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Review Test Submission: Exercise - 1


User Course Test Started Submitted Status Attempt Score Time Elapsed Instructions Mr. ROHIT MUKHERJEE . Marketing Management Exercise - 1 10/30/13 8:42 PM 10/30/13 9:01 PM Completed 30 out of 30 points 19 minutes.

Question 1
1 out of 1 points

A___________ is a set of tangible physical attributes assembled in an identifiable form.

Answer Selected Answer: product 1 out of 1 points

Question 2

Which of the following is an example of mass communication to stimulate demand?

Answer Selected Answer:


Question 3
1 out of 1 points

"________is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, distribution of idea, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational goals."
Answer Selected Answer: Marketing 1 out of 1 points

Question 4

Product is a source of finance to which of the following?

Answer Selected Answer:

Finance manager

Question 5
1 out of 1 points

The goal of all business organisations is to deliver return-on-investment to its ______________

Answer Selected Answer: shareholders

Question 6

1 out of 1 points

Match the following:

Answer Question Selected Match B.

Market factors Marketing Manager New Economy Concept of Marketing Mix

Are those over which the company has no control


Are responsible for catering to the demand


Based on digital revolution


Prof. N. H. Borden
1 out of 1 points

Question 7

The economy was based on the __________ revolution and manufacturing was considered a key sector to the economy.
Answer Selected Answer: Industrial 1 out of 1 points

Question 8

"In satisfying the customer needs and creating exchanges, an organisation must satisfy its own goals."
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 9

The _______________standardised the products to bring down costs and aimed at continuous expansion of markets to enjoy the fruits of economies of scale.
Answer Selected Answer: manufacturer 1 out of 1 points

Question 10

"Information has several attributes; it can be easily differentiated, customised and personalised."
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 11

The new economy is based on the _______ revolution and the efficient management of information.
Answer Selected Answer: digital 1 out of 1 points

Question 12

Match the following:

Answer Question Selected Match C.

Kotler Prof N.H Borden Stanton McCarthy

The product mix and pricing take six forms.


Concept of Marketing Mix


The product mix is the full list of all products offered for sale.

4 Ps of marketing
1 out of 1 points

Question 13

The ______________revolution has placed a completely new set of capabilities in the hands of consumers and businesses.
Answer Selected Answer: digital 1 out of 1 points

Question 14

Which of the following includes new products that enable a company to enter an established market for the first time?
Answer Selected Answer:

New product lines

Question 15
1 out of 1 points

The digital revolution has placed a completely new set of capabilities in the hands of consumers and businesses
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 16

"Companies can have two-way communication with customers, suppliers, creditors and so on."
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 17

"Companies can use new powerful information and sales channels to cover a wider geographical area to promote and inform about their business, products and services."
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 18

Match the following:

Answer Question Selected Match A.

Marketing Mix Price Mix

A set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.

Major marketing tool that is often used to direct the product to a specific consumer segment.

Product Mix

Package of products offered for sale by the firm.

1 out of 1 points

Question 19

Which of the following covers those products that supplement a company s established product lines?
Answer Selected Answer:

Addition to existing product lines

Question 20
1 out of 1 points

Which of the following includes those products that create entirely new markets?
Answer Selected Answer:

Products new to the world

Question 21
1 out of 1 points

"Marketing Managers have to face competition which is at _______ levels, based upon the degree of product substitutability."
Answer Selected Answer: four 1 out of 1 points

Question 22

Companies are able to customise their offerings and services to individual customers
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 23

Prof. N. H. _______________of the Harvard Business School introduced the concept of marketing mix.
Answer Selected Answer: Borden 1 out of 1 points

Question 24

The new economy is based on which of the following?

Answer Selected Answer:

The Digital Revolution

Question 25
1 out of 1 points

"Companies can send advertisements, coupons, samples and other information to customers"
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 26

Match the following:

Answer Question Selected Match D.

Publicity Sales promotion Advertising

It is a mass communication to stimulate demand.


It is designed to supplement advertising and coordinate personal selling.


It is a paid form of impersonal mass communication in which the sponsor is clearly identified.

Personal selling

It is the presentation of the product to a prospective customer by the representative of a selling organisation.
1 out of 1 points

Question 27

The marketing mix may be considered as a ______ mix of 4 sub-mixes.

Answer Selected Answer: master 1 out of 1 points

Question 28

"Marketing Managers have to face competition which is at four levels, based upon the degree of product substitutability."
Answer Selected Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Question 29

Who introduced the concept of Marketing Mix?

Answer Selected Answer:

Prof. N. H. Borden

Question 30
1 out of 1 points

McCarthy has classified marketing tools into how many broad groups?

Selected Answer:


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