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English Made Easy-in 20 Minutes a Day!


English Grammar for EVERYONE All-in-One Study Material


(Refer Comparative Table of Tenses page-2)
Tense Signal words Use Form regular: infinitive + -ed irregular: 2nd column of table of irregular verbs USE 1 Completed Action in the Past Examples affirmative I worked. He worked. I went. Examples negative I didn't work. He didn't work. I didn't go. Examples interrogative Did I work? Did he work? Did I go?

last ... Simple Past or Past Simple ... ago in 1990 yesterday

action took place in the past, mostly connected with an expression of time (no connection to the present)

USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions

USE 3 Duration in Past He went. USE 4 Habits in the Past He didn't go. Did he go?

USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations

was/were +infinitive + -ing USE1 Interrupted Action in the Past An action happened in the middle of another action Past Progressive or Past Continuous while someone was doing sth. at a certain time (in the past) - you do not know whether it was finished or not

I was working. He was working. I was going.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption

He was going. He has been working. I have been going.

USE 3 Parallel Actions

I wasnt working. He wasnt working. I wasn't going. He wasnt going. He hasn't been working. I haven't been going.

Was I working? Was he working? Was I going? Was he going? Has he been working? Have I been going?

USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with "Always"

He has been going.

He hasn't been going.

Has he been going?

already Simple Past Perfect or Past Perfect (Simple) just never

mostly when two actions in a story are related to each other: the action which had already happened is put into Past Perfect, the other action into Simple Past the past of the Present Perfect how long something had been happening before something else happened

had + past participle* *(infinitive + -ed) or (3rd column of table of irregular verbs) USE 1 Completed Action before Something in the Past

I had worked. He had worked. I had gone.

I hadnt worked. He hadnt worked. I hadn't gone.

Had I worked? Had he worked? Had I gone?

USE 2 Duration before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs)

He had gone.

He hadn't gone.

Had he gone?

Past Perfect Progressive or Past Perfect Continuous

how long since for

had + been +infinitive + ing USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Past

USE 2 Cause of Something in the Past

I had been working. He had been working. I had been going. He had been going.

I hadn't been working. He hadn't been working. I hadn't been going. He hadn't been going.

Had I been working? Had he been working? Had I been going? Had he been going?

English Made Easy-in 20 Minutes a Day! VEERESH SAVADI, VIKASYOJANA EduCare DAY-3: STUDY OF PAST TENSE

English Grammar for EVERYONE All-in-One Study Material

COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PAST TENSE(BLANK) VERB: ________ ____________ ______________ (____________)


Past Past Simple/Indefinite Simple/Indefinite

Helping Verb: --Main Verb: II Form Helping Verb: did I,we,you,they,he,she,it(did) Main Verb: I Form

Past Continuous
Helping Verb: am/was/were I (was), he/she/it(was), we/you/they(were) Main Verb: ing Form

Past Perfect
Helping Verb: had I,we,you,they,he/she/it(had) Main Verb: III Form

Past Perfect Continuous

Helping Verb: had been I,we,you,they, he/she/it(had been) Main Verb: ing Form

I We You He She It They Note: 1. 2. Practice writing 3 examples everyday at different intervals for a week. Ensure you write at least 20 examples in total to gain the mastery.


PastSimple/ Indefinite

Helping Verb: --Main Verb: II Form

Comparative Study of Past Tense(Blank) Verb: write-wrote-written(writing) Past Simple/ Past Continuous Past Perfect Helping Verb: Helping Verb: had Indefinite
Helping Verb: did I,we,you,they, he,she,it(did) Main Verb: I Form I did write notes We did write notes You did write notes He did write notes She did write notes It did write notes They did write notes am/was/were I (was), he/she/it(was), we/you/they(were) Main Verb: ing Form I was writing notes We were writing notes You were writing notes He was writing notes She was writing notes It was writing notes They were writing notes

I,we,you,they,he/she/it( had) Main Verb: III Form

Past Perfect Continuous

Helping Verb: had been I,we,you,they, he/she/it(had been) Main Verb: ing Form I had been writing notes We had been writing notes You had been writing notes He had been writing notes She had been writing notes It had been writing notes They had been writing notes

I We You He She It They

I wrote notes We wrote notes You wrote notes He wrote notes She wrote notes It wrote notes

I had written notes We had written notes You had written notes He had written notes She had written notes It had written notes They had written notes

They wrote notes

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