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SP 1:-1967 Comparison of Indian and Overseas Standards on Aluminum Alloy Castings SP 2 : 19 2 Comparison of Indian and Overseas !asi" Si#es for S$eet and %ire SP & : 197' (etri" C$ange in India SP 6 : Part 1 : 196& )and*oo+ for stru"tural engineers - Stru"tural steel se"tions SP 6 : Part 2 : 1962 )and*oo+ ,or Stru"tural -ngineers - 2 : Steel !eams and Plate .irders SP 6 : Part / : 1962 )and*oo+ Stru"tural -ngineers - Part / : Steel Columns and Struts SP 6: Part &: 1969 ISI )and*oo+ for Stru"tural -ngineers &0 1se of )ig$ Strengt$ ,ri"tion .rip !olts SP 6 : Part 2 : 19 ' )and*oo+ for stru"tural engineers - Cold-formed3 lig$t gauge steel stru"tures SP 6 : Part 6 : 1972 )and*oo+ for stru"tural engineers - Appli"ation of plasti" t$eory in design of steel stru"tures SP 6 : Part 7 : 1972 ISI )and*oo+ for Stru"tural -ngineers - Part 7 : Simple %elded .irders SP 7 : 19 / 4ational *uilding "ode of India 19 / SP : 197' ISI )and*oo+ of (at$emati"al3 P$ysi"al3 C$emi"al and -ngineering 5a*les SP 1' : 1972 4omograms for 5$i"+ness of (asonry %alls SP 1& : 1976 Inde6 to Steel 7esignations SP 16 : 19 ' 7esign Aids for 8einfor"ed Con"rete to IS &26 : 197 SP 17 : 1979 Inde6 to IS 1926 .lossary of 5erms 8elating to Iron and Steel SP 2' 9S and 5: : 1991 )and*oo+ on (asonry 7esign and Constru"tion SP 21 9S and 5: : 19 / Summaries of Indian Standards for !uilding (aterials SP 22 : 19 2 -6planatory )and*oo+ on Codes for -art$;ua+e -ngineering SP 2/ : 19 2 )and*oo+ on Con"rete (i6es SP 2& 9S and 5: : 19 / -6planatory )and*oo+ on Indian Standard Code of Pra"ti"e for Plain and 8einfor"ed Con"rete SP 22 : 19 & )and*oo+ on Causes and Prevention of Cra"+s in !uildings SP 27 : 19 7 )and*oo+ on met$od of measurement of *uildings <or+s SP /' : 19 2 Spe"ial Pu*li"ation - 4ational -le"tri"al Code SP /2 : 19 6 )and*oo+ on ,un"tional 8e;uirements of Industrial !uildings 9=ig$ting and >entilation: SP // : 19 6 )and*oo+ on 5im*er -ngineering SP /& : 19 7 )and*oo+ on Con"rete 8einfor"ement and 7etailing SP /2 : 19 7 )and*oo+ on %ater Supply and 7rainage 9<it$ Spe"ial -mp$asis on Plum*ing: SP /6 : Part 1 : 19 7 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 1 =a*oratory testing of soils for "ivil engineering purposes SP /6 : Part 2 : 19 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 2 ,ield testing SP / 9S and 5: : 19 7 )and*oo+ of 5ypified 7esigns for Stru"tures <it$ Steel 8oof 5russes 9<it$ and <it$out Cranes: 9!ased on is Codes: SP &' 9S and 5: : 19 7 )and*oo+ on Stru"tures <it$ Steel Portal ,rames SP &1 9S and 5: : 19 7 )and*oo+ on ,un"tional 8e;uirements of !uildings 9Ot$er t$an Industrial !uildings: SP &/ 9S and 5: : 19 7 )and*oo+ on Stru"tures <it$ 8einfor"ed Con"rete Portal ,rames 9%it$out Cranes: SP &6 : 2''/ -ngineering 7ra<ing Pra"ti"e for S"$ools and Colleges SP &7 9S and 5: : 19 )and*oo+ on Stru"tures <it$ Steel =atti"e Portal ,rames 9%it$out Cranes: SP 27 9?A%S(: : 199/ )and*oo+ on Pipes and ,ittings for 7rin+ing %ater Supply SP 2 : 1992 )and*oo+ on Pumps for 7rin+ing %ater Supply SP 6' : 199/ .uidelines for Competen"e3 A""eptan"e and A""reditation of =a*oratories3 Inspe"tion !odies3 Certifi"ation !odies and Systems of Certifi"ation SP 62 9S and 5: : 1997 )and*oo+ on !uilding Constru"tion Pra"ti"es 9-6"luding -le"tri"al %or+: SP 6/ : 1997 -6planatory guide for t$e appli"ation of ;uality system standards 9IS@ISO 9''13 9''2 and 9''/: SP 6& 9S A 5: : 2''1 -6planatory )and*oo+ on Indian Standard Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign =oads 9Ot$er t$an -art$;ua+e: for !uildings and Stru"tures SP 62 : 199 )and*oo+ on IS@ISO 9''' for Small !usinesses SP 67 : 2''' .uidelines for (anaging t$e -"onomi"s of ?uality SP 6 : 2''' .uidan"e on Statisti"al 5e"$ni;ues for ISO 9''1 : 199& SP 69 : 2''' !an+ing and 8elated ,inan"ial Servi"es - Information Se"urity .uidelines SP 7' : 2''1 )and*oo+ on Constru"tion Safety Pra"ti"es SP 162' : 199/ Standard "olours for *uilding and de"orative finis$es IS 1 : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for t$e national flag of India 9"otton +$adi:

IS 2 : 1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS & : 196/ .uide for =ayout of =earned Periodi"als IS 2 : 199& Colours for ready mi6ed paints and enamels

IS 12 : 19 .uide for 7rafting and Presentation of Indian Standard IS /2 : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for #in" o6ide for paints IS 192 : 1991 ,ire"lay (ortar for =aying ,ire"lay 8efra"tory !ri"+s - Spe"ifi"ation IS 269 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for // grade ordinary Portland "ement IS 277 : 2''/ .alvani#ed Steel S$eets3 9Plain and Corrugated: - Spe"ifi"ation IS 27 : 197 Spe"ifi"ation for .alvani#ed Steel !ar*ed %ire for ,en"ing IS 2 7 : 199/ Permissi*le (oisture Content for 5im*er 1sed for 7ifferent Purposes - 8e"ommendations IS /'/ : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for ply<ood for general purposes IS / / : 197' Spe"ifi"ation for "oarse and fine aggregates from natural sour"es for "on"rete IS /99 : 196/ Classifi"ation of Commer"ial 5im*ers and 5$eir Bonal 7istri*ution IS &'1 : 2''1 Preservation of 5im*er - Code of Pra"ti"e IS &27 : 1962 Spe"ifi"ation for distemper3 dry3 "olour as re;uired IS &2 : 2''' %as$a*le 7istemper - Spe"ifi"ation IS &/2 : Part 1 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for mild steel and medium tensile steel *ars and $ard-dra<n steel <ire for "on"rete reinfor"ement: Part I (ild steel and medium tensile steel *ars IS &/2 : Part 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for mild steel and medium tensile steel *ars and $ard-dra<n steel <ire for "on"rete reinfor"ement: Part 2 )arddra<n steel <ire IS &22 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for Portland slag "ement IS &26 : 2''' Plain and 8einfor"ed Con"rete - Code of Pra"ti"e IS &27 : 1927 Code of pra"ti"e for general "onstru"tion of plain and reinfor"ed "on"rete for dams and ot$er massive stru"tures IS &29 : 1992 Indian Standard Corrugated and semi-"orrugated as*estos "ement s$eets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 216 : 1929 (et$od of test forCstrengt$ of "on"rete IS 22& : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for >arnis$3 ,inis$ing3 -6terior3 Air-drying IS 222 : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for >arnis$3 ,inis$ing3 -6terior and .eneral Purposes IS 62' : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for standard sand for testing of "ement IS 62& : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for "lay roofing tiles3 (angalore pattern IS 622 : 196/ Spe"ifi"ation for (etal Air 7u"ts IS 626 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for logs for ply<ood IS 629 : 196& Safety "ode for air "onditioning IS 7'7 : 1976 .lossary of terms appli"a*le to tim*er te"$nology and utili#ation IS 712 : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for *uilding limes IS 7/2 : 19 9 Code of Pra"ti"e for -le"tri"al %iring Installations IS 771 : Part 1 : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for gla#ed fire-"lay sanitary applian"es: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements IS 771 : Part 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for gla#ed fire-"lay sanitary applian"es: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements of +it"$en and la*oratory sin+s IS 771 : Part / : Se" 1 : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for gla#ed fire "lay sanitary applian"es : Part / Spe"ifi" re;uirements of urinals3 Se"tion 1 Sla* urinals IS 771 : Part / : Se" 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for gla#ed fire-"lay sanitary applian"es: Part / Spe"ifi" re;uirements of urinals: Se"tion 2 Stall urinals IS 771 : Part & : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for gla#ed fire-"lay sanitary applian"es: Part & Spe"ifi" re;uirements of postmortem sla*s IS 771 : Part > : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for .la#ed ,ire-"lay Sanitary Applian"es - Part > : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of S$o<er 5rays IS 771 : Part >I : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for .la#ed ,ire-"lay Sanitary Applian"es - Part >I : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of !ed Pan Sin+s IS 771 : Part 7 : 19 1 Spe"ifi"ation for gla#ed fire-"lay sanitary applian"es: Part 7 Spe"ifi" re;uirements of slop sin+s IS 772 : 197/ Spe"ifi"ation for general re;uirements for enamelled "ast iron sanitary applian"es IS 7 / : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of "on"rete pipes IS 7 & : 2''1 Prestressed Con"rete Pipes 9In"luding ,ittings: - Spe"ifi"ation IS 7 6 : 1967 Conversion ,a"tors and Conversion 5a*les IS 7 7 : 1926 .uide for inter "onversion of values from one system of units to anot$er IS '' : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for general "onstru"tion in steel IS '1 : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for use of "old formed lig$t gauge steel stru"tural mem*ers in general *uilding "onstru"tion IS '6 : 196 Code of pra"ti"e for use of steel tu*es in general *uilding "onstru"tion IS ' : 19 9 7imensions for )ot 8olled Steel !eam3 Column3 C$annel and Angle Se"tions IS '9 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for ru**er flooring materials for general purposes IS 11 : 19 7 Cold formed lig$t gauge stru"tural steel se"tions IS 16 : 1969 Code of pra"ti"e for use of metal ar" <elding for general "onstru"tion in mild steel IS 17 : 1966 Code of pra"ti"e for training and testing of metal ar" <elders IS & : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for Synt$eti" 8esin Ad$esives for Ply<ood 9P$enoli" and Aminoplasti": IS 21 : 197 Spe"ifi"ation for synt$eti" resin ad$esives for "onstru"tion <or+ 9non-stru"tural: in <ood IS 72 : Part 1 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for design loads 9ot$er t$an eart$;ua+e:for *uildings and stru"tures Part 1 7ead loads - 1nit <eig$ts of *uilding material and stored materials 9In"orporating IS:1911-1967: IS 72 : Part 2 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for design loads 9ot$er t$an eart$;ua+e: for *uildings and stru"tures: Part 2 Imposed loads

IS 72 : Part / : 19 7 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign =oads 9Ot$er t$an -art$;ua+e: for !uildings and Stru"tures - Part / : %ind =oads IS 72 : Part & : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for design loads 9ot$er t$an eart$;ua+e: for *uildings and stru"tures Part & Sno< loads IS 72 : Part 2 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for design loads 9ot$er t$an eart$;ua+e: for *uildings and stru"tures Part 2 Spe"ial loads and load "om*inations IS / : 199& Code of pra"ti"e for design of stru"tural tim*er in *uilding IS 962 : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for ar"$ite"tural and *uilding dra<ings IS 962 : 196/ Spe"ifi"ation for e;uivalent metri" units for s"ales dimensions and ;uantities in general "onstru"tion <or+ IS 1''/ : Part 1 : 2''/ 5im*er Paneled and .la#ed S$utters - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1''/ : Part 2 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for tim*er panelled and gla#ed s$utters: Part 2 %indo< ventilator s$utters IS 1'/ : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for steel doors3 <indo<s and ventilators IS 1'6& : 19 ' Spe"ifi"ation for Paper Standard Si#es IS 1'77 : 1992 Common !urnt Clay !uilding !ri"+s - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1' ' : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of s$allo< foundations in soils 9ot$er t$an raft3 ring and s$ell: IS 1' 1 : 196' Code of pra"ti"e for fi6ing and gla#ing of metal 9steel and aluminum: doors3 <indo<s and ventilators IS 11'2 : 1927 (et$od for pre"ise "onversion of in"$ and metri" dimensions to ensure inter"$angea*ility IS 1121 : Part 1 : 197& (et$ods of test for determination of strengt$ properties of natural *uilding stones: Part I Compressive strengt$ IS 1121 : Part II : 197& (et$ods of 5est for 7etermination of Strengt$ Properties of 4atural !uilding Stones - Part II : 5ransverse Strengt$ IS 1121 : Part III : 197& (et$ods of 5est for 7etermination of Strengt$ Properties of 4atural !uilding Stones - Part III : 5ensile Strengt$ IS 1121 : Part & : 197& (et$ods of test for determination of strengt$ properties of natural *uilding stones: Part I> S$ear strengt$ IS 1122 : 197& (et$od of test for determination of true spe"ifi" gravity of natural *uilding stones IS 112/ : 1972 (et$od of identifi"ation of natural *uilding stones IS 112& : 197& (et$od of test for determination of <ater a*sorption3 apparent spe"ifi" gravity and porosity of natural *uilding stones IS 1122 : 197& (et$od of test for determination of <eat$ering of natural *uilding stones IS 1126 : 197& (et$od of test for determination of dura*ility of natural *uilding stones IS 1127 : 197' 8e"ommendations for dimensions and <or+mans$ip of natural *uilding stones for masonry <or+ IS 112 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for =imestone 9Sla* and 5iles: IS 1129 : 1972 8e"ommendation for dressing of natural *uilding stones IS 11/' : 1969 Spe"ifi"ation for mar*le 9*lo"+s3 sla*s and tiles: IS 11&1 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for seasoning of tim*er IS 11&9 : 19 2 )ig$ tensile steel rivet *ars for stru"tural purposes IS 112' : 2''' 5rade 4ames and A**reviated Sym*ols for 5im*er Spe"ies IS 1161 : 199 Steel 5u*es for Stru"tural Purposes - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1172 : 199/ Code of !asi" 8e;uirements for %ater Supply3 7rainage and Sanitation IS 1192 : 2''2 !itumen-(asti" for ,looring - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1196 : 197 Code of pra"ti"e for laying *itumen masti" flooring IS 1197 : 197' Code of pra"ti"e for laying of ru**er floors IS 119 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for laying3 fi6ing and maintenan"e of linoleum floor IS 1199 : 1929 (et$ods of sampling and analysis of "on"rete IS 12'' : Part 1 : 1992 (et$ods of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 1 -art$<or+ IS 12'' : Part 2 : 197& (et$od of measurement of *uilding and engineering <or+s: Part 2 "on"rete <or+s IS 12'' : Part III : 1976 (et$od of (easurement of !uilding and Civil -ngineering %or+s - Part III : !ri"+<or+ IS 12'' : Part & : 1976 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part & stone masonry IS 12'' : Part 2 : 19 2 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: part 2 form <or+ IS 12'' : Part 6 : 197& (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 6 refra"tory <or+ IS 12'' : Part 7 : 1972 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 7 $ard<are IS 12'' : Part : 199/ (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+: Part steel <or+ and iron <or+ IS 12'' : Part 9 : 197/ (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+: Part 9 roof "overing 9in"luding "ladding: IS 12'' : Part 1' : 197/ (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: part 1' "eiling and linings IS 12'' : Part 11 : 1977 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+: Part11 paving3 floor finis$es dado and s+irting IS 12'' : Part DII : 1976 (et$od of (easurement of !uilding and Civil -ngineering %or+s - Part DII : Plastering and Pointing IS 12'' : Part 1/ : 199& (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 1/ %$ite<as$ing3 "olour <as$ing3 distempering and painting of *uilding surfa"es IS 12'' : Part 1& : 19 & (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 1& gla#ing IS 12'' : Part 12 : 19 7 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 12 painting3 polis$ing3 varnis$ing et" IS 12'' : Part 16 : 1979 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 16 laying of <ater and se<er lines in"luding appurtenant items IS 12'' : Part 17 : 19 2 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 17 road <or+ in"luding air field pavements IS 12'' : Part 1 : 197& (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 1 demolition and dismantling

IS 12'' : Part DID : 19 1 (et$od of (easurement of !uilding and Civil -ngineering %or+s - Part DID : %ater Supply3 Plum*ing and 7rains IS 12'' : Part 2' : 19 1 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 2' laying of gas and oil pipelines IS 12'' : Part 21 : 197/ (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 21 <ood-<or+ and Eoinery IS 12'' : Part 22 : 19 2 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 22 materials IS 12'' : Part 2/ : 19 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 2/ piling IS 12'' : Part 2& : 19 / (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 2& <ell foundations IS 12'' : Part 22 : 1971 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 22 tunneling IS 12'' : Part 26 : 19 7 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 26 A"id resistant lining IS 12'' : Part 27 : 1992 (et$od of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 27 -art$<or+ done *y me"$ani"al applian"es IS 12'' : Part 2 : 1992 (et$ods of measurement of *uilding and "ivil engineering <or+s: Part 2 Sound insulation <or+s IS 12/7 : 19 ' Spe"ifi"ation for Cement Con"rete ,looring 5iles IS 12/9 : Part 1 : 199' (ild Steel 5u*es3 5u*ulars and Ot$er %roug$t Steel ,ittings - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 1 : (ild Steel 5u*es IS 12/9 : Part 2 : 1992 (ild steel tu*es3 tu*ulars and ot$er <roug$t steel fittings3 Part 2 (ild steel tu*ulars and ot$er <roug$t steel pipe fittings IS 1/'/ : 19 / .lossary of terms relating to paints IS 1/22 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for *itumen felts for <ater proofing and damp-proofing IS 1/2/ : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for o6y-a"etylene <elding for stru"tural <or+ in mild steels IS 1//1 : 1971 Spe"ifi"ation for "ut si#es of tim*er IS 1//2 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for pre"ast reinfor"ed "on"rete street lig$ting poles IS 1/&1 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for steel *utt $inges IS 1/&/ : 19 ' Code of Pra"ti"e for Prestressed Con"rete IS 1/&& : 19 1 Spe"ifi"ation for "al"ined "lay po##olana IS 1/&6 : 1991 Code of Pra"ti"e for %aterproofing of 8oofs <it$ !itumen ,elts IS 1/61 : 197 Spe"ifi"ation for steel <indo<s for industrial *uildings IS 1/91 : Part 1 : 1992 8oom Air Conditioners - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 1 : 1nitary Air Conditioners IS 1/91 : Part 2 : 1992 8oom air "onditioners: Part 2 Split air "onditioners IS 1&&/ : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for laying and finis$ing of "ement "on"rete flooring tiles IS 1&6& : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for "lay ridge and "eiling tiles IS 1&77 : Part I : 1971 Code of Pra"ti"e for Painting of ,errous (etals in !uildings - Part I : Pretreatment IS 1&77 : Part 2 : 1971 Code of pra"ti"e for painting of ferrous metals in *uildings: Part2 Painting IS 1&7 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for "lay flooring tile IS 1& ' : 197' Spe"ifi"ation for (etri" S"ales for .eneral Purposes IS 1& 1 : 197' Spe"ifi"ation for (etri" Steel S"ales for -ngineers IS 1& 9 : Part 1 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for Portland po##olana "ement Part 1 ,ly as$ *ased IS 1& 9 : Part 2 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for Portland-po##olana "ement Part 2 "al"ined "lay *ased IS 1&91 : 1929 Spe"ifi"ation for (etri" S"ales for Ar"$ite"tural Purposes IS 1&92 : 197' (etri" surveying "$ains IS 1&9 : 197' Classifi"ation and identifi"ation of soils for general engineering purposes IS 1226 : 196' Si#es and S$apes for ,ire*ri"+s 92/' mm Series: IS 12&2 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for sand for plaster IS 122/ : 19 9 7esign of =i*rary !uildings - 8e"ommendations 8elating to its Primary -lements IS 1261 : 19 9 Set S;uares for 1se of 7ra<ing Offi"es - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1262 : 1962 Spe"ifi"ation for (etri" 7iagonal S"ales 9Cartograp$ers3 Surveyors and -ngineers: IS 126/ : 19 9 Protra"tors for 1se of 7ra<ing Offi"es - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1266 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for )ard-dra<n Steel %ire ,a*ri" for Con"rete 8einfor"ement IS 1292 : 2''/ As*estos Cement Pressure Pipes and Foints - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1297 : Part 1 : 1992 Constru"tion of Stone (asonry - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part 1 : 8u**le Stone (asonry IS 1297 : Part 2 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of stone masonry: Part 2 As$lar masonry IS 16'9 : 1991 Code of pra"ti"e for laying damp-proofing treatment using *itumen felts IS 162& : 19 6 (et$od of field testing of *uilding lime IS 1626 : Part 1 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for as*estos "ement *uilding pipes and pipe fittings3 gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings Part 1 Pipe and pipe fittings IS 1626 : Part 2 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for as*estos "ement *uilding pipes and pipe fittings3 gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings Part 2 .utter and gutter fittings : IS 1626 : Part / : 199& As*estos Cement !uilding Pipes and Pipe ,ittings3 .utters and .utter ,ittings and 8oofing ,ittings - Spe"ifi"ation - Part / : 8oofing ,ittings IS 16/' : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for masonGs tools for plaster <or+ and pointing <or+ IS 16/& : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of <ood stairs for $ouses IS 16&1 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of *uildings 9general:: .eneral prin"iples of fire grading and "lassifi"ation

IS 16&2 : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of *uildings 9general:: 7etails of "onstru"tion IS 16&/ : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of *uildings 9general:: -6posure $a#ard IS 16&& : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of *uildings 9general:: -6it re;uirements and personal $a#ard IS 16&6 : 1997 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of *uildings 9general:: -le"tri"al installations SP 162' : 197/ Standard "olours for *uilding and de"orative finis$es 9<it$ supplement: IS 1661 : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for appli"ation of "ement and "ement-lime plaster finis$es IS 17'' : 197/ Spe"ifi"ation for drin+ing fountains IS 17'6 : 1972 (et$od for determination of resistan"e to <ear *y a*rasion of natural *uilding stones IS 17' : Parts 1 to 1 : 19 6 (et$ods of 5esting of Small Clear Spe"imens of 5im*er IS 1722 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for soil *ased *lo"+s used in general *uilding "onstru"tion IS 1726 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for "ast iron man$ole "overs and frames IS 1727 : 1967 (et$ods of test for po##olani" materials IS 17/& : Parts 1 to 2' : 19 / (et$ods of 5est for Ply<ood IS 17&2 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for *uilding drainage IS 17 2 : Part I : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for Plain )ard-dra<n Steel %ire for Prestressed Con"rete - Part I : Cold 7ra<n Stress-relieved %ire IS 17 2 : Part 2 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for plain $ard-dra<n steel <ire for Prestressed "on"rete: Part 2 As dra<n <ire IS 17 6 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for $ig$ strengt$ deformed steel *ars and <ires for "on"rete reinfor"ement 9superseding IS:11/9-1966: IS 1791 : 19 2 .eneral 8e;uirements for !at"$ 5ype Con"rete (i6ers IS 1 '2 : 197/ .lossary of terms relating to stones3 ;uarrying and dressing IS 1 26 : 1961 Spe"ifi"ation for >enetian !linds for %indo<s IS 1 29 : Part 1 : 197 Spe"ifi"ation for li*rary furniture and fittings: Part 1 5im*er IS 1 29 : Part 2 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for li*rary furniture and fittings: Part 2 Steel IS 1 /& : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for )ot Applied Sealing Compounds for Foints in Con"rete IS 1 / : Part 1 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for preformed fillers for e6pansion Eoint in pavements and stru"tures 9non e6truding and resilient type:: Part 1 !itumen impregnated fi*re IS 1 / : Part 2 : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for preformed fillers for e6pansion Eoint in pavements and stru"tures 9non e6truding and resilient type: Part 2 C4S= Alde$yde resin and "o"onut pit$ IS 1 22 : 19 2 8olling and "utting toleran"es for $ot rolled steel produ"ts IS 1 79 : 19 7 (allea*le "ast iron pipe fittings IS 1 1 : 199 Code of Pra"ti"e for Indoor Installation of Pu*li" Address Systems IS 1 2 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for outdoor installation of pu*li" address system IS 1 2 : Part / : Se" : 197& -le"trote"$ni"al vo"a*ulary: Part / A"ousti"s3 Se" Ar"$ite"tural a"ousti"s IS 1 2 : Part D>I : Se" 1 : 196 -le"trote"$ni"al >o"a*ulary - Part D>I : =ig$ting - Se"tion I .eneral Aspe"ts IS 1 2 : Part D>I : Se" 2 : 196 -le"trote"$ni"al >o"a*ulary - Part D>I : =ig$ting - Se"tion 2 : .eneral Illumination3 =ig$ting ,ittings and =ig$ting for 5raffi" and Signalling IS 1 2 : Part D>I : Se" / : 1967 -le"trote"$ni"al >o"a*ulary - Part D>I : =ig$ting - Se"tion / : =amps and Au6iliary Apparatus IS 1 92 : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for su*surfa"e investigations for foundations IS 1 9/ : 19 & Criteria for eart$;ua+e resistant design of stru"tures IS 1 9/ : Part 1 : 2''2 Criteria for -art$;ua+e 8esistant 7esign of Stru"tures - Part 1 : .eneral Provisions and !uildings IS 19'2 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for preservation of *am*oo and "ane for non-stru"tural purposes IS 19'& : 19 6 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of foundations in soils: general re;uirements IS 19'2 : 19 7 Code of Pra"ti"e for Stru"tural use of 1n reinfor"ed (asonry IS 19&& : Parts I and II : 197' Code of Pra"ti"e for =ig$ting of Pu*li" 5$oroug$fares IS 19&& : Part 2 : 19 1 Code of pra"ti"e for lig$ting of pu*li" t$oroug$fare: Part 2 =ig$ting for grade separated Eun"tions3 *ridges and elevated roads 9.roup 7: IS 19&& : Part 6 : 19 1 Code of pra"ti"e for lig$ting of pu*li" t$oroug$fare: Part 6 =ig$ting for to<ns and "ity "entres and areas of "ivi" importan"e 9.roup -: IS 19&& : Part 7 : 19 1 Code of pra"ti"e for lig$ting of pu*li" t$oroug$fare: Part 7 =ig$ting for roads <it$ spe"ial re;uirements 9.roup ,: IS 19&6 : 1961 Code of pra"ti"e for use of fi6ing devi"es in <alls3 "eilings and of solid "onstru"tion IS 19& : 1961 Spe"ifi"ation for aluminium doors3 <indo<s and ventilators IS 19&9 : 1961 Spe"ifi"ation for Aluminium %indo<s for Industrial !uildings IS 192' : 1962 Code of pra"ti"e for sound insulation of non-industrial *uildings IS 1977 : 1996 =o< 5ensile Stru"tural Steels - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2'&2 : 1972 Insulating *ri"+s IS 2'62 : 1999 Steel for .eneral Stru"tural Purposes - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2'6& : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for sele"tion3 installation and maintenan"e of sanitary applian"es IS 2'62 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for <ater supply in *uildings IS 2'9' : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for $ig$ tensile steel *ars used in Prestressed "on"rete

IS 2'92 : Part 1 : 1996 Spe"ifi"ation for gypsum plaster *oards Part 1 Plain gypsum plaster *oards IS 2'92 : Part 2 : 2''1 .ypsum Plaster !oards - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 2 : Coated@=aminated .ypsum Plaster !oards IS 2'92 : Part / : 1996 Spe"ifi"ation for gypsum plaster *oards Part / 8einfor"ed .ypsum plaster *oards IS 2'96 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for as*estos "ement flat s$eets IS 211' : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for in-situ "onstru"tion of <alls3 in *uilding soil-"ement IS 211& : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for laying in-situ terra##o floor finis$ IS 2112 : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for flat-roof finis$3 mud p$us+a IS 2116 : 19 ' Spe"ifi"ation for sand for masonry mortars IS 2117 : 1991 .uide for (anufa"ture of )and-(ade Common !urnt-Clay !uilding !ri"+s IS 211 : 19 ' Code of Pra"ti"e for Constru"tion of Fa"+-Ar"$ 5ype of !uilt-up ,loor or 8oof IS 2119 : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of *ri"+-"um-"on"rete "omposite 9madras terra"e: floor and roof IS 21/1 : 19 1 (et$od for Standard Penetration 5est for Soils IS 21/2 : 19 6 Code of pra"ti"e for t$in <alled tu*e sampling of soils IS 21&' : 197 Spe"ifi"ation for Stranded .alvani#ed Steel %ire for ,en"ing IS 21 ' : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for $eavy duty *urnt "lay *uilding *ri"+s IS 21 2 : Part I : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for Con"rete (asonry 1nits - Part I : )ollo< and Solid Con"rete !lo"+s IS 21 2 : Part 2 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete masonry units: Part 2 )ollo< and solid lig$t <eig$t "on"rete *lo"+s 9superseding IS:/29': IS 21 2 : Part / : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete masonry units Part / Auto"laved "ellular Aerated "on"rete *lo"+s 9Superseding IS:2& 2: IS 21 9 : 1999 - Sele"tion3 Installation and (aintenan"e of Automati" ,ire 7ete"tion and Alarm System - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 219' : 1992 Sele"tion3 Installation and (aintenan"e of ,irst-aid ,ire -6tinguis$ers - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 2191 : Part 1 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for %ooden ,lus$ 7oor S$utters 9Cellular and )ollo< Core 5ype: - Part 1 : Ply<ood ,a"e Panels IS 2191 : Part 2 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for <ooden flus$ door s$utters 9"ellular and $ollo< "ore type:: Part 2 Parti"le *oard and $ard*oard fa"e panels IS 219/ : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for Pre"ast Prestressed Con"rete Street =ig$ting Poles IS 22'2 : Part 1 : 1999 Spe"ifi"ation for <ooden flus$ door s$utters 9solid "ore type:: Part 1 Ply<ood fa"e panels IS 22'2 : Part 2 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for <ooden flus$ door s$utters 9solid "ore type:: Part 2 Parti"le *oard fa"e panels and $ard*oard fa"e panels IS 22'& : 1962 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of reinfor"ed "on"rete s$ell roof IS 221' : 19 Criteria for design of reinfor"ed "on"rete s$ell stru"tures and folded plates IS 2212 : 1991 Code of pra"ti"e for *ri"+<or+ IS 2222 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for !urnt Clay Perforated !uilding !ri"+s IS 22& : 1992 .lossary of terms relating to "lay produ"ts for *uilding IS 222' : 19 1 Code of Pra"ti"e for Preparation and 1se of (asonry (ortars IS 226' : 197/ Pre"onditioning3 "onditioning and testing of solid ele"tri"al insulating materials IS 226& : 196/ Preferred fre;uen"ies for a"ousti"al measurements IS 22 7 : 197' Spe"ifi"ation for 7rafting (a"$ines IS 22 : 196/ Spe"ifi"ation for 8anging 8ods IS 2/'9 : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for t$e prote"tion of *uildings and allied stru"tures against lig$tning IS 2/12 : 1967 Propeller type a" ventilating fans IS 2// : Part 1 : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for finis$ing of <ood and <ood *ased materials: Part 1 Operations and <or+mans$ip IS 2// : Part 2 : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for finis$ing of <ood and <ood *ased materials: Part 2 S"$edules IS 2/62 : 1977 Spe"ifi"ation for Steel %ire Suspension 8opes for =ifts3 -levators and )oists IS 2/66 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for nail-Eointed tim*er "onstru"tion IS 2/7' : 196/ Spe"ifi"ation for Se"tional Cold 8ooms 9%al+-in 5ype: IS 2/72 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for tim*er for "ooling to<ers IS 2/7& : 196/ Spe"ifi"ation for I"e 5an+s IS 2/77 : 1967 5a*les for volume of "ut si#es of tim*er IS 2/79 : 199' Colour "ode for identifi"ation of pipe lines IS 2/ ' : Parts I to DDI : 1977 (et$ods of 5est for %ood Parti"le !oards and !oards from Ot$er =igno"ellulosi" (aterials IS 2/ ' : Part 22 : 19 1 (et$od of test for <ood parti"le *oards and *oards from ot$er ligno"ellulosi" materials: Part 22 7etermination of surfa"e gluea*ility test IS 2/ ' : Part 2/ : 19 1 (et$od of test for <ood parti"le *oards and *oards from ot$er ligno"ellulosi" materials: Part 2/ >i*ration tests for parti"le *oards IS 2/ 6 : Part I : 196/ (et$ods of 5est for Aggregates for Con"rete - Part I : Parti"le Si#e and S$ape IS 2/ 6 : Part 2 : 196/ (et$ods of test for aggreegates for "on"rete Part 2 -stimation of deleterious materials and organi" impurities IS 2/ 6 : Part / : 196/ (et$ods of test for aggregates for "on"rete Part / Spe"ifi" gravity3 density3 voids3 a*sorption and *ul+ing IS 2/ 6 : Part & : 196/ (et$ods of test for aggregates for "on"rete Part & (e"$ani"al properties IS 2/ 6 : Part > : 196/ (et$ods of 5est for Aggregates for Con"rete - Part > : Soundness IS 2/ 6 : Part 6 : 196/ (et$ods of test for aggregates for "on"rete : Part 6 (easuring mortar ma+ing properties of fine aggregates

IS 2/ 6 : Part >II : 196/ (et$ods of 5est for Aggregates for Con"rete - Part >II : Al+ali Aggregate 8ea"tivity IS 2/ 6 : Part >III : 196/ (et$ods of 5est for Aggregates for Con"rete - Part >III : Petrograp$i" -6amination IS 2/9& : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for appli"ation of lime plaster finis$ IS 2/92 : Part 1 : 199& Painting of Con"rete3 (asonry and Plaster Surfa"es - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part 1 : Operations and %or+mans$ip IS 2/92 : Part 2 : 199& Code of pra"ti"e for painting "on"rete3 masonry and plaster surfa"es: Part 2 S"$edule IS 2&'2 : 196/ Code of Pra"ti"e for -6ternal 8endered ,inis$es IS 2&/' : 19 6 (et$ods for Sampling of Aggregates for Con"rete IS 2&&' : 1972 .uide for 7ay lig$ting of !uildings IS 2&&1 : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for fi6ing "eiling "overing IS 2&22 : 199' (et$od of sampling of model trees and logs and t$eir "onversion for tim*er testing IS 2&69 : 1976 .lossary of terms relating to gypsum IS 2&7' : Part 1 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for installation of septi" tan+s: Part I design3 "riteria and "onstru"tion IS 2&7' : Part 2 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for installation of septi" tan+s: Part II Se"ondary treatment and disposal of septi" tan+ effluent IS 22'2 : 196/ Code of Pra"ti"e for !ending and ,i6ing of !ars for Con"rete 8einfor"ement IS 22'2 : 1992 Con"rete vi*rators - Immersion type - .eneral re;uirements IS 22'6 : 19 2 .eneral 8e;uirements for Con"rete >i*rators3 S"reed !oard 5ype IS 221& : 196/ Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete vi*rating ta*les IS 222& : Part 1 : 196 Code of pra"ti"e for painting of nonferrous metals in *uildings: Part 1 Pretreatment IS 222& : Part 2 : 196 Code of pra"ti"e for painting of non-ferrous metals in *uildings: Part 2 Painting IS 2226 : 196/ Code of pra"ti"e for a"ousti"al design of auditoriums and "onferen"e $alls IS 2227 : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for fi6ing rain<ater gutters and do<n pipes for drainage IS 22&1 : 1991 Code of pra"ti"e for preparation and use of lime "on"rete IS 22&2 : Part 1 : Se" 1 to 12 : 197 (et$ods of 5est for .ypsum Plaster3 Con"rete and Produ"ts - Part I : Plaster and Con"rete IS 22&2 : Part II : Se" 1 to : 19 1 (et$ods of 5est for .ypsum Plaster3 Con"rete and Produ"ts - Part II : .ypsum Produ"ts IS 22&7 : Part 1 : 1976 Spe"ifi"ation for gypsum *uilding plaster: Part 1 -6"luding premi6ed lig$t<eig$t plaster IS 22&7 : Part 2 : 1976 Spe"ifi"ation for gypsum *uilding plaster: Part 2 Premi6ed lig$t<eig$t plaster IS 22& : Part 1 : 1996 Spe"ifi"ation for plasti" seats and "overs for <ater-"losets: Part 1 5$ermoset seats and "overs IS 22& : Part 2 : 1996 Spe"ifi"ation for plasti" seats and "overs for <ater-"losets: Part 2 5$ermo plasti" seats and "overs IS 2226 : Part 1 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for vitreous sanitary applian"es 9vitreous "$ina:: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements IS 2226 : Part 2 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for vitreous sanitary applian"es 9vitreous "$ina:: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements of <as$-do<n <ater-"losets IS 2226 : Part / : 199& >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9>itreous C$ina: - Spe"ifi"ation - Part / : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of S;uatting Pans IS 2226 : Part & : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for vitreous sanitary applian"es 9vitreous "$ina:: Part & Spe"ifi" re;uirements of <as$ *asins IS 2226 : Part 2 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for vitreous sanitary applian"es 9vitreous "$ina:: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements of la*oratory sin+s IS 2226 : Part 6 : 1992 >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9>itreous C$ina: - Part 6 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of 1rinals and Partition Plates IS 2226 : Part 7 : 1992 >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9vitreous "$ina: - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 7 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of A""essories for Sanitary Applian"es IS 2226 : Part : 1992 >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9vitreous "$ina: - Spe"ifi"ation - Part : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of Pedestal Close Coupled %as$ do<n and Syp$oni" %ater Closets IS 2226 : Part 9 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for vitreous sanitary applian"es 9vitreous "$ina:: Part 9 Spe"ifi" re;uirements of *idets IS 2226 : Part 1& : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for vitreous sanitary applian"es 9vitreous "$ina:: Part 1& Spe"ifi" re;uirements of integrated s;uatting pans IS 2226 : Part 12 : 1992 >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9vitreous "$ina: - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 12 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of 1niversal %ater Closets IS 2226 : Part 16 : 2''2 >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9>itreous C$ina: - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 16 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of %as$ 7o<n %all (ounted %ater Closets IS 2226 : Part 17 : 2''1 >itreous Sanitary Applian"es 9>itreous C$ina: - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 17 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements of %all (ounted !idets IS 2271 : 197' Code of pra"ti"e for laying in-situ "ement "on"rete flooring IS 2272 : 196/ Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of $ollo< "on"rete *lo"+ masonry IS 26&2 : 2''/ Integral %aterproofing Compounds for Cement (ortar and Con"rete - Spe"ifi"ation IS 266/ : 19 9 7esign of *uildings for ar"$ives - 8e"ommendations relating to its primary elements IS 2672 : 1966 Code of pra"ti"e for li*rary lig$ting IS 267& : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for *attened ply<ood "ases IS 26 / : 19 ' .uide for Installation of Impregnation Plants for 5im*er IS 26 6 : 1977 Spe"ifi"ation for Cinder as ,ine Aggregates for use in =ime Con"rete IS 269' : Part 1 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay flat terra"ing tiles: Part 1 (a"$ine made IS 269' : Part 2 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay flat terra"ing tiles: Part 2 )and made IS 2691 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay fa"ing *ri"+s IS 2692 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for ferrules for <ater servi"es IS 27'' : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for roofing <it$ <ooden s$ingles IS 272' : Part 1 : 19 / (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part 1 : Preparation of 7ry Soil Samples for >arious 5ests

IS 272' : Part 2 : 197/ (et$ods of test for soils: Part 2 7etermination of <ater "ontent IS 272' : Part / : Se" 1 : 19 ' (et$ods of test for soils: Part / 7etermination of spe"ifi" gravity Se"tion 1 fine grained soils IS 272' : Part III : Se" 2 : 19 ' 5est for Soils - Part III : 7etermination of Spe"ifi" .ravity - Se"tion 2 : ,ine3 (edium and Coarse .rained Soils IS 272' : Part & : 19 2 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part & : .rain Si#e Analysis IS 272' : Part 2 : 19 2 (et$od of 5est for Soils - Part 2 : 7etermination of =i;uid and Plasti" =imit IS 272' : Part 6 : 1972 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 6 7etermination of s$rin+age fa"tors IS 272' : Part >II : 19 ' (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part >II : 7etermination of %ater Content-7ry 7ensity 8elation 1sing =ig$t Compa"tion IS 272' : Part : 19 / (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part : 7etermination of %ater Content-7ry 7ensity 8elation 1sing )eavy Compa"tion IS 272' : Part 9 : 1992 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 9 7etermination of dry density- moisture "ontent relation *y "onstant <eig$t of soil met$od IS 272' : Part 1' : 1991 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 1' 7etermination of un"onfined "ompressive strengt$ IS 272' : Part 11 : 199/ (et$ods of test for soils: Part 11 7etermination of t$e S$ear Strengt$ Parameters of a spe"imen tested in in"onsolidated3 indrained tria6ial "ompression <it$out t$e measurement of pore <ater pressure IS 272' : Part 12 : 19 1 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 12 7etermination of s$ear strengt$ parameters of soil from "onsolidated undrained tria6ial "ompression test <it$ measurement of pore <ater pressure IS 272' : Part 1/ : 19 6 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part 1/ : 7ire"t S$ear 5est IS 272' : Part 1& : 19 / (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part 1& : 7etermination of 7ensity Inde6 98elative 7ensity: of Co$esionless Soils IS 272' : Part D> : 1962 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part D> : 7etermination of Consolidation Properties IS 272' : Part 16 : 19 7 (et$ods of 5est for Soil - Part 16 : =a*oratory 7etermination of C!8 IS 272' : Part 17 : 19 6 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part 17 : =a*oratory 7etermination of Permea*ility IS 272' : Part 1 : 1992 (et$ods of test for Soils - Part 1 : 7etermination of ,ield (oisture -;uivalent IS 272' : Part 19 : 1992 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part 19 : 7etermination of Centrifuge (oisture -;uivalent IS 272' : Part 2' : 1992 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 2' 7etermination of linear s$rin+age IS 272' : Part DDI : 1977 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part DDI : 7etermination of 5otal Solu*le Solids IS 272' : Part 22 : 1972 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 22 7etermination of organi" matter IS 272' : Part 2/ : 1976 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 2/ 7etermination of "al"ium "ar*onate IS 272' : Part DDI> : 1976 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part DDI> : 7etermination of Cation -6"$ange Capa"ity IS 272' : Part 22 : 19 2 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 22 7etermination sili"a ses;uio6ide ratio IS 272' : Part 26 : 19 7 (et$od of 5est for Soils - Part 26 : 7etermination of p) >alue IS 272' : Part 27 : 1977 (et$ods of test for soils: Part 27 7etermination of total solu*le sulp$ates IS 272' : Part 2 : 197& (et$ods of test for soils: Part 2 7etermination of dry density of soils inpla"e3 *y t$e sand repla"ement met$od IS 272' : Part DDID : 1972 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part DDID : 7etermination of 7ry 7ensity of Soils In-pla"e *y t$e Core-"utter (et$od IS 272' : Part /' : 19 ' (et$ods of test for soils: Part /' =a*oratory vane s$ear test IS 272' : Part /1 : 199' (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part /1 : ,ield 7etermination of California !earing 8atio IS 272' : Part // : 1971 (et$ods of test for soils: Part // 7etermination of t$e density in pla"e *y t$e ring and <ater repla"ement met$od IS 272' : Part DDDI> : 1972 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part DDDI> : 7etermination of 7ensity of Soil In-pla"e *y 8u**er-*alloon (et$od IS 272' : Part /2 : 197& (et$ods of test for soils: Part /2 (easurement of negative pore <ater pressure IS 272' : Part /6 : 19 7 (et$ods of test for soils: Part /6 =a*oratory determination of permea*ility of granular soils 9"onstant $ead: IS 272' : Part /7 : 1976 (et$ods of test for soils: Part /7 7etermination of sand e;uivalent values of soils and fine aggregates IS 272' : Part / : 1976 (et$ods of test for soils: Part / Compa"tion "ontrol test 9$ilf met$od: IS 272' : Part DDDID : Se" 1 : 1977 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part DDDID : 7ire"t S$ear 5est for Soils Containing .ravel - Se"tion I : =a*oratory 5est IS 272' : Part DDDID : Se" 2 : 1979 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part DDDID : 7ire"t S$ear 5est for Soils Containing .ravel - Se"tion 2 : In-Situ S$ear 5est IS 272' : Part D= : 1977 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part D= : 7etermination of ,ree S<ell Inde6 of Soils IS 272' : Part D=I : 1977 (et$ods of 5est for Soils - Part D=I : (easurement of S<elling Pressure of Soils IS 2721 : 2''/ .alvani#ed Steel C$ain =in+ ,en"e ,a*ri" - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2726 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of industrial *uildings: Cotton ginning and pressing 9in"luding "otton seed delintering:fa"tories IS 2721 : 1979 Code of Pra"ti"e for %elding of (ild Steel Plain and 7eformed !ars for 8einfor"ed Con"rete Constru"tion IS 272/ : Part 1 : 1991 (et$ods for estimation of preservatives in treated tim*er and in solutions Part 1 7eterrmination of "opper3 arseni"3 "$romium3 #in"3 *oron "reosote and fuel oil IS 272/ : Part 2 : 1991 (et$ods for estimation of preservatives in treated tim*er and in treating solutions: Part 2 7etermination of "opper 9in "opper organi" salt: and penta"$lorop$enol IS 277' : Part 1 : 1967 (et$ods of testing *ond in reinfor"ed "on"rete Part 1 Pull-out test IS 2792 : 196& Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of stone sla* over Eoist floor IS 2 '' : Part 1 : 1991 Code of Pra"ti"e for Constru"tion and 5esting of 5u*e<ells@!ore<ells - Part 1 : Constru"tion IS 2 '' : Part II : 1979 Code of Pra"ti"e Constru"tion and 5esting - Part II : 5esting IS 2 '9 : 1972 .lossary of 5erms and Sym*ols 8elating to Soil -ngineering IS 2 1' : 1979 .lossary of terms relating to soil dynami"s

IS 2 2& : 1972 (et$od for determining t$e "omparative tra"+ing inde6 of solid insulating materials under moist "onditions IS 2 /2 : 19 7 ,lat transparent s$eet glass IS 2 2 : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for roofing <it$ mangalore tiles IS 2911 : Part 1 : Se" 1 : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part 1 Con"rete piles3 Se"tion 1 7riven "ast in-situ "on"rete piles IS 2911 : Part 1 : Se" 2 : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part 1 Con"rete piles3 Se"tion 2 !ored "ast-in-situ piles IS 2911 : Part 1 : Se" / : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part 1 Con"rete piles3 Se"tion / 7riven pre"ast "on"rete piles IS 2911 : Part 1 : Se" & : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part 1 "on"rete piles3 Se"tion & !ored pre"ast "on"rete piles IS 2911 : Part 2 : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for designing and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part 2 5im*er piles IS 2911 : Part / : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part / 1nder reamed piles IS 2911 : Part & : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of pile foundations: Part & =oad test on piles IS 29/2 : 2''/ -namel3 Synt$eti"3 -6terior : 9a: 1nder"oating 9*: ,inis$ing - Spe"ifi"ation IS 29// : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for -namel3 -6terior3 9a: 1nder"oating3 9*: ,inis$ing IS 292' : Part I : 19 1 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign and Constru"tion of 8aft ,oundations - Part I : 7esign IS 297& : Part I : 19 2 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign and Constru"tion of (a"$ine ,oundations - Part I : ,oundation for 8e"ipro"ating 5ype (a"$ines IS 297& : Part 2 : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of ma"$ine foundations: Part 2 ,oundations for impa"t type ma"$ine 9$ammer foundations: IS 297& : Part / : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of ma"$ine foundations: Part / ,oundations for rotary type ma"$ines 9(edium and $ig$ fre;uen"y: IS 297& : Part & : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of ma"$ine foundations: Part & ,oundations for rotary type ma"$ines of lo< fre;uen"y IS 297& : Part 2 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of ma"$ine foundations Part 2 ,oundations for impa"t ma"$ines ot$er t$an $ammers 9forging and stamping press3 pig *rea+ers3 drop "rus$er and Eolter: IS /''7 : Part 1 : 1999 =aying of As*estos Cement S$eets - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part 1 : Corrugated S$eets IS /''7 : Part II : 1962 Code of Pra"ti"e for =aying of As*estos Cement S$eets - Part II : Semi-Corrugated S$eets IS /'/& : 199/ ,ire Safety of Industrial !uildings: -le"tri"al .enerating and 7istri*uting Stations - Code of Pra"ti"e IS /'/6 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for laying lime "on"rete for a <aterproofed roof finis$ IS /'/7 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for *itumen masti" for use in <ater-proofing of roofs IS /'&/ : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for eart$ing IS /'2 : 199' Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of industrial *uildings: >is"ose rayon yarn and@or staple fi*re plants IS /'67 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for general design details and preparatory <or+ for damp-proofing and <ater-proofing of *uildings IS /'6 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for *ro+en *ri"+ 9*urnt "lay: "oarse aggregates for use in lime "on"rete IS /'69 : 199& .lossary of terms3 sym*ols and units relating to t$ermal insulation materials IS /'79 : 199' Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of industrial *uildings: Cotton te6tile mills IS /' 2 : 1962 (et$od of 5est for Permea*ility of Cement (ortar and Con"rete IS /' 7 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for <ood parti"le *oards 9medium density: for general purposes IS /'97 : 19 ' Spe"ifi"ation for >eneered Parti"le !oards IS /1'/ : 1972 Code of Pra"ti"e for Industrial >entilation IS /11& : 199& Code of pra"ti"e for laying of "ast iron pipes IS /112 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for lime *ased *lo"+s IS /129 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for lo< density parti"le *oards IS /1// : 19 9 (an$ole and inspe"tion openings for "$emi"al e;uipment - .eneral re;uirements IS /1&' : 1962 Code of pra"ti"e for painting as*estos "ement *uilding produ"ts IS /1 2 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for *ro+en *ri"+ 9*urnt "lay: fine aggregates for use in lime mortar IS /2'1 : 19 Criteria for design and "onstru"tion of pre"ast-trusses and purlins IS //16 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for stru"tural granite IS //& : 1962 Spe"ifi"ation for fi*re insulation *oards IS //62 : 1977 Code of pra"ti"e for natural ventilation of residential *uildings IS //6& : Part 1 : 1976 (et$ods of measurement and evaluation of defe"ts in tim*er: Part 1 =ogs IS //6& : Part 2 : 1976 (et$ods of measurement and evaluation of defe"ts in tim*er: Part 2 Converted tim*er IS //62 : 1962 Spe"ifi"ation for floor polis$ing ma"$ines IS //67 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay tiles for use in lining irrigation and drainage <or+s IS //7' : Part 1 : 1962 Code of pra"ti"e for "on"rete stru"tures for t$e storage of li;uids: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements IS //7' : Part 2 : 1962 Code of pra"ti"e for "on"rete stru"tures for t$e storage of li;uids: Part 2 8einfor"ed "on"rete stru"tures IS //7' : Part / : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for "on"rete stru"tures for t$e storage of li;uids: Part / Prestressed "on"rete stru"tures

IS //7' : Part & : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for "on"rete stru"tures for t$e storage of li;uids: Part & 7esign ta*les IS // & : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for *itumen primer for use in <aterproofing and damp-proofing IS // 6 : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for %ooden ,en"e Posts IS /&1& : 196 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign and Installation of Foints in !uildings IS /&61 : 19 ' Spe"ifi"ation for P>C-as*estos floor tiles IS /&62 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for un *a"+ed fle6i*le P>C flooring IS /&6& : 19 6 (et$ods of 5est for Plasti" ,looring and %all 5iles IS /&66 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for masonry "ement IS /&7 : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for )ig$ 7ensity %ood Parti"le !oards IS /& ' : 1966 ,le6i*le steel "onduits for ele"tri"al <iring IS /& / : 1962 Code of pra"ti"e for noise redu"tion in industrial *uildings IS /&92 : Part 1 to & : 1992 (et$ods of 5ests of !urnt Clay !uilding !ri"+s - Part 1 : 7etermination of Compressive Strengt$ - Part 2 : 7etermination of %ater A*sorption - Part / : 7etermination of -fflores"en"e - Part & : 7etermination of %arpage IS /2/2 : 19 6 (et$ods of sampling $ydrauli" "ement IS /2/6 : 1999 8eady (i6ed Paint3 !rus$ing3 %ood Primer - Spe"ifi"ation IS /2/7 : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for 8eady (i6ed Paint3 ,inis$ing3 Interior3 for .eneral Purposes3 to Indian Standard Colours IS /2/9 : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for 8eady (i6ed Paint3 1nder"oating3 for 1se 1nder Oil ,inis$es3 to Indian Standard Colours3 as 8e;uired IS /2& : 19 Code of Pra"ti"e for .la#ing in !uildings IS /22/ : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for %atertig$t -le"tri" =ig$ting ,ittings IS /22 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for use of immersion vi*rators for "onsolidating "on"rete IS /229 : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for pneumati" "on"rete *rea+ers IS /2 / : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay paving *ri"+s IS /2 2 : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for 8eady (i6ed Paint3 Aluminium3 !rus$ing3 Priming3 %ater 8esistant3 for %ood<or+ IS /2 9 : 2''1 Steel Pipes for %ater and Se<age 916 0/ to 2 2&' mm Outside 7iameter: - Spe"ifi"ation IS /61& : Part I : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for ,ire-"$e"+ 7oors - Part I : Plate3 (etal Covered and 8olling 5ype IS /61& : Part 2 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for metalli" and non-metalli" fire "$e"+ doors - 8esistan"e test and performan"e "riteria IS /612 : 1967 .lossary of terms used in refrigeration and air "onditioning IS /62' : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for laterite stone *lo"+ for masonry IS /622 : 1977 Spe"ifi"ation for sandstone 9sla*s and tiles: IS /629 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for stru"tural tim*er in *uilding IS /6/' : 1992 Constru"tion of 4on-load !earing .ypsum !lo"+ Partitions - Code of Pra"ti"e IS /6&6 : Part 1 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for interior illumination: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements and re"ommendations for <elding interiors IS /6&6 : Part II : 1966 Code of Pra"ti"e for Interior Illumination - Part II : S"$edule for >alues of Illumination and .lare Inde6 IS /6&6 : Part / : 196 Code of pra"ti"e for interior illumination: Part / Cal"ulation of "oeffi"ients of utili#ation *y t$e !B met$od IS /66/ : 1991 7imensions of ta*les and "$airs for general offi"e purposes IS /67' : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of tim*er floors IS /696 : Part 1 : 19 7 Safety "ode of s"affolds and ladders: Part 1 S"affolds IS /696 : Part 2 : 1991 S"affolds and =adders - Code of Safety - Part 2 : =adders IS /7'9 : 1966 Spe"ifi"ation for (asti" Cement for !edding of (etal %indo<s IS /716 : 197 Appli"ation guide for insulation "oordination IS /76& : 1992 Code of safety for e6"avation <or+ IS /792 : 197 .uide for $eat insulation of non industrial *uildings IS / ' : 1979 (et$od of test for non-"om*usti*ility of *uilding materials IS / '9 : 1979 ,ire resistan"e test for stru"tures IS / 12 : Part 1 : 2''/ Pulveri#ed ,uel As$ - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 1 : ,or 1se as Po##olana in Cement3 Cement (ortar and Con"rete IS / 12 : Part 2 : 2''/ Pulveri#ed ,uel As$ - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 2 : ,or 1se as Admi6ture in Cement (ortar and Con"rete IS / &2 : 1966 Code of pra"ti"e for Eoints used in <ooden furniture IS / 61 : 2''2 (et$od of (easurement of Plint$3 Carpet and 8enta*le Area of !uildings IS /9/2 : 1966 Code of pra"ti"e for "omposite "onstru"tion IS /921 : Part 1 : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for $ollo< "lay tiles for floors and roofs Part 1 ,iller type IS /921 : Part 2 : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for $ollo< "lay tiles for floors and roofs Part 2 Stru"tural type IS /922 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay $ollo< *ri"+s for <alls and partitions IS &'1& : Part 1 : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for steel tu*ular s"affolding Part 1 7efinitions and materials IS &'1& : Part II : 1967 Code of Pra"ti"e for Steel 5u*ular S"affolding - Part II : Safety 8egulations for S"affolding IS &'2' : Parts 1 to 16 : 199 7oor S$utters - (et$ods of 5ests IS &'21 : 1992 5im*er 7oor3 %indo< and >entilator ,rames - Spe"ifi"ation IS &'/1 : Part 1 : 1996 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 1 7etermination of fineness *y dry sieving

IS &'/1 : Part 2 : 1999 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 2 7etermination of fineness *y spe"ifi" surfa"e *y !laine air permea*ility met$od IS &'/1 : Part / : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part / 7etermination of soundness IS &'/1 : Part & : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part & 7etermination of "onsisten"y of standard "ement paste IS &'/1 : Part 2 : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 2 7etermination of initial and final setting times IS &'/1 : Part 6 : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 6 7etermination of "ompressive strengt$ of $ydrauli" "ement 9ot$er t$an masonry "ement: IS &'/1 : Part 7 : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 7 7etermination of "ompressive strengt$ of masonry "ement IS &'/1 : Part : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 7etermination of transverse and "ompressive strengt$ of plasti" mortar using prism IS &'/1 : Part 9 : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 9 7etermination of $eat of $ydration IS &'/1 : Part 1' : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 1' 7etermination of drying s$rin+age IS &'/1 : Part 11 : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 11 7etermination of density IS &'/1 : Part 12 : 19 (et$ods of p$ysi"al tests for $ydrauli" "ement: Part 12 7etermination of air "ontent of $ydrauli" "ement mortar IS &'/1 : Part 1/ : 19 (et$ods of P$ysi"al 5ests for )ydrauli" Cement - Part 1/ : (easurement of %ater 8etentivity of (asonry Cement IS &'/1 : Part 1& : 19 9 (et$ods of p$ysi"al test for $ydrauli" "ement Part 1& 7etermination of false set IS &'/1 : Part 12 : 1991 (et$ods of p$ysi"al test for $ydrauli" "ement Part 12 7etermination of fineness *y <et sieving IS &'/2 : 19 2 (et$od of "$emi"al analysis of $ydrauli" "ement IS &'// : 196 .eneral 8e;uirements for )ospital ,urniture IS &'/& : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for Castors for )ospital -;uipment IS &' 2 : 1996 8e"ommendations on sta"+ing and storage of "onstru"tion materials and "omponents at site IS &'9' : 1967 Criteria for design of reinfor"ed "on"rete ar"$es IS &1'1 : Part 1 : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for e6ternal fa"ing and veneers: Part I Stone fa"ing IS &1'1 : Part II : 1967 Code of Pra"ti"e for -6ternal ,a"ings and >eneers - Part II : Cement Con"rete ,a"ing IS &1'1 : Part / : 19 2 Code of Pra"ti"e for -6ternal Cladding - Part / : %all 5iling and (osai"s IS &111 : Part 1 : 19 6 Code of pra"ti"e for an"illary stru"tures in se<erage system: Part I (an$oles IS &111 : Part 2 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for an"illary stru"tures in se<erage system: Part II ,lusing tan+s IS &111 : Part / : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for an"illary stru"tures in se<erage system: Part III Inverted syp$on IS &111 : Part I> : 196 Code of Pra"ti"e for An"illary Stru"tures in Se<erage System - Part I> : Pumping Stations and Pumping (ains 98ising mains: IS &111 : Part 2 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for an"illary stru"tures in se<erage system: Part 2 5idal outfalls IS &1/' : 1991 Safety "ode for demolition of *uildings IS &1/9 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for "al"ium sili"ate *ri"+s IS &1&' : 197 =imestone for use in foundries IS &1 ' : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for "orrosion prote"tion of lig$t gauge steel se"tions used in *uilding IS &2'9 : 19 7 Code of Safety in C$emi"al =a*oratories IS &222 : 1979 8e"ommended pra"ti"e for straig$t *eam ultrasoni" testing of steel plates IS &226 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of industrial *uilding: Aluminium@(agnesium po<der fa"tories IS &/26 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for eart$;ua+e resistant design and "onstru"tion of *uildings IS &//2 : Part 1 : 1967 (et$ods of test for sta*ili#ed soils: Part 1 (et$ods of sampling and preparation of sta*ili#ed soils for testing IS &//2 : Part II : 1967 (et$ods of 5est for Sta*ili#ed Soils - Part II : 7etermination of (oisture Content of Sta*ili#ed Soil (i6tures IS &//2 : Part / : 1967 (et$ods of test for sta*ili#ed soils: Part / 5est for determination of moisture "ontent-dry density relation for sta*li#ed soils mi6tures IS &//2 : Part & : 196 (et$ods of test for sta*ili#ed soils: Part & %etting and drying3 free#ing and t$a<ing tests for "ompa"ted soil-"ement mi6tures IS &//2 : Part 2 : 197' (et$ods of test for sta*ili#d soils: Part 2 7etermination of un"onfined "ompressive strengt$ of sta*li#ed soils IS &//2 : Part >I : 1972 (et$ods of 5est for Sta*ili#ed Soils - Part >I : ,le6ural Strengt$ of Soil-"ement 1sing Simple !eam %it$ 5$ird-point =oading IS &//2 : Part >II : 197/ (et$ods of 5est for Sta*ili#ed Soils - Part >II : 7etermination of Cement Content of Cement Sta*ili#ed Soils IS &//2 : Part : 1969 (et$ods of test for sta*li#ed soils: Part 7etermination of lime "ontent of lime sta*li#ed soils IS &//2 : Part ID : 197' (et$ods of 5est for Sta*ili#ed Soils - Part ID : 7etermination of t$e !ituminous Sta*ili#er Content of !itumen and 5ar Sta*ili#ed Soils IS &//2 : Part 1' : 1969 (et$ods of test for sta*ili#ed soils: Part 1' 5est for soil@*ituminous mi6tures IS &/&7 : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for $ospital lig$ting IS &/& : 197/ (et$ods of test for determination of permea*ility of natural *uilding stones IS &/2' : 1967 Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete porous pipes for under-drainage IS &/21 : 2''/ Steel 7oor ,rames - Spe"ifi"ation IS &/62 : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for appli"ation of *itumen masti" for <aterproofing of roofs

IS &/7' : 1967 Code of pra"ti"e for t$e use of lig$ting and signaling devi"es on "ars and "ommer"ial ve$i"les IS &/ & : 1967 Spe"ifi"ation for Steel %atertig$t 7oors IS &&12 : 197& .lossary of terms relating to <ooden furniture and fi6tures IS &&2/ : 1999 )and-Sa<ing of 5im*er - .uide IS &&&/ : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for use of resin type "$emi"al resistant mortars IS &29' : 19 ' Spe"ifi"ation for Se"ondary =evel IS &291 : 196 Code of Pra"ti"e for Installation and (aintenan"e of -s"alators IS &297 : 196 Code of pra"ti"e for finis$ing of <ood and <ood *ased produ"ts <it$ nitro"ellulose and "old "atalysed materials IS &621 : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for indi"ating *olts for use in pu*li" *at$s and =avatories IS &622 : 2''/ 8e"ommendations for Stru"tural - Stru"tural 7esign of ,i6ed-%$eel .ates IS 4623 : 2000 Recommendations for Structural Design of Radial Gates IS &6/1 : 19 6 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of epo6y resin floor toppings IS &6& : 196 .uide for -le"tri"al =ayout in 8esidential !uildings IS &626 : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for form vi*rators for "on"rete IS &772 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of sugar godo<ns IS &77& : Part I : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for 5$in-<alled )alf !earing - Part I : Plain !earing IS &77& : Part II : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for 5$in-<alled )alf !earings - Part II : ,langed !earing IS & '2 : 197 .uide for Constru"tion of !ri"+ Hiln IS & /1 : 196 8e"ommendation on units and sym*ols for refrigeration IS & /2 : Part 1 : 1969 Spe"ifi"ation for "$emi"al resistant mortars: Part I Sili"ate type IS & /2 : Part II : 1969 Spe"ifi"ation for C$emi"al 8esistant (ortars - Part II : 8esin type IS & /2 : Part / : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for "$emi"al resistant mortars: Part III Sulp$ur type IS & // : 199/ (et$ods for ,ield 5esting of Preservatives in %ood IS & /& : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for veneered <ood *oards for pa"+ing "ases IS & /2 : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for Polyvinyl A"etate 7ispersion !ased Ad$esives for %ood IS & /7 : 199' S"$ool ,urniture3 Classroom C$airs and 5a*les - 8e"ommendations IS & / : 199' Ant$ropometri" dimensions for s"$ool "$ildren age group 2-17 years IS & &2 : 196 7efinitions and terminology relating to $ydrauli" "ement IS & 6' : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for a"id-resistant *ri"+s IS & 7/ : 199/ (et$od for la*oratory testing of <ood preservatives against fungi IS & 7 : 19 6 !yela<s for "onstru"tion of "inema *uildings IS & 2 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for se<er *ri"+s IS & 91 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for preferred "ut si#es of stru"tural tim*er IS &9'6 : 196 Code of safety for radio"$emi"al la*oratory IS &9'7 : 196 (et$ods of testing tim*er "onne"tors IS &911 : 19 6 .lossary of terms relating to *ituminous <aterproofing and damp-proofing of *uildings IS &912 : 197 Safety 8e;uirements for ,loor and %all Openings3 8ailings and 5oe !oards IS &91/ : 196 Code of Pra"ti"e for Sele"tion3 Installation and (aintenan"e of 5im*er 7oors and %indo<s IS &919 : 19 1 .lossary of terms appli"a*le to lands"ape and $orti"ulture <or+ IS &92' : 196 .lossary of terms appli"a*le to roof "overings IS 4923 : 1997 Hollo steel sections for structural use IS &92& : Part 1 : 196 (et$od of test for nail Eointed tim*er trusses: Part I 7estru"tive test IS &92& : Part II : 196 (et$od of 5est for 4ail-Eointed 5im*er 5russes - Part II : Proof 5est IS &922 : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete *at"$ing and mi6ing plant IS &926 : 2''/ 8eady-(i6ed Con"rete - Code of Pra"ti"e IS &92& : 196 8e"ommendations for noise a*atement in to<n planning IS &962 : 196 Spe"ifi"ation for <ooden side sliding doors IS &96/ : 19 7 8e"ommendations for !uildings and ,a"ilities for t$e P$ysi"ally )andi"apped IS &97' : 197/ Hey for identifi"ation of "ommer"ial tim*ers IS &971 : 196 8e"ommendations for sele"tion of industrial floor finis$es IS &972 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for -levators3 7ental3 4o0 13 2 and / IS &9 / : 196 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign and Constru"tion of 4ailed =aminated 5im*er !eams IS &9 : Part 1 : 1969 .lossary of terms and "lassifi"ation of eart$ moving ma"$inery:Part 1 .eneral terms IS &9 : Part 2 : 196 .lossary of terms and "lassifi"ation of eart$ moving ma"$inery: Part 2 7o#ers IS &9 : Part / : 196 .lossary of terms and "lassifi"ation of eart$ moving ma"$inery: Part / (otor and to<ed s"rappers IS &9 : Part & : 196 .lossary of terms and "lassifi"ation of eart$ moving ma"$inery: Part & -6"avators IS &9 : Part 2 : 196 .lossary of terms and "lassifi"ation of eart$ moving ma"$inery: Part 2 (otor graders

IS &99' : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for ply<ood for "on"rete s$uttering <or+ IS &991 : 196 Criteria for *last resistant design of stru"tures for e6plosions a*ove ground IS &992 : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for door $andles for morti"e lo"+ 9verti"al type: IS &99/ : 19 / .lossary of terms relating to modular "o-ordination IS &992 : Part 1 : 197& Criteria for design of reinfor"ed "on"rete *ins for storage of granular and po<dery materials: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements and assessment of *in loads IS &992 : Part II : 197& Criteria for 7esign of 8einfor"ed Con"rete !ins for Storage of .ranular and Po<dery (aterials - Part II : 7esign Criteria IS &996 : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for reinfor"ed "on"rete fen"e posts IS &999 : 1991 8e"ommendations for grouting of pervious soils IS 2121 : 1969 Safety "ode for piling and ot$er deep foundations IS 2197 : 19 7 8e"ommendations for layout and planning of dra<ings offi"es IS 221/ : 1969 Spe"ifi"ation for ,ren"$ Curves for 7ra<ing Offi"e 1se IS 2216 : Part I : 19 2 8e"ommendations on Safety Pro"edures and Pra"ti"es in -le"tri"al %or+ - Part I : .eneral IS 2216 : Part II : 19 2 8e"ommendation on Safety Pro"edures and Pra"ti"es in -le"tri"al %or+ - Part II : =ife Saving 5e"$ni;ues IS 221 : 1969 (et$od of 5est for 5oug$ness of 4atural !uilding Stones IS 22&7 : Part 1 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for "onverted tim*er 9"oniferous: : Part 1 =ig$t furniture IS 22&7 : Part 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for "onverted tim*er 9"oniferous: : Part 2 Pa"+ing "ases and "rates IS 22& : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for tea+ logs for produ"tion of sli"ed veneers IS 22&9 : 1992 (et$od of test for determination of dynami" properties of soil IS 2226 : 1992 Sealing -6pansion Foints in Con"rete =ining of Canals - Code of pra"ti"e IS 2/1 : 1969 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of fle6i*le P>C s$eet and tile flooring IS 2/29 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for sanitary pipe <or+ a*ove ground for *uildings IS 2//' : 19 & Criteria for design of an"$or *lo"+s for pensto"+s <it$ e6pansion Eoints IS 2/21 : 2''1 5e6tiles - Polyester ,i*er %oven 5ape for -le"tri"al Insulation Purposes - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2/ & : 19 2 Aluminium I-*eam IS 2/ 9 : 1969 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of $ard<ood par;uet and <ood *lo"+ floors IS 2/9' : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of tim*er "eilings IS 2&1' : 1992 Cement Paint - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2&11 : Part I : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for Plasti" -mulsion Paint - Part I : ,or Interior 1se IS 2&11 : Part II : 1972 Spe"ifi"ation for Plasti" -mulsion Paint - Part II : ,or -6terior 1se IS 2&2& : 197 (et$ods of sampling of "lay *uilding *ri"+s IS 2&22 : 1969 Spe"ifi"ation for "ast-iron steps for man$oles IS 2& 1 : 1992 ,loor Polis$3 =i;uid - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2& 7 : 1992 (etal Polis$3 =i;uid - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2&91 : 1969 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of in-situ granolit$i" "on"rete flooring topping IS 2&92 : 1969 Si#es and s$apes for fire*ri"+s 9/'' mm and $ig$er si#es: IS 2&99 : 1969 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of underground air-raid s$elters in natural soil IS 22'9 : 2''' ,ire 8etardant Ply<ood - Spe"ifi"ation IS !!2! : 1969 Recommendations for Detailing of Reinforcement in Reinforced "oncrete #or$s IS 2227 : 1969 =ayout plan for sugar fa"tory la*oratories IS 2229 : Part 1 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for in-situ permea*ility test: Part 1 5est in over*urden IS 2229 : Part 2 : 19 2 Code of Pra"ti"e for In-situ Permea*ility 5ests - Part 2 : 5ests in !edro"+ IS 22// : 1969 8e"ommendations for dimensions for spa"es for $uman a"tivities IS 22/9 : 1969 Spe"ifi"ation for preservative treated ply<ood IS 26'' : 2''2 Pumps - Se<age and 7rainage - Spe"ifi"ation IS 26&' : 197' (et$od of test for determining aggregate impa"t value of soft "oarse aggregates IS 26&1 : 199/ 5e6tile floor "overing - )and-made <ool "arpets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 27& : 1969 (et$ods of test for tensile strengt$ of as*estos fi*re IS 2721 : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for Pre"ast Con"rete Coping !lo"+s IS 272 : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for Pre"ast Con"rete Her*s3 C$annels3 -dgings3 ?uadrants and .utter Aprons IS 2766 : 197' Code of pra"ti"e for laying of *urnt "lay *ri"+ flooring IS 2779 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay soling *ri"+s IS 2 '7 : Part 1 : 1972 (et$ods of test for "lear finis$es for <ooden furniture: Part 1 8esistan"e to dry $eat IS 2 '7 : Part 2 : 1972 (et$ods of test for "lear finis$es for <ooden furniture: Part 2 8esistan"e to <et $eat IS 2 '7 : Part / : 1971 (et$ods of test for "lear finis$es for <ooden furniture: Part / 8esistan"e to mar+ing *y oils and fats IS 2 '7 : Part & : 1972 (et$ods of test for "lear finis$es for <ooden furniture: Part & 8esistan"e to mar+ing *y li;uids IS 2 '7 : Part 2 : 1972 (et$ods of test for "lear finis$es for <ooden furniture: Part 2 5est for lo< angle glare

IS 2 '7 : Part >I : 197 (et$ods of 5est for Clear ,inis$es for %ooden ,urniture - Part >I : 8esistan"e to (e"$ani"al 7amage IS 2 16 : 1999 Splitting 5ensile Strengt$ of Con"rete (et$od of 5est IS 2 17 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for preparation and use of lime-po##olana mi6ture "on"rete in *uildings and roads IS 2 22 : 199& Code of Pra"ti"e for =aying of -le"tri"ally %elded Steel Pipes for %ater Supply IS 2 2/ : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for 7ining 5a*les IS 2 71 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for *itumen masti" for tan+ing and damp-proofingI IS 2 & : 199/ 5e6tile floor "overing - 5ufted "arpets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 2 99 : 197' Spe"ifi"ation for !at$-room =at"$es IS 2916 : 197' Safety "ode for "onstru"tion involving use of $ot *ituminous materials IS 292/ : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for %ooden Clot$esG =o"+ers IS 2966 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for non-"oniferous tim*er in "onverted form for general purposes IS 2969 : 1992 (etal Polis$3 Paste - Spe"ifi"ation IS 6''/ : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for indented <ire for Prestressed "on"rete IS 6''6 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for un"oated stress relieved strand for Prestressed "on"rete IS 6'&1 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of auto"laved "ellular "on"rete *lo"+ masonry IS 6'&2 : 1969 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of lig$t<eig$t "on"rete *lo"+ masonry IS 6'6' : 1971 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7ay lig$ting of ,a"tory !uildings IS 6'61 : Part I : 1971 Code of Pra"ti"e for Constru"tion of ,loor and 8oof <it$ Foists and ,iller !lo"+s - Part 1 : %it$ )ollo< Con"rete ,iller !lo"+s IS 6'61 : Part 2 : 19 1 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of floor and roof <it$ Eoists and filler *lo"+s: Part 2 %it$ $ollo< "lay filler *lo"+s IS 6'61 : Part III : 19 1 Code of Pra"ti"e for Constru"tion of ,loor and 8oof <it$ Foists and ,iller !lo"+s - Part III : %it$ Pre"ast )ollo< Clay !lo"+ Foists and )ollo< Clay ,iller !lo"+s IS 6'61 : Part I> : 19 1 Code of Pra"ti"e for Constru"tion of ,loor and 8oof <it$ Foists and ,iller !lo"+s - Part I> : %it$ Pre"ast )ollo< Clay !lo"+ Sla* Panels IS 6'72 : 1971 Spe"ifi"ation for auto"laved reinfor"ed "ellular "on"rete <all sla*s IS 6'7/ : 1971 Spe"ifi"ation for auto"laved reinfor"ed "ellular "on"rete floor and roof sla*s IS 6'7& : 1971 Code for ,un"tional 8e;uirements of )otels3 8estaurants and Ot$er ,ood Servi"e -sta*lis$ments IS 611/ : 197' Spe"ifi"ation for Aluminium ,asteners for !uilding Purposes IS 6162 : 1992 7imensions for spe"ial s$apes of "lay *ri"+s IS 6276 : 1971 Spe"ifi"ation for ,le6i*le S$afts 1sed in Con"rete >i*rators IS 627 : 1971 Code of Pra"ti"e for %$ite<as$ing and Colour-<as$ing IS 6292 : 19 6 Code of pra"ti"e for <ater supply and drainage in $ig$ altitudes and@or su*-#ero temperature regions IS 6/1/ : Part 1 : 19 1 Code of pra"ti"e for anti-termite measures in *uildings: Part 1 Constru"tional measures IS 6/1/ : Part 2 : 2''1 Code of Pra"ti"e for Anti-5ermite (easures in !uildings - Part 2 : Pre-"onstru"tional C$emi"al 5reatment (easaures IS 6/1/ : Part / : 2''1 Code of Pra"ti"e for Anti-termite (easures in !uildings - Part / 5reatment for -6isting !uildings IS 6/29 : 2''' Code of Pra"ti"e for ,ire Safety of Industrial !uildings - Sa< (ills and %ood %or+s IS 6//2 : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of floor and roofs using dou*ly-"urved s$ell units IS 6/&1 : 1971 (et$od for la*oratory test for effi"a"y of <ood preservatives against soft rot IS 6/&2 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for rose<ood logs for produ"tion of sli"ed veneers IS 6/&/ : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for 7oor Closers 9Pneumati"ally 8egulated: for =ig$t 7oors %eig$ing up to &' +g IS 6/ 2 : 19 & Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign and Installation of ,i6ed Car*on 7io6ide ,ire -6tinguis$ing System IS 6&'/ : 19 1 Code of pra"ti"e for determination of *earing "apa"ity of s$allo< foundations IS 6&' : Part 1 : 199' 8e"ommendations for (odular Co-ordination in !uilding Industry : 5oleran"es - Part 1 : .lossary of 5erms IS 6&' : Part 2 : 1992 8e"ommendations for modular "o-ordination in *uilding industry: 5oleran"es Part 2 Prin"iples and appli"ations IS 6&&1 : Part 1 : 1972 (et$ods of test for auto"laved "ellular "on"rete produ"ts: Part I 7etermination of unit <eig$t or *ul+ density and moisture "ontent IS 6&&1 : Part II : 1972 (et$ods of 5est for Auto"laved Cellular Con"rete Produ"ts - Part II : 7etermination of 7rying S$rin+age IS 6&&1 : Part I> : 1972 (et$ods of 5est for Auto"laved Cellular Con"rete Produ"ts - Part I> : Corrosion Prote"tion of Steel 8einfor"ement in Auto"lave Cellular Con"rete IS 6&&1 : Part > : 1972 (et$ods of 5est for Auto"laved Cellular Con"rete Produ"ts - Part > : 7etermination of Compressive Strengt$ IS 6&&1 : Part 6 : 197/ (et$ods of test for auto"laved "ellular "on"rete produ"ts: Part >I Strengt$3 deformation and "ra"+ing of fle6ural mem*ers su*Ee"ts to *ending3 s$ort duration loading test IS 6&&1 : Part 7 : 197/ (et$ods of test for auto"laved "ellular "on"rete produ"ts: Part >II Strengt$3 deformation and "ra"+ing of fle6ural mem*ers su*Ee"t to *ending sustained loading test IS 6&&1 : Part >III : 197/ (et$ods of 5ests for Auto"lave Cellular Con"rete Produ"ts - Part >III : =oading 5ests for ,le6ural (em*ers in 7iagonal 5ension IS 6&&1 : Part 9 : 197/ (et$ods of test for auto"laved "ellular "on"rete produ"ts: Part ID Fointing of auto"laved "ellular "on"rete elements IS 6&61 : Part 1 : 1972 .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part I Con"rete aggregates IS 6&61 : Part II : 1972 .lossary of 5erms 8elating to Cement Con"rete - Part II : (aterials 9Ot$er t$an Cement and Aggregate:

IS 6&61 : Part III : 1972 .lossary of 5erms 8elating to Cement Con"rete - Part III : Con"rete 8einfor"ement IS 6&61 : Part & : 1972 .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part I> 5ypes of "on"rete IS 6&61 : Part 2 : 1972 .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part > ,orm<or+ for "on"rete IS 6&61 : Part 6 : 1972 .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part >I -;uipment3 tools and plant IS 6&61 : Part >II : 197/ .lossary of 5erms 8elating to Cement Con"rete - Part >II : (i6ing3 =aying3 Compa"tion3 Curing and Ot$er Constru"tion Aspe"ts IS 6&61 : Part : 197/ .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part >III Properties of "on"rete IS 6&61 : Part 9 : 197/ .lossary of terms relating of "ement "on"rete: Part 9 Stru"tural aspe"ts IS 6&61 : Part D : 197/ .lossary of 5erms 8elating to Cement Con"rete - Part D : 5ests and 5esting Apparatus IS 6&61 : Part 11 : 197/ .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part 11 Prestressed "on"rete IS 6&61 : Part 12 : 197/ .lossary of terms relating to "ement "on"rete: Part 12 (is"ellaneous IS 6&9& : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for <ater-proofing of underground <ater reservoirs and s<imming pools IS 62' : 19 .lossary of terms relating to *uilding lime IS 62'9 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for installation of Eoints in "on"rete pavements IS 622/ : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for Pre"ast 8einfor"ed Con"rete 7oor and %indo< ,rames IS 62/' : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of as*estos "ement pressure pipes IS 62/& : 1971 .uiding prin"iples of grading and inspe"tion of tim*er IS 629 : 1972 Cellular "on"rete for t$ermal insulation IS 66'/ : 2''1 Stainless Steel !ars and ,lats - Spe"ifi"ation IS 6662 : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for industrial lig$ting IS 67'& : 1992 Pigmented ,loor Polis$3 Paste - Spe"ifi"ation IS 67 & : 1996 (et$od for performan"e testing of <ater meters 9domesti" type: IS 6 2' : 19 7 8e"ommendations for modular "o-ordination in *uilding industry: Appli"ations IS 69'9 : 199' Spe"ifi"ation for super sulp$ated "ement IS 692/ : 197/ (et$ods of test for performan"e of s"reed *oard "on"rete vi*rators IS 692& : 197/ Code of Pra"ti"e for t$e Constru"tion of 8efuse C$utes in (ultistoreyed !uildings IS 6922 : 197/ (et$ods of 5est for 7etermination of %ater Solu*le C$lorides in Con"rete Admi6tures IS 69/2 : 197/ (et$od for determination of <ater level in a *ore $ole IS 7196 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for $old fast IS 7197 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for dou*le a"tion floor springs 9<it$out oil "$e"+: $eavy door IS 719 : 197& Code of pra"ti"e for damp-proofing using *itumen masti" IS 72&2 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete pavers IS 7221 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete finis$ers IS 7272 : Part I : 197& 8e"ommendation for =a*our Output Constants for !uilding %or+ - Part I : 4ort$ Bone IS 729' : 1979 8e"ommendations for use of polyet$ylene film for <ater-proofing of roofs IS 729/ : 197& Safety "ode for <or+ing <it$ "onstru"tion ma"$inery IS 7/12 : 197& .uidelines for 7esign3 Installation and 5esting of 5im*er Seasoning Hilns 9Compartment 5ype <it$ Cross-for"ed Air Cir"ulation: IS 7/16 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for de"orative ply<ood using plurality of veneers for de"orative fa"es IS 7/2' : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for "on"rete slump test apparatus IS 7/22 : 197& Spe"ifi"ation for apparatus for determining "onstituents of fres$ "on"rete IS 7//7 : 19 2 .lossary of terms in proEe"t net<or+ analysis IS 7&1 : 1991 Criteria for design of spiral "asing 9"on"rete and steel: IS 7&22 : 199' Spe"ifi"ation for $ot-rolled steel se"tions for doors3 <indo<s and ventilators IS 72'9 : 199/ 5$ermal insulating "ement IS 7226 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay Eallies IS 722 : 197& Code of pra"ti"e for domesti" $ot <ater installations IS 726/ : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for stru"tural design of "ut and "over "on"rete "onduits IS 726& : Part 1 : 197& 8e"ommendations for "o-ordination of dimensions in *uildings-Arrangements of *uilding "omponents and assem*lies: Part 1 ,un"tional group 1 Stru"tures IS 726& : Part 2 : 197& 8e"ommendations for "o-ordination of dimensions in *uildings-Arrangements of *uilding "omponents and assem*lies: Part 2 ,un"tional group 2 -6ternal envelope IS 726& : Part / : 197& 8e"ommendations for "o-ordination of dimensions in *uildings-Arrangements of *uilding "omponents and assem*lies: Part / ,un"tional group / internal su*division IS 726& : Part & : 1972 8e"ommendations for "o-ordination of dimensions in *uildings-Arrangements of *uilding "omponents and assem*lies: Part & ,un"tional group & servi"es and drainage IS 726& : Part 2 : 197& 8e"ommendations for "o-ordination of dimensions in *uildings-Arrangements of *uilding "omponents and assem*lies: Part 2 ,un"tional group 2 ,i6tures furniture and e;uipment IS 729 : 199' Classifi"ation of steels

IS 761/ : 1972 (et$od of testing panel type air filters for air "onditioning and ventilation purposes IS 76/& : Part 1 : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for plasti" pipes <or+ for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 1 C$oi"e of materials and general re"ommendations IS 76/& : Part 2 : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for plasti"s pipe <or+ for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 2 =aying and Eointing polyet$ylene 9P-: pipes IS 76/& : Part / : 2''/ Plasti"s Pipes Sele"tion3 )andling3 Storage and Installation for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part / : =aying and Fointing of 1P>C Pipes IS 7662 : Part 1 : 197& 8e"ommendations for orientation of *uildings: Part 1 4on-industrial *uildings IS 7779 : Part 1 : Se" 1 : 1972 S"$edule for properties and availa*ility of stones for "onstru"tion purposes: Part I .uEarat state Se"tion 1 Availa*ility of stones IS 7779 : Part 1 : Se" 2 : 1972 S"$edule for properties and availa*ility of stones for "onstru"tion purposes: Part I .uEarat state: Se"tion 2 -ngineering properties of *uilding stones IS 7779 : Part 1 : Se" / : 1972 S"$edule for properties and availa*ility of stones for "onstru"tion purposes: Part I .uEarat state: Se"tion / -ngineering properties of stone aggregates IS 7779 : Part 2 : Se" 1 : 1979 S"$edule for properties and availa*ility of stones for "onstru"tion purposes: Part II (a$aras$tra state Se"tion 1 Availa*ility of stones IS 7779 : Part 2 : Se" 2 : 1979 S"$edule for properties and availa*ility of stones for "onstru"tion purposes: Part II (a$aras$tra state Se"tion 2 -ngineering properties of *uilding stones IS 7779 : Part II : Se" / : 1979 S"$edule for Properties and Availa*ility of Stones for Constru"tion Purposes - Part II : (a$aras$tra State - Se"tion / : -ngineering Properties of Stone Aggregates IS 7779 : Part III : Se" 2 : 19 ' S"$edule for Properties and Availa*ility of Stones for Constru"tion Purposes - Part III : 5amil 4adu State - Se"tion 2 : -ngineering Properties of !uilding Stones IS 7779 : Part III : Se" / : 19 ' S"$edule for Properties and Availa*ility of Stones for Constru"tion Purposes - Part III : 5amil 4adu State - Se"tion / : -ngineering Properties of Stone Aggregates IS 7779 : Part & : Se" 1 to / : 1996 S"$edule of properties and availa*ility of stones for "onstru"tion purposes Part I> Harnata+a states Se"tions 91 to /: IS 7779 : Part 2 : Se" 1 to / : 1997 S"$edule for Properties and Availa*ility of Stones for Constru"tion Purposes - Part 2 : And$ra Prades$ State Se"tions 1 to / IS 77 & : Part 1 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for design of "ross drainage <or+s: Part 1 .eneral features IS 77 & : Part 2 : Se" 1 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for design of "ross drainage <or+s: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements Se"tion I A;uedu"ts IS 77 & : Part 2 : Se" 2 : 2''' Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign of Cross 7rainage %or+s - Part 2 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements - Se"tion 2 : Super passages IS 77 & : Part 2 : Se" / : 1996 Code of pra"ti"e for design of "ross drainage <or+s: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements Se"tion / Canal sip$ons IS 77 & : Part 2 : Se" & : 1999 7esign of Cross 7rainage %or+s - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part 2 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements - Se"tion & : =evel Crossings IS 77 & : Part 2 : Se" 2 : 2''' Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign of Cross 7rainage %or+s - Part 2 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements - Se"tion 2 : Sip$on A;uedu"ts IS 7 /& : Part 1 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements IS 7 /& : Part 2 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for &2 degrees el*o<s IS 7 /& : Part / : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C so"+et fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part / Spe"ifi" re;uirements for 9' degree el*o<s IS 7 /& : Part & : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C so"+et fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part & Spe"ifi" re;uirements for 9' degree tees IS 7 /& : Part 2 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for InEe"tion (oulded P>C So"+et ,ittings %it$ Solvent Cement Foints for %ater Supplies - Part 2 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for &2J 5ees IS 7 /& : Part 6 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C so"+et fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part 6 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for so"+ets IS 7 /& : Part 7 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C so"+et fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part 7 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for unions IS 7 /& : Part : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for inEe"tion moulded P>C so"+et fittings <it$ solvent "ement Eoints for <ater supplies: Part Spe"ifi" re;uirements for "aps IS 7 61 : Part 1 : 1972 Code of pra"ti"e for e6treme <eat$er "on"reting Part 1 8e"ommended pra"ti"e for $ot <eat$er "on"reting IS 7 61 : Part 2 : 19 1 Code of pra"dti"e for e6treme <eat$er "on"reting: Part II 8e"ommended pra"ti"e for "old <eat$er "on"reting IS 7 1 : Part 1 : 1972 .lossary of terms relating to *uilderGs $ard<are: Part 1 =o"+s IS 7 1 : Part 2 : 1976 .lossary of terms relating to *uilderGs $ard<are: Part 2 =at"$es IS 7 96 : 2''1 7ata for Outside 7esign Conditions for Air Conditioning for Indian Cities IS 7921 : 19 7 8e"ommendations for modular "o-ordination in *uilding industry : )ori#ontal "o-ordination IS 7922 : 19 7 8e"ommendations for modular "o-ordination in *uilding industry: >erti"al "o-ordination IS 79&2 : 1976 Code of pra"ti"e for daylig$ting of edu"ational *uildings IS 7926 : 1972 8e"ommendations for sele"tion of dairy floor finis$es IS 7969 : 1972 Safety "ode for $andling and storage of *uilding materials IS 797/ : 1976 Code of pra"ti"e for ar"$ite"tural and *uilding <or+ing dra<ings IS ''' : Part 1 : 19 2@ISO 11'1 : 19 / .eometri"al toleran"ing on 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings Part 1 5oleran"es of form orientation3 lo"ation and 8un-out

and appropriate geometri"al definitions IS ''' : Part 2 : 1992@ISO 2692 : 19 5e"$ni"al dra<ings - .eometri"al toleran"ing Part 2 (a6imum material prin"iples IS ''' : Part / : 1992@ISO 166' : 19 7 5e"$ni"al dra<ings - .eometri"al toleran"ing Part / 7imensioning and toleran"ing of profiles IS ''' : Part I> : 1976 .eometri"al toleran"ing on te"$ni"al dra<ings Part I> Pra"ti"al e6amples of indi"ations on dra<ings IS '' : Part 1 : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 1 : .eneral 8e;uirements for ,ittings IS '' : Part 2 : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 2 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for 9'K !end IS '' : Part / : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part / : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for 9'K 5ee IS '' : Part & : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part & : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for 8edu"ers IS '' : Part 2 : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 2 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for ,errule 8edu"ers IS '' : Part 6 : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 6 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for Pipe -nds IS '' : Part 7 : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 7 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for Sand<i"$ ,langes IS '' : Part : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for 8edu"ing 5ees IS '' : Part 9 : 2''/ InEe"tion (oulded@(a"$ined )ig$ 7ensity Polyet$ylene 9)7P-: ,ittings for Pota*le %ater Supplies - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 9 : Spe"ifi" 8e;uirements for -nds Caps IS ''9 : Part I : 1976 Code of Pra"ti"e for Cal"ulation of Settlements of ,oundations - Part I : S$allo< ,oundations Su*Ee"ted to Symmetri"al Stati" >erti"al =oads IS ''9 : Part II : 19 ' Code of Pra"ti"e for Cal"ulation of Settlement of ,oundations - Part II : 7eep ,oundations Su*Ee"ted to Symmetri"al Stati" >erti"al =oading IS '1' : Part 1 : 1976 .uidelines for preparation of te"$ni"al reports:Part 1 8esear"$ and development reports IS '1' : Part 2 : 19 2 .uidelines for preparation of te"$ni"al reports:Part 2 ,easi*ility reports IS '1' : Part / : 19 7 .uidelines for preparation of te"$ni"al reports:Part / Industrial potential survey reports IS '/' : 1976 Spe"ifi"ation for =uminaires for )ospitals IS '&1 : 199' Spe"ifi"ation for rapid $ardening Portland "ement IS '&2 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for <$ite Portland "ement IS '&/ : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for $ydrop$o*i" Portland "ement IS '62 : Part 1 : 1976 Code of pra"ti"e for "at$odi" prote"tion of steel stru"tures3Part 1 .enral Prin"ples IS '62 : Part II : 1976 Code of Pra"ti"e for Cat$odi" Prote"tion of Steel Stru"tures - Part II : 1nderground Pipelines IS '62 : Part / : 1977 Code of pra"ti"e for "at$odi" prote"tion of steel stru"ture3part / S$ipGs $ull IS '62 : Part & : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for "at$odi" prote"tion of steel stru"tures 3part & .alvani" prote"tion of do"+gates3 "aissons3 piers and Eetties IS ' 9 : 1976 Code of safe pra"ti"e for layout of outside fa"ilities in an industrial plant IS '91 : 1976 Code of Safe Pra"ti"e for Industrial Plant =ayout IS 112 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for &/ grade ordinary Portland "ement IS 1& : 2''/ Pa"+aged Air Conditioners - Spe"ifi"ation IS 222 : 19 7@ISO /2& : 19 2 (easurement of sound a*sorption in a rever*eration room IS 226 : 1976 Code of pra"ti"e for installation and o*servation of *ase plates for measurement of foundation settlement in em*an+ments IS /1' : 2''/ @ISO 21' : 1992 Information and 7o"umentation - International Standard !oo+ 4um*ering 9S!4: IS // : 1976 8e"ommendations relating to primary elements in t$e design of s"$ool li*rary *uildings IS /6' : Part 1 : 1977 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated $ig$ density polyet$ylene 9)7P-: fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements IS /6' : Part 2 : 1977 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated $ig$ density polyet$ylene 9(7P-: fittings for pota*le <ater supplies3 Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for 9' tees IS /6' : Part / : 1977 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated $ig$ density polyet$ylene 9)7P-: fittings for pota*le <ater supplies3 Part / Spe"if" re;uirements for 9' *ends IS / 1 : 1977 8e"ommended pra"ti"e for ;uarrying stones for "onstru"tion purposes IS 2&1 : 199/ Polis$3 Paste3 for ,loor and %ooden ,urniture - Spe"ifi"ation IS 629 : Parts I to III : 1977 Code of Pra"ti"e for Prote"tion of Iron and Steel Stru"tures from Atmosp$eri" Corrosion IS 729 : 1977 Code of pra"ti"e for maintenan"e and preservation of stones in *uilding IS 76' : 197 Spe"ifi"ation for morti"e sliding door lo"+s3 <it$ lever me"$anism IS 27 : 197 8e"ommendations for *asi" re;uirements of s"$ool *uildings IS@ISO 9''' : 2''' ?uality (anagement Systems - ,undamental and >o"a*ulary

IS@ISO 9'''-/ : 1997 ?uality management and ;uality assuran"e standards - Part / : .uidelines for t$e appli"ation of ISO 9''1:199& to t$e development3 supply installation and maintenan"e of "omputer soft<are IS@ISO 9'''-& : 199/ ?uality (anagement and ?uality Assuran"e Standards - Part & : .uide to 7ependa*ility Programme (anagement IS@ISO 9''1 : 2''' ?uality (anagement Systems - 8e;uirements IS@ISO 9''& : 2''' ?ualtiy (anagement Systems - .uidelines for Performan"e Improvements IS@ISO 9''&-& : 199/ ?uality (anagement and ?uality System -lements - Part & : .uidelines for ?uality Improvement IS 9'1/ : 197 (et$od of ma+ing3 "uring and determining "ompressive strengt$ of a""elerated "ured "on"rete test spe"imens IS 9'77 : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for "orrosion prote"tion of steel reinfor"ement in 8! and 8CC "onstru"tion IS 9'96 : 1979 Code of pra"ti"e for preservation of *am*oos for stru"tural purposes IS 91'/ : 1999 Con"rete Admi6tures - Spe"ifi"ation IS 91'& : 1979 .uide for storage and prote"tion of logs and sa<n tim*er IS 91&2 : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for Artifi"ial =ig$t<eig$t Aggregates for Con"rete (asonry 1nits IS 9172 : 1979 8e"ommended design pra"ti"e for "orrosion prevention of steel stru"tures IS 91 : 1979 Performan"e re;uirements for ad$esive for stru"tural laminated <ood produ"ts for use under e6terior e6posure "ondition IS@ISO 92& : 1992 -art$-moving (a"$inery - 1nits for 7imensions3 Performan"e and Capa"ities3 and 5$eir (easurement A""ura"ies IS 9/9& : 1979 Spe"ifi"ation for stone lintels IS 9&17 : 19 9 8e"ommendations for <elding "old <or+ed *ars for reinfor"ed "on"rete "onstru"tion IS 9&26 : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of "oni"al and $yper*oli" para*oloidal types of s$ell foundations IS 9226 : 19 ' Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of diap$ragm <alls IS 97/6 : 19 1 .lossary of terms appli"a*le to a"ousti"s in *uildings IS 99'1 : Part 1 : 19 1 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part 1 8e;uirements for la*oratories IS 99'1 : Part 2 : 19 1 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part 2 Statement of pre"ision re;uirements IS 99'1 : Part / : 19 1 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part / =a*oratory measurements of air*orne sound insulation of *uilding elements IS 99'1 : Part & : 19 1 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part & ,ield measurements of air*orne sound insulation *et<een rooms IS 99'1 : Part 2 : 19 1 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part 2 ,ield measurements of air*orne sound insulation of fa"ade elements and fa"ades IS 99'1 : Part >I : 19 1 (easurement of Sound Insulation in !uildings and of !uilding -lements - Part >I : =a*oratory (easurements of Impa"t Sound Insulation of ,loors IS 99'1 : Part 7 : 19 1 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part 7 ,ield measurements of impa"t sound insulation of floors IS 99'1 : Part >III : 19 1 (easurement of Sound Insulation in !uildings and of !uilding -lements - Part >III : =a*oratory (easurements of t$e 8edu"tion of 5ransmitted Impa"t 4oise *y ,loor Coverings on a Standard ,loor IS 99'1 : Part 9 : 19 6 (easurement of sound insulation in *uildings and of *uilding elements: Part 9 =a*oratory measurement of room to room air*orne sound insulation of a suspended "eiling <it$ a plenum a*ove it IS 99'2 : 19 2 8e"ommended pra"ti"e for lea+ testing IS@ISO 1'''2 : 1992 ?uality (anagement - .uidelines for ?uality Plans IS 1'''2 : 199&@ISO 1''' : 1992 SI units and re"ommendations for t$e use of t$eir multiples and of "ertain ot$er units IS@ISO 1'''6 : 2''/ ?uality (anagement Systems - .uidelines for ?uality (anagement in ProEe"ts IS@ISO 1'''7 : 2''/ ?uality (anagement Systems - .uidelines for Configuration (anagement IS@ISO1''12 : 2''/ (easurement (anagement Systems - 8e;uirements for (easurement Pro"esses and (easuring -;uipment IS@ISO@58 1''1/ : 2''1 .uidelines for ?uality (anagement System 7o"umentation IS@ISO 1''12 : 1999 ?uality (anagement - .uidelines for 5raining IS 1''1 : 19 1 Spe"ifi"ation for =a";uer3 Cellulose 4itrate3 Clear3 ,inis$ing3 .lossy for %ood IS 1''67 : 19 2 (aterial "onstants in *uilding <or+s IS 1'1' : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for sampling of soils *y t$in <all sampler <it$ stationery piston IS 1'12& : Part 1 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part I .eneral re;uirements IS 1'12& : Part 2 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for so"+ets IS 1'12& : Part / : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part / Spe"ifi" re;uirements for straig$t redu"ers IS 1'12& : Part & : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part & Spe"ifi" re;uirements for "aps IS 1'12& : Part 2 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: part 2 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for e;ual tees IS 1'12& : Part 6 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 6 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for flanged tail pie"e <it$ metalli" flanges IS 1'12& : Part 7 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 7 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for t$readed adaptors IS 1'12& : Part : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part Spe"ifi" re;uirements for 9' degree *ends IS 1'12& : Part 9 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 9 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for 6' degree *ends IS 1'12& : Part 1' : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 1' Spe"ifi" re;uirements for &2 degree *ends

IS 1'12& : Part 11 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 11 Spe"ifi" re;uirements for /' dgree *ends IS 1'12& : Part 12 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 12 Sspe"ifi" re;uirements for 22 1@2 degree *ends IS 1'12& : Part 1/ : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for fa*ri"ated P>C fittings for pota*le <ater supplies: Part 1/ Spe"ifi" re;uirements for 11 1@& degree *ends IS 1'22& : 19 2 -rgonomi" prin"iples in t$e design of <or+ systems IS 1'262 : 19 2 8e"ommended guidelines for "on"rete mi6 design IS 1'27' : 19 2 .uidelines for design and "onstru"tion of Prestressed ro"+ an"$ors IS 1'2 ' : 199/@ISO 672' : 19 & -art$-moving ma"$inery - Operation and maintenan"e - ,ormat and "ontent of manuals IS 1'292 : 19 7imensional re;uirements for ru**er sealing rings for C0I070 Eoints in as*estos "ement piping IS 1'297 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of floors and roofs using pre"ast reinfor"ed@Prestressed "on"rete ri**ed or "ored sla* unit IS 1'/'/ : 199/@ISO 67&9 : 19 & -art$ moving ma"$inery - Preservation and storage IS 1'/22 : Part 1 : 19 2 =uminaires: Part 1 .eneral re;uirements IS 1'/22 : Part 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for =uminaires - Part 2 : Constru"tional 8e;uirements IS 1'/22 : Part / : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for =uminaires - Part / : S"re< and S"re<less 5erminals IS 1'/22 : Part & : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for =uminaires - Part & : (et$ods of 5ests IS 1'/22 : Part 2 : Se" 1 : 19 2 =uminaires: Part 2 Parti"ular re;uirements3 Se"tion 1 .eneral purpose luminaires IS 1'/22 : Part 2 : Se" 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for =uminaires - Part 2 : Parti"ular 8e;uirements - Se"tion 2 : 8e"essed =uminaires IS 1'/22 : Part 2 : Se" / : 19 7 =uminaires: Part 2 Parti"ular re;uirements3 Se"tion / =uminaires for road and street lig$ting 9superseding IS:21&9: IS 1'/22 : Part 2 : Se" & : 19 7 =uminaires: Part 2 Parti"ular re;uirements3 Se"tion & Porta*le general purpose luminaires IS 1'/22 : Part 2 : Se" 2 : 19 7 =uminaires: Part 2 Parti"ular re;uirements3 Se"tion 2 ,lood lig$t 9superseding IS:19&7: IS 1'/29 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for manufa"ture and use of lime-po##olana "on"rete *lo"+s for paving IS 1'/6' : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for lime-po##olana "on"rete *lo"+s for paving IS 1'&'' : 1992 .lossary of terms in inventory "ontrol IS 1'&'/ : 19 / .lossary of terms relating to *uilding finis$es IS 1'&2 : 19 /@ISO 1 '& : 1972 .lossary of terms relating to doors IS 1'&/9 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for patent gla#ing IS 1'&&' : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of reinfor"ed *ri"+ and 80!0C0 floors and roofs IS 1'&&2 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for eart$ augers 9spiral type: IS 1'&&6 : 19 / .lossary of terms relating to <ater supply and sanitation IS 1'2'2 : 19 / Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of floors and roofs using pre"ast "on"rete <affle units IS 1'266 : 19 / (et$ods of test for preformed fillers for e6pansion Eoints in paving and stru"tural "onstru"tion IS 1'661 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for .lass ,i*re 8einfor"ed Polyester C$emi"al 8esistant 5an+s IS 1'6 9 : 199/@ISO 2 6' : 1992 -art$ moving ma"$inery - (inimum a""ess dimensions IS 1'7'1 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for stru"tural ply<ood IS 1'7'& : 1999 @ISO 2 67 : 199& -art$-(oving (a"$inery - A""ess Systems IS 1'7' : 19 2 .uide for t$e analysis of ;uality "osts IS 1'711 : 2''1@ISO 2&27 : 1999 5e"$ni"al Produ"t 7o"umentation - Si#es and =ayout of 7ra<ing S$eets IS 1'712 : 19 /@ISO 6&// : 19 1 Presentation of item referen"es on te"$ni"al dra<ings IS 1'71/ : 19 /@ISO 2&22 : 1979 S"ales for use in te"$ni"al dra<ings IS 1'71& : 19 /@ISO 12 : 19 2 .eneral prin"iples of presentation on te"$ni"al dra<ings IS 1'71& : Part 2' : 2''1 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - .eneral Prin"iples of Presentation - Part 2' !asi" Conventions for =ines IS 1'71& : Part 21 : 2''1@ISO 12 -21 : 1997 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - .eneral Prin"iples of Presentation - Part 21 : Preparation of =ines *y Cad Systems IS 1'719 : 19 /@ISO 1/'2 : 197 (et$od of indi"ating surfa"e te6ture on te"$ni"al dra<ings IS 1'72' : 1999 @ISO 2261 : 1992 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - Simplified 8epresentation of !ars and Profile Se"tions IS 1'721 : 19 /@ISO 2&29 : 19 1 7atum and datum systems for geometri"al toleran"ing on te"$ni"al dra<ings IS 1'772 : 19 / Spe"ifi"ation for ;ui"+ setting lime po##olana mi6ture IS 1'77/ : 1992 %roug$t Copper 5u*es for 8efrigeration and Air-Conditioning Purposes - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1'79' : Part 1 : 19 & (et$ods of sampling of steel for Prestressed and reinfor"ed "on"rete part 1 Prestressing steel IS 1'79' : Part 2 : 19 & (et$ods of sampling of steel for Prestressed and reinfor"ed "on"rete Part 2 8einfor"ing steel IS 1' 2' : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for apparatus for measurement of <ater retentivity of masonry "ement IS 1' 26 : 199/@ISO 6& & : 19 6 -art$-moving ma"$inery - -levating s"rapers - >olumetri" ratings IS 1' 9& : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for lig$ting of edu"ational institutions IS 1'9'2 : Part 1 : 19 & 8e"ommendations for *asi" re;uirements of general $ospital *uildings: Part 1 Administrative and $ospital servi"es department *uildings IS 1'9'2 : Part 2 : 19 & 8e"ommendations for *asi" re;uirements of general $ospital *uildings: Part 2 (edi"al servi"es department *uildings IS 1'9'2 : Part / : 19 & 8e"ommendations for !asi" 8e;uirements of .eneral )ospital !uildings - Part / : -ngineering Servi"es 7epartment

!uildings IS 1'927 : 1999 @ISO 2&&& : 19 Foints in !uildings - >o"a*ulary IS 1'92 : 19 &@ISO /&&7 : 1972 .eneral "$e"+ list of fun"tions of Eoints in *uilding 9ISO /&&7-1972: IS 1'929 : 19 &@ISO 6927 : 19 1 .lossary of terms for sealants for *uilding purposes 9ISO 6927-19 1: IS 11'2' : Part 1 : 19 & @ISO 717-1 : 19 2 8ating of Sound Insulation in !uildings and of !uilding -lements - Part 1 : Air*orne Sound Insulation in !uildings and of Interior !uilding -lements IS 11'2' : Part 2 : 19 & @ISO 717-2 : 19 2 8ating of Sound Insulation in !uildings and of !uilding -lements - Part 2 : Impa"t Sound Insulation IS 11'2' : Part / : 19 & @ISO 717-/ : 19 2 8ating of Sound Insulation in !uildings and of !uilding -lements - Part / : Air*orne Sound Insulation of ,a"ade -lements and ,a"ades IS 11'6& : 19 & .uide for "onstru"tion and use of rooms or *uildings prote"ted *y pressuri#ation for installation of ele"tri"al apparatus for e6plosive gas atmosp$eres IS 11'62 : Part 1 : 19 & 7ra<ing pra"ti"e for a6onometri" proEe"tions Part 1 Isometri" proEe"tion IS 11'62 : Part 2 : 19 2 - 7ra<ing Pra"ti"e for A6onometri" ProEe"tions - Part 2 : 7imetri" ProEe"tion IS 11'77 : 19 & .lossary of 5erms on Soil and %ater IS 11' 9 : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of ring foundation IS 11'96 : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of *olt-Eointed "onstru"tion IS 1111& : Part 2 : 199/@ISO 67&6-1 : 19 7 -art$-moving ma"$inery - 7efinitions of dimensions and sym*ols: Part 2 !ase ma"$ines IS 1111& : Part / : 199/@ISO 67&6-2 : 19 7 -art$-moving ma"$inery - 7efinitions of dimensions and sym*ols: Part / -;uipment IS 1111& : Part & : 199/@ISO 71/1 : 19 & -art$-moving (a"$inery - 7efinitions of 7imensions and Sym*ols - Part & : =oaders - 5erminology and Commer"ial Spe"ifi"ations IS 11112 : 1999 @ISO /&11 : 1992 -art$-(oving (a"$inery - )uman P$ysi"al 7imensions of Operators and (inimum Operator Spa"e -nvelope IS 111/& : 19 & Code of pra"ti"e for setting out of *uildings IS 1112' : 199/ Constru"tion of "on"rete *arrages - Code of pra"ti"e IS 11122 : 19 & Spe"ifi"ation for =a*oratory Stands 9(etalli": IS 111 : Part 1 : 1991 >ault 9strong room: doors: Part 1 - Spe"ifi"ation IS 111 : Part 2 : 1991 >ault 9Strong room: doors: Part 2 5est for *urglary resistan"e IS 111 : Part / : 1991 >ault 9Strong room: doors: Part / 5ests for fire resistan"e IS 112'2 : 19 & Classifi"ation and terminology of te6tile floor "overings IS 112' : 19 2 .uidelines for registration of plum*ers IS 11212 : 1991 (et$ods for determination of moisture "ontent of tim*er and tim*er produ"ts IS 11216 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for permea*ility test for masonry 9during and after "onstru"tion: IS 11222 : 199/@ISO 66 2 : 19 6 -art$-moving ma"$inery - Bones of "omfort and rea"$ for "ontrols IS 112 : 19 2 8e"ommendations for off road transportation of tim*er IS 11/'7 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for Cellular .lass !lo"+ and Pipe 5$ermal Insulation IS 11/6' : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for smo+e dete"tors for use in automati" ele"tri"al fire alarm system IS 11/ & : 19 2 Code of Pra"ti"e for Composite Constru"tion in Stru"tural Steel and Con"rete IS 11/ 6 : 19 2 .lossary of terms relating to "on"rete mi6ers IS 11&/7 : 19 2 .round e;uipment re;uirements for "ompati*ility <it$ air "raft unit load devi"es IS 11&&7 : 19 2 Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion <it$ large panel prefa*ri"ates IS 11&6' : 19 2 Code of Pra"ti"e for ,ire Safety of =i*raries and Ar"$ives IS 11&72 : Part 1 : 19 2 Artifi"ial day lig$t for t$e assessment of "olours: Part 1 Illuminant for "olour mat"$ing and "olour appraisal IS 11&72 : Part 2 : 19 2 Spe"ifi"ation for Artifi"ial 7aylig$t for t$e Assessment of Colour - Part 2 : >ie<ing Conditions for .rap$i" Arts Industry IS 112'& : 19 2 Criteria for stru"tural design of reinfor"ed "on"rete natural draug$t "ooling to<ers IS 11222 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for <ooden "$airs for offi"e purposes IS 11621 : 19 6 7efinitions and measurements of *ody dimensions for garment "onstru"tion and ant$ropometri" survey purposes IS 1162' : 1991 .uide for manufa"ture of "ommon *urnt "lay *uilding *ri"+s *y semi-me"$ani#ed pro"ess IS 1166/ : 19 6 Conventional representation of "ommon features and materials on te"$ni"al dra<ings IS 1166& : 19 6 ,olding of dra<ing prints IS 11662 : 19 2@ISO 72'' : 19 & 5e"$ni"al dra<ings - 5itle *lo"+ IS 11666 : 19 2@ISO 727/ : 19 / 5e"$ni"al dra<ings - Item lists IS 11667 : 1991@ISO &'6 : 19 7 5e"$ni"al dra<ing - =inear and angular toleran"ing - Indi"ation on dra<ings IS 1166 : 19 2@ISO 6&11 : 19 2 5e"$ni"al dra<ings - Simplified representation of "entre $oles IS 11669 : 19 6 @ISO 129 : 19 2 .eneral Prin"iples of 7imensioning on 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings IS 1167' : 199/ 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - A**reviations and Sym*ols for 1se in 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings IS 11679 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for %ooden 5a*les for Offi"e 1se IS 116 2 : 19 2 Criteria for design of 8CC staging for over$ead <ater tan+s IS 1171/ : Part 1 : 19 6 .uide for p$ysi"al planning of "omputer "omple6es: Part 1 =ayouts IS 1171/ : Part 2 : 19 6 .uide for p$ysi"al planning of "omputer "omple6es: Part 2 Safety

IS 1171/ : Part / : 19 6 .uide for P$ysi"al Planning of Computer Comple6es - Part / : Se"urity Considerations IS 1171/ : Part & : 19 6 .uide for p$ysi"al planning of "omputer "omple6es: Part & Servi"es IS 11 1' : 2''/ .uidelines to -sta*lis$ a >alue -ngineering A"tivity IS 11 17 : 19 6@ISO 7727 : 19 & Classifi"ation of Eoints in *uildings for a""ommodation of dimensional deviations during "onstru"tion 9ISO 772719 &: IS 11 1 : 19 6@ISO 62 9 : 19 / (et$od of test for la*oratory determination of air permea*ility of Eoints in *uildings 9ISO 62 9-19 /: IS 11 27 : 19 6 Anodi#ed <roug$t aluminium for e6ternal ar"$ite"tural appli"ations IS 11 / : 19 6 8eady mi6ed paint3 *rus$ing3 red o6ide3 priming for metals IS 119'6 : 19 6 8e"ommendations for "ement mortar lining for "ast iron mild steel and du"tile-iron pipes and fittings for transportation of <ater IS 119'7 : 19 6 8e"ommendations for "al"ulation of solar radiation on *uildings IS 11922 : 19 6 Spe"ifi"ation for pit"$-impregnated fi*re pipes and fittings for drainage purposes IS 1199/ : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for use of s"reed *oard "on"rete vi*rators IS 12'&9 : 19 7 7imensions and toleran"es relating to <ood *ased panel materials IS 12'2/ : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for t$e preparation and appli"ation of putty for repairing ply<ood and ot$er <ood *ased panels IS 12'2& : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for appli"ation of sili"on *ased <ater repellent IS 12'7' : 19 7 Code of Pra"ti"e for 7esign and Constru"tion of S$allo< ,oundations on 8o"+s IS 12'7/ : 19 7 8e"ommendations for modular "o-ordination: Coordinating si#es for door sets and <indo< sets IS 12'77 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for testing of tim*ers for ply<ood manufa"ture IS 12' 9 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for granulated slag for manufa"ture of Portland slag "ement IS 12'9/ : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for laying and fi6ing of sloped roof "overings using plain and "orrugated galvani#ed steel s$eets IS 12112 : Part 1 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for Couplings for 7isposal of Se<age %ater for Inland >essels - Part 1 : ,lange Coupling IS 12112 : Part 2 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for Couplings for 7isposal of Se<age %ater for Inland >essels - Part 2 : ?ui"+-8elease Couplings IS 12112 : Part / : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for Couplings for 7isposal of Se<age %ater for Inland >essels - Part / : Adapters 9,lange@-nd Pie"e: IS 12112 : Part & : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for Couplings for 7isposal of Se<age %ater for Inland >essels - Part & : Adapters 9flange@*us$: IS 12116 : Part 1 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for )e6agon )ead 5aper Plugs for Oil )ydrauli" Systems - Part 1 : (ade from ,orgings IS 12119 : 19 7 .eneral re;uirements for pan mi6ers for "on"rete IS 1212' : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for preservation of ply<ood and ot$er panel produ"ts IS 121/ : 199/@ISO 6162 : 19 7 -art$-moving ma"$inery - !asi" types - >o"a*ulary : IS 12172 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for rapid moisture meter for rapid determination of <ater "ontent for soil IS 121 / : Part 1 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for plum*ing in multi-storeyed *uildings: Part 1 %ater supply IS 12192 : 199/@ISO 7&21 : 19 / -art$-moving ma"$inery - )ydrauli" e6"avators - )oe type *u"+ets - >olumetri" ratings : IS 122'6 : 199/@ISO 72&6 : 19 / -art$-moving ma"$inery - =oader and front loading e6"avator *u"+ets - >olumetri" ratings IS 122'9 : 199/@ISO 71/' : 19 1 -art$-moving ma"$inery - .uide to pro"edure for operator training IS 122/2 : Parts 1 to 11 : 19 6 (et$ods of 5est for 1n plasti"i#ed P>C Pipes for Pota*le %ater Supplies IS 12221 : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for drainage of *uilding *asements IS 12222 : 19 7 Polyal+ylene terep$t$alates 9P-5 A P!5: for t$eir safe use in "onta"t <it$ foodstuffs3 p$arma"euti"als and drin+ing <ater IS 12269 : 19 7 Spe"ifi"ation for 2/ grade ordinary Portland "ement IS 12/'1 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for esta*lis$ing and operating ;uality "ir"les IS 12/'/ : 19 7 Criteria for design of 8CC $inges IS 12/'9 : Part 1 : 19 Code of Pra"ti"e for Installation and (aintenan"e of Aerodrome =ig$ting ,ittings - Part 1 : Installation IS 12/'9 : Part 2 : 19 Code of Pra"ti"e for Installation and (aintenan"e of Aerodrome =ig$ting ,ittings - Part 2 : (aintenan"e IS 12/1& : 19 7 Code of pra"ti"e for sanitation <it$ lea"$ing pits for rural "ommunity IS 12//' : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for sulp$ate resisting Portland "ement IS 12/&9 : 19 ,ire prote"tion-safety signs IS 12/6 : 19 .uidelines for 7esign and Constru"tion of )ot Air .enerators IS 12/77 : 19 Classifi"ation and matri6 for various "ategories of $ospitals IS 12&'7 : 19 .rap$i" sym*ols for fire prote"tion plans IS 12&2/ : 19 (et$od for "olorimetri" analysis of $ydrauli" "ement IS 12&/2 : Part 1 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for appli"ation of spray applied insulation Part 1 (ineral fi*re IS 12&/2 : Part 2 : 1999 Appli"ation of Spray Applied Insulation - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part 2 : Cal"ium Sili"ate IS 12&/2 : Part / : 2''2 Appli"ation of Spray Applied Insulation - Code of Pra"ti"e - Part / : Polyuret$ane@Polyiso"yanurate IS 12&// : Part 1 : 19 !asi" re;uirements for $ospital planning:Part 1 upto /' *edded $ospitals IS 12&// : Part 2 : 2''1 !asi" 8e;uirements for )ospital Planning - Part 2 : 1P to 1'' !edded )ospital IS 12&&' : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for pre"ast "on"rete stone masonry *lo"+s IS 12&27 : 19 Code of pra"ti"e for evaluation repairs and a""eptan"e limits of surfa"e defe"ts in steel plates3 and <ide flats IS 12&2 : 19 (et$od of test for fire resistan"e test of fire stops IS 12&29 : 19 Code of Pra"ti"e for ,ire Safety in Ca*le 8uns

IS 12&66 : 19 .eneral re;uirements for *uilderGs $oist IS 12&67 : 19 (et$od for determination of t$e ignita*ility of up$olstered "omposites for seating for furniture *y smo+ersG materials IS 12&6 : 19 .eneral re;uirements for vi*rators for mass "on"retingL Immersion type IS 12&69 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for Pumps for ,ire ,ig$ting System IS 122'6 : 19 Code of Pra"ti"e for Improved 5$at"$ing of 8oof <it$ 8ot and ,ire 8etardant 5reatment IS 1221 : 19 S$ella" !ond Po<der - Spe"ifi"ation IS 122 / : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for "orrugated *itumen roofing s$eets IS 122 & : 19 9 !entonite for .routing in Civil -ngineering %or+s - Spe"ifi"ation IS 122 2 : 19 Spe"ifi"ation for 5$ermoplasti" )oses 95e6tile 8einfor"ed: for %ater - .eneral Purpose IS 12292 : 2''2 Pre"ast Con"rete (an$ole Cover and ,rame - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1229& : 19 )ot-dip Bin" Coating on Stru"tural Steel !ars for Con"rete 8einfor"ement - Spe"ifi"ation IS 126'' : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for lo< $eat Portland "ement IS 126' : 19 9 (et$ods of test for $ardness of ro"+ IS 12629 : 19 9 %ater <ell drilling - 8otary $ose for rotary drilling - 8e"ommended pra"ti"e for "are and use IS 126/& : 19 9 (et$od of determination for dire"t s$ear strengt$ of ro"+ Eoints IS 126/2 : 2''' %ater %ell 7rilling and !last )ole 7rilling - 8o"+ 8oller !it <it$ 4on-sealed !all and 8oller !earing Arrangement - 5e"$ni"al Supply Conditions IS 126&/ : 19 9 Corrosion Prote"tion of Steel *y ,i*er glass 8einfor"ed Polyester =ining - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 126&2 : 199/@ISO 92&6 : 19 -art$-moving ma"$inery - Cra<ler and <$eel tra"tor do#er *lades - >olumetri" ratings IS 126&7 : 19 9 Solid %aste (anagement System - Colle"tion -;uipment - .uidelines IS 1262& : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for use of lo< grade gypsum in *uilding industry IS 12679 : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for !y-produ"t gypsum for use in plaster3 *lo"+s and *oards IS 126 ' : 19 9 Spe"ifi"ation for <ooden sofa-"um-*ed IS 126 2 : 19 9 %ater <ell drilling - Per"ussion drilling rigs - .eneral re;uirements IS 127'9 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for glass-fi*re reinfor"ed plasti" 9.8P: pipes Eoints and fittings for use for pota*le <ater supply IS 1271' : 19 9 .lossary of terms used in a"ousti" emission testing IS 12722 : 19 9 5e6tile floor "overings - determination of flame resistan"e *y 5a*let test IS 12727 : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for no fines "ast in situ "ement "on"rete IS 127&& : 19 9 8eady (i6ed Paint3 Air 7rying3 8ed O6ide - Bin" P$osp$ate3 Priming - Spe"ifi"ation IS 127&7 : Part 1 : 19 9 Com*ined ,le6i*le (aterials for -le"tri"al Insulation - Part 1 : 7efinitions and .eneral 8e;uirements IS 127&7 : Part 2 : 19 9 Com*ined fle6i*le materials for ele"tri"al insulation: Part 2 (et$ods of test IS 127&7 : Part / : 199 @I-C 626-/ : 1996 Com*ined fle6i*le materials for ele"tri"al insulation: Part / Spe"ifi"ations for individual materials IS 1277' : 19 9 Coal for Cement (anufa"ture - Spe"ifi"ation IS 12776 : 2''2 .alvani#ed Strand for -art$ing - Spe"ifi"ation IS 12 17 : 1997 Spe"ifi"ation for stainless steel *utt $inges IS 12 1 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for un plasti"i#ed P>C s"reen and "asing pipes for *ore@tu*e <ell IS 12 2/ : 199' %ood Produ"ts M Pre laminated Parti"le !oards - Spe"ifi"ation IS 12 /' : 19 9 8u**er *ased ad$esives for fi6ing P>C tiles to "ement IS 12 /& : 19 9 Solar p$otovoltai" energy systems-5erminology IS 12 /2 : Part 1 : 19 9 Code of pra"ti"e for design and installation of fi6ed fire e6tinguis$ing system Part 1 =o< e6pansion foam IS 12 &/ : 19 9 5oleran"es for ere"tion of steel stru"tures IS 12 67 : 19 9 P>C )andrail Covers - Spe"ifi"ation IS 12 79 : Part 1 : 199'@ISO /272-1 : 19 / (i"rofilming of te"$ni"al dra<ings and ot$er dra<ing offi"e do"uments:Part 1 Operating pro"edures IS 12 79 : Part 2 : 1999 @ISO /272-2 : 199& (i"rofilming of 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings and ot$er 7ra<ing Offi"e 7o"uments - Part 2 : ?uality Criteria and Control of /2 mm Silver .elatin (i"rofilms IS 12 79 : Part / : 199'@ISO /272-/ : 1972 (i"rofilming of te"$ni"al dra<ings and ot$er dra<ing offi"e do"uments:Part / 1niti#ed /2 mm mi"rofilm "arrier IS 12 79 : Part & : 1999 (i"rofilming of 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings and Ot$er 7ra<ing Offi"e 7o"uments - Part & : (i"rofilming of 7ra<ings of Spe"ial and -6"eptional -longated Si#es IS 12 79 : Part 2 : 2'''@ISO /272-2 : 1999 (i"rofilming of 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings and Ot$er 7ra<ing Offi"e 7o"uments - Part 2 : 5est Pro"edures for 7ia#o 7upli"ating of (i"rofilm Images in Aperture Cards IS 12 96 : 199' Classifi"ation of Indian tim*ers for door and <indo< s$utters and frames IS 12922 : Part 1 : 199' Code of pra"ti"e for in-situ determination of ro"+ mass deforma*ility using a fle6i*le dilatometer Part 1 volume "$ange IS 12922 : Part 2 : 199' Code of pra"ti"e for in-siitu determination of ro"+ mass deforma*ility using fle6i*le dilatometer Part 2 8adial displa"ement IS 12976 : 199' Code of pra"ti"e for solar <ater $eating systems IS 1/''' : 199' Sili"a-as*estos-"ement ,lat S$eets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1/''1 : 1991 .uidelines for manufa"ture of gypsum plaster in (e"$ani#ed pan system IS 1/'' : 199' Spe"ifi"ation for s$allo< "orrugated as*estos "ement s$eets

IS 1/'26 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for *itumen masti" for flooring for industries $andling =P. and ot$er lig$t $ydro"ar*on produ"ts IS 1/'/' : 1991 (et$od of test for la*oratory determination of <ater "ontent3 porosity3 density and related properties of ro"+ material IS 1/'&2 : 1991 Code of Pra"ti"e for ,ire Safety of Industrial !uildings : ,lour (ills IS 1/'6/ : 1991 Code of pra"ti"e for stru"tural safety of *uildings on s$allo< foundations on ro"+s IS 1/'7& : 1991 Code of pra"ti"e for laying of *itumen masti" flooring for industries $andling =P. and ot$er lig$t $ydro"ar*on produ"ts IS 1/'77 : 1991 .uide for preparation and use of mud mortar in masonry IS 1/' 1 : 1991 -art$ moving ma"$inery - Sym*ols - .uidelines for development and evaluation IS 1/' 9 : 1991 Spe"ifi"ation for furniture - storage units - determination of sta*ility IS 1/'9& : 1992 .uidelines for sele"tion of ground improvement te"$ni;ues for foundation in <ea+ soils IS 1/116 : 1999@ISO 92&9 : 1997 -art$-moving (a"$inery - -ngine 5est Code - 4et Po<er IS 1/129 : Part 1 : 1991 Solar $eating - 7omesti" <ater $eating system: Part 1 Performan"e rating pro"edure using indoor test met$ods IS 1/129 : Part 2 : 1991 Solar $eating - 7omesti" <ater $eating systems: Part 2 Pro"edure for system performan"e "$ara"teri#ation and yearly performan"e predi"ation IS 1/129 : Part / : 1991 Solar $eating - 7omesti" <ater $eating systems: Part / Pro"edure for system "omponent "$ara"teri#ation and predi"ation for yearly performan"e using "omponent performan"e data IS 1/129 : Part & : 1991 Solar $eating - 7omesti" <ater $eating system: Part & 7etermination of dura*ility and relia*ility IS 1/17& : Part 1 : 1991 =ife "y"le "osting : Part 1 5erminology IS 1/17& : Part 2 : 199& =ife "y"le "osting : Part 2 (et$odology IS 1/1 2 : 1991 %aterproofing and 7amp-Proofing of %et Areas in !uilding - 8e"ommendations IS 1/1 / : 1991 Aluminium paint3 $eat resistant - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1/1 2 : 1991 (et$od of test for determination of drying s$rin+age of refra"tory mortars IS 1/2'& : 1991 8igid p$enoli" foams for t$ermal insulation IS 1/2'2 : 1991 Code of pra"ti"e for t$e appli"ation of polyuret$ane insulation *y t$e in-situ pouring met$od IS 1/22/ : 1992@ISO 922 : 19 9 -art$-moving ma"$inery - 7iagnosti" ports IS 1/2 6 : 1992 Surfa"e Spread of ,lame for 5$ermal Insulation (aterials - (et$ods of 5est IS 1/291 : 1992 Con"rete *lo"+ ma+ing ma"$ine - .eneral re;uirements IS 1//11 : Part 1 : 1992 4on-destru"tive testing of "on"rete: Part 1 1ltrasoni" pulse velo"ity IS 1//11 : Part 2 : 1992 (et$ods of non-destru"tive testing of "on"rete: Part 2 8e*ound $ammer IS 1//17 : 1992 Clay 8oofing Country 5iles3 )alf 8ound and ,lat 5iles - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1//26 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for pre"ast ,erro "ement <ater tan+s up to 1'''' litres "apa"ity IS 1//72 : Part 1 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for seismi" testing of ro"+ mass Part 1 <it$in a *ore$ole IS 1//72 : Part 2 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for seismi" testing of ro"+ mass Part 2 !et<een t$e *ore$ole IS 1// / : Part 1 : 1992 P$otometry of =uminaries - (et$od of (easurement - Part 1 : =uminaries for 1se in Interior =ig$ting IS 1// / : Part 2 : 1992 (et$ods of p$otometry of luminaries: Part 2 =uminaries ,or road and street lig$ting IS 1// / : Part / : 1992 P$otometry of =uminaries - (et$ods of (easurement - Part / : =uminaries for ,loodlig$ting IS 1/&'7 : Part 1 : 1992 5e"$ni;ues of <or+ study : Part 1 (et$od Study IS 1/&'7 : Part 2 : 1992 5e"$ni;ues of %or+ Study : Part 2 %or+ (easurement IS 1/&12 : 1992 Prote"tive !arriers in and Around !uildings - Code of Safety IS 1/&16 : Part 1 : 1992 8e"ommendations for preventive measures against $a#ards at <or+pla"es Part 1 ,alling material $a#ards prevention IS 1/&16 : Part 2 : 1992 8e"ommendations for preventive measures against $a#ards at <or+pla"es Part 2 ,all prevention IS 1/&16 : Part / : 199& 8e"ommendations for preventive measures against $a#ards at <or+pla"es Part / 7isposal of de*ris IS 1/&16 : Part & : 199& 8e"ommendations for preventive measures against $a#ards at <or+pla"es Part & 5im*er stru"ture IS 1/&16 : Part 2 : 199& 8e"ommendations for preventive measures against $a#ards at <or+pla"es Part 2 ,ire prote"tion IS 1/&/' : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for safety during additional "onstru"tion and alteration to e6isting *uildings IS 1/2&/ : 1992@ISO 2 91 : 1977 (odular units for ma"$ine tool "onstru"tion - Centre *ases and "olumns IS 1/292 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for 1P>C pipes for soil and <aste dis"$arge systems inside *uildings in"luding ventilation and rain<ater system IS 1/6'7 : 1992 8eady (i6ed Paint3 ,inis$ing3 .eneral Purposes3 Synt$eti" - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1/612 : Part 1 : 199/ (odular "o-ordination for normal *ri"+<or+ - 8e"ommendation Part 1 !urnt "lay *ri"+s IS 1/61/ : 1992 8e"ommendations for modular "o-ordination in *uilding industry: =o"ation of stru"tural <alls and floor sla*s IS 1/622 : 199/ Classifi"ation of Indian tim*ers for furniture and "a*inets IS 1/62/ : 199/ Criteria for "$oi"e of gates and $oists IS 1/71/ : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for plasti" "$airs for general offi"e purposes IS 1/716 : 199/ Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety of $otels IS 1/727 : 199/ .uide for re;uirements of "luster planning for $ousing IS 1/7/6 : Part 1 : 199/@I-C 721-1 : 199' Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part 1 Classifi"ation of environmental parameters and t$eir severities IS 1/7/6 : Part 2 : Se" 1 : 199/@I-C 721-2-1 : 19 2 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part 2 -nvironmental "onditions appearing in nature3 Se" 1 5emperature and $umidity

IS 1/7/6 : Part 2 : Se" 2 : 199/@I-C 721-2-2 : 19 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part 2 -nvironmental "ondition appearing in nature3 Se" 2 Pre"ipitation and <ind IS 1/7/6 : Part 2 : Se" / : 199/@I-C 721-2-/ : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part 2 -nvironmental "onditions appearing in nature3 Se" / Air pressure IS 1/7/6 : Part 2 : Se" & : 199/@I-C 721-2-& : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions3 Part 2 -nvironmental "onditions appearing in nature3 Se" & Solar radiation and temperature IS 1/7/6 : Part 2 : Se" 7 : 199/@I-C 721-2-7 : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part 2 -nvironmental "onditions appearing in nature3 Se" 7 ,auna and flora IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" 7 : 199/@I-C Pu* 721-/-7 : 19 7 Classifi"ation of -nvironmental Conditions - Part / : Classifi"ation of .roups of -nvironmental Parameters and 5$eir Severities - Se"tion 7 : Porta*le and 4on-Stationary 1se IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" ' : 199/@I-C 721-/-' : 19 & Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" ' Introdu"tion IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" 1 : 199/@I-C 721-/-1 : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions : Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" 1 Storage IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" 2 : 199/@I-C 721-/-2 : 19 2 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" 2 5ransportation IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" / : 199/@I-C 721-/-/ : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" / Stationary use at <eat$er prote"ted lo"ations IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" & : 199/@I-C 721-/-& : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" & Stationary use at non-<eat$er prote"ted lo"ations IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" 2 : 199/@I-C 721-/-2 : 19 2 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" 2 .round ve$i"le installations IS 1/7/6 : Part / : Se" 6 : 199/@I-C 721-/-6 : 19 7 Classifi"ation of environmental "onditions: Part / Classifi"ation of groups of environmental parameters and t$eir severities3 Se" 6 S$ip environment IS 1/72/ : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for dust pressed "erami" tiles <it$ <ater a*sorption of - N 1'O .roup 9! III: IS 1/72& : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for dust pressed "erami" tiles <it$ <ater a*sorption of 6O P 1'O .roup 9! II *:P tdN IS 1/722 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for dust pressed "erami" tiles <it$ <ater a*sorption of /O P - P 6O .roup 9! II a: IS 1/726 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for dust pressed "erami" tiles <it$ lo< <ater a*sorption of - P /O .roup ! I IS 1/727 : 199/ Spe"ifi"ation for *urnt "lay fly as$ *uilding *ri"+s IS 1/ '1 : 199/ C$e;uered "ement "on"rete tiles - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1/ ' : Part 1 : 199/ ?uality management for $ospital servi"es 91p to /'-*edded $ospitals: .uidelines : Part 1 Out-patient department 9OP7: and -mergen"y Servi"es IS 1/ ' : Part 2 : 199/ ?uality (anagement Pro"edures for 7iagnosti" and !lood 5ransfusion Servi"es - .uidelines - Part 2 : 1p to /'-!edded )ospitals IS 1/ ' : Part / : 1992 ?uality management for $ospital servi"es 9up to /' *edded $ospitals: - .uidelines: Part / %ards3 nursing servi"es and operation t$eatre IS 1/ ' : Part & : 1996 ?uality management for $ospital servi"es 9for /' *edded $ospital: - .uidelines : Part & )ospital support servi"es IS 1/ ' : Part 2 : 1996 ?uality management for $ospital servi"es 9for /' *edded $ospital: - .uidelines : Part 2 )ospital e;uipment management IS 1/ 27 : 199/ Improving eart$;ua+e resistan"e of eart$en *uildings - .uidelines IS 1/ 2 : 199/ Improving eart$;ua+e resistan"e of lo< strengt$ masonry *uildings - .uidelines IS 1/ 7& : 199/ .uide for C-program Coding IS 1/916 : 199& Code of pra"ti"e for installation of glass fi*re reinfor"ed plasti" 9.8P: piping system IS 1/92' : 199/ 7u"tile detailing of reinfor"ed "on"rete stru"tures su*Ee"ted to seismi" for"es - Code of pra"ti"e IS 1/9/2 : 199/ .uidelines for repair and seismi" strengt$ening of *uildings IS 1/927 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for metal fa"ed ply<ood IS 1/99' : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for pre"ast reinfor"ed "on"rete plan+s and Eoist for flooring and roofing IS 1/99& : 199& 7esign and Constru"tion of ,loor and 8oof <it$ Pre"ast 8einfor"ed Con"rete Plan+s and Foists - Code of Pra"ti"e IS@ISO 1&''1 : 1996 -nvironmental management systems -Spe"ifi"ation <it$ guidan"e for use IS 1&''2 : 199& - ISO 9''2 : 199& ?uality Systems - (odel for ?uality Assuran"e in Produ"tion3 Installation and Servi"ing IS 1&''/ : 199& - ISO 9''/ : 199& ?uality Systems - (odel for ?uality Assuran"e in ,inal Inspe"tion and 5est IS@ISO 1&''& : 1996 -nvironmental management systems - .eneral guidelines on prin"iples3 system and supporting te"$ni;ues IS@ISO 1&'1' : 1996 .uidelines for environmental auditing - .eneral prin"iples IS@ISO 1&'11 : 1996 .uidelines for -nvironmental Auditing - Audit Pro"edures - Auditing of -nvironmental (anagement Systems IS 1&'11 : Part 1 : 1991@ISO 1''11-1 : 199' .uidelines for Auditing ?uality Systems - Part 1 : Auditing IS 1&'11 : Part 2 : 1991 - ISO 1''11-2 : 1991 .uidelines for Auditing ?uality Systems - Part 2 : ?ualifi"ation Criteria for ?uality Systems Auditors IS 1&'11 : Part / : 1991 - ISO 1''11-/ : 1991 .uidelines for Auditing ?uality Systems - Part / : (anagement of Audit Programmes IS@ISO 1&'12 : 1996 .uidelines for environmental auditing - ?ualifi"ation "riteria for environmental auditors IS 1&'12 : Part 1 : 199/ @ISO 1''12-1 : 1992 ?uality Assuran"e 8e;uirements for (easuring -;uipment - Part 1 : (etrologi"al Confirmation System for (easuring -;uipment

IS@ISO 1&'12 : 2''1 -nvironmental (anagement - -nvironmental Assessment of Sites and Organi#ation 9-ASO: IS@ISO 1&'2' : 199 -nvironmental la*els and de"larations - .eneral prin"iples IS@ISO 1&'21 : 1999 -nvironmental =a*els and 7e"larations - Self-7e"lared -nvironmental Claims 95ype II -nvironmental =a*elling: IS@ISO 1&'2& : 1999 -nvironmental =a*els and 7e"larations - 5ype I -nvironmetal =a*elling - Prin"iples and Pro"edures IS@ISO1&'/1 : 1999 -nvironmental (anagement - -nvironmental Performan"e -valuation - .uidelines IS@ISO 1&'&' : 1997 -nvironmental (anagement - =ife "y"le assessment - Prin"iples and frame<or+ IS@ISO 1&'&1 : 199 -nvironmental management - =ife "y"le assessment - .oal and s"ope definition and inventory analysis IS@ISO1&'&2 : 2''' -nvironmental (anagement - =ife Cy"le Assessment - =ife Cy"le Impa"t Assessment IS@ISO1&'&/ : 2''' -nvironmental (anagement - =ife Cy"le Assessment - =ife Cy"le Interpretation IS@ISO 1&'2' : 199 -nvironmental (anagement - >o"a*ulary IS 1&1/2 : 1992 %al+-5$roug$ (etal 7ete"tor for 1se in %eapon 7ete"tion - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&1&2 : 199& Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of floors and roofs <it$ prefa*ri"ated *ri"+ panel IS 1&1&/ : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for prefa*ri"ated *ri"+ panel and partially pre"ast "on"rete Eoist for flooring and roofing IS 1&1 1 :Part 1 : 2''2 Synt$eti" 9Plasti": Slide ,asteners - Spe"ial Purpose - Part 1 : Spe"ifi"ation3 Sele"tion and Ordering .uideline of t$e Produ"t IS 1&1 1 : Part 2 : 2''2 Synt$eti" 9Plasti": Slide ,asteners - Spe"ial Purpose - Part 2 : 5est and (easurement (et$ods IS 1&1 1 : Part / : 2''2 Synt$eti" 9Plasti": Slide ,asteners - Spe"ial Purpose - Part / : 5est 8eport ,ormats IS 1&1 2 : 199& Solvent "ement for use <it$ un plasti"i#ed polyvinyl"$loride plasti" pipe and fittings IS 1&1 : 199& Conveyor systems - (aintenan"e fa"ilities - 7esign parameters IS 1&2'1 : 199& Spe"ifi"ation for pre"ast reinfor"ed "on"rete "$annel unit for "onstru"tion of floors and roofs IS 1&2'/ : 1999 ,ire 8esisting 8e"ord Prote"tion Ca*inets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&21/ : 199& Code of pra"ti"e for "onstru"tion of <alls using pre"ast "on"rete stone masonry *lo"+s IS 1&212 : 199& 7esign and Constru"tion of ,loors and 8oofs <it$ Pre"ast 8einfor"ed Con"rete C$annel 1nits - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 1&22/ : Part 1 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for polis$ed *uilding stones: Part 1 .ranite IS 1&2&1 : 1992 Pre"ast 8einfor"ed Con"rete =-panel for 8oofing - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&2&2 : 1992 Code of pra"ti"e for design and "onstru"tion of roof <it$ =-Panel units IS 1&2&/ : Part 1 : 1992 .uidelines for sele"tion and development of site for *uilding in $ill areas Part 1 (i"ro#onation of ur*an "entres IS 1&2&/ : Part 2 : 1992 .uidelines for sele"tion and development of site for *uilding in $ill areas Part 2 Sele"tion and development IS 1&2&6 : 1992 Continuously pre-painted galvani#ed steel s$eets and "oils IS 1&26 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for un"oated stress relieved lo< rela6ation seven ply strand for Prestressed "on"rete IS 1&276 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for "ement *onded parti"le *oards IS 1&/1/ : 1992 7' per"ent alumina *ri"+s - spe"ifi"ation IS 1&/1& : 1992 5$inner general purposes for synt$eti" paints and varnis$es - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&/12 : 1992 Spe"ifi"ation for "ommer"ial veneers IS 1&/// : 1996 )ig$ density polyet$ylene pipe for se<erage - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&/&/ : 1996 .uidelines for "$oi"e of grouting materials for alluvial grouting IS 1&/&& : 1996 7esign and "onstru"tion of diap$ragms for under seepage "ontrol - Code of pra"ti"e IS 1&/99 : Parts 1 and 2 : 1996 )ot Press (oulded 5$ermosetting .lass ,i*re 8einfor"ed Polyester 8esin 9.8P: Se"tional %ater Storage 5an+s IS 1&&'1 : 1996 .uidelines for $andling and storage of *uilding limes IS 1&&'2 : 1996 Spe"ifi"ation for .8P pipes Eoints and fittings for se<erage3 industrial <aste and <ater 9ot$er t$an pota*le: IS 1&&/2 : 1997 Code of pra"ti"e for fire safety in edu"ational institutions IS 1&&2 : Part 1 : 199 .uidelines for retaining <all for $ill area: Part 1 Sele"tion of type of <all IS 1&&2 : Part 2 : 1997 .uidelines for retaining <all for $ill area: Part 2 7esign of retaining@*reast <alls IS 1&&2 : Part / : 199 .uidelines for retaining <all for $ill area: Part / Constru"tion of dry stone <alls IS 1&&61 : 1997 Surfa"e Covered Cultivation Stru"tures - .lossary of 5erms IS 1&&62 : 1997 8e"ommendations for layout3 design and "onstru"tion of green $ouse stru"tures IS 1&& 2 : 199 8e"ommendations for $eating3 ventilation and "ooling of green $ouses IS 1&& 9 : 199 Code of pra"ti"e on o""upational safety and $ealt$ audit IS 1&261 : 199 ,ire resisting 9insulating: filing "a*inets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&262 : 199 ,ire resisting "omputer media prote"tion "a*inets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&2 ' : Part 1 : 199 1se of 4et<or+ Analysis for ProEe"t (anagement - Part 1 : (anagement3 Planning3 8evie<3 8eporting and 5ermination Pro"edures IS 1&2 1 : 199 .uidelines for formulation and operation of a Suggestion S"$eme in an organi#ation IS 1&29/ : 199 7esign and "onstru"tion of *ored "ast-in-situ piles founded on ro"+s - .uidelines IS 1&6/2 : 1999 ,arm 7rainage System - Performan"e -valuation of )ori#ontal Su*surfa"e 7rainage - .uidelines IS 1&6// : 1999 !la"+*oards for Class 8ooms - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&662 : Part 1 : 2''' -le"tri" 5ra"tion =ifts - Part 1 : .uidelines for Outline 7imensions of Passenger3 .oods3 Servi"e and )ospital =ifts

IS 1&662 : Part 2 : Se" 1 and 2 : 2''' -le"tri" 5ra"tion =ifts - Part 2 : Code of Pra"ti"e for Installation3 Operation and (aintenan"e - Se"tion 1 : Passenger and .oods =ifts - Se"tion 2 : Servi"e =ifts IS 1&662 : Part / : Se" 1 and 2 : 2''' -le"tri" 5ra"tion =ifts - Part / : Safety 8ules - Se"tion 1 : Passenger and .oods =ifts - Se"tion 2 : Servi"e =ifts IS 1&662 : Part & : Se" 1 to 9 : 2''1 -le"tri" 5ra"tion =ifts - Part & : Components - Se"tion 1 : =ifts !uffers - Se"tion 2 : =ift .uide 8ails and .uide S$oes - Se"tion / : =ift Carfra IS 1&662 : Part 2 : 1999 -le"tri" 5ra"tion =ifts - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 2 : Inspe"tion (anual IS 1&671 : 1999 Code of pra"ti"e for installation and maintenan"e of $ydrauli" lifts IS 1&6 7 : 1999 ,alse <or+ for Con"rete Stru"tures - .uidelines IS 1&6 : 1999 =ead-Antimony Alloy !ri"+s for 8adiation S$ielding - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&6 9 : 1999 Code of Pra"ti"e for ,ire Safety in Industrial !uildings 9Printing and Pu*lis$ing Industry: IS 1&7/2 : 2'''@ISO 6 97 : 19 & .uidelines for t$e -valuation of t$e 8esponse of O""upants of ,i6ed Stru"tures3 -spe"ially !uildings and OffS$ore Stru"tures3 to =o<-,re;uen"y )ori#ontal (otion 9'0'6/ to 1 )#: IS 1&7/2 : 1999 - 1nplasti"i#ed Polyvinyl C$loride 91P>C: InEe"tion (oulded ,ittings for Soil and %aste 7is"$arge System for Inside and Outside !uildings In"luding >entilation and 8ain %ater System - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&72' : 2''' Code of Pra"ti"e for Installation3 (aintenan"e and O*servation of Seepage (easuring 7evi"es for Con"rete@(asonry and -art$@8o"+ fill 7ams IS 1&76/ : 2''' Conduits for -le"tri"al Purposes - Outside 7iameters of Conduits for -le"tri"al Installation and 5$reads for Conduits and ,ittings Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&762 : 2''' 7etermination of %ater 8etention Capa"ity in Soils - (et$od of 5est IS 1&766 : 2''' Aggregate Si#e 7istri*ution and %ater Sta*ility of Soil Aggregates - (et$od for 7etermination IS 1&767 : 2''' 7etermination of t$e Spe"ifi" -le"tri"al Condu"tivity of Soils - (et$od of 5est IS 1&76 : Part 1 : 2''' Conduit ,ittings for -le"tri"al Installations - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 1 : .eneral 8e;uirements IS 1&76 : Part 2 : 2''/ Conduit ,ittings for -le"tri"al Installations - Spe"ifi"ation - Part 2 : (etal Conduit ,ittings IS 1&7 7 : 2''' 1nplasti"i#ed P>C Pipes 97u"ts: and ,ittings for 1nderground 5ele"ommuni"ations Ca*le Installation - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1& '& : 2''' Siting3 7esign and Sele"tion of (aterials for 8esidential !uildings in )illy Areas - .uidelines IS 1& 1' : 2''' Copper 5u*es for Plum*ing - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1& /2 : 2''' .uidelines for -stimating 1nit 8ate of Items of %or+s in Constru"tion of 8u**le (asonry for 8iver >alley ProEe"ts IS 1& &2 : 2''' Coir >eneer !oard for .eneral Purposes - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1& 2' : 2''' ,ire Safety of (useums - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 1& 21 : 2''' (aintenan"e of ,ire )ose - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 1& 26 : 2''' .lass ,i*re 8einfor"ed Plasti" 9.8P: Panel 5ype 7oor S$utters for Internal 1se - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1& 2 : 2''' Compression 5esting (a"$ine 1sed for 5esting of Con"rete and (ortar - 8e;uirements IS 1& 62 : 2''' ,i*re Cement ,lat S$eets - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1& 71 : 2''' Produ"ts in ,i*re 8einfor"ed Cement - =ong Corrugated or Asymmetri"al Se"tion S$eets and ,ittings for 8oofing and Cladding Spe"ifi"ation IS 1& & : 2''' @ISO & 66 : 199' (e"$ani"al >i*ration and S$o"+ - >i*ration of !uildings - .uidelines for t$e (easurement of >i*rations and -valuation of 5$eir -ffe"ts on !uildings IS 1& 96 : 2''1 Personal Computer - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&927 : Part 1 : 2''1 Ca*le 5run+ing and 7u"ting Systems for -le"tri"al Installations - Part 1 : .eneral 8e;uirements IS 1&927 : Part 2 : 2''1 Ca*le 5run+ing and 7u"ting Systems for -le"tri"al Installations - Part 2 : Ca*le 5run+ing and 7u"ting Systems Intended for (ounting on %alls or Ceilings IS 1&9/' : Part 1 : 2''1 Conduit Systems for -le"tri"al Installations - Part 1: .eneral 8e;uirements IS 1&9/' : Part 2 : 2''1 Conduit Systems for -le"tri"al Installations - Part 2 : Parti"ular 8e;uirements - Conduit Systems !urried 1nderground IS 1&929 : Part 1 : 2''1 7etermination of %ater Solu*le and A"id Solu*le C$lorides in (ortar and Con"rete - (et$od of 5est - Part 1 : ,res$ (ortar and Con"rete IS 1&929 : Part 2 : 2''1 7etermination of %ater Solu*le and A"id Solu*le C$lorides in (ortar and Con"rete - (et$od of 5est - Part 2 : )ardened (ortar and Con"rete IS 1&96' : 2''1 Preservative 5reated and Seasoned Sa<n 5im*er ,rom 8u**er %ood 9)evea *rasiliensis: - Spe"ifi"ation IS 1&961 : 2''1 .uidelines for 8ain %ater )arvesting in )illy Areas *y 8oof %ater Colle"tion System IS 1&97 : 2''2 4e< Seven 5ools for ?uality (anagement IS 12'21 : Part 1 : 2''1 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - ProEe"tion (et$ods - Part 1 : Synopsis IS 12'21 : Part 2 : 2''1 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - ProEe"tion (et$ods - Part 2 : Ort$ograp$i" 8epresentations IS 12'21 : Part / : 2''1 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - ProEe"tion (et$ods - Part / : A6onometri" 8epresentations IS 12'21 : Part & : 2''1 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - ProEe"tion (et$ods - Part & : .eneral PreoEe"tion IS 12'22 : 2''1 5e"$ni"al Produ"t 7o"umentation - 8e;uirements for Computer - Aided 7esign and 7rafting - >o"a*ulary IS 12'2&: 2''1 5e"$ni"al 7ra<ings - .eometri"al 5oleran"ing - 5oleran"ing of ,orm0 Orientation3 =o"ation and 8un-Out - >erifi"ation Prin"iples and (et$ods - Cuidelines IS 12'27 : 2''1 Computer-Aided 7esign 9CA7: 5e"$ni;ue - 1se of Computers for t$e Preparation of Constru"tion for 7ra<ings

IS 12'9/ : 2''2@ISO 9&/1 : 199' Constru"tion 7ra<ings - Spa"es for 7ra<ing and for 5e6t3 and 5itle !loo+s on 7ra<ing S$eets IS 121'/ : 2''2 ,ire 8esistant Steel - Spe"ifi"ation IS 121'2 : 2''2 7esign and Installation of ,i6ed Automati" Sprin+ler ,ire -6tinguis$ing Systems - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 121 / : Part 1 : 2''2 .uidelines for (aintenan"e (anagement of !uildings - Part 1 : .eneral IS 121 / : Part 2 : 2''2 .uidelines for (aintenan"e (anagement of !uildings - Part 2 : ,inan"e IS 121 / : Part / : 2''2 .uidelines for (aintenan"e (anagement of !uildings - Part / : =a*our IS 12229 : 2''2 Installation and (aintenan"e of )ome =ifts - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 12//' : 2''/ Installation and (aintena"e of =ifts for )andi"apped Persons - Code of Pra"ti"e IS 12//9 : 2''/ Pu*li" =i*rary - .uidelines IS 12/69 : 2''/ Code of Pra"ti"e for Constru"tion of >ault 9Strong-8oom: IS 12/72 : 2''/ @ISO 6/1 : 19 2 (easurement of 8oundness - 5erms3 7efinitions and Parameters of 8oundness IS 12/7/ : 2''/ @ISO &291 : 19 2 (et$od for t$e Assessment of 7eparture ,rom 8oundness - (easurement of >ariations in 8adius IS 12/7& : 2''/ @ISO &292 : 19 2 (et$ods for t$e Assessment of 7eparture from 8oundness - (easurement *y 5<o- and 5$ree-Point (et$ods IS 12&1 : 2''/ %all Coverings in 8oll ,orm for ,inis$ed %all Papers3 %all >inyls and Plasti" %all Coverings - Spe"ifi"ation IS 12&/1 : 2''/ Seven !asi" 5ools for ?uality (anagement IS 1 ''1 : 2''' O""upational )ealt$ and Safety (anagement Systems - Spe"ifi"ation <it$ .uidan"e for 1se

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