Xanna Tracy

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Xanna Tracy

Faulkner wrote As I Lay Dying in six or eight weeks while working at a power plant The novel has been banned in many US school districts, including one Kentucky

school district where it was banned for foul language, religious concerns, and the references to abortion and reincarnation.
Faulkner won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949 When asked about writing the novel, Faulkner said, I set out deliberately to write a

tour-de-force. Before I ever put pen to paper and set down the first words, I knew what the last word would be. Before I began I said, I am going to write a book by which, at a pinch, I can stand or fall if I never touch ink again.
There are a total of 15 points of view in the novel Faulkner said he only wrote one draft and made no changes after writing it



Dewey Dell pregnancy Words

Main focus of the story Thoughts

Animals: represent their own situations - Varadaman (Fish), Darl (Jewels mother is a horse) Addies Coffin: the burden of the Bundren family, seek to place the coffin=seeking normalcy in family life Tools: important to cash and later important to the whole family, one thing that brings them together

-Anse mortgaged his farm equipment, used some money that Cash was saving to buy a gramophone, used some money from his own false teeth fund, and traded away Jewels horse
Less selfish than before?

Religion- should dewey dell get an abortion, Moseley the shopkeeper

Darl- asking Jewel who his father was Darl risks his life to save coffin from barn fire that he started

Buzzards- in barn around coffin, Vardaman sees them circling in the sky, wants to search for them

Narrators seem to become more reliable and calm except for Darlchiasmus

Focus- emotions not events

Dewey delldrugstore with Vardaman Corruption of innocence?

Meet Mrs. Bundren p261

Darl Bundren

Jewel Bundren

Dewey Dell Bundren

Anse Bundren

Cash Bundren

Addie Bundren

Vardaman Bundren

If you had to categorize As I Lay Dying as primarily a comic or a tragic novel, which

would it be? Why?

Why does Faulkner choose an inventive type of narration? How does the narrative

style of As I Lay Dying affect the plot line and how time influences the novel?
Which characters do you think are the most selfish? Which are the most unselfish?

What does the story say about the novel as a whole?

Spillman, Rob. "On William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying." Home. Pen America, 15 Oct.

2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2013.

Faulkner, William. As I Lay Dying. New York: Vintage, 1990. Print. Johnson, Andrew. "In Just 30 Days, You Too Can Write a Masterpiece." The

Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 31 Oct. 2010. Web. 01 Oct. 2013.

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