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Jude College
Basic Education Department SCHOOL YEAR 2013 2014 PERFORMANCE TASK IN ENGLISH THIRD YEAR ST. PETER GRASPS A Life Story GOAL I want my students to demonstrate understanding of the elements of narratives so that in the long run, they will be able to, on their own write their own and other significant experiences in variety of genres such as essays and short stories using grammatically correct sentences. ROLE You are a story writer and tv director AUDIENCE The Filipino youth, especially the youth in rural areas and those out of school youth SITUATION To address the growing population of Filipino teens who are going ashtray or those who have lost their way to the realizations of their dreams because of poverty, peer pressure, discrimination, and growing up without the guidance of the parents, in cooperation with the ABS CBN network, you have been asked to write a story that would inspire the youth to hold on to their dreams and this will be shown on television as an entry to the famous real life based drama MMK wherein the primary target audiences are the youth. You goal is to inspire and awaken their minds about the importance making their dreams come to life. PRODUCT Write a story, it may be a factual story about a person who had reached his/her dream despite of many difficulties or an imagined story. The written story will be printed out and will be presented through role playing. STANDARD Rubrics for written composition and role - playing

St. Jude College

Basic Education Department SCHOOL YEAR 2013 2014 PERFORMANCE TASK IN ENGLISH GRADE 6 - AMETHYST GRASPS The World is endangered GOAL I want my students to learn main ideas and supporting details of a paragraph or a text so that, in the long run, they will be able, on their own to express their thoughts and ideas in written form with an organized content that shows the important idea that they want to communicate with the readers and be able to support their topic with relevant details and also for them to be able to identify what a text wants to tell by getting the main idea for them to become critical readers in the future and a comprehensive provider of information of timely issues in their immediate community and in the country. ROLE You are an Endangered Animal Specialist hired by the Philippine Endangered Animal Foundation. AUDIENCE The public, to inform them on the animals that were prohibited to hunt and sell because of their danger of becoming extinct and also zoo owners. SITUATION Many animals are in danger of extinction because their habitats are being destroyed. The Philippine Endangered Animal Foundation wants you to make people more aware of the dangers to animals, find out why there are so many animals in danger and show to the rest what we can do to preserve the diversity of life on Earth. PRODUCT Choose an endangered animal in the Philippines and choose one from the following product: 1. Endangered Animal Poster 2. Stuffed Animal 3. Car bumper Stickers Process: Do some research on one endangered animal, its physical description, habitat, eating habits, reasons for endangerment and other further information. Using the product of your choice you will make a short oral presentation to show your research and convince your classmates to do their part to preserve the unique animal species we have on the Philippines today. It is important for the public to not only understand the problem but to be a part of the solution. Your research will be printed out to be published in magazines and will be posted in the website of the foundation so you make sure that your written output is organized, the main idea is expressed clearly and the supporting details are relevant to the topic. Make your title striking to the readers. STANDARD Rubrics for written composition

St. Jude College

Basic Education Department SCHOOL YEAR 2013 2014 PERFORMANCE TASK IN ENGLISH GRADE 7 ST. ANTHONY GRASPS The Truth about Plastics GOAL I want my students to learn writing narrative account so that in the long run, they will be able, on their own, to write their experiences or express their experiences and thoughts through narration in written form so that they can share the lessons and insights they have gained from that experience to other people. ROLE You are an advocate of Clean and Green Environment Organization of NCR AUDIENCE The youth, especially grade school pupils and high school students SITUATION Several cities in Luzon have implemented the ordinance about plastic ban specifically Makati, Marikina, and Quezon City. As a citizen of Manila and as advocate of the environment, you were assigned by the organization to private and public schools to inform them and make them aware of the hazards of using plastics by not just through an informative talk but through a creative way that students can appreciate and understand. PRODUCT Create a story wherein the moral lesson is that plastics are dangerous to our health and to the environment it could be a factual experience or just an imagined story that may include fictitious characters so as to make your story more attractive to the students. Your story must make them aware of the disadvantages of using plastics to make them also an advocate of an environment that is clean and safe not just to the people but also to our nature. After the written account, make a poster that will picture out what the story is about or you can make a story book wherein the lines of the story are accompanied by illustrations. STANDARD Rubrics for story writing

St. Jude College

Basic Education Department SCHOOL YEAR 2013 2014 PERFORMANCE TASK IN ENGLISH GRADE 8 ST. MATTHEW GRASPS Compare and Contrast GOAL I want my students to demonstrate understanding on how to show comparison and contrast so that in the long run, on their own, they will be able to differentiate characteristics and qualities of two or more objects or situations for them to make better decisions in the future in relation on choosing between people, things, or situations thus, making them critical thinker or evaluative listeners or thinkers during such circumstances. ROLE You are a magazine writer asked to evaluate products AUDIENCE The readers, especially those are unsure or uncertain which product to patronize or use SITUATION There are a lot of choices we make in our daily lives and to be able to make decisions, we have to evaluate or critic these choices. You are to help the consumers to decide on their own by comparing and contrasting these choices, you are not to convince which one they should patronize but you will show the differences and similarities, its up to the consumers which one to choose. PRODUCT Design a mini magazine where in you will show the comparison and contrast of the following products through an outline then the main essay. Include images and other information. a. Vacation in beach or mountains b. Movies or Novel books c. As a reference, book or internet STANDARDS Rubrics for written ouput

St. Jude College

Basic Education Department SCHOOL YEAR 2013 2014 PERFORMANCE TASK IN ENGLISH GRADE 5 JADE GRASPS A Tribute to a Hero GOAL I want my students to demonstrate understanding of the elements of a narrative so that in the long run, they will be able to, on their own write their own and other significant experiences in variety of genres such as essays using grammatically correct sentences. ROLE You are writer of Kids Time Magazine AUDIENCE Your classmates and the person whom you have dedicated your story SITUATION Being a hero means being able to save someone elses life without asking for a prize, Kids Time magazine wants an article about people who have done heroic deeds to others, big or small deed, as long as it shows helping other people despite of sacrifices he/she has to make. PRODUCT Choose a person who have done heroic deeds to you or to others and write a life story for your magazine. a. b. c. d. e. Your parents Your friend A relative A close friend (you can add a person you know)

STANDARDS Rubrics for written output

St. Jude College

Basic Education Department SCHOOL YEAR 2013 2014 PERFORMANCE TASK IN ENGLISH GRADE 4 OPAL GRASPS A Movie Review GOAL I want my students to learn reviewing a movie so that in the long run, on their own, they will be able to think critically in order to judge a movie that will help people to make intelligent decisions about which movies they want to see in the future. This will also enable them to express their opinion and whether to recommend it to others or not. ROLE You are a movie critic asked to evaluate movies. AUDIENCE The youth, especially those who are into watching movies SITUATION Your school is preparing for a movie review booklet. Everyone will contribute to the movie review booklet. Since most of the students are fond of watching movies, everybody was asked to review a movie that you have seen in order to tell if its worth watching or not. A movie critic usually describes a movies food and bad features. PRODUCT Write a movie review about the movie you have seen through the use of the format given. STANDARDS Rubrics for movie review

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