Final Resume 2013

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Joseph OBryan

14515 Wunderlich Dr Houston, TX 77 69 BILINGUAL WITH CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE SEEKING A CHALLENGING POSITION Mobile: 281-586-7779 !-"#il$obr%#n&hot"#il'co"

(tron) *e#dershi+ (,ills !-+erienced With Multi-.unction#l #nd Multi-/ultur#l !n0iron"ents (el1-Moti0#ted, Hi)h *e0el o1 2nte)rit% /o""itted to 3ro1ession#l De0elo+"ent 3ro#cti0e in Troubleshootin) EDUCATION Candidate in: 4usiness 5d"inistr#tion #nd 6ideo #nd .il" 3roduction SKILLS NHC Colle e 3resent

.#"ili#ri7ed 8ith sh#res in tic,etin) issues, )#tes #nd sol0in) "ulti+le +roble"s 8ith the +ro)r#"'

(,illed in !-cel, 3o8er3oint, Word, 5ccess, 3o8er3oint #nd 9utloo,' /#n re#d, 8rite #nd s+e#, !l"entl# and $%o$e%l# !n)lish #nd (+#nish' PRO&ESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Continental Ai%line' A" "'t ())*+ P%e'ent Inte%national ASA Inte%$%ete% A ent

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:es+onsible in "ulti1unction#l tic,etin) issues /o#chin) #nd su++ortin) #)ents 8ith tic,etin) issues in sh#res' (u+er0isin) #nd +re+#rin) #ll +#+er 8or, 1or de+#rture usin) sh#res' (ol0in) "ulti+le +roble"s rel#ted to de+#rture on ti"e' (el1-det#il oriented to 1ollo8 rules #nd +rocedures in the )#tes'

Continental Ai%line'De.e/0e% ())(+())*

Bilingual Domestic and International Group Agent

:es+onsible to send contr#ct to indi0idu#ls #nd Tr#0el #)encies o1 )rou+s o1 1 or "ore +#ssen)ers 5ssisted custo"ers #nd Tr#0el #)ents 8ith )rou+ de+osits #nd re1unds' 5ssisted custo"ers #nd Tr#0el #)ents 8ith "ulti+le +roble"s 8ith the contr#cts in stress en0iron"ent De0elo+ed rel#tionshi+s 8ith the co"+#n%, co8or,ers 1ro" do"estic #nd intern#tion#l issues #s 8ell #s 8ith 0endors 1ro" other co"+#nies' 5ssisted Tr#0el 5)ents 8ith electronic M/9;s

Continental Ai%line' O.to0e% 1222+())(

Foreign Language Sales Agent

Deli0ered credit c#rds #nd re1und docu"ents to the #++ro+ri#te de+#rt"ent 1or i""edi#te +rocessin)' 4ilin)u#l do"estic s#les #nd tic,etin) #)ent' :es+onsible 1or #ssistin) custo"ers 8ith 9ne 3#ss reser0#tions' 5ssisted custo"ers 8ith +roble"s rel#ted 8ith 9ne +#ss' 5ssisted tr#0elers 8ith di11erent s+eci#l needs' Hel+in) co 8or,ers rel#ted 8ith reser0#tions #nd tic,etin) issues

Mo%ton Colle e Se$te/0e% 1223+ 1222

Student Aid at Learning Department Center

(et u+ #udio0isu#l e<ui+"ent 1or te#chers #nd students'

:e+roduction o1 5udio 6isu#l !<ui+"ent' (et u+ e<ui+"ent 1or Telecon1erence "eetin)s' :e+#ired e<ui+"ent rel#ted 8ith 5udio 6isu#l de+#rt"ent' 4ilin)u#l #ssist#nce 8ith te#chers #nd students in *:/
= :e1erences 50#il#ble >+on :e<uest =

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