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About Higher Education Review

Higher Education Review is an education magazine that provides deep neutral information about management, engineering and MCA colleges in India. hile anal!zing the Indian media landscape, there is no platform or a comprehensive tool that helps the students to get an insight of the education s!stem assisting them to choose right colleges. e believe that there is a gap for a platform among the students, colleges and industr! to interconnect with each other and share their views on the e"uipping the fresh talent to be industr! read!, new methods to be used in educational institutions, right information about the educational institutes and #ob trends. Moreover, toda! students are in search for a one$stop resource that %eeps trac% of the education s!stem and help them understand how to gear up for the #obs and placements, and man! more. &ublished from 'angalore, India, Higher Education Review is an e(cellent platform for the students opting for higher education, fresh graduates loo%ing for #ob opportunities, college directors and top professors to share their insights on what are the best strategies for providing top notch business and engineering education in India.

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HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW is an academic journal devoted to the radical examination of post school education. It is aimed at all those concerned with education after school - academic staff, students, researchers and administrators in institutions and government. "It is the liveliest of the current British journals in higher education". Michael Shattock - Times Higher Education Supplement.

World interest
or more than !" years, numerous institutions in the #nited States, $anada, %ustralia, &apan, India and elsewhere have discovered the value of HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW and su'scri'e to it.

It is one of the ()* English language journals judged 'y respondents to a recent +uestionnaire to 'e helpful to comparative higher education( listed in $omparative Higher Education, Sources of Information 'y -o'ert . /erdahl and 0eorge %ltomare, International $ouncil for Educational 1evelopment. -an2ed ))th out of 34 higher education journals on 'oth esteem and +uality indicators in a study conducted 'y the #niversity of 5ewcastle %ustralia Indexed in E-I$

International covera e
Since its inception in )637 HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW has mounted a continuing commentary and criti+ue of developments in post-school education. In major articles it has,

discussed the transition to mass higher education in /ritain, the #S% and other countries analysed higher education in $hile, %ustralia, South %frica, Sri 8an2a, 5igeria, inland, %ustria, Israel and many other countries analysed the /ritish and %merican experience of collective 'argaining for academic and other staff

presented the results of rate of return analyses in science, engineering and teaching and analysed the demand for scientists and engineers presented the results of studies of performance indicators in higher education examined proposals for new ways of funding university research examined the impact of mar2et mechanisms in higher education

In addition, HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW contains su'stantial 'oo2 reviews.

HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW is edited 'y 9rofessor -o' $uth'ert, Emeritus 9rofessor of Higher Education :anagement at the #niversity of the ;est of England.

Higher Education Review is a triannual peer-reviewed academic journal esta'lished in )637 that covers research on post-secondary education. Its mission is as an <academic journal concerned with policy and practice, with contri'utions soundly 'ased in research or scholarship, 'ut with implications for reform or change<. The editor-in-chief is -o' $uth'ert =#niversity of the ;est of England>, ta2ing over from &ohn 9ratt who retired in *")*. Higher Education Review is indexed 'y the Education -esources Information $enter =E-I$>. It was recently ran2ed ))th of 34 higher education journals for 'oth +uality and esteem in a study 'y the #niversity of 5ewcastle, %ustralia

Higher Education Review

A!!reviated title "ISO #$ High. Educ. Rev. Disci%line &an 'a e Edited !( Education English -o' $uth'ert )'!lication details )'!lisher )'!lication histor( *re+'enc( Tyrrell /urgess %ssociates )637-present Triannually Inde,in ISSN OC&C n'-!er "")7-)3"6 3)??@7?37 &inks

&ournal homepage .nline access


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,i .i! ( G!**tin's -!o% ,i'h*! Ed/"ation R*+i*w ( As *! th* dis"/ssion I a% sha!in' yo/ th* s onso!shi d*tai#s -o! 0o##*'* o- th* Month in whi"h yo/ '*t th* 1*#ow %*ntion*d o--*!in's ( A& 0o+*! a'* o- th* Ma'a2in* wi## "ontain Pass o!t si2* hoto o- yo/! Di!*"to! 3 P!in"i a# -o##ow*d 1y& B& Two a'* o- A!ti"#* whi"h wi## 1* d*si'n*d 1y o/! Edito!ia# t*a% 1as*d on th* t*#* honi" int*!+i*w & 0& On* -/## a'* "o#o! ad+*!tis*%*nt whi"h "an 1* /ti#i2*d in -/!th*! iss/*s o- ,ER Ma'a2in*& D& P!o-i#* wi## 1* / dat* in on#in* +*!sion a#so& htt :33www&th*hi'h*!*d/"ation!*+i*w&"o%3 E & Mi"!o sit* o- yo/! instit/t* on .I Ed/"ation in"#/d*s: A1o/t /s( 0o/!s*s o--*!*d( ad%ission d*tai#s( "onta"t d*tai#s( Di!*"to!4s and P!o-*sso!4s Int*!+i*w( N*ws and E+*nts o- yo/! instit/t*( A#/%ni .to!y& htt :33www&si#i"onindia&"o%3%1a3"o##*'*3'i"*-'#o1a#-instit/t*--o!"o! o!at*-*d/"ation-intid-15677&ht%# 8 &Th* sa%* wi## a *a! in th* on#in* Ma'a2in* s*"tion a#so wh*!* w* a!* ha+in' %o!* than 2 %i##ion +i*w*!s& G& Th* a!ti"#* #in9 wi## 'o in o/! on#in* n*ws#*tt*!( whi"h ha+in' %o!* th*n 6 %i##ion !*ad*!shi & Nominal Sponsorship Cost : Rs 50,000 /- . P#*as* -ind atta"h*d is th* *-%a'a2in* o- #ast iss/* & P#*as* do #*t %* 9now how to ta9* this -/!th*! &Awaitin' at yo/! *a!#i*st & ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Than9s : R*'a!ds Ashwini ; Mana'*! .a#*s -Ma!9*tin' < .I Ed/"ation : ,ER Ma'a2in* & Mo1: =>1->?@25?5@@0 ; E%ai#: ashwini$th*hi'h*!*d/"ation!*+i*w&"o% No&12@( 2nd -#oo!( ./!ya "ha%1*!s( O#d Ai! o!t Main Road( Ban'a#o!*-76001?( W*1:htt :33www&th*hi'h*!*d/"ation!*+i*w&"o%3 htt :33www&si#i"onindia&"o%3

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