Business Plan Competition at IIT 2013 Houston

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2013 Business Plan Competition: Hersh Kumar speaks on What does it really take to be successful in business. (Sat 7th, 3:10 PM)
Come and listen to a speaker who is on a mission to change the world. Hersh Kumar will share the knowledge gathered through years of experience as a successful entrepreneur on Dec 7th at Hilton Americas during IIT2013 Business Plan Competition. Hersh Kumar is a serial entrepreneur and an immensely successful business leader. He is a motivational speaker, a business consultant,aneducator,amentor,asocialentrepreneur,asocialworkerandabusinessphilosopher. Starting from in a modest background in suburban India to his present day success as a wellrespected business leader in the US, Hersh Kumar has a lot to share from this exciting journey. He will talk about core principles of running a successful business the ideas you will never hear at a business school but only from anindividualwhohasdoneitoverandover! Hersh Kumar, a distinguished alumnus from IIT Roorkee, has accepted our invitation to share his views on how the entrepreneurs around the world are working at the grass root level to remedy the world of its challenges.Hewilladdressissuesfacedbyyoungentrepreneursaswellthosewhoarestrugglingtogrowtheirownbusinesses. Hewillalsotalkabouthissocialentrepreneurshipmission. So,comeandlistentohimonSaturdayandmeethimafterthepresentationtoexchangeyourviews.Thiscouldeasilybeoneof yourmostvaluableexperiencesattheIIT2013Conference!


Dec 6-8, 2013 Hilton-Americas, Houston TX

IIT2013 Global Conference

OneofthegoalsofIIT2013conferenceistomentorandnurturetherelationshipwithentrepreneursamongstusona continuingbasis.Wehavereceivedtremendousresponseandlookforwardtoanengagingevent. ThreeteamsfromIndiaandseventeamsfromUSwillbepresentingtheirbusinesscases.Wewillalsoplayvideosofelevator pitchesbyselectIndiateamsinbetweenthepresentationsbyfinalists.Duringsecondsession,selectUSteamswillpresent theirelevatorpitches,followedbytalkonentrepreneurshipbyourdistinguishedentrepreneurandjudge,Mr.HershKumar.

We Also Have Door Prizes for You

Three(3)NightStayforupto4Guestsina2Bedroom/2BathResort ViewResidence.
Winnerwillalsoreceive: Complimentarylocal(air/land/water)transfersfor2fromBelizeInternationalAirporttotheresort. Halfdaysnorkeltripfor2toHolChanMarineReserve&SharkRayAlley.Includessnorkelgear.

Cash Prizes (Sponsored by Hersh Kumar Legacy Fund )
1. 2. 3. GrandPrize$5000 GrandPrizeRunnerup$3000 SocialEntrepreneurshipPrize$2000

Investment Prizes
1. 2. Upto$100,000(SponsoredbyHershKumarLegacyFund.Atthediscretionoffundrepresentative) Upto$100,000(SponsoredbyPFPIndustriesFund.Atdiscretionoffundrepresentative)


InKind Prizes
1. 1houroffreeconsultingfor10finalistteams.Arjunani,Hasan&Co.,P.C.,CPAs.

Organizing Committee Members


We Thank Our Partners


(Everyattendeeatthebusinessplancompetitionwillbegivenaraffleticket.Youhavetobepresentatthetimeofraffle,which willbebeforeandafterHershKumartalk.BPCVolunteersarenoteligibletoparticipate.Apersonwillnotbeeligibleformore thanoneprize) Forfurtherenquiries,

Session I
10:15AM:Welcome/Info 10:20AM:PresentationbyAmrutDhara Providesasafe,ecofriendlyandcosteffectivealternativetobottledwater. 10:35AM:InnovationExperience Provides an ecofriendly, nonpolluting, safe and handy solution to the energy crisis faced by millions in the rural and urban sectorsthroughsolarpoweredLEDlights. 10:50AM:PayJalSolutions Providesaffordabledevicetoremovewatercontamination. 11:05AM:MetalNetworks Aplatformtobuyandsellindustrialmetal. 11:20AM:PancreatRx Fluorescenceimagingagentforpancreaticcancer. 11:35AM:ScienceTomorrow Abondobservationandnondestructivemeasurement(BONDM)methodtotestthestructuralintegrityofaircrafts.

Final Round Judges

Hersh Kumar has founded numerous companies worldwide and created thousands of jobs in US and abroad. Hersh was awarded distinguished alumnus award for his contribution to society by IIT Roorkee in 2011. Hersh Kumar obtained his Bachelor of Engineering from the prestigious IIT Roorkee with a gold medal in 1978. HershobtainedhisM.S.inIndustrialEngineeringfromWayneStateUniversity,Detroit,Michigan. Rick Hunter heads the Houston office of Lexbridge International, a boutique investment bank that provides mergers & acquisitions advice and other corporate finance services to middle market companies in a broad range of industries. Rick has over 30 years of business experience in investment banking and industry. Mr. HunterearnedanM.B.A.fromtheUniversityofHouston. Dan Watkins has over 20 years experience in operating and investing roles with technology and startup companies, particularly in bioscience and advanced materials. Dan currently sits on the boards of Mercury Fundportfoliocompanies.DanisalsoacofounderoftheRiceAllianceforTechnology&Entrepreneurship. ArunaViswanathanistheChiefUnderwritingOfficerandCoFounderforClearspringCapitalGroup,aprivate equity fund that provides growth capital to Texas based lower middle market companies. Aruna is on the advisory boards of the Houston Technology Center, UH Cullen College of Engineering, Testmasters, and Ingenious,Inc.ArunaiscurrentlyaboardmemberandPresidentElectfortheTiEHouston.Ms.Viswanathan graduated with a BS and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. ShealsoreceivedanMBAinStrategyandEntrepreneurshipfromRiceUniversity. Jenny Li is the Director of Operations at SURGE, where she is responsible for running and optimizing the accelerator program, building investor and mentor relationships, and developing additional investment opportunities She helped provide financial and strategic advisory services to companies in the Technology, Media, and Telecom sectors for two years and spent the third year focused on mergers and acquisitions servicesforGovernmentandCommercialTechnologycompanies.

Session II
1:45PM:WelcomeBack 1:50PM:iTestiWin Sociallearningplatformbuiltaroundtests. 2:05PM:Setuserv Asocialenterprisethatdrawsinsightsfromlargevolumesoftextualdata. 2:20PM:VerdeEn Recoverandmanufacturehighpurityleadalloysandleadoxides. 2:35PM:UltrasafeUltrasound Provides ultrasound software, which efficiently and accurately locates and hides the genitalia in live images produced by ultrasoundmachinestopreventfemaleinfanticide. 2:50PM:Break 3:00PM:USElevatorPitches 3:10PM:RaffleVacationPackagetoBelize 3:10PM:SponsorSpeech,HershKumarLegacyFund 3:50PM:Raffle2RountripTicketstoCentralAmerica 3:55PM:VoteofThank


Mahesh P. Joshi is The Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program and an Associate Professor of EntrepreneurshipandGlobalStrategyattheSchoolofManagement,GeorgeMasonUniversitysince2002.He received his PhD in Strategic Management and International Business from Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Prior to receiving his PhD, he received a BS in Mathematics and Operations Research from Bombay University (Mumbai, India) and also obtained a postgraduate diploma in international business from Xavier InstituteofManagement,Mumbai,India.

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