha ded me a boo!. (is hair was messier tha ever. ;Bou might wa t to loo! through this boo! this a"ter oo . 9rite dow a y good re"ere ces o "oreig policy i Europe you "i d. Sou d good=< (e loo!ed at me e>pecta tly as though othi g had &ust happe ed. ;Sure#< % said hesita tly. ;%s there a ythi g else you eed "rom me=< ;0o#< he said with a wi !. ;Bou were per"ect.< As % was leavi g# he called out a"ter me. ;Ca you come over a d do some re"ere ci g wor! "or me to ight at my house= % hate to impose but %7ve got a deadli e comi g up.< ;0o problem# %7m "ree to ight.< % really had wa ted to study "or my upcomi g Eco omics e>am but % still had tomorrow. So "ar# Pro"essor .egree?Brad?had give us some readi g assig me ts a d a 6ui: but o big e>ami atio s. % secretly hoped my e>tracurricular activities with Brad would 7t a""ect my grade o e way or the other.<

% wor!ed "or more tha "ive hours o the readi g a d re"ere ci g &ob Brad had give me i my o""ice at 8oh sto (all. % had the happy surprise o" receivi g my "irst paychec!. % me tally did the math a d reali:ed % was ma!i g more tha twice what % had a ticipated ma!i g. Sure# % wor!ed hard "or it but it was ice to see the reward a d ! ow that there were more o" them to come i" % co ti ued to wor! hard. *y cell pho e we t o"" arou d "ive pm. %t was Beli da. ;Ca you come out to the Pub to ight= A great ba d is playi g a d a bu ch o" us girls are goi g.< ;0o# % ca 7t. Brad has some wor! "or me to ight.< ;9or!# is it# or is it e>tracurricular activity=< % could hear the humor i her voice. ;% hope he7s do e with that "or today#< % told her a d e>plai ed what had happe ed i the auditorium earlier that day. % was still a little sha!e by the e>perie ce. ;Are you sure he7s the guy "or you= (e sou ds li!e he has some !i d o" se> addictio # ot to me tio a "air degree o" se>ual perversio .< She sou ded worried "or me. Sometimes# whe he got li!e that# % was a little a"raid "or mysel". ;9e7re doi g o!ay so "ar but the day he has me doi g it i "ro t o" a audie ce is the day % wal! out a d say goodbye#< % told her. Eve % had my limits. % &ust did 7t ! ow i" they had bee crossed yet. (e certai ly had a se>ual appetite that so "ar % was able to match. ;8ust be care"ul. (e could be a real pervert a d you wo 7t ! ow it u til it7s too late#< she war ed. ;A yway# how about we meet at the Pub o Saturday= % have some "rie ds % wa t to i troduce you to.<

;Sure# i" % do 7t have to wor!# that is. %7ll let you ! ow -riday ight#< % assured her. ;A d do 7t worry about me. %7m more worried about whoever it is that !eeps i trudi g i to my li"e tha % am about Brad.< 9e hu g up a d a "ew mi utes later# Brad wal!ed i with his &ac!et o . ;%7m headed "or home. There7s di er i it "or you i" you "ollow me er# home.< (e smiled a d all my doubts "aded away. % got up "rom my des! a d gathered my boo!s a d papers. ;-or di %7d do a ythi g.< ;Be care"ul what you say#< he said seriously be"ore steppi g out. .i er was "abulous. (is house!eeper was also a accomplished coo!.

She coo!ed lu ch o order a d every ight# she le"t behi d a several course meal whe she le"t at 5 pm. Brad o ly had to put it together a d reheat it sometime. To ight was 9aldor" salad# "ollowed by roast duc! a d baby carrots. There was delicious chocolate mousse topped with "resh whipped cream. 9e ate mostly i sile ce although Brad did as! "or a ru dow o" what % had do e so "ar that day. (e was i the last stages o" writi g his boo! a d my &ob was trac!i g dow all the re"ere ces a d putti g them i the proper "ormatio . %t was tedious wor! but it had to be do e. A"ter di er# we cleared o"" the di i g room table a d got to wor!. %t was almost i e o7cloc! whe he lea ed bac! i his chair a d said# ;9hy do 7t you get o your teddy=< % gathered my papers a d headed upstairs to what % had begu to call ;my< room. % had o ly slept i it o ce but it was so "emi i e# % could 7t imagi e he had a yo e else i mi d whe he chose it "or me to dress i the other ight.

*y teddy o # % was 7t sure i" % should stay i the room a d wait "or him or i" % should go dow stairs. % stepped out o" the room te tatively but the hallway was empty. A "ew steps dow was the ;se> room< a d# as soo as % passed it# the door ope ed sharply a d % was ya !ed i to the room. The room was partly lit by the bathroom lightD the mai light was out. (e was dressed &ust i his slac!s# his chest bare. % loo!ed arou d a d oticed somethi g di""ere t i the room. (e had i stalled a stripper pole. % guess % assumed that7s what it was. ) the other side o" the room was a old "ashio ed vi yl record player a d it was so"tly playi g some &a:: music. (e poi ted to the stripper pole a d said# ;.o you da ce=< 9hile % had ever da ced o a stripper pole# % was up to the challe ge. % odded a d stepped over to the pole. *y ha ds gripped the pole a d# as % liste ed to the music# % got the rhythm o" it a d moved my ha ds up a d dow the pole# stic!i g my butt out a d the archi g my bac! so that all % could see o" him was a upside dow versio o" him ow a!ed o the bed. % "elt mysel" "low to the music# bloc!ed my observer out a d &ust "elt the se suality o" bei g o e with the pole. The e>t time % loo!ed over at him# he was masturbati g. The record e ded but the eedle moved over a d it started agai . % was so i to what % was doi g# "eeli g se sual a d hor y that % almost did 7t hear him say# ;Stop a d come here.< % climbed o the bed a d he rolled me over. (e slipped o"" my pa ties a d grabbed my breasts with a ve gea ce. (e li"ted up the teddy a d suc!ed o e ipple hard a d the the e>t. (e "elt so oppressive lyi g o top o" me but % was com"orted by his rough !iss.

A d the he e tered me with all his ma hood throbbi g a d pulsati g li!e a auto omous livi g thi g hu grily see!i g out my woma ly parts. (e pou ded away at me# scarcely stoppi g to breathe# begi sweat# yet ot "ully satis"ied# The he moa ed so"tly to the rhythm o" his thrusts. %t was slow at "irst a d the "re etic as he beat away at my vagi a as though this would be our last time. -i ally he growled a d came i side me. % "elt the warmth a d stic!i ess ru dow my leg. (e rolled over e>t to me a d "or a mi ute# % thought he was sleepi g. (is breaths were deep a d so orous. -or a seco d# % "elt li!e we were a regular couple who s uggled together a"ter se> a d who e &oyed di together. % was begi er i g to come to grips with the "act that he was a i g to

se> addict who# o ce the allure o" se> was there# lost all prete>ts a d we t straight "or the se> but % still had "eeli gs "or him that# despite his behavior# a d % hoped o e day we could be a ormal couple. % got up to go to the bathroom a d whe % retur ed# he had dressed a d go e. A"ter cha gi g i ;my< room i to my street clothes# % we t dow stairs a d saw him readi g "rom o e o" the boo!s o the table. % stepped up to him a d put my ha d o his shoulder. (e loo!ed up. ;'ood &ob to ight. 9e should be able to se d this boo! o"" to the age t withi a couple o" wee!s. %t mea s a "ew e>tra ights wor!i g. % hope you7re up to it.< % thought o" Beli da. ;% pla otherwise %7m "ree.< ;'reat<# he said. ;%t7s good to get out with "rie ds every o ce i a while. 9hy do 7t you go o home=< % tha !ed him "or the di er a d let mysel" out. *y %mpala was out "ro t a d % got i # headed "or home. ed to go out Saturday ight but

0ot a bloc! away "rom Brad7s ma sio # % saw the u mista!able lights o" the car that trailed me the ight be"ore. % thought about goi g bac! to Brad7s house but % had ta!e up e ough o" his time with this stal!er perso . % sped up# tryi g to lose the vehicle. % spite o" my speed# % could see the haloge lights eari g my car. They sped up "ast a d be"ore % ! ew it# the other car bumped me "rom behi d. The world started spi i g the as my car spu across the road# arrowly missi g a par!ed car but hitti g a medium$si:ed tree &ust beyo d it. *y head struc! the steeri g wheel a d % could "eel blood pouri g i to my eyes. % loo!ed arou d but the other car was go e. % called Beli da to come a d get me a d the called A11. 9hile % waited "or the police a d ambula ce# % bac!ed up a d determi ed that my car# at least# seemed still drivable but %7d have to have it chec!ed over at the auto body shop. Beli da met me at the hospital but had to step out as % got 13 stitches i my head. The o""icer % met at the sce e came i as % was telli g Beli da the story a"terward. ;*a7am#< the sa dy$haired o""icer said# his clipboard i his ha d# ;% ! ow we met a d tal!ed a little bit at the accide t sce e but % would li!e you to start over.< % e>plai ed that someo e had bro!e i to my apartme t the wee! be"ore a d % told him o" someo e "ollowi g me last Saturday ight a d how % we t to my pro"essor7s house to escape. ;The to ight# % was leavi g my pro"essor7s home a d % could tell the same car was "ollowi g me because it had the same haloge lights a d loo!ed li!e the same car#< % bega . ;The # eve a"ter % sped up# it hit me "rom behi d a d se t me spi loo! at the ma!e or model.< i g o"" i to the tree. % did 7t really get a

;That7s o!ay#< he reassured me. ;9e got some pieces o" dar!$gree pai t o"" your car a d it probably will eed to have some body wor! or some headlights e>cha ged. %" he7s "rom arou d here# he or she will li!ely get caught. 9e put out otices to all the body shops o these !i ds o" thi gs.< % tha !ed him a d allowed Beli da to ta!e me home. *y car would eed some wor!# too# a d % hoped the weather was good e ough "or me to bi!e to school a d to wor!. Brad7s home was o ly a couple o" miles "rom the school a d "rom my home so % "igured %7d get some e>ercise i while my car was bei g repaired. % was spoo!ed by this u ! ow perso i my li"e but % could 7t let him or her get to me. The police were completely u able to get a y leads o who had crashed i to me but# i a "ew days# my car was repaired. Brad was horri"ied to see my "ace# which swelled up a d tur ed a purplish color "rom i ter al bleedi g. A"ter a "ew more days# there was &ust the &agged stitch li e o my "ace. % would have the stitches out the e>t wee!. % the mea time# Brad a d % wor!ed o the boo! pro&ect?practically all the time. *y car got "i>ed a"ter a couple o" days so % could go "rom 8oh sto (all to his house# without ever havi g to loo! out "or rai showers. A d Brad was still givi g me roses# *o day through -riday. %t was always a do:e roses# mostly red with a "ew pi ! a d yellow o es throw i . % wo dered whe he7d get the idea that he had me a d did 7t eed to woo me a ymore. (e met me at his "ro t door o e -riday ight with a complete ma uscript i his ha d. ;9e7re do e# A the age t. %t7s time to celebrate.< a. % &ust have to get this o"" to

% side# he had the eve i g meal table set a d the "irst course was ready. %t was a large Cesar salad made the traditio al way. (e held the chair out "or me a d# "or the "irst time# % "elt li!e we were a couple. 9e chatted about the boo! a d about his e>t pro&ect. (e poured some lovely red wi e a d we sipped it together. The he brought out the bee" te derloi with ew potatoes steeped i garlic. %t was all so warm a d delicious. % had 7t had such a good meal i wee!s. Certai ly % was 7t as capable as Brad7s house!eeper was whe it came to coo!i g. The dessert was lemo meri gue pie. % helped mysel" to two pieces# as it was clearly home made. ;9hat are we goi g to wor! o to ight=< % as!ed him. Si ce my accide t# we had o ly had se> o ce a d % doubted someo e li!e Brad could tolerate more tha a "ew days without se>. ;% do 7t ! ow#< he mused. % could tell he was prete di g to be i decisive. ;Perhaps we7ll head upstairs a"ter our meal. (mm=< /pstairs it was the third door o the right where he led me. (e tur ed o"" the overhead light a d lit some ca dles. The so"t &a:: music was tur ed o as % sat o the bed# wo deri g what he would try e>t. The table o" se> toys were eatly li ed up as Brad was a "astidious ma . (e got out some silver ha dcu""s a d % reali:ed that this would be a i teresti g ight. (e roughly removed my blouse# my bra a d my pa ts. (e loc!ed a ha dcu"" arou d each a !le a d wrist. ;+ie dow .< % was still calm# trusti g Brad to have his way with me without actually hurti g me. % let him ha dcu"" my wrists a d a !les to each o" the "our posts o" the bed. (e had 7t ta!e my u derwear o"" a d % wo dered what their "ate would be.

(e tur ed so % could 7t see him u dress a d whe he came i to my visio # he was weari g a blac! mas! a d chaps. (is pe is was semi$erect i the crac! where the chaps met. (e also had a short whip i his ha d. % was aroused but a little scared. %t did 7t loo! li!e Brad a ymore a d this was as "ar as he had go e. The "irst whips to my torso# groi a d breasts were light a d almost play"ul. Still# % s6uirmed because % did 7t ! ow how "ar he would go. A "ew whips later a d they bega to hurt. % loo!ed dow a d could see red mar!s o my breasts. The he mou ted me a d pulled me toward his erect pe is. % was so wet he had o trouble e teri g me a d he slid his pe is i a d out with "orce. % was so aroused mysel" that % did 7t hear the door ope or did % see the hooded "igure come i . ;Stop#< the ma said i a loud comma di g voice. % loo!ed over a d saw the "igure?a d his gu . Brad stopped a d lea ed bac!. ;'et out o" my house. Bou do 7t belo g here#< he said# barely showi g a y "ear. The hooded ma slipped o"" his hood a d % saw who it was. ;8im# what the "uc! are you doi g here=< % saw Brad loo! at me a d the loo! bac! at 8im. ;%7m here to rescue you "rom that &er!#< he said# poi ti g to Brad# who had ta!e o"" his mas!. ;%7ve bee watchi g you two a d you7re o good together. Bou did 7t eve seem to care that %7ve se t you li!e a thousa d roses. 9e belo g together# A a.< 8im loo!ed much gau ter tha he was whe % last saw him. (is voice was trembli g a d the ha d with the gu shoo! a little# too# poi ted right at Brad7s head.

% stared at him with disbelie"# wishi g my arms a d legs were 7t ha dcu""ed to the bed. ;(ow could % have ! ow that was you that se t those roses= Bou did 7t eve leave a cardC< % was shoc!ed to thi ! that %7d bee accepti g "lowers all this time "rom my e>$boy"rie d. The % had a epipha y. ;%t was you who "ollowed me those two ightsC %t was you who drove me o"" the road# was 7t it=< % shrie!ed at him. ;)h# ho ey# % "ollowed you a lot more tha that. % had to ! ow what it was you were up to with this idiot#< he said# wavi g the gu at Brad some more. ;% had to "i d a time to catch you red$ha ded so % could show you the error o" your ways# you harlot.< ;+iste #< said Brad calmly. ;+et7s wor! somethi g out. 0o o e has to get hurt here.< ;)h# someo e7s goi g to get hurt a d it7s ot goi g to be me. 0ow ta!e those ha dcu""s o"" o" A he mea t it. Brad too! o"" my leg ha dcu""s a d the my arm ha dcu""s. % sat up a d slid my legs together# sitti g at the edge o" the bed. ;8im# you ! ow it7s over# do 7t you= 9e could 7t eve have a relatio ship eve i" Brad were 7t i the picture. % do 7t love you a ymore.< ;Stop itC .o 7t say that#< he shouted at me. ;Put your clothes o .< (e poi ted the gu o me as % slipped o my pa ts# bra a d blouse. 9atchi g me put my clothes o distracted 8im a little bit so that Brad could reach bac! to the se> toy table a d set dow the ha dcu""s. % a heartbeat# he grabbed what % thought was a prop gu a d swu g it arou d# aimi g it at 8im. ;.rop the gu # or %7ll shoot.< 8im swu g the gu bac! toward Brad a d a blast o" gu "ire we t o"". 8im# clearly shot i the throat dropped to the "loor# dead. a.< 8im stepped closer to Brad as i" to say

% leapt across the bed a d grabbed Brad with everythi g % had. ;Tha ! you#< % whispered. ;(e would have !illed you i" you had 7t gotte to him "irst. % &ust ! ow it.< Brad set dow the gu a d# "or the "irst time i our u usual relatio ship# he hugged me bac!. SEE 9(AT (APPE0S 0EKT %0 20. .E',EE ), 'ET T(E C)*P+ETE SE,%ES -), A .%SC)/0TE. P,%CE

Other Books by Emma B ch

5 Degrees of Brad Series 'ET T(E C)*P+ETE SE,%ES -), A .%SC)/0TE. P,%CE 1st .egree 1Available 0ow2 2 d .egree 1Available 0ow2 3rd .egree 1Available 0ow2 4th .egree 1Available 0ow2 5th .egree 1Available 0ow2 Co tact *eE Lemmabuchauthor

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