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Study Guide- Exam 4 Chapters 10, 13 and Myths 2, 5 and 7

This study guide is meant to help you focus on the areas that will likely be the most important for the exam. It is by no means exhaustive, and may not include some information that will be on the exam. Remember you are responsible for all material from the text and from lecture, but this guide will help you determine what to emphasize in your studying. Good luck with preparation!

Chapter 10 (22 Questions) Types of developmental research (cross-sectional, longitudinal) Nature/nurture Debate Stages of Prenatal development and what happens at each stage Obstacles to development (prematurity, teratogens, fetal alcohol syndrome) Reflexes and motor development Puberty and Primary vs Secondary sex characteristics Piagets 4 stages of cognitive development- milestones and cognitive limitations at each stage (including but not limited to: conservation, object permanence, abstract thinking) Schemas, accommodation, assimilation Zone of proximal development Theory of mind Cognitive changes in adolescence Types of temperament Imprinting Attachment- what it is, how its studied (strange situation paradigm), and different types of attachment Parenting styles Relevant issues associated with parenting- divorced families, single parent homes, same-sex parents, mothers vs. fathers Gender identity Eriksons stages of Psychosocial Development- tasks at each stage Chapter 13 (~25 Questions) Need to belong theory Attributions (internal/external), Fundamental Attribution Error Social comparison theory Social Norms and Conformity Aschs study Milgrams study and Factors that influence obedience Zimbardos study Social facilitation, social disruption Social loafing Gender differences in aggression Groupthink Deindividuation Bystander nonintervention- when are people more/less likely to help? What contributes to bystander nonintervention?

Study Guide- Exam 4 Chapters 10, 13 and Myths 2, 5 and 7 Prosocial behavior/altruism Situational and dispositional factors that influence aggression Attitudes, what they are, how they relate to behavior Self-perception theory, impression management theory, cognitive dissonance Persuasion- 2 pathways to persuasion, factors that influence whether or not we will be persuaded by someone, persuasion techniques Stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination In-group bias, out-group bias Robbers Cave Study findings Reasons why people are prejudiced (conformity, scapegoat hypothesis, belief in a just world)

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